Welcome to Gaia! ::


+1 0.8695652173913 87.0% [ 20 ]
-1 0.1304347826087 13.0% [ 3 ]
Total Votes:[ 23 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 31 32 33 > >>

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[ ----------------- + ----------------- ]
:: Welcome ::
{consists of a brief summary of the shop}
:: Rules&FAQ ::
{Basic Shop rules}
:: HIstory ::
{The basic History of the shop as well as important dates}
:: LifeStages ::
{The growth chart and basic information about the stages your pet will go through}
:: Sales ::
{Ways you can acquire a Sirii through Flatsale, Auction or Raffle}
:: Breeding ::
{Where two become one.. or three, if you're lucky}
:: Customs ::
:: Owners ::
{Listing of all Sirii and their respectable owners}
:: Recent ::
{Most recent growths or happenings}
:: LinksOut ::
{Come affiliate with us!}
:: BlankPost ::
{Just In case}
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{Just In case}
:: BlankPost ::
{Just In case}
:: BlankPost ::
{Just In case}
:: BlankPost ::
{Just In case}

[ ----------------- + ----------------- ]

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1.Please, do not steal the art! If this happens i will report you and ban you from this shop.
2. No criticism of the art please, it has feelings too.
3. Respect the owners.
4. Have fun. .
5. Obey the Gaia TOS. Always, always, ALWAYS.
6. If you have any questions feel free to PM Purplesmoke, myself or post in the thread.
7. Do NOT edit your posts in the event of a raffle/auction/FS/special event. It's considered as cheating and, if it does occur, I will not allow you to participate until the end of said sale/auction/raffle/event.
8. Flamers are unwelcome here.
9. *Try not to stretch the pages.
11. No refunds promised. In a "mystery sale" some of the pets will be posted in egg form with a question mark adorning the shell. Should your egg hatch and you are unhappy with the design, I will not offer a refund, however you are more than welcome to trade the pet with someone else.
12. No Hounding under any circumstance. If you want to rp with someone, politely ask them in the thread; if they don't reply send them a pm. Do not continuously attempt to force set-up of an rp or continuously banter that person about rp or anything of that sort.

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[ How many Sirii am i allowed to have? ]
As many as you feel comfortable taking care of! By all means, help yourself! The *only* limitation I'm going to apply here is that, in the event of a flatsale, you are only allowed to try for two.
[ How come someone's Sirii has a different body structure than mine? ]
Sirii DNA is incredibly flexible and each has a possibility to produce a different mutation in their offspring. Because of this reason, breeding is encouraged as many Sirii are carrying specific traits that are ONLY visible in the next generation.
[ Does this mean that there are more types of Sirii than just the "normal" ones? ]
Yes, many many different types and different combinations of mutations.
[What about size? Do Sirii mutate into different sizes?]
At this time? No. Sirii grow to be about the same height as a German Shepherd or Great Dane, depending what you feed them as well as their gender. In the future though? Perhaps they will change size.
[So are Sirii free to roam around?]
Yep. As free as you allow. Sirii are highly intelligent creatures and, thought with some it may take awhile, incredibly loyal to their owner. They may attempt to break out or stake a hostile takeover but, everything comes with its own bumps right?
[What about breeding? WIll my pups be the same as their parents in body style?]
That's... debatable. Each Sirii carries a unique genetic trait that DOES HAVE THE POSSIBILITY TO PRODUCE DIFFERENT MUTATIONS in their offspring. Will these be visible when they are born? Whoc an honestly say. It's all decided at the toss of a coin pretty much and we wont know unless we try.

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While the creation of Sirii has been ongoing in an on-again off-again pattern for the past three years we do have a... distinctive timeline about the creation of it.
: main lineart created
12/17/2010: first series of mutations generated.
10/7/2012 Shop opened!

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Below is the basic growth chart for every Sirii showing the stages of life they go through however, for a bit more in depth description....

::First stage//Egg::
Yes, that's right. Sirii come from eggs. They are egg laying creatures from outer space. Not much to say about eggs really, you keep em at room temperature, they require no incubation and, after about a week they hatch into a snuggly ball of fur. Eggs mostly stay still however they have been known to wiggle about or roll away from you if left unattended.
::Second stage//Pup::
The egg has hatched and now you have your own snuggly alien...dog creature! Sirii pups do require a bit of care at this stage and their personalities, and energy, have no limits! They usually stay as pups for 1-3 weeks depending on how much you play with them.
::Third stage//Adult::
Finally! That bouncing bundle of fluffy stuff has finally grown up into a full grown loyal companion and, hopefully, are a bit more manageable. Males tend to have developed elongated incisors as well as a long ridge of fur along their backs while females develop almost doe like features. At this time this is the last stage that is know of for Sirii, however there may be more in the future.
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Flatsales vary between speed, number generated or dice roll.

:: Flatsale Rules ::
1. You may only post ONE order at a time.
2. You MAY buy one for a friend/attempt to claim one for a friend. however the a fore mentioned rule applies here as well.
3. Absolutely NO editing your posts! It's cheating. Don't do it.
4. Sirii are priced via stage Egg stage price 3,500g. Pup price 3,000g Adult price 2,500g
5. Payment via items is accepted.
6. Pet trades are also accepted
7. All flatsales will start after one of the Staff posts the rules for the type of sale followed by "BEGIN".
8. Try to be fair and do NOT fight over them.
9. If you do not get one, do not complain. There will be other chances, usually very frequently.
10. Do not discourage others! You wouldn't want to be discouraged about going after a Sirii would you? Then why would it be okay for you to do the same to others?

:: How this will work ::
Wait until "begin" is posted then post your entry form. which is found below.
Wait for confirmation, then send the trade.
Send all trades to SiriiShop.

exclaim Entry Form exclaim
[color=Blue][b] Your gaia name:[/b]
[b]Sirii's Flatsale Number:[/b]
[b]Name of who the Sirii goes to: [/b]
[b]Name of Sirii:[/b] [/color]

:: Flatsale Previews ::

[ ? ]
Flatsale time? n/a
Flatsale Price? n/a
Flatsale type? n/a

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:: Raffle Rules ::
1. No discouraging others!
2. Obey the shop rules.
3. Please don't fight about tickets.
4. You MAY buy tickets for others.
5. Tickets are, at this time, LIMITLESS in number. However, in the future, raffles may only have a certain amount of tickets.
6. Please post what is listed in the "code box" when ordering.
7. Please specify what you are buying tickets for in the situation of there being more than one thing being raffled.

[ ? ]

[ ? ]

Simply post the following in the thread to order tickets!!
[color=orange] I would like ( insert amount of tickets here) tickets please!!![/color]


Please send all trades to SiriiShop

Ticket Price: 50g
Starts: OVER
Ends: OVER
Ticket Holders:

[ ----------------- + ----------------- ]

:: Auction Rules ::
1. No whining, fighting, flaming or being discourteous to others.
2. You may use items in the bidding process. Go to the marketplace and tally down the lowest price value.
3. The auctions will run for varied amounts of time. Be sure to check for starting and ending times. Ending times may change depending on a staff member's schedule..
4. Co-owning, at this time, is not allowed.
5. Clearly state which Sirii you are bidding on if there is more than one being auctioned off.
6. Under NO circumstances may you edit your bidding posts unless you are quoting a past bid and adding more bidding items below it.
7. All bidders are responsible for knowing the Shop Rules.
8. Bid wars are very much encouraged!
9. There is an ANTI-SNIPE of 30 minutes.

:: Whats being auctioned ::

[ User Image ]

Starting bid: 15,000 gold
Auto buy: 1,000,000 gold
Current Bid: 100,000 gold
Starts: OVER
Ends: OVER
List of Bidders:
Antique_Mesh - 15,000
Keliptis - 100,000

[ ----------------- + ----------------- ]

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Ah, it's that magical time once again. Your Sirii has fallen hard for that one special creation that has blessed this world with their presence..or not. On that note, lets put down some basics where breeding is concerned.

Breeding slots will open at the first of every month. The number of these slots is subject to change from month to month.
Why is there a limitation? Overpopulation is no ones friend my dear, plus gestation as well as the egg laying process can be hard on Sirii.
Breeding price is set at 5,000 gold.
This can be paid either in the form of a lump sum from one owner or both owners submitting trades of 2,500 gold to SiriiShop. Eggs will not be received until payment is made.
Sirii are known to have between 2-3 offspring per breeding cycle.
1-3 randomly generated via number generator or dice roll. It has been known though, for a Sirii that has received more rp time to have up to 6 offspring.
Sirii may breed with only one other Sirii or with many different Sirii
Be it with that one special someone, or selective breeding in attempts to unlock new and unique mutations Sirii are allowed to breed as they wish.
Owners required before eggs will hatch.
From the time an egg is posted the owner of that egg will have until the next month to pick it up and/or fill out the necessary paperwork. If an egg is not claimed it will be put up for rehoming, no questions asked.
Pairs must be Male/Female
While i have no problem with Male/Male Female/Female relationships, on this i cannot sway. Male Sirii simply do not have the reproductive organs to carry and egg to term nor can female Sirii impregnate one another.
Breeding time will take up to two weeks before eggs are delivered
General gestation period time is two weeks however, if a Sirii is rp'd regularly it may take less time.
Permission from the owner of the other Sirii IS REQUIRED for breeding.
Because no one wants to wake up to someone shouting "Surprise! you're going to be a Mom/Dad!"
Related Sirii can not breed.
It does not end well...

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General FAQ
Can i give my Sirii's babies away?
Indeed, you will have to OK this with the other party but you are more than welcome to give your Sirii's offspring to your friends, family, even random people if it so pleases you.
What if i have no one to give them to?
That's quite alright. If you'd like you can return them to the SiriiShop to have homes found for them.
Is there a limit to ow many times my Sirii can breed?
Yes.. for now.. a Sirii may only be bred 5 times. This is based on one individual Sirii, not the pair itself.
Do Sirii have to be a certain age before they can breed? Or, can i breed my pups?
Indeed they do. Only Sirii adults may breed and we *ask* hat you wait at least until your Sirii is a month old before beginning to breed.
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Breeding Slots::
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Now then, Onto the paperwork! If there is a breeding slot available, please fill out the appropriate information below and mail it to SiriiShop.

[color=red][b]Name and owner of female Sirii:[/b]
[b]Name and owner of male Sirii:[/b]
[b]Owners of the eggs?[/b] (Here, the person(s) the eggs will be sent to or the name of the Sirii owner that will have rights over the eggs. If you would like, leave this blank or insert ***To Be Decided after eggs are visable*** If you are unsure about what to do with this particular area.)

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Tired of waiting for another flatsale, auction or raffle to happen? We DO offer custom creations from time to time and we sell them in packages. So you know, all mutations derived from Custom Sirii are transferable to their offspring!

What do you have to do order a custom? Simply read on for more information about the types of customs we offer as well as the appropriate paperwork we do need you to fill out.

:: Custom Packages ::

[ Simple Package ]
In this package we offer an adult stage Sirii. You pick the colors, gender, eyeglow and the design you want and we'll plop it down onto to "Normal" Sirii lineart for you! Anything goes here so feel free to be as creative with color as you would like. Intricate patterns are fine as well.
Price: 3,700g

[ Semi-simple package ]

In addition to offering everything the "simple package" offers, in this one you can make a request for MINOR mutations on your Sirii (such as ear, tail, muzzle or spine; up to 2) It will ONLY be for the adult stage mind you!
Price: 5,000g

[ Large package ]
Anything goes here. "Major" mutations such as wings, horns, spikes, fluff balls, hair growing in odd places.. IF IT FITS IT SHIPS! Also, with this package you WILL be given the option of having your Sirii start from egg stage and carry the mutations up to its ending stage.
Price: 10,000g

[ Cosplay ]
Anything and everything, please provide reference pictures and notes as to how it should look exactly. Uberly major Lineart edits allowed. All anime cosplays are covered by this one. If you can dream it.. WE CAN DO IT!
Price: 50,000g+

Please fill out the following form.

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[color=orange][b][u]Custom Ordering Form[/u][/b] [/color]

[color=green][b]Your Username:[/b]
[b]Which Custom Package You Wish To Order:[/b]
[b]Name of Sirii:[/b]
[b]Full Details + Reference Pictures (if needed) Of Your Custom Sirii (for each stage too if you want to be very specific and have ordered a package that contains the special all stages upgrade):[/b]
[b]Anything else you'd like to include?[/b] [/color]

Customs are currently::
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Here we show all of the Sirii that have been given happy homes to date as well as their respective owners and the different types of mutations that are evident in their images.
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Owner [ #of Sirii ][ Sirii's Name ]//Mutation visible
Mutation Key::
ear mutation = & Tail mutation = > Muzzle mutation = # Spine mutation = ~ Wing mutation = + Spike mutation = ^ Mane mutation = @ Mutation unknown = ?
** More mutation Keys will be added as they are discovered

~Lady Kanna~ [ 2 ] [Aulai] //> Delapore] //?
Auric Halcyon [ 1 ] [Wendigo] //@
[.Silvr-Moon.] [ 2 ]Pyre //& Snowdrift//?
Antique_Mesh [ 1 ]Boyce //?

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Here we post the most recent growths and/or certings of Sirii for pickup.

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Want to affiliate with us? Send a pm to SiriiShop or Purplesmoke and we'll put you right in as well as give you our shop link too!
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yum_icecreampie yum_icecreampie yum_icecreampie

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yum_icecreampie yum_icecreampie yum_icecreampie

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yum_icecreampie yum_icecreampie yum_icecreampie

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yum_icecreampie yum_icecreampie yum_icecreampie
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Finally! post 15! You may now post 3nodding

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