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Bashful Lover

Alois Azazel Luvenicci August 22 Twenty
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Male Italian Prince

                              p e r s o n a l i t y: Alois is a very fragile person, in spite of his age. While he is physically mature, he still has some attributes that go with his very youthful appearance, which can often make him look much younger than he is in another's eyes. He isn't particularly the most free acting person in a group, but he is very open minded despite his sheltered mentality. Alois himself is a very tortured individual and has a few nervous habits that rise from events that trigger them, such shouting or yelling. Alois is also very kinda to most people and prefers not to get involved with meaningless conflict, yet has passive nature is his main weakness. Having little need for the use of his powers has made him a novice at using them. He sometimes will not be able to control them, or the effect of what he can produce will not be sufficient enough. He is also very loyal despite, his family has close ties with the dark side of the catholic church. While Azazel, is Awake in Alois' body, he's not much different except he's more smug, and is more inclined to lie to you.
                              s e x u a l i t y: Homosexual
                              l i k e s: Stuffed animals, Conversations, Friends, Freedom, Sweet food, Beautiful flowers, Art
                              d i s l i k e s: Confinement, The Vatican, His family, Bland food, Religious paraphernalia, Cubism
                              d o r m - r o o m: B4
                              p o w e r s: Conjurations (Summoning)- He is allowed to give away either of his souls to summon a demon in to the physical world. Upon the demon being vanquished and banished back to the depths of hell, his expense is returned to him. The cost for the demons vary based on type. Ethereal wisp (Explodes on contact), one-sixth of his human soul each; Ethereal Familiar (Explodes upon death), one-fourth of his human soul; Shade Adept (Drains life energy), one-half of his human soul; Demonic Thrall (Elemental), all of his human soul; Arch-Demon (Spiritual torture/ enhanced abilities), all of Demonic soul.

                              Possession- He is constantly using half of his possession abilities, by keeping attached to his human host, while on agreement only, he is allowed to take control of someone's soul and use it as he pleases.

                h i s t o r y:
                Alois' body was born in the Vatican city in the summer month of august. His family an underground cult of satanists funded by their knowledge in the Vatican's dirty affairs, were pleased to see that another dying woman had given birth to another vessel for Satan's kin. He is named after Azazel prince of spirits, who is one of the princes of Hell, while also being the vessel to his soul. Alois has two souls within his body, the human soul commonly being his true feelings and personality and The soul of Azazel which is usually dormant unless he has already given at least half of his soul to his father. Alois' family in the earlier days was not wealthy at all, but once the old family head excepted Satan in to his very being, he was given all the immoral sins of the priests that formed the Vatican. Providing this family like cult with power and wealth to make sure they would never reveal the things that have happened under the veil of the church. On Alois' side of that story, he was born the eighteenth vessel of Azazel, meaning he is the eighteenth human to receive the burden of "Satan's Passageway". His father who is Satan's human host has molested Alois several times, to see if he had the prowess and charm to sway leaders of power in his favor, which would in turn make it easier for Alois' father to take more power to his status. Alois was fairly sheltered as a child, and wasn't shown much compassion at all, therefore he tends to latch on to people who show him such graces. Initially Alois was sent to the Imperial Academy so he could learn of the foreign dignitaries and there ways and grant them false loyalty to gain their trust, so that they may offer their souls to him, yet Alois wishes to follow his own plans and live a normal life with friends and companions who shares odd gifts.


Bashful Lover

Ekaterina Petrovna Tchaikova December 12th Twenty
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Female Russian Descendent of the House of Romanov

                              p e r s o n a l i t y: Ekaterina seems to almost have two personalities. An outer one and an inner one. At times the two have little to no distinction and sometimes she can act like night and day.Kate is smart. Whether it was because of the education she has received,formally and classically trained in most subjects or she herself is innately bright is up to opinion.The young lady never shys away from expressing her intelligence.Ekaterina was also trained almost by her family and those surrounding her to keep and a cool and calm demeanor in public but it has become a trait that has seeped into her personal life making her seem distant and cold to people. That coupled with a natural tendencies to be very blunt, almost harsh, a sarcastic tone and cynical outlook at times has kept her from developing close to many people. However when she does warm up to someone or in rare instances where she feels comfortable enough to let her guard down a very different person comes to light. Shy, almost painfully shy at first but she reveals her self to be a very open and caring person with a great capacity for compassion and humor. A strong, quirky and light-hearted woman.Ekaterina is cursed however with a gloom that is hard to understand. Her powers are difficult to live with . They are not just powers, they seep into almost every aspect of her life. She is extremely scared of her blood bending abilities and her death sensing power is one that has brought a great source of sadness throughout her life. Kate does try and but them into perspective and keep level headed about her powers.She is finally at a point in her life where she is starting to come into her own and she does not want them dragging her down.
                              s e x u a l i t y: Straight
                              l i k e s: Just relaxing and feeling peaceful, maybe around family or friends ✤ Having her opinions heard ✤ Snow ✤ Swimming,Running,Skating, Skiing ✤ Nighttime ✤ Learning, science,history,art,literature.✤ Traveling ✤ Music
                              d i s l i k e s: Seeing "death" ✤ Not being able to control her blood bending power ✤ Her Otets ( father) telling her how she should live her life. She loves him but... ✤ Feeling to hot. Her blood boiling ✤ Ignorance ✤ Headaches.She gets them frequently ✤ Not being able to contribute.
                              d o r m - r o o m: A4.
                              p o w e r s:

                              Blood manipulation;;the ability to mentally control blood. The user can control its flow (to accelerate it, decelerate it, or even reverse it), control its regeneration, control its coagulation (to heal wounds), snatch it from wounds, or even control it within bodies, to control subjects’ motions. This could also halt blood flow (called Blood Stopping ) or, at the higher bands, cause oxygenated blood to release oxygen within wounds, igniting blood’s electrolytes and effectively burning foes from the inside out (called Blood Burning).

                              (More info : X )

                              Death Sensing ;;
                              The power to sense the coming of death or the actual act of dying.The user might sense death upon meeting someone. They will know the name of the person, time of death, where the death will take place and how it will happen. Sometimes though the user will receive a premonition of a death. In that case the user might or might not know the details. The use can also receive a visual of a death that is about or is taking place.The details may or may not be revealed.

                h i s t o r y:
                Russia. A vast country with a long and complicated history.Sometimes extremely prosperous and opulent. At others bloody,cold and dark.The same could be said true of family miss Ekaterina is from. The house of Romanov.A long and complicated linage, who`s power came to a brutal end, ushering in a new, and even bloodier era for Russia.The remaining family members found shelter throughout but it was never truly safe.Even now most do not live in Russia. Their tittle has not been reinstated and the family fights over witch side has the right to the "throne".

                Luckily for Ekaterina she was born into a world far removed from that.Born in England to Peter and Irina Tchaikov.The family was close enough in the royal line to be considered but not close enough for it to be a problem.Her fathers family had fled from Russia 1917 and had come to England to live with distant relatives.Since then the family has moved all over Europe, even back to Russia but England had become a home base, especially for Kate's father who chose to spend most of his time here. The Tchaikov's had an estate in the country side that Kate spent most of her time on . There was everything she could ever need there.If she wasn't at the manor then she was traveling. Her father did have a high ranking career however it required him to move around a lot, Sometimes spending months in another country. Peter refused to leave the family behind on long term trips. So Kate and her mom accompanied him. It was not always the easiest thing to do, especially as such a young age but the experiences Ekaterina gained she wouldn't trade. She got to see so many different cultures and people. Learn so many things about history,art and such first hand, by some of the countries foremost experts in their subjects. When Kate was fourteen the family settled down a bit and moved back to Russia. It took awhile, longer then normal for Ekaterina to adjust there. It was the first time she really recognized her family linage.They still had the home in England but it was more of a vacation home.Kate had never stayed in one place for so long.In other countries her father had been a lot more relaxed but here he was very strict about what her and her brother could do and how they could act. The family had a large manor a fair bit outside Moscow.There was nothing but their estate around them.Home schooled as she was, Kate never had much interaction with other people, especially those her age. Ekaterina became very reclusive and her parents thought she had fallen into a depression due to the culture shock. It would be years till they knew what was really going on.

                You see Ekaterina is not like normal people and not just because of her ancestry.As long as she can remember she's had a sixth sense. Death is a part of her life, she can sense it all around her. Literally. Sometimes upon meeting people she'll become aware of their death. Sometimes she'll dream, have visions of death.For the longest time she thought it was normal ,that it was just a part of life , everyone's life. It wasn't till she grew older and realized that sensing death was only something she could do that it became a problem. Guilt, fear,confusion terrible sadness and anger at times.At other is was like she was numb to it all. Just another person,another death.Everyone dies. Still, sometimes it was too much to deal with. Going on trips with her father became a coping mechanism. It was better then keeping herself shut in. She got to experience all she wanted to, keep her mind distracted and if she meets someone who was going to die...they wouldn't be in her life for long.When she moved to Russia the change was not one she welcomed. She longed to be able to travel again, even just to be able to go outside their property.Thats when Kate noticed a darker talent of hers.

                When she was just a child she was diagnosed with a rare blood disorder . Hemophilia.The inability to colt blood normally.The disease did run in some lines of there extended family but neither both her mother or father were carriers.It was never really much of a problem for her because as Kate grew up she noticed that her blood clotted normally most of the time. She never told anyone, just attributing the fact to her medicine, which she took on a regular basis.The medicine had nothing to do with it though. Kate was clotting her own blood, healing herself.Blood manipulation.Now, stuck in her home most of the time,the ability was starting to make its self consciously known to its user . Nothing scared Ekaterina more.Blood boiling, that was the technique that first got her attention. Suddenly she would her body would swell from the inside with heat. A painful boiling feeling. There was even times she could stop her own blood flow. Make her lips turn blue. Kate, whether because of intuition or fear had the feeling that if she could do this to herself she could probably do this to others. She isolated herself even further from the people around her,trying desperately to get around her head around the situation and her powers. She needed to know what she could do.

                A few more years passed and Ekaterina had grown more confident in her skill,yet more frightened of it. She practiced whenever she could. It was dangerous since she would have to draw her own blood to practice some techniques but she would simply just heal herself.However one time it didn't work so well.She drew blood to try to form it into a blade of sorts but the bending didn't have enough energy to clot her blood nor draw back the blood she used in practice .She had already lost so much that it didn't take long for her to fall unconscious and bleed out . Luckily her mother found her in time and rushed her to the hospital. She spent a week there, her father racing home from the business trip he was attending in America.Kate's mother and the doctor wanted to put her in intensive psychiatric care but her father fought against it and eventually got his way.As much as Peter tried to deny it he knew what was going on. The same thing happened to his father.He felt so guilty for not seeing the signs sooner. One of the reasons he moved to Russia was because of the isolated location of the house, he remembered his father told him that he started around the same age and would boil almost anyone's blood around him. He didn't want to take any chanced with Kate, even though he was convinced that the mutation died when he himself wasn't born with it.Luckily his father told him much about how the ability worked if he had a child with the ability before he passed. Peter quickly got to work training Ekaterina properly, not only with her own blood but with his blood and "free blood" he was able to get from the hospital.

                The two continued to train.Peter had refrained from taking many job opportunities just to train her. Just when Kate thought there was nothing new to learn.Sometimes the team worked, at other times their personalities would clash in a way that could be very dangerous considering the upper hand Ekaterina had going for her.Nothing got both there blood boiling more then the issue of Kate moving out on her own. She was already twenty years old and she thought she had mastered the ability enough to be able to control it on her own on a day to day basis.Her father on was extremely against the idea.Whenever it was brought up a battle between the two was guaranteed.The last time was no exception.It was one of the most heated arguments the father and daughter had ever had.To make matters worse they were in a middle of a blood boiling session.One moment her father was screaming at her , the next minute he was screaming out in pain on the floor.Ekaterina tried to stop herself but it was like the power was working on her emotion. If not her anger, her desperation. Boiling turned into stopping within seconds Kate knew he was inches from death. She ran out of the room screaming for help.

                A heart attack, that's what the doctors called it . A miracle it was that her father had survived.The family gathered around him and Ekaterina never left his side,apologizing over and over again. Peter knew that his daughter didn't mean to do what she did but he also knew he couldn't handle her anymore.He remembered something his father told him about a long time ago. An elite private school that dealt with these sorts of things back in England. Peter, being as prideful as he was didn't feel to fond of the idea but he knew that it was probably best for his daughter now.Kate didn't want to go either but she knew that she needed to learn things that her father couldn't teach her and she didn't want to fight with him or hurt him anymore so she agreed without hesitation. Contacts were called and strings were pulled and even though they had missed registration entirely and were to arrive late in the year she was able to get a place. A few weeks later Kate was on a plan to the " Boarding school" ."A good idea, a place where she can still have some Independence but still be under a watchful eye " her father told her mother.It wasn't the freedom she wanted but maybe it wouldn't be so bad.Back in a familiar country, no parents, able to interact with people around her that were like her.She thought about all the things she could learn or gain from the experience, not all that could go wrong .

                                            v a n i l i s s a

Bashful Lover

michelle andrea theroux september 30th twenty one
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female french marquis

                              p e r s o n a l i t y: Elle loves to be the center of attention. When she’s not, she will attempt to be. She’s also the kind of girl who loves drugs. ******** loves them. She’ll take anything she can get her hands on, and she’s not afraid to do a little somethin’ somethin’ to get her hands on some. This girl is also a bit of a b***h. If she’s unhappy and someone else is happy around her, she’ll destroy their happiness by any means necessary. The only thing that makes her happy is seeing that person cry. Oh god does that make her happy. Another thing she loves. Sex. She loves it and if she can’t get it from one person, she’ll just head right on to the next, not even caring about who she destroys in the process.
                              s e x u a l i t y: straight
                              l i k e s: sex || acting || singing || flirting || heroin
                              d i s l i k e s: people being happy when she isn’t || dark chocolate || her secrets being leaked || being ignored || bad smells
                              d o r m - r o o m: A4
                              p o w e r s:
                                  ability to control, generate or absorb electric fields.

                              energy conversion
                                  ability to absorb one form of energy and convert it into another form of energy.

                h i s t o r y:
                Elle was a pretty good kid when she was little. She was always the kind of kid that loved to be in the center of attention. If her mother and father weren’t paying attention to her, she would force them to pay attention. If they were in a business meeting, she would yell and scream and cry until they finally gave her attention. That was her childhood. She got what she wanted, when she wanted, without anyone telling her no. It was wonderful. Unfortunately, things didn’t change when she got older. In school she still got what she wanted and she learned how to get things she wanted from other people. That’s when she hit the drugs scene a little hard and started disappearing from her parent’s watchful eye. No way you can have fun with them always looming around. Soon, she met up with a junkie, who she learned was Jonathan only after they slept together. They hit it off and became boyfriend and girlfriend pretty fast. It was rocky at best. It got really rocky when Jon walked in seeing her blowing one dude while getting screwed by the other. It was exactly what it looked like. They broke up and she never talked to him again. Her parent’s reason for sending her to IAE is in hope that she’ll become a proper lady. Good luck with that.

                                            tubercular skies

Bashful Lover

Dimitrios Altair Evanggenelis June 21st Twenty
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Male Greek House of Glücksburg

                              p e r s o n a l i t y: Dimitrios is a very outgoing, fun young man. At social events he's the life of the party along with being the player. He's not well liked among some guys for his devious ways of flirting with any girl who catches his eye. Dimitrios is also very self-centered. Don't get him wrong, he can be a caring guy, but only when he feels it to be necessary. He's an attention whore, always trying to steal the spotlight from people. Maybe this is why he wants to become a musician. This young man also loves trouble and excitement. He's always rebelling against something. No consequence can cause this male to stop from breaking a rule. It's what he's all about.
                              s e x u a l i t y: Heterosexual
                              l i k e s: Social Events | Disobeying the Rules | Smoking | Drinking | Playing guitar | Singing | One Night Stands | Flirting | Staying Up All Night | Coffee
                              d i s l i k e s: Commitment | Being Bored | Schoolwork | Dull people | Mornings | Jealousy | Crybabies | Reading |Learning
                              d o r m - r o o m: A4
                              p o w e r s: Memory manipulation; Ability to erase, create, or enhance the memories of another.
                              Psionic blast; Ability to overload another's mind causing pain, memory loss, lack of consciousness, vegetative state or death after having created a psionic link into that individual's mind.

                h i s t o r y:
                After years and years of trying to get Dimitrios to behave like a gentleman and not some wild American male, his step-mother decided to was time to place him into the Imperial Academy. She hoped the academy could accomplish what she couldn't. Dimitrios wasn't very fond of the idea and begged his father not to allow his heartless step-mother send him away. His father showed mercy and gave his son one last chance. For months the young man acted proper, but when one of his friends invited him to a party, he made a big mistake. At that party he found himself sleeping with one of the Duke of England's daughters after being drunk. News came around to his father who signed for his transcripts to the Academy the next day.

Bashful Lover

Eduardo Emilio Valdiviezo February Tenth 20
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Male Hispanic Argentina's President's Son

                              p e r s o n a l i t y: If you were to look up the definition for romantic, then you will see a picture of Eduardo right next to it. He is not afraid to ever walk up and talk to a woman. Now, don't get him wrong. He isn't one of those nasty creepers that tries to get into every girls pants. He just likes to make girls feel good. Or if there is enough alcohol in system, men too. If they want to jump into the sack with him after his sweets words he isn't going to stop them.

                              Other than being a sweet talker he is pretty much the fun guy. A lot of people tend to revolve around him because he's really fun to be with. It can also be the money that he likes to toss around to get the fun started. Again, he isn't the type of guy to toss money at people to hang out with him. He tosses it around so he can buy things to have a fun time. There is a difference.

                              s e x u a l i t y: A lover
                              l i k e s : Red Roses, candles, dance music, wine
                              d i s l i k e s: Smokers, loud people, sticky things, wilting flowers, wrinkled clothes
                              d o r m - r o o m: B4
                              p o w e r s: Weather Manipulation: Eduardo just noticed he had this power. It wasn't until he witnessed a man treating a woman poorly that he realized the intensity of his power. Anger bubbled up inside of him and the clouds in the sky grew grey. Thunder was bellowing in the sky. The wind was blowing strongly. He nearly caused a tropical storm until his mother gave him a good wack in the head to stop.

                              Pheromone Manipulation: This is power that he's had for a little while and doesn't know how to control very well. They way it works is that he releases different types of smell from him. If you smell a sweet sort of fragrance then that's his sex pheromones that he is releasing. Now, he doesn't even know how to release these smells. They just come out on their own. Thou, Eduardo always tends to smell the fragrances emitting in time and runs to shut himself away. Things can get pretty crazy if people get a whiff of him.

                h i s t o r y:
                Eduardo prefers to be called Eddy. It doesn't sound as grown up as Eduardo and that is how he likes it. If you are expecting a complete sob story from him. Or an amazing child birth story then you are barking up the wrong tree. Eduardo is as normal as any normal person can be. Alright! It's all a sham! Other than the obvious powers, Eddy is adoptive! That's all the drama you are going to get thou. He didn't come from crack whore. Or come from a prostitute. His birth parents were people who just couldn't afford to support a baby and didn't want to abort either.

                Now you can say that he is pretty much living the life as being the son of the president of Argentina. Well that isn't completely true. He loves that he is a privileged guy, but he hates that he has his stupid powers. His emotions really affect them.If he's depressed it rains non-stop for a week. If he's upset there is drought for 2 weeks. So and so on. Plus all the pheromones he releases sometimes. When its the sex pheromones there are girls trying to brake into his house. Of if its his Alarm pheromone people are coming to rescue him. It's just too much and it is starting to get to his mother. She is tired of having to get him out of trouble and out of the press. If she can't control her son then people are going to think she can't run the country.

                His mother wants him to run for a position in the country, but no one is going to want a trouble maker for a leader. That is why she is sending him away to this school for the gifted. He will meet people his age, kind, and pedigree.


Bashful Lover

Jamie Oliver "Knight" Bradshaw October 5th Twenty Two
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Male German Lord

                              p e r s o n a l i t y: He is kind, but not willing to help people. The twenty two year old is a very good listener, though most the time he wont voice any helpful advice. He isn't quite as bright as his cousin, well half sister Natasha, but he isn't an idiot, he just doesn't care. Jamie manipulates people to get what he wants when he wants it. As a joke-ster his main goal is to see smiles on everyone's face. It's one of his better qualities, whether his friends are laughing with him or at him, he's just glad to hear their laughter.

                              He doesn't really get too re-severed, and will always voice his opinion if he has one . Most the time he is pretty calm, though, like everyone, he can get a temper. When everything is hectic, while it may come off as him joking he does tend to lash out. Jamie, other than the occasional lash out, is a level headed individual who over all just likes to have fun, and goof around. The twenty two year old hardly ever takes anything too seriously. So I suppose that means he's defiantly not a type A personality either.

                              s e x u a l i t y: I like the lovely ladies.
                              l i k e s : Music, Movies, Art, Books, Dancing, Telling Stories, Girls, and Being the center of it all.
                              d i s l i k e s: Dogs, Bugs, Mean People, Chocolate, Being Rejected, and keeping his relation with his half sister a secret.
                              d o r m - r o o m: B4
                              p o w e r s: Telepathy; Jamie can read peoples thoughts and even communicate back with them through thought he's been able to do so every since he was little, and often used it with Natasha.

                h i s ot o r y:
                On a late night in October a blonde haired blue eyed bouncing baby boy was born into lordship. His name was given to him by his father however, his last name was insisted by his mother, Jamie Oliver Knight Bradshaw, though he likes to leave Knight out of it. Mainly because he knows his fathers secret from prodding his thoughts. You see, Jamie is Natasha's half brother. He knows this, his father knows this, he knows this, and his aunt knows this. After all they weren't really going to keep it a secret from him even if they wanted to. However they didn't completely out it until a few weeks ago causing him to fully walk away from his father like a stranger, at the moment they weren't even on speaking terms that's why he decided on coming here, to watch over Natasha like a big brother should.

                                            H a l e y t h e H o p e f u l l

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