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*The following results from Cross-Over Cosmologies, so you have been warned*

All i got to admit, is the fact that i appear to be wishing to know how many people are not only familiar with King Arthur and his knights, themselves, but also even their ancestries and their legacies, to even the battles that each of them had all fought, together, plus the consequences for their various actions.

So is it alright to start up the thread to discuss King Arthur and his knights, here?

I got a link to something about some of his ancestors, here!


This one helps to look up Arthur Pendragon's ancestors, and how it was said that Brutus of Britain may have been one of his ancestors, therefore making Arthur a cousin to Julius Caesar's family, right there, because they share the same basic Olympian Demigod[Aeneas of Troy!] for an Ancestor.

There is also more about Arthur's ancestral roots from the Olympian side of his ancestry, in this link.


Its obvious to me that Arthur himself is descended from more than just one European Pantheon of Immortals, but if he was descended from the Olympian Gods, themselves, why was he mainly loyal to the Celtic Pantheon, instead?[There must be reasons for that, i am sure!]

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Are you speaking of the historical Arthur or the mythological one? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but historically speaking, scholars believe that King Arthur might have been an Iron Age to early Dark Ages warlord, or several in fact. There were no demigods or pantheons in his lineage, which is fine, because that gives writers--past and present--a great deal of licence to make up tales. I'm not saying an Arthur never existed, just as there may be a historical basis for Guenivere, the Lady of the Lake and for Camelot. But I'm also not going to go all sword in a stone and Merlin (which from what I've read wasn't a person, but a title given to a wise man).

I think you're probably one of the few articulate thinkers here on Gaia, and I do like how you tie in modern novels and the genesis they have in older tales/myth cycles, which shows you definitely know how to think critically and to analyze. But I highly doubt that anyone living could trace their ancestry back to someone who may or may not have existed. I remember having a similar conversation many years ago with a woman who claimed that she could trace her bloodline to Adam and Eve. That was a whee moment because I suppose we all can, if one takes the Bible literally.
Are you speaking of the historical Arthur or the mythological one? I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but historically speaking, scholars believe that King Arthur might have been an Iron Age to early Dark Ages warlord, or several in fact. There were no demigods or pantheons in his lineage, which is fine, because that gives writers--past and present--a great deal of license to make up tales. I'm not saying an Arthur never existed, just as there may be a historical basis for Guenivere, the Lady of the Lake and for Camelot. But I'm also not going to go all sword in a stone and Merlin (which from what I've read wasn't a person, but a title given to a wise man).

I think you're probably one of the few articulate thinkers here on Gaia, and I do like how you tie in modern novels and the genesis they have in older tales/myth cycles, which shows you definitely know how to think critically and to analyze. But I highly doubt that anyone living could trace their ancestry back to someone who may or may not have existed. I remember having a similar conversation many years ago with a woman who claimed that she could trace her bloodline to Adam and Eve. That was a whee moment because I suppose we all can, if one takes the Bible literally.

I speak of both, if it is of more help, since King Arthur was also said to be descended from Scandinavian Vikings, as well.
That in mind, it could also be possible that Merlin may have known more than what the tales had actually lead on, and if we consider the scenario of King Arthur's family being cousins to Julius Caesar's family, then not only would it mean that they were just descended from one of the most human of the Olympian Demigods of the ancient times, ever, but also that they were descended from Aphrodite through Aeneas of Troy, as well as Zeus, since Zeus is also Aeneas' ancestor.

What else i figured, is that although it may never be clear-cut as to why King Arthur is more loyal to the Celtic Pantheon rather than the Olympian or Scandinavian Pantheons, out of all 3 european Pantheons, i figured that King Arthur may have had to call all 3 of his leading rulers for ancestors on the european pantheons out in terms of arguments, and was probably the only man to have survived from calling all 3 of them out, partially because he was descended from them, but mostly through some other reason that i have yet to realize.

I find the T.V series Merlin to be a fairly accurate representation as when it comes to King Arthur, although the common grounds Arthur has with Aeneas of Troy began to get even more ridiculous than they were in the original tales, though, and not just blood-lines wise, either.

That in mind, with a little stretching, i could even see the scenario of Lancelot being a demigod son of either Lugh or Zeus, without even realizing it[but i will consider that, later on!] but that isn't the main point i would gun for, nor is it the bulls-eye.

Anyone else care to add their thoughts?

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Curiosity often grabs me by the tail so I went and did a little homework. I discovered that it is believed that King Arthur (mythological figure) was related to the Trojan Brutus, who was a slave (not Julius Caesar's cousin). That he sailed to Albion (England) and founded a line there. I also read that he fought a race of giants--the Firbolg--and vanquished them. Either way, we have a myth cycle that may have as its basis Greek and Roman legends.

If Arthur had Scandinavian blood, that would not have been surprising considering the fact that Norsemen had landed and even conquered parts of England and once there were hard to move.

Again, the historical Arthur might have been an Iron Age warlord, or the composite of several in fact. This does not diminish who he was or what he may have accomplished, because oral tradition (at least the way I see it) has its foundation in truth. Not to take away the craft of storytelling, because that's what I do in RL, but as a student of history, I cannot help but be cautious and even skeptical when the fantastic passes for scholarship.

Maybe it's me, but I'm far less interested in Arthur and his knights and far more interested in the women behind his throne (speaking from a fictional standpoint)--Guenivere (all three of them), Vivianne, Lady of the Lake; Morgause his aunt; and of course Morgaine, who tends to be viewed as the downfall of Camelot. I also have a soft spot for Mordred, the ultimate unwanted child/pawn. Was it really his destiny to slay his own father, or was he just a thread in a much larger tapestry?

One of my favorite novels based on the Arthurian legend is The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Forget the wretched miniseries that broke my heart within the first ten minutes, the novel is much better and richer than any television series could be (though I do give it kudos for casting Anjelica Huston as Vivienne).
Curiosity often grabs me by the tail so I went and did a little homework. I discovered that it is believed that King Arthur (mythological figure) was related to the Trojan Brutus, who was a slave (not Julius Caesar's cousin). That he sailed to Albion (England) and founded a line there. I also read that he fought a race of giants--the Firbolg--and vanquished them. Either way, we have a myth cycle that may have as its basis Greek and Roman legends.

If Arthur had Scandinavian blood, that would not have been surprising considering the fact that Norsemen had landed and even conquered parts of England and once there were hard to move.

Again, the historical Arthur might have been an Iron Age warlord, or the composite of several in fact. This does not diminish who he was or what he may have accomplished, because oral tradition (at least the way I see it) has its foundation in truth. Not to take away the craft of storytelling, because that's what I do in RL, but as a student of history, I cannot help but be cautious and even skeptical when the fantastic passes for scholarship.

Maybe it's me, but I'm far less interested in Arthur and his knights and far more interested in the women behind his throne (speaking from a fictional standpoint)--Guenivere (all three of them), Vivianne, Lady of the Lake; Morgause his aunt; and of course Morgaine, who tends to be viewed as the downfall of Camelot. I also have a soft spot for Mordred, the ultimate unwanted child/pawn. Was it really his destiny to slay his own father, or was he just a thread in a much larger tapestry?

One of my favorite novels based on the Arthurian legend is The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Forget the wretched miniseries that broke my heart within the first ten minutes, the novel is much better and richer than any television series could be (though I do give it kudos for casting Anjelica Huston as Vivienne).

Fair enough, Mikarusgirl, but then again, there are a lot of secrets i figured that all 3 of the Immortal European Pantheons would mean to hide, even from the most well-researched and well-versed among us all, as for instance, i heard that if Aphrodite of Cyprus[Aeneas' immortal mum!] did end up traveling to France and England along with the Other Olympian Gods, i would be thinking that it was for more than just the reasons that would be listed in the Camp Half-Blood novels, themselves, as they may have something to do with the deeds of King Arthur Pendragon, who was said to be one of her descendants[if i heard right, Brutus of Britain was said to be a grandson or great-grandson of Aeneas of Troy, through one of Aeneas' Quatre-God children, either Ascanius himself or either one of the two Silvius' in question(It could be possible that both of them have existed!) but either way, it doesn't seem very clear to me on which of the two sons of Aeneas was Arthur descended from, through Brutus!] and i also heard that Artemis the Huntress may have even helped Brutus of Britain to settle there, which may go to explain further on how William Shakespeare may have mentioned such connections between the Immortal European Pantheons, before, because it turned out he was not the first person ever to connect all 3 of the pantheons[although his Plays showed that they have more common grounds than we give them credit for!] and i somehow even feel that they may have even given William Shakespeare Tri-Citizenship in their pantheons if he ever gained outright godhood[like it was said that King Arthur Pendragon wounded up as a Celtic God, but if so, considering his blood-line and how it had all 3 of the European Pantheons on it, he may have had gained the kind of honor most people may wind up killing for, as he would gain tri-pantheon citizenship, although i suspect that the leaders of all 3 pantheons may have had to get used to sharing King Arthur, if he did gain Godhood!]

Considering Arthur Pendragon's Scandinavian Blood, i believed that if i recalled what i mentioned about Arthur having to break up an argument between his 3 leading ancestors, the best-known rulers of all 3 of the European Immortal Pantheons, Lugh, Zeus[Aeneas was descended from Zeus, if i recalled right, through Dardanus, one of Hercules' half-brothers!] and Odin, it makes the outrightly impressive feat in helping to break up the kind of arguments the 3 may have on how to engage a common threat all the more impressive.

Considering how it was said that Arthur Pendragon may have been the name of several Warlords, i now wonder if years from now, we may hear of a fabled leader who may have been descended from an Olympian Demigod child of Poseidon who hailed from New York, except its more than just one person with such a claim and they still have to spill each other's blood or something like that, like in the case of all those Warlord Arthurs described.

Considering how the Riordans theorized that the flame of Olympus moves west[that theory may have been grounded in mystical fact, i feel, considering the Romans!] then if the flame moved to Britain and France, i figured that the Pendragon Blood-line may have had something to do with it, but still, i don't know how did the fact that the Celts were aware of Helen of Sparta managed to add up, because word could not just come around to the Celts just like that, so quickly, unless the Celtic Pantheon's factions were suddenly aware of it, so from what i figured, some of the descendants of the Trojan survivors must have not only came with Brutus of Britain[who was said to have Aeneas of Troy's blood in his veins, somewhere!] but were also trained by people who may have learned various arts and fighting talent and craft from Helen of Sparta[the scenario of Helen of Sparta able to fend for herself properly, of course, would come from a theory considered by Esther Friesner, the lady who wrote Nobody's Princess and Nobody's Prize, which goes to explore Helen of Sparta's past, in-depth, during the time when finding out who would be half-mortal or not was a lot less easier than it is today, and even today, its still hard, but in the two novels done by Friesner, the novels would show Helen of Sparta learning to fight alongside her two brothers, Castor and Pollux(He's called Polydeuces in the two novels, though!) and i figured that once Helen wounded up in Troy, she had to help train some Trojan females to learn how to fend for themselves, as well as to learn more about the arts!] and these lessons Helen may have given the students who wounded up training their descendants must have passed on to the Celtic females along with females from Arthur's time, as i would suspect that they may have even been brought to Guinevere[maybe all 3 of them!] along with the various other females in Arthur's time, like Iseult of Ireland[it was either Ireland or Cornwall!] or the likes of Igraine, and other such females, as i suspected even the lady of Shallot may have learned such lessons, as well.

Who knows?
Maybe Morganna and Hecate may have been allied with each other, and so as a result, Morgan Le Fay may have trained under their lessons, and maybe King Arthur's family may have pondered matters of their lineage when it comes to how they may have been descended from the European Immortals of all the Pantheons, and maybe Merlin may have known more about the Pendragon blood-line's ancestry than what the original tales must have lead us to believe, and that the ridiculousness within the Merlin t.v series is more justified than just by the fact that Arthur may have had Olympian Blood flowing in his veins[which makes it almost unreal, if it weren't for the fact that the Trojan Survivors did settle in more than just Italy, Sicily, Malta, and Sardinia, as they may have came to France and Britain, as well, which would explain the artwork that would often show Helen of Sparta in some of them!]

Either way, one thing i know for sure, is this:
By admitting the truth that King Arthur is meant to be Harry James Potter's spiritual ancestor, Old-Owl J.K Rowling[she looks like an owl, to me, either figuratively or literally, i wouldn't know which one!] essentially placed the Harry Potter Septimology under the risk of more scrutiny than i give it credit for, because some of us may believe that she is out to misuse such knowledge, which may or may not be the case, considering how Arthur and Merlin connected more than just the Potter-World and Camp Half-Blood, through in-direct means, mainly[plus Blood-lines when it comes to Camp Half-Blood!] through their deeds.
Susan Cooper wrote The Dark Is Rising series, in which the first effort to make a decent movie out of the second novel in the series was just an insult not only to the Arthurian tales, but also to the Olympian tales of which King Arthur's ancestors hailed from, as well[in worse ways than The Lightning Thief movie may ever do, if one must ask my instincts!] and i believe that from there, if The Dark Is Rising series is meant to be half-canon at best, then the scenario of Bran Davies coming from the past, the exact kind of method wounded up repeated in The Camp Half-Blood novels by Rick Riordan when it came to the Di Angelo Siblings, but i will not describe the exact method, because its in novels 3-5[The Titan's Curse-The Last Olympian] and considering how their immortal parent would give a $hit as to what would happen to his two only known surviving half-mortal children, i suspect that King Arthur Pendragon did likewise with Bran Davies(spoilers for The Dark Is Rising series[he may also care about Mordred, in his own way, but he failed to protect either himself or Mordred, in any rate, which means that if T.D.I.R is even half-canon, Bran would be the last surviving child Arthur may ever expect to have, and it gets even worse, when you consider that Arthur may have decided to die with a Viking's funeral, but didn't make like the Olympian Gods among whom were some of his ancestors, which makes it more agonizing with the scenario, really!]

In any rate, when i go and re-read the Percy Jackson And The Olympians novels, by Rick Riordan, not only would i never expect to look at the Olympian Gods the same way again[i got more awe-inspired by both Aphrodite and Artemis, and even more with Poseidon than i gave myself original credit for, after finding out about King Arthur!] especially when all of Percy's front-line induced moments against armies of monsters and other foes may be nearly reminiscent of King Arthur's front-line deeds, but also i would probably go to try to keep this sort of secret about King Arthur as safe as possible[and try to hope that Aphrodite's latter-day half-mortal children can fend for themselves somewhat better!] while also trying to calculate the scenario of what would be the next best thing to imagining if King Arthur was descended from Hades instead of Zeus.

Mikarusgirl, i feel that we are the only ones considering such scenarios, which is just bad on my part, because i failed to invite more people to this sort of thread.

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Gods do not travel, but their worshippers DO. Therefore it is in the realm of possibility that similar myth cycles developed in the most unlikely of places. For instance, the Egyptian myth of the dying/murdered and rising god predates Christianity by several thousand years. If I'm not mistaken, most pagan belief systems feature some version of the summer king/winter king. Even the Aztecs had a version and how far could they be geographically from both the Greeks and the Egyptians? Like an entire ocean???

Basically what I'm saying is there's really nothing new under the sun. Rowling freely admits that she borrowed from stories she'd read or been told as a child. I'm certain if you asked Rick Riordan, he'd say the same thing. Who knows who Homer borrowed from or who told him him the tales that became The Illiad and The Odyssey. But it's how a writer takes the old cycles/stories and reinvents them--that's the genius. I don't try to over-analyze anything, but simply appreciate it. I enjoy Harry Potter because at its heart is a coming-of-age tale about a young boy who doesn't fit in. If you removed the magickal elements it would still be a compelling story. How many of us misfits understand where he's coming from?

You take a pretty esoteric view of Harry Potter and the Percy Jackson series, which is cool because not to many people have the smarts to delve further and make the connections that you seem to. You'd make an awesome literary critic and perhaps you should write a paper on this very subject. I enjoy your conversations though I think sometimes you take some things a little too literally. I don't believe in the Olympians save as a means the Greeks used to explain both the natural and the internal worlds of man. That doesn't make them primitive--after all we still utilize many of their concepts such as the 'oedipus complex'.
Gods do not travel, but their worshippers DO. Therefore it is in the realm of possibility that similar myth cycles developed in the most unlikely of places. For instance, the Egyptian myth of the dying/murdered and rising god predates Christianity by several thousand years. If I'm not mistaken, most pagan belief systems feature some version of the summer king/winter king. Even the Aztecs had a version and how far could they be geographically from both the Greeks and the Egyptians? Like an entire ocean???

Basically what I'm saying is there's really nothing new under the sun. Rowling freely admits that she borrowed from stories she'd read or been told as a child. I'm certain if you asked Rick Riordan, he'd say the same thing. Who knows who Homer borrowed from or who told him him the tales that became The Iliad and The Odyssey. But it's how a writer takes the old cycles/stories and reinvents them--that's the genius. I don't try to over-analyze anything, but simply appreciate it. I enjoy Harry Potter because at its heart is a coming-of-age tale about a young boy who doesn't fit in. If you removed the magickal elements it would still be a compelling story. How many of us misfits understand where he's coming from?

You take a pretty esoteric view of Harry Potter and the Percy Jackson series, which is cool because not to many people have the smarts to delve further and make the connections that you seem to. You'd make an awesome literary critic and perhaps you should write a paper on this very subject. I enjoy your conversations though I think sometimes you take some things a little too literally. I don't believe in the Olympians save as a means the Greeks used to explain both the natural and the internal worlds of man. That doesn't make them primitive--after all we still utilize many of their concepts such as the 'oedipus complex'.

I am also aware that other Immortal Pantheons have their own Gods and Goddesses sharing the same kind of departments as the European Immortal Pantheons, if it helps, but i have yet to find a genuine leader who connects the Asian Immortal Pantheons at least nearly as meaningfully as Arthur of Camelot's family and their knights had, but i wonder if Buddha may count as a candidate, though.

I noticed that Rowling borrowed directly borrowed from people who directly borrowed from Tolkien, like Susan Cooper and C.S Lewis, as well as T.H White, most of that, Rowling admitted that much[although with the late Tolkien, she borrowed from him, indirectly through Cooper and C.S Lewis!] and i also consider a scenario just as much worth noting, as i considered that some people may have even brought in the tales that we know, today, as a means to try to help not just the story-tellers themselves, but the audience as well, to try to understand their ancestry better[like with The Aeneid, which turned out to be rooted in truth about the Trojan Survivors settling from the lands of Hesperia that would become modern-day Italy, Sicily, Malta, and Sardinia, and also to France and Britain, as well, but that settlement scenario came after Aeneas' time!] because not many people knew much about their ancestrial roots very well, and considering that i happen to be of not only Greco-Roman Roots, but also of African Roots, as well, i felt that it was a priority for me to try to understand the European Pantheon's tales better, in a mere and fragile hope to understand my family's own ancestors, better, because for all i know, i could be descended from one of the survivors of Troy, and not even realize it, or even descended from people who had the honor to fight alongside Cuchulainn of the Tuatha De Dannan, the Celtic Demigod son of Lugh, rather than just live during that time when he was alive, so for all i know, Thomas Mallory may have taken more than just the notes of earlier researchers of Arthur's time, and also may have studied from Vergil, as well as Homer, along with all the other philosophers of Europe.
Perhaps you are right about the kind of Response Riordan may have, but for all i know, so could i, as there's a lot of noteworthy scenarios that was introduced that made it seem likely that this would be Riordan's main answer, yet there's also a lot of scenarios that i mentioned in which Riordan may admit more than just what was revealed to us.
Either way, i still wish to learn from Susan Cooper, herself, so i plan to read on the rest of The Dark Is Rising series, and who knows?
If i ever do a series of my own, i might consider all the connections that were listed out, and see if the series could explore it properly[and maybe even honor everything right about The Gemma Doyle trilogy, while i am at it, not just with bi-girls who are well-developed and equally-well-managed, but also epic action scenes that don't feel too short!] and if it deals with matters of love lives, maybe it will not only be far more tasteful than most Harlequins could ever expect to be, but maybe not end up being used to disgrace today's literature, especially the Y.A Literature section.

I think the main reason why i am fond of the Camp Half-Blood novels, was that not only did they manage to bring in a meaningful coming-of-age tale, but that they also done a brilliant tale meant to inspire citizen-soldiers and be proud of their own country, as well, as i now felt proud of being an american, more than ever, to be honest, not to mention that i meant everything i said earlier about the Camp Half-Blood novels being on par with The Dark Is Rising series, as far as the story and plot are concerned, and not only do i not plan to eat my own words, but i plan to see if i can bring in a tale that may not only be grounded from some truth or another from the modern-day, but may actually may bring in even more glory for literature than the Potter-World, The Dark Is Rising series, and Camp Half-Blood combined managed to pull off[and they done a lot, each of the 3, more than i dare name!] if not, than i have allowed the Hubris[Deadly Pride] to consume me, as most Authors who are writing mostly vamp-induced drivel are doing, right now, as of late[not all the vamp-induced series of right now are outright drivel, i just meant in general, as of late!]

With that in mind, i wonder if anyone should be prepared to discuss Dracula[Vlad Tepes Dracul] next on the list, at some point this year?
I just began to read Rebel Angels, by Libba Bray, which is a part of the Gemma Doyle Trilogy, which takes place in the lands King Arthur was born on, and i looked up the Pooles.

One of the potential members of the Order mentioned something about the Poole family being descended from King Arthur Pendragon, himself, and if that was the case, then that would make them descendants of Aeneas of Troy, linking them all the way back to being descended from Aphrodite of Cyprus, although they probably don't look like Aphrodite's descendants from the way Libba described them, though[at least not to me, but Pippa on the other hand, looks more like one of her descendants! razz ]

With that in mind, i wonder if the Order member was actually bluffing it up about the Pooles, regardless of whether or not she was telling the truth?

Edit: That in mind, i can't tell if Felicity was meant to be the closest thing to Bad@ss normal, out there, or if she may have been a descendant of Apollo, because i recalled Felicity being an ace sniper with bows and arrows, from the novels.
There's also another thing about Fee that interests me, and i dare not admit it without spoiling the story-line much further on the matter than i might already be doing.

If the Knights of the Round Table, along with the various females from Arthur's time, are proof of anything, i would believe them to be proof of what happens when all 3 Immortal European Pantheons and their disciples work together, along with Christians, for the benefit of all that is right about this world.

That is one of those things the world needs, so very badly, as it is right now.

Another Edit: Also, that in mind, after finding out how its said that some of the Knights of the Round Table were Illegitimate children, as Arthur was[Lance and Peredur are debatable, though!] i could imagine the idea of Camp Half-Blood reading very much like a series of echoes of the Knights of the Round Table, themselves, complete with Chiron winding up with the same kind of Role that Merlin had, even, despite the fact he appears to be getting rusty, somehow, in there.

Also, i found confirmation as to another source, but it gets even better, as Arthur was also said to be descended from someone else who was brought up in the Bible, Joseph of Amaranthine, if i got the place he hailed from, right.

The Origins of King Arthur!

Now with that aside, i suspect that Queen Guinevere is meant to share resemblances with Valkyrie Maidens from Valhalla, for some reason or another, and i don't fully understand why do i feel that she does, yet.

With that in mind, some Welsh families could also be descended from Aeneas of Troy and the Trojan Survivors, through Brutus of Britain and his companions, which makes me wonder about Christian Bale, but that's another story! and if that's the case, then Wales sounds like that place had seen better days, if i heard right[its in better shape than the bulk of Greece is, nowadays, but still!]

P.P.S: Considering how there are people out to vilify everything about King Arthur, without even for the sake of trying to make a worthwhile video game that even bothers to have a reason for it[Sonic and the Black Knight actually bothers to explain themselves!] truth be told, i had enough with those people's snide insinuations!

King Arthur's Ancestors and Descendants

Just because there's an off-chance that the Tudors may have been descended from King Arthur, and in turn descended from Aeneas of Troy, except they wound up like Julius Caesar's family in terms of decay, does not give them consent to take it out on Arthur's own family! *Headdesks*

Queen Guinevere[The White Spirit!] ^_^

Probably the only known lady of royalty i like better than both Helen of Sparta and Lavinia of the Latins, combined, which isn't to say i loathe Helen or Lavinia[Quite the opposite, actually!] its just that Guinevere bleeding out blood is more obvious than the cases for Helen's or Lavinia's, plus she shares both their strengths, and none of their weaknesses, except for maybe having adultery away from her husband, Arthur, with another man she also loves[Lancelot!] except in her case, her Ancestress-In-Law[Aphrodite of Cyprus!] wasn't the direct cause of it, at all, maybe an indirect cause, but not the root cause, altogether!

Also, despite being Celtic in Roots, while she may or may not have been descended from a famous family of Romans, i think she may feel more Scandinavian than Roman, considering that the British and French are the bridges between Rome[due to their shared Trojan Blood!] and Scandinavia[due to how Vikings came to Britain and France!]
i myself find it a bit unlikely that the greek gods would be so far from home, and especially on the truf of other gods. Gods from all panthons tend to have a perchant for war. Norse=ragnork, Greeks=Trojan etc. so artemis being in the territory of the Celtic gods would definately stirr up some anger. if we look at it from the mythology side. That being said the gods of the near east and grecce where very interchangeable. some goddess and gods being able to be equated to others. Aphrodite= Inanna/Ishtar; Hermes= Thoth etc
As a historical figure he was most probably a warlord king. the knights themselves being warlords from other clans while authur united them. much like how Alexander the great united the Greek states.
history goddess
i myself find it a bit unlikely that the greek gods would be so far from home, and especially on the turf of other gods. Gods from all pantheons tend to have a perchant for war. Norse=Ragnarok, Greeks=Trojan etc. so Artemis being in the territory of the Celtic gods would definitely stirr up some anger. if we look at it from the mythology side. That being said the gods of the near east and Greece were very interchangeable. some goddess and gods being able to be equated to others. Aphrodite= Inanna/Ishtar; Hermes= Thoth etc
As a historical figure he was most probably a warlord king. the knights themselves being warlords from other clans while Arthur united them. much like how Alexander the great united the Greek states.

Some of the Equations were justified, if i recalled right, either because in some cases they may be the same god, altogether[Aphrodite=Venus, Hephaestus=Vulcan, Artemis=Diana!] or they just happen to have the same kind of role as their outer region counterpart, in question, like with Gofannon and Hephaestus having the same kind of role, despite not being the exact same god, overall.

Although that in mind, i still cannot deny the scenario of how Arthur's ancestors wounded up ending up doing many a significant thing for Europe, which isn't necessarily to take away the results of Alexander the Great[who was said to be descended from Achilles, who nearly killed Aeneas!] or Augustus Caesar[a potent cousin, if they were both descended from Aeneas!], either, but its still worth noting, regardless.

Even the Christians of all sorts[including the honest sorts of Christians, since there's a lot of bad people within all religions and belief systems!] have some sort of connection with the legacy of Arthur's people, in some significant way or another, as for instance, i recalled something about Aphrodite winding up as Guinevere's Ancestress-In-Law, while Artemis had aided in bringing one of Arthur's ancestors, a grandson or great-grandson of Aeneas, Brutus of Britain, to get to Britain, while another legendary ancestor from the Christian spectrum had brought the Holy Grail with him to Britain.

Quite literally Arthur's family was descended from a lot of famous people, immortal or otherwise, so that may mean that Merlin may have hidden various things from us that the Arthurian tales didn't directly list out.

Although i don't think it really said as to whether or not Artemis herself directly went to Celtic Territory or not, as all i recalled was that she somehow brought Brutus of Britain to Celtic Territory[despite the fact that Artemis and Aphrodite generally don't trust each other much, if at all, even though i do feel for both of them, when it comes to the Trojan War or the Italian Wars, but that's not the main point!]

All that is clear to me when it came to Brutus of Britain, was that apparently the Celtic Pantheon was too busy dealing with the Firbolg to worry too much about potent foreign aid or harm, which may help to explain why Arthur's family was more loyal with the Celtic pantheon than they were with the Olympian Pantheon.

There are more variables meant to be covered, like with Arthur and his family potentially being descended from Scandinavians, as it could be possible that Guinevere may have been descended from Valkyrie Maidens, which may have played a factor as to why she is called The White Spirit, in that case.

They didn't really say as to whether or not Arthur's family would have permitted all 3 European Pantheons to pay a visit, sometime or not, but if so, it may have been under Merlin's suggestion and in their best interests to keep the peace, and such, rather than taking the risk of allowing any potential in-fighting to occur while they discuss things.

That, and i have a strong hunch that Arthur's family wounded up virtually slaughtering every potent Agamemnon on the loose in their lands[the slaughtering was a figure of speech, because i don't know if they went so far as to do it literally or not!] rather than let them continue to be on the loose to disgrace their societies in unflattering ways that would leave the society's armies to unjustified exile and such, and if so, that's pretty impressive, if you ask me.

Plus, if Arthur had to sometimes fight other descendants of his own ancestors, then either he brought a lot of head-bangings onto his ancestors, or he and his knights had more guts than we give them credit for, and i am inclined to believe the latter, considering that people from Arthur's time were legendary.

Add to the mix how he and his knights established an empire consisting of most of western europe, and this sort of events become all the more noteworthy.

Now if i can just recall the name of that Roman Emperor Arthur and his knights had to face, of course.

P.S: before you feel like correcting me on anything, i know that the gods of Rome are essentially the same ones from Greece and Cyprus + some additional cast members, i don't need to be reminded of that fact.
lol... sorry i have to say this but epic fail on those equations javier... you can say those about the ROMAN gods because though they have different names THEY ARE THEY SAME GODS!!! the early romans had simalar vague gods but they where easily shifted into the greek. lol. venus is aphrodite there is no difference but the name.
history goddess
lol... sorry i have to say this but epic fail on those equations javier... you can say those about the ROMAN gods because though they have different names THEY ARE THEY SAME GODS!!! the early romans had simalar vague gods but they where easily shifted into the greek. lol. venus is aphrodite there is no difference but the name.

I meant the Roman names for the Olympian Gods, because i know they are the exact same gods[plus some new additions to the pantheon, too!] but i can't say likewise with the other pantheons in Europe or outside Europe, like Thoth=Athena or Hermes, in terms of overall role[but not the exact same god as either of them, which Rick Riordan recalled well, within The Red Pyramid!]

Its just that there's a lot of things i meant to ask about the matter, because after the times of Arthur's and Augustus' respective families, Aphrodite's descendants appear to be going downhill in terms of being effective leaders for Western Society.

Which bothers me, because they seemed to be undergoing some sort of efficiency decay outside fashion.

As for Guinevere, assuming if Aphrodite were permitted to pay a few visits, i suspect that Guinevere may have had more than just the blessings of that particular ancestress-in-law, going for her, as for all we know, Artemis may have brought her own blessing, along with the Valkyrie and some of the Celtic Goddesses, but we wouldn't know for sure, as that secret belongs to Merlin.
Be careful when mixing the panthons... theres really only one way to do it without getting stoned to death by classics scholars, mythology fan and perfectionists... and thats by useing it if comedy.

like 'Thors Kitchen' on youtube! but even they get complaints about it.

also be aware there is and mythology "hero" lurking on gaia. 'MythologyMan' corrects anyone in the wrong... he's great though! (greek mythology guild reference...)
...Toutz foitz chevalier...

My gosh, Javier, you sure can... write a lot.

Well, anyway, on the matter all I have to say has probably been mentioned.
(Please note my knowledge is very limited).

Now, Geoffrey of Monmouth's "Historia regum Britanniae" is based on Brutus, the first British king - who, as mentioned, is the great-grandson of Aeneas.
Now, Aeneas was the son of Anchises and Aphrodite.
And, on Aphrodite's side, would link to Zeus.
On Anchises side, however, Anchises was the son of Themiste, who is a sibling of Creusa;
who is a daughter of Gaia; which would go onto relations to the Titans - e.g. Nyx, Tartarus, Kronos, Themis, et cetera...
Anyway (bit side-tracking), this all them links back to Uther and Arthur Pendragon.

Of course, we have to remember that Arthurian legends are all Welsh pseudohistorical, mainly created by Geoffrey of Monmouths; connecting these legends with Greek Mythology is like trying to relate two religious texts - like the Bible and the Qur'an, for (poor) example.
Let's not forget that some people believe there really was a King Arthur - as I remember watching The Real Arthur and Merlin a while ago, and I myself have been to Tintagel Castle in Cornwall, a castle believed to be King Arthur's fortress - yet proving he exists may strive others to try and prove Greek Mythology or Roman Mythology or even Welsh Mythology.

The problems with such mythology is that you are going to find several different version - even Geoffrey's books orginate from peoms, texts and his own imagination - which would equally lead to a lot of different stories and relations.

While it's a interesting statement, I tend to keep my Greek Mythology and Arthurian Legends separate, otherwise it becomes very complicated for myself.


...Always a Knight...

        Try here
        I know it's about the T.V. programme, but there are loads of people who know about this.
        Including me, although everyone has different views of the whole of the Artuhur legend and blah because the story varies.
        For example, my story is different to the one of this girl from Aussie; I grew up in Wales, near where supposedly Merlin was born and where Arthur came a lot.
        Hope it help 4laugh

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