Welcome to Gaia! ::

What do you want to see?

Flatsales 0.20512820512821 20.5% [ 8 ]
Raffles 0.15384615384615 15.4% [ 6 ]
Mini events 0.23076923076923 23.1% [ 9 ]
Games 0.076923076923077 7.7% [ 3 ]
Other please suggest your idea in the thread 0.025641025641026 2.6% [ 1 ]
Gimme gold! 0.30769230769231 30.8% [ 12 ]
Total Votes:[ 39 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 290 291 292 > >> >>> »|

Fashionable Shopper

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Welcome to the one and only BonBon Kitties.

Are you a colorist? Well right now we will be hiring! Please fill out the form below in order to be considered. We would like as many colorists as we can get! Don't worry. You will be paid for your work.

[size=18][color=firebrick]I wanna be a colorist!!![/color]
[color=dodgerblue]My Username :
Average Time I'm Online :
Part or Full-Time :
Samples Of My Work : (You will post samples of your previous colorings or drawn artwork)
Do I Edit? : [/color][/size]

Please note we are also still editing the thread.

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Fashionable Shopper

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Updates and Announcements

March 25th 2011 - Working on the thread a bit! Also hiring.
August 19th, 2010 - Advertising contest has begun!
July 12th, 2010 - Remember to pick up your pets http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/breedable-changing-pets/bonbon-kitties-catching-up/t.61615165_3211/
July 8th, 2010 - Thread is currently Being Modified.

May 30, 2010- New thing and event starts soon! heart
May 26, 2010- Things are in action and we are working on new pets. Bare with us please. Thanks.

July 6, 2008- Woah! Nothing has been updated here for a while, but I, Sana, am here to inform you that any pet bought from now on will have an activity rule. So you will be required to stop in at least once a month or we will have to rehome them. Also, there are many events in the works, so keep your eyes open.
November 11, 2007 - AnimeDragonLover started an auction with a Hunter Bonbon kitty. Still getting the shop updated and organized, sorry for it takeing forever. Also had our Halloween Auction and Growings happening to. Other than that not much else.
September 21, 2007 - It has been awhile since BonBon Kitties has open it's doors. Finally after a long wait, The BonBon shop is reopening. Any people that used to color for this shop, or wants to color for this shop, please PM me. All Old BonBonkitties workers are welcome back to the shop at anytime, just PM me so I know. Until then it will just be ADL running the shop.
If you are looking to be hired, please pm with witht eh following forum.

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Fashionable Shopper

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----------------------------------[Main Rules:]---------------------------------

1. Please obey all of Gaia's ToS
2. I do not like long posts or bumps. This is not a bumping thread unless I am holding a bumping contest.
3. You must direct link all pets until they have reached their adult stage- Please save each stage to your Own Server.
4. Do not steal the lineart. It's theft and you will be reported/banned for it.
5. I do not like beggars or people who whine because they don't get what they want when they want it.- I will not pity you , so please dont do it.
6. Please be nice to everyone in this thread no matter what or you may be put on the grey or black list. Flamming is NOT allowed.
7. More to be added when brought up or needed.

----------------------------------[Roleplay Rules:]---------------------------------

▶No slang speak (Please try to keep it to full words or at least readable.)
▶ Defiantly no 1337 (leet) speak!
▶ No god-modding.
▶ Dont roleplay other people pets!
▶ Niche-role-playing, including yaoi and yuri, must be kept to the guild.
You can be "flirtatious" in the guild, but remember that not everybody may be comfortable with it.

----------------------------------[Flatsale Rules:]---------------------------------

[Q:] Can I get more than one from flatsales?
[A:] No, One Pet per Person. Each Flatsale.

[Q:] Can I get One for a friend?
[A:] Aw you are a nice Person- Of course.

[Q:] When must I pay for the pet?
[A:] Payment must be sent within24 hours or you forfeit your pet and will be up for sale to another person.

[Q:] How much are Flatsales?
[A:] Kitties Cost 6k - Edited Kitties will be 7k

[Q:] How are flatsales held?

[A:] Generally I will put some pets up with a number beside. There will be decided time in which it will be held. Some pets may be roleplay-prompt and some may even be a quiz, speed sale or flaffle and maybe a raffle.

[Q:] Can I act on somebody else's behalf in a flatsale if they're not here?
[A:] yes, but If the person doesn't pay within 24 hours, then the pet will go back up for sale.

----------------------------------[Auction Rules:]---------------------------------

[Q:] What is the starting bid?
[A:] 3,000 gold.

[Q:] I REALLY want what is up for auction, but there's no autobuy. Can I try to bribe you?
[A:] No, you have to bid like the others.

[Q:] What methods of payment do you accept?
[A:]▶Gold (Or Cash Shop items, especially evolving items)
▶Monthly Collectibles
▶Sealed Envelope's
▶Expensive event items

[Q:]The bid got up really high, can I pay you half now and half later?

[A:] No Way! If you dont have the gold you bided, please don't bid in the first place!

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Fashionable Shopper

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The evening sun faded as a sudden rain fell upon you, the rain stabbed at your skin like prickling thorns. You stumble about, your clothes feeling heavy, but alas no shelter to be found. A sudden gust of wind leaves you shivering as you head down through a dusty alleyway. As if it were beckoning to you, a cute cat sign swayed above a small shop marked "Bonbon Kitties." Seeing a light within the shop, you decide to venture in.
Small bells jingled as you opened the red door. Relieved to be out of the rain, you take a look about the shop. You stared around in amazement, for the shop was just brimming with endless jars of candy! Aside from that, it was obvious the owner had an obsession with cats. There were tables shaped like felines, vases with whiskers, portraits of kitties at play, you name it, this shop had it. Not paying attention to where you where you going, you accidentally knock over one of the many glass jars, spilling the candy contents on the wooden surface, the loud clattering echoing in the otherwise silent shop. As you hurriedly try to put the sweets back, a person pops up from behind the counter. You yelp in surprise, once again dropping the sugary cargo. Did you just hear one of the candies…mew?
“A customer? A customer!” The newcomer squealed. You look up to see a girl with light purple hair, the rest of her just patches of black and white, nothing short of a jester with a cheshire grin.
“Uh um, sorry about the candies, I’ll pick them up right away,” you stutter guiltily as you pick them up again. With a glint shining in the girl’s eyes she responds, “You dropped it, you bought it,” she snickers.
“W-what? But it was an accident! Besides I don’t have a lot of gold on me,” you protest.
The shopkeeper’s smile faded into a pout. “Okay, how about buying just one?”
“I think that’s reasonable,” you nod in satisfaction as you pick out one of the candies. “So how much?”
“6k. As in 6,000g.”
“You got to be kidding me, I’m not paying that much for a measly candy.”
“Tsk tsk, your purchase will be well worth it, I assure you.” She smiled cheekily. “These candies are, how you say, special.”
You eye her skeptically, “Special eh?”
“Yes, they’re magical. The candy in your hand will grow to be a small kitten and from there, a beautiful cat,” she purred.
This person was obviously crazy, better go along with her…
“Right~ I believe you, here’s the money. And OH, look at the time, I must be going!” You throw the money at her and make a hasty retreat. Who cares about the rain, it’s better than being cooped up with that psycho.
“Ow…” The girl rubbed her forehead where one of the coins hit her. A small cat with wings drifted towards her master, meowing worriedly. Rubbing the feline behind it’s ear she sighs, “What a psycho.”

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Fashionable Shopper

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First stage

The first stage is a small candy just waiting to unwrap

Second stage

The second stage is where the Bonbon Kitties are starting to become more active and love to play alot being as it's their toddler stage.

Third stage
The third and final stage is where the Bonbon Kitties become adults. They are more beautiful then ever before.

Normal Bonbon Kittie

These bon bons are the orginal design - they have ruffled angelic like wings.

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Angelic Bonbon Kittie

These bon bons are the New Edited Lines By Dark. There new wings are Lighter in size and smaller - they also have a Nice Halo to top.

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Female +Baby - Child - Adult
Male + Baby - Child - Adult

(More stages may be added later. Possibly some Guardians or something ^.^ )

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Fashionable Shopper

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>> Flatsale Prices- 6k each - 7k for edited.
>> Trades Must be sent within 24 hours. to the mule
>> No! editing Posts when trying to Claim a pet.
>> Winners will be announced shorty after the flatsale has finished.


>> You may post for the pet number when you see the red go sign.


>> Auction starts at 3k.
>> Trades Must be sent within 24 hours.

1. Follow all shop and Gaia TOS rules.
2. Don't cheer on one person, that is just plain rude and discouraging to others.
3. Co bidding is allowed with one person.
4. Highest bid wins
5. Items may or may not be allowed depending on the colorist.



Start date = --
End date= --

Current Bid-





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Fashionable Shopper

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You´re looking for a special order?
You haven't been able to catch available Candy?
Or if you, maybe want something particular to your tastes?

You've come to the right part of the shop, All we need you to do is fill out a small form In the respected artist's thread. -
If they're available to take your order at the time, payment will be due upon acceptance.

▶Custom Prices :]

Adult Prices.
Creating Candy : 15k -(Name, up to 2 colors, we choose markings)
Semi-custom : 20k -(Name, gender, up to 3 colors, we choose markings)
Full custom : 30k -(All out custom, you choose everything, no line art edits)

For Candy and Kit stages + 15k.

[Custom Info]

Click Names to View customs Info of the Artist.

[ IxiDust Slots ]
Slot- Closed

[ gpprincess88 Slots ]
Slot- Open

[ Dark_iced_angel Slots ]
Slot- Open

[ Melosta Slots ]
Slot- Open

[ Sheonica Falcori Slots ]
Slot- Open

Other Artists May have Various Price changes.

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Fashionable Shopper

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[Breedings Status]

-4 open Slots-
Sheonica Falcori
- 3 open slots -
- 1 open Slots -

Please Post Breeding forms In the Respected Artists thread - Click there Names to go to their Workshops.
Dark_iced_angel Has her own form.

Breeding Form:
[size=16][color=red][b][align=center]I have a pair that are ready for kids!
Female Name:
Owner of the Female:
Male Name:
Owner of Male:
I have rp: (links heres) [/align][/b][/color][/size]

Litters Come from 1-3
>> A Random Number Generate from 1-3 will be played to decided your offspring count. What ever number is generate will be the number of Kits you get.
>> Genders are decided by the Artist. - or which ever way the artist Chooses to decide.
>> To get a possible 4th or 5th baby, is with activity in the shop and of course rp.

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Fashionable Shopper

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[Pet Trades]

Click Names to Ask for a pet trade from the respected Artist.

[ IxiDust Slots ]
Slot- Open

[ gpprincess88 Slots ]
Slot- Open

[ Dark_iced_angel Slots ]
Slot- Open

[ Melosta Slots ]
Slot- Open

[ Sheonica Falcori Slots ]
Slot- Open

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Fashionable Shopper

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All staff - All staff members who have been supporting Ixidust and helping bring the thread back to Life - Thank you.

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None and lets keep it that way !!

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Fashionable Shopper

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*Notice to staff :- If you want Art on here instead of your avatar, please PM dark_iced_angel - and she will get it updated

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« ○ Dusty / ixi ○ ♪ »
Owner, Manager and Colorist

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« ○ GP ○ ♪ »
Co-Owner And colorist

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« ○ Sheo ○ ♪ »
Sheonica Falcori

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« ○ Dark ○ ♪ »
▶ Line Artist/Colorist
Thank you to Bluefeathers_onDA for the art <3

All other staff please pm there Avatar a discription to Dark_iced_angel and she will have it updated for you.

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Fashionable Shopper

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Ixidusts - Current owner, colorist
Gpprincess88 - Co-Owner, colorist and helper
Sheonica Falcori - Colorist
DemeterJade - Part time Colorist
Melosta - Colorist
Dark_iced_angel -Colorist - Line artist/editor for the new Edited pets- Banner artist - Thread Layout.
Celestriakle - New Colorist
Bubbles Miyako Chan - New Colorist

Retiring Colorists:
Crevan2008 -2010
kristyn-kun -2010

Old Shop Credits

AnimeDragonLover - owner, Colorist, & lineart changes
CatloverofDoom - Co-owner, & Colorist
SanaSana-chan - Colorist & Part-time Co-owner
Meimou - Colorist
Lady Angel of Death- Colorist
Darkelementaldemon- Colorist
DemeterJade - Colorist
Mausoleum- Colorist
OLD, Old Shop Credits

AnimeDragonLover - Shop Helper, Colorsit, & lineart changes
DarkShadowFox - Colorist
Fantasy_Rocks13 - Colorist, & shop setup
GlacialWolf - Colorist
Kasidori - Colorist
Kitsae - Co-Owner, colorist, lineart changes, Templates, Shop setup, & Accessories
Sekiyoku - Lineart, Lineart changes,
VampiresAngel - Owner, colorist, Shop setup, & banners/graphics

If I have missed anyone at all, PLEASE let me know <3 n.n

Thank you to everyone who has helped me. I really appreciate it and love you all <3

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Fashionable Shopper

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Our Banners
(Please let me know by pm if you link me so I can do the same for you ^.^ )

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Thank you dark_iced_angel for the banner! <3

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[ B/c Shops]
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

(If you would like to be affiliated, please PM me! Only Accept banners 200x40 anything bigger or smaller will be linked by name)

Fashionable Shopper

Fashionable Shopper

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