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Whats the best part of the holiday to come?

Presents 0.25 25.0% [ 6 ]
Food 0.20833333333333 20.8% [ 5 ]
Family and friends 0.41666666666667 41.7% [ 10 ]
The holidays stink... 0.125 12.5% [ 3 ]
Total Votes:[ 24 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 439 440 441 > >> >>> »|

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A hole has ripped in the time space between the normal world the human world as it is today, and the world of Isorth a world rid of humans and ran by animals. A place for those rejected by human life to live in a form of peace.

Already humans are starting to migrate over the thresh hold into the quiet land, to the animals you are a plague, to you they are the plague, nothing but rejects rats, Tanuki, ringtailed cats are the main types, but there are monsters, bigger things that pray on the small.

These animals have changed no longer are they just gray, black, brown, they are now reds, blues, oranges, mixed with tribals, stripes, dots. They have full speech ability, able to think to hate to love.

Its a mysterious new thresh hold, Do you dare cross over?

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Guild | Certing thread | Pickup Thread | Suggestion and Question thread

Owners list

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Page 1:

Post 1 - Title/Important links/Table of contents
Post 2 - Rules/Important Announcements/FAQ/Lists
Post 3 - Species of the world
Post 4 - The world
Post 5 - Rp Info
Post 6 - Flatsale
Post 7 - Raffles
Post 8 - Auctions
Post 9 - Breeding
Post 10 - Customs
Post 11 - Familiars
Post 12 - Items
Post 13 - Current Events
Post 14 - Links
Post 15 - Credits/Staff

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+ Abide by the Gaia TOS, and all forum/general rules
+ Do not use another person’s pet
+ Be respectful of others- don’t start fights in my shop (I will not ban you for it nor does staff have a right to, Unless you refuse to stop when I or they ask you)
+ All sales are final, including customs. If your custom specifications have not been met, then please feel free to mail.
+ All payments are to be made in pure gold, unless previously arrangements have been made.
+ Pets don't die unless decided by the owner.
+ If you have a question, please refer to the FAQ section BEFORE you mail this account, or a colorist

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White - <3 Staff, our wonderful lineartist and cert maker <3, all devoted customers biggrin

Gray - Basically those on this list are on restriction - No one yay

Black - Banned for all time - No one yay lets keep it that way biggrin

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Do i Direct link?
You may direct link a growing pet, but when it hits adult we would like you to use your own server however pets will remain on ours.

Is there a limit to the amount I can own?
There is no limit to the amount you may own

Are these rp required?
No they are not rp required how ever it is loved and will often spawn extra prizes, more babies for a breeding, custom items or even a custom pet!

I had a breeding can I sale the other offspring?
No in no shape or form may you make money off anything in this shop unless you are staff, however you may still suggest an auction or normal raffle that costs money that money how ever goes to the colorist not you.

(more will be added when seen fit)

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Pink = Female, Purple = Joint, Blue = Male

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What’s more to say of rats, they crawl, they eat, they breed, and they sleep and get into almost everything, but what’s more they are masters of the food court. This is so much so that they are no longer seen as food, but rather the finders of food. The most common of the subtypes they are social beyond grouping in mass and guarding in full. There is many different types of rats, for different purposes.

Rats often live in huge colony's with hundreds in population, A few larger are controlled by groups rather then a single member, rat colony's are often seen as a dictatorship how ever there are many that aren't. Rats are rarely seen alone.

Pinky - Newborn - Joint gender
Baby - Stage 2 - Joint Gender
Teen - Stage 3 - male and female forms
Adult - Stage 4 - Male and female forms

Rats range from 4.5inchs to 11inchs depending on the type and build

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Ringtail Cats are the acrobats of the subtypes and second most common, they can get to just about anywhere and in anything. Like all the types they are omnivores eating just about anything.

Ringtails often travel in pairs or solo they have a knack for exploring and are often the scouts of the area. Rarely are they seen in a large pack for very long.

Baby - Stage 1 - Joint Gender
Teen - Stage 2 - Male and female forms
Adult - Stage 3 - Male and female forms

Adults are 14-16 inches long to the base of the long tail.

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Tanuki are considered demigods, these beasts are hardly seen, be them master of disguise or rare to the point of being not seen is unknown. Some claim they are able to shape shift others claim that is nothing but legend. The largest of the subtypes, it is mostly solitary coming together only to breed.

Baby - Stage 1 - Joint Gender
Adult - Stage 2 - male and female forms

Average adult head and body length is about 65 cm (2 ft)

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Skunks are probley one of the most dangerous even with out being a meat eater, their smell alone drives most away, having a chance to cause even blindness if taken wrong. Skunks are omnivorous, eatting pretty much anything they can find. Skunks are crepuscular, and are solitary animals when not breeding, though in the colder parts of their range they may gather in communal dens for warmth. During the day they shelter in burrows that they dig with their powerful front claws, or in other man-made or natural hollows as the opportunity arises.

Baby - Stage 1 - Joint Gender
Child - Stage 2 - Joint Gender
Adult - Stage 3 - Joint Gender

Skunk species vary in size from about 15.6 to 37 inches (40 to 94 cm) and in weight from about 1.1 pounds (0.50 kg) (the spotted skunks) to 18 pounds (8.2 kg) (the hog-nosed skunks). They have a moderately elongated body with relatively short, well-muscled legs, and long front claws for digging.

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Coyotes are mostly nocturnal but seen during the day at some times, they normally hunt in pairs and form small groups. Coyotes are mostly carnivores eating small animals but will eat bugs at times also. Located in all areas including where humans inhabit they will eat even the dead tho they prefer fresh. - Litter size ranges from 1 to 19 pups

Coyotes are pack livers as with most wolfs. Often you may hear one of these animals to never see him, able to stalk prey and confuse their enemies they are more advanced then coyotes of the normal world. But bear the same pack structure.

Alpha – Alpha
Beta – Beta

Alpha male and female are always mates these are not fully leaders but normally the most out going causing others to follow.
Beta male and female are always mates also these just under the alphas are a form of second
Gammas are the middle coyote no one stands out no one wants to they are fit to follow and that’s all, those that aren’t beta alpha or omega are in this status
Omegas are the den guarders the lowest status of the pack they are often seen with tail down and ears down.

Baby - Stage 1 - Joint Gender
Child - Stage 2 - Male and female forms
Teen - Stage 3 - Male and female forms
Adult - Stage 4 - Male and female forms

Coyotes typically grow up to 75–87 centimeters (30–34 inches) in length and on average, weigh from 7–21 kilograms (15–46 pounds)
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Though the Bobcat prefers rabbits and hares, it will hunt anything from insects and small rodents to deer. Prey selection depends on location and habitat, season, and abundance. Like most cats, the bobcat is territorial and largely solitary, although there is some overlap in home ranges. The bobcat is generally most active at twilight and dawn - One to six, but usually two to four, kittens are born.

Baby - Stage 1 - Joint Gender
Child - Stage 2 - Male and female forms
Teen - Stage 3 - Male and female forms
Adult - Stage 4 - Male and female forms

An adult stands about 20 to 24 inches (51–61 cm) at the shoulders.[9] Adult males usually range from 16 to 30 pounds (7–14 kg); females average about 20 pounds (9 kg)

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Great horned owl - Owls have spectacular binocular vision allowing them to pinpoint prey and see in low light. The eyes of Great Horned Owls are nearly as large as those of humans and are immobile within their circular bone sockets. An owl's hearing is as good – if not better – than its vision. These birds hunt at night by waiting on a high perch and swooping down on prey. - They are carnivores.

Hare - Very fast and skittish hares will only eat plant forms. These live in all areas.

Fox - The diet of foxes is largely made up of invertebrates. However, it also includes rodents, rabbits and other small mammals, reptiles, (such as snakes), amphibians, grasses, berries, fruit, fish, birds, eggs, and all other kinds of small animals. Many species are generalist predators, but some (such as the crab-eating fox) are more specialist.

Burrowing owl - The Burrowing Owl is active in the daytime. It is found in grassland and desert scrub. - at 25 cm (10 inches) length, 53 cm (21 inches) wingspan, and 170g (6 oz)

Stage 1 - joint gender

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You walk along the path so beat and overgrown that if you weren’t on it you would have never figured it was a path after all. The roar of the water can be heard above anything else and you head towards it canteen in one had the other brushing branches clear.

Finally breaking clear of the trees your mouth drops, the river only about 10 feet wide stretches in front of you wildflowers and rocks litter the grass covered ground. The waterfall booming its distrust rushes quickly over a drop of nearly 50 feet into a pond at the bottom.

Over your amazement you head over to the edge bending to fill the canteen when a faint rustling grabs your attention. Jerking around you spy nothing given a sigh you look down right into a pair of beady eyes.

A RAT….. First thought is to squish it, second thought is to run. The rat was no normal rat, his odd markings distinguished that he wasn’t normal. His mouth opened first thoughts, attack, rabies, disease, infection, virus……………………………

“You act like you have never seen a rat before.” He blinks at you several more moments before turning to the pond and racing over drinking calmly like nothing had happened. Stumbling and crawling backwards you quickly get to your feet and turn around to run. Right into another set of beady eyes these ones at eye level.

“You’re so pale are you alright?” Taken back you fall only to hear more chattering afraid to open your eyes you lay there for several moments. Till a weight crawls up to your chest, “he can’t be dead he’s still breathing.” Slowly peeking out of the slits in your eyes you see a rather large creature sitting on your chest. Your first thought is raccoon but its to small to be. Second thought was invasion.

With a sudden impulse you jump up, to the total shock of the creatures. When you fully come to a stop nothing is around you. Had you imagined it all? You look around pairs of beady eyes watch you hiding under the brush. “Human you cause a lot of issues……….” Turning you come face to face with a very large dog, or you think it’s a dog. He laughs something you never expected from dogs around your home.

Finally with a sigh if this is a dream you cant die right? “Where am I?” your voice is quiet just even with a whisper.

“Well you’re not in Kansas no more if that’s what you think.” With a big grin he looks you over, “we have a lot to talk about human cause I fear you wont be going home soon.”

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Most of the island is covered with wild grown forests minus a few areas, the main ones are, Nakoda Desert, Firey void, Dira Peak, The Great Lake, Crystal Falls, and the 3 branching rivers. There are now a few scattered human villages located along the western shore where humans passage seems to start.

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+ Animals have a free speech even with humans
+ They tend to eat just about anything but given where they live most things are fresh, berries, nuts, fruits and vegs so forth
+ Bobcats and coyotes will eat most things living which often means rats and ringtails do not get along with them, tho there has been rare cases.
(More to be added)

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+ No god modding (should be a no brainier)
+ Do not kill other peoples pets, Pets don't die unless decided different by owner and staff (staff has no right to just kill off a pet with out talking to you about it)
+ Do not rp with other peoples pets
+ These rules go for staff and customers
(more to be added)

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Wild grown forests - As the name shows these forests are often over grown with no marking only ones are trails made by animals.

Nakoda Desert - Dry and plain as with most deserts many Ringtailed cats choose this as there home.

Firey void - The creator of the island, this land is always heated, lava fields are common and the air is always clogged and dark. How ever as seen as a land of doom the volcano is the creator of the island the lava rushes to the shore only to harden increasing the land mass slowly.

Dira Peak - Green and lush this mountain towers above all seen as a place for the gods.

The Great Lake - The main body of fresh water of the island this lake stretches far and wide. Home to a wide variety of fish it is the main hunting area seeing how it is safe form the larger predators of the sea.

Crystal Falls - Clear and powerful it drops almost 50 feet into the great lake which then forms into the rivers of it and into the ocean.

3 branching rivers - There is only three main rivers on the island there may be many streams how ever.

Western Shore - Western shore is where most humans seem to find them self, this area for most animals is now a death trap. However there are many animals born here, knowing nothing but a human. And not all humans are cruel.

(more coming)

Guild Rp Thread

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Date: Over!

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~ Flatsale Rules ~
+ Do not post until there is a go, all forms before this go will not count
+ Do not edit posts
+ You may proxy for someone and claim one for your self, however you have to use two separate posts
+ You may only claim 1 pet for your self a flatsale
+ Payment is expected within 24 hours after the confirmed unless talked about before
+ After you win post info in the Certing Thread

Babys = Rats 3k, Ringtailed cats 4k, Tanuki 5k, Bobcats 5k, Coyotes 4k, Skunks 3k
Adults = Rats 2k, Ringtailed cats 3k, Tanuki 4k, Bobcats 4k, Coyotes 3k, Skunks 2k
Permas are the same price as an adult.

Familiars = 1k

Date: Dec 21 at 5pm pst!

[b]Pet Number:[/b] (color/number/what ever as long as we understand)
[b]User Name:[/b] (Person you are claiming for)

~ Previews ~

Candy Cane Rats
1. User Image______ 2. User Image
3. User Image______ 4. User Image
5. ______ 6.

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~ Raffle Rules ~
+ Raffle tickets will usually be 100 gold each, but will sometimes differ in price or be free. There will be instructions on getting tickets posted for each raffle
+ You may only win one pet per raffle if there is more than one offered
+ You must complete trades for the tickets BEFORE the raffle is drawn or they will be canceled and the tickets wont count
+ You have 48 hours to claim your pet when you win before your spot is redrawn. In cases of emergency contact me within this time. If you can't contact me and it was an emergency
+ Trades are to be sent to the mule not the colorists
+ A new pet will be added after 700 tickets sold after that its every 1000
+ After you win post info in the Certing Thread

Cost: 100g
Date: Over!

Post in "Bold indigo size 18 Font"

"I want ___ Tickets for the raffle"
[size=18][color=indigo][b]"I want ___ Tickets for the raffle"[/b][/color][/size]

~ Previews ~

Ticket Holders:
1 -

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Cost: Free! (1 per person)
Date: Over!

"Post In green font"

~ Previews ~

Ticket Holders:

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~ Auction Rules ~
+ There is a 15 minute anti-snipe on ALL auctions
+ Payment must be received within 48 hours unless there are EXTREME circumstances that you tell me about
+ Post the code when making your bid
+ Co-bidding is allowed if there is more then one pet if not no. (this is just for auctions)
+ Items are accepted at there CURRENT lowest going price (note if it goes up after you bid tough till someone out bids you you dont get to change it, How ever if this drops then just means you get off better)
+ After you win post info in the Certing Thread

Date: Dec 20th - Starts when I wake up - Dec 30th

Starting Bid: 3k
Autobuy: 500k

Highest Bid:

Post in "Bold Brown size 18 font"

"I bid ___ on the auction"
[size=18][color=brown][b]I bid ___ on the auction[/b][/color][/size]

~ Previews ~

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These both grow one is male and one is female.


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~ Breeding Rules ~
+ Only adults can breed (this means permas can not)
+ Only same type breeding (maybe later I will allow mixed)
+ Gender and number is decided by dice
+ You may only keep 2 baby's from the breeding others must be given away (this may be uped later but for now)


Ok so I decided on he custom breedings, You are still required to pay for a breeding however customs in will not effect the amount you get or the amount you can take, so in other words a custom breeding is done after all is rolled, and you get 3 from that breeding rather then 2.

However you may only custom in one to a breeding. So lets say you breed 1 and 2 you can only make a custom of them one time for this breeding but if they bred again you can custom in another. Custom ins will of course go to the one asking for that they dont get decided on like the rest.

You may pick to do a semi however I don't see how that will effect much other then 3 colors and a idea for a pattern (strips spots what ever) so I donno. These are still growing customs however they are half off.

These have to be decided on and picked at the same time, no going oh i don't like the baby's I'm gonna custom one. Doesn't work sorry before or not at all.

I have yet to decide if I'm going to do like Ive seen where others may custom into a breeding not theirs, also the child is expected to in some way look like he came from those parents you can't have 2 red spotted and get a green stripped or something.


Number of offspring:
Ringtailed cats - 2-4 babies
Rats - 4-7 Babies
Skunk 3-5 Babies
Tanuki - 2-4 babies
Coyote - 2-4 Babies
Bobcats - 2-4 Babies

Rats - 6k
Skunk - 7k
Ringtails - 8k
Tanuki - 10k
Coyote - 10k
Bobcat - 10k

Understand to get a breeding between both owners they must both ok it, this meaning you can't see a pet and go I want baby's with out first talking to them.

[b]Mothers url:[/b]
[b]Mothers Owner:[/b]
[b]Fathers url:[/b]
[b]Fathers Owner:[/b]
[b]Extra potion?:[/b] (please say what you are getting)

To find out about slots read the colorist's page (links below):

Keliptis's Breeding page
Azael's Breeding page
Ruhane's Breeding page

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Semi Custom - 3 Colors, idea for pattern (ex: Flowers, spots, strips) (Pictures can be givin for ideas of a pattern)
Non Growing - 5k
Growing - 10k

Basic Custom - Basic coloring, no difficult pattern, no edits
Non Growing - 10k
Growing - 20k

Complex patterns - Tribal, tons of something
Non Growing - 20k
Growing - 30k

Line edits - Simple would be jewelery, ribbon - Complex would be cloths, different tail, ears, so forth
Simple line edit - +5k
Complex line edit - +15k

Cosplay's - This is up to a colorist, you may not get one that's already done, best ask first, There is currently no set price instead these are done via amount of edits used. However they work the same and are limited to one unless the other owner says its ok to the colorist.

+ Not sure what to price it as? you may ping a pm to either mule or colorist asking what it would cost
+ Check colorist pages for current customs
+ Forms are to be pmed to the colorist with name of the shop or to the mule if you dont mind who colors
+ You may request a different stage then adult for a single, however these are perma's and will not grow no matter what. If you want something like this please note that you want it perma of a teen or child or baby which ever.

Semi Custom Form:
[b]Type of Species[/b]: (Rat) (ringtail cat) (Tanuki) (Coyote) (bobcat) (Skunk)
[b]Stage[/b]: (growing/nongrowing)

[b]3 Colors:[/b]
[b]idea for pattern:[/b] (ex: Flowers, spots, strips)

Custom Form:
[b]Type of Species[/b]: (Rat) (ringtail cat) (Tanuki) (Coyote) (bobcat) (Skunk)
[b]Stage[/b]: (growing/nongrowing)

[b]Base color[/b]:
[b]Eye Color[/b]:
[b]Nose color[/b]:
[b]Inner ear[/b]: (if wanted diff)
[b]Ref pics[/b]:

If its rat include:
[b]Ear color[/b]:
[b]Feet color[/b]:
[b]Tail color[/b]:

To find out about slots read the colorist's page (links below):

Keliptis's Custom Page
Azael's Custom page
Ruhane's Custom page

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+ All Customs are to be as exact as you want it if you leave something out well its up to colorist if they fix it or not.
+ Familiar payment is sent to the colorist, along with form, Please be aware they have a right to say no in which case you need to pm another.
+ Familiars may look to a pet or be paired with no one.
+ Currently there is no limit to how many one pet may have, However if I see this as a issue ill limit it.
+ Please read the thread for this, all forms are different.

Ruhane Chiisai - LRW

Default - the Default image no changes allowed (cost 1k)
Custom colors Default pattern - you get to change the colors of the pet above but the pattern stays the same (cost 1.5k)

Semi custom - You pick 2-3 colors 1 single word pattern (strips, spots, stars) rest is up to the colorists imagination (cost 5k)
Fully Custom - you pick colors pattern eyes color what not (cost 10k)

Familiar purchase thread

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Stop growth - Want to keep your pet at a certain stage? This potion will stop time causing it to no longer grow, to reverse this effect one must purchase a start growth.
Cost: 500g

Start growth - Already bought a stop growth? tired of that stage and want it to start up again? This will do just that however this will also make a pet advance one level.
Cost: 1000g

Extra baby from breeding - This will add one more for sure baby to a breeding, say the dice said only 2 this will add one for sure making it 3! How ever this must be bought before the breeding and the colorist must be informed of this.
Cost: 3000g

Items: - These are made after you have got a pet, like you got a flatsale pet but want to add an item to them. A bracelet, so on. However these will go up in price and vary depending on the item you want made.
Cost: 2000g (simple items, A bracelet, a necklace that is simple) Price goes up from there, Its up to the colorist that makes it.

Form can be posted in the thread or pmed trade are to be sent to the mule
Also Note extra breeding potions can be bought at the time of a breeding.

Url of the pet to have the item:
Type of item:
Full cost:

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Gram thread

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All through out a month If you get the most coming in saying something about you sending them here you will get a prize.

Prize: Fully custom (non growing - Perma stages ok - No edits unless you wish to pay for them)
Current month: December


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Kau Palace / Kagetsu Haven

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Established: April 27, 2009

keliptis - Owner, Colorist
Azael_Rose - Full time colorist
Ruhane Chiisai - LRW - Part time colorist (maybe be uped to full later)

Pandora Talie - Guest colorist, Can color when ever she wants, and the awesomeness that is pan!
Zukuro-Chan - Guest colorist, Can color when ever she wants, and the awesomeness that is Zuku!
Julian_Makoto - Guest colorist and total love!

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Lines/Templets: BasiliskZero
Banners: Current ones - keliptis
Cert: Zukuro-Chan
Story/Concept: keliptis

Most real facts come from Wikipedia

Colorist hireing/bc it thread

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