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December Frost's Husbando

Shirtless Husband

Jonathan is almost done, and then I can pump out Mal~
*high fives*
*rolls off to work*

Star Seeker

Shoujo posts! Whoo! o u o

Kiwi: XD I look forward to Fallen. o u o <333 I went shopping myself so... <.<

Haha. If this were one of those worlds where "names are power" Aske would definitely be wary of who had his name. He's wary enough about it because the easiest way to explain his name is the way that causes the most ridicule.

December Frost's Husbando

Shirtless Husband

o u o
Soren says names do have power,
just not in the "names are power" way.
Soren will explain his name and how he got it to Aske if he likes.
He thinks his is pretty silly, too. <333

Star Seeker

XD Aske says then it's all the better than Soren doesn't have his. And he stares. >.>

Haha. Aske's pretty sure Soren's is not as bad as his way of saying, "Askeladden is Cinderella. Except male." Even though an Askeladden acts nothing like a Cinderella. XD;;; Same meaning, same start of the story, same result at the end of the story, different way of getting there. Though I'm sure he would eventually like to hear about Soren's name.

I just reread Soren's last post, and I noticed something I did before. XD When Soren thinks on the forest, he says it takes care of things that are his. XD When I got to that part, Aske just went, "I do not BELONG to him. D<" in my mind...

December Frost's Husbando

Shirtless Husband

Soren just smiled dumbly.

Yeah, Soren's is not as "bad" as the Cinderella-name.
o u o
It just follows the Watanuki method of naming.

Ahahaha, I forgot about that line!
I put that in there just for you.
>D fu fu fu.
But by his reasoning, it's technically accurate,
seing how Sorren is HIS apprentice.

December Frost's Husbando

Shirtless Husband

I have to see about some noms.
Then I will prob. write bitchface.
* u *

Star Seeker

XD Dumbly. Aske does not buy dumb face. D<

Yeah. See? XD Not as bad as Aske's name. Aske's name is BAD ( it's actually a good name with the intentions behind it, but bad if you tell it to someone who only knows about Cinderella... ) Haha. The Watanuki method of naming. XD;;;

Pft. Did you put that in there just for me? <333

Aske says he's not his apprentice ( yet ). Therefore it is not accurate ( yet ). D<

Pfft. Bitchface. XDDDDD Jonathan is so cute. <3

December Frost's Husbando

Shirtless Husband

Ahahaha. As well he shouldn't.

Soren says Aske's name is nice.
o u o
Yes! The Watanuki method of naming.
Ahahahaha. So accurate.
I totally just imagined Watanuki pointing at little nine-year-old Soren and being all
"Soren. Because your hair is yellow and so is the sun."
Only replace him with a girl and that's probably about right.

I knew you would catch it.

Soren just shrugs. Close enough.

Yes. Bitchface is esp. accurate for High School Mal.
o u o
Though I've realized I need to talk to frosty before I post.
Also, I think she calls Jonathan ShortStack.

Ahahaha. Of course Jonathan is cute.
That's like saying "I breathe air."

Star Seeker

Aske's too smart to believe that Soren is dumb. <.< Smart people have this sense...they know when they meet other smart people. *partially joking*

Aske says that when all the memory of all the teasing he got about his name as a child is gone, then it will be a nice name.

Pfft. Yes. That is the Watanuki method of naming all right. XD

I'm glad you have such faith in me.

Pft. Micah is going to call her that every time he hears her call Jonathan ShortStack. <.< If she says it aloud.

I breathe air...yeah. About the same amount of obviousness. <.<

December Frost's Husbando

Shirtless Husband

Well, it's obvious Soren's not dumb.
But sometimes his answer to things i just to smile.
o u o

Like now. He's smiling now.
And possibly ruffling his hair.

XDD. Exactly.
Totally appropriate.
Though Soren can't possibly find it as dumb as he says
since he's going by it. o u o
Though in my head he's like
"Whatev. I was feral. You can't hold it against me."
Somehow the thought of Soren actually saying 'Whatev' is hilarious to me.

Of course!
You're fai.
And fai is wonderful.

Call her what, Bitchface?
In my head, Mal just kind of cocked a brow and shrugged.

XDDDD. <333

Star Seeker

XD While that is cute, and Aske is probably blushing at it, Aske says he's serious. His childhood ruined his name for him. <.<

XD Yeah...you tend to change your name once you're able if you really hate it. Whatev. XD <.< In my head Aske just went "Oh. You were feral? That explains a few things." But I think that's the pissiness at being kidnapped talking, which is mainly what he's talking about.

o u o Fai likes being thought of as wonderful.

Yes. Bitchface. And I don't think Micah cares if she minds or not, I think that would be for personal satisfaction. It's like punching a pillow. Doesn't do anything, but makes you feel better.

December Frost's Husbando

Shirtless Husband

Soren thinks he will eventually get over that. <3
At least he hopes he does.
Because what the other kids think doesn't matter.

Ahahaha, honestly, Soren was probably just happy someone cared enough to give him a name.
XD. At least once he was domesticized.
Because he really was feral. o uo
Ahahaha, Aske. You're so cute when you're pissy. <333


XDDD. Well, apparently he's not going to get the opportunity yet,
because now Mal has no reason to come talk to Jonathan. o u o
Not unless she's also a creepy stalker on top of Queen b***h.

Star Seeker

<.< What other people think is everything to Aske. Proven by the fact that since other people think he's worthless, he thinks so too. Soren is going to have a long, hard road ahead of him, reteaching Aske.

I'd be happy to have a name too...Domesticated...pfft. Like he's a cat or a dog. So Soren was a Mowgli? *has actually read that book*

XD Aske is cute. Period. That's my opinion anyway.


I didn't expect her to show up and call him that right away. XD But when it happens. That will happen. <.< Though Micah says he would not put it past her to be Creepy Stalker on top of Queen b***h.

December Frost's Husbando

Shirtless Husband

I know. o n o
But then he should be pleased by how much Soren is going to like him, at least.
o u o
Because he will. And eventually he will say so.

XDDD. I actually haven't read that book, but I think I understand the concept.
Sort of. He started out in a town, but then there was an accident and he basically got run off.
And then after a while he went feral. *nod nod*

I agree.
Aske is super cute.
Fallen is super cute.
Soren is. . . well, not so much.


Ahahaha. She's not creepy stalker enough to go harrass Jonathan.
She probably doesn't even know he's related to Nate.
But you bet she's always watching for Nate to show up somewhere.
She called dibs, damnit.
I feel like any girlfriend Nate has ever had
has probably been systematically harrassed until they broke up with him.

Star Seeker

...No. At least not at first, if he figures out Soren likes him before he says so. It's like majority vote. Majority votes dislike, therefore there must be something wrong with minority's vision. *stares at Soren* It doesn't count if there's something wrong with your vision.

It really is the "Raised by wolves." bit. Mowgli's parents are killed by big tiger fellow. Wolf takes baby in before tiger fellow gets his teeth on him. Bagheera and Baloo are...haha...we'll call them grandparents/godparents. They spoil that child ROTTEN. XD And then give him back to his parents/family at the end of the day.

In the book, Wolf Family Council has a hostile takeover, and vote to kick Mowgli out because he's too weird and tiger man wants to eat him, and a little after that Godparents send him back to humanity... ( The Disney movie is out of sequence and ends when he leaves the forest ) Mowgli...well, he learns to "get along" ( ha ) in civilization, but ends up going back to the jungle a lot because he doesn't like humanity's ways. XD;;;

Soren is fun. XD That's what Soren is.

...I'm surprised these girlfriends don't get together and do something to her. Like...shoot her? XD;;;

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