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Lucia Mornar

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"Too long the less fortunate have been held under the heel of the rich, decadent and corrupt. This "golden era" is nothing but a facade. The only answer to these social injustices is revolution. I will bring the equality and justice that were never shown to me to my people, whatever the cost."

I go by: Lucia Mornar.

I've been around the block a few times: 30.

I'm proud of my heritage: Valkyrur.

I've got a few tricks up my sleeve: Her favorite weapon is a large scythe, and she is a practiced, competent wielder. She is one of the few scythe wielders in Valkyrur history, and one of the even fewer who have essentially mastered the art.

Where I'm from: Her hometown is Ignalis, but she has traveled all over Iria, spending time in every major city, and everywhere in between.

I side with: She sides with herself, of course!

Not much, but it's a living: Leader of the Vanguard.

Don't underestimate me: Like any other Valkyrur, she controls fire, but she is able to summon more fire than most, and with less of a drain on her energy. She is agile, and possesses far greater physical strength than one would guess from her appearance or her age.

This is my story, pay attention: From a very young age, she was thrust out into the wide world, after her parents were thrown into prison. She was made a ward of the state, with nothing to her name but a little egg that she found in her parents room. She spent some time at an orphanage, but found it to be a haven of neglect, and chose to take her chances on the streets. And so, she was left subject to all the injustices of the world far earlier than most. She traveled from city to city, looking to scrape out a decent living any way she could. She worked as a courier, a street-cleaner, maid, servant, and, in a particularly desperate phase, a prostitute. Along the way, she was beaten, robbed, kicked to the curb, even stabbed, never given a respite from the brutality. She survived any way she could, never without a trace of regret. She committed her sins with a voice in her head condemning every action she made. The only solace she found was in the little bird that had hatched from her egg. It's fiery beauty struck awe into her heart, and she fell in love with the creature immediately. It became her guiding spirit, the representation of all her hope that her fate would change some day.

Eventually, she was rescued by a poor couple who treated her as their daughter, taking care of her as best as they could, despite their highly limited resources. When they were killed in a carriage accident involving a careless wealthy driver, she was broken in some indefinable way, somewhere deep inside. And the strength of her character allowed her to rebuild herself with greater power. Thus, she was reborn as a revolutionary, destined to make her impact. She found a scythe to be a natural fit for her, and she began training extensively, honing her body. She exercised and pushed herself to her very limit, preparing for the day she would make her mark. Through simple talks at bars and the like, she found people who agreed with her point of view. People liked her, and she found support nearly everywhere she voiced her opinion. One day, she met with a man named Roland, who became her closest ally, along with his organization. Soon enough, she had followers and she built up the organization known today as the Vanguard. Content to bide her time, she kept a low profile, until she unleashed everything she had to topple the Ignalis infrastructure and claim it as her own.

Have a look at my true self: She is a passionate individual, to whom pride means everything. Her greatest concern is for the Valkyrur people, and she considers their well-being to be above her own. Somewhat of a utilitarian, she believes the ends justifies the means and will stop at nothing in this war which she believes will help her people in the long run. She is intelligent and cultured, and is excellent at debating plus articulating her beliefs. Strong-willed and ruthless, she is a very dangerous yet influential individual, whose charisma draws people to her with ease.

Right, I almost forgot to mention: She has a special affinity for dragons, that she discovered when she met a dragon in the furthest reaches of Ignalis. She is able to communicate telepathically with them, for reasons unknown to her. She rides a great phoenix named Seraphina, one of the last of its kind, whom she can also communicate with telepathically. She found it's egg when she was very young, and they are extremely close. She is an ancestor to Selene Marron.

My guardian angel: Hymn For The Gallows.
Roland Vastera

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"A mask is the truest expression of who we are. My face is not who I really am, it is an illusion, woven by a skilled deceiver. Everyone wears a mask, whether they know it or not. There is far more meaning to be found in the disguises we choose for ourselves, than in our simple unremarkable visages."

I go by: Roland Vastera.

I've been around the block a few times: 45.

I'm proud of my heritage: Valkyrur.

I've got a few tricks up my sleeve: His preferred weapon is a rapier, one he has named Crescent Eclipse, that is said to have been forged from a piece of the moon itself.

Where I'm from: Vyirmina.

I side with: He sides with Lucia.

Not much, but it's a living: He is the leader of the shadowy mercenary group Shadow Mind, who are famed for their skills in assassination, information-gathering, and other dark activities.

Don't underestimate me: He is an exceptional fighter who relies more on deception and agility than brute strength. His rapier strikes with lightning speed and accuracy, he fights like a ghost, elusive and nimble. He can even blend in with the shadows, making him all but undetectable. This is a rare secondary ability, and makes him even more dangerous than he already is.

This is my story, pay attention: Born in the frozen depths of the icy plains around Vyirmia on the day of a great blizzard, he was never like any of the other kids in his small village. Aloof and unwilling to cooperate, he made little to no friends, as well as never obeying his parents who had no idea what to do with him. The only things that seemed to give him joy were fighting and weapons. He especially had a passion for swordplay, and much of his time was spent pretending sticks were swords until he was old enough for one of his own. As the years past, he grew more and more distant, until, one day, it seems his shell shattered. He was suddenly everyone's friend, always willing to help or give advice. He moved onto Vyirmina itself and found no shortage of people who liked his apparent kindness. No one knew, however, that this benevolent exterior was all a facade he used in order to manipulate others.

He knew of the shady underbelly of Vyirmina and found himself at home in its treacherous aura. Over time, he drew the worst of the worst to him, murderers, thieves, criminals, and he trained them using his own knowledge. He formed the group now known as Shadow Mind, and used it's skills to turn over an excellent profit. He became known as "Hell's Fang" for his ferocity, strength and influence in the underworld. If there was a shady dealing, unexpected death or large fire in Vyirmia, it was very likely that he was behind it. Eventually, he saw the chance to expand his control, and began examining other cities to profit in. As he was traveling, he came across Lucia giving an impassioned speech at a local bar and was immediately won over. Struck by her vigor and passion, and finding himself agreeing with her beliefs, it dawned on him what a powerful individual she could become. All it took was a few conversations, and they were soon allies, with him pledging his support to her cause. He withdrew most of his organization to Ignalis and used their skills to help set up the perfect opportunity for rebellion. Now, he plans to stick by her side until they have control, determined to make Shadow Mind a truly unstoppable force.

Have a look at my true self: The icy lands of Vyirmia have made their mark on him. He is cold, unforgiving, and doesn't like to get intimate unless he has to. However, he is excellent at hiding it, and can portray an aura of gentleness and compassion if called for. Killing has little to no effect on him, the lives of those he has chosen to end mean nothing in his mind. Never one to trust, he only relies on facts and never lets his guard down. He is naturally sly, always looking to manipulate situations to his advantage. He hates to be idle and always looks for a way to keep himself occupied. He derives much joy from fear in others, he savors it. While power-hungry, he is content to share the spotlight if it will mean his own gain in the end, as he is doing with Lucia.

Right, I almost forgot to mention: He often wears a variety of masks while on the job in order to mask his identity. He creates the masks himself, and is very fond of them. These masks have made him somewhat of a legend, and those who have seen his actual face are slim.

My guardian angel: Hymn For The Gallows.
Hayden Maximilian Romulus

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"I have a mandate to rule, a right that has been passed through my family for hundreds of years. We have ruled justly and without contest. Upstarts such as Lucia are misguided egoists who would watch their own people burn just to fulfill selfish goals."

I go by: Hayden Maximilian Romulus the 4th.

I've been around the block a few times: 85.

I'm proud of my heritage: Valkyrur.

I've got a few tricks up my sleeve: He isn't much of a fighter and has no real need to fight. Yet, he is handy with a blade, especially a longsword, if he puts his mind to it.

Where I'm from: Trimelodaria.

I side with: He is the Sovereign of Iria.

Not much, but it's a living: He rules over the Valkyrur in Iria, the rulers of each city are subservient to his command.

Don't underestimate me: He is a very talented diplomat, able to make strong, reasonable points with conviction. He is gifted in language and communication, always knowing what words he needs to use to achieve his goals. Unknown to just about every Valkyrur on Iria, he has a secondary ability which enables him to bend people to his will with his words. It is a unique ability that he can activate when he chooses, and it takes an incredibly strong mind to resist his persuasion.

This is my story, pay attention: Growing up as a prince, he had everything he needed and more. Maids, servants, good food, toys, nothing was spared for him. His parents were loving and supportive, though his father could sometimes be very strict. He was the heir to the throne, and soon became used to having everyone's eyes on him. When he was still only a child, he discovered the powers his words could have on others. He could convince kids to get things for him and follow him around all the time. His father had to pull him aside and explain the hereditary ability to him. After that day, he used it much less frequently, aware of the responsibility that came with his gift. Years passed, and he began learning the skills needed to rule through his father and other teachers. His mother died and he was grief-stricken, taking the loss heavily. A great ceremony was held. Soon enough, the day came when his father passed away as well. With heavy eyes, he ascended to the position of Sovereign, marrying a noble girl and siring children. He has ruled for over 40 years, and has become a wildly divisive king in public opinion. Some of his laws and decrees, such as a law requiring a full standing army at all times, have earned him many detractors, while others have boosted public opinion. No one can argue that the charismatic and often unpredictable king is unlike any one they've ever had before.

Have a look at my true self: He is arrogant and often condescending, in part due to his upbringing. Quick-witted and willing to take risks, he also has quite the temper that can explode at a moment's notice. He loves jokes and is fond of people with a good sense of humor. While he may seem harsh or cold at times, he deeply cares for his people. In his mind, it is a matter of the utmost priority to shut down this revolution.

Right, I almost forgot to mention: He carries an emblem with his family crest, a falcon, with him at all time. He has a fondness for dogs, and has a pet dog he named Caesar whom he loves dearly.

My guardian angel: Hymn For The Gallows.
Florina Avilana

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"Some call me a warrior without peer, that I fight with the strength of scores of men. But all that praise is empty in the end. I am no legend, I am merely just another soldier. I fight for what I think is right, and I don't need anything else. All that will matter in the end is that I have done what I truly believed in."

I go by: Florina Avilana.

I've been around the block a few times: 35.

I'm proud of my heritage: Valkyrur.

I've got a few tricks up my sleeve: She is talented with a sword, but her preferred weapon is the standard Valkyrian shield and spear.

Where I'm from: Sephaldina.

I side with: She sides with King Hayden.

Not much, but it's a living: She is a General in the Imperial Shield.

Don't underestimate me: A seasoned professional at the art of war, she is well versed in tactics. She is an excellent fighter who relies on solid defense and swift counterattacks, her skills with a spear should not be underestimated. She is also an expert blacksmith who enjoys forging weapons in her spare time.

This is my story, pay attention: Born to a wealthy family in Sephaldina, she grew up in the hub of the great city, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of trade. She was an only child, so her parent's laid all their hopes and dreams on her. Her father owned a blacksmith's shop, and so she learned the trade from him, finding passion and a purpose in the work, despite it being an unusual occupation for a girl. The work hardened her muscles, she spent long days at the forge, sweat pouring down her brow, body growing so weary it felt like she'd never move again. Finding an interest in warfare, she crafted her own spear and shield to begin training. When she was old enough, she left the forge to try her luck in Askavarus.

Showing dedication and strength to all she met, she quickly found someone willing to teach her the ways of the spear. Along the way, she picked up a couple lessons in strategy from a wizened old veteran. After a few years of this training, she applied to be a part of the Imperial Shield. Hayden was so impressed with her prowess that he let her into the army without hesitation. She began climbing the ranks rapidly, due to her incredible resolve and single-minded focus. While she was a Knight, she played a crucial role in a major battle against the Wayfarers, and her popularity sky-rocketed. People began to know her name, and tales of her bravado became common-place. She accepted the praise humbly, and just set to improving herself some more. It wasn't long before she found herself a General. She became the first and only woman to ever achieve the rank in the history of Imperial Shield. Hayden personally defends her, claiming she is one of the most reliable people he knows. She has generated both respect, envy, and animosity, much like Hayden has received mixed acclaim.

Have a look at my true self: A quiet person, she's prone to not saying much of anything unless she has to. Humble in spirit, she doesn't take any praise to heart and is fine not being at the center of attention. She is very observant, and thinks well on her feet. Not afraid to make a tough decision, she is willing to go out on a limb to do something she believes to be just, relying on her own moral compass. The virtues of acceptance, hard work and dedication govern her everyday life, not a day passes when she isn't grateful for the position she has obtained.

Right, I almost forgot to mention: She always wanted to learn how to write poetry and learn how to sing, but never has time. She wears a necklace depicting an anvil on it and a ring portraying a heart. Both these gifts were given to her by her father and mother respectively, as a farewell present. She visits them when she has time.

My guardian angel: Hymn For The Gallows.
Aimi Makoto

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"Knowledge comes, but wisdom lingers." -Alfred Lord Tennyson

I go by: Aimi Makoto, known mostly as the Archangel Aimi.

I've been around the block a few times: In the appearance of the "age of wisdom," 18. Her true age though is much older than that though, being one of the first angels created by the gods.

I'm proud of my heritage: Divine entity- Angel

I've got a few tricks up my sleeve: Being as she wasn't created as a being of war, she only carries a staff (link).

Where I'm from: The land of the gods that is unreachable by mankind.

I side with: Neutral, though as a divine being, she is respected by most all beings.

Not much, but it's a living: Servant of the gods.

Don't underestimate me: Being a being of divine and angelic origin, she has two powers. The first is the ability to heal most any wound, however she cannot heal her own wounds. The second is the ability to summon forth powerful beings or use their strengths. Using their strengths is most commonly used to heal or defend herself. She never fights by her own hands. While it's not a power, she is surrounded by a golden aura that guards her from the environment such as cold or hot temperatures, however it does nothing against magical changes in the environment.

This is my story, pay attention: Following the creation of the universe and the planets, the first beings created by the gods were archangels. They were created in the appearance of the gods. Aimi was created by the goddess Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun, who is among the most powerful of the gods. Some of the other gods who admired Amaterasu treated Aimi as though she was the goddess's own child, giving her equal respect and turning to her for words of wisdom at times when they felt troubled by what was happening in Iria. Eventually, many of the gods requested that she go to the land and seek answers to their questions and possibly stop this impending war.

Have a look at my true self:Silent but wise, she is well respected by other beings. She understands that her appearance is beautiful, being created in the likeness of the gods, because of this, she appears to be rather shy and avoids physical contact. Lastly, she refuses to fight, even with magic, thus why she is reluctant to even summon beings to protect herself.

Right, I almost forgot to mention: While not a god or all that powerful, she is treated with the utmost respect by most all beings. Creatures will act like pets before her, though they can often lash out at those who might harm her. Those who seek to end her though spread rumors that an angel's blood will grant immortality to those who drink it. Whether this is true or not is another matter.

My guardian angel: K4M1-kun

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"Anger is like fire. It burns it all clean."
-Maya Angelou

I go by: Homusubi, the god of fire.

I've been around the block a few times: Older than the planets as he was with the gods of creation.

I'm proud of my heritage: Divine Entity- God

I've got a few tricks up my sleeve: 'Only those who are weak require a weapon to defend themselves. I, the god of fire, require nothing more than my own fists!' While that is what he says, he is moderately skilled in using most any weapon.

Where I'm from: The land of the gods that is unreachable by mankind.

I side with: Neutral, though as a divine being and a god, he is respected and some times even feared by all beings.

Not much, but it's a living: God of fire.

Don't underestimate me: As the god of fire, his powers consist of mainly the ability to control that fire to an excessive point. Even a valkur of fire's powers would pale in comparison to his as his fires where what helped in the creation of the universe and the stars. His most interesting power is Mohō-sha, copy-cat, which simply allows him to use any power he has seen before with the same strength of the original power, though such powers aren't as effective as his powers over fire. Lastly, he has the powers of the gods, which are simply powers that all gods have. These are mostly passive, such as his strong body or his aura that causes fear in those weak of mind. (Some skills can be seen here.)

This is my story, pay attention: In the beginning, the gods created many things, though only one was able to create things as hot as the stars that burn so brightly in the night sky and illuminate the world like the sun does. That god was Homusubi, the god of fire. Though it was his passion and caring that lead him to ignore the other gods' opinions and bestowed the blue flame to the Valkur and lead to the Valkur's culture revolving around fire. He is one of the few gods who is willing to go down to Iria to walk among the people and creatures of the land. Due to how much the Valkur warship him, he is one of the most powerful gods.

Though what causes many of the other gods to hate him so much is the fact that he has openly flirted with the goddess of the sun's archangel, Aimi. The gods follow a believe that they should never care for any other beings so much to the point that it would be called love. Homusubi is of course against this believe, though there are very few who agree with him.

Have a look at my true self:Burning hot like a fire, it is surprising to some how kind he usually is. Though one must be careful as the god of fire can be rather easy to enrage. His passion is like his fire, it burns brightly thus he is sometimes frowned upon by the other gods.

Right, I almost forgot to mention: As a god, he cannot show his true form to those who are not of divine origin such as the gods or the angels. Thus he appears as a massive man-like being, clad in divine armor.

My guardian angel: K4M1-kun
Vritra Lindwyrm

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[I, the one to awaken…]
[The imprisoned dragon who stole the principles of destruction from the Gods….]
[I have devoured the “infinite”, and absorbed the “dream”….]
[I shall become the Black Dragon of Discord. The True King of Slaughter…]
[And I shall sink you in the depths of the eternal abyss!]

I go by: Vritra "Aoru" Lindwyrm

I've been around the block a few times: 61, 793 years old

I'm proud of my heritage: Dragon

I've got a few tricks up my sleeve: Gram, the sword blessed with three miracles that was crafted specifically for Aoru. Of the three miracles, only two have shown themselves. The first is unparalleled sharpness and the second keeps the blade of the sword from ever dulling should it get wet from water or blood.
Gewher, cross shaped stakes that aren't all that special. At most, Aoru can call forth twenty of these stakes at one time. They are useful for pinning enemies to the ground or quickly stopping hunting game.

Where I'm from: The land has changed so much since I was born. A place I could call my birth place no longer exists.

I side with: Aoru is Neutral. As one of the very few remaining dragons that ever existed since before the start of other races, she has no interest in the conflicts of the younger races. While she does spend most of her time traveling the realm and interacting with the other races, she continues to remain neutral. However, if someone were ever to try and force her to join a side she will definitely retaliate against said person and most likely kill them.

Not much, but it's a living: For the most part, she works as a traveling mercenary. Since lodging costs money, this job seemed like the easiest for her to do.

Don't underestimate me: Well, naturally Aoru, or Vritra, can use fire. Just like most dragons. Vritra's fire is an endless black fire that possess an extremely powerful curse. The flames not only burn the victims but also consume the person's energy. Due to the powerful curse it has, the flames will not disappear until the target is dead or they are purified.

Gifted in the ways of swordsmanship, she was once told that her talent with a blade would one day become renowned throughout the land should she ever truly compete in a competition. Aoru has a knack for picking up sword techniques quickly, as long as they are taught to her in a way she understands.

She's pretty good at playing the piano. Not exactly a prodigy or highly skilled player Aoru definitely does not fall into the category of amateur when it comes to playing the piano.

She has an excellent understanding of magic and can perform various spells should the need arise.

And finally, she knows how to do house hold chores. Cooking, cleaning, sewing, etc. You name it and she can do it extremely well.

This is my story, pay attention: Born nearly 62 thousand years ago, Vritra is one of the first dragons to ever be brought into this world. The origin of their creation or reason for their incredibly long lifespan was shrouded in complete mystery. And despite not knowing much, the dragons grew stronger as the years went by and even went so far as hiding their existence from the rest of the world. This was how the first dragons lived and survived in the world. Naturally, as time went by things slowly began to change and more races were began to appear. As the first inheritors of the world the dragons kept their distance from the younger races mainly out of their own pride and arrogance. Amongst these prideful dragons, Vritra stood out in both power and state of mind.

Around the time she was twenty thousand years old, Vritra had discarded the old ways of life and began to explore the world. But in being in the dangerous looking reptilian form only gained her the hated of the younger races. So she discarded her dragon form. To put it more accurately, Vritra copied the form of the Valkyrur and created what would be her ideal appearance. By using her vast power, she altered most of her real body into that form. What remained was a Valkyrur and a mindless dragon that only held incredible power but no thought. Basically, only a shell of power was left. Utilizing what little power that had been converted, she absorbed the rest of her power and transformed her dragon form shell into a bracelet. Thus, she was now capable of switching her consciousness between the Valkyrur form and the dragon form.

Now with her human form and under the identity of Aoru, Vritra lived amongst the rest of the races of the world while keeping her real identity hidden. As time continued to march on she continued to grow and learn about the world from a new perspective. Now she continues to explore the world in this new age, constantly studying the world and its inhabitants.

Have a look at my true self: A rather soft spoken person, Vritra or otherwise known as Aoru in her Valkyrur form, comes off as a rather shy knight. Although she does not lack any manners, she tends not to speak and normally responds with a quick nod or shake of her head. When she does talk, it usually nothing more than a couple of words or a quick sentence. Contrary to what people would think a dragon would be like, she is actually rather calm if not docile. Only when she is attacked will she retaliate whether she is in Valkyrur form or in her rarely seen dragon form.

Despite her rather shy disposition Aoru is normally seen with a small smile plastered on her face. No matter who runs into her or how strained the atmosphere maybe, her little smile seems to have an almost godly effect in making people calmer. Though, some knights have voiced some complaints about her smiling while in the midst of combat. But those complaints have slowly died down to nothing more than rumors.

Right, I almost forgot to mention: Aoru possess sacred clothing that was made when many of the races of the world were still young. For the most part the clothing does not possess any special powers like cancelling out her opponents abilities, but it is more durable than the highest quality armor available. Though she chooses not to wear it too often since people have a tendency to ask her where she got it.
Vritra's true form, her dragon form, is similar to an Asian dragon. The major different is the lack of horns, red irises, and black scales. But ever since she separated her Valkyrur form and dragon form, her dragon form mainly looks like a giant serpent created from black flames. When she does not use her dragon form, it is sealed in the form of a bracelet of a black snake biting it's own tail.

My guardian angel: Studio Requiem
Laeklo Nyrsha

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"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."
-Thomas Jefferson

I go by: Laeklo Nyrsha

I've been around the block a few times: 18

I'm proud of my heritage: Valkyrur

I've got a few tricks up my sleeve: Short swords.

Where I'm from: Tinehdria.

I side with: Lucia

Not much, but it's a living: Assassin.

Don't underestimate me: The valkuryr fire for her burns a crimson red though she lacks control over it, she seem to only use it for distraction and longer ranged attacks. She is more reliant on her excellent speed as well as the rigid, poisoned blades that she carries. While she doesn't have much in the ways of strength, her ability to make many rapid attacks that leave her foe poisoned and bleeding is what makes her a deadly foe.

This is my story, pay attention: In the city of Tinehdria, a dying widow gave birth to a girl. Though she knew she was dying, she still tried to raise the child as best she could before she finally passed away. While the main part of the city she was born in was safe from attacks from enraged Drakes, the outskirts weren't so lucky. While the Valkyrur were strong, the Drakes always seemed to strike when they slept, thus some times many would die before the beasts could be warded off.

Laeklo had been lucky to survive her first encounter with a Drake, having woken moments before it was about to strike her head. She had fled at first, though soon found the Drakes were rather fast themselves. It wasn't until she used her crimson red flames out of fear that she was able to ward off the beast. Another survivor of the attack, following this, trained the girl in the way of the sword. Though being a bandit himself, much of her training was in helping raid occasional caravans. Eventually though, she was captured, after being set up by the man who trained her, and imprisoned for a couple years before a strange man who knew of her skill with a blade paid her fee to be released.

The man, the leader of an assassin's guild, took in the girl, who at the time, was only 12 years old. he trained and raised her to be an assassin. Though she was rather rebellious due to her initial upbringing. She was also reluctant to trust others since the man to first help her had betrayed her. Still, she was trained as an assassin for six years, growing in skill and talent with her style of fighting. Because of her tactics though, she was eventually expelled from the assassin's guild, becoming a hired hand that eventually, after traveling to Ignalis, joined the rebellion.

This is my story, pay attention: Rude and crude, she doesn't like to talk much unless necessary. Having grown up in the outskirts of the city that was much less defended and a harsher living environment, she learned to fend for her self and keep herself alive at a young age. She has a distaste for the leaders of the kingdoms, blaming them for how she had to survive and live each day.

Right, I almost forgot to mention: She is the ancestor of Xiano Altres.

My guardian angel: K4M1-kun
Liontios Theron

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"Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage."
-Lao Tzu

I go by: Liontios Theron

I've been around the block a few times: 28

I'm proud of my heritage: Valkyrur

I've got a few tricks up my sleeve: A sword made of compressed light and a harp.

Where I'm from: Vyirmina

I side with: Neutral, as he is not one to jump into a fight, thus is ignoring the conflict as best he can.

Not much, but it's a living: Inventor/Wizard/Bard/Explorer

Don't underestimate me: Unlike most Valkyrur, he never developed any powers over fire, only having enough that he could with stand the cold temperatures of Vyirmina. Instead, his has a surprisingly strong power to control light be it with a sword he crafted with light or a harp to allow him the greatest control over light. With the sword, he can only use blades of light, while with the harp he can even create beings completely composing of light.

This is my story, pay attention: Born to a, more or less, average family in Vyirmina, Lion had about the same childhood as most people. While some of the other kids his age shunned him for his lack of the blue flames, others respected him for his unique power over light which he was able to harness. He always seemed to have a knack for making new things to help people out. At the age of 10, created one of the first lamps that didn't go out due to wind or cold. He continued to create and invent new things, taking people by surprise.

Eventually, in his late teens, he headed on a journey to travel Iria, planning to write a song about it. He enjoyed music as it helped him concentrate better when he was playing. He was one of the few that was so daring as to venture into the lands of the Elves and the Fairies and come out alive, much to other's dismay. He has decided to take his time exploring the continent, often spending a couple years in each major city so that he can see as much about it as he possibly can.

Have a look at my true self:Rather happy go lucky, he's a pleasant person to be around. He enjoys playing music to cheer people up. He's quite positive and happy be it while talking to people or working on creating a new device.

Right, I almost forgot to mention: His harp and some other devices or parts of personal projects that he is working on.

My guardian angel: K4M1-kun
Céline Romulus

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"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life."
-Winston Churchill

I go by: Céline Romulus, some times called Mistress of Blades

I've been around the block a few times: 32 Years old

I'm proud of my heritage: Valkyrur

I've got a few tricks up my sleeve: Overlord Bow, a massive bow that can launch spears as its ammunition. The bow itself is bladed allowing it to be used for self defense if an opponent gets to close.

Where I'm from: Askavarus

I side with: Sovereign

Not much, but it's a living: Princess of Iria

Don't underestimate me: Power over the blue flame. The royal family's skill with blue fire is known to be the best, though Céline is only able to use it to improve the damage of her spears and blades. Blade summoner, she is able to summon forth blades. Typically, this is used to fuel her Overlord Bow, though she can also call forth multiple smaller blades to launch at foes before they can get to close.

This is my story, pay attention: Born to the Royal family that rules over Iria, she was raised to be a ruler from a young age. Her childhood because of this didn't consist of a lot of excitement. While this did make her into a strong woman and leader like figure, she does long for adventure and to go places she hasn't been to before. Due to this, she requested to her father to allow her to fight closer to the front line. When the fighting started in Ignalis, she immediately wished to help in the battle against the rebels to put them down.

Have a look at my true self:Quiet and arrogant to those who do not know her. She understands her position of being a possible heir to the throne and wishes to be a strong leader like her father wishes. Though to those who know her though, she is kind and caring. She cares deeply for her family, especially her brother who she hopes will one day be the King of Iria.

Right, I almost forgot to mention: She is an excellent archer, thus her skills at close range tend to lack. She is the ancestor of Arial Ravenheart.

My guardian angel: K4M1-kun

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"A sword wields no strength unless the hand that holds it has courage."

I go by: Callon

I've been around the block a few times: He looks to be in late teens to early 20's, but he's really only 200 years old.

I'm proud of my heritage: Elf

I've got a few tricks up my sleeve: Though he's capable of using many different weapons and tools, he mainly uses a sword and shield along with a bow and arrows

Where I'm from: Feroxidus

I side with: Neutral for the time being[since he rather not get involved with a war.

Not much, but it's a living: He makes his living as an adventurer and a person who helps those in need.

Don't underestimate me: His main talent lies in his ability quickly master any tools or weapons he acquires during his travels. In order to carry everything, he uses a pouch that was created through sorcery to store his different items in a pocket dimension. He also is good with animals and is an excellent horse rider. While he can use magic, it's limited to just three basic spells: Fire, Wind, and Ice. Unfortunately, his mana pool is small thus he must rely on magically enhanced items.

This is my story, pay attention: Callon was born in the jungles of Feroxidus where he lived for most of his early childhood until he was about ready to come of age. Despite his tribes barbaric nature and rituals, Callon was akin to a black sheep due to his kindheartedness and adventurous spirit. Thus before he was to become a man, the elf left the tribe to pursue his own way of life and thus found his calling by helping others in any way he could. As time went on and he got older, Callon found that he had grown into his own independence and he explored many dungeons and ruins, all the while mastering different tools and weapons that he happened upon.

Along the way, he met and befriended a Valkyrur named Liontios, would become akin to a sworn brother to the elf. One day, they were at a temple in Sepentania when one of the elder Fae approached Callon with a strange prophetic message that the elf was blessed by the divine heavens and he had a great destiny he was meant to fulfill. Little did he realize the truth behind those words and what role he would play in the conflict, or that his actions would indeed have such an impact on the future...

Have a look at my true self:Callon is a courageous young man (by elven standards) and is known to be good-natured and kindhearted, as he is always willing to help those in need so long as they are goof people. He does displays some cynicism but only if he feels that person is suspicious or untrustworthy. As a result, Callon is a good judge of character and seems to have a sixth sense about people's overall personality

Due to his courage, Callon shows a lot of determination and will never give up on the task at hand, even if the task or quest seems impossible to complete. He is also incredibly fearless and will not hesitate to go head first into danger if needed. Because he is adventurous, Callon displays tons of cleverness and intelligence due to his time spent in ruins, labyrinths, or dungeons solving various puzzles and overcoming an assortment of traps and monsters.

All this being said, he tends to be quiet and soft-spoken due to his belief that actions speak louder than words. Due to all of these traits, Callon is believed by some to be blessed by a higher power and that a great destiny awaits him.

Right, I almost forgot to mention: Callon sometimes wears a shoulder pad and a red cloak. He always carries on his person a ring that belonged to his deceased parents. Callon is the ancestor of Ignus Carmaine on his mother's side.

My guardian angel: Zerokyon

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"Drown in discord deeper than darkness."

I go by: Ba'al

I've been around the block a few times: About 1,000 years old, give or take

I'm proud of my heritage: Demon

I've got a few tricks up my sleeve: His claws and demonic powers.

Where I'm from: No one knows but he currently resides in territory that he controls nearby Zarrock Hills. Most people call it the Black Wasteland.

I side with: Neutral, for Ba'al himself will subjugate this world and all who live in it.

Not much, but it's a living: He is the Evil King of all demons and rules over the area known as the Black Wasteland.

Don't underestimate me: As a demon, he is incredibly powerful in all areas of physical prowess. Ba'al is known for his dark and evil powers including the shadow magic, which is widely unknown to many. He can also summon hellfire as well as demonic minions to do his bidding.

This is my story, pay attention: The origins of Ba'al are unknown and the method for how he came into existence is scarce at best. What is known about the demon is that he conquered what is now known as the Black Wasteland around 400 years ago and began raising a horde of demons to do his bidding. Due to the corrosion of the area he rules, non-demons avoid setting foot in the area and thus his tyranny has gone uncontested thus far. For now, he biding his time until the revolution has weakening the world so that he may subjugate all living things under his rule. It should be noted that even the gods themselves do not try to actively vanquish him for reasons unknown.

Have a look at my true self: Ba'al is known for his arrogance and manipulative nature, using others like pawns and treats lives as expendable. He cares little for politics unless it benefits his own plans. Despite his arrogance, he is a master tactician and will not act if he feels he cannot win. Ba'al tends to taunt his opponents and prey on their fears and weakness in battle, making him a very cruel entity. Due to his brutality and evil nature, not many being are willing to stand against him and even the gods won't interfere with his plans directly.

Right, I almost forgot to mention: He doesn't usually show his true form due to arrogance.

My guardian angel: Zerokyon
Xellos Maxillium

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" That, is a secret! "

I go by: Xellos Maxillium Rogue

I've been around the block a few times: 19

I'm proud of my heritage: Valkyrur Mage.

I've got a few tricks up my sleeve: A strong magic staff with with a ruby orb on it containing the god of Chaos's power.

Where I'm from: Trimelodaria.

I side with: Lucia

Not much, but it's a living: Serves the god of Chaos, Commander in the Vanguard

Don't underestimate me: Xellos is a master spell-caster, and a very powerful Valkyrur. He allows his opponents to believe that he's weakened without his magic, when his hand-to-hand combat is very strong as well.

This is my story, pay attention: Xellos was born of a woman in Trimelodaria. She raised him well as a single mother; he was always top of his class, and a hard worker for her around the trader shop she ran. They sold many rare jewels and trinkets, and he fashioned his clothing out of what they didn't sell, as well as he acquired the tarnished finery the rich refused to buy off them. He grew fond of a great round ruby - it was a fake crystal, but all the same marvelous, and he carried it wherever he went.
One day, when he was fourteen, his friends teased and taunted him for not having a father, and demanded he prove himself to them as a Valkyrur. He was only naive then - so, he followed them very far away from home on a journey to be a man, where all of them had already devised a plot for him to fail. They all had fathers, therefore had been apprentices under their artisan skills, and done many grown-up things already. But Xellos was small for his age - thin wrists and ankles, narrow shoulders, and a slender face with his ever-bright violet eyes. He looked nothing like the powerful Valkyrur blood he carried.
So, they brought him at last to a cave far off to one side of the mountain by their home. Inside was a long, dark, cold pit, where no sun ever reached. Prove yourself, one goaded. find a way across this pit, and take up the responsibility of your blood ties. They coaxed him into looking in too far, his straight dark hair falling over his cheeks as he peered out to the other side, looking for a bridge or a cliff or even a precipice of some sort. He could find none.
Now, the boys had planned originally to just let him try a few times to find a way over, then laugh at him all the way home, but they hadn't planned on this. Xellos tripped - and with a yelp, plunged into the blackness and was gone, their pale hands grasping thin air where he'd just been standing. He was dead for sure - and it was all their fault.

In fact, Xellos was not dead. He'd fallen into the lair of the god of Chaos - a god who was mischievous, controlling, and over all, he was cunning. He lived far down in the darkness, where small animals and pebbles and rain often fell, where it was damp and lonely, and there was no way to create his beloved chaos. And he'd just been dropped an idea. Little Xellos was scared to death of dying as it were, and having been saved he was very grateful to the god who had plucked him out of the air. It accepted the gratitude with an aloof sort of air. It saved many a boy in its day, it told him. But that was when he was powerful, and now that he had been thrown into this pit just like Xellos, he was worthless and alone. The small boy had immediately felt pity for the god and offered himself to assist him get his power back so they could leave this horrid place together.
With an evil grin invisible to him in the dark, the god pulled him closer, and began filling his head with tales. Some lies, some not; all of heroes of the light turning their swords wrongly against him, of the Valkyrur's weakness and cruelty, and of a world too peaceful. It pointed out that because there was no war for his friends to fight in, they had taken to try and kill him. If they'd been sharpening their swords, he may have never come this close to losing his life. So, therefore, chaos had a purpose; to give men a purpose. Even if men died in war - it gave them honorable deaths, nothing quite like the death of a coward, or the murder of an ignorant.

Xellos accepted all of it in his young mind, and when asked, he pledged himself to forever serve this god of Chaos. With the last of its strength, it bestowed in him it's power - the magic of Chaos. It stained his raven locks with poison the color of nightshade, and because he'd been so long underground talking to the god while his friends returned to tell his village of his death, his eyes remained closed, and he could make his way around without them as he was so used to. With the fake ruby in his pocket, the god had made it real, and filled it with the magic he could control through spells, fastening it to a staff made from unbreakable wood. With these tools, he sent him forth, and back into the sunlight he went.
During his latest year as a tool of the god of Chaos, it has told him to serve under Lucia Mornar, and make sure the rebellion and all her decrees are carried out. She was leading the bloodshed at the time, and she had an idea. The god promised him that if he could collect enough energy to restore him to his former strength, he would return the world to peace, and so he went out on a search for the powers Lucia seeks as well, hidden amongst the capitals. Little does he know, that if the Chaos god reaches his full power once more, there will be nothing to stop him from destroying everything in his whirlwind of torrent.

Have a look at my true self: Xellos is very hard to nail down. He's always up and moving, searching for energy stones, so it's difficult to be with him when he's here for a week and gone for months at a time. But he enjoys people, and though he journies alone most of the time, he will occasionally get side-tracked to helping someone. He does nothing for personal gain, though he may say otherwise, and tends to be a bit thick-skinned - rarely letting anyone get to know him well, he keeps his distance with tricks and jokes, playing off anyone who may or may not be interested in being his friend.

Right, I almost forgot to mention: He rarely opens his eyes. He also hides his mother's last name, Rouge, and uses his middle name instead, in case anyone knew her. He wants to cut all his ties to the past.

My guardian angel: Xx_RitsukaofLoveless_xX
Kai Ravenheart

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Better than a thousand hollow words, is one word that brings peace.

I go by: Kai Ravenheart

I've been around the block a few times: Thirty four

I'm proud of my heritage: Valkyrur

I've got a few tricks up my sleeve: Sword, spear

Where I'm from: A small town a short distance from Ignalis

I side with: Lucia

Not much, but it's a living: shadow mind second in command

Don't underestimate me: has a strong ability to control fire. and is rather strong physically.

This is my story, pay attention: After his parents died of a illness Kai and his younger sister Ann were adopted by a elder in the small village of Tristan. This is were Kai grew up. Kai helped raise his sister who was only three when their parents died. He grew close to his sister but put a huge gap between him and anyone else he met. He didn't do this on purpose. It happened because he didn't talk much and he tended to scare most of the villagers with the way he talked. Kai spent most of his time alone playing with fire or slashing his spear.

At the age of ten about the two years after he was adopted by the elder his sister became very ill and was sent away to a healer in Trimelodaria since that time he would get letters every month about how she was doing. When she had gotten better she enrolled in a special school in Trimelodaria and from what Kai read she was very happy. Three years past before he stared traveling himself under the condition he wrote to the elder every month. This is what lead him to where he is today.

Have a look at my true self: Kai is quite and dosen't talk much. He uses his body language to communicate more than he uses words. This seems to cuase people to fear him. He acts cold and heartless but is completely the opposite.

Right, I almost forgot to mention: Kai has a pet tiger names Rulix that often wonders off by it's self

My guardian angel: waterblossomsam

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