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Friendly Fatcat

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вy cepheus_circinus & яomanoa


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Friendly Fatcat

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L i e g h M a d d o x H a l l b j o r n

The Flirt-type

Nickname-> Maddie
Age-> Twenty
Bio-> Maddie, Leigh's self-appointed nickname, had always known exactly what he wanted to be the moment he left highschool. The center of attention and admiration. But he didn't know which job to take to satisfy his desire. Actor and singer were out, Maddie has absolutely no skill in those departments whatsoever. Stripper was out because he'd like to think he was above that. In fact, the reason he's a host now is because the owner managed to flatter him into it.
Personality-> Maddie's a vain and flamboyant person. He likes to have attention on him to the point of being a sociopath and can go to extremes if he feels he's being ignored. Flaws aside, Maddie's a good person at heart and loves having his friends around.
-> Talking/Telling Stories
-> Music/Sweets
-> Cuddling People
-> Jerks
-> Competition
-> Being Alone
Anything else-> Maddie really likes dressing up.
{[ Cepheus_Circinus ]}

Friendly Fatcat

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L e n A y a t o K a g a m i n e

The Shota-type

Nickname-> Lenny
Age-> 17
Bio-> My sister made me. She said I needed to get out of the house and stopping eating bananas and playing video games all day. So, she found this place after looking high and low for something to me to do.
Personality-> Personally, I've been known to have many. Some say I am sweet and caring. Others say I'm cocky and a know it all. But really, I'd say, when with my sister, I'll be the caring kind. If I don't know you, I'll be nice and make small talk, trying to become your friend. I don't know you and you make me mad, I'll kick you a**. Around my friends, funny and just over all the best friend I can be.
-> Bananas
-> Video Games
-> My sister
-> Boring video games
-> People who don't like his sister
-> Rotten Bananas
Anything else-> If you catch my dancing and singing around, don't interrupt. Just let me finish. That's how I usually get my customers.
{[ Romanoa ]}

Friendly Fatcat

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E v a n D u r v i y M u l i c a n

The Socially Awkward -type

Nickname-> None
Age-> 19 going on 20
Bio-> Evan never fully meant to get involved in this kinda of thing. After all he's hardly the type you'd expect to find inside these doors. But when times got hard, and your a teenager just looking for a way out, well you'll do anything. As soon as this boy was out of high school he went right into collage, wasting no time to start on his studies once more, though it was hardly what he wanted to do. It was more because of the exceptions of his family. Being the only child of his parents their sights were always set high for him, so for the whole of his life he's been trying to fulfill their wises. So even if he wasn't the sharpest tool in the shade and he honestly hated school work, he went anyway.

But then he wanted his own place, away form the family, what teen ager would. So he'd saved up some money from a retail job he worked at and managed to get himself some dingy apartment. But soon the bill were staking up, paying for collage was hardly cheap, and then he had food, and rent to worry about on top of that. Evan was at his wits end, the small job he had just didn't cover his needs. His savior was found in a sheet of paper telling him about the host club. Having heard of them before he knew he hardly fit the profile for a person to work there. But he was desperate. So he applied for a spot, image his shock when he was actually accepted.

Now he spends his days in conversations with men, some creepy, some rather attractive. Trying hard to get a hold of his shyness and work around the clear uncomfortable feelings he shows. Its a good thing some people think stumbling over your own words and saying misplaced things is cute.

Personality-> Evan wouldn't necessarily call himself shy, but he isn't quite brave either. More often then not he'll stutter over his words, this only growing worse when put in an uncomfortable situation. The blush on his cheeks almost always seems to be present, add to the fact that he rather clumsy and you have an all around cute guy. Or at least to others he's cute, Evan only finds it embarrassing. But aside from that he's just odd all around. Evan seems to have this problem with thinking things in his mind, sometime it'll be an answer to a question given to him. And he answer, only these wont be aloud. He never realizes his mistake until its addressed and that only bring on the stutters, and blushes. He dose this to when a topic he thinks of is brought up, he'll start by speak in his mind things he plans to say, but only speaks them half way though his thoughts. It seems like he just pick up in the middle of a sentence, this gets him quite a few strange looks. He always says is a dang good things he's cute.
-> Sweets, who doesn't
-> Ferrite's, he wants one but doesn't have the time for it now.
-> Being told a story.
-> Video games
-> Romantic new, like a wedding
-> Spicy food
-> Being in a large crowd
-> Uncomfortable moments.
-> How he speaks in his mind and not allowed.
Anything else-> Nothing
{[ NykinaEverlynn ]}

Friendly Fatcat

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W i l l i a m R y l a n B r o w n

Nickname-> Will
Age-> 22
Bio-> Will finds himself at The Shokun's Club everyday after work. Not because of anyone special but because it's a place he can sit down and just relax. Whenever he's at home, a nice little duplex on the outskits of the busy city, His roommate's always griping about him getting a partener and his elderly neighbor pressures him into doing chores around her house. Between the two women Will just couldn't stand being home during daylight hours.
Personality-> Despite his care-free appearance William is actually a hard working, serious man. Though he tries very hard to appreciate the smaller things in life. Will prefers quiet over loud anyday and likes to just wind down at the end of the day- well night.
-> Working Hard
-> Spicy Food
-> Cute People
-> Sweets
-> Technology
-> Being Proven Wrong
Prefered Type; Shota, Smart, and Awkward
Anything else-> Will's roommate is his own personal "f**-hag" as she calls herself and tries to weasel into Will's buiseness.
{[ Cepheus_Circinus ]}

Friendly Fatcat

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T e s l a L i a r d D a m a r i s

The King-type

Nickname: Tes
Age: 32

Tesla is one of the longest employed hosts at the gentleman's club, having applied for hire when the place first made it's debut. He sought employment mostly for the social aspects, having found little acceptance of his preferences from his circle of friends or family. He met the love of his life while working at the gentleman's club - and lost him 5 years ago. Now he continues his work mostly to keep himself going.

Tesla takes pride in his job and does whatever he can to keep things running smoothly, whether it's keeping the younger hosts in line or dealing with less favorable customers. He's usually very good natured and open and tries to be as approachable as possible. He won't be taken advantage of though, and he has his faults just like everyone else. He tends to be rather protective of his co-workers and some of his clients - it's difficult for him to stay out of it if someone is giving them a hard time or they're going through something particularly difficult. Outside of work, he can be pretty closed mouthed sometimes and often turns down social outings with the staff, giving off the impression that he'd much rather be left alone.

He likes to pretend that nothing has changed since he lost his lover and works very hard to preserve this illusion, if only for himself. This is not so easy to do considering the problems he has developed. At the height of his depression, he very rarely left his house and covered all of his windows with newspaper and paint. He's come a long way since then, though he's still agoraphobic to some degree and has developed a bit of OCD while trying to step away from the agoraphobia. He has a rediculous amount of locks throughout his house and checks them obsessively when he is home. He has a hard time with unfamiliar places and usually avoids them to save himself the panic attack. He avoids mirrors and reflective surfaces when he can, not wanting to see the scars on his face and be reminded of how he got them. He likes to keep his house and his surroundings spotlessly clean - he cleans his house almost daily even though it obviously doesn't need it. His hands a generally a good tell off as to whether it's a good day or a bad day for him - when he's particularly overwhelmed he tends to wash his hands way too much and scrubs his skin raw and bloody.

-----& Literature
-----& Old movies
-----& Peppermint Ice cream
-----& Keeping things neat and orderly

-----& Crude behavior
-----& TV/News channels
-----& News papers
-----& Unfamiliar places
-----& Knives
-----& The color red
-----& Messes/things out of order

Anything else
About five years ago, a man broke into Tesla's home while he and his lover slept. It was several hours before the police were contacted. According to the reports, Tesla's lover was raped and murdered right in front of him. Tesla usually avoids talking about it or how he got his scars, and he doesn't like to talk about his lover or even mentioning his name. Because of issues with the family - mostly denial that their son was gay - Tesla was not allowed to attend his lover's funeral.
{[ Bane Dragoramin ]}

Friendly Fatcat

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Sc o t t Em i l e Wa r l i n e
Nickname-> Scotty
Age-> 21
Bio-> Scotty used to live in the country with his grandparents, but he moved to the city when he got a scholarship in music. His parents died in a car crash when he was six. He doesn't really want to go to the host club in the first place, but he's convinced he finally needs some human contact.
Personality-> Scotty has a low self esteem from being bullied for his prematurely white hair. He prefers to be alone, but is constantly dragged into clubs by his best friend Maddie. He is very caring but can spend hours worrying about other people's problems.
->Playing his violin
->Being alone
->New people
Preferred Type;King, Smart, and Flirt
Anything else->Is best friends with Maddie.

Friendly Fatcat

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D a n t e R e n L e v i r i r e

The Bad-Boy-type

Nickname-> Nan
Age-> 23
Bio-> Well, not stereotypical, but not quite extraordinary~ Dante was born to a pretty cool chick. She was a street whore, and his dad was some hot dude that screwed her, but she still took care of him and was a great mom. The place they lived in wasn’t all that great, but he managed through 12 years of school without major fights and whatnot. After though, he got into gang fights, and stupid disputes, fighting with any b*****d that hurt his mom, always roughing people up. Though, when he found out about what his dad was doing, how he was practically selling his mother against his will… Dante went crazy, beating the crap outta him. His father didn’t do anything to anyone after that, but Nan… he became cold and hard, smoking a cigarette, using whatever means possible to get what he needs to do. Any means needed are taken, whether it would be slicing some b*****d open with a broken pop bottle or using his bare fist. He was just the definition of bad-boy. Even had his little group of swooners that offered themselves out just cause he was so tough, only thing he cared about was his mom. When she died, he set out on the streets. And eventually he was found by the host club and got a job there… as odd at it is.
Personality-> Rough and sarcastic. He'll do whatever it takes to get what he wants and needs to survive, though, in the host club, he acts just like he normally does, just less… “I’ll kill you if you get in my way” and more considerate, but swearing, teasing, wise-cracking, being a total jackass-b*****d, are still included in the package.
Likes (At least three, but add more if you want)
-> Naps
-> Fighting
-> Finding him some whores
Dislikes (At least three, but add more if you want)
-> Being bored
-> Goldfish
-> Pickles
Anything else-> He’ll pointlessly start something if he doesn’t like something, but doesn’t overstep his boundaries too much at work.
{[ L E t S T H E N a T t ]}

Friendly Fatcat

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J a d e n I s s a c M a t t i s s

The Smart-type

Nickname-> Jade
Age-> 25
Bio-> Jaden came from a family who was very conservative, they shunned anything foreign and out of place in their cookie cutter life. They were true Xenophobic creatures. His father was a simple business man with a standard 9 to 5 job, while his mother stayed home to raise Jaden, while also performing the role of domestic house wife. Jaden had always been annoyed at the monotonous routines and boring day to day life. He begun reading, He thrived in knowledge. At the age of 16, He decided he was too educated to play the role of clueless perfect son. He had graduated at age 16 and He moved on to college in a different state. Upon arriving at college He made friends with a certain boy who had grown very attached to Jaden. One night the boy brought him to the Host Club with him. On his first night there, Jaden had gotten into a heated debate with the manager, after making the man feel like a fool, He was offered a job. Jaden gave a sultry smile and accepted.
Personality-> Jaden has a slight sophisticated air to him, this probably comes from the extensive length of his vocabulary. He can come across as cocky, when he knows he in correct. He despises being told he is wrong, He also gets defensive when this happens. He takes pride in his intelligence. Talking to him is nearly never dull, He has a charismatic grace to him. He know what to say to a person to make want to keep coming back to him. He likes to debate with people, show his opinion to them in a way that shows his knowledge. He absolutely loathes the term 'Dumb Blonde' anytime it is said around him he is likely to go off on the perpetrator of saying the term. When he goes off on people, He does not get physically violent, his strength lies in his words. He can twist and turn them so that they feel as if they are the lowest level of scum across the rotted sewers of hell. If a person is in his good graces, they are generally there for life, because he is rather tolerant of people as well.
-> Classical Music
-> Literature
-> Being Right
-> Exotic Foods
-> Ignorant People
-> Those who believe their perfect
-> The term 'Dumb Blonde'
-> Beef, Pork and Poultry, He is a Pescatarian (Only meat he eats is seafood)
Anything else-> He has one green eye and one blue.
{[ Porcelain-Dolly-Face]}

Friendly Fatcat

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S o r a K a l e b L o c k h a r t

Nickname-> Doesn't have one
Age-> 24
Bio-> Sora lived in a happy family that used to always spend time together. After he reached an age where he could take care of himself his parents left him alone. They would go out on "business cruises" and leave him alone. One of the days that he was out at the park with friends he had noticed a person that was crying so he had made him happier. Later on they went to Sora's house to watch movies and play games when the other guy kissed him.Sora tried stopping him but couldn't. The other guy eventually stopped before telling him the reason. He was moving away alone, to live with another family member because he was gay. At the moment he stood up and apologized before trying to leave. Sora stopped him and they made out and eventually slept together. The next day he left and Sora was sad and had a more serious face but had the same personality. He went to college afterwords and never got into a relationship because he was waiting for his first "love". He became a somewhat of a known writer having sold a few books here-and-there but now he lives alone thinking about getting someone new since his "love" would never come back.
Personality-> His is optimistic and really joyful even though he looks serious all the time. He is really silly but very easy to make mad, since he is very emotional. He stands for justice and tries to defend any person that is being hurt in anyway. He does it physically sometimes but other times he messes around with their mind. He doesn't like to be wrong, which he usually is, so when he is he usually get's all emotional which changes his personality completely. He turns into a rude, angry jerk who would rather beat someones face in then be told "I'm sorry". When he's like that he despises the person that told him he was wrong until he gets a good nights rest. At that point he also starts blurting out things that are on the top of his mind, some of which aren't very appropriate, and if they're something no one should know he "sobers" up and goes back to his original personality.
Likes (At least three, but add more if you want)
-> Music
-> Teddy Bears
-> Day Dreaming
-> Older Men
Dislikes (At least three, but add more if you want)
-> Haircuts
-> Math
-> People with dark hearts.
Prefered Type; The Smart Type, The King Type, The Flirt Type and The Socially Awkward Type.
Anything else-> He changes outfits constantly.
{[ xX Akira Ryuzaki Xx]}

Friendly Fatcat

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M i l o B e n j a m i n V o r e'

Nickname-> None
Age-> 24
Bio-> Milo grew up with both parent in a middle class life. He excelled in school and dominated in English classes. His parents were please and they sent him along to college. Upon arriving he was soon to find out, His life had been rather sheltered. He caught on to the hustle and bustle of college quickly and flourished there as well. Time after time though, He found himself aching to experience more in life. It was then that a friend told him of the Host club. His heart quickened at the thought of what could lie in store for him there. He has been a faithful member for 7 months now.
Personality-> This particular bright haired man is one you is bursting with vibrancy and confidence. He knows that his smiles bring boys and girls alike to knees. He makes hearts flutter and voices stutter. Aside from his tendency to cause others to pause in awe, He has a way with words. He is poetic and chivalrous, He knows how to treat people with care. A gentleman at heart, He spreads like wildfire in the hearts of his boyfriends. That aside though, He has a bit of a temper, His sense of justice often gets him into trouble and potentially a fight. The poet is not one to stand around when others at being hurt. He has a zest for life and wants to experience much of what the world can offer him.
-> ■ Restless Zesty and Steamy Nights
-> ■ Poetry, Literature and Art
-> ■ Meeting new people
-> ■ People who take advantage of others
-> ■ Monotonous Routines
-> ■ Mistreatment of animals and people
Prefered Type; Flirt Type, Shota Type, Socially Awkward Type
Anything else-> He has a talent for cooking, However, He only usually cooks spicy food and aphrodisiacs.
{[ Porcelain-Dolly-Face ]}

Friendly Fatcat

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L u k e E l i j a h T u r n e r

Nickname-> Luke
Age-> Seventeen
Bio-> Luke comes from big money and has hardly had to work for anything his life. Most anything he wants he can get with a snap of his finger and puppy eyes directed in his father's direction. Luke's step mother, his maternal mother died shortly after he was born, however was not too fond of him and made it a point to let him know whenever the chance presented itself. The only person keeping him on a steady path was his older (step) sister, Ophelia. She made sure he knew that he was loved, that he kept up with schoolwork, and gave him a hard time when he acted spoiled. He loved her like his own mother.

However, Ophelia left home for college when Luke began seventh grade. It was from there that his attitude towards everything began steadily slipping. His grades were neither here nor there, passing or failing. Luke didn't completely change, after all he still saw his sister from time to time. But now he had to hide the fact that his step-mother was becoming more and more abusive from both his father and sister. He didn't want to be a bother and figured he could handle the step-b***h on his own.

Personality-> Luke is a go with the flow kind of kid. He sometimes comes off as apathetic because if he doesn't see any reason to, he doesn't care to worry and stress over things. Despite sometimes coming off as a jerk, Luke is selfless and likes feeling like he's helped someone out. He has some minor insecurities about being left alone.
-> Having Friends
-> Enjoying Himself
-> Eating
-> Violence, though he won't hesitate to fight
-> Being/Feeling Alone
-> Exercise
Prefered Type; Flirt, Smart, King, and Bad
Anything else-> Luke likes Korean food and doesn't limit himself to dating one type of person, for example male, female, blonde, black, etc. The same holds true for his ecletic taste in music.
{[ Cepheus_Circinus ]}

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