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My, what big feet you have. . .

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December Frost's Husbando

Shirtless Husband

Most definitely.
*curls up with to provide with consistant stream of hugs*

Of course!
Because clearly Aske would tell him his name
if he didn't at least not dislike him.
* u *

Soren doesn't know that he'd call those negative effects.
As far as he's concerned, it's just a part of who he is.
And he says that sometimes it's nessecary to stay in animal form for a while.
Or easier, anyway, depending on the situation. o u o

Soren will tell him not to worry because there are much tastier things to eat around.
Like rabbit. Soren seems like he'd like rabbit.
o u o
Aske is going to wake up at some point during the trip
to a tiger staring at him contemplatingly.

Soren says a tiger is less wrong
because then you feel like a badass.

Star Seeker

*cuddles* <3333

XD I hate to tell Soren that all the kids that bully Aske also know his name...and he's not fond of them.

Aske says he supposes this could be true, but stay in it too long as you start to forget.

Like rabbit. XD Rabbit sounds delicious.

Pft. If Aske thought the tiger was contemplating eating him, tiger would find himself pinned to the ground via gravity.

...It is more badass, but I don't think Aske thinks he is capable of...feeling...like...that... <.<

December Frost's Husbando

Shirtless Husband


XD. Well, that's different.
But don't tell Soren that.
You will make him sad.
Not because it's true.
Because you pointing it out means
telling him his name doesn't nessecarily mean he likes him.
o n o

XD. Or go feral. OR BOTH. * u *
Soren knows.
He's been there.

Rabbit is delicious.
*licks lips*

Ahahaha, nooo.
Not contemplating eating him.
Just being a cat.
A very big cat.
o u o

That's too bad,
because it is pretty badass.
* u *

Star Seeker

XD I won't tell Soren, I can't promise Aske won't under certain circumstances.

Well. That just proves Aske's point.

XD I have never had rabbit, I don't think. <.< If I have, it's been such a long time that I don't remember.

A very big cat. Pft. Now the image in my mind goes: Aske wakes up to see a tiger staring, Aske getting up, scratching tiger behind the ears, saying, "Morning, Soren." in a bored voice, and going to prepare for the day. If you know nothing about the backstory to it, it's a very funny image.

It is pretty badass, like the cover of an old science fiction novel or something. But really. Aske is not badass. He's like the opposite of badass.

December Frost's Husbando

Shirtless Husband

Certain circumstances? o n o
Like if Soren happily says his name too much?

We used to do meat rabbits.
It's a really lean meat.
It's kind of like. . .
Well, it's a lot like chicken,
but leaner, and with deeper flavour.

XDDD. It really is.
Soren will be happy he gets head scratches!
* u *
He will go catch breakfast.
Something super yummy.

But he's adorable,
and that's almost as good.
o u o

Star Seeker

No. Like if he figures out why knowing his name makes him so happy. If he finds out he will tell him. Because it's like...If I don't tell him it's not that special, I'm lying to him. OTL

Okay... *tilts head* I can sort of see that.

Yes. Soren would get head scratches...Pft. Something super yummy. I'm now imagining after Aske gives ear scratches, tiger getting up and skipping off into the forest with little flowers popping off of him like sometimes happens to girls in anime.

Adorable is the opposite of badass. It is good in one way, but not in the same way as badass. XD

December Frost's Husbando

Shirtless Husband

Poor Soren.
He'll get his little hopes crushed either way.
o u o

It's really good.
You should try it, if you ever get the chance.
*nod nod*

Totally appropriate.
Except I also imagine him coming back with a rabbit in his mouth
and presenting it to Aske for cooking with this expression:

I didn't say it was almost as good in the same way!
Just that it was. ou o

Star Seeker

...if it makes Soren feel any better, most people just know Aske's name from him living in that town since his birth, it wasn't like he told the vast majority of them what it was ( only what it means. )

I've heard it's excellent, and will definitely gnaw on it given the chance.

Haha. The larger version of the cat leaving the mouse at your feet for BBQing. Only Aske would actually do it, unlike people do with the mice.

Yeah. Because it is definitely not as good in the same way. <.<

December Frost's Husbando

Shirtless Husband

It does not make him feel better,
because Aske still felt the need
to point out he wasn't special.
Soren is a sad kitty.
o n o

o u o

Ahaha, pretty much!
Plus it's providing for someone that is his.

That's like comparing apples to oranges.
Or Jonathan to Mal.

Star Seeker

XD Poor sad kitty.

...Aske still says he's not HIS. He is not his property or slave. So Aske is not HIS.

*does not consider Mal badass* At least in FTH. I could possibly see it being true in Shoujo though. XD;;; But there is no arguing that Jonathan is adorable.

December Frost's Husbando

Shirtless Husband


Soren is just staring like
"You're my apprentice. That's how it works, right?"
Socially off, socially off!

XD. That's because in FTH,
you don't get to see her be badass until aliens show up.

Star Seeker

...Aske will not scratch his head in human form. At least not until they are much closer, and Aske can see it being used as an inside joke or something.

Askeladden just stared at him and went. "NO. That's NOT how it works. You're supposed to teach me and take care of me, and in return I'm supposed to obey you within reason and learn as much as I can to make you proud. But you do NOT own me." I feel like Aske is eventually just going to be like, "I can't take you ANYWHERE." about Soren.

XD And...it's going to take a while for the alien invasion...

December Frost's Husbando

Shirtless Husband

Soren says he will be happy to change forms if head scratches are promised.
o u o

I'm starting to realize how skewed Soren is about some very human concepts.
I don't think he gets "own" very well.
Judging by this expression he's making like
'Isn't that what I just said?'
Ahahaha, Soren, stooooop.
You're supposed to be the wise one.
Pffffffffffft. <333

Yes. Yes, it is.
But eventually it will come,
and you will get to see how badass Mal truly is.
o u o

Star Seeker

...Head scratches would be promised...but Aske says that it feels like that's magic abuse. Even if that is his natural affinity. <.< *Aske tries not to abuse his gravity...of course, this is helped by the fact that he is mostly scared to death of losing control of it*

XD "NO. That is not OWN." Aske will be more than happy to try and explain "own" to him. Pfft. So Aske is the master of human society and Soren is his apprentice, and Soren is the magic master and Aske is his apprentice...pfft. XD

I will look forward to it. XD <3

December Frost's Husbando

Shirtless Husband

Sorren says that shape shifting isn't a big deal
and barely uses any magic, anyway.
I'm not sure how honest that statement is, though.

Ahahah. Totally accurate.
I mean, Aske learned well when he was domestisized,
but there were just things he never fully got.
o u o
See, now Aske doesn't need to feel inferior.

I will, too.
* u *
* U *

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