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GOLD WHORE! 0.39473684210526 39.5% [ 30 ]
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Combative Hunter

4,850 Points
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  • V-Day 2011 Event 100


Valley of Free Spirits

Welcome to the New Vally of Free Spirits...
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- Index -

Post 2 - About the Management, Announcements
Post 3 - Story
Post 4 - Rules, FAQ, and Roleplay
Post 5 -Stages and Familiars
Post 6 -Flatsale and Auction Rules, Info, and Previews
Post 7 - Events
Post 8 - Custom Info, Availability, and Pricing as well as Breeding info and Availability
Post 9 - Pick Ups
Post 10 - Grayscale, Owners list,
Post 11 - Affiliates

Combative Hunter

4,850 Points
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  • V-Day 2011 Event 100
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Toadies_soarys: Owner, Colorist, Thread Monitor.
Toadies is a mother of a one year old little boy. She is also a Civil war re-enactor, and has a passion for books, singing, and computers.

Lysia_Nyteblade:Colorist, Line art, Thread Monitor
Lysia is happily married and also a civil war re-enactor who has a passion for animals and music.

SkyDragono: Colorist, Line art, Thread Monitor
Sky is a college student at the local community college. She's a digital graphics major, and will hopefully be graduating next semester. She loves Photoshop, and taking pictures of the landscape around her. On her spare time she sings, and works on her drawing crafts. Or she can be found with her nose in a book. She loves Anime, and knows of a few series; her favorite being Twelve Kingdoms and InuYasha.


Lines Currently being Made will start posting samples as soon as we can

Combative Hunter

4,850 Points
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Three girls have come to this lodge in the middle of no where. Find out they are the heirs of this place; was left to them in a will. They discover, in a book upstairs, that there were several families that knew of this place, and guarded it from the outside world. Now, there are only three left, and for safety purposes, the three heirs were called together (since it used to be only one family at a time guarded it) so that all three would know of it. This valley is the last wild place for these creatures. It started out with the pegasus; the messangers of the gods.

The gods used to bring them down to earth when the world was younger to let them graze and frolick around. However, as it started to get more violent, they pulled them back into the heavens to live; not knowing that a small herd of the creatures was left behind. By the time it was discovered, they had developed more into horses, and were too wild to tame. So the gods left them in the valley, though set wards to protect it. Occassionally, though, to keep the bloodlines pure with not a lot of inbreeding, they will send down new stallions or mares to keep the breeding pool open. However, the stallion and mares that decent have no memory of their time in the heavens.

The Amarius were the ones that also pulled the charriots of the gods. They would come down with the pegasi when they were let down to graze. Though, they were a bit different. They are sort-of like elven horses now (smart, faster then normal, cunning). The mares were known as being 'night-mares' and the stallions were the ones who pulled the charriot.

However, a young girl slipped past the wards, with her friends, and discovered this valley, and it's inhabitants, and the gods blessed her and her friends to protect their charges. And now it's the turn of the three girls. They have befriended an inhabitant of the valley though, to help them with their task.

Combative Hunter

4,850 Points
  • 1 Win 50
  • PvP 200
  • V-Day 2011 Event 100
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No stealing art!
I'll report you and blacklist you faster than you can say 'Snickerdoodle'.
No whining!
This just causes people to ignore you. And believe me, it won't get you anywhere here.

Don't beg for any pets!
If the custom slots aren't open, and there are no flatsales or auctions going on, no, you won't be able to get one. Just sit back, and be patient.

Do not cause unneeded drama!
This is a place to have fun and hang out with friends. It is not ment to be unpleasant. making it unpleasant will result in being listed or banned.

No reselling of Pets!
You are not allowed to give away or sell your pet without prior permission. If you don't think you can take care of your pet anymore, let me know, and I will find a good home for it.

More as needed.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Do you offer customs?

I don't have a lot of gold, can I have one?
I can't just give them away unfortunately. But, I will have a lot of games and flaffles for you to try to win one... so stick around

Why are they so expensive?
They aren't really. We will try to work with you, as long as you are not unreasonable in your request.

Do you take pet trades?
Yes, we do. Please check with the Colorist.

Are the pets RP required?
Not really, but i would like you to try to be active with the shop a bit. If you have to take off for a bit We understand and will welcome you with open arms when you get back

Do we direct link?
Yes, until your pet is at it's full growth. Then I will ask you to supply a picture for the owners list hosted on your own imaging service. There are just too many images for me to hold them all.

Do you accept items as payment?
Yes, donations and some rares, and commons at sellback. For donation pricing, use mid Teh Guide: http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds/viewtopic.php?t=641999&page=1

Can our pets talk?
Not really. At least, they don't talk to humans. Each has their own form of communication, which can range from body language, to their own verbal language. With every good pet owner, learn the uniqe form of 'talking' your pet uses, and maybe you two will start to understand eachother.

Can we ride the pets?
You can't forget that these are wild creatures. In some cases, with a lot of patience and care, and much faith and trust on both sides, one may be able to ride their pet. Though, I would suggest not doing it for long periods of time, as the strain of your weight may hurt them.

About the RP prompts, how long and thorough do you want us to be?
As long and thorough as you'd like. At least one very well written paragraph, but you can take the continuation of the story as far as you want to go.

My question wasn't listed here
Post it, and I'll get back to you.

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We try to Follow the Daisy Code here: User Image

Please Click the Link to learn more.

Combative Hunter

4,850 Points
  • 1 Win 50
  • PvP 200
  • V-Day 2011 Event 100
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Stages can last anywhere from two weeks to a month, depending on what is happening in life during that time. Please Bare with us as we have families and such as well... If you are concerned about your growth time, feel free to PM your Colorist.


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Foal- They've found their legs and are up and about! You'll have to watch them at this stage, they get into lots of trouble from their curriosity!

Teenager- Not as currious, and a bit steadier on their feet. They are starting to settle down and are starting to gather knowledge on any subject.

Adult- They've reached their full growth, but that doesn't mean they've slowed down any. They are now fleet of foot, and cunning to boot. You'll have to test your wit and cunning to be able to keep one of them.


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Foal- Energetic, and eager to fly! You will often see them jumping in the air, trying to flap their tiny wings to get airborn.

Their wings have grown, and they can manage short glides now. They are often found gliding; not wanting to keep their feet on the ground.

Adult- As an Adult, you barely find their feet on the ground. They are creatures on the sky, and spend most of their day playing in the clouds and playing with the birds. They only land to feed, and rest their wings.


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Unicorns come as two different types. You have the light-colored unicorns, which are the innocent and pure ones. The dark-colored unicorns, are the fighters; acting as a shield between the world and their breathren. Their duty is to keep their white breathren safe, and mainly worry-free. They are feirce fighters, and strong opponenets.

Foal- Light/Dark-Wobbly on their new-found feet, they are innocent to the violence of the world, and do not know fear.

White- They start to run around the meadow; strenthening their legs. Their hooves and horn are starting to harden now into beautiful shimmering things that they are proud of. They spend their days grazing and enjoying the sunlight.

Dark- Most see their first signs of death, and are unsure about what's going on. At this stage, most of them are now unsure about the world around, and try to discover more about it. They are usually paired up with older dark unicorns at this stage to learn how to survive, and deal with the world around them.

Light- They help keep spring in the valley, and the sun warming the hills. Everything is at peace around them, and nothing is astray. Only predators that swear not to hunt are allowed into the valley. Everything is peaceful, and the atmosphere of the area is of tranquility and friendship.

Dark- Life is harsh on the plains and in the forest. The constant battle of life and death with the other creatures that reside there have hardened them into sleek, strong animals. Even the most fearsome predators fear running across any of them now. Their hooves are sharp and their horns sharper.

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Coming Soon

Combative Hunter

4,850 Points
  • 1 Win 50
  • PvP 200
  • V-Day 2011 Event 100
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Coming Soon
There will be 2 Ponie's coming up for Auction Soon!
Rules will be posted then smile

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Coming Soon
There will be 6 Ponie's for Flatsale Soon!
Ponies are 5k for flatsale.


Ticket Price: 50g
Starting Date:TBA
Ending Date: TBA

Please send trades to Dragon_horde with the Subject line
[color=orange]I would like _ _ Tickets. [/color]

replace _ _ with how many tickets you want ... and then send the monies with it wink

Bought Tickets:

Combative Hunter

4,850 Points
  • 1 Win 50
  • PvP 200
  • V-Day 2011 Event 100

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There IS an Advertising event going on smile

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post that in your siggy...
then everyday post
I'm advertising for you... [/color][/size]

there will be Various Prizes starting with the Pretty blue Taure up there :

1.Awesome Pigtails
2.Awesome Pigtails
3.Awesome Pigtails
4.Awesome Pigtails
5.Awesome Pigtails (Nyow referral)

NEW !!!

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All posts on page 100 will be in the raffle to win her!

Combative Hunter

4,850 Points
  • 1 Win 50
  • PvP 200
  • V-Day 2011 Event 100

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Information, Availibility, and Pricing

Pegasus: TBA
Unicorn: TBA
Amarius: TBA


Lineart edits: 5-20k, based on difficulty.

Prices start for the adult stages, and 5k is added for each extra stage down because of the extra coloring needed. (ex. from teen = +5k, baby= +10k)
Cosplays are available upon request. Please check with colorist.

Notes to the public:

**Price is subject to change.


Customs Open

Pet Trade Slot:
1 - Tentively Open -

Toadies_Soarys Custom Slot:
1 Closed
2 -closed-
3 -closed-

SkyDragono's Custom Slot:
1 -closed-
2 -closed-
3 -closed-

Lysia_Nyteblade's Custom Slot:
1 -closed-
2 -closed-
3 -Closed-

*Will start a custom at any stage. Prices vary.

"Pegasus/Unicorn/Amarius Order Form"
Type (Pegasus/Unicorn/Amarius):
Horse gender:
Horse body color(s):
Mane and Tail color(s) (Can be different):
Eye color:
Hoof color(s):
Wing color(s) (If Pegasus):
Horn color(s) (If Unicorn):
Special Designs (Be Specific!):
Markings (Be Specific!):
Links to refrence photos, if any:

"Familiar Order Form"
Familiar Type: (Cloud Dragon, Jem Dragon)
Eye Color:
Coat Color:
Wing Color: (if has wings)
Markings/Special Designs:
Refrence photos, if any:

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Pegasus: 10k
Unicorn: 10k
Amarius: 8k

Familiars: 5k


-The pets may only breed if there is a slot open. If no breeding slot is available, then please wait until one opens.

-You can pay half now, half later, but when the breeding is complete, the balance is due.

-The pets MUST be adult age before breeding!

-There will not be any close inbreeding. By this, I mean that the pets with the same parents or grandparents cannot breed.

-Each pet does not have a set breeding limit at the moment. This may change, with the exception of rewarded breeding raffles for those that RP.

- Each breeding has a chance to produce 3-5 foals. The owners of the parents may keep one baby each. Extra babies are encouraged to be given away, however, if the owner of the parent wishes to keep two an additional 2k will be charged for each extra kept by the parent.

1. -closed-
2. -Closed-
3. -closed-

Familiar Slots:
1. -closed-
2. -closed-

Combative Hunter

4,850 Points
  • 1 Win 50
  • PvP 200
  • V-Day 2011 Event 100
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None yet... hope to change that soon smile

Combative Hunter

4,850 Points
  • 1 Win 50
  • PvP 200
  • V-Day 2011 Event 100
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None at this time

None (and it will hopefully stay that way)

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Name - Owner - Gender - Generation - Stage - Image


Skyborn - Skydragono - Female - 1 - Adult
Fflur - Lysia_nyteblade - Female - 1 - Adult
Russalki - GlacialWolf - Female - 1 - Adult
Kaen - Suigyoku - Female - 1 - Adult
Hinoeuma - Sekehmet - Female - 1 - Adult
Mistletoe - Insane Butterfly - Female - 1 - Adult
Quinn - Insane Butterfly - Female - 1 - Adult
Falisha - 1Bonjour1 - Female - 1 - Adult
Muse - Ms Fallen Angel - Female - 1 - Adult
Leena - Insane Butterfly - Female - 1 - Adult
Naseer - Now Life Has No Meaning - Male - 1 - Adult
Chinook - Duelist of Pokemon - Female - 1 - Adult
Saphear - 1Bonjour1 - Male - 1 - Adult
Easter Angela - 1Bonjour - Female - 1 - Adult
Alex - Now Life Has No Meaning - Female - 2 - Baby
Azul - Insane Butterfly - Male - 2 - Baby
Aidan - ashes_of_phoenix - Male - 2 - Baby
Oisin - ashes_of_phoenix - Male - 1 - Adult
Cedric - ashes_of_phoenix - Male - 1 - Adult
Ronan - Insane Butterfly - Male - 1 - Adult
Harry Potter Potion - ashes_of_phoenix - Male - 1 - Adult
Harry Potter Merphan - 1Bonjour1 - Male - 1 - Adult
Harry Potter Fred Weasley - Galloprider - Male - 1 - Adult
Harry Potter George Weasley - Galloprider - Male - 1 - Adult
Harry Potter Emerald - ashes_of_phoenix - Female - 1 - Adult
Harry Potter Bonnie - Sir Barton - Female - 1 - Adult
Harry Potter Kaile - 1Bonjour1 - Female - 1 - Adult
Harry Potter Fawkes - ashes_of_phoenix - Female - 1 - Adult
Harry Potter Viktor Krum - Galloprider - Male - 1 - Adult
Harry Potter RavenClaw - Lonewolf_Eyes - Male - 1 - Adult


Maitresse - ashes_of_phoenix - Female - 1 - Adult


Hikari - Duelist of Pokemon - Female - 1 - Adult
Lacey- Insane Butterfly - Female - 1 - Adult
Chloe - Galloprider - Female - 1 - Adult
Melody - Halai Halai - Female - 1 - Foal
Hunter - Airimina - Male - 1 - Foal

Combative Hunter

4,850 Points
  • 1 Win 50
  • PvP 200
  • V-Day 2011 Event 100
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Link to us!

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^^^Transit Gates ^^^

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My little ponies

Combative Hunter

4,850 Points
  • 1 Win 50
  • PvP 200
  • V-Day 2011 Event 100
NOW OPEN TO POST !!!!!!!!!!!!!
*claims first post* BOOYA!


Combative Hunter

4,850 Points
  • 1 Win 50
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  • V-Day 2011 Event 100
Welcome to the new thread

It's still crunchy....

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