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d r ii BONES's Fangirl

Hardcore Trash

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It's alright ^_^
I think we're all kinda slacking off in this blasted heat crying

I'm sorry to hear about your kitty sad
How hot is it there? I know my cat doesn't eat for a day or so at a time, he's an outside cat and sometimes won't come home for a few days to eat. It might be just because of the heat, too, because even human's don't like to eat when it's too hot out. Is his nose cold/dry? I've heard that you can tell health by that as well. And is he very old or kind of young? You got to remember that cats have fur coats XD They're much hotter then we are on hot days 3nodding And I don't know about anywhere else but the heat + humidity has made it about 95+ degrees here and they can't shed their fur all off.

I wish it was that simple but I'm almost certain he's about to die. He's an inside cat and ancient at that. I've had him since I was five ( I'm eighteen turning nineteen soon ) and he wasn't exactly a kitten when we first got him. He eats every day three times a day. But for the past 3 + days he hasn't eaten anything at all. He drinks water but I've noticed he's slowly drinking less and he only wants to drink from the hose with the water dripping off of my fingers. He's really skinny and light now since he won't eat and walks incredibly slow. And it all happened in a matter of days. It's been warm out but he lives in the garage with me where it's cool and I make sure to mist him over with some water these past few days since he seems to like hanging around the hose and getting his face wet lately. I've tried feeding him with a spoon, mixing water into his already wet food, even putting it close to his face and he simply turns his head away as if to say "No." I know it's not his food because he's never been a picky eater and has never had a problem with that brand. If that's not enough I've seen a little bit of blood in his puke a day before this all started. Hasn't puked since. He's not grooming himself either so when he gets near the hose after I'm done misting him I wipe him off with a rag to keep him somewhat clean. He's also been trying to sneak out a lot at night, like if I try to leave my room and the garage to go into the house to get water or use the bathroom he tries to slip out the door behind me. But I don't let him out at night because I don't want him going off and dying and something end up eating him and I'll never know.

It's just been a bit stressful. I love my kitty to death and I've had him for a very very long time. So I'm just trying to make him comfy and let him know everything's going to be okay.

On another note, I've sent in two of three of my profiles. I've finished a paragraph and a half of Lidia's post so that should be up sometime today. I'll have Anabelle's up soon after since I've been holding Futilie back for so long ( apologies Dx ) and I'll get her up to speed. Not sure what to do with Calder so I think I'll hold back on posting anything else with him until I can think of something productive for him to do. Lol. But yeah. I'll be getting plenty of stuff done today.

Dapper Genius

Lamour Amelia

I am so sorry to hear about your cat, sweetie. I'm sure he knows how much you love him. Have you taken him to the vet? A few months ago my kitty stopped eat and they were able to get him eating again.

Newbie Terrestrial

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Lamour Amelia

It's alright ^_^
I think we're all kinda slacking off in this blasted heat crying

I'm sorry to hear about your kitty sad
How hot is it there? I know my cat doesn't eat for a day or so at a time, he's an outside cat and sometimes won't come home for a few days to eat. It might be just because of the heat, too, because even human's don't like to eat when it's too hot out. Is his nose cold/dry? I've heard that you can tell health by that as well. And is he very old or kind of young? You got to remember that cats have fur coats XD They're much hotter then we are on hot days 3nodding And I don't know about anywhere else but the heat + humidity has made it about 95+ degrees here and they can't shed their fur all off.

I wish it was that simple but I'm almost certain he's about to die. He's an inside cat and ancient at that. I've had him since I was five ( I'm eighteen turning nineteen soon ) and he wasn't exactly a kitten when we first got him. He eats every day three times a day. But for the past 3 + days he hasn't eaten anything at all. He drinks water but I've noticed he's slowly drinking less and he only wants to drink from the hose with the water dripping off of my fingers. He's really skinny and light now since he won't eat and walks incredibly slow. And it all happened in a matter of days. It's been warm out but he lives in the garage with me where it's cool and I make sure to mist him over with some water these past few days since he seems to like hanging around the hose and getting his face wet lately. I've tried feeding him with a spoon, mixing water into his already wet food, even putting it close to his face and he simply turns his head away as if to say "No." I know it's not his food because he's never been a picky eater and has never had a problem with that brand. If that's not enough I've seen a little bit of blood in his puke a day before this all started. Hasn't puked since. He's not grooming himself either so when he gets near the hose after I'm done misting him I wipe him off with a rag to keep him somewhat clean. He's also been trying to sneak out a lot at night, like if I try to leave my room and the garage to go into the house to get water or use the bathroom he tries to slip out the door behind me. But I don't let him out at night because I don't want him going off and dying and something end up eating him and I'll never know.

It's just been a bit stressful. I love my kitty to death and I've had him for a very very long time. So I'm just trying to make him comfy and let him know everything's going to be okay.

On another note, I've sent in two of three of my profiles. I've finished a paragraph and a half of Lidia's post so that should be up sometime today. I'll have Anabelle's up soon after since I've been holding Futilie back for so long ( apologies Dx ) and I'll get her up to speed. Not sure what to do with Calder so I think I'll hold back on posting anything else with him until I can think of something productive for him to do. Lol. But yeah. I'll be getting plenty of stuff done today.

That is like, the worst thing ever. crying

Sorry to say, but he's most likely attempting to get out so that he can go out and die without you seeing. All cats are like that, so while you probably don't want to hear it =/ he's probably hanging on longer just because he doesn't want you to see him somewhere dead and be miserable over it. It's a thing cats do, and while it may suck to do it, you may want to consider letting him out and letting him go die, otherwise it's kind of cruel to keep him around even if you don't want an animal eating him up. Believe me, that was like, the hardest thing I've ever had to say. I'm an animal lover and when I finally made the decision to put my dog Squeakers down after 15 years of her being my closest friend in the universe.... Well, I've been crying over it ever since and it's been since my birthday about... Well, close to a year now. My birthday is August 23rd and she wasn't around to celebrate it with me... I just spent most of the night crying about it last night, actually. I miss that dog soooo much sad but I figure that if I can just hang on long enough that soon we'll be together again smile She's gotta be waiting for me on the other side.

Newbie Terrestrial

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Got my profile resubmitted biggrin
I don't know why we had to re-do it XD My memory isn't that good sweatdrop but it's done, either way and I can now work on a post as soon as Matti say's it's still good.

d r ii BONES's Fangirl

Hardcore Trash

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That is like, the worst thing ever. crying

Sorry to say, but he's most likely attempting to get out so that he can go out and die without you seeing. All cats are like that, so while you probably don't want to hear it =/ he's probably hanging on longer just because he doesn't want you to see him somewhere dead and be miserable over it. It's a thing cats do, and while it may suck to do it, you may want to consider letting him out and letting him go die, otherwise it's kind of cruel to keep him around even if you don't want an animal eating him up. Believe me, that was like, the hardest thing I've ever had to say. I'm an animal lover and when I finally made the decision to put my dog Squeakers down after 15 years of her being my closest friend in the universe.... Well, I've been crying over it ever since and it's been since my birthday about... Well, close to a year now. My birthday is August 23rd and she wasn't around to celebrate it with me... I just spent most of the night crying about it last night, actually. I miss that dog soooo much sad but I figure that if I can just hang on long enough that soon we'll be together again smile She's gotta be waiting for me on the other side.

Oh believe me. I know. I've grown up with him and cared for four other cats. His sister died when I was younger and she'd gone out into the night and stayed on our neighbors porch. He ended up calling us over to let us know she wasn't doing too well and my mom ended up putting her down that very night at the vets. She'd suffered from a swollen heart. ( she'd been an outdoor cat and had fallen ill and disappeared for a day or two before we found out she was right next door on the neighbors porch. )

I've been through this type of scenario before where we thought my cat was going to die but it just turned out he'd fallen ill due to old age and the move was a lot on him mentally. I've done a lot of research before to prepare myself for this. Don't worry, I'm by no means forcing him to stay other than keeping him in at night, which is a decision he makes before we all go to bed. During the day I let him go in and out as he pleases, I keep the door open, and he's usually much more active up until this happened. When everyone is heading inside at night, he's always already in the garage and ready for bed. It's only if I get up in the night lately that he's been trying to sneak past me. He hasn't done it tonight though and earlier today he spent a good hour in my lap soaking in the sun and purring which is an encouraging sign though he still refuses to eat. I get the feeling he might have already chosen his resting place, behind the garage beneath my bedroom window. ( I've found him lurking back there a couple of times since he's gotten sick and he spent the majority of the day there when I wasn't having to give him water. He no longer drinks from his water dish but prefers to drink from the hose while the water is dripping from my finger tips. Otherwise it will splash on his face and make him sneeze.

I know what you mean by feeling close to your pet. They're a member of the family and it's hard to see them go. But believe me when I say I have no intention of being cruel towards my cat. He's my baby and I only want the best for him which is why it hurts so much to know I can't afford to take him into the vets right now because, sadly, it costs quite a bit to have an animal looked at and put down if necessary. So.... yeah... I'm just trying to make things as easy for him as possible. Hopefully this will come to pass and he'll get better. If not I hope to make him as comfortable as possible.

And I'm sorry again everyone for not doing what I said I would. Still kind of out of sorts and stuffs. Spent a lot of the day cleaning and taking care of my kitty. I'll have tomorrow to myself I think. My fam was supposed to leave to a church event these past two days during the morning to afternoon but they decided not too and we ended up spending the majority of it getting the house together and going grocery shopping.
Alive and doing fine.

@Lamour: my condolences, I hope for the best possible outcome.

Dapper Genius

Got a PM from Matti: she will be coming home on Monday. She wanted me to give everyone a heads up.

Also, since I should have said something earlier..
Newds had his place broken into.
So I'm not sure when he will be able to check in.
Just wanted to let you guys know.

Loyal Bard

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Oh dear I missed a lot in the OOC!

I am so sorry to hear about your cat Lamour.... Losing your pet is always hard =(

And omg his house was broken into D: I hope everything's okay!

Dapper Genius

I hope so, too.. I haven't heard back from him, but I know how that thing goes, so I imagine he is just really busy with getting everything settled..

Dapper Genius


Hope that gave you something to work with for the twins.

Enduring Hunter

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Home from vacation. I've been in a car for about 30 hours and am getting rp business done but probably won't be posting for a few days.

1.Our profile thread has now been updated with all the finished profiles I've gotten.
2.If yours isn't up there I either haven't gotten it or there was something wrong with it and I've pm'd you back.

Loyal Bard

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Welcome back Matti! ^^

30 hours o.o wow that's a looong ride!! I don't think I've ever been on the road for that long before (18 hours max I believe)

Enduring Hunter

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It was a long drive but I survived and if I have to drive again next year I'm going to do my best it up into a 2 (if not a 3) day journey instead so we can see other stuff along the way and not have to spend so much time stuffed into a car in one go.

But it was still fun and worth it.

d r ii BONES's Fangirl

Hardcore Trash

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Welcome back Matti!

And I'm sorry to hear about Newds. I hope everything turns out alright for him and wish him the best.

And thank you guys. I appreciate your concern. I've told my mom that It's time to take him to the vet and have him put down but we have to wait until we have the money to do so. Until then I'm just monitoring him closely and continuing to try and get him to eat. Tuna seems to entice him a bit but not enough to actually eat it. Merely licking up the juices. But it's encouraging. Hopefully he will continue to progress but I doubt it. So I've just kind of been taking it easy for now and chilling.

Sorry ( again ) for taking so long with the posts. I've just kind of been procrastinating lately but I assure you I'll get one up very soon. I'm slowly easing my way back into the swing of things so hopefully my brain will get too it! xD

Friendly Werewolf

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Lamour Amelia
Welcome back Matti!

And I'm sorry to hear about Newds. I hope everything turns out alright for him and wish him the best.

And thank you guys. I appreciate your concern. I've told my mom that It's time to take him to the vet and have him put down but we have to wait until we have the money to do so. Until then I'm just monitoring him closely and continuing to try and get him to eat. Tuna seems to entice him a bit but not enough to actually eat it. Merely licking up the juices. But it's encouraging. Hopefully he will continue to progress but I doubt it. So I've just kind of been taking it easy for now and chilling.

Sorry ( again ) for taking so long with the posts. I've just kind of been procrastinating lately but I assure you I'll get one up very soon. I'm slowly easing my way back into the swing of things so hopefully my brain will get too it! xD

My Peanut was 18 years old when we couldn't do anything for her. She too wouldn't eat sad
We took her to the vet they tried done dye s**t to see if there were any reasons she would be puking everytime she ate. I got her to have some tuna, juices or whatever and she got sick again so we took her back.
There were no results so they wanted to try an "exploratory surgery" I just about snapped.
A) you don't know what's wrong with her
B) you honestly want to put an 18 year old cat, that's already been through enough... Through a surgery where you are searching for the unknown!?
I snapped. As much as I wanted her better I couldn't put her through that. Like I would visit her and she's cuddle me so much, I cried when I had to leave. It was the worst experience ever.

All I wanted was that she'd get better... I wanted to try but they were stealing money from us instead of actually doing the right procedures.

This is making me cry, I miss my baby.

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