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History in a nutshell

Xayden Hawksflew, Have Elf, half Vampire, was once the 2nd in comand of a great city named Dusk. However, at this point in tyme, Xayden was a millinia old, he had seen war, seen what the ones waging it would never see in person, and even Dusk, a town whom's birth he had witnessed, was now locked in a struggle with Dawn. Xayden watch countless die until he grew weary of seeing needless blood spilled.
One day, he was gone. His home, an extension of his very soul, empty. Xayden simply vanished. Now, 300 years later, a new civilization has risen. Eden, a land of wonder and peace, with Lord Xayden the Mage at the helm. All are welcome to Eden, the land of magic.
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Table Of Contents






Listen close and listen TIGHT!

Here, I/Xayden are GOD! I created it, I reserve the right here and now to Bend or Break my own rules. I make in the future (if this goes long enough) Appoint somebody as my right hand, until then, please, if I say something, Listen.

No Godmoding

No Flaming

No killing without consent.

Romance and swears are cool, just limit it to a suitable rating. I know I am a mature person, and others may come as well, but not everyone is so please keep them in mind, I am trusting YOU with this. If i have to mention it to you more than twice, you are out and reported.

ok, now we have the baby stuff out of the way. Please be atleast semi-lit. For those who doesnt know what that means, it means make sure we can understand what you are trying to say, and make it readable. I am not going to give you a min or max on how much to type, but please make sure you are giving your fellow rpers enough to work with.

Please care for your spelling. I know sometimes it is hard fore my spelling sucks, but try.

Pm all pros please with the word "eden" as the title.

Profile Skeletons

Race: (please nothing TOO outrageous)
Position in city: (store owner, guard, bum, citizen, ect feel free to make one up)
Powers: (Remember, you are not god, even Xayden has limits)
Appearance: (pick preferred, ask if you dont know how, i dont mind questions)

Username:Xander Ravenwing
Name:Xayden Hawksflew
Age:He makes dirt look young
Race: Halfbreed (Elven/Vampire)
Position in city: Founder/"King"
Bio:Xayden has lived a long life. He knows the pain and the pleasures of life. His mother, a Celestial Elf Lady, was seduced by the power of a Vampire Lord. They produced him from their Damned union. He is old as sin, the only living beings old than him (that he knows) are his mother a father. Xayden prefer to stay in his garden when duty doesn't call, and even when it does, most things he can deal with there, surrounded by his plants. He is a wizard but he prefers the druidic magic of the forest. However, he is also part vampire. He can seduce, glamor, sense thoughts, fly, shadow walk, the things vampires are known for. He does need blood to survive, but very little, he also needs regular food. Light bothers him after too long as does silver.
Weapons: Two swords
Powers: Telepath, shadow walker, flight, plants.
Appearance: User Image
His Garden:User Image

Username: Hero_of_Masks
Name:Snap Dragon
Age: 25
Race: Dragon Elf
Position in city: Bounty Hunter
Bio:Not much is known about Snap. His mother was a Blue Dragon and met his Father, a Brave Adventure, in a Bar while she was in her human form. Snap is what was born for there one night stand.
Weapons: Besides his natural Fangs and claws, he holds a spear of winter frost.
Powers: he can breath cold/Frost and lightning. he has diandome hard scales on most of his body, he can fly in human form or in dragon for and he can call elementals of the winter

Human Form

User Image

Dragon Form

User Image

Username: Berylis
Name: Gabriel
Age: 500
Race: Vampire
Position in city: Advisor / aide to Xayden
Bio: In short, Gabriel has made some very bad choices in his life, and up until recently was controlled by the darkness from which he drew his powers. By the grace of a goddess, or another force of which he is not aware, Gabriel managed to break the tethers that bound him in service to the darkness. Now, with the grim memory in mind, Gabriel serves Xayden with complete loyalty, knowing the alternative.
Weapons: Gabriel doesn't carry any weapons with him, because he is much more proficient in his various vampiric disciplines. However, I suppose you could say that his hands are weapons. His hands are spidery, and his nails are black and sharp, like claws.
Powers: Obtenebration (shadow manipulation), Thaumaturgy (ritualistic blood magic)
Appearance: User Image

Username: Captain Taro
Name: Hamlet
Age: 13 (Deceased)
Race: Spirit
Position in city: Messenger/ Pick Pocket
Bio: Hamlet was what most would call a ‘genius child’, with intelligence beyond what was normal for his age. Unfortunately he had very weak lungs, and it wasn’t long before death caught up with him. Instead of moving on however, he decided he liked his home too much to leave it, and remained ‘living’ there. He has befriended many creatures in his time, one in particular being a cat called Caliban. Being a spirit has made him a perfect associate for criminals, as he can divert attention and even commit crimes himself on their behalf without ever being caught.
Weapons: N/A
Powers: Spiritual abilities i.e. invisibility, walk through walls, possession etc.
Appearance: User Image

Username: Prynce-Charmyng
Name: Mykail Harfang
Age: 19
Race: Werewolf
Position in city: Street-Rat
Bio: Mykail's parents died when he was young and he has been living in the streets ever since. He steals whatever he needs and is always hiding from the guards. The guards just think that he is an elf due to his agility and senses, he fears that he would be seriously hunted if the knew what he really is.
Weapons: Teeth, Claws and Wit
Powers: Night Vision, Wolf Senses, Transformation, Dogs Obey Him
Appearance: User ImageUser Image

Username: #secret oblivion#
Name: Sven Heirri
Age: 32
Race: Human
Position in city: Farmer/Hunter/Runesmith
Bio: Sven`s family came from the north many years ago. From the barbaric mountains called the Dark Peaks. They settled outside of the city walls and build a large cabbin complete with a field to grow vegetables and grain. Also a water driven mill was build. Sven`s father was a runesmith and Sven learned all his skills from him, Runesmithing is the process of making an ordinary weapon magical through the proces of striking runes on it. Sven is now all alone outside the walls of the great city, but he usualy comes inside to go to the bar or sell his wares. Or people come to him to get their weapons a buff.
Weapons: A bow and a quiver of arrows. And a hand axe. Both with special runes on them. Making them go through armor and damaging magical creatures like vampires and werewolfes.
Powers: Using his magical amulet he can heal himself and others
Appearance: User Image

Revolt Against The Horror
Ryu N. Kalcifer
Advanced Human
Position in city:
Head Hunter
Ryu was an odd child. His mental capacity exceeded that of most old men who had lived for many years longer than himself. At a young age he discovered his powers and was capable of perfecting them with a year or so each. Since the age of 12 he has hunted dangerous men. Hell bent on erradicating such scum from the earth, beliving that he was one of the closest things to god. He had been worshiped by the town he had lived in, which unfortunatly only increased his belief. But since then he has abonded the idea after a sudden realisation that he was going to far and now punishes those who refer to him as the 'God of the New Era'!
-Ferokinesis - Mental manipulation of metals.
-Hyalokinesis - Mental manipulation of glass.
-Bliss and Horror - Ability to activate the bodies pleassure and pain receptors.
-Puppet Master - Ability to mentaly control a persons movements. Suck as paralyzing limbs and making them move when they dont want too.

User Image

Username: Courtney Blake
Name: Ruby grimoir
Age: 18
Race: Half human, Half dwarf
Position in city: Blacksmith's daughter/apprentice
Bio: Being part dwarf, Ruby is short and tough. Her father is a full dwarf and her mother is human. Her mom is always sick, very delicate and her father is the complete opposite. Tough and strong.
Weapons: Whatever she can find in the shop. Her father has been teaching her how to use an axe.
Powers: Ruby can heal people. (Think green mile)
Appearance: User Image

Username: XxpandazxX
Name: Abigail
Age: looks around 19 but is really 158.
Race: elf
Position in city: citizen, but she never stays in one place fore long,
Bio: Abigail doesn't remember really anything when she was young, just that she never had a real family. She travel's land, never staying there for long.
Weapons: daggers and a bow and arrows
Powers: healing and teleportation
Appearance: User Image

Username: x-biochemically delish-x
Name: Elena Darkheart
Age: 17
Race: Elf
Position in city: Mercenary
Bio: Elena was left in the forest when she was a child, seeing as her parents were killed by who knows what. She survived until the age of 6, where she finally went out into the habited place. Elena learned of many things, but she never truly made the city her home. She learned about the sword arts from some man that was willing to teach her. Elena continued her training and became extremely good herself. She started to kill things and people for money and it didn't bother her. She just continued being emotionless.
Weapons: Two blades that she uses.
Powers: Elena can control metals, ores, etc. Nothing too big though, like making a huge giant out of steel. That is impossible, at least for her it is.
Appearance: User Image

Username:Japanese Cow
Name: Kiato Xalita
Age: 17
Race: Shinigami
Position in city: N/A
Bio:Kiato has already died, she killed herself from deep depression because her love of her love sincerely hated her. So as a punishment The God of Shinigami's took her and made her for eternity a shinigami. She is destined to take the souls and return them to their rightful place ( heaven ,hell,etc. ) But Kiato hates being a shinigami and she longs for life, so she has cheated the rules and makes herself appear to human and she proceeds to try to live a human life like she once did.
Weapons: a scythe
Powers: She can taek the souls of people but that is only of they are sick or near death, she has multiple powers as a shinigami aswell ( which will be revealed )
Appearance: User Image
Any questions that i may think are important i will post here with the answer. Before anyone asks, If you notice refrences to another rp, it is because Xayden is another character in an rp. In this rp he is 2nd in command of the guard of Dusk who is at war with dawn, if you want the link posted then i will just ask. other than that

Fire away!

pick preferred? or what do you mean by this?
It means I would prefer it if people use a picture
Snap Flew over the lush greenness, his Shining blue Dragon body seeming to contrast with the area. He landed in a clearing big enough and changed into his human form.

"Man!, its warm today"
It was a beautiful day in Eden, the sun wasn't too bright, air was mild with a soft breeze that played in his long white hair. He smiled hearing the bird sing. A shadow passed over head "Was that a dragon, oh dear." he said, worried a panic might arise. He lifted himself from the roots of one of his oldest trees and made ready to leave the palace to be with his people. It was always hard to leave this place. He had molded and grown everything so much, it, like his old home, had become a part of him, but then, so was the city, also created by that same magic.
Ruby Grimoir
User Image
Ruby sat outside the door to the shop, watching the bird's fly in the air. Her father was talking with one of their biggest client's, and it "wasn't for her ears". She grabbed a stick and started drawing pictures in the dirt.
"Stupid big client's and their stupid meetings" She muttered to herself.
Snap aproached a cave and looked it over, ate any creature residing with-in.
"this looks like a nice place to set up shop"
Snap took a deeep breath and breathed into the cave which became covered in ice and snow.

"ahh.. much better"
Xayden walked through the town with a light cloak on, the hood pulled over his head. This wasnt to hide him from his people, but to sheild him from any direct sun light, it wouldn't kill him, just give him a terrible burn. He didn't look any different from normal people. He dressed only in practical clothes except for when court mandate otherwise. Sadly, he is also as clumsy and tripped over a young girl's stick and broke it. "Oh dear, I am sorry young lady, i hope i didnt mess up your picture." He said squating down to see her better
Ruby Grimoir
User Image
Ruby stood up, gaining a foot of height. She looked up at the man and smiled.
"Thats alright.It was just a doodle. Why are you wearing such a heavy cloak? It's so humid today." She asked out of curiosity.
Courtney Blake
Ruby Grimoir
User Image
Ruby stood up, gaining a foot of height. She looked up at the man and smiled.
"Thats alright.It was just a doodle. Why are you wearing such a heavy cloak? It's so humid today." She asked out of curiosity.

He smiled and stood. His blue eyes had stars in then that sparkled when he smiles. "I am an old man," he said, and by looking at him, anyone would have thought him a liar and no older than 20. "And too much sun hurts my old skin." he said. "would you like something better to draw on dear?" he asked.
Ruby Grimoir
User Image
Ruby frowned at the man.
"And I'm a giant. And it's not like I could afford anything more than dirt. But thank you for the offer." She said, assuming he was trying to sell something.

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