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Between Me & You

Yup, it's another one of those one-on-one RP threads! Get ready, because my post is pretty tl;dr! There are a few specific storylines I would like to play out with someone and with this thread, I'm hoping to get lucky and find that someone. First of all, a little about me: I have been in various role plays for quite a few years now and I've done everything from RPs on MUSHs, egroups, forums and LJ groups as well as dabbled in different genres. The only type of RP I haven't done is LARPs. I'm Canadian, I write my colors as colours and my donuts are doughnuts. I'm also really nice and friendly! In the second post I have a bunch of storylines that I'm craving for in particular, if any of them resonant with you then do PM me! They are all for the long term. I would like these RPs to happen on Gaia over private threads for now, which means Gaia TOS will apply to us.

Other things that will apply to us or should be taken note of:

    long term means long term: I'm looking forward to spending a long time developing my characters and broadening the storylines, so I'm looking at RPs that would span over months. Not interested in quick fixes to satisfy current urges so if you're looking for short term or speedy posts, we aren't a match. Please don't ditch me or stand me up either. If we decide to start something together, I would like to play it out all the way to the end. This is probably what's most important to me.

    want to talk literacy? A lot of people define literacy by post length, which I find silly. Someone is literate to me if they know their grammar, catch most of their typos and string together sentences in a way that makes sense and conveys their message clearly. I'm not someone who stamps a minimum on post length, because posts should vary depending on the plot and situation at hand. I will say that your posts should be substantial enough to advance the storyline forward and in most cases that's at least 300 words. For the record, my posts are usually between 300 ~ 1k words, but I usually mirror my partner's posts. Oh yeah, I would like it if you started the thread too biggrin

    posting frequency: Due to real life, sometimes I may take 2-3 days before I can reply. Posting frequencies won't be all zoom-zoom with me, so I don't expect speedy posts from you. I'll always let you know if I might be gone for a longer period, so I hope you'll return the favour.

    Doesn't that look nice?: Decorated posts are nice and organized posts are sweet, but over decorated posts just look plain messy. The RP should be more important than the decorations, so the RP text should logically use more room in your post than all your pictures, quotes, etc combined. Please don't use fonts smaller than size 10. Please don't use hard to read colours.

    communicate is key: Talk to me! If there's something specific you'd like to see happen or anything you don't like or little details changed or whatever, just tell me. I'm nice; I would never bite your head off or give you attitude. I like keeping OOC discussions open all throughout an RP so we can discuss which direction to take the plot in among other things. As mentioned in the first bullet point, I want these RPs to be long term, so making a friend along the way wouldn't hurt either :3

    characters: The thing I enjoy the most out of a good, long RP is character development, so 3D characters mean a lot to me. I like depth. I like characters that are unique, unconventional or have a twist to them to keep things interesting.

    pet peeves: Are a bunch of little things that bug me and would ultimately detract from an RP for me or make me decline. I say no to the following:
      ✗provocative pictures in posts, the ones with boob or panty shots or the uber submissive 'take me now' faces.
      ✗if we do the slash storylines and you get fixated on uke, seme or seke roles. There's no such thing in real life and in either case those terms should never define your character. I hate the naive, shy, super submissive characters.
      ✗One storyline is set in Japan, if we do that one please don't use fangirl Japanese with me. Honorifics like "-senpai, -sensei and –san" are fine, but don't start using random Japanese lines to replace normal ones like "arigatou" instead of "thanks."
      ✗Also in addition to the point above, don't make up Japanese names with vowels that don't exist in the language. Google is your friend.
      ✗I'm not a fan of seeing emo or myspace type pictures or J-rockers as characters if the plot doesn't call for them and... I haven't listed any plot that includes them so, no please biggrin
Am currently looking for M/M RPs only, thank you. I have a ton of interest in the M/F ones and have those slots filled already.

I'm not going to put a simple list with a craving legend next to it like I've seen some people do. Everything I've written below is a super craving of mine, some are more specific and some are more open to negotiation if you decide you want to play with me. I like het, I like slash and I like general no pairing RPs as well. The following are the only storylines that I'm interested in doing right now.

I'm also very easy. If you decide you want to RP with me but have a different plot in mind that draws on some of the themes I've mentioned below then there's a high chance I would be interested, especially if you already have a plot in mind.


Harry Potter 】 various, epilogue kids
I'm a geek for Harry Potter. Read all the books, been part of discussion groups, read essays and am a member of a ton of HP communities. My last four years of RP-hood has also been in and out of Harry Potter RPGs and I can't ever seem to get enough of it. I will admit that I've had enough of the marauder-era, trio-era and post-warts games that I really want to sink my teeth into the next-gen epilogue kids. I know a lot of people would rather do their own OCs for next-gen, but I'm not ready to completely sever myself from the trio-era connection and since the epilogue was pretty short and the epilogue kids only mentioned briefly, they are sort of like OCs anyways. We get to decide on everything else together! biggrin

    ⇒ Lorcan x Lysander Scamander ( SLASH, TWINCEST )
      Okay, I realize Lorcan and Lysander weren't actually mentioned in the epilogue and most people are probably scratching their heads at them. These identical twin boys are Luna's children with Rolf Scamander, a magizoologist that J.K. Rowling revealed in a documentary. I love twins; I love Luna's outlandish philosophy so the children she raises would definitely be basket cases on their own! It's not everyone's cup of tea, but I'd like eventual twincest with them. I would prefer to play Lysander, as the older twin.

    ⇒ Scorpius Malfoy x Rose Weasley (or Lily Luna Potter) ( ROMANCE )
      Malfoy and Weasley, that pairing would make Draco and Ron turn purple with horror! There are so many possibilities with these two, their parents would have raised them in completely different environments and mentalities than each other. The Second War may be over but the enmity between the families wouldn't have diminished much, especially considering what paths they took in life. On Rose's first day at the Hogwarts Express Ron even told her that he'd disown her if she was sorted Slytherin (a joke, says Hermione) and to make sure she beats Scorpius in everything. That's peer pressure (er, parent pressure?) and rivalry waiting to happen. The fun would be in getting them able to tolerate each other, like each other and perhaps even spark some romance that'll eventually face the judgement of their family and fathers! >D I'd like to play Scorpius here. Pretty much the same thing can be done for Lily Luna if you would prefer to play a Potter progeny, though I don't think Harry would react quite so negatively as Ron would seeing as he and Draco greeted each other in the epilogue. And Lily's two years younger than Scorpius, so that's another leap.

⇒ Albus Severus Potter x Scorpius Malfoy ( PLAIN GEN or SLASH )
    They're AS/S! Get it? –is shot- They are the Harry and Draco that never was. For these two I would like to RP out chronicles of their years at Hogwarts and friendship with each other. Whether or not slash happens doesn't matter to me, we can keep it completely gen. I'd like to start immediately from where the epilogue chapter ends at the Hogwarts Express with their parents seeing them off for the first time, their sorting and to see what can happen between them. Friendship? Continuing their father's rivalry with each other? Again, next gen holds so many possibilities! I would be happy playing either of them.

Gundam Wing 】 2x5, Freeport
Does anyone even still remember Gundam Wing with all the new mecha series out there? Anyways, for this storyline I have a super specific craving. Have you ever read the fanfic Freeport by Maldoror? (Here's a link to her rewrite here) I have been completely in love with the fictional colony of Freeport, the politics and the psychological profiles Maldoror has given to Duo and Wufei in Freeport since I first read it a few years ago. The fic ends with so many open possibilities for future plots and I would love, love, love to continue right where the fic ends. The chances of this craving ever getting fulfilled are slim, since I know most people are gaga over other pairings that they would have most likely skipped this fic. If you're ever looking for a good read, I would highly recommend Freeport, the plot is strong and the characters are so very close to canon. If you have read the fic but aren't looking to RP, drop me a PM anyways, I'd love to just chit chat. biggrin

It's a Trap!
Ever heard of HanaKimi, W-Juliet, Mint na Bokura, Ouran Host Club, ½ Prince, Never Give Up or Girl Got Game? Yes, no? I'm talking about the gender-bender, crossdressing series! This would be a silly and lighthearted storyline, taking place in a high school that would be set in Japan because all silly, gender-bender stories seem to be in abundance there. The crossdresser can be a guy dressed as a girl, or a girl dressed as a guy for whatever reason which-cannot-be-revealed and must somehow keep this a secret for so-and-so long because of this-and-that. (We can work out the details later.) I'd like physical appearances to be a bit unconventional to further the deception, for example, the cross dressed girl would actually pass as a convincing guy instead of looking like a short, girly boy and vice versa if the male character is in the drag. This storyline will be het obviously, so the gender confusion would bring in lots of great "oh shi- I think I'm gay D:" moments, which I find hilarious! I would prefer to play the male in this storyline and all other details can be worked out! smile It would be nice if the deception stayed up for quite awhile so more silly situations can happen.

Just a bit Obsessive
This is a slightly more mature storyline that I've been itching to get into for a one-on-one basis for awhile now. It would involve a combination of stalker plots, stolen thriller ideas, psychological drama, cat and mouse and maybe a kidnapping or not, all of which could be so much fun to do yet so easy to go wrong with. I do not want a romance to come out of this, but I do want an interesting relationship to come between the "victim" and the "aggressor." Basically, I don't want the "victim" to be all "oh noes, I'm so helpless and scared!" I want the "victim" to somewhat play an active part in passively (yeah, that sounds contradictory, I know) encouraging/provoking or even taunting the "stalker" into their actions while at the same time suffering from the results. I'm not sure if I explained that clearer, but ultimately I'm hoping for a storyline where there is no clear good guy or bad guy and both characters have a somewhat distorted mentality that can't be seen on the surface. No blood, no gore in this storyline, but a whole lot of mind ********. I would like to play the "stalker" and I have no preference on what particular gender you play, but there has to be something interesting for my "stalker" to develop any interest in your character. Also, both characters should be adults and older than 27 at least. If this is your cup of coffee, please, please, please PM me!

Our love is Oh-So-Digital
Sounds a bit cliché, doesn't it? Well, it is, but I've never got my chance to play this storyline out to the end so I'm still craving it! Two people meet over misdirected e-mails or chatrooms online or e-dating service, develop a friendship, share intimate secrets about themselves and… what happens afterwards will be up to us, but they will meet in person at some point. We can use a twist (for a het story) where they already know each other in person already but aren't aware of this when they meet again over the internet, or only one party is aware of both their identities or (for a slash story) one person turns out to be pretending to be the opposite gender. Or anything else that strikes your fancy! Again, no preference on who plays what, but I would prefer both characters to be over 25 at least.

I'm Seeing Doubles!
I really like twins. sad There is no real plot line at all for this beyond playing twins with someone. Again, I'd like them to be close, each other's best friends, etc, etc. There doesn't need to be twincest, if that's something you're not into, I'm fine with gen. We can create their histories, lives, etc together and play them in different settings until we're really comfortable with them and perhaps eventually bring them into a group RP together. No real preference on gender or age as long as they are identical. They can both be the same gender or we can do a boy and a girl, doesn't really matter.

I am very open to other plot ideas as well!
b. u. m. p.
D: I do hope my posts weren't too lengthy that I scared the masses away.
b. u. m. p.
b. u. m. p.
b. u. m. p.

Eloquent Fatcat

13,550 Points
  • Mark Twain 100
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Tycoon 200
Can I post here? o.o

I would like to say I'm interested, I just haven't decided yet. Hmm~
oh, man, no, you have definitely not scared away the masses.

i must say, i have the same interest in twins as you do!
soo, i think it would be really cool to do the twin onexone you have there.
or... the online-dating one would be interesting too.
but my first choice is for sure the twins thing. 8D
if you're still into doing it, that is. (:
@LadyRan: Of course you can post here biggrin I was starting to go rather looney talking to myself in this thread.

Which storylines are you interested in?
@Ghemja: I'm totally still interested in both storylines x3 Have you a plot or anything in mind for the twins? Like I said, I had no plot ready beyond the simple fact that I adore playing twins like whoa.

Eloquent Fatcat

13,550 Points
  • Mark Twain 100
  • Elocutionist 200
  • Tycoon 200
I was thinking about the Scorpius x Rose one, but seeing as I'm no expert on HP like I used to be and I've only done some Marauder era RPs, I dunno how well I'd do. D:

I'm also interested in the trap one. If I could be a girl dressing up as a boy? I love stories similar to twelfth night... even though I haven't actually seen/read any of what you mentioned. o__o
hah, well, as for a plot...
i don't have one. at the moment, at least.
but... i'd at least not want twincest. > o>
& i think i'd prefer them to be a boy & a girl.
but really, i like your idea of just messing around with them kinda.
maybe toss some things around, y'know?
@LadyRan: A lot of people seem to be interested in the Scorpius x Rose one. You don't need to be an expert on HP, since it's already 20 years after the end of the events in Deathly Hallows when they're both eleven. There's always the HP-Lexicon and HP-wiki if you're ever confused.

Those titles are all mangas x3 If you're interested in reading them, some can be found online at onemanga.com. They're hilarious reads! Twelfth Night is pretty similar to some of the stories actually. Would you still be interested in the setting being in Japan and all still?

@Ghemja: I'm cool with that, boy & girl would be cute. We'll probably be spending a lot of time designing them before we start. When we do, we can do a whole series of short threads with different situations for them to deal with until we really get to know them. Which one would you be playing and have you any specifics you would like to do?

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