Welcome to Gaia! ::

Second season?

yesyes! 0.625 62.5% [ 10 ]
meh. 0.25 25.0% [ 4 ]
idkmybffjill? 0.125 12.5% [ 2 ]
Total Votes:[ 16 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 114 115 116 > >> >>> »|

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Welcome to Fierce Island. Here is where twenty unlucky ATers will battle it out in a Survival of the Fiercest. After... eliminating all their competition, one will be left standing. They will receive a prize and be able to leave this island, alive.
Still interested? Fool, continue on.
Your Executioners

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poojuice - OHAI. The first thing I did when I first joined the AT was joined these reality-show-like contests. And I must say, I'm hooked. These contests have been really fun for me, and I hope this contest will be fun for you guys too. I appreciate both clutter and simple avis, as long as they're intricately done. I think a balance in both matching and theme is what will carry you to the finals, so keep that in mind. : ) I tend to be either fanboy-ish or harsh when judging, one or the other. Please take a look at my journal for my contest portfolios, and in extension what I may want to see in avatars.

Teh Knightmare - One of the masterminds in the development of this contest. He is a fan of clutter-matching, if used well. He is in, hosting, and judging many other AT contests and felt the need to create a Plot-based competition, thus the creation of Survival of the Fiercest. He can be harsh in judging, but if something is done very well, he will praise you.

Jamais Changeant - I'm an AT contest freak. For those of you who join many of these contests, you've probably seen me around. If you don't know me then simply find a contest somewhere click on it and I will, most likely, be involved in some way as either a contestant or a judge. I personally don't have a preferred style of avatar. What impresses me with an avatar is a combination of matching and theme. I tend to be a very fair, but sometimes overly honest, judge. For an example of what I can make look in my journal.
Follow these, or die

● Follow the ToS
● Don't spam, flame, or argue in this thread. Keep cussing to minimum.
● Do not quote the first page.
● Do not be idiotic.
● If you do not like the way you are depicted in the story, don't read it.

How to not fail

● A challenge will go up.
● Contestants must TekTek their entry
______-- Dream Free is encouraged
● Contestants PM their final entry to this mule, The Fiercest of Them All
______-- You may not change your entry once submitted
______-- Late entries will receive a subtraction of 15% from their score
● Judges will judge the entries
● Bottom two will be declared
● Fourth Judging System will be used.
● Eliminated will be declared.

The Fourth Judging
Perhaps you have a chance

● This judging insures that consistently high scorers don't get eliminated after one bad week, and consistent low scorers don't stay longer than they should.
● The Fourth Judging takes a contestant's total score for past challenges, and converts it to a score out of 10.
● Should the contestant land in the bottom two, the Fourth Judging is added to their score.
● Then, with the Fourth Judging score added on, the lower scorer is eliminated.

Other Information
In case you're too dimwitted to figure it out

● Contestants may post a draft avi in the thread to get comments from fellow competitors and/or visitors.
● Only avatars that are sent via PM will be used for judging. Drafts posted in the thread will not be used.
● You may use your own avatar for an entry, but you must host it yourself.
● To avoid consistently high-scoring contestants from getting eliminated after a single bad week, this contest uses the Fourth Judging System (above).
● In the event that you will be away and cannot join a challenge, please PM this mule and inform us ASAP. We may extend the challenge for you, but take too long and we'll go ahead with judging.
● You may choose any base, unless the challenge says otherwise.
● Subscribe to the thread. Updates and announcements will be edited onto the thread title, and this will help you to avoid disqualification.

Bunch of greedy...

First Place ;; 17,500gg
Second Place ;; 7,500gg
Third Place ;; 5,000gg
How to Enter
If you're ready to risk it

● Send this mule a PM with your resume: images of three of your best avatars
● Judges will debate over whether or not to accept you
● When we reply and confirm that you have been accepted, send a trade with 1000 gold
● When the trade is confirmed, we will give you a slot in the contest.
● Registration will be in a selection and first-come-first-serve basis.
● Subscribe to the thread, and be sure to actually participate in the contest. Really.
Your Task
Are you up to it?

The Mirror Says...

The contestants walked back to the home of the goddess. Jam was there with Knight and PJ holding her limp body. The four contestants rushed forth to see what was the matter. Before they could reach the stair steps, however, Jam's body was consumed in light, her eyes popped open in a look that reminded them of someone who has been hypnotized.

Knight and PJ let go of her as though she was suddenly hotter than fire. She floated forth, much in the way that the goddess had. Then, the goddess' voice erupted out of Jam. "A valiant set of heroes all, but even heroes must make sacrifices. Two of you..." Jam's hand lifted and suddenly both Sophie and Shawana dropped to the ground, the air sucked from their bodies. Inky and Kuyusi remained standing, but their trembling could have started an earthquake.

Jam's voice broke through, she seemed to be pleading. "Please, they can fight, they can win, they've made it so far." But Jam was cut off, the goddess took over once again; "I tire of this mortal's game. We had an agreement. One will survive. Serve them with their last challenge and your debts are settled."

PJ and Knight stepped forth now. Knight spoke first, seeming rather worried about Jam's lack of control; "Your final challenge will not be easy. You've played this game, but now you must show us how you've progressed." PJ broke in when Knight's voice began to tremble; "By now you ought to know how serious this is...you'd better impress us."

And with that a light could be seen jumping out from Jam's body into the sky. Knight was the first to catch Jam as she fell exhaustedly to the ground.

Your challenge:

>> Congratulations, you two, for making it to the finale.
>> This round, like last, is game-inspired as well
>> You are to make 5 (five) Tekteks.
>> They will be video-game inspired.
>>>> Meaning, they should fit into a video game. You are not being inspired by a specific video game. You are to "create" your own.
>> The five Tekteks should show (A generic example is given, do not actually be inspired by them) : A Hero (Mario), A Sidekick (Luigi), An Evil Monster (Goomba), Another Evil Monster (Koopa), and The Final Boss/Overlord (Bowser)
>> Again, this is not a cosplay round or a inspiration round. The five entries should portray a whole new video game.
>> All of them should show an obvious theme (futuristic, underwater, etc.).
>> The hero and sidekick should be cohesive.
>> The monsters and the Overlord should be cohesive.
>> One of you will be eliminated, one will be the crowned the Fiercest.

>>> Assignments

Income Tax >> Fishing

Kuyusi >> Jigsaw

Entries are due on May 26, 2010 before midnight.
Please refer to the clock, shown below, to ensure you are not late.
Late entries will receive a subtraction of 15% from their score.

Here is the clock
that our deadlines go by.
At least, who's left


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The verdict



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Aboard the good ship Naufrage, you play a well-weathered and sturdy explorer by the name of Garrison Fort. You have signed on as an underwater emissary for her ladyship Carmella.

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Together your mission is to discover the secrets and treasures of the lost city of Atlantis. Your journey will take you through the underwater terrain of the seven seas, following clues and solving puzzles to find the illusive city. In her own endeavors, Carmella has repeatedly run into mysterious agents of the deep; dangerous creatures intent on blocking her passage which she has enlisted you to battle for her. Most prominent are the Cuttle-uttles:

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..cuddly but fearsome creatures who are harmless and friendly unless you touch the Atlantean gold they guard, at which point their blades sing your death. (and of course, Carmella is insistent on the gold.) Thankfully these creatures only linger around the various stores of gold, unlike the Koiatticus:

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These terrifying abominations act as sentries of the deep, and populate many of the waters you must traverse in order to access the various clues to Atlantis. They are equipped with razor-sharp fins, and can only be defeated from a distance due to their speed and agility. But these adversaries are nothing compared to Queen Paskuda:

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...the mysterious and insane guardian of Atlantis who has twisted and deformed the creatures of the sea into her warriors. She is the last of her race, and within her lie all the secrets of Atlantis. Unfortunately not even she can unlock them as she has gone completely insane from the isolation. It is up to you to defeat Queen Paskuda, unlock the secrets of Atlantis, and free the creatures of the ocean.

-I'm intrigued. I like where this starts out. Garrison is done very well, he looks ready for whatever the captain throws at him. I do wish there was some of that orange-y colour around the thigh area. I do think, in a 5-entry piece, a story should be told. So giving one a helmet, completely eliminating the face, which shows emotion. This piece shows no real personality, whether he's angry at the captain, determined to succeed, etc. I also don't feel this to be a very... exciting video game protagonist, as he's just so dull-coloured. Still, I think it's cute.
-So I'm trying really hard, but I can't quite see a strong connection between these two. There's brown... and I guess the background somewhat resembles... I feel this is somewhat disjointed, partially because you have two giant items on the top half (hat+cape) and then everything else is predominantly smaller details. Here, I do see personality. She looks like she's ready to kick a** if needed. The small, schoolgirl-esque skirt bothers me. As does the lopsided skin balance. It's okay if you have skin on the face and nowhere else, but not THAT MUCH. I also see two different browns (pants vs hat). I also don't understand the glasses. They make her look a tad nerdy. A patch! Would've covered more skin as well. This looks like a video game character, with the whimsy in the hat and the bright red. It confused me a tad, seeing as a sidekick usually is below the main player, but he seems to work for her...
-Aw, this is very cute! You took on a reallly hard item, the Cape, but I honestly don't think you executed it that well. The predominant other purple items are off shade. And it's honestly quite simple looking overall. I think it could've used some more umph. But I could totally see this in a video game.
-At first sight, this looked really cool. It had the detail and complexity the other two seemed to lack. But then I looked closer and the tail has washed-out oranges and black, while you used vibrant, rich colours on the top. It makes it look disjointed. Still, I love the effect of the Sibyl on the eye to replicate the patterns of the tail. Another thing that makes a split between the tail and the rest is the spikey-smooth split. Onto the videogame-ness of it. I can see this as an advanced, more difficult foe in this game. It keeps the bright colours. Again, I don't easily see the connection of this to the Cuttle-uttles. Completely different colours, different shapes...
-I have mixed feelings on this. I love the two bright blues, which you seemed to handle pretty well, on the darker colours. But the weapon and shoes look a tad tech-y to me, especially compared to your background, which suggests a more natural-like feel. Again, I see little connection to the two monsters, now more than ever. Also, again, I can see this in a video game because of the bright colours. The darker colours give it enough scary to still be the over... lady. I think the head is lacking. The duo set of horns looks off, and the white hair looks odd, predominantly because white was just a few pixels elsewhere.
-Overall, I think pretty much each piece was strong on its own, while they didn't quite mesh together as they should have. While I feel that Paksuda and the Koiatticus looked the nicest, I don't feel the other three were quite finale material. It's a nice set of tekteks.

7.5 + 8.2 + 6.5 + 8.8 + 9 = 40/50

Congrats for making it to the finale! biggrin
I'd have to say, your finale entries are very refreshing. They're a fresh take on what a tektek-competition avatar normally looks like. You did well with executing your ideas as well, so kudos. As a whole, I love the bright and fun colors you've got going there, and the video-game-ish feel, which is very appropriate. Just a minor nitpick is that I could have seen better cohesion for all of them.

Hero: I like the general feel to this, and I think it's visually striking and sets off the feel for the entire collection perfectly. Like an opener for a runway show. I think it lacks a bit with the matching aspect, though. You're having a few distribution issues here and there. And I could have liked something more armor-ish.
Sidekick: This one is the clunker in the collection, to me. Not only do I feel it's the weakest theme/matching and character wise, I feel like it got lost from some other competitor's collection. It has a disconnect from the rest of the collection. I think the character gave SO much more room for possibilities, too. And it felt underutilized.
Evil1: Cuute! I really like it. Going in this direction was a risk, but I thought you pulled it off somewhat. I think this piece really represents the collection the most - bright, fun, and cartoony. I think you could have edited this out more, though. For example, you could have gone without the sword. And you could have done something to break up those tentacles.
Evil2: Love it. It's the perfect followup to Evil1. A very badass version, but still very consistent with the idea and the feel of the whole collection. I love the colors and the patterns you made, but it looks a bit wonky by the torso.
Overlord: Excellent once again. I'm saying this over and over again, but it captures the feel of the entire collection perfectly. I applaud you pulling off a mix of scary/evil and the cutesy/cartoony. The stones you used were utilized very well too. They are really harmonious to the avatar. One minor complaint: you could have gone with some sort of background. I think it's very weird seeing a very dark avatar in a very blank space. (I mean, you already started the "space" with the stones. You might as well have completed it.)

Overall, you did a very impressive job. You took a very interesting and risky idea, and turned it into something very striking and beautiful. Good luck!

8.3 + 6.7 + 7.5 + 8.8 + 9.3 = 40.6/50

Explorer: I love the player-character idea. Let me just say that you really thought this thing out! I wish this game truly existed. Anyways. I think the explorer ought to be wearing more armor. The helmet was inspired, thematically, and almost distracted me from the fact that otherwise, his clothes aren't really appropriate for a diver.
Captain: I think Carmella is the weakest of your characters, I'm sorry to say. Thought I think her face is perfect for the little picture that might pop on screen next to her giving orders. The skirt looks ridiculous and I'm not sold on the weight distribution.
Cuttle-uttle: ADORABLE! I love how your distributed the gold and this does look like a very interesting creature. I think fangs would have given this that little dangerous edge that the description gives it and I'm not too fond of the hair you chose for it.
Koiatticus: I like how this looks like the cuttle-uttle in shape and design, but you definitely gave it more edge. I'm a sucker for orange and you did the patterns wonderfully. Again, though, I think the face could have used more character.
Queen Paskuda: Woah, frickin scary. I was gonna knock you for messing up the teals, but then I realized that you did two types of teal. I love her face and the energy coming out of her is truly terrifying.
OVERALL: Your thought and effort really shines.

8.8 + 7.5 + 8 + 8.5 + 9 = 41.8/50



____Hero____ ____Sidekick____ ____Evil 1____ ____Evil 2____ ____Overlord____
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-Mysterious. I like the archer/Robin Hood feel I get. I like that the mask and eyes give a somewhat mischievous or sneakier personality. I do think your browns are reallly off and the greens aren't too stellar either. I like the layered capes, but the earthy, leafy cape seems to conflict with the armor-like green top.
-Ngh. It seems like a waste of a space. it evokes no emotion for me. The face blankly stares into space. I do thing that the layering and colour distribution/matching are far more cleaned up here. I think it is cute that you chose a bow and arrow for her as well, furthering the connection between hero and sidekick. It also aids the theme you have of the Robin Hood going on.
-It's... black. An all-black needs to be absolutely amazing to not seem lazy. You did not achieve that. The texture and colour of the pants don't quite go with the top or hair. While I love the face like the hero's, other parts make me wonder. I love the connection you made with this to the hero, keeping acape, mack, etc. But I feel like another colour is neccessary in this tektek.
-Oh. Black and red. Looking past the boring colour scheme, I do like the eye make-up. I also think it was nice to see an interesting emotion displayed. The arms are bareee. The head seems empty. Again, I see a connection to the protagonists, where this connects to the sidekick in many ways. It is an interesting idea.
-I love this as the final piece. The capes are visually pleasing and look... good. Again, the black-red combo seems amateur for a finale entry. The head is awfully bare of texture or layers of any sort. I love the shadow and tattoo on the face, but I wish the mouth was something other than a straight line. The feet look awkward. Perhaps the best piece of the five.
-Overall, I think you struggled a lot with emotion, which played an important part in the line. Though I thought you did well in cohesion. I agree with PJ on the RPG-esque styling being VERY clever to accessorize and design with. Some parts didn't show the Shaw that we saw throughout the competition. Some aspects looked last-minute and rushed.

7 + 6.5 + 6 + 6.5 + 8.5 = 34/50

Congrats for making it to the finale! : D
While Kuyu made entries that were inspired by the more colorful video games, you made entries that reminded me of those darker, fantasy RPG's. It was something that gave a lot of room for more "matchy" aspects of the tekteks, so I thought it was a smart choice.

Hero: This is probably my fave of the bunch. Although it's not *particularly* strong, so that's trouble for you. I really like the character. And like Kuyu's, this was a great opener for your collection. It instantly gives us an idea of what's it's gonna be, and you sustained that feel throughout the collection. It has HUGE distribution issues, though. But I do like the textures.
Sidekick: Oh Shaw. You were never good with the faces. :< You could have gone with a mouth of some sort. I think this was a piece where you kinda... under-accessorized. The shoulders upward look particularly blank.
Evil1: Hate it from the neck down. (Like an opposite of the sidekick.) You had so much going for the face, but then it was almost like you got tired with everything else. No ones stopping you from making an all-black avatar, but you didn't pull it off. It's veeery boring. You could have added another color, or more textures.
Evil2: Enh. It's okay. It's an almost, but not quite. You could have gone with something with more visual impact. I like the clean lines and the colors, and *maybe* the expression, but it's falling short. You could have added gloves of some sort, too.
Overlord: Okay, I lied. This is actually my fave of the collection. LOVE the cape layering. I love the eye makeup as well, and how this reflects in the entire avatar. I think this is the avatar with the most thought, style-wise. And I'm glad it doesn't sacrifice much matching wise. I think the biggest flaw here, though, is the choice of hood. It makes the head look disconnected from the rest of the body. But still, I like the character it exudes. Good job.

Overall, I think you did decently. Going RPG-ish was a very smart choice, as it gave you room for accessories and details and the like. However, the end result didn't seem to fulfill that. There was a consistent "feel" to the whole collection, but you limited yourself too much with respect to the actual elements to be used. Your two protagonists were not diverse enough, same with your three antagonists.

8 + 7.6 + 5.5 + 7.8 + 8.7 = 37.6/50

Hero: The greens on this are off and blocky. The theme behind this is rather typical and boring. You brought to flare to make the unoriginal theme stand out in any way.
Sidekick: Her face is so blank! You handled the greens much better in this one and her hair choice is lovely. A lot more thought seemed to have gone into the side-kick.
Evil-1: The all black outfit bores me a bit, to be honest. His face looks brilliantly menacing and the skin touches are very nice. I want to know how an archer is going to fight a swordsman though? How does this evil minion fit into the same game as that hero?
Evil-2: This is my favorite of your set.The touches of red and purple are amazing and she has so much emotion in her face! Again, however, I find myself wondering how all these characters fit into the same game. A description would've been nice.
Overlord: Meh. I love how you did the capes. I think keeping his face completely invisible would have given him a more ominous darth vader kind of effect though. The reds aren't distributed very well and neither are the different shapes. It's weird...beneath the cape and the poofy pants he looks like he's scrawny. He doesn't give off much of an overlord vibe.
Overall: This seemed uninspired and a story explaining your game would have been greatly appreciated.

5.5 + 7.4 + 7.8 + 9.8 + 7 = 37.5/50


The Fiercest

Not Quite As Lucky
Shawana_ChouChallenge Winner
Bottom Three
Eliminated Contestants
Farewell, losers

Artemis Pendragon

Disqualified in Round 1


Disqualified in Round 1


Disqualified in Round 1


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Disqualified in Round 2


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Disqualified in Round 2

Kelsey Rai

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Dropped out in Round 3

Killer Kiwi Fruit

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Disqualified in Round 3

D i i N O Q U E E N

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Eliminated in Round 3

Music For My Soul1

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Eliminated in Round 3


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Disqualified in Round 4


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Disqualified in Round 5


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Disqualified in Round 5

R e t r o Luna

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System addict

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Endlessly Silenced

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Remedy Forgotten

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Karmic Kelsie

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Sophie is a Ninja

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Income Tax

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The Story
What's happened on The Island

Chapter 1, Part 1

The island looked like a tropical paradise. Dreams would come true at this tropical getaway. The twenty new arrivals could feel in their bones that they were about to embark on a glorious adventure.

A woman, presumably their guide, acknowledged the group. She wearing a blue and red dress, and she had a commanding aura around her. She pointed towards where they would be staying. Once she was sure they could find their way she slipped off to the side through the trees. The contestants continued on the way that they had been directed until they came through the trees into a large clearing. Before them was a collection of twenty small cabins all circled around the outskirts of the clearing. They each went to their separate designated cabins.

Hours later they were back out in the clearing with no signs of anyone else around. They noticed a table in the middle of the clearing that hadn't been their before. How had no one noticed that being set up? Upon the table was a folded piece of paper. A message was written on the paper;

"Hello and welcome to Survival of the Fiercest. We're sorry we couldn't be there to greet you ourselves, unfortunately we are all tied up in another business at the moment. While we finish that business up please introduce yourselves to each other!"

(Create a realistic, matching entry that will be your character (in the story). Must have a personality, a name [based off of your username] and a back-story/description.)

After the message is read aloud to all the contestants the woman who had guided them earlier stepped into the clearing. A few jumped back, startled at her quiet appearance. Was she the one who had set up the table with the message? She began to speak:

"As the message stated the judges are sorry for their inability to meet you in person. They will be here in seven days. While they are away please make yourselves comfortable. By the way, my name is Fierce. I will, unfortunately, have to be your guide." With that she slipped away again.

(Entries are due on August 12th before midnight.)

The contestants didn't have time to ask any further questions of the lady. Some shrugged while others seemed irritated by the lack of guidance. All they could do now was introduce themselves to one another.

Meanwhile, miles up the island the judges stood in a tower. They smiled as they looked out the panoramic window in front of them. They could see the small clearing from here. PJ lowered his binoculars after the messenger slipped away.

"Looks like we have an interesting bunch of contestants here."

Jam and Knight smiled and nodded in agreement. The three sipped on their drinks and prepared to sit back and watch the show begin.

Chapter 1, Part 2

The judges watched from above throughout the week in which the contestants got to know each other. They were impressed with quite a bit of what they saw, and not so impressed by others. They sat and discussed their thoughts as though they were discussing the weather.

After hours of discussing (and some arguing) they finally came to a decision. It was time to cut out a few weak links. They rose and left their tower.

Soon they were standing at the edge of the clearing. Knight raised his voice and called out so that the contestants would all pay attention.

"If we could have your attention please! First, my fellow judges and I would like to apologize for our absence. Next I would like to comment that we are very impressed with the collection in front of us. One person standing before us is so impressive that we would like to present her with a present."

He waved his hand and the guide from earlier stepped out from the opposite side of the clearing. He walked directly to Shawana_Chou and handed her a large brown package. Shawana_Chou opened the gift to reveal a very antiquated looking chest. She opened the chest and stepped back when a beam of light flashed out and struck Lohlee, Marastia, and Artemis Pendragon square in the chest. They dropped to the ground with a loud thump and set the other contestants into a scramble.

The three were checked and it was discovered that they no longer held a pulse. They were dead. The judges seemed unaffected by this news. Knight raised his hand and bowed his head to indicate his remorse.

"I have no idea how this has happened, but I'm afraid the show must go on." He waved his hand and four figures came out from the edge of the clearing to collect the bodies. "We will take every effort in discovering the cause of this. Meanwhile...please pass out the contents of that chest."

No more words could be said, the two other judges had already left while this speech had been given and now Knight was leaving to. The contestants were too startled to find any words and when they had regained their senses they were alone again.

Chapter 2, Part 1

After the startling deaths of Lohlee, Marastia, and Artemis Pendragon the remaining contestants quietly handed out the contents of the chest. Some handled these items delicately and others seemed unaffected by the danger that was lurking.

A few called out suddenly when they recognized the items. "Oh, I've heard of these in old legends!" cried Luna. "Me too!" Agreed Shawana, "They're priceless artifacts that are rarely seen anymore. But, a long time ago, there used to be many of them and they used to be really popular in fashion!"

(You will each be assigned an old MC.)

Some seemed excited by this while others merely seemed worried. These things had come from a chest that had just killed their comrades, after all. Finally an idea seemed to spread around the group. These items were sacred and the ones who had died had clearly disappointed some ancient force. Maybe, if they could use these items well they could please that ancient being and steer clear of harms way!

(You guessed it, use your assigned MC to make the best avatar possible.)

There was no other plausible answer. With their new deadly items in hand each contestant rushed to her cabin and began fiddling with designs. They weren't sure how long they had, but they assumed it was just as long as the last time.

(Entries are due on August 29th before midnight.)

Meanwhile, the three judges had returned to their tower. Jam was laughing about the startled faces of some of the contestants while PJ and Knight watched the contestants rush to their cabins. "Well, it seems they caught on to what their next challenge is." Knight said with a chuckle. PJ and Jam just grinned as they all relaxed and watched the show.

Chapter 2, Part 2/Chapter 3, Part 1

The week passed with little event for the contestants. Most likely due to the fact that they were all so focused on their designs that they paid little attention to the world around them. The judges, on the other hand were having a grand time studying in their library.

PJ had his nose stuck in a book almost constantly. Jam found herself restless though. She would often stand and walk to the window to peek on the contestants. They were always running about, like busy bees. The sight amused her. Meanwhile, Knight would often come up behind her and make silly comments about one contestant or another, clearly trying to make Jam pay attention to him. She didn't catch on though, she just laughed and watched.

Focusing back on the competitors Jam realized that some were much more likely to survive here than others. The smart ones were beginning to work together more.

Finally the week came to an end. Jam couldn't be more excited to get out of the tower to dole out the fates to the contestants. Unfortunately, while she and PJ were quick to come to their conclusions, Knight was a little slower. When they had all finished discussing their opinions it came to their attention that two competitors had failed to create anything!

Jam giggled as she looked out the window and couldn't find these two cowardly competitors anywhere. PJ mused that they had probably decided upon a different route to take. Just then they heard a knock at the door. The guide from before stood before them when they answered. In her hands she held two blood-soaked items, the Hammy Hat and a Whip of Ice. It seemed Toots and Ms. Shiv had been mistaken in trying to avoid the challenge.

Jam held back a grin as Knight accepted the items. The guide nodded and turned to lead the way down to the other competitors.

When they arrived at the clearing Knight dropped the two bloody relics where everyone could see them. "We're sorry to say that two of your comrades decided to try running from the challenge and were stopped by the ruthless jungle. I would like to take this chance to remind you that we are in the wild, outside of our designated safety zones we cannot be held responsible for your failures."

Jam piped in; "Even within the designated areas accidents have been known to happen."

A shiver ran through the competitors who stood with their designs, waiting to be assessed. PJ gave them a disapproving look, he was not impressed, neither were the other judges. He shook his head; "And if you wish to remain under our protection we expect you to try harder. Even so, congratulations go to Shawana who managed to impress us once again."

When PJ was done the guide stepped forth and handed Shawana a glass ball filled with mist. After staring into it for a few moments she screamed and threw the ball away. "They're dead! Ms. Shiv and Toots...I saw...it was like a twisted story..." She looked up, expecting answers from the judges, but like before, they had disappeared and the contestants were alone once more.

Some of the braver soles stepped forth and picked up the ball delicately. Kuyusi looked in curiously and saw the three others who had died being shot with the beam of light from the chest. She gasped then looked to the others "I think this ball predicts death, but...it's strange...all these deaths...they're made to look like fairytales."

Shawana nodded and trembled, "Yea...Ms.Shiv was dressed up like the fairy godmother in the ball and she was attacked by giant mice. And Toots was dressed like Cinderella...she fell and broke her ankles before being attacked by an evil looking prince."

End looked into the ball hesitantly, her paranoia acting up. She expected to see her own death, but instead she read a message. "Guys...it says...life is not a fairy tale. Don't fool yourselves. Replicate the true unhappy endings and you might get out alive." This seemingly prophetic message made everyone go silent. This was their new task, and they were all afraid to make the next move. Which of them would succeed in this deathly task?

Chapter 3, Part 2/Chapter 4, Part 1

The judges laughed together as the competitors frantically began to try to remember the old stories from their childhoods. So many happily ever afters were about to be twisted into gruesome ends. Jam was unduly excited to see how twisted the competitors might get to save their own necks.

Knight laughed along with Jam as they watched some of the stories begin to unfold in the competitors designs. Some of the competitors were clearly at an advantage. Inky, Mari, and (once again) Shawana really seemed to get into their perverted tales. PJ seemed much more pleased by this round than he had been the previous week. Apparently, most of the competitors were taking the warning they'd received seriously.

A storm blew over the island during the course of the week. The judges holed themselves up safely while the competitors toughed it out. The raging winds caused the judges not to be able to go out when the deadline passed. They expected that the delay might mean that the competitors would have even more time to come up with something spectacular.

When the storm finally died down Jam took a tentative step out the door. She didn't want to get her new shoes dirty, but the mud had already dried. She motioned for the others to follow.

They'd only taken a few steps with the guide walked up to them. She was holding two soaked sets of clothes. The clothes belonged to Kiwi and Kelis, the girls had gone too close to the ocean and had been caught by a wave which subsequently dragged them into a tidal wave. Only some of their clothes had escaped the heartless current. Jam shook her head in disappointment, but Knight just shrugged. "So be it! I say we still do some real cuts this round. Maybe a loss of four will keep them on their toes!"

With that the three judges walked with the guide to the camp. The designers trembled, waiting for the worst. PJ spoke first; "We were much more impressed by many of you this round, but we were still disappointed by a few. We will have to eliminate..."

But before he could say a word a shout came from behind. Two shadows flitted out from a tree and attacked Music and Princess Dii. No one knew what was going on. Everyone, aside from the judges, began to scramble. Before they could calm down the shadows had disappeared and the two who had been attacked lay slumped over one another with crude weapons jutting out of their backs and stomachs.

Some eyes turned to Montyageau, the tribal queen from faraway, she seemed outraged by the accusation in those eyes. "My people do not attack for no reason! These are a primal people! They must be the ones who keep harming our friends! We must find them!"

A few nodded in agreement. A few muttered more accusations. Kuyusi went to Montyageau's side in camaraderie.

Jam nodded and stepped forward, not much sympathy seemed to show on her face as she spoke; "I suppose this isn't as exciting now, but we have decided that Inky was the most impressive designer this round. Congratulations and we hope that you keep it up. Now, we will have to go..."

Knight raised his hand to silence everyone. "We will find them and stop them, but we will need your help. We cannot catch what we cannot see. Please show us, to the best of your abilities, what these people look like. Rest assured that we will take every precaution from now on to safeguard against these people."

Chapter 4, Part 2/Chapter 5, Part 1

It was horrible just horrible. Each contestant was horrified when they saw the hair that they were now forced to sport. They couldn't face the judges with such hideous heads. After recovering from the initial shock they all scrambled back to their cabins. Each girl worked her hardest to tame the mess upon her heads. To make it work for them rather than against them.

The judges watched from the tower, mildly amused as the girls fought over hair care products. Jam touched her own head, wondering what she might do if her hair were to turn into something monstrous. Knight grinned when he saw her musing and shook his head "You'd make it work..." He encouraged.

Poo looked down at the girls as they progressed and chuckled; "Some of them are making it work too...but boy will this...elimination be interesting." They stopped watching, afraid of what they might see. It was a tough challenge and they were afraid to make their decisions. They procrastinated until the contestants began to get angry.

Angry at the delay and lack of explanation. They wanted their hair back to normal! The girls met up, all finished with messing with their hair. All to the point that they felt they could do no more to make their hair look presentable. They banded together and headed out of their enclosure towards the tower in the distance.

The judges looked down in time to see Addict pounding on the door, her pink hair swirling behind her like a smoothie. Luna straggled behind the others, but soon caught up and joined in the shouting. "Answer us!"

The judges could avoid it no longer. They looked down and began to discuss. It took them a moment to realize that two contestants were missing. It seemed Lady Kassendra and Mari could not even bear to work with their hair. It seemed the decision was made for the judges once more.

They didn't go to the door. They simply sent the guide down to meet the angry girls. The guide barely cracked open the door, giving herself just enough room to stick her hand out and hand the girls a letter. On the letter was written the judges feelings about the contestants outfits along with an invitation:

"Our benefactor would like to invite you all to a ball. Your dresses are waiting for you in your cabins."

Moments after reading the letter it inexplicably caught fire. The smoke rose from it and encompassed the girls who began to cough nervously. When the smoke cleared their hair was back to normal. They cheered and rushed to their cabins to prepare for the party. Curious to see who this benefactor was.

Unfortunately, when they got to their cabins they found less than desirable garments...
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