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People say I'm so White cause I love heavy metal and i'm a metalhead..and how dark I dress... I'm actually Black...

I listen to rock to so best thing u cud have done is hide it
yh i hate that crying

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I used to get made fun of in elementary. because my hair went down to the mid part of my back. o i got it chopped to my shoulders. oh and cause i had bangs. now i have side bangs and people call me emo. well used to anyway. :p
all the way around. i hate school.

my hair was over 2 feet and i was called "chinese repunzell" xD i LIKED that name

-.- don't they know side bangs are HOT right now? O_o

emo. emoemoemo. >.< JUST WHAT is so INSULTING about THIS!!
its like a domino affect!! do they SUBSCRIBE to "insults weekly" or something?!!

well xD don't hate the game, throw out its players ^^
(to hate something means they hold enough VALUE in YOUR eyes to be WORTH such as strong emotion like HATE )

to throw them out, means you leave them on a corner and drive off. xD <- fun rofl

...in my deffence, i came back >.>

i let it all roll off my back tho.
it doesnt bother me anymore cause im not so emotional. i omly took it to heart because my dad would a buse me metally and physically when i was little, now hes in prison and i hope he rots in hell O:<
but now i laugh at what they say ^^

YAY!! another person who has reached "enlightenment!!" xD
wait what? enlightenment? whats that suppose to mean exactly? xD

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I used to get made fun of in elementary. because my hair went down to the mid part of my back. o i got it chopped to my shoulders. oh and cause i had bangs. now i have side bangs and people call me emo. well used to anyway. :p
all the way around. i hate school.

my hair was over 2 feet and i was called "chinese repunzell" xD i LIKED that name

-.- don't they know side bangs are HOT right now? O_o

emo. emoemoemo. >.< JUST WHAT is so INSULTING about THIS!!
its like a domino affect!! do they SUBSCRIBE to "insults weekly" or something?!!

well xD don't hate the game, throw out its players ^^
(to hate something means they hold enough VALUE in YOUR eyes to be WORTH such as strong emotion like HATE )

to throw them out, means you leave them on a corner and drive off. xD <- fun rofl

...in my deffence, i came back >.>

i let it all roll off my back tho.
it doesnt bother me anymore cause im not so emotional. i omly took it to heart because my dad would a buse me metally and physically when i was little, now hes in prison and i hope he rots in hell O:<
but now i laugh at what they say ^^

YAY!! another person who has reached "enlightenment!!" xD
wait what? enlightenment? whats that suppose to mean exactly? xD

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i just started getting made fun of this year sad ppl are saying im going emo and i wear to much black??? how dose that have any thing to do with emo v.v its bothers me... and this one kid keeps saying shame on u for some stupid reason

-.- black=does NOT mean emo >.< its the best color there is! (the fashion world would support this comment -.-) your school obviously has no fashion sense and are in no possision to judge others before they take a look in the mirror.

i shudder to think whats in their closet crying

as for the kid....he just seems like a complete creeper...make sure you are never alon with him.... ninja

the kids at my skool think they no every thing about every one witch they dont they dont no who i am i have never act my self around them, i dont wanna be mad fun of. they think im the same as every one else they make fun of every one for who they look like not for who they r. if they dont look like them they r called rude names, if they dont act "cool". they r all bullies

they are so stereotypical that its pathetic really. they can't even be considered REAL bullies (it be an utter mockery and insulting to "bullies" everywhere )

its really funny when you think about it. their philosophy is so childish! "you don't look/act like me so im better?" people only have value BECAUSE there is ONLY ONE of them. if there were more their price just keeps dropping rofl (not that it was valuable to begin with; i wouldn't buy them xD. would you? )

take pride in your own "value"

i am not sure is ur on my side or there side =/

here's the "food chain"

innocent people are "eaten" by bullies
"bullies" are eaten by me

they torture the weak, i torture the strong who (continuosly) torture the weak ( im sadistic by nature, but i can't bring myself to harm anyone who was truely sorry for what they DID)
im hardly "innocent", i admit it. but im too horid to even WANT to change my ways.
and yes, i admit, that i enjoy watching them crumble.

obviously, i excel at "torture" in the "mental" sense, and specialize in "revenge."

i guess its in your favor, im on your side. heart

i agree ^^ and thanks for being on my side XD

Beloved Vampire

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Electric Shrimps
Electric Shrimps
Electric Shrimps

My friends are the people I hate the most, actually.
They always find ways to make me feel bad or just hit me because they think it's fun. I can't leave them though, because I don't want to be alone.
Don't feel bad for me, it's my choice so I have to face the consequences.
But anyway, they don't accept me this way, so they definitely won't accept me that way lol.
I don't feel any pressure to admit it either, so I'll just wait until I'm done with school (:

life shouldn't be about "consequences" and "punishments", it should be about living it to its fullest. if your friends are hurting you its not about being afraid of being alone, you already are and worse off to boot.

find some other people, be it on net or in school. don't waste your time on "consequences for your choices" move your be-hind and get to looking for your happiness. wink

ps. YOU need no one but YOURself. loving YOU for who YOU are is more than enough. YOU hold that much power. YOUR choices should have no "consequences". put YOURSELF in 1st priority.

my ways of thinking are selfish, i know, but iv live my life happily because of it.

I know, I know.
It's just that I literally get ill when I'm alone. I'm in tough times right now and I can't stand the idea of loneliness. I'd rather have this than being alone right now.

Also, I haven't met anybody who didn't stab me in the back or something like that, so it's not easy for me to find new friends, I don't let people get too close.

So I'm better off this way. At least for now.

your not alone now. you have gaia! (and me! cool )
if your going to continue seeing them, at least use them. (and i do mean USE them, and THROW them away when the times right)

letting yourself be hurt by then is not going to happen -.- (by this i mean don't LET it happen)

You're right. I'm against hurting and using people though, because I know how it feels. But I do get your point and I've surely learned something from your advice.
Thanks for helping and listening to me 3nodding

their using you, i don't see the problem.
for people being used-> they have the right to use their users
for people using-> they better be prepared to get used

being used and using is all a mind game. their will be a winner and a loser, but its always started, and always finishes.
the one who starts is usually the winner, since they always pick someone they know won't strike back (your case)
which makes me think of one word to describe them :
you could take them on easily.

xD glad to help,
twisted nothing makes me happier then seeing the prey stalk its hunter (or beating them in this case xD )

you just too nice >.<
your going to get hurt continuosly if you don't grow some fangs >.> or have someone with fangs near you.
but if you ever need support feel free to post on my comments page or here! heart
my sadistic and cold ways of thinking seem to amuse most people xD

i got a friend who excels at torture physically (knows every single technique recorded in history in spain, france, etc.)
i got a history teacher who OWN's every weapon recorded in history
i got a friend who can drive people up the wall with talking

i got's lots of people wink
just ring if you every change your mind twisted

Beloved Vampire

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the kids at my skool think they no every thing about every one witch they dont they dont no who i am i have never act my self around them, i dont wanna be mad fun of. they think im the same as every one else they make fun of every one for who they look like not for who they r. if they dont look like them they r called rude names, if they dont act "cool". they r all bullies

they are so stereotypical that its pathetic really. they can't even be considered REAL bullies (it be an utter mockery and insulting to "bullies" everywhere )

its really funny when you think about it. their philosophy is so childish! "you don't look/act like me so im better?" people only have value BECAUSE there is ONLY ONE of them. if there were more their price just keeps dropping rofl (not that it was valuable to begin with; i wouldn't buy them xD. would you? )

take pride in your own "value"

i am not sure is ur on my side or there side =/

here's the "food chain"

innocent people are "eaten" by bullies
"bullies" are eaten by me

they torture the weak, i torture the strong who (continuosly) torture the weak ( im sadistic by nature, but i can't bring myself to harm anyone who was truely sorry for what they DID)
im hardly "innocent", i admit it. but im too horid to even WANT to change my ways.
and yes, i admit, that i enjoy watching them crumble.

obviously, i excel at "torture" in the "mental" sense, and specialize in "revenge."

i guess its in your favor, im on your side. heart

i agree ^^ and thanks for being on my side XD

no, thank YOU, for bringing this to my table twisted
feel free to post anymore problems you may have here or on my profile xD

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the kids at my skool think they no every thing about every one witch they dont they dont no who i am i have never act my self around them, i dont wanna be mad fun of. they think im the same as every one else they make fun of every one for who they look like not for who they r. if they dont look like them they r called rude names, if they dont act "cool". they r all bullies

they are so stereotypical that its pathetic really. they can't even be considered REAL bullies (it be an utter mockery and insulting to "bullies" everywhere )

its really funny when you think about it. their philosophy is so childish! "you don't look/act like me so im better?" people only have value BECAUSE there is ONLY ONE of them. if there were more their price just keeps dropping rofl (not that it was valuable to begin with; i wouldn't buy them xD. would you? )

take pride in your own "value"

i am not sure is ur on my side or there side =/

here's the "food chain"

innocent people are "eaten" by bullies
"bullies" are eaten by me

they torture the weak, i torture the strong who (continuosly) torture the weak ( im sadistic by nature, but i can't bring myself to harm anyone who was truely sorry for what they DID)
im hardly "innocent", i admit it. but im too horid to even WANT to change my ways.
and yes, i admit, that i enjoy watching them crumble.

obviously, i excel at "torture" in the "mental" sense, and specialize in "revenge."

i guess its in your favor, im on your side. heart

i agree ^^ and thanks for being on my side XD

no, thank YOU, for bringing this to my table twisted
feel free to post anymore problems you may have here or on my profile xD

lol np? XD

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ok thats probably true

no one picks on me cue im popular xd xd

Beloved Vampire

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I used to get made fun of in elementary. because my hair went down to the mid part of my back. o i got it chopped to my shoulders. oh and cause i had bangs. now i have side bangs and people call me emo. well used to anyway. :p
all the way around. i hate school.

my hair was over 2 feet and i was called "chinese repunzell" xD i LIKED that name

-.- don't they know side bangs are HOT right now? O_o

emo. emoemoemo. >.< JUST WHAT is so INSULTING about THIS!!
its like a domino affect!! do they SUBSCRIBE to "insults weekly" or something?!!

well xD don't hate the game, throw out its players ^^
(to hate something means they hold enough VALUE in YOUR eyes to be WORTH such as strong emotion like HATE )

to throw them out, means you leave them on a corner and drive off. xD <- fun rofl

...in my deffence, i came back >.>

i let it all roll off my back tho.
it doesnt bother me anymore cause im not so emotional. i omly took it to heart because my dad would a buse me metally and physically when i was little, now hes in prison and i hope he rots in hell O:<
but now i laugh at what they say ^^

YAY!! another person who has reached "enlightenment!!" xD

wait what? enlightenment? whats that suppose to mean exactly? xD

long story short it basically means understanding xD (education xD )
Just becouse i'm emo tons of people hate me...
I understand it though. still mean. Dx

Beloved Vampire

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Internet Stalkers
What's wrong of being a gay/bi? gonk

I don't get it? Someone explain? D:

man being gay is just wrong
you don't need no explanation for that

and its wrong because____________________
be warned i will "debate" everything you state. ninja

proud member of GSA
proud fangirl *_* <- be afraid, be very afraid...


Heh. I don't think there is anything wrong about it. It's still love. What if people said being straight was wrong, hm?

we already DO! xD
the 18 or older LAW!!

for example: guy 1 month older+ girl is 17 and 11 months= jail

sad really, they need to fix this law. xD

-cough cough- Life confuses me o-o

thats why its fun xD
ps the guy that we are "debating" with just PM'd me xD hahahaa and asked if i was a guy, i HOPE he was seriously curious, because thats the worst insult i'v ever heard! xD

for all those flamers out there, please flame me on my profile, i delete my inbox (need space) and flaming me on my profile compels me to answer (since i get gold) otherwise you'll probably get deleted with the rest of them XD

xD i love my personality xD

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