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Daring Red-Shirt

Daring Red-Shirt

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.: Name :.
Isabelle Reid

.: Nickname :.
None. She prefers Isabelle to any shortened versions of her name.

.: Age :.

.: Birthday :.
July 27th

.: Appearance :.
Text description on height/weight/etc. in spoiler tag below.
Height: 5' 4"
Weight: 125 pounds
Hair color: About as fiery red as a natural red head can get.
Eye color: green
Skin tone: Fair, pale, however you'd like to describe it. Essentially she's about as white as white gets. She's got some light freckles that dot her upper cheeks under her eyes, and a little across the upper bridge of her nose.
Appearance: Isabelle is thin, but has a little bit of a dancer's muscle build. It's not totally obvious, but it is there slightly. The curves of her form give her a slight hourlgass figure. She's a little bit on the busty side, but not overly so and is at best just a little over average.

.: Talents :.
Isabelle is a talented dancer in various styles and techniques, most of which she learned from the various workers and visitors to the tavern her father worked for. She also has a good sense of balance and flexibility, which she comes by naturally though it is honed through her dancing. Isabelle also inhereted her father's musical talent. She can play piano and sing, though her passion lies more with dancing. She'd much prefer to listen to someone else play than do so herself.

.: Fears :.
Isabelle is terribly afraid of losing her sister or even anything bad happening to the girl in general.

.: Occupation :.
Saloon girl

.: View on Mutants :.
Isabelle doesn't see mutants as any different from anyone else. She finds the poor treatment of them to be deplorable.

.: Personality :.
Isabelle is an adventurous and fiery red head who isn't afraid to tell you what's on her mind. She's very stubborn when she wants to be and can have a bit of a temper on her when provoked enough. She's also fairly smart though, and despite all that she is (usually) pretty level-headed and smart in the way she goes about things.

It is fairly safe to suffice that Addy is her number one priority in life. Isabelle is fiercely protective of the girl and doesn't tolerate people harassing her. Her care for Addy oftentimes leaves her to push her own wants and desires aside in order to do whatever she feels is best for Addy.

Being a saloon girl, she can be quite the the playful little flirt. She can also be a little on the seductive side when she's working, although not in ways that are overly sexual. She isn't a whore, after all, and is quick to remind that fact to any customers that forget it.

.: Background :.
Isabelle was, for the most part, raised by her father. They lived in the tavern where he worked as a fiddler and piano player. As her mother had left them when she was six, the only female role models she had were the women that worked in the tavern. To many, it was probably deplorable for her father to raise a young girl in such an environment, but Isabelle seems to have no qualms about it. Besides, the skills she picked up gave her a means to provide for herself after her father passed at seventeen. After getting all her affairs in order, she left soon after, deciding to go searching for her mother.

She found herself in Highwater with few funds and next to zero leads on her mother's whereabouts. Deciding to pick up a job at the tavern, she at first intended to stay only long enough to gather together enough funds to continue her search. She soon found that she enjoyed her life there however, and decided to give up her search.

It was then, of course, that she heard rumors of her mother being seen a few towns over. Deciding she at least wanted to see the woman, Isabelle left and went to search for her. She never did find the woman, but instead found a half sister she never knew existed.

Not liking the way the girl was treated by her father, Isabelle took custody of the girl and brought her back with her to Highwater Creek. She's been living there with Addy for the last five years now, working at the tavern and taking care of her sister, trying to work the girl out of her quietness.

.: Other :.
Isabelle is bilingual. She speaks English as well as her father's native tongue, Scottish Gaelic. Not that that's really important, the only time one might hear her speak in Gaelic is if she's singing a song from her father's homeland.

She also speaks with a slight Scottish lilt. This comes from her father, who was, as they say, fresh off the ship from Scotland when he first met her mother.

Isabelle is a poor cook and her sewing is shoddy at best. She lacks finesse in most other household chores as well.

Isabelle will not say a word about Addy's father. She is, (literally) under contract not to.

.: Theme Song :.
Roundable Rival - Lindsey Stirling

Daring Red-Shirt

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.: Name :.
Adelina Baker Reid

.: Nickname :.

.: Age :.

.: Birthday :.
April Seventeenth

.: Appearance :.
.X. .X.
Text description on height/weight/etc. in the spoiler tag below.
Height: 4' 10"
Weight: 100 pounds
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Green
Skin tone: Addy has a medium skin tone that tends to be just a touch on the fairer side of the scale.
Appearance: Addy is a small little thing with a petite figure. Physically, she isn't very strong and as such doesn't have much muscle build, if any at all. Her black hair falls down to just an inch or so above her waist and is nearly what one would call 'stick straight' in appearance.

.: Mutant Ability :.
Addy is a shape shifter of sorts. Thus far her only known alternative form is that of a small black field mouse. It is unknown if any other forms are possible. If they are, she has shown no indication that she is capable of doing so.

When in her mouse form, she has all the abilities, strengths and weaknesses a normal mouse would have.

.: Control Level :.
Addy's ability acts as a sort of 'fight or flight' mechanism. When she gets too frightened or upset, they have a tendency to activate on their own. Otherwise, she has full control and capable of changing her shape at will...though it's very rare that she will choose to do so.

.: Weaknesses :.
Addy's clothes do not go with her when she shifts forms. They simply wind up a heap on the ground. Because of this, she does not like to transform and will only do so on purpose if she truly feels she must.

She can only shift forms so many times a day before she starts to run out of energy to do it. Likewise, if she is too tired, hurt or hungry, she likely won't be able to change shape.

Any injuries she has in human form will transfer to her mouse form.

Addy is also quite a little people pleaser. There are a few exceptions of course, but generally speaking, if you tell her to do something, she'll probably do it, either out of fear or desire to gain acceptance.

.: Talents :.
Addy is a talented painter. It is her one source of getting her feelings out. She loves to paint a variety of things, from nature, to animals, to people that she knows. She is also quite good at cleaning. Addy is also fairly intelligent, despite her personality. She is generally quick to pick up on new tasks, and things like basic education.

.: Fears :.
Addy is afraid of a variety of things, but it all stems from the one single fear of not being accepted. Other things she's afraid of include riding horses, losing Isabelle and transforming back to her human form in front of people.

.: Occupation :.
Addy works at the tavern as a cleaning girl. She sweeps floors, wipes down tables and the counter, etc.

.: Personality :.
The best way to describe Addy would probably be to call her a mouse. Timid and quiet, she can also be somewhat skittish when it comes to others. Her 'fight or flight' is most definitely set to 'flight' and she'd much rather run from perceived danger and/or frightening situations than she would face them. She is also quite the people pleaser, however, which more often than not places her outside her comfort zones in an attempt to please others.

Addy is also somewhat childish in nature. This side of her is most often seen by people who she is very comfortable with, though there are smaller traces of it that can be seen otherwise. She can get a bit pouty when asked to do things she doesn't like. Though not a picky eater, if she does come across something she doesn't like she can be fairly childish about someone trying to get her to eat it. If she's hurt or injured, getting her to let one take care of it can take some convincing. Especially if getting it taken care of will hurt or require bad tasting medicine.

.: Background :.
After running off on Isabelle's father, Isabelle's mother met up with a man of great wealth. She married him and gave birth to another daughter. Seems the woman was simply not the mothering type, because she took off yet again, this time staying only three years. Her mother left shortly after it was discovered the girl was both a mutant and had difficulties with speech.

Addy's father blamed her for her mother leaving, and took no issue in continuously reminding her of the fact. She was given very little, if any affection from the man in the ten years that she lived with him. He never physically harmed her mind you, for the most part he simply distanced himself from her.

Being ashamed of what his daughter was and not wanting word to get out about her, he kept her secluded in the house. He hired a private teacher from a nearby deaf community to tutor her in her schooling as well as teach her to communicate using a form of sign language. She grew up never being allowed to leave the house or be around when company was over.

When Isabelle came along, her father quickly gave the job of caretaker over to her, and Addy moved to Highwater with her sister. For the first few years, she rarely left the house. This changed about two years ago, when Isabelle decided it was high time she got out and started actually meeting people.

.: Other :.
Addy has a speech impediment that causes her to stutter when she speaks. Having had it ingrained in her that she wasn't to talk, she will only communicate with her sign language, except in very rare instances where she feels she has no other choice but to speak. Because sign language was not formally invented at the time and varied from area to area, however, few seem capable of understanding it. Isabelle more often than not acts as her interpreter and speaks for her.

.: Theme Song :.
Transcendence (Orchestral Version) - Lindsey Stirling
Transcendence - Lindsey Stirling
Song of the Caged Bird - Lindsey Stirling

Daring Red-Shirt

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.: Name :.
Mabel (No known last name)

.: Nickname :.
Calico. She hates her real name and will not give it out under any circumstances. As far as anyone knows, Calico is her birth name.

.: Age :.

.: Appearance :.

Calico is thin with a slight hourglass figure. Her muscles are lean and lightly toned, mostly in her legs and arms. She has small fang-like canines instead of normal human ones and retractable claws under her fingernails. She has splotches of skin that are discolored in what appear to be calico-cat like markings in black, orange-ish brown and white. These splotches are located on the backs of her hands, going up to just past her wrists, and on her shoulders. There's some on her thighs, and down near her ankles. There's one black one around her left eye, and hear ears are also covered in these markings. Her ears are also pointed, somewhat elf-like in appearance, though they don't have any fur on them, only the markings.

Her hair is somewhat shaggy and a little bit wavy and falls down to about the middle of her back. Her eyes are slightly almond shaped. She also has a cat-like tail with the same calico cat like coloring as her 'markings'.

.: Mutant Ability :.
Calico's abilities are fairly apparent from her appearance. She is a cat-like creature. She has incredible reflexes, balance and flexibility. Her hearing and sense of smell are much better than that of a normal human's, though not quite as good as an actual cat's. She has retractable claws under her fingernails. She can see somewhat better in the dark than others can, though not nearly as well as an actual cat could.

.: Control Level :.
Calico has full control over her abilities, though some need to be developed further.

.: Weaknesses :.
Calico is unable to turn her abilities off. This comes as a disadvantage to her in the sense she is unable to blend in with normal society. Her heightened sense of hearing can also be a bit if a curse when loud noises or settings are involved. Likewise, her heightened sense of smell can also be a bit of a curse under certain circumstances.

.: Talents :.
Calico is a talented hunter, though she prefers to do so with her claws or a knife. She dislikes guns because, in her opinion, they're too loud and they hurt her ears. She is also quite good at acrobatic type things - climbing, jumping, that sort of thing. Stealth is also a talent of hers...if she can manage to keep her mouth shut long enough, that is.

.: Fears :.
Calico greatly fears being alone. It is the one thing she hates more than anything. Likewise, she also fears losing people she cares about. She also has a severe dislike for being in small and/or confined spaces, and thus hates the idea of being locked up or restrained in any way.

.: Occupation :.
Resident annoyance Wanderer

.: Personality :.
Calico is an adventurous and rambunctious young woman. She's constantly full of energy and she can (and will) talk your ear off if you let her. Being a fairly social creature, she dislikes being alone. She's usually pretty friendly, but she can be blunt and can be fairly temperamental. Having the attention span of a gnat however, she can be annoyed one second and over it the next. Literally. She can be quite mischievous when she wants to be. Her favorite way of greeting someone is by pouncing on them. When she's happy, she purrs, and has been known to nuzzle people's cheeks and/or shoulders as well.

Calico has what one might call severe abandonment issues. She doesn't handle loss well and cannot stand to be around others who are grieving. Her way of handling grief is to pretend like she never cared to begin with. If others continue to grieve, she will distance herself from them in order to avoid having to deal with her own grief.

.: Background :.

Ask her, and ye may receive. Just be prepared for her to talk your ear off and probably go off on several different tangents in the process.

.: Other :.
Calico is a nickname given to her by someone who was once a very close friend of hers.

.: Theme Song :.
Spontaneous Me - Lindsey Stirling

Daring Red-Shirt

.: Name :.
Isaak Romanov

.: Nickname :.
He simply goes by Isaak.

.: Age :.

.: Appearance :.
(Picture pending. For now, have a description.)

Isaak stands approximately 5' 9", give or take an inch. He has a thin to medium frame that is toned from his years of travel, though he's not overly muscular in appearance. His skin tone, naturally a more pale peach in color, seems to be forever tanned from his years of traveling and being out in the desert sun. His hair is short but a little shaggy in nature, and is typically kept rather messy as he can't be bothered to comb it other than to run his fingers through it to keep the knots out. It is a darkish brown in color. His eyes are gray.

.: Mutant Ability :.

Light and shadow manipulation. Isaak has the capability to strengthen shadows to darken a room into near pitch black, and brighten lights into blinding flashes.

.: Control Level :.
Isaak has full control over his abilities, though there are areas he isn't very strong in. Such as manipulating light from the stars/moon.

.: Weaknesses :.
In order to manipulate either light or shadow, there first has to be either light or shadow present. If a room is already too dark, for instance, then his power is rendered useless. There's also a limit to the area he's able to cover. Wide open spaces are quite difficult and rather impractical in most cases. Large rooms require more concentration and take up more of his energy.

.: Talents :.
Being cocky and reckless Isaak is quite talented at aiming and shooting a gun. This most applies to hand guns, though his skill with a shotgun is nothing to sneeze at either.

Isaak is also quite skilled at horse riding. He can ride both bareback and with a saddle.

Due to his constant traveling, he is also quite skilled at surviving in the wilderness. He is capable of telling poisonous plants from edible ones, a few plants that are good for somewhat medicinal purposes, how to find game and water, etc.

Though he will never advertise it and avidly tries to avoid it, Isaak is quite skilled in leadership and all that goes along with it. Taking charge, making tough decisions, being responsible, the whole nine yards.

.: Fears :.
Isaak has, what you may call, fear of commitment. Not just in the romantic sense, either. He has no desire to have attachments of any kind.

.: Occupation :.
Wanderer, daredevil, vigilante, gun for hire, occasional outlaw.

.: Personality :.
Reckless. If you looked the word up in the dictionary, you'd probably see Isaak's picture next to it. Not only does he react to situations in a way that shows no care for his own safety, but he actually seems to seek out danger on a regular basis. Indeed, he truly does desire danger. Isaak is a man who has long since stopped caring if he lives or if he dies. It's almost as though he puts himself through increasingly dangerous situations just to see where his luck finally runs out.

Isaak is also quite cocky, though not necessarily arrogant. He can be, on occasion, but Isaak does not really view himself as better than others, nor does he think himself God's gift to anyone.

Though he wouldn't classify himself as a total lady's man, Isaak can be quite the flirt. He's not afraid to admit that he quite likes a pretty thing in his bed, though he always warns them it won't be a long term endeavor.

A good majority of Isaak's reckless behavior is fighting for what he thinks is right. That saloon girl is getting harassed? He'll pick a fight with the guy harassing her. Bank robbers? He'll try and take them out. Officials harassing an innocent mutant? He'll try to help. Naturally this has caused more than one run-in with the law...though in some instances, he's actually gained their thanks. It all depends on where you ask around, really.

Isaak hates to get attached to anything or anyone. He wanders from town to town because of this, perhaps making pleasant acquaintances, but very rarely if ever any actual friends. Rarely does he ever stay long in a place, unless he's lacking in funds.

.: Background :.
Isaak tends to be very tight-lipped about his past. In his opinion, it's not anybody's business but his own.

.: Other :.
Isaak never calls anybody by their actual name. No matter the protests, he will always use whatever nickname he decides to come up with for them.

.: Theme Song :.
Long Way - Christ Daughtry
Roundtable Rival - Lindsey Stirling
Duck and Run - 3 Doors Down

Friendly Lunatic

Name: Adrian Montero
Nickname: Quicksilver
Age: 23
Appearance: Adrian Montero
Mutant Ability: Silver Manipulation- The ability to move, liquify, and shift silver into what ever he desires. With the power to create bullets from the silver hidden in his clothing, Adrian rarely ever runs out of ammo. With the power to manipulate silver, Adrian is also capable of sensing near by sources of silver. Silver is also capable of conducting electricity very well.
Control Level: Under perfect conditions, Adrian has utmost control over his ability. Silver under severe temperatures can be harder to control.
Weaknesses: As stated above, fire can soften the silver, or even melt it, while the cold can make the silver more brittle and prone to shattering. If the silver is melted by an intense heat, it becomes harder for Adrian to control and solidify, likewise, if the metal becomes brittle from intense cold, it will become harder to liquify and mold the way he wants.
Talents: Gunsmithing, sharpshooting, mining, and horse back riding.
Fears: The day when order gives in to chaos. Though Adrian has always disliked the way mutants have been mistreated by humans, he fears the very idea of humans and mutations killing one another over hatred.
Occupation: Enforcer
Personality: Adrian is a man with a heart as pure as the precious metal, silver. He cares for those around him, even when they show disgust at who and what he is. To those that would call him a dirty miner, a tainted human, a horrible monster, ect, Adrian would simply smile and bid them a good day. After all, what good does it do for a mutation to retaliate when they can show that not all mutations are monsters. One thing Adrian strives for above all else, is keeping order and peace with in Highwater Creek even if it means bringing fellow mutations to justice. A carefree guard dog, may still be a dog, but he also has a duty and purpose to fulfill.
Background: Adrian was born into a good home with a loving mother and father. Both were humans and both were well known amongst the town folk. There was just one thing, however, that they hated more than anything. Mutations. For years, the Montero family continued on with no earthly idea of what the boy was capable of. Then again, maybe the parents did know, but decided to ignore the very idea that their little boy was a little monster.

At the age of 10, Adrian's powers really started to flourish. At first the issues were minor. Coins would appear distorted or bent in some strange way, jewelry showed signs of slowly melting, while other items would go missing for quite some time only to find their way into the boy's room. A couple of months after the parents began to discover the bizarre events, the mother had returned home to find every piece of silver in the home, floating around as if it had a mind of it's own. The boy's power was wild and untamed, especially when he slept, so when the mother ran to Adrian's room and tried to wake him from his rest, the power lashed out at the mother. It bombarded her with coins, medallions, antiques and jewelry. She ran from her home screaming that a demon had possessed her boy, forever denying the fact of him being a mutant.

Eventually, this child was taken from his home. At first he was to be put down or thrown into some cell where his powers could be watched. It was when one of the nobles discovered the news of his ability that the boy was sent to the silver mines, forced to hard labor to make a rich man all the richer. Adrian didn't mind, as long as he was allowed to live. Some of the other miners even became like friends and gave him his nickname, Quicksilver, for his ability to quickly discover new silver veins. At the age of 14, Adrian had learned how to keep his ability under control, but had already located all of the silver in the mind. The rich man no longer had a desire to keep the tiny mutant around and decided to cut him off. The miner that had given the boy his nickname decided to contact a brother of his. A gunsmith of great skill who had established good contacts with those who ran the town. The gunsmith took the boy in as an apprentice and many years later upon discovering the boy's skill with both his mutant ability and sharp shooting, informed the town officials who would later take Quicksilver in as an Enforcer.
Other: Tucked under Adrian's shirt, is a small silver medallion with the image of a phoenix on one side and ashes on the other. The medallion is slightly melted down and warped, but has stayed with him ever since he left home. At times it was taken from him, but somehow Adrian always found it back on himself by the next morning.

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