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Dedicated Lunatic

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Dedicated Lunatic

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100,000,000,000 Beli

                The pirate at large is 257 years old
                Date of Birth is September 4th
                Gender is unknown
                Most likely to be seen flirting with (Bisexual)
                Stand at 6'2" and weigh 210
                Have possibly eaten the Gami Gami no Mi
                Our Researcher have deduced this of pirate's past: He is the first child of two poverty stricken peasants. He hated always being looked down upon by the wealthy individuals and swore one day he would be the richest man alive. By the time he was 20, he was a servant for one of the more wealthy townsfolk had accepted his lot in life, but still hated it. That was when he saw a strange looking fruit brought into the building and he overheard what it was. The wealthy fool never ate it and lost his chance, as that night, he snuck in and stole the fruit and ate it. Immediately he felt power flow through him like he had never felt ajnd did things he never thought possible. He was on a rampage for a year, smighting everyone that had ever shunder him, but the affect of the curse caused him to fall into an unaging sleep for 10 years. This happened again and again, but he learned he could sleep longer and say active longer as well. Sealing himself in a tomb, he spent 200 years asleep so he could stay awake for 20. Now he would reshape the age he awoke in and start a new adventure.

                Our Informants tell us he may act like this: As a self-declared god, he is detached from the human world, and lives higher above the Sky Islands. He does not interfere with the humans, and acts to please himself. He is intrigued with what sparks a human's blood to boil, and with what exactly that makes them tick. The Pirate God can be slightly entertained, but for most of the time, he's bored.
                Their likes
                Intriguing people
                and their dislikes
                Challenges that deny his right as a "god"

              COMBAT SKILL
                Our Agents have deduced the fighting style of the pirate includes: His free ability to allow him to make or remove anything, including living beings, which makes him an enemy no one can handle. However he has little skill in close quarters combat

Please consult Rear Admiral 1_devils_tears_3 & Moderators for more information

Dedicated Lunatic

Kyper "Godspeed" Rochyenkov

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    AGE: 25


    DOB: April 24th

    GENDER: Male

    SEXUALITY: Heterosexual

    HEIGHT: 72 inches

    WEIGHT: 195 lbs.

    A KNOWN MEMBER OF Marines AS THEIR Admiral


    DEVIL FRUIT: Fuwa Fuwa No Mi

    REASON FOR JOINING MARINES: Kyper was born following the beginning of the second era of piracy. Growing up, he was taken from his home as a child by pirates and sold as a publicly traded slave on the underground market. This would be the beginning of a long, and dark history for the young man and is quite possibly what influenced all his decisions from there on out.

    For most of his childhood he was a slave and cabin boy on pirate ships. On three different occasions he spent years of his life in Mariejois as a slave of World Nobles. For each ship or Noble he was sold to, a brand from that owner was placed upon his back.

    He was unable to grow close to any human being, even the slaves he grew up with as most of them died or were traded off before any lasting bonds could be formed. The long mental strain of isolation drove the man to resent and hate almost all of his own species. His hatred especially strong for the corrupt and wicked.

    During his final teenage years, Kyper did manage to make a single friend on the last pirate ship was sold to. It was on this ship he came across a devil fruit he found and ate it. The fruit gave Kyper the gift of flight and using his new powers, flew away from his old life. During the escape every slave except Kyper's friend was killed because of his friends selfish actions. After landing on a beach, Kyper shot his friend for abandoning the others. This would be the first life he ever took.

    Landing on an unknown island in East Blue at the age of 11, Kyper trained himself in the martial arts. Picking up what he liked from multiple styles and honing his craft to work with his Devil Fruit while living in isolation the whole time. Trying to guess what drove him to do this is pointless. It was a path that defied all logic and reason. Five years. Perhaps ten. At some point, he must've been driven to the brink of madness. And the entire time he focused on this alone.

    Join the Marines at age 17, Kyper moved up quickly through the ranks, promoted ahead of peers many time mostly due to his pure destructive nature during campaigns. He currently holds the rank of Admiral, but how he granted the rank is outside the norms of most normal promotions. For it, he is somewhat hated by both Marines and Pirates alike.

    Kyper does everything in his ability to carry out the doctrine of Absolute Justice and believes followers of Moral Justice to be Marines of an inferior caliber.

    PREVIOUS COMMANDER REPORT THIS ACTIVITY: Kyper has a strong sense of right and wrong. He sees the world in black and white. Civilians are good and should be protected, while pirates and criminals are evil and must be destroyed. As such, if he deems something corrupt, he will stop at nothing to destroy it. In a world where moral absolutes are impossible to find, Kyper will use underhanded tactics, preemptive strikes, and otherwise act like Genghis Khan's patron saint in his quest for "peace".

    Kyper has trained hard and is mentally and physically disciplined. He is extremely refined and polite. However, when dealing with people he deems "inferior" to himself, he talks with an extremely sarcastic and arrogant tone. This may even creep out unintentionally in regular conversation.

    Despite his actions in life, it can be interpreted that Kyper is a death seeker of sorts and wishes to find someone to kill him as he either unwilling or unable to do it himself. He has been noted on more than one occasion to actively give his opponent the option to kill him without putting a defense up and has even been seen taking hits in combat in hopes that one of them would eventually kill him.

    He seems to have ulterior motives behind his actions. What they are, remains to be seen.

    Martial Arts
    In Depth Discussions

    Hot weather
    Loud music


    Hand to Hand Combat: Standard

    Trapboxing: A martial art developed by Kyper himself while he trained on his island in East Blue. It is an elegant fighting style that relies heavily on predicting tactics of opponents and mastery of the overall concepts in all martial arts. It is an extremely strong and by a large margin, the most elegant school of martial arts around. Once Kyper has analyzed his opponent he uses fast footwork in order to focus on fending off enemy attacks with the arms and using the legs to counterattack with powerful kicks.

    Grappling: Kyper is an experience grappler and fought in competition for years before joining the Marines. If an opponent is able to block his kicks, he has no qualms with throwing his opponents and applying chokes and joint locks.

    Hyper Enhanced Speed: Kyper has earned the nickname "Godspeed" for a reason. Due to his Devil Fruit abilities giving him the ability to fly and negating gravity's effects on him, Kyper can, in theory, travel at the speed of light as long as he can accelerate fast enough to achieve this speed because there is no friction or resistance on his body while in flight. Unless otherwise noted, Kyper is possibly the fastest man in the world.

    • Supersonic: Kyper uses his flight abilities from the ground to take off at an incredible speed, breaking the sound barrier as he takes off, sending shockwaves throughout the area he is in. Can additionally causes the shockwaves by flying at supersonic speed at low levels near towns and people.

    Fruit: Fuwa Fuwa No Mi, Standard Attacks

    The devil fruit Kyper ate which enhances his fighting skills. With it he can fly, levitate objects (such as ships and even islands) by touching them, and throw/stop projectiles and weapons by reversing the gravity. Finally, Kyper can manipulate the environment around him to attack the user (such as levitating water to drown someone). Although he can use it on a whim, he does have some preset attacks he uses more then others.

    • Pressure: Kyper uses the anti-gravity abilities of the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi he has obtained to crush individuals into the ground and to increase gravity's effects on them while avoiding the negative effects of it himself.

    • Skyscraper: Kyper creates an anti-gravity force underneath something and the resulting explosion of pressure from under the object shoots whatever above it up incredibly high into the air. On weaker opponents it will vaporize them outright, but on stronger individuals or Haki users, it may merely blow them high into the air.

    • Splinter: Kyper causes something in the environment to float up to him which he then smashes into tiny, shard like pieces. He then condenses the shards into a ball which is shot at the opponent. As it is shot, the ball explodes apart and the shards rip through anything they touch. Can be done with anything he has touched. Most notably with sea water to fight other Devil Fruit users. Kyper traditionally performs this attack in the form of a kick. Treating the ball of matter he creates like a soccer ball.

    • Jackknife: Kyper moves his hands in a pattern, manipulating the surrounding dust and earth particles with the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi and releasing it as a tornado towards the target. Once this tornado reaches the target, it spins and sends them flying. If Kyper has touches the ground below a person, he can also generate the Tornado from underneath them.

    Support/Enhance: Standard

    • Crowd Awakener Level 1: Kyper, completely eliminates all gravity and pressure around him and releases all the energy and power in his body at once. This cloaks his body in an aura of light and becomes a silhouette hidden within it, amplifying the powers of his Fuwa Fuwa no Mi attacks. The use of this ability also improves the Kyper's overall physical performance, including his strength, speed, and endurance. However, because of the amount of power being added to his body, Kyper loses some control over his own powers and it can lead to a very destructive style of fighting. He is able to use this ability for 5 minutes. Once his energy is completely drained from his body, Kyper will pass out and be out of commission until enough energy builds back up in his body for him to wake. Use of this ability has landed him in hospitals.

    • Busoshoku Haki: Kyper uses his haki to armor himself for defense or offense. Most commonly he uses it to essentially block any attack that managed to get through his primary defenses imbedded in his martial arts style.


    Hand to Hand Combat: Secret
    • Hypersonic: An enhanced version of Supersonic. This refers to Kyper obtaining a speed of Mach 5-7 or higher. At this speed, Kyper is invisible to almost all living things except advanced Haki users. Even then, his movement is so fast that attack patterns remain unpredictable. At this speed, individuals to Kyper appear to be almost stopped in time, making his attacks far easier as he is able to move fast enough that no one can keep up.

    • Shaolin Cross: Kyper shoots up into the air, breaking the sound barrier and then immediately releases his ability, coming down to the ground with extreme speed and power. He cups his hands together and subsequently strike the ground with them, generating a shockwave upon contact, which moves in a straight line towards the target, splitting the ground and blasting rocks into the air.

    • Kyro: Kyper attacks the target with a Haki infused headbutt while releasing an explosive amount of air pressure against the target with his devil fruit, thereby increasing the resulting damage on the target.

    Fruit: Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, Secret Attacks

    • Multi-Island Levitation: A trademark ability of the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi fruit is the ability to levitate entire islands. Being able to levitate multiple islands and warships without focusing on them is a crowning mastery of his power.

    • Swipeknife: Kyper gathers a large quantity of earth or other substance around his legs and applies pressure underneath it while concentrating pressure above it in order to keep it around his legs. He then rushes at the target, kicking them, thereby explosively releasing what surrounds his legs upon impact.

    • Snapuswipe: An advanced version of Kyper's Jackknife ability. He levitates anything he touches with the Fuwa Fuwa no Mi to create a spiral of matter around his hand, then throws it at the target generating a large tornado like whirlwind.


    • Kenbunshoku Haki: Allows Kyper to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally. In addition, it enhances his reflexes and perception while flying at high speeds, allowing him to fly faster and more accurately.

    • Crowd Awakener Level 2: And advanced version of Kyper's Crowd Awakener ability, his dormant power, and considered his ultimate ability. Achievement of it is the result of absolute mastery of his Devil Fruit and activation of it can put him on par with a Yonko in terms of brute strength.

    Kyper cannot activate it at any time he wants like he can with Level 1. He has to be receptive to this power and possess an inherent desire to correct the world around him. Though to enter it, he must currently be in Level 1.

    While in Level 2, Kyper effectively turns into a natural destructive phenomenon, gaining an even more intimidating silhouette then in Level 1 and traits, such as blood red eyes. In exchange for taking years off his life, Level 2 grants Kyper power comparable to that which a real destructive event possesses: the power to utterly destroy everything around him. It greatly increases the damage done by standard Fuwa Fuwa no Mi attacks and also drastically enhances the his physical prowess, making him far stronger, more resistant to damage, and fast enough that Kyper able to easily accelerate to Hypersonic speeds. When exuded at its fullest, the energy is released from Kyper's body so fast that it takes on a violent corporeality, likely as a result of the immense amount of power being used.

    Level 2 will be reduced back to Level 1 once enough of his energy has been released. However, if Level 2 was activated and Level 1 was not deactivated before Kyper runs out of energy, when he passes out from the use, he will not wake for a minimum of a week. He can maintain the form for 5 minutes, the same as Level 1.

    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Kyper has over 700 scars on his body and multiple brands on his back. In addition, he his missing his right leg below the knee from a fight with a high ranking Revolutionary.

    The only place free of damage is his face. How he got most of his injuries however, he has never told anyone.

Pending approval by: Admiral Immortal Traceur

Dedicated Lunatic

[ Kurouki (Real name unknown) ]

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    AGE: 34

    DOB: September 21

    GENDER: Female


    HEIGHT: 5'0"

    WEIGHT: 130 lbs


    COMMISSIONED WEAPON: Weighted Rapier, and hidden Scalpel

    DEVIL FRUIT: Kuki Kuki no Mi

    SPECIAL LAUGH: Kiiiiiihahahahaha!

      STRENGTH: 3
      AGILITY: 7
      AWARENESS: 7
      DEFENSE: 8

    REASON FOR JOINING MARINES: At a young age, Kurouki had a strange affinity for dissecting live animals for pleasure. The way they screamed and struggled to survive and fight meekly for their lives enticed her. As she grew older, her parents noticed this behavior, and sent her away to work at a funeral home to learn how to do autopsies - something that would involve cutting but not harm someone still alive. As such, she was bored. Extremely bored. She took a scalpel knife and murdered the teacher, leaving town at the age of 10. Arriving at the big city, she lived off scraps and trash, still murdering random people for pleasure. In the morning, police and Marines would find a body or bodies covered in clean cuts. They captured and imprisoned any and all they could find who worked at funeral homes for autopsies, but the murders continued. The king of the island grew increasingly irritated, but interested in the mysterious assassin. He hired a bounty hunter who knew the streets to capture this allusive figure. Kurouki was found in an alleyway dissecting a newborn baby. It made no sound, as she had cut off its vocal cords. The bounty hunter captured her with easy, having only known how to slice and cut like a doctor, and not run and dodge or parry. She had little to no street-smarts. But she was tactful. The bounty hunter took her in, and requested she be his pupil, working under him and the king. She agreed, as long as she got to put her style to use. So she became the first surgeon assassin of her kind - cutting with vicious accuracy and rendering her foes immobile as she stripped away at their flesh as they screamed themselves hoarse. She would drag them to her little chamber, and dissect them while they were still alive.
    There was a rumor that was spreading around the island that the king was hiding a great treasure at a temple, hidden deep in the forest, lost to mankind. The king assured Kurouki that she would get the fruit, but at the price of being his assistant forever. She was curious as to what this unique power was, and agreed, though had plans of her own after attaining the power. Kurouki made her way through an enchanted forest, using her new found wits and smarts to figure her way out. 5 weeks she wandered until she found the temple. Upon arriving at its stone steps, she found her master there too. The two of them had been promised the same power, and it looked like they were to fight for it. It was fairly easy - someone who killed for money, booze, and women, had no chance against an expert in the teachings of torture and live dissection.
    Inside the temple sat a golden, embroidered chest, and inside was a most strange-looking fruit. Kurouki was certainly doubtful that this fruit held the power, but she ate it nevertheless, gagging at the taste as she finished it all. Soon she began to feel a gust of wind billowing around her feet. Entranced with her newfound powers, Kurouki wasn't seen for another 6 months perfecting her astounding find.
    When she returned, she refused the King, piercing through his heart with her wind 30 feet away with such skill and precision that he was walking dead man for 3 days before he died. The Marines were ordered to capture her and send her to Impel Down, but were intercepted by an Admiral. He gave her an ultimatum - work for the Marines and she could kill as many as she wanted to, or stay in a gloomy cell with no way out for the rest of her life. Kurouki wasn't too happy to work under someone, but she took it. From there she started to hatch a plan.
    Kurouki started as a Captain of her own fleet, and was known to be fearless as well as deadly. Any little thing could turn you into a walking zombie for 3 days. Her capture-kill rate was 100%. So many times she went up against Veteran Pirates and brought them down with ease that she became known as "the Wind Surgeon." Her rise to power and status was quick, and by 26, she had become a Vice Admiral.
    As she continued her Marine career, many of her fellow colleagues disagreed with the way she treated her captives and subordinates. Kurouki ignored their nagging, staying her hand until the right opportune moment. She laid her eyes on the Admiral's position and challenged him to a duel for his seat.
    To commemorate her ascension, Dr. Vegapunk's prodigy gave her two altered humans to use at her disposal. These two humans had been trained to be CP9, but didn't make the cut, and so agreed to be experimented on. They now have no will of their own, no mind of their own. She was highly amused and interested at this gift, and took great advantage of it.

    PREVIOUS COMMANDER REPORT THIS ACTIVITY: Her killings are random, though she claims them to be "mercy killings", to "not insult their family name for having an offspring be a pirate." She will kill the pirate, and because she has not sated her appetite for blood, she will go after the pirate's family for "having a pirate as a family member." Sometimes she'll kill the entire town the pirate was born in. She might have been responsible for the decrease in the world population.
    Kurouki has yet to go after a Tenryuubito because it wouldn't help her reputation. When she has no use for her status, she would kill any and all that stand in her way.
    She's used to being called short, having so long used this to her advantage. People have underestimated her because of it. She resents kind people - they're all just stepping stones. It's a used and be used world. Either kind people are ignorant and naive, or they have plans up their sleeve, hiding a higher motive, and were putting on a front to get ahead. She doesn't trust the quiet and shy ones especially. They hide everything from everyone.
    She is one to disobey orders for self-indulgence. Self-righteous, stubborn, unbearably cruel to her victims.

    Tortured screams (they're like lullabies to her)
    Sweets, especially sour ones

    Being denied what she wants
    Given no option to disobey an order
    Bitter foods

    Her weapons are, in order of use, her wind, her rapier, and her scalpel. She uses her scalpel for close-range, and only when her rapier skills cannot take down the enemy. She feels most comfortable with it, having worked with it for so long. The feeling of the cold steel against her hand, how the blood spurts and covers her hand in it. Her secondary weapon is a rapier because of how thin and straight the blade is - perfect for her precision attacks in taking down an enemy from the inside out.
    - Busoshoku Haki
    - Kenbunshoku Haki
    - Rapier Skills
    - Air Zone - The air around her body is completely controlled. She can compress it, or make it as dense as she wants, causing the person nearest her to have difficulty breathing, resulting in bloody noses. The maximum area she can control at the moment is 8 feet all around. With her gloves on, 5 feet. She is unaffected by her own powers. Within this area, she is allowed to:
        - compress/decompress air using the air around her
        - repel/push people outside her area
        - increase the pressure, and crush her opponents (works on enemies whose Haki isn't strong)
    - Strangle - Kurouki must have skin-to-skin contact with the person in order for this to work. (touching hair does not work) Once she touches someone, she controls the air in their body. She can stop their breathing, causing them to lose consciousness, or die altogether.
    - Flight - Controlling the air beneath her feet, she can make herself float and fly around.
    - Windblade - Creating blades out of thin air. Invisible to the naked eye. Only those with haki can see them, but those with strong fighting abilities can only sense it coming.
    - Air bullets - they can be as thick as 5 cm, or as thin as 1mm or smaller. The smaller ones are practically unnoticeable, but can have a heavy impact later on on the person's body.
    She has more or less perfected her power, aiming at 200 people's organs and vitals with such accuracy she would have a ring of them all dead, covering 30 feet, and herself untouched.

    HER "PETS"
    - She can control her "pets" from wherever she is, as long as they are on the same island as her. She taught them how to use a scalpel, as well as other autopsy tools. One likes the bone saw, and the other enjoys the toothed forceps. They can use:
        - Rokushiki
        -Busoshoku Haki
        - Kenbunshoku Haki

    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The kanji for her name is "black" (黒) and "air" (空気). She always wears black gloves, and takes them off when she gets serious. She likes to keep these two humans by her side, both altered by Dr. Vegapunk's pupil. They have embedded Kurouki's Haki into their body. As long as she doesn't die, they will obey her every command, whatever her Haki wills them to do. Her two "pets" are Amshel (left), and Jeleyak (right).
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Pending approval by: Admiral 1_hell_devils_tears_3

Dedicated Lunatic


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1,000,000,000 Beli



    The Revolutionary at large is 24 years old
    A known member of the Revolutionaries as their Master Swordsman
    Date of Birth is July 17th
    Gender is Male
    Most likely to be seen flirting with Men and women
    Stand at 71in and weigh 170lbs
    Most likely carrying Naitomeahōku - Nightmare Hawk - His weapon of choice, a messer styled sword similar to mihawk's own yoru. Forged for him with his help from the pieces of his old sword, and the yubashiri pieces. Very fast, swift, precise and light, but it has an otherworldly feeling. It has been officially recognized as Yubashiri's replacement in the Ryo Wazamono grade swords.
    Have possibly eaten the Never
    Special Laugh? YAHAHAHAHA

    Strength: 9
    Agility: 9
    Devil Fruit Capabilities: n/a
    Awareness: 9
    Defense: 9
    Haki Control: 9


Tell us your past: His earliest memory is spending time with his mother who told him stories, and one in particular that stuck out to him since it involved him. Adam, like his father before him, was the Seventh son of the Seventh son, a person bound for great things and gifted with great capabilities. In his youth, Adam displayed similarly advanced physical abilities and awareness as his father had, expected of a seventh son. Though it was these very traits that led him down a path of carnage and slavery. They lived on a large continent in west blue, bandits attacking their village and Adam was captured and forced into slavery. He saw many horrible things that night, things he will not forget, but the bandits had uses for him, and he was sold to slaver, who branded him across his back. The man was a arena fighter and an officer of the Marines, he sponsored fighters and made fighters out of slaves he bought, or used them for cannon fodder to die in fights to hype up the crowd.

Adam was subjected to torture, training and relentless deadly fights, forcing him to advance and fight for his life. Those years were the worst, he hated everything, including himself and his weakness when the bandits attacked. That hate and rage fueled his drive to fight harder and kill his enemies. His trainers recognized he could be more than thy originally estimated, so his training regiment was increased, hindrances placed upon his body for training and fights. The more he killed the more rewards he received, and the stronger he'd become. By the time he was in his mid teens, he was the best fighter the slaver had, and the most rewarded, had attained luxuries even some of the slaver's attendants did not get, like women. The Hatred, rage, pain and misery was his life, killing and fighting alleviated those sensations for only a while, it never lasted.

However, something changed, of the slaves the man collected, a woman was brought into the fold of slaves, and in their celled area, she approached him where others stayed away and talked to him. Time passed and she eventually broke through his shell of hate and anger, got close to him and really pulled out the person he used to be as a child. Aware now of his predicament and just how he wasn't belong to be here, he resolved then to escape, and with his focus on escaping, there was no one that could actually stop him, his hate and anger had been his prison, but now freed. The slaves escaped and with his sword in hand killed their slaver and the woman at his side, they left and made their own fate.

The slaves who stayed with Adam and the woman stuck together and after hijacking a small time pirate crew that was harassing a town, they took their equipment, got clothes and supplies and took their ship and became their own crew. A novel action, though better enacted if any of them actually knew how to sail a damn ship!!! Those first few months had been interesting to say the least, but they came together as a crew and became their own. The adventured on their own, Adam trained up the crew to his level of standard and they focused on their own individuals skills and strengths, really coming together. They were however, rookie pirates, and not experienced on open seas. Already Adam had a bounty and they were attacked by marines, but rather than ever returning to a cage, they fought harder than any other pirate on the seas, Adam personally responsible for a great many marine deaths. Every kill increased his bounty more and more, and he soon became notorious as an executioner of Marines, and with every fight he got stronger, improved his techniques ad when something was better than him, he copied it and made it better for his own use.

The crew attracted some pretty harsh attention, such as a Vice Admiral. Adam and the Vice Admiral met when they stopped at an island for supplies, and a battle erupted. The battle lasted for hours, the fight ended when he made a strike that did not connect and instead his weapon was destroyed and he was fatally injured. But when he was about to die, he got in a last surprise strike and killed the vice admiral, that desperation and being overpowered something he was used to. Adam was quickly collected by his friends and they escaped from that place, but adam was at death's door with a broken weapon now. But adam refused to give up even then, and while he was on the mend, he paid visit to a blacksmith he had heard about before.

The man in question saw Adam and wondered about his being, but when shown the pieces of Adam's sword, he saw something Unique within the blade. It was Blood forged, meaning that the sword, while normal before had been used to kill so many that the sword was saturated in blood and had become greater by that very task, it's ability to kill unprecedented, even broken it's edge cut so finely and deeply to assuredly draw blood. The weapon terrified and excited the smith, and wondered what kind of weapon he could forge from it, and as a testament, supplied material he himself had acquired, explaining to Adam that it was Yubashiri, former sword of Roronoa Zoro, broken and buried by the man at thriller bark, he obtained it and waited for an opportunity to make it fine sword again. Using the two broken swords as material, the smith crucible forged out a steel of great properties and forged it into a sword resembling the yoru, a messer wielded by Mihawk. Adam helped in it's construction and supplied his blood for the quench tank to cool the sword it, finalizing the design of the blade. The weapon fit well with Adam, the smith naming it the Nightmare Hawk and declaring it as Yubashiri's replacement as a meito.

Adam returned to his life on the seas after healing and training on the island with the smith, getting to know his knew sword. By this time his name had become well known, the Marines calling him Rage-Blade for his demeanor of going into a berserk rage when fighting sometimes. Though he was approached during this time by a man who offered the crew more than just a life of piracy but a purpose, channel their rage against slavers and Marines into something useful, by becoming revolutionaries so they may change the world and how it's run. The crew had no problem with it, and Adam had no qualms with it either. So he joined without a second thought as well, and my oh my does word get around fast. Not only was he wanted as a marine killer, but not that word got out that h joined the revolutionaries, his bounty and the bounty of his crew more than doubled! Though Adam still knew he had a long way to go.

Within the Revolutionary Army, there were other swordsman, some not too happy with his being there because of who and what he was, how he fought. Adam used this and sparred and fought with the other swordsman in training. Between what he knew and had learned, he fought hard, and learned restraint where before it was non existent, and most importantly, he learned how to manifest his haki. With that achievement he became that much stronger, and harder to kill. Their leader recognized in Adam a strength not seen in normal individuals, and through fierce sparring sessions brought it forth as a dominating will. Adam throughout his life had been molded as a razor sharp sword allowed to swing free and wildly, but with his friends, the crew, the woman and now the revolutionaries, they gave him the means of control he needed, a sheath to his blade. Adam was free from his torment and directed his energy to bettering himself and the world around him. Adam Rage-Blade Ward was still as vicious as ever, but he could be himself now, and be happy... For how long though?

Our Informants tell us he may act like this: Adam is like a coin, he this way one one side, and another way on the other side. Normally, he is calm, chill and relaxed. Joking and every way sensible and fun loving. He can fight like this and much enjoys training fighting, cooking and such. Understanding and compassionate, kind and well, peaceful to a degree. However when his coin flips, it's a whole other story. The old adam comes to play then, and it's not so much a split personality, but an aspect of him that it simply unleashed. His rage and anger go through the roof, he feeds on it, and with every injury he simply becomes more of a monster. He loves to fight, to kill and be recognized, his hatred for everything around him apparent and bared to all, like a razor sharp blade allowed to swing wildly without a sheathe. Adam doesn't like this side of him, but he accepts it and controls, it, and even has managed to use it by channeling it. Only those extremely close to him can penetrate through the rage and hatred of this side of him to calm him down.
Their likes
Getting Stronger
A hearty meal
Spending time with friends and enjoying himself.
and their dislikes
his..."flip side"
Losing control
Losing the one's he cares for...Again

    Our Agents have deduced the fighting style of the pirate includes:

    Swordsmanship: His style of swordsmanship... is no style. He's learned through incalculable fights, near death experiences, injuries, ambushes, etc, what works and what doesn't in a fight. His manner of fighting is honed by the very act of killing continually, and as such, the only thing he fights with, in regards to styles and what not, is what works. He's copied the techniques of others, and through his own use, either advanced them further, or stripped away what wasn't needed, and then made it his own. He has no named techniques, but he's been known to use any technique used with a sword, and without. And when he's without a weapon, he knows exactly how to apply that which he knows to bare handed fighting. This is a survivor's fighting mentality, and not something easily countered.

    Physical Abilities: To put it bluntly, a complete monster. His strength is enough to leisurely toss buildings, rip apart steel with his bare hands and with a weapon slash through ships and buildings from a distance. Through his speed, while he isn't the fastest opponent, he can still match most others in a contest of speed, even those using a speed technique like soru, can jump astonishing heights and has the overall agility and reflexes to dodge bullets at point blank. His instincts, sense of timing and senses are honed to the point of a unified, keen awareness of the world around him that he's fought blind before. He has a ridiculous tolerance to pain and astonishing amounts of stamina and endurance, noted for his life of constant fighting and pushing through injuries to keep fighting, and do this repeated for long periods of time without rest.

    Busoshoku Haki: In Adam's use, this Haki seems to be passively active, as after his Haki manifested, it becomes directly connected to his will and intent. So it's fair to say his body and weapon always wreathed in the invisible armor of this Haki, but when needed, he can focus his will and intent through the Haki to extremes, where portions of his body, his entire body, or weapon Blackens from the Haki. Obviously at rest, the augmentation effect of this haki on defense and physical abilities isn't much, but is increased when the focus of his haki is increased.

    Kenbunshoku Haki: In Adam's use, this Haki manifested as a passive, extrasensory trait, where he has a largely expanded, constant awareness of the world around him, enough that he doesn't need his eyes if it were to come to it, especially when coupled with his other senses. With it, he can also perceive threat and intent from others, and react accordingly with sharper reflexes and perception.

    Unique Trait - Way of the Dragon: In Adam, this trait is described as a monstrous, dominating will power that can overcome, pain, crippling injuries, and even hold at bay the grip of death on the user. Their will and intent can be felt by others when focused, enough to incite crippling fear in enemies, enough so to even make Logia users unable to sustain a physical form if their will is weaker. Lastly, those of this trait can feed off their own pain and rage, using it to empower them further, like a dragon.

      What our Agents do not know yet is that: You'll see...

    Please consult Admiral korinzu for more information

Dedicated Lunatic


User Image
Nakoa ◕ D. ◕ Momoa
170,000,000 Beli

                The pirate at large is 23 years old
                A known member of The Cherry feather Pirates as their First Mate
                Date of Birth is February 15th
                Gender is Male
                Most likely to be seen flirting with Women and Men
                Stand at 6'1" and weigh 210lbs
                Most likely carrying N/A
                Have possibly Stolen the Kilo Kilo no Mi - Applied to a weighted metal belt for training

                Strength: 6
                Agility: 7
                Devil Fruit Capabilities: 1 (the belt)
                Awareness: 7
                Defense: 6
                Haki control: 4
                Fighting Level: 4

                Our Researcher have deduced this of pirate's past: Nakoa was born to a small family on an island in north Blue. Due to it's size and lack of trade with any other islands, their island is mostly unknown and left off any maps despite it's history. Nakoa grew up as a fishermen, but like most inhabitants of the island, he earned to be self sufficient, contribute toward the betterment of the village, and their Martial art; Koppo.

                Nakoa excelled as a koppo user, and at making things from raw materials, even repairing their fishing boats and making improvements. Nakoa however had a desire to see the outside world, and that chance came when the Chinjao family along with the Happo Navy came to the island to pay respect to their hasshoken origin.... Namely, their Origin. Nakoa wasted little time in becoming a member of their navy and by extension, learning their Hasshoken.

                Several years later, Nakoa left the navy a seasoned fighter, going on to travel on his own. where he encountered many people, fought harder than he did before, learned another martial art, educated himself, and much much more.

                Now an adult, Nakoa seeks to join a crew and attain the Gura Gura no mi...
                Our Informants tell us he may act like this: Very realistic and down to earth, he is usually laid back enough to simply allow things to happen, but active to the point that he is a little involved in everything until he begins taking an interest, then he will be motivated and more opinionated about what is happening around him. He has a dislike for the willfully weak. A follower of combat, conflict and war, he sees the struggle that is life. Self serving toward his own goals and desires, and to his duties as a human. Very loyal to his family, family being how he refers to those he trusts, he is not easily swayed in any of his opinions once set, Blunt and honest he see's no reason to hide the truth unless it serves a beneficial purpose.

                He see's life as having a incomprehensibly powerful current of energy, all living things are bound to the current, the current flows around them as it does all things, as they are all apart of it intimately and add their own energy to the current, so many different wills and thoughts, so many perspectives, and the current itself always flowing and shifting, never the same flow or path and always branching into separate streams for a while and recombining once more, bringing with it new currents and flows, adding to the complexity of it, yet all in one will that binds all living beings to it, as it is simply the current that is life..
                Their likes
                Martial Arts
                Creating Things
                and their dislikes
                Sour food

              COMBAT SKILL
                Our Agents have deduced the fighting style of the pirate includes:
                - Martial Art -
                Nakoa Haka: The fighting system used and created by Nakoa as his personal fighting style. Created from combining the core and connecting aspects of Koppo, Hasshoken and Nabakai into a singular fighting system, and then evolved from a hybrid combat system into it's own combat system. Physically, Nakoa Haka prioritizes destructive force against obstacles and opponents in as quick a manner as possible whilst remaining physically efficiency with the least waste of energy and movement, utilizing the entire body's abilities to this end. The system uses a form of movement that moves the entire body through superior body control into every motion, creating outlandish speed and power even in short spaces without much energy. Followed up by it's muscle condition that transforms the body's muscles into a denser, more tightly packed muscle type that has both explosve and sustaining power, and each muscle contributes to every movement, thus increasing power further, without useless bulk. The body control that makes the physical movements possible, also contributes toward a ready anywhere mentallity, allowing the user to fight in a variety of conditions and respond swiftly from a natural state rather than needing a prepared stance. The Mental aspect, enforces a user to maintain a calm mind, even in chaos the user is calm, allowing them superior focus, a kind of eye of the storm mental clarity.

                Nakoa Haka's greatest strength though is it's ability to use vibrations, a technique usable only to those trained in Koppo, Hasshoken, or user's of the Gura Gura no mi. The User is capable of generating varying degree's of vibration frequencies from their body for a variety of purposes, including, but not limited to, self enhancement, extra-sensory perception, emitted attacks, etc. Vibrations, when used as an emitted attack, create an unblockable, reverberating shock that bypasses defenses and can destroy with a simple tap, even metal. Vibrations travel better through solid, or tightly packed masses, such as objects, people, ground or water, but lose some of their effectiveness on sand, or when emitted directly through the air, especially from a distance. It does come with dangers though, the greater the vibration one generates and uses, the greater the strain on the body, and while physical training and muscle mass can compensate, there will always be a danger, and then there is Rebound. Rebound occurs as the opposing reaction that, if a vibration that is used has no where to go, isn't properly emitted. Rebound is dangerous because the user cannot consciously defend against it from happening as it is the reaction to their current action, and thus massive damage can occur, such as mangling the muscles, breaking or even shattering the bone and sending those bone shards into the surrounding muscles, or worse, crippling either temporarily or permanently, and worst of all, the rebound travelling to the heart and stopping it, which may result in death.

                - Techniques -
                Shadow Tracking: A basic skill used primarily as a training exercise which teaches the user to stay in their target's blind spot.

                Mind-Body Sync: A self developed technique that descends from body control training, where the user literally increases their ability to move their body into every movement and use every muscle for every movement, to generate incredible levels of speed and power without wasted energy by utilizing what their body is currently capable of, instead of relying completely on physical conditioning to increase speed and power. Thus increasing the effective use of the body and amplifying the effects of physical conditioning.

                Flicker Step: A self invented technique, Flicker step utilizes the power of vibrations around the lower body to oscillate the air to move through easier, pull more power from the leg muscles and momentarily enhance kinetic force. there by creating a step technique that facilitates high speed movement. Use of it allows the individual to fight speedier opponents, and even step on water or air by condensing the air or water into a semi-solid surface through vibrations.

                Quake Stomp: A simple technique. A stomp that's been enhanced with vibrations that carries massive power, capable of destroying stone with the stomp.

                Quake Drop: An advanced version of quake stomp. Basically the same, but is done from a jump or a drop, using the weight of the kilo kilo no mi belt to add to the power of the drop. The result can be a immense level of destruction.

                Heart Strike: A fundamental technique of the style, The Heart Strike is a strike that delivers a high-frequency vibration to the victim, bypassing the victim's armor, and concentrating kinetic energy that, when used correctly, can be used to destroy or at least disrupt function of the brain or heart. It can be nullified with a vibration of the same wavelength.

                Air Strike: From a distance, the User strikes at an opponent, sending a highly focused vibration through the air, which sends that air current like a cannon shot, allowing the user to essentially strike from a distance. However, the greater the distance, the greater the power and vibration needed to make an effective ranged strike, causing strain on Nakoa's muscles and his entire body.

                Cannon Blow: A high speed strike that adds high frequency vibrations to the attacking limb at the point of impact, delivering more force to the strike. different from the heart strike, the cannon blow focuses vibrations to the attacking limb, not into the opponent like heart strike.

                Shattered Cross: An ultimate technique, utilizing high strength, and a large quantity of high frequency vibrations, it's focused into a single strike, but the power is contained to a single point where it is amplified before dispersing into four directions. Used against a rock, it can quarter it, used against a soft target.

                Armor Penetration: By matching their rhythm of movement to the opponent's, the user then strikes when and where the opponent's guard is weakest by following and predicting their flow of rhythm.

                Resonance Strikes: A series of lower powered Partition strikes that are too weak to localize to any one area, requiring a strong heart strike, which resonates with the other vibrations to create a full body damaging strike. The more low powered partition strikes that can be used, the more power created from the resonance.

                Rhythms Insertion: By completely attuning their own Rhythm to that of their opponent's, the User is able to fully nullify the opponent's rhythm, completely halting any attack they might have launched by intercepting it at the source of the movement.

                Heart Needle: A two-part combination attack, also called Heart Driver.
                -Partition Strike: The first part of the attack, an initial Heart Strike-like strike is first applied in order to set loose a shockwave which bounces around inside the body, increasing in momentum and energy, before finally focusing on the extremities such as the limbs or joints. The opponent might notice this as a slight ringing in their ears. Note that while Heart Strike is usually delivered through the heel of the palm, Partition Strike is done via the knuckles of the user's fist.
                -Heart needle: The second strike, driving a second Partition strike into the focal point of the shock wave, which causes the pent-up energy to explode from within.

                Buddha: Buddha is a name to refer to a set of techniques that uses vibrations to increase the toughness of a particular part of the body to the point of near invulnerability. The problem with this is that it renders the user, or at least that portion of the body completely immobile. an application can be Buddha body, where the entire body is hardened before receiving an incoming attack to defend against it. Or by hardening the forearm and hand while in a palm strike, can offensively create the Buddha Palm strike, one of few offensive strikes possible for the Buddha techniques. Because it uses vibrations to harden the muscle, no additional vibrations can be used until the technique is dispersed, or the current vibration recycled to be redirected into an attack.

                Inner focus: When facing a stronger, or faster opponent, the user can use this technique to wrap themselves in a vibrating field of air, not unlike a second skin. This second skin acts as a additional sense, whatever touches this field the user is aware of, and as a armor as the vibrations disrupt incoming attacks and weaken them. This can allow the user to save time and energy by dodging at the last second to create an effective counter attack. The problem though is that, while this technique is in effect, no additional vibrations can be made as the effort is being made to sustain the current technique. To counter attack, the user must wither drop the technique after the counter has begun and then use a different technique, or the follow up technique to this one. Called Inner focus Heart Killer.

                Inner Focus Heart Killer: A traditional Heart Strike, but it's powered not by a usual vibration, but by converting the vibrations from Inner focus into the Heart strike itself. Since this technique utilizes a greater quantity and frequency of vibrations as compared to other techniques, this tactic is incredibly damaging. Alternation it can be used as a partition strike as well to set up a Heart Needle.

                Two Layered strike: This technique deals with physical resistance of materials. It's an instantaneous two staged strike that uses a low powered vibration from the mid knuckle of the fingers held in a fist, and rolling the fist into the second strike, using a high frequency vibration from the top knuckle of the fist. The first strike negates the target material's physical resistance to that attack, and the second strike is able to deliver the full power of it's vibration to the target without the resistance. This technique has been known to shatter anything from boulders to even metal with a light tap.

                Dragon Drill Nail: A variation of the Chinjao family's secret technique, Drill Dragon Drill Nail, his variation uses his more highly focused vibrations to generate extreme high frequency vibrations around a limb and release from a single point upon impact with force enough to be compared to the original technique. This technique can be used in a variety of ways, but it's risky, and it's a variation of the original because it was never taught to Nakoa, so he had to devise it on his own without proper instruction.

                - Haki -
                Busoshoku Haki: Has enhanced his understanding and usage of this haki to a degree in which not only can he enhance his offense and defense, but now his skin visibly starts to darken from extreme usage, showing his advanced learning in this discipline.

                Kenbunshoku Haki: Has made this Haki easier to maintain with little focus or upkeep, to passively enhance his senses and perceptions beyond what a normal person can do, and to perceive threats threats unknown.

                Haoshoku Haki: The sharpeneing of his will and focus of his intent, he has started to learn he possesses this haki and now trains to further unleash his potential of this haki.

                - Side Effects -
                Heightened physical attributes: His physical capabilities are immensely heightened, he can crush and throw buildings with his strength, Tear apart steel with his bear hands, out maneuver bullets and speed fighters, etc. All possible due to his never ending training.

                Toughness: this trait, in particular is especially monstrous. Because of his use of vibrations, the effect has compressed and increased the density of his bones, muscles and flesh of his entire body, while bring iron particles and other minerals in his body to the surface of his skin, increasing hardness there as well. Thus making it difficult to harm him by conventional means. This trait can be further enhanced by his haki and vibrations.

                Senses: Thanks to training and handicapping himself in many of his fights, his senses have not only been increased, but honed, sharpened....refined. Through this his spatial awareness around himself is thorough and far reaching.

                Instincts: Borderline animal like, he's been called an animal more than once for his reliance and accuracy of his instincts.

                Experience: Due to his many fights, and habit of putting himself into dangerous situations, he has come to be able to rely on his vast amount of experience to help pull him out of a dangerous situation or encounter.

                Speed: Due in majority to the kilo kilo no mi belt and his training with it, His speed is something to be feared. He never allows the weight the belt become too light, and where possible, keeps the weight at his current maximum that he can bear until he overcomes it, and needs to increase it's weight again. He has to lighten it when on ships or fragile areas.

                - Unique Traits -
                Will of D: Granting the user astonishing will power and a great inherit adeptness towards the Haoshoku Haki. There is also ability to withstand incredible punishment in battle and only surrender to death when they know there truly is no way of avoiding it. Those with D often are seen laughing or smiling greatly when they are about to die, as if they seem to accept their death when they cannot escape it and display no apparent fear toward death.

                  What our Agents do not know yet is that:
                  - Techniques -
                  Asura's Torment: A cruel killing technique which causes thousands of soliton waves to reverberate inside the target's head, increasing in frequency until they will localize in one spot in a month and blow the target's head off. In the meantime, the excess vibrations will be transmitted to anyone or anything who physically comes into contact with their head, blowing off the affected body part or piece of equipment. It is intended to isolate the target from others and cause them emotional anguish before their inevitable death. Performed as a double partition strike two the side of the head with a third, stronger Partition strike to set up the increasing frequency and time delay.

                  More to come

                  - Haki -
                  Busoshoku Haki: Allows the user to create a force similar to an invisible armor around themselves that increases their defensive and Offensive capabilities. The haki also allows the user to harm devil fruit users who are difficult to touch such as Logia users and some Paramecia types. The haki can be used to increase the attack power of their attacks with their body, weapons, or forces that are generated from the body. This haki can be imbued onto protective weapons as well, such as arrows or bullets for added effect and power. Once a certain level of haki is used, the skin of the user will be seen visibly turning black, a sign of high haki concentration in the body.

                  Kenbunshoku Haki: Allows the user to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from view or too far to see naturally. Additionally it also allows the user to percieve threats before they happen and react according with sharper reflexes and perception.

                  Haoshoku Haki: The conquerors Haki, this haki cannot be trained, only awoken and the user's application of it, refined. The user is able to enforce their will upon others, knocking out those with a weak will, terrifying some with their murderous intent to the point of break down, interacting with wild life on the level of wills and withstanding others who also have this same Haki.

                  - Side Effects -
                  Will be listed as discovered.

                  - Unique Traits -
                  Will be listed as discovered.

Please consult Admiral korinzu for more information

Dedicated Lunatic

Updated as of 06/01/2016
- now has a Benelli M-4 Semi-auto shotgun, two WTB: Sig Spartan 1911 handguns, and a Savage Model 12 heavy barreled 308 with Nikon Monarch
- Bounty has grown to 50,000,000 Beli

User Image
฿℮ηї ◕ $αℓα⑂α
4,000,000 Beli

                The pirate at large is 15 years old
                A known member of Cherry Feather Pirates as their Sniper
                Date of Birth is November 5th
                Gender is Female
                Most likely to be seen flirting with Straight and demisexual
                Stand at 5’4” and weigh 105 lbs.
                Most likely carrying Slingshot, two Colt M1911 pistols
                Have possibly eaten the everything except for a Devil’s Fruit
                Special Laugh? *giggles* / *silent laughter when laughing too hard, starts to breathe deep*

                strength: 3
                agility: 4
                devil fruit capabilities: n/a
                awareness: 6
                defense: 3
                haki control: 0

                Our Researcher have deduced this of pirate's past: She hails from Tecuro Island in East Blue. On this island, there are many trees that grow cherr-like fruits, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. The only difference between these cherries and our normal cherries is that Tecuro cherries don’t have a pit in the middle.
                At a young age, she would skip school and head into the woods to throw rocks up att he fruits to see which ones she would hit. Her father was a Marine, and the times he would come home, she would show off her marksmanship skills. He was so impressed, he wanted to enlist his daughter as a Marine as soon as she was of age. Her mom wouldn’t have any of it though, and her parents would fight about it while she snuck out to practice more. At her mother’s disapproval, her father brought her back a slingshot, and Beni was so overjoyed, her mom had a hard time bathing and taking her to bed. She just wouldn’t let go of that slingshot. School was completely forgotten, as she ran down the path heading into the woods every day to practice her marksmanship.
                One day, a group of pirates landed on their island, and everyone ran, screaming that they were here to plunder them. Beni was nowhere to be found, and her mother fainted from worry. She, on the other hand, had climbed up to the rooftops in all the commotion to get a better aim at these scoundrels. She wanted to see for herself what exactly these pirates were like. Her father would tell her stories about how pirates were evil, and he worked hard to keep the islands pirate-free, and would talk bad about the Pirate King. Their island didn’t have any books on what the Pirate King was really like, other than the reports the Marines had about him destroying Enies Lobby.
                The captain of the Cherry Feather Pirates found Beni on her own outside, practicing her sharpshooting. The rest is history.

                Our Informants tell us he may act like this: A tad overprotective of her friends, especially those of the opposite gender. She's got crushes on guys she think are cute, but merely watches them from a distance. When it comes to praises, it really boosts her ego and gets her all hyped up. She enjoys exploring places on her own, so if she's assigned shopping with other people, she might just ditch you and go exploring. It's a habit of hers to just wander around on her own. Beni has a tendency to get a clumsy when she's nervous or excited, but you can count on her to make the shout in a decisive moment.
                Beni talks mainly with her hands, though she might throw out a word or two, especially when calling out to someone.

                Their likes
                Tecuro cherries
                Being praised
                Having targets to hit
                Cat/dog ears on people
                and their dislikes
                Cherries that have pits in them
                Having to fire at a Marine (her father might be on one of the ships)
                Losing her family, or anyone in the Cherry Feather Pirates, even if they annoy her or tease her
                Being doubted

              COMBAT SKILL
                Our Agents have deduced the fighting style of the pirate includes:
                ➸ Marksmanship
                ➸ Observation Skills
                ➸ Runs quickly
                ➸ Ability to hide/blend with her surroundings

                  What our Agents do not know yet is that:
                  ➸ Observation Haki
                  ➸ Rokushiki
                  ➸ Firing while in the air/falling
                  ➸ Loses one eye in a battle, and so the lost eye is replaced with a mechanic eye, giving her normal vision and, when she wishes, binocular view and sniper’s scope
                  ➸ Gets a sniper rifle

Please consult Admiral 1_hell_devils_tears_3 for more information

Dedicated Lunatic

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
SAUL ◕ "Thunder Giant" ◕ USOPP
23,518,000 Beli

                The pirate at large is 60 years old
                A known member of Thunder Giants as their Captain
                Date of Birth is DECEMBER 11
                Gender is MALE
                Most likely to be seen flirting with This Aegis Chef of red hair...
                Stand at 7'0" and weigh 200 lbs
                Most likely carrying his body and a custom-made Viking hammer
                Have possibly eaten everything but a Devil Fruit.
                Special Laugh? Gaahahahahaha!

                strength: 6
                agility: 4
                devil fruit capabilities: n/a
                awareness: 3
                defense: 5
                haki control: 3

                Our Researcher have deduced this of pirate's past: His parents met after Usopp travelled around the world with the Straw Hats, on the famous Giants' Island. Saul was born 2 years later. His father, Usopp, was often away, but whenever he visited, he always brought cool new things to teach him the ways of a sniper. As the years went by, Saul noticed that he was much shorter and smaller than the other giants on the island. He could sit on his mom's shoulders as if he were a normal human. Saul also noticed that he was a lot taller and stronger than his father. Whenever Usopp tried to teach him the basics of concealing oneself's presence in sniping, he was too big to be full concealed in a bush, frightening away any possible targets. So much for the continuing legend of Sogeking.
                That didn't mean he failed as a sniper. With days and months and years of practice, he could throw a boulder with speed and strength so great, nothing and no one could hit him. He began to travel with his dad, but most of the time, he would just stay on the ship as his father adventured around islands. Soon after, the years sped by, and Usopp passed away 30 years ago. He decided to find a crew to sail with.
                At first he joined the Thunder Pirates, headed by Casey DuVal. He sailed with her crew for the duration of Paradise. It was the most fun he had had in a while. The sniper of the group was a loud pottymouthed rednose little snothead, but an endearing one. Benji was her name. Then there was Jill, Mira, Asuto, Kiriguya as First Mate. Later on, Anya joined, And it was just them. He was their musician, even though for the most part he acted like a lazybum, sleeping away. Sometimes they wouldn't even notice he was there.
                And then, they were nearing the end of Paradise, almost reaching Sabaody Archipelago, when all hell broke loose. They arrived at Karakuri Island, unbeknownst that another inhabitant had turned this island into his little plaything. There were cyborgs, robots, minefields, bombsites, anything and everything that was a killing machine. He had been looking after the ship when the first bomb went off. Concerned, he made his way to the place, only to find his crew unconscious and burnt. How could this have happened? He held onto those he could carry and took them to the ship. Saul was about to go and get the others when the entire island went up in flames. He tried to venture to the island but the flames were so intense and everything was exploding, Saul had to make the decision to leave. He couldn't have the rest of his crew die on him.
                6 months later, with a crew formed from old and new, he decides to sail the open seas again, and make his late captain's dream come true - find One Piece, and keep the crew safe.

                Our Informants tell us he may act like this: Saul still gets a little scared at times, a common trait he shares with his father, but after losing his captain, he took it upon himself to discipline himself to be someone his crew could rely on. He's still a little new to this captain thing, and he'll seem a bit ditzy because of this. However, his responsibilities and duties as Captain are more important than his personal fears of failure and danger, so he's learned to suck it up for the better of the crew.
                He can still be silly at times. After what their crew had been through, he needed to keep their energy up. And so started incorporating a lot of jokes into his daily routine. They may not all be good ones though. He may also randomly trip during a battle so that the audience (y'all readin this) can have a good laugh.
                Before Arc #10:
                Much like his father, he is scared of many things. "I can't go on this island" sickness, so on and so forth. he's also extremely laid back and lazy, something he got from his other's side, so often times he is left to guard the ship while the crew goes on adventures, but every once in a while, he'll step on new land.
                That does not mean to say he doens't help around, or when he's needed. With his giant strength and sharp eyes, he acts as a shipwright when needed, and for catching meals to eat. In short, he's lazy, laid-back, frightened, hardworking, strong in strength, sharpshooting skills and mentality. Sharp eyes for catching the slightest movement out of the corner of his eyes. Think of him with Usopp's earlier scaredy-catness, Robin's laidback attitude, and Zoro lifting weights when he can

                Their likes
                lifting weights
                making things with his hands
                and their dislikes
                waking up
                people pushing him to do s**t
                not being able to protect/help his friends when they need him

              COMBAT SKILL
                Our Agents have deduced the fighting style of the pirate includes:
                - Keen eye
                - Surprisingly agile for his size
                - a Viking hammer that shocks you upon contact. It also doubles as a blowdart and a Kabuto that folds out of the handle.
                - blowdarts can electrocute you
                - Giant's strength
                - Armament Haki (awakened when saving his crew from Karakuri Island)
                - wears light yet durable armor on his upper body and around his wrists

                  What our Agents do not know yet is that:
                  - Observation Haki
                  - Mastery of Armament Haki
                  - Rokushiki

Please consult Admiral HellDevilsTears for more information

Dedicated Lunatic

User Image
Aileous ◕ "Blindstrike" ◕ Sdieku
50,540,000 Beli

                The pirate at large is 23 years old
                A known member of Blind Duchess as their Captain
                Date of Birth is April 22
                Gender is Female
                Most likely to be seen flirting with Straight
                Stand at 5'4" and weigh 120 lbs.
                Most likely carrying none
                Have possibly eaten the none
                Special Laugh? *chuckles* / Kefufufuhahaha

                strength: 4
                agility: 4
                devil fruit capabilities: n/a
                awareness: 6
                defense: 4
                haki control: 4

                Our Researcher have deduced this of pirate's past: Aileous was born on an island where balance was key. People were assigned roles based on their personality - if they were more societal, or chaotic - or which side needed more power. There are specific roles that are in between - The Neutral Naez. These people were the ones who assigned people their roles on the island. According to them, Aileous was born under a star that had no alignment, not even neutrality. At the time, there was no strong enough power to hold chaos back, and so the Neutral Naez placed her in a societal-strong area.
                At the age of 5, the chaotic side grew so wild, they attacked the place she was living at, and one of the men was thrown into the chaotic role because of his mental instability. He cut out one of her eyes, and burned out her pupil in the other. She has been blind ever since.
                In order to strengthen society, the Neutral Naez brought her a martial arts expert and master, teaching her different useful skills so that she may be able to live without depending on anyone. And she grew quickly from it. Soon she was walking on her own.
                At 15, she had gone through many trials with the chaotic side of the island, overpowering them so that the balance on the island was in harmony. However, the Neutral Naez soon felt that she was becoming too powerful for the chaotic side, and was about to assign a newborn to the chaotic side when she volunteered to exile herself off the island. She believed that the world was out of balance, and so would aid the chaotic side of the world to balance the shifting of powers. From there, she decided to become a pirate, and gathered her crew.

                Our Informants tell us he may act like this: Calm would be the word that describes her the most. She hides her emotions behind this calm mask of hers, as well as a smile that shows very little. You don't know if she's really happy, or really pissed. And you don't want to see her pissed.
                However, she hides her emotions not because she wants to put fear in her enemies. She is balanced. She believes that where there is an action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. In regards to the Marines, she believes they are becoming too powerful, and believes the best way to bring that power balance is if she becomes a pirate. With so much strict and set rules and laws, there must be an equal amount of chaos, and she will do just that.
                Impatient at times, especially when they've landed on a new island. Though the thrill of a challenge intrigues her, she is more interested in knowing how and who runs the island, if they come across a civilized one. If civilized, she'll want to instill some chaos and fear. If it's full of chaos, she'll do her best to get it as organized as possible, and leave after doing some anarchy just for kicks.
                Aileous can be crafty and clever. There's nothing wrong with backtracking to an island they've been to before. Her goal ultimately isn't to be Pirate King - instead, she wants to stand at the top of the world. A rather lofty goal, but not impossible.
                She wants everyone to have a chance to prove themselves to her so that they are worthy enough to be on her crew. She does not like bantering with her crewmates. Will often be seen either meditating, or practicing taichi.

                Their likes
                Green tea, or green milk tea
                and their dislikes
                Loud, disruptive noises
                being physically pushed around, or being laid hands on

              COMBAT SKILL
                Our Agents have deduced the fighting style of the pirate includes: She feels the world around her with her hands, and the presence of others through the wind that passes her by. When a person walks at a certain pace, or fans themselves, their body/limb is moving against air, causing air resistance, and that results in the wind around them. When a person is about to strike, at the very last second, she feels the wind slide against her skin, and reacts from it.
                Her abilities consists of Dim Mak, Qigong, and Varma Kalai, to what she refers to as Chi Blocking.
                With her extensive knowledge of the human body, she could strike sequences of pressure points, immobilizing her enemies to various degrees, or even killing them.This technique allows her to block certain chi paths in people that may temporarily halt their ability to use their Devil Fruit, if they have it.
                - flexibility and speed
                - Paralyzing Jabs: She strikes at specific points on a joint, paralyzing that joint, or the entire body. For normal humans without Haki, these may last up to an 2 hours. For those with Haki, 10 minutes. For those with certain Devil Fruits, (such as Logia), they are unaffected.
                - Death Jab: kills the person within 5 seconds. Jabs at certain pressure points, stopping the flow of energy, critically damaging their vital organs, and stop their breathing.
                - Energy Release: This is for healing her patients. Feeling around the person's body, she gets a good sense of where the energy in the body is not right, and fixes it with a quick few jabs. Used mainly for when a person is sick, bruised, or has sprained something. This is done by hitting a pressure point on the body that aligns itself to a separate part of the body. (For example, one point on the back could lead to great pain in your left foot.) This does not heal flesh wounds.

                What our Agents do not know yet is that:
                - Develops Busoshoku Haki so that her Jabs land on even Logia users
                - Healing Meditation: Refreshes her limbs and cleanses her mind. This allows her to fight a while longer, but the meditation itself may take 5 minutes.
                - Quick Paralysis: hits one pressure point, and the entire body is paralyzed. (Paralyzing Jabs hits several pressure points in quick succession). Effects are similar to Paralyzing Jab if she doesn't have her fingers covered with her Haki
                - starts to dabble in Aikido so she doesn't always have to dodge the enemy attacks. This teaches her to use the enemies weight and limbs against them

Please consult Admiral 1_hell_devils_tears_3 for more information

Dedicated Lunatic

User Image
Lori ◕ "Bloodwolf" ◕ Jasmilliv
500,000,000 Beli

(as a Shichibukai, her bounty has been frozen, and is not viable)

                The pirate at large is 37 years old
                A known member of Shichibukai, and The Crimson Dragoons as their Captain
                Date of Birth is June 1st
                Gender is Female
                Most likely to be seen flirting with ...What is the flirt mean?
                Stand at 6'0" and weigh 140 lbs
                Most likely carrying nothing
                Have possibly eaten the INU INU NO MI: Model-WOLF
                Special Laugh? *chuckle* / (evil/wicked) Kufufufuhyahaha!

                strength: 7
                agility: 8
                devil fruit capabilities: 9
                awareness: 7
                defense: 5
                haki control: no control in human form, but power is 9

                Our Researcher have deduced this of pirate's past: Lori lived with her parents for seven years peacefully in the island of Ticonda on the Grand Line, until she was kidnapped and taken away. Deep in the dungeons she was experimented on. Inu Inu no Mi: Model - Wolf, were split into 5, and given to 5 different hosts to eat. The scientists were trying find out a way to share a Devil Fruit with several hosts. The power would be given to the first person who ate it, so they tried to find a loophole, by simultaneously force feeding the fruit down their throat. As a result, it messed up her appearance: her hair turned white, her eyes, a teal-blue. Once administered successfully to all 5 hosts at the exact same time, the changes started taking form. The fruit itself could not figure out who had eaten it first, and all 5 suffered, sharing a link with each other. The overwhelming input of information, memories, pain, and emotions drove them all to the point of insanity, causing 3 of the hosts to die only after 4 months of the torture of having their souls and minds fighting each other over one fruitpower. Only she and one other survived.
                At age 15, the dungeon had to be abandoned due to a shortage of funds. The scientists decided to do one last experiment, but something went horribly wrong with the second host, causing him to snap. He murdered the entire team of scientists, and Lori was caught in the crossfire. She escaped from her cage, and the other host set his eyes on her, his long disfigured fingers gleaming with blood. The building collapsed on them as they fought, dodging blocks of walls that came crashing down around them, eventually exposing them to the full moon.
                During the fight, Lori's opponent injured her left eye, leaving it blind. With blood dripping down her forehead, blurring the vision in her right eye, she was left defenseless as the opponent sliced at her. Growing more and more furious with herself and being weak, she drew on the fruit's power, turning her into a full wolf, giving her keen senses. Though she was now able to fight, Lori couldn't aim properly to deal the final blow. With both parties exhausted, she felt an immense surge of energy, coming from within her spirit and will to live. In her mind, she could suddenly see her opponent reaching out towards her, his mouth wide open, claws outreached for her flesh.
                She dodged and bit hard into his neck, drawing as much blood as she could. As he died, the entirety of the fruit's power flowed through her veins. She howled into the night, declaring her victory, and the loss of her only friend. Though she was the only one alive on the island, her sorrow and fury drove her into a rampage, running wild until she had no more energy left in her, passing out for a week. Now Lori was without food or water for almost 3 weeks.
                When she woke, she found herself on a pirate ship, her left eye covered by an eye patch, her wounds healing. She immediately attacked whoever was standing closest to her, getting a good grip on his hand. He neither berated her, stuck a needle in her, or struck her. Instead, he laughed at how vigorous she was, reaching with his other hand to pet her head. This was the man who saved her, the captain of the ship, and, after days of gradually opening up to the man, she decided she owed him her life as gratitude for saving her, she vowed forever to follow him from that day forward.
                It took a while for the rest of the crew to accept her. It wasn't until when Lori pushed the First Mate out of the way when a soldier was about to skewer her with a harpoon, instead striking Lori on her shoulder. After that, the relationship between her and the crew grew, with more respect towards her. They taught her to properly fight with hand and weapon, using the environment around her to her advantage, also further developing her skills to read and write. The time she was supposed to be learning and growing had long passed, so she could never read or talk at the normal speed of a normal human, but it was better than nothing, she thought. She was finally considered a part of the family.
                The joy was not to last, as their captain died of a disease and named her Captain, and not the First Mate. The entire crew was stunned, and silence fell over the ship as everyone looked over at the First Mate. Lori could not refuse, as it was her dear captain's last orders, and, with reluctance, took up the position of Captain. The First Mate showed no hostility, and didn't want any hard feelings between friends. He smiled at her, and welcomed her as his captain.
                Through the entire sea she traveled with her crew, fighting back Marines and pirates alike, as well as Shichibukai. On the last island before reaching the end of their trip, they were fighting off Marines that had been physically altered to fight those with strong Haki - embedded Haki that was not their own. A Shichibukai there took it upon himself to challenge her to a fight to the death. She declined, and he politely killed off her First Mate in response. Needless to say, her rampage took over, and within an hour, the man was dead, and she was named Shichibukai.

                Our Informants tell us she may act like this: Lori takes great joy in fighting. She feels comfort in the light of the moon and in the quiet calm, the same as how she felt at the time of her first killing (before the rampage). The longer she fights, the wider her smile becomes, signifying that she's finally found prey worth her time.
                Most of the time, she says nothing, staying in her wolf form, lounging around on the ship. Her first mate and crew understand what she's feeling and what she wants to say with one look, so she has no need to speak. Lori does feel slightly ashamed and embarrassed that she doesn't speak as well as the others, but that hasn't stopped her from talking when she must.
                To Lori, love is a fickle thing, and believes honor, loyalty, and discipline rules the human mind better. Love is nothing more than a troublesome feeling.
                She is very proud of the scars on her body, as Lori believes that the scars and tattoo on her body are the only way she can display the challenges she has overcome, and greatly prizes the scar on her left eye, her first scar. Lori also has a tendency to get lost, as she is not good with directions, telling the weather, or knowing north from south. Her sense of direction could rival that of the famous Roronoa Zoro. If it wasn't for her keen sense of smell, she would be god knows where.

                Their likes
                going all out in a fight, when she can
                and their dislikes
                people picking fights with her for weird reasons
                World Nobles
                dog jokes
                Strong smells, like ammonia, Durian Fruit and cigarettes

              COMBAT SKILL
                Our Agents have deduced the fighting style of the pirate includes:
                - Busoshoku Haki
                - Kenbunshoku Haki
                - Haoshoku Haki (it oozes from her when she's in human form. She's tried to control it, but it just leaks out like a broken faucet. this is another minor reason why she often stays in wolf form. It's a side effect from having been experimented on)
                - Rokushiki - Soru only
                - Hybrid Form (Wolverine-like claws that can retract, and powerful wolf-like legs, with enhanced senses and instincts. Able to use Haki)
                - Full-Wolf form - as big as a lion. she doesn't always in this form - when she's doing a mission for the World Government, or hunting pirates for their bounty, or just lazing around
                  - Faster agility
                  - Iron Jaw
                  - Diamond Slash
                  - Good for scouting as well as fighting. Able to use Haki
                - Werewolf form
                  - Rampage level. She has no control in this state, and goes into this form as a last resort, or when she completely loses herself. Cannot use Soru. Uses Armament Haki unconsciously

                What our Agents do not know yet is that:
                - Werewolf form
                  - controlled. Able to use Soru. Unable to use any Haki. Still the possibility of reaching Rampage level whenever.

                - Awakening: Wolf form as large as a hippopotamus. Think Mononokie's mother wolf.

                Other: She has a tattoo of their Jolly Roger on her inner thigh.
                Her left eye (red eye, eyepatch) is colorblind. When she goes into her werewolf rampage form, it sees the color red.
                The only picture the World Government has of her wanted poster is of her in wolf form.

                User ImageUser Image

Please consult Admiral 1_hell_devils_tears_3 for more information

Dedicated Lunatic

User Image
Yasena ◕ S. ◕ Poliak
350,000,000 Beli

(as a Shichibukai's crew member, her bounty is not viable)

                The pirate at large is 35 years old
                A known member of The Crimson Dragoons as their First Mate
                Date of Birth is July 17th
                Gender is FEMALE
                Most likely to be seen flirting with asexual. she teases as her way of flirting
                Stands at 5'6" and weighs 130 lbs.
                Most likely carrying lots of cigarette packs on her, but nothing else...maybe a flask
                Have possibly eaten the PIKA PIKA NO MI
                Special Laugh? Hyuhyuhyuhyahya!

                strength: 7
                agility: 10
                devil fruit capabilities: 9
                awareness: 7
                defense: 6
                haki control: 6

                Our Researcher have deduced this of pirate's past: Born on the island of Saliya, home of Suntukan. She started taking Suntukan at the age of 3, her grandfather and father training her from sunrise to sunset. Yasena would often get injured because she couldn't stop fighting with the boys in the neighborhood, but only because they knew she was a strong one. She would stand up for the girls in her class, and the bullied ones, where her father and grandfather saw that she would fight for justice. She, at first, had joined the Navy on the recommendation of her grandfather, because of her passion for equality, justice, and sympathy for weak ones. At the age of 15, she joined them, and while doing Navy duties, would practice her Suntukan at night secretly when everyone was asleep. She would often get up late and get yelled at by her commanding officer.
                One day, while she was getting mouthed off by him, a Vice Admiral that was visiting would pass by her, and notice that she was different from all the other Marine soldiers, both in presence, and the look in her eyes. He welcomed her to serve under him, and he witnessed her grow quickly in spirit and techniques. The two, regardless of their stature, grew to be friends.
                At the age of 25, she had climbed the ranks of Lieutenant Commander (it was as LC that she attained the Pika Pika no Mi, and gained her powers), then Captain, and finally, she would be admitted as a Rear Admiral serving under an Admiral.
                This Admiral believed in Absolute Justice, and no mercy. Not even to those who were relatives or friends of pirates. She never captured them alive - she would either kill them, or feed them to her "pets." As Yasena witnessed her cruel torture of a family whose father was a pirate, she couldn't bear it any longer, and attacked her commanding officer. After suffering injuries by both parties, Yasena ran for her life as far as she could, powering her boat by punching her Drill Storm into the water. When the boat became driftwood, she kept going, and when there was no more wood, she used her Light Reflections for as long as possible until she reached a shore of some island.
                Yasena woke up to the delicious aroma of steak and lamb leg cooked on a grill. Having not eaten for two weeks, she ran towards where the smell was coming from, plowing anything in her way. Her sprint was deftly stopped as a woman reached out with her hand and palmed her forehead, holding Yasena's head in place as the rest of her body went forward from the speed she was going at. This caused Yasena to slip into a position that looked like she was running towards the sky before the woman pushed her into the sand. As she spat out bits of sand from her mouth, the woman walked over to the grill and came back over with a whole lamb leg. She offered it to Yasena, saying, "Ready not. Sand would fall."
                The woman was captain of The Crimson Dragoons. After telling her her story, the captain promptly welcomed Yasena to her crew, offering her a position as Second Mate. The First Mate shook her hand, and smiling, welcomed her as well before drinking the day away.
                5 years later, the First Mate would die in a fight against the Marines and a Shichibukai, and Yasena would be promoted to First Mate, and the captain would take the position of Shichibukai.
                Yasena never thought she would be working for Marines again, under different circumstances. She reluctantly allowed her captain to take the title, but knew in her heart if the World Government ever commanded her captain to do something she opposed, Yasena would fight her. And if she ever laid eyes on the Admiral which drove her to her dramatic resignation from the Marines, she swore to fight the woman then and there.

                Our Informants tell us she may act like this: With strangers, she may appear cold or unfriendly, but it's just so she can differentiate who she can trust and who she doesn't trust. With her crewmates, she treats them with respect and humility. Unless she has to wake them up. She'll start kicking the guys in the stomach/ribs, and shaking the girls until their drool starts flying. She likes to tease her crewmates to no end, but it's only her way of showing them that she likes them. A huge pottymouth, She's not one to openly share her feelings, but her opinions on certain matters are to be shared. Blunt and straight to the point. Easily surprised and impressed with the unexpected, because she doesn't have as great observation skills as others, unless she's fighting. Also quick to annoy/irritate.
                She feels that whatever her captain does, she will decide for herself what would be the best course of action. If her captain and her would to choose different sides, she would fight her captain to the death, not out of spite, but out of respect for each other's power and passion.
                If she doesn't have a cig in her mouth, she'll have a toothpick. (it gives her that tough look)
                Yasena also has a random, unusual side to her. When she's bored, she may do something just because she can, or just to see what would happen.

                Their likes
                tough jerky
                smoking cigarettes
                teasing people
                making up new moves
                picking fights randomly
                and their dislikes
                dried biscuits
                having to waste her cigarettes
                sugary goods, unless it's a lightly sweet dessert that isn't 100% made just out of sugar and candy and sweetener

              COMBAT SKILL
                  Our Agents have deduced the fighting style of the pirate includes: Her fighting style is based on Filipino Boxing, Suntukan. She has spent a lot of time and patience in perfecting and understanding how her body moves into and out of each stance and each strike, as good footwork is needed to have good rhythm and flow of attacks. Suntukan includes a mix of punching, kicking, locking, throwing and dumog (grappling to expose an opponent's vulnerable spot). It employs speed in its attacks, sometimes hitting the opponent with the same hand quickly, without having to draw the arm completely back. When it comes to defense, Suntukan uses evasive and parrying techniques to get around to an opponent's blind spot and hit them from there. Yasena will usually use Kenbunshoku Haki to help her get around.
                  She relies more on hand-to-hand combat, using her Pika Pika powers as a last resort.

                      - quick eyes to distinguish an attack coming her way
                      - Busoshoku Haki
                      - Kenbunshoku Haki
                      - Lightning Punch/Kick - a punch/kick so fast you don't see it coming
                      - Drill Punch - hits the opponent consecutively with the left/right fist.
                      - Drill Storm - throws punches consecutively with both fists
                      - Rapid Leg - Similar to Chun Li's "Hyakuretsukyaku", she stands on one leg and rapidly kicks the opponent with the other, delivering several hits at once.
                      - Numbing Jabs - When the opponent attacks, his limb will be exposed, allowing Yasena a chance to deliver jabs with two fingers (index and middle finger) to his nerve points, bones, and muscle tissue to cause immediate partial paralysis.

                  Pika Pika no Mi - each attack she lets loose will either explode on impact or dissipate.
                      - Light Spear - Throws a spear made out of light at an opponent.
                      - Lightning Bullet - Similar to Yusuke Urameshi's "Spirit Gun", Yasena gathers light to the tip of her index finger, and fires it like a bullet.
                      - Lightning Delivery - Drill Punch/Storm where her fists light up, and shoots Pika pika bullets when she punches the air. The bullet will go at the speed she punches at. Usually used from a distance, but closer range will deal much more destructive damage.
                      - Light Reflections - essentially moving from one location to the next at the speed of light

                  What our Agents do not know yet is that:
                  - Bright Sun - creating a ball between the palm of her hands, then shooting a beam at the opponent. Think "Hadouken."
                  - Awakening - ???

                Other: Her hair is black with tints of red in it

Please consult Admiral 1_hell_devils_tears_3 for more information

Dedicated Lunatic

[ Calliope-Fyfe "Sound Warrior" Chinjao ]

User Image
    AGE: 63

    DOB: June 4th



    HEIGHT: 9'6"

    WEIGHT: 201 lbs.

    THIS MARINE'S RANK IS Vice Admiral OF THE Peace Mains

    COMMISSIONED WEAPON: A lance in the shape of a musical treble clef, and a huge shield almost as tall as her with a bass clef on it. Both are durable, unbreakable, made of special alloy that's similar to a sea prism stone, but not sea stone itself.

    DEVIL FRUIT: none

    SPECIAL LAUGH: Hasuhasuhasu!!

    AGILITY: 7
    DEFENSE: 8

    REASON FOR JOINING MARINES: From a young age, Calliope was raised to fight. Her father taught her all he knew. He also told her stories of the Great Kingindom of Riku, the former old Shichibukai Doflamingo, and the fall of the man by a certain Pirate, how Riku's daughter fought in the ring by doing nothing but defending herself. The Gladiator Ring had been banned from ay illegal fights without the King's approval, so you could imagine all the underground brawling places that sprung up in the city. At first, she joined the Gladiator Ring with her father's permission, but felt she needed more of a risk. At 10, she went out on her own to fight in the underground fights, and after 2-3 nights of disappearance, her father found out and drilled her even harder tof the next year to reprimand her. If she was going to be that way, the he would train her to be just as strong - he would teach her, and she would be the greatest warrior in the land.
    And she did. Calliope became the king's right-hand person at the tender age of 16. At 20, she traveled with the king to a meeting of the kingdoms, the Reverie. The meeting was attended by a young fishman, the likes of which she had never seen before. He was the prince of Fishman Island, long descendant of Shirahoshi. He sat at his mother's side, and after the meeting was over, the two had a moment to converse, and became fast friends.
    Calliope would visit him often at Fishman Island. She would confide in him her worries, and how she wanted to be even stronger. He enlisted the help of a famous fishperson musician, who would then teach her the mechanics of sound, reverb, and soundwaves.
    It must be mentioned that Calliope had a strong affinity to music at a young age. Her mother would play music while she trained, and it got to the point she would hum to herself while fighting. It would set her own tempo, and no amount of disruptions from the opponent would set her off. To be able to use music to her advantage and make her stronger only gave her more of an incentive to learn to use it at her command.
    Calliope didn't start off with wearing armor. She wore the normal Chinjao outfit, which was all cloth. After having met Kyros's descendant, who taught her swordsmanship, she felt she also needed armor, and went all out. A bit too much at first, and slowly started cut out the weight and excess armor to strong and sturdy. She still kept it heavy for training purposes. Her armor is made of special alloy, several parts of her sword and shield are hollow to produce more of a reverb. She found a way to use her knowledge of soundwaves and apply it to her armor and weapon.
    The prince also came to visit Dressrosa several times. They would exchange stories, food, customs, and culture. His first visit was, to say the least, a bit nerve-wrecking, as many of the citizens had never seen fishpeople before, and looked upon him like a weirdo. With Calliope's cheerfulness, and a bit of pouting, the island welcomed the prince with open arms. Plus it helped that he brought gifts for almost everyone.
    Calliope was enthralled that she had made such a good friend. When they went out, she'd blush at the boys and do her usual "but if you insist-hin" shy attitude, and he'd always tease her about it. At one point, he asked why she had never done it with him. She replied that he was royalty, and she couldn't act that way as a first impression, and "by the time we got to know each other, it was already past that point."
    He never had the chance to tell her how he felt about her, and once she had completed her training, she ran off to join the Marines, who had accepted her entry as a Commodre. She was always out helping, and on many of their old voyages together, the two of them would stop by nearby islands for adventure and see how the island was doing. They stayed in contact as she climbed the ranks of Marines, sending letters after letters. And then the one finally came.
    A marriage ceremony invitation.
    She took the week off to see her best friend and his new wife. Calliope could see immediately why he loved her, and gave them her best wishes.
    By midweek, the two had plenty of time to catch up on old times. But the prince, now king, couldn't bear it anymore, and asked if she had ever loved him more than a close friend. Calliope couldn't bring herself to answer at first. She stammered out a reply that "you always were a brother to me. You were someone I aspired to be. But I couldn't see us living together like...that."
    She left the conversation, and departed the island the next day. The two of them would not meet again for a long time, and gradually the letters stopped.
    During her time as Commodore, she got on good terms with several of the pirates she ran in with, saying she was different from the other Marines. This put her in the good graces of several infamous pirate crews, as well the enemy in several Marine's eyes. For those who saw her perspective, they formed a small unit known as the "Peace Mains." They went around, capturing pirates disrupting the peace, but making friends with other pirates who didn't attack the innocent. This came as trouble the first time round when a crew took advantage of their kindness. That only backfired on them when Calliope found out and had them tracked down and imprisoned. She and her unit started to gain popularity rather quickly, and soon several pirates started calling the in for favors. Not a single one of them was answered. Anything that was political and in the Marines' favor was looked into before Calliope made a move, but she and the other "Peace Mains" continued to help the innocent and protect the "harmless" pirates.
    That is not to say she hasn't made any mistakes as a Marine. She's gotten lost in HQ, mistaken the Fleet Admiral for a butler, kicked a Rear Admiral out of his chair, messed up the paperwork, forgotten to do the paperwork, turned in paperwork late, etc. Though she drills it in her pupils to never be late for anything, she herself could use some work in that area. She's also misinterpreted some communication as a hit on her by higher officials. To say the least, she's offputting for many of the Marines.
    Most of the Admirals and Vice Admirals are all younger than her. She's actually trained most of the people who are now Admirals and Vice-Admirals while being a rear Admiral, and then Vice Admiral, taking on Instructor duties. She is especially friends with Issac, Alex C. Nico, Lucia, Tristan, Ashelyn, and Gozan, the current Fleet Admiral. She and Kurouki are not on the best of terms. She's talked to Kurouki on several occasions, none of them pleasant for Calliope. It always ended with Kurouki and her pompous air scaring the pants off everyone, and Calliope didn't take to that well. If the Fleet Admiral was raising her, then it was none of her problem Anything having to do with Absolute Justice is out of her area of understanding and expertise.
    Calliope was also there when they took down the Legara Pirates. She had been Rear Admiral then, and only jumped in a few times to keep the Admirals focused on the Captain, the Yonko. As the ship finally sank, she had a feeling that that wasn't the last time they would be seeing the female Yonko.
    She's also met with the Garden Pirates several times. When they were just starting out, she met them at the pub and nearly scared them off when they heard she was a Marine, and were skeptical when she said she wasn't there to capture them. It took them a while to trust her, but after several run-ins with the Marines, her calling them off, plus a party here and there, she gained the trust of the captain. He told her his distrust of the Marines, when they were harassing people and disrespecting his wife, and how he had no choice but to be a pirate. She, in turn, shared her own story, and the two of them bonded over several drinks, recalling the past.

    PREVIOUS COMMANDER REPORT THIS ACTIVITY: Calliope is a righteous woman, and though she's in her 60s, she acts and looks no less than a 20-30 year old would, except with maybe some silvering/greying of the hair. She does not hold a grudge against any pirate - she only does what she does to keep them in line, and that means making sure they do not harm civilians, attack the innocent, and just sail the seas. Calliope has a tendency of making a wrong decision, then correcting it later on. She is indecisive when justice is not on the line, and finds herself reflecting and regretting decisions she makes, such as choosing blueberries over raspberries. She always limits her decisions of desserts to one or two. Anymore, and she would be indulging herself, which only happens once a blue moon. Normally has a huge appetite.
    Calliope is tough on her subordinates. She doesn't allow for any holding back, even for the most newest of rookies. She's a serious woman when fighting, and doesn't like to play around with the opponent - Calliope is a "no joke" type of gal, not wanting to waste time. Namecalling won't get you anywhere with her. Plus, if the fight drags on, she starts to feel her age, which won't be until...4 days of straight on fighting (don't tell her I said that).
    She's a very eccentric person, similar to Garp. Calliope isn't talkative, but is a conversationalist. She also likes to dress up once in a while - she's almost never dowie.
    When she's not fighting or polishing her weapons, she likes to learn new words and throws them into conversations to test her knowledge and if she's using it right.
    She is confident in her looks, occasionally flipping her golden-silver hair out of the way of her face. But when she meets a cute/hot/handsome guy/man, she may openly flirt and blush, even saying, "I'm sorry, I don't need a man in my life right now, b-but if you insist, I may reconsider-hin."
    She ends her sentences with -hin.

    Drinking and parties

    Fights that don't seem to end
    Orders that give her no explanation of "why"
    People who take advantage of others

    KNOWN COMBAT ABILITIES: Her strength, including her height, gives her a very strong advantage. Coming from the Chinjao family of the pirates Happo Navy, she uses Hasshoken (visible vibrations around her joints), but takes it to a new level. Able to direct that vibration now to any part of her body, she directs it into her sword and shield, creating vibrations that will resonate at a high frequency (for the sword) and a low frequency (for the shield). High frequencies pierce the ears, while low frequencies will resonate throughout the entire body. Her vibrations echo into the atmosphere like a sonic boom without the shockwaves, since they are more of a soundwave quality.

    Busoshoku Haki and Kenbunshoku Haki

    Normal Hasshoken Attacks (Shockwaves)
    - Bujaogen. Emits Hasshoken shockwaves while kicking the opponent, shattering the opponent's defense. Can also be used with a fist, elbow, or knee. Head, not yet.
    - Hasshoken Ogi: Kiryu Kirikugi, "Eight Impacts Fist Secret Technique: Drill Dragon Drill Nail." covers body part with Busoshoku Haki, sending a shockwave parallel to the body part in the direction it's heading (which is toward the opponent/object) while hitting it, causing 100 times more damage to it.

    Sound Weapon Attacks
    - Treble Vibration. Causes her sword to vibrate. This high frequency sound will irritate many people, causing headaches, vomiting, fainting, dizziness, etc. With every jab she releases a small amount of vibrations from the tip of her lance. So even if the opponent dodges, they'll still be affected by the vibrations released.
    - Bass Vibration. Causes her shield to vibrate. This low frequency sound will numb the joints, causing sleepiness, paralysis in those not used to low frequencies or too sensitive, and weakening of the joints.
    - When defending, she uses her vibrations to disperse the power of the attack

    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The accessories she wears around her body are merely for decoration, but they're all the different musical symbols you see on a normal sheet of music.

Pending approval by: Admiral 1_hell_devils_tears_3

Dedicated Lunatic

User Image
Casey 'Thunder Goddess' DuVal
53,000,000 Beli

                The pirate at large is 23 years old
                A known member of The Thunder Pirates as their Captain
                Date of Birth is May 15
                Fighting Level: 3
                Gender is Female
                Most likely to be seen flirting with Men
                Stand at 5'10" and weigh 167 Lbs.
                Most likely carrying A set of ornate daggers
                Have possibly eaten the Goro Goro No Mi: Element of Lightning

                Our Researcher have deduced this of pirate's past: Casey's father was a pirate, and abandoned his family when she was 2 to go sailing. She can barely remember his face, but she has lived on the stories that sailors have brought to her island, hoping to hear that he was still alive. She found the goro goro fruit when she was 15, after a freak thunderstorm passed over her small island. Once she realized the abilities it granted her, she made the decision that she wanted to become a pirate and search for her father. She left her island in East Blue when she was 19, and started her own pirate crew.
                Our Informants tell us he may act like this: Casey is a little proud. She can seem a little stuck up, because she believes that because her father was a pirate as well that she is continuing a legacy. She is fiercely loyal to her crew, and those she considers friends. Her moral compass lies somewhere in neutral. She won't treat someone poorly unless she believes they deserve it, but she has done some terrible acts to those she deems worthy of her wrath.
                Their likes
                and their dislikes
                Being disrespected

              COMBAT SKILL
                Our Agents have deduced the fighting style of the pirate includes:
                Knife Wielding
                Quick Reflexes
                Observation Haki (subconsciously using it. Will be more aware of this once it is brought to her attention)
                Goro Goro no Mi:
                Can pass through most conducting materials with ease, travel at the speed of lighting if necessary.
                1, 5, 10, 20, 30, 50 million volt charge: Releases various levels of electrical energy.
                Discharge: Unleashes a massive charge of electricity from her hand that forms a wide blast used to devastate large areas with no specific target in mind.
                Spark: Heats the air around her with her Goro Goro no Mi powers until it explodes in a thunder clap. This is used to avoid and neutralize non-material attacks.
                Metallurgy Reheats and reshapes metals

                  What our Agents do not know yet is that:
                  Conqueror's Haki (May be able to use this unintentionally until learning of the skill)
                  Armament Haki
                  Goro Goro no Mi:
                  Can listen to electrical sound waves from her surroundings, allowing her to hear everything around her for large distances.
                  60, 100, 200 Volt charge: See above
                  Thunder Hawk: Creates a lightning discharge in the form of a Hawk and launches it at an opponent
                  Thunder Dragoon: Creates a large dragon shape from her lightning and launches it at her opponent
                  Thunder Goddess: Takes the form of a large goddess made completely of Lightning and is at her strongest.

Please consult Admiral Gleaxi for more information

Dedicated Lunatic

User Image
Naji ◕ "The Reaper" ◕ Kaen
60,000,000 Beli

                The pirate at large is 19 years old
                A known member of The Cherry Feather Pirates as their Navigator
                Fighting Level: 3
                Date of Birth is January 15
                Gender is Male
                Most likely to be seen flirting with Either Gender
                Stand at 5'10" and weigh 180 lbs
                Most likely carrying A Scythe
                Have possibly eaten the Ope Ope no Mi: Allows the user to generate a light blue sphere-like room, in which they can manipulate all the things inside.

                Our Researcher have deduced this of pirate's past: Naji was raised on an island in the South Blue. At the age of 10 he found his way onto a pirate ship, as a cabin boy. He travelled with them a while, learning all of his navigation skills from their navigator. He was out with his mentor on an island one day while the crew gathered supplies. That was when he found the ope ope no mi. He learned how to control his abilities over time, and honed his skills with his scythe. Not long after he turned 19 disaster struck. His crew had been anchored off the shore of Logue Town, attempting to gather supplies to make it over Reverse Mountain and on to the Grand Line. The ship was attacked by the marines that made the headquarters on the island their home. Naji was the only one who escaped, through the sacrifice of his crewmates. He swore revenge on the marines from that day forward, and has been spending the time since their capture disrupting the marines at Logue Town, taking his anger out on any marine he can find.

                In the disruption that was caused at Loguetown, Naji's crew was killed. He barely escaped with the help of the Cherry Pirates, and has since joined their crew as their navigator.

                Our Informants tell us he may act like this: Naji seems withdrawn and overly polite to people he doesn't know, and has a hard time completely trusting new people. He is a bit of a trickster, and likes to play pranks on his friends on occasion. Once someone is deemed trustworthy, he will defend them with his life. He is loyal to a fault.
                There likes
                Messing with people
                Being out at sea
                and their dislikes
                The Marines/ World Governement
                feeling trapped
                disloyal people

              COMBAT SKILL
                Our Agents have deduced the fighting style of the pirate includes:
                Master Scythe Wielder
                Good Hand-to-hand combat training
                Ope Ope no Mi:
                generates a light blue sphere-like room, in which he can manipulate all the things inside.
                Current size of room: 30ft
                Shambles: Objects in the room fly around, hitting enemies, allows him to switch the locations of objects and people at will.
                Fall apart: Living things are chopped up by his scythe. This does not kill them, but makes it difficult for them to fight. He can also take parts of his enemies if he likes, and even after the room is removed, the target does not die without those body parts. The body parts that are separated while in the Room can be reattached even after leaving the Room.
                Takt: Able to levitate medium-sized objects within the room

                  What our Agents do not know yet is that:
                  Improved hand-to-hand combat
                  Will eventually receive a double bladed scythe
                  Ope Ope no Mi: Room size will increase with training, largest room size currently unknown.
                  Mind swap: Shifts the personalities in the room. Can be left like that permanently, or swapped back later, though the targets can not change themselves back.
                  Thief: Strikes his opponent in the chest with his bare hand, causing their heart to fly out of their body, encased in a glass-like cube. (This does not have to be done within the room.)
                  Improved Takt: Able to make large rock spikes erupt from the ground, as well as levitate heavier/larger objects than before.

    Please consult Admiral Gleaxi for more information

Dedicated Lunatic

User Image
Skyler ◕ K ◕ Newman
34,540,000 Beli

                The pirate at large is 16 years old
                A known member of Blind Duchess as their Quartermaster
                Fighting Level: 2
                Date of Birth is 4/1
                Gender is Male
                Most likely to be seen flirting with No One
                Stand at 5'4" and weigh 115
                Most likely carrying Bladed Tonfa
                Have possibly eaten the Mane Mane no Mi

                Our Researcher have deduced this of pirate's past: Skyler could barely remember his parents, not that he would try anymore anyways. The farthest back he could remember was the day he had been taken away from his home. And that memory was the shiny start to his horrible life. He was 7 at the time, and a carnival had made its way into town. His parents didn't seem too keen on it, saying that the people that worked it were being treated like animals. Of course that caught Skyler's interest. He had a fascination with seeing people in pain, though he was very careful to hide it at the time. He had gone to see the show without his parents' permission, and before the show had even started he was grabbed from behind and knocked out. When he awoke, he was on a ship bound for the next stop of the carnival. He was force-fed the Mane Mane no mi, and told that he had to learn to control it by the time they reached the next island. And learn he did. He learned how to copy people, learned how to pickpocket in large crowds, how to keep himself hidden, and how to get away if he was caught.

                He didn't like the job at all, but he was too young to really be able to get away on his own, and the others that tried to escape had all been caught, which made him afraid to try. It was almost a year after his kidnapping when he attempted the first time. Of course he was caught, and by the worst of the troupe's members. The beat him severely, and decided that outside of the show that he was to be their 'pet'. During the show he performed, he would use his copying abilities on a woman that the men picked out of the crowd. The night after the show he would be forced to take the form of the woman again, just so the men could 'have their way' without getting arrested for assaulting a woman in the village. None of the troupe's leaders even knew this was going on, and Skyler, at the time, was too frightened to tell anyone.

                When he was 14 he finally snapped, killed the guys who were abusing him, killed a number of the members and killed the ring leader, before taking off. He went a little crazy after that, killing anyone that got in his way. After a few months of chaotic blood-fueled rampaging he found his head again. He definitely wasn't sane, but he had a lot more control. He started working for hire, anything to get paid and be allowed to enjoy himself. Finally he found his way onto the crew of the Blind Duchess, and has enjoyed the life that the captain provides him.

                Our Informants tell us he may act like this: Skyler is manipulative and cold. He enjoys forcing people to make life and death decisions for their loved ones. He wants to see people suffer, and enjoys being the one to cause that suffering. He is also rather cunning, using his abilities to get around problems rather than face them straight on. He may not like being ordered around, but he respects his captain enough to know that if he doesn't follow orders that he'll be the one suffering.
                Their likes
                blood (other people's)
                shiny objects
                and their dislikes
                being touched without permission
                People besides the captain ordering him around
                sour foods

              COMBAT SKILL
                Our Agents have deduced the fighting style of the pirate includes:
                Master Pickpocket
                Trained Hand-to-Hand Combat
                Parkour, though not mastered
                Mane Mane no Mi:
                Allows the user to physically transform into another person they've come in contact with. It also replicates that person's strengths, weaknesses, and abilities, except for Devil's fruit abilities.
                Currently has 4 different appearances he prefers to use; 1, 2, 3, 4
                He can remember anyone he has ever copied before, but only uses ones besides his prefered when its necessary.
                He has to physically touch those he wishes to copy.

                  What our Agents do not know yet is that:
                  Will gain a sword and learn to wield it.
                  learn to make smoke bombs and other small explosives
                  Mastery of parkour
                  Mane Mane no Mi:
                  Will add more appearances to his repertoire, unlimited as to how many

Please consult Admiral Gleaxi for more information

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