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In another world, much like our own, but in many ways completely different, is where we shall set this story. It is a war-torn world, ripped asunder by opposing forces that have fought since the beginning of this world. Yusoilk is the name of this world, and it is inhabited by many varieties of creatures. The population of Yusoilk can be divided among two main groups; the humans, and everyone else. These two groups have been at constant war since longer than the memories or records can tell. As far as anyone knows, they have always been fighting and always will, which makes peacemaking almost impossible. Here, we will follow the adventures of several from both sides of the conflict, with the intention of seeing whether such fighting will truly be all that comes out of this world.

There are many non-human races that inhabit Yusoilk, but they are all typically known among themselves collectively as the Xenian Race. They all take different appearances, some look entirely human, others share animal characteristics, and some look only distantly human, more resembling of mythological demons. Xenians all are proficient in some type of magic, generally. This magic differs from race to race, but all have at least some magic. This magic is called the “Gift” among Xenians. This “Gift” is the main thing, aside from appearance, that sets them apart from humanity, and they are very prideful of the gift.

The remainder of the world is inhabited by garden variety humans. Humans do not use magic, and this has led to jealousy throughout the past. Humans are never “gifted,” but rather posses something called the “calling,” an unending thirst for progress and success. The “calling” is what has driven the humans to create new technologies constantly, going much farther than their Xenian counterparts in terms of technological advancement. They have built air-ships, guns, and various other advancements that can rival the magic of the Xenians. This is how they have held up against their enemies in the constant war of attrition.

The war has taken a temporary lull in combat for the time being, but few expect it to last long. It seems to all that the Humans and Xenians shall never be able to tolerate each other’s existences, and so will fight for all eternity. What shall you make of yourself in this world? Will you fight for the good of your race? For honor? Your own gain? Or maybe you are still looking for something worth fighting for…..

1. You will respect Gaia ToS
2. You will obey the admins and mods of this thread (For now that will be fallenseeker and Rue Tskino, and if necessary, will expand to include others.)
3. You will maintain a minimum literacy level. Posts should be long. The definition of long up to you, no word counts or minimum number of lines will be set. You will be informed if you need to increase your literacy level, and if you do not improve, you will be removed.
4. You will fill out the profile skeleton provided below, and submit it via PM to an admin. You will edit your profile if asked to. Expect to be asked to, because all power levels will be balanced at the beginning to make sure things stay fair and fun. You will include within the PM a ninja emoticon as proof that you have read the rules.
5. Just because you can use magic like abilities does NOT make you all powerful. If we think that your powers are to powerful we will tell you to make changes. If you do not listen or make changes to the abilities to your character then you shall be banned from the roleplay.
6. No Godmoding, No powerplaying will be allowed. If you control the actions of another character make sure to get that charcaters permission first.
7. This is a semi-lit roleplay. The usage of * and - or anything similar. You shall use " " to speak and use (( )) or [[ ]] when speaking OOC. Again this is semi-lit so, please make your posts intelligent.
8.The admins may change these rules at any time, if such a change becomes necessary.
9. Any updates to the rules will be announced.
10. all rules must be followed you will be given warnings. If you fail to correct and follow the rules you shall be banned from the roleplay.
Here, we'll take a look at the humans more in-depth. The humans live in a world that is futuristic, but not overly so. Humans live in a large metropolis, most of the human territory is a city, or at least a somewhat urban area, there is no "untamed wilderness" in the human territory, so do not talk about such a thing. The cities should be modeled after modern-day ones. Do not unnecessarily make present-day fixtures of life futuristic; do not talk about "hover-cars," "synthetic food," "ZOMG THEREZ ROBAWTZ EVERWEAR!!!1one," etc. Keep it modern-ish, realistic-ish, and there won't be a problem. Things that make sense to futurize, go ahead and futurize them. Examples of things that you should mess with are methods of communication, pop-culture, and fashion (do not take this overboard, however.) Do not use "capsules" or any kind of extra-dimensional storage. You have what you can carry, and that's it.

As far as weapons technology, the general rule of thumb is that if you can't explain it thoroughly, you can't allow it. Now, that may be very limiting for some, so that is why it is a general rule. You do not have to explain how a gun works, obviously. One thing I'm expecting to facepalm repeatedly about is swords. DO NOT use a sword just because it is cool. If there is a legitimate reason why a sword would be better than a gun, then go ahead, but again, make sure it is fair and that it fits into the setting. This is important: Laser/Beam weaponry does not do more damage than bullets. It just follows different rules, which may or may not make it more effective against the Xenians. If you are fighting some kind of Rhino-anthro with iron-hard skin, bullets are not advised. Similarly, if you are fighting a navitapath (manipulator of energy), I would think twice before pulling the trigger on that plasma laser. Do not carry ridiculously heavy weaponry unless your character has a reason to do so IC. No soldier would carry a .50 cal around to fight infantry, so don't do that. If, however, you were planning an attack on a stronghold, then by all means, bring heavy weapons, just make sure you are not jumping around ninja-style while you carry them.

Armor-wise, do not use indestructible materials, if I see a single mention of "Adamantium" I will kick you through the intarwebz. Again, if you cannot explain it, at least somewhat, you cannot use it. I don't think I need to say much more about this.

Bottom line: Use common sense.
I guess here I will be explaining more about the Xenian’s. Well first off the Xenians’s A.K.A the non-humans. We live in a different environment than the humans, while they live in a technology based environment we live more in the wilderness type. Like simple village trees surrounded by forest. While it being that we have special abilities ones that the humans do not have we find no reason for technology. As well as it had being decided long ago that even if we did start producing technology it would never be as advanced as the humans. So in the short run. Xenians depend on what is around them. Xenians do not carry guns or anything like that. We do not have the technology for it and in simple terms we really don’t need them. Yet we are able to craft swords and weapons similar to that. Well you will have to go to a local blacksmith.

Now Moving on to our ‘abilities’ so to say. Now I want to state this now. We are NOT all powerful just because we have special abilities that the humans don’t. Clearly if we where more powerful this war would still not be going on. So when making your character think logically please. I mean just because you may manipulate or control fire but that doesn’t mean like you can look at someone and they can burst into flames until they die. Or if you manipulate or control water you cant just suck all the water from a persons body just by looking at them. I you wish to attempt things like that then you have to explain it correctly. You want to set someone on fire, oh by god you can just do it in a less I’m god-like way. Same for the other example.

Well there is not much else to explain really, we just mainly don’t want people to think that just cause you have powers, It doesn’t make you a god. You can have powers that are stronger than others, but make your character have a limit.
Profile Skeleton

Gaia Name:
Appearance: (( picture and description please ))

All human profiles should be submitted to fallenseeker via PM, and all Xenian profiles submitted to Rue Tskino.
Accepted Xenian’s

Gaia Name: Rue Tskino
Name: Iriya
Age: 22
Gender: Female
Personality: She is kind for the position that she is in she needs to be. She is understanding and almost always listens to what people have to say. One thing is that because the way she acts doesn’t mean she cannot hold her own in battle. She is considered one of the strongest. Part of the reason why she leads the Xenian’s.
She has never really hated humans but she does fight them. She wants to protect the people around her. She will not fight unless she is attacked first. She would rather find a way to end this as soon as she can but she understands that the chance of that happening is not good.
Appearance: User Image
Bio: She is the descendant of ____ who had led the revolution all those years ago. She is held in high respects, yet not just because of her ancestry. She is held in high respects because more of who she is, and what she can do.
She is currently the leader of the strongest of the xenian's. She is the one who always
Abilities/Gear: Manipulation of the element Air, along with the powers of Light ((A.K.A healing))
She had hidden dagger on her body, along with she does own a Katana but she normally doesn't take it with her into certain battles. She carries three fans with her, tho they are not normal, two of them are made out of metal and one of them is normal. They can be used for her attaks as well protect herself. She prefers to use her abilities, yet she doesn't use them when they are not needed.


Gaia Name:Randompurple

Name: Ferinir

Age: N/a

Gender: N/a (Usually takes the apperance of a male)

Personality: Ferinir is playful despite his age, he shows great curiosity and unually takes the role of a diplomat so that he can see both sides to an agument.

Appearance: He can hold many apperances however his most common is this.User Image

Bio: Ferinir is a Mytar, a race of shape-shifters who are almost extinct. Only a few dozen remain in the universe. With Ferinir being the only known one on the planet Yusoilk.
They are in such small numbers due to the fact that they never reproduce, they were formed at the begining of the universe and over time have been whittled down to the few that remain.
As such, Ferinir's age is equal to that of existance, he has witnessed more than most of the current universe combined however this experience and knowlege has done little to change his playful and curious nature.
His race is gifted with a repreave from the ravages of time, due to their abilitys to shapeshift. Their true form is just a mixture of many energies, self-perpetuated for eternity in what appears to be a large glowing orb, because of this they never truely die, however what a mortal might call death dose occur.
If they suffer a mortal wound in any of their forms then they lose the ability to hold their form together and their energy will disperse into the environment, joining the cycle that all other energy follows.
They are able to create extensions of themselves, such as weapons armour and clothing, however once these things stop being in contact with the main center of the Mytar's energy then they will simply disperse into raw energy.
The fact that they are formed of pure energy means that their armour and weaponary can survive almost any blow, however it also means that they are subject to conduction and insulation, as is the Mytar themself.

Rank: Advisor to the Xenian leaders

Abilities/Gear: Shapeshifting


Gaia Name:Chihuahua lova
Personality:Very sociable,loves to explore and fight,hates the existence of Humans. Not very interested in boys.
Appearance: (( picture and description please ))User Image
Bio: Mica lived in her town with her family happily. She always thought the Humans as the worlds destruction,so she despised them along with her family. She spent most of her life fighting with pretend weapons,incase some of the Humans came into their home. If she wasn't training,she was exploring the woods around her. She loved to practice her power there. She would make a Human out of sticks,and burn them. She pictured one day she would do that to a real Human. But now,since she is older,she is usually at school,or hanging out with her friends.
Abilities/Gear:She can use the Element fire,and has a home-made dagger strapped to her ankle.


Gaia Name: Sigma Rose
Name: Oswald Rhineheart
Age: Twenty-five
Gender: Male
Personality: Oswald is very laid back, he tries never to get into fights and also avoids human contact. He mainly stays in the village where he feels accepted. Even with the laid back attitude, he still belittles humans and thinks they are below him. Because he grew up in a human area he had seen their ways and didn't like it at all, thinking that because they were not gifted that they are obsolete and should be eliminated.
Appearance: cLiCk
Bio: Growing up Oswald never really had a place to call home where he was accepted because he had been born while in human territory. Finally when he crossed the border, he went to live with an old pharmacist. He learned which herbs healed what ailments, the proper blending method along with other things. But soon, the old woman died and Oswald took over the shop, and even though the medicine isn't as effective or as developed as the humans, he is still very proud of it.
Abilities/Gear: He has the ability of teleportation and his weapon is a staff.
Other: n/a


Gaia Name: A_Kiss_Before_Dying
Name: Zanna Rin (usally goes by Rin)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Sometimes she can be overreactive, other times she is shy. She will warm up to people if they are nice to her or are dear friends. Rin is extreamly loving and smart. She has always been looked at for her good looks and not for who she is. And because of that she hates when people stare at her. She also enjoys helping people and anything that needs her help.
Appearance: User Image
Rin has long silver hair, pale almost grey skin, large white wings, elf like build, and Blood red eyes.
Bio: Rin is a reject of sorts. She was born in a small abandon village. Her bloodline was so long that she doesn't know everything that she is. But not knowing what you are is usually a good thing! When she was born her twin brother Rei died. Her mother took the lose horibily and killed herself. Seeing that his wife comited suicide her father broke down and slowly died. After living on her own in the abandon village she desided to move on. She wondered the woods in search of a place to live. Then one day she happened upon a site were a battle had taken place. She saw many dead humans and Xenians. As she walked through the carnage she spotted a wounded man. Rushing over to him she tried to stop the bleeding that was coming out of his side. Nothing worked and as the man started to died faster she started to cry. Even though she never knew the man she still didn't want him to die. As she cried a bright light came from where her hands lay. In an instint the man was healed. After that she learned that she could use different magics (healing being her strongest).Rin is still wandering around, looking for a place to belong.
Abilities/Gear: Can fly(due to having wings), use healing magic(just not on herself. This magic is the strongest she has in her arsinale), and wind magic (even though here wind magic is much weaker than her healing it can still create illusions to decive her enemys). Also she uses a bow and arrow as her wepon.


Gaia Name: Hana Hoshiko
Name: Adelynn (last name not know)
Age: 19
Gender: female
Personality: Lynn tends to keep to herself and doesn't let her presence known to others due to past events in her life. Can come off cold and unfriendly to those she runs into. Rarely lets her wall down, it has been build up over the years to protect her sanity as well as herself. Has yet to find anyone she can warm up to and tends to be a loner.
Appearance: User Image
Bio: Lynn was conceived by horrible circumstances. Her mother was in once of the villages touched by the last war. While the humans raided their home one ended up raping her unknown mother and leaving her for dead. Her mother survived though and came to learn that he b*****d ended up impregnating her. She could just kill the living thing that was inside her so once she gave birth to Lynn, she dropped her off in the near by city to hope that the girl would have a good life,since she couldn't bare to look at the girl without reliving that moment.
As Lynn grew up in a crummy orphanage she started to notice that she was different then the other kids. If she got upset over one thing or another a cold chill would fill the air, or in snowball fights she ended up making the snow turn into balls of ice and hurting other kids by accident. Too many abnormality happened and once she was a teen she was tossed out to the street to fed for herself. She learned quick that she had to control her emotions and never use this 'gift' she had since the city was all she knew and remembered. Scared of her powers seeing as when she uses them they tend to go out of control and overboard. For now at 19 she is a common petty thief and street wise gal to she can survive in a world that would hate her even if she was half human and half xenion. No real place to take or accept her.
Abilities/Gear: Cryokinesis (control of ice with her mind) maybe water with practice and the right support but for now only ice.
Other: none as of yet. Just very cold natured and keeps to herself.

Accepted Humans

Gaia Name: fallenseeker

Name: Durand

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Personality: Durand is a very reclusive figure. He was offered the job of commanding the main army, but decided that he’d rather work with the elite wing and go on actual missions, because they involved less human contact. He has no love for bloodshed, but he does what he feels is necessary to keep the Xenians from killing his people. He would p<h3er not to fight at all, but knows that he is able to do what many others cannot, and so he owes it to the rest of his race to fight.

Appearance: User Image

Bio: Durand is the current field leader of the most elite wing of the Human army. Rather than simply commanding the grunts, he is in charge of the most tactically skilled humans that are available. During the cease-fire, his group has turned to simple border patrolling, but during the most heated parts of the war, he lead daring raids into the heart of enemy territory. His entire unit is comprised of many different specialists, and between all of them, he has effective answers for most threats by the Xenian magic.

He is a descendant of the family that protected the main city that was under attack during the original Xenian revolt, and it was only be their efforts that they were able to contain the Xenians, rather than being overrun by them. Because of this lineage, he is considered to be a “noble” for being involved in the original line of protectors, although such nobles enjoy no actual power related to that lineage.

Abilities/Gear: He is clad in light carbon-fiber armor that offers a great deal of protection without impairing movement much. He also carries a powerful sub-machinegun that can be alternated between conventional bullets and fletched bullets, the latter being used to maim but not kill targets that are needed alive. The gun is linked to a visor that he wears disguised as simple sunglasses, but they actually are a readout for a extremely accurate and powerful targeting system. This allows him to view the targets and where his gun is aimed without having to use a scope or gun sight. The visor also has a night vision mode and a light filtering mode. In sheaths at his belt behind his back, he wears a pair of foot long blades that release electric current on contact, that will both taser those they cut and electrocute another blade that they come in contact with. He carries flash, smoke, and frag grenades. He has a pair of metal robotic wings that are retractable into his armor that can be used for both short flight and as a makeshift shield. All his gear is powered by removable and replaceable power supplies. Each one lasts for about a day in standby, or 8 hours of extended combat. He carries 5 backups, in addition to the one that would normally be worn with it, but these backups cannot be changed in the heat of battle.


Gaia Name: Randompurple
Name: General Francis Marx
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Personality: Marx is serious about his job, his family, his friends and his whiskey. Everything else is unimportant.
Appearance: User Image
Under his armour, Marx is nothing special in appearance. He has short brown hair, blue eyes and a round face. He is of rather large build but doesn’t stand out. The best word to describe his look is average.
Bio: He was born in a small colony deep in Xenian territory; however the place was left alone until he was 16. His father and mother, who were both members of the militia guard that dh3ended the settlement, were killed and so were most of his friends. He survived by taking up his great-grandfathers rusted old rifle and fighting off an entire platoon with only two basic troops as aid.
He was eventually inducted into the ‘Yusoilk Liberators 1st Company’ and rose through the ranks to become a General. He has been fighting the Xenians for 29 years and intends to die on the battlefield.
Abilities/Gear: He has had little actual training other than the basic drills that his parents taught him, however he has pieced together his own style and skill over the decades. His upper and lower strength are both very impressive. His combat gear consists of a heavy memory-polymer wrapped around titanium plating. It is difficult to manoeuvre in, but offers almost unequalled protection.
His weapon is a chain-fed rotary cannon that fires superheated steel slugs at a rate of 100 shots a second. The gun utilises solar and thermal energy from its surroundings to recharge its battery pack.
He also has a semi-automatic laser pistol holstered on his right thigh as a sidearm and a 15 inch commando knife mounted on his lower back.


Gaia Name : Palelu

Name : Liru

Age : 20

Gender : Female

Personality : To say that Liru is nosy when it comes to Military business would be the understatement of the century. When her free time isn't spent questioning the Military's personnel she might be found trying to weasel into any Top Secret documents she could get her hands on. Her manner is very curt, often times with that no nonsense sort of look. Unless she's caught alone with her cat, that's when things get a tad scary.

Appearance : [x]

Bio : Born into a family of wealth Liru was sheltered from the world and it's war. Her parents would have nothing to do with it and expressly forbid their daughter to participate. She was a young lady of wealth, they said; leave the war for the dogs. Being the clever child she was Liru begged her parents to allow her into the sciences. It was to better society, make life more comfortable for the wealthy man. The idea pleased her parents and they shipped her off to the finest schools money could buy.

Pity that upon their death several years ago in the war's crossfire she took up weapons development.

Abilities/Gear : While she practically wears no dh3ensive gear herself, her cat, Rurin, is equipped with a specially designed collar that creates electromagnet waves that, in a sense, dispels most magic. Unfortunately no one can really stop the wind though Liru is working on that bug. Despite her petite stature and delicate looks Liru has nearly mastered swordsmanship rendering her almost impossible to touch when holding her beam saber in hand. She also carries a small hand gun hidden beneath a large white ribbon on the front of her outfit.


Name: Sanoske Zegawa((Goes By Sano)
Age: 21
Personality:Sano is very calm and collected but is also a very fierce combatant
Bio:Sano's Family was killed at the age of 12 ever sense that day he has hunted for the men who slaughtered his family. Sano Prefers to use his great sword because he knows how to use it better than a gun,he was never good with guns he found them to be rather unreliable and ineffective against his enemy's. When the situation dictates thou he will use his whip or his Desert Eagle both of which he is very proficient with.
Abilities/Gear:A Great Sword, A Desert Eagle(With both incendiary rounds and hollow points) and A Bladed Whip. His Armor consists of a Dragon Skin vest((Which is not actually dragon skin it has little ceramic plates that are layered like scale's))Damascus Steel Bracer's, boots, and a helmet made of Damascus steel((For Those of you who don't know what Damascus is it is basically folded steel which in the process of folding it gains strength....its The same stuff that most hand made Katana's are made of))
Hmm...if i missed anything please tell me lol....im pritty sure you would any way XD
“The same sky.”

Iriya looked down from the sky as she slowly kicked her feet back and forth as they hung down off the branch that she was currently sitting on. Her pure white wings pulled in close to her body as the ends of her wings hung down. The weather was nice out as the sun was shinning down upon her only with a small gust of wind that would blow by once and a while which kept the temperature cool. It was the perfect day, or so it was so far.

Her blue eyes trailed down from the sky, moving her hand up as she placed it delicately on the tree trunk. Closing her eyes after scanning the area around her she gave a soft sigh. The small frown on her face slowly turned into a small smile as she allowed herself to relax and enjoy the day.

She was currently located at the edge of the forest. No matter how much she wanted to go deeper into the forest she knew that It was a bad idea, even so she did do it once and a while. For now she said close to the village just in case someone needed her or something…troublesome occurred. For no matter what she wanted to do or what she was doing she needed to think of more than just herself but she thought of the people around her. She thought of protecting them.

Vicious Elder

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Francis climbed a nearby hill, taking advantage of the high ground to try and spot Durand.
Officialy, they were of equal rank. But everyone knew that Marx took alot of orders from the young 'noble'.
He found it easy to move, for once he had left on a mission without being locked in a giant tin-can. Instead he was decked in basic uniform, his pistol hung from a brown leather holster on his hip.
The massive rotary cannon he tended to carry was still locked in a box at base.
He reached the hilltop and looked out over the vast plains. He didn't expect to find his equal like this, Durand wasn't dumb enough to be out in the open when on border watch.

Ferinir sat on a branch not far from Iriya, his apperance taking that of a Bald Eagle with a long red-brown stripe running down the length of its spine.
He cocked a head at the Xenian leader before releasing sound in the form of his most common voice. "You can't leave, you do know that don't you? These people require your leadership, without it the peace can never last... If peace is what your planet calls this uneasy period between skirmishes."
Durand trudged out of the building he'd been checking out. It was in disrepair, overgrown with weeds and generally abandoned looking; he figured it was as likely a place as any to find Xenians in hiding. With the border being constantly disputed during the last outbreak of war, the people had no concepts of the current borders, and he found himself constantly throwing Xenians out of human territory who had no idea they weren't in their own land. Generally, they were peaceful about it, although every so often he found himself locked in battle with some resistors. He hoped that today wouldn't be one of those days as he kicked open the door to another building.

He was met immediately by a blast of heat that set the door aflame. "Goddamnit..." he muttered as he reached over his shoulder, pulling his assault rifle down and taking aim into the room. There was no light visible, other than that of the burning door, as he creeped past it inside the building. He looked around at the windows, which had been boarded up. He searched through the dim light, trying to find who had attacked him. He suddenly heard a cry from above him, and he looked up. A fireball was headed right for him, and he could see in it's light the angry face of the Xenian who'd thrown it. Durand rolled forward, hearing the blast explode behind him, and looked up again, firing into the bottom of the metal staircase, hearing some bullets hit the metal and ricochet, but most passed through the bottom, wounding his attacker.

He walked back up the stairs, approaching the man. "You are in violation of border policies. You have also assailed a member of the Human Liberation army. Your crimes carry a heavy sentence and you shall be tried--"

He was cut off as the man threw another blast at him from the ground. He dodged, putting his back against the wall, and opened up fire on the man again, splattering his blood everywhere. "I hate it when they make me do that..." He murmured as he walked back down the stairs, exiting the building. "I should be glad of the fact that border patrol is the most important assignment they can think of for the moment..." He saw the rest of his team up ahead and ran off to join them and head to the next sector.

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