Welcome to Gaia! ::


Love it! 0.4 40.0% [ 16 ]
Like it. 0.075 7.5% [ 3 ]
Don't mind it. 0.125 12.5% [ 5 ]
Don't care for it... 0.1 10.0% [ 4 ]
Dislike it. 0.05 5.0% [ 2 ]
Hate it! 0 0.0% [ 0 ]
Don't understand it! 0.125 12.5% [ 5 ]
Gold. 0.125 12.5% [ 5 ]
Total Votes:[ 40 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 137 138 139 > >> >>> »|

3,950 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Hygienic 200
  • Signature Look 250
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Welcome to Miss Multiverse, or as I secretly like to call it, Kara's Epic Contest of Epic Epicness. To celebrate my triumphant return to the AT, I am hosting this contest. What's so special about it? Well basically, it's a compilation of everything I have ever loved in all the avatar contests I have been in. It's a bit complicated, but if you scroll down and read through the
Procedures section I'm sure it will all make sense. Oh, and of course there's a little extra incentive involved...

The one to place first receives 40,000 gold.
The one to place second receives 20,000 gold.
The one to place third receives 10,000 gold.

heart Thanks to kukuxumusoo for donating 3k! You are loved! heart
heart Thanks to Sydyan for donating 500 gold! You are also loved! heart

Not to mention that there are other, secret prizes involved, but I'm getting ahead of myself here. Let's move on to the storyline!

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There exists parallel to our universe several other universes, alike and yet different at the same time. It is these differences that in the past has caused us to shun the other universes, content to pretend that they don't exist. However, all that is about to change.

In an effort to unite the vastly different universes, a friendly competition was formed. It was originally a way to celebrate the beauty of all the different kinds of people that existed, but something unexpected happened. When the chosen girls from each universe arrived to participate in the Miss Multiverse competition, they were surprised to find that the looked like mostly normal people, except for their hair and eyes. For you see, when things travel into the other universes, they change.

So where do you come into the mix? Well, in order to find the best way to accent their beauty, each of the girls needs a Fashion Designer to make their stunning outfits. You are an up-and-coming designer, or maybe one that has already gathered a little fame. Either way, you have caught the attention of the girls, and they want you to design their clothes for them.

So, whose proposal do you accept, if any? After all, it's not exactly going to be easy. You'll have to travel across the Multiverse, and who knows what kinds of surprises lie in the other universes? The girl you have been designing for may completely change, not to mention the fashion styles of all the different places you will visit. You will have to be highly adaptable to capture the beauty of your model in such difficult circumstances.

Do you have what it takes?

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1st Post: Welcome, Table of Contents, News, Links
2nd Post: Rules, Procedures
3rd Post: Challenge, Models
4th Post: Judges, Contestants
5th Post: Results
6th Post: History

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No special events current going on.

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4/25/10: Round nine is up now!
4/22/10: Scores are posted, rest period starts now!
4/17/10: Sent out the judging PMs!
4/15/10: Story's finally up! Sorry for the delay! I totally forgot about it!
4/11/10: Round eight, go! Story coming soon.
4/8/10: Scores posted, rest period starts now. Yeah. I'm tired.
4/3/10: Judging time now! The PMs have been sent out.
3/26/10: Sorry for the delay. Round seven is a go-go!
3/20/10: Scores are posted! Check the thread for more details. Now it's time for the rest period.
3/14/10: It's time for the entries of round six to be judged!
3/6/10: Round six, start!
1/24/10: This section was so big and cluttered, so I wiped it. It's a new year! Time for a fresh start! Anyway, right now I am just cleaning up the thread, but this contest will get rolling soon, I promise!

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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

3,950 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Hygienic 200
  • Signature Look 250
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Just for the record, you have to follow the Gaia Terms of Service.
I'm not going to do something like disqualify you or black list you if you disobey them. I'm going to report you. This is Gaia, and you have to follow the rules.

This seems pretty obvious, but no cheating!
This includes things like bribing the judges, entering with multiple accounts, or getting someone else to do your entry for you. Rules are here for a reason, and you must follow them all or face instant disqualification.

This is pretty obvious too, but you cannot participate unless you pay your entry fee!
Please pay your fee right away. It's first come, first serve for this contest, and the marker for that is getting your fee in. I'm not going to wait around for you if other people want to join. I know those are some pretty tough cookies if you don't have the money, but that's the way things work. 500 gold isn't much, anyway.

Though I don't generally appreciate bumping, it is allowed.
If the contest is moving slowly and there's no one around to talk to, you can go ahead and bump it. However, it shouldn't really be made a habit of. I would much prefer that you just talked to the people in the thread.

Other posting rules include avoiding excessive quoting, not quoting any posts on the first page, and avoiding meaningless spam or advertising.
If you want to affiliate, please just ask me nicely first. You don't even necessarily have to send me a PM about that one, just say something in the thread like "Is it okay if I post a link to my contest here?" or "Do you want to affiliate?" I'm actually a pretty nice person despite these lengthy rules, and more likely than not I will accommodate you.

Don't beg.
Firstly, that's just kind of pathetic. Begging isn't going to get you free gold or items. It's not going to make the judges take pity on you, or change the rules. We're not going to give you good votes in the avatar arena. In other words, begging only makes you look bad, it doesn't really get you anywhere.

Concerning asking for feedback, you are free to ask as many people as you want within the contest thread, including judges, contestants, or even just lurkers, but please don't ask the general AT.
I would consider that getting unfair help on your avatar. As for judges, giving feedback is okay but don't toss around any numbers. I would also appreciate it if you didn't announce your favorites until after the judging has started.

This is a rather long contest, and as such I want you all to do your best to get your entries in on time.
If you fail to do so we will not wait for you. You will just be automatically disqualified and your entry fee will still be used for the prize money. It's not my fault if you get grounded or something else happens. You will only be losing 500 gold anyway, so it's not a big deal. Just think of it like paying for a ticket. Even if you miss part of the show you still had to pay to get in.

With that said, if something comes up and you give me early notice I may be able to extend the deadline for you.
Just please don't wait until the last minute to say anything. I might not extend it by a lot, though, so if you have to go on a vacation for a month I don't suggest joining this contest.

On that note, I don't advise joining the contest if you are going to be extremely busy, or won't be able to check the thread on a fairly regular basis.
This contest is going to go through a lot of changes, and sometimes some surprise events may occur. Keep in touch with the news section in the first post to make sure you don't miss anything.

If for some reason you have to leave the competition, please discuss it with me and I may return your entry fee to you.
However, you don't get your fee back just because you're losing. This means that when you announce you are withdrawing it won't go into effect until the next round. You still have to pass the current round. Therefore, please be sure to announce early enough when you are leaving. If you fail to turn in an entry or are naturally eliminated you will not get your fee back.

Don't cause unnecessary drama.
Obviously I can't enforce this as a strict rule, but please try not to make enemies. Don't bash what other people do; give constructive criticism. Don't whine at the judges for being unfair. Don't complain about the challenge, or that you lost, or you want your money back. If you have a legitimate concern about something, like a judge is expressing favoritism or you think a contestant cheated, please PM me to discuss it with me privately. Making a big deal about it in the thread will help no one.

On that note, please don't PM me unless it's something really urgent.
If you just have a question about something, you can leave that in the thread. I will check it with great frequency. It might even be possible that someone else could respond to you anyway.

There's no such thing as advanced notice on the challenges!
I'll be honest, though I have done so in the past, I do not have every challenge planned out for this contest. It changes too much, it would be hard for me to plan around things I cannot foresee. So even if you are going to be gone or something, I cannot tell you what the theme will be beforehand. That would just be impossible.

I reserve the right to add more rules as situations come up that may need them.

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Alright, let me take you through a step-by-step process of how this contest is going to work. Basically, once all of the contestants have been decided, I am going to assign you each a model. This model is going to be yours for the whole competition, unless a special event occurs. Also, the models are pretty much self-infatuated, and don't want to change anything about their base. You must keep the skin, hair, and eye bases the same throughout the competition. However, you are allowed to use wigs, contacts, and skin items unless otherwise stated.

Rounds basically last about a week. There will be four days of avatar-building, and two days of judging, then one day of downtime before the next challenge is posted. When I post a challenge, several things will happen.

1. I will post an overall theme for the challenge.
2. Your models will get five items put on their avatar. They might be things centered around the theme, or they might be physical traits of the people living in that universe. You can remove one of these things for free, but you have to work around the other four unless otherwise stated.
3. I will draw three Universe Cards, and they will change certain things about the round. The Universe Cards are described below.
4. I will announce the deadline of the challenge. Your entry must be in by midnight Gaia Time on the night of the due date.

Once the challenge is posted, you will have until the deadline (roughly four days) to turn in your entry. You can post your attempts in the thread for feedback, see
Rules for more information on giving and getting feedback. Dream Free is not only allowed, it is in fact encouraged. When you are done, post your final in the thread in a way that is clearly labeled "Final." If you don't, I will use your latest attempt, whether it is actually better or not. As a note, including a description with your design is allowed, and might actually be beneficial to you.

Once the deadline has passed, I will contact the judges via PM. The judges will then grade you using this rubric:

Style: /10
This is the more opinionated side of judging. How good does this look? Does it have that 'wow' factor?
Technique: /10
This is for judging how well the creator made this. Does it have good usage of items? Is it well-constructed?
Execution: /10
This is basically how well you worked with the challenge. Did you utilize your model effectively? Does your avatar work in this universe?
If the judge has any comments they'd like to share with you, such as any tips or suggestions for the future, they would put those here.
Total: /30
The total score given, added up.

The judges will send me their judging via PM, and I will post the results in the thread myself. This is to allow the judges the freedom to share their opinions without fear of repercussion. Once the results are posted, eliminations will be made and winners will be chosen. Unfortunately, the winner does not receive automatic immunity for the next challenge, but they might get some added bonus. That remains to be foreseen.

Eliminations will go as follows:

Round 1-7: Two eliminations each round.
Round 8+: One elimination each round.

The eliminated contestants cannot compete in future challenges, but they are welcome to still hang around in the thread. Their models will then open up for the next challenge. If anyone wants to take an open model they must merely say so in the thread during the downtime day. It's first come, first serve for open models. However, you have to give up your own model in order to claim a free one, and other people can then claim that model. It's a cycle.

From there, the next challenge will run just like the previous one, with a new theme, new model items, and new Universe Cards.

Next, let's move on to discuss the Universe Cards in more detail.

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There are four types of cards that can come from the Universe Cards (and yes, these are Fluxx Cards). They are New Rule Cards, Keeper Cards, Goal Cards, and Action Cards. They are described below:

New Rule Cards change the rules of the challenge for one round only. These rules affect everyone.

Keeper Cards are bonus prizes. Whoever wins the round will collect the prize. It can be cashed in immediately, or saved for a future date in which it is more needed.

Goal Cards display optional rules for the round. If you meet the optional rules, you will get Card Draws.

Action Cards are special. You can spend Card Draws to attempt to collect Action Cards. When you succeed, you will randomly be given a card which can be used to your own advantage. See more rules of Action Cards below:

Action Cards are hidden.
It is wise not to tell anyone that you have an Action Card, and this information won’t be displayed.

To buy Action Cards, PM Karasunaki and tell her how many Card Draws you want to spend.
There is a 25% chance that you will get an Action Card with a Card Draw. All other cards are failures.

Action Cards each have their own special rules, which Karasunaki will explain in detail, including how to use them and when is an appropriate time to use them.
Abide by these rules.

When an Action Card is used, a special event will occur in the thread, with a story to go along with it.
Though the results of the event may make this obvious, at no time will I state who used the Action Card. It is up to the person who used it whether they want to share this information themselves.

I have personally tried not to include Action Cards that will negatively impact people who are already working on entries or who have already turned entries in, so you don’t have to wait until the last minute to do your entry.

Well, that about covers it! If you have any questions, please post them in the thread and I will be happy to answer them!

3,950 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Hygienic 200
  • Signature Look 250
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We've arrived in an interesting world now, folks! Magnificent airships fill the skies of this Steampunk-esque world, and fancy masquerades are held aboard their decks every night. The city is full of light and laughter all the time, at least for the upper class.

The lower class, beneath the tall towers and technology-induced wealth, is not quite so lucky. They live off of the scraps thrown out after fancy feasts, and clothe themselves in yesterday's forgotten fashions, tossed out by the fast-paced upper class. They live a mirror image of the upper class, a shadow, a parody almost. Their lives reflects those above, but are not quite so flamboyant. Still, they try to get by, and it is amongst these people that we have landed.

So dress yourselves in a manner that looks wealthy, but is old and worn, and above all, cheap. Do you best! And don't forget, this is Steampunk inspired, so feel free to dress in a gender-baffling manner (I certainly dressed your models that way) and to use technology beyond their time...as long as it is used technology.

But yes, the rules for this round are...

-Price Limit: 100k (not including items already on the model). This is mandatory.
-Item Limit: 20 Items (not including items already on the model). This is also mandatory.
-The winner shall receive a Gramster as a special bonus!

So yes, this may be a tricky round, but you've all come this far so you are more than capable. Good luck to all of you! Entries are due April 30th at the usual time.

Story coming soon.

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1. Barbara - Karmic Kelsie
2. Catherine
3. Janet
4. Janice
5. Joan
6. Karen
7. Laurel - Jamais Changeant
8. Linda
9. Lisa
10. Marsha
11. Mary
12. Megan - Cyan Azzura Ri
13. Millie - Shawana_Chou
14. Nancy
15. Nicole
16. Patricia
17. Peggy
18. Sandra
19. Stephanie
20. Susan
21. Tamara
22. Tracy - marwolfer
23. Wendy
24. Yvonne

3,950 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Hygienic 200
  • Signature Look 250
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1. Karasunaki

Hello, my name is Karasunaki, but you can just call me Kara. I've been on Gaia for a long time now, in fact I was one of the first 10,000 people to join. Not that this makes me special or anything, it just shows that I love this site to stick around here for so long. Even more so since I am putting up with their alliance with Walmart, my mortal enemy. I used to be a big roleplaying nerd, but more and more I've been finding that my true love lies in the AT and its atmosphere as one big family. As far as avatars go, I've traditionally been more geared towards matching, but am opening my eyes to the other different styles that are out there. My favorite avatars combine the best aspects of multiple styles, and express the creativity of the individual. I also love things that have strong contrast or use bold and unusual color schemes. I think I'm getting into powerclash also...who knew?

2. Maeron

Not Maeron
Maeron is a man of few words, and so he hasn't really said anything about himself yet.

3. KamikaziFreak

I don't really have any strong preferences for styles, such as matching vs. non-matching, etc. I don't believe in that stuff. "The best form is no form; the best style is no style." In the case of this contest, the biggest priority to me would be exploring the theme in an interesting or cohesive way, or making something unexpected work. The two important things are the immediate appeal, or how attractive the look is at first glance, and then the "get to know you" stage, or what I start to notice after I've spent some time looking at it.

4. Autio Ainoa

Autio Ainoa
I'm Ainoa and I'm a total contest whore. I haven't won one yet, but I typically get to the top 3 or 5. I've lurked the AT since it existed, and am a bit of a match nazi because of that. In the "new AT", I have learned to appreciate style/theme/non-matching avatars as well. I have no qualms about expressing my opinion... If I think it's ugly, I'll damn well say it's ugly!

5. KenziJane

6. poojuice

Ohai. I'm poojuice, I'm 17, and I'm a college freshman taking up Economics and Applied Corporate Management.

My judging style is very.. bi-polar. But it really depends on the actual entry. It doesn't interfere with my judging in the sense that I show favoritism, it's just in the way I comment on things. For example, if I love an entry, I generally tend to become way too sugary and sweet and fanboyish. If I hate the entry, I become way too harsh.

7. kukuxumusoo

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1. Karmic Kelsie: Six Card Draws (34 Used).

Karmic Kelsie
I am first and foremost a thespian. I love all aspects of the theater, from tech to costumes and makeup to preforming. I hate long walks along moonlit beaches because of the evil bugs and birds. My tektek design is layered, between simplistic and cluttered, leaning towards either side based on what the customer or challenge is.

2. Jamais Changeant: Three Keepers (Free Entry Skip, Model Skin Change, Brass Raving Goggles), Zero Card Draws (24 Used).

Jamais Changeant
I don't really have one specific tektek style...I just create whatever seems to fit my purpose. Basically, I find myself pretty good at adapting. I've been in a ton of these contests and I love the challenge of creating something different. Just look in my journal to see my work.

3. e d e n - s o n g

4. Kinpai Sotto

5. Xx - Mika oneechan - xX

6. marwolfer: Zero Card Draws (26 Used).

I've been on Gaia since 2004, so I'm quite the oldbie. =3 I'm a university student on summer vacation at the moment, so I have a lot of time on my hands. I've run more than 10 contests in the past 6 months and been in countless. I'm currently a finalist in Redwine Remix, competing against Swifty for the title!

7. Bara no Chikai

8. Endlessly Silenced

9. clockwork ballerina

10. Rose_Serenity

11. kukuxumusoo

12. Shawana_Chou: One Keeper (Lunar Hairpin) 20 Card Draws (Six Used).

Hi, I'm Shawana, commonly known as Shaw on Gaia, and I'm a sixteen year old homeschooler. I'm a very long time tektek/Gavsim user, one of those old 04-06 ATers, though I have only been participating in elimination contests for about a year. I really like to layer and add tons of colors to my tekteks. I use dream free layering to the extreme. I love bright colors and lots of texture!

13. Cyan Azzura Ri: Two Keeper (25 Point Bonus, Save a Contestant), 20 Card Draws.

Cyan Azzura Ri
Hey, I'm Cyan. I've been tekteking for a couple of years, though not really entering elimination contests until last year. I don't really think I have a very definite style of tekteking, because I like to try different styles. I like most of the styles; black and white, bright colors, dark, light, cluttered, simple, medium, a mix, etc.

14. texada t i m e w a r p

15. Sid Vanadiel

16. Neon_Dinosaurs x3

17. TempusBliss

18. Suzu Yuudai

Suzu Yuudai was eliminated from the contest, but was brought back by Cyan Azzura Ri!

19. TootsieFruity

20. Call me Peachez

21. Rainbow Danger

22. Fried Salad

23. HellsXAngel17

24. x_iphalewhale_x

3,950 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Hygienic 200
  • Signature Look 250
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Cyan Azzura Ri:

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Karmic Kelsie:

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Suzu Yuudai:

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3,950 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Hygienic 200
  • Signature Look 250
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Bara no Chikai:
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The Navajo skin-walker is a Native American folklore. In one version of the tale, skin-walkers are said to be witches that can transform into any animal they wish, particularly coyotes and wolves. In another version, they simply hunt the animals and wear their skins. But one thing they all agree upon is that the skin-walkers are evil. Using the sacred bones of the buried dead, they use their shaman-like powers to curse the living. The more people they kill, the more they are strengthened, and the more they lose their humanity.
[ Source ]
Style: 9 + 9 + 10 + 9 = 37/40
Technique: 10 + 8 + 10 + 7 = 35/40
Execution: 10 + 8 + 9 + 10 = 37/40
Feedback: Despite the fact that this is clunkier than usually appeals to me, I have to say that this is definitely my favorite of the round. It’s really impressive how you were able to use that mask. I remember remarking that I thought your model was one of the hardest to work with and you really pulled it off! If I had to find one little thing to nitpick about with this avatar, the only thing I can come up with is that the white spot on the chest is kind of distracting.
Feedback:I really love how you used the mask. The shape is a little odd, it gets really square.
Feedback: Lovely. I picked this model out at the beginning of the challenge as one that would be both tough and fun to work with, and I'm glad to see you've made this work so well. While the midsection feels somewhat jumbled and the neck frill still stands out, you've done a great job of making the headpiece not look ridiculous, and instead only freaky (and rightly so, given the story). I tend not to like background items as they're usually too obtrusive, but the skull is very fitting, and doesn't detract from the rest of the avatar. Wonderfully creepy, overall.
Total: 29 + 25 + 29 + 26 = 109/120

Suzu Yuudai:
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Ghost of the White Deer
Style: 8 + 7 + 9 + 8 = 32/40
Technique: 10 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 37/40
Execution: 10 + 8 + 9 + 10 = 37/40
Feedback: I loved the fact that there’s a story behind this avatar; you really put a lot of thought into following the theme and it shows. I actually like the fact that you have the arrow in there, I think matching it is unnecessary because it makes it more striking this way. The fact that you relied so heavily on the story, however, does make this avatar less interesting at first glance. It wasn’t as appealing until I knew the thought process behind it.
Feedback:Layering looks really impressive. Not sure I'm a fan of the blues in there.
Feedback: Well done, well done. Out of all the submissions, I think this one fit the theme the best. Visually it's messy, but that also breaks up the outline, making it look less like a human standing there. Great job.
Total: 28 + 24 + 27 + 27 = 106/120

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"Sorry it's taking a bit to finalize your outfit," Temp replied sheepishly. Patricia sighed as the obscure designer was going through hair pins to put on her hat.
"Well, you better find something that will go," she replied, "Because I think someone's looking at us like we're ghost." Temp's attention then turned to the door. Outside stood a man who seemed to pale greatly.
"What?" Temp said dryly, "You never seen people trying to do a fashion show here, have you?" The man ran away from the room hystericaly leaving a dumbfounded model and designer. "I swear, I try to go after ideas and they tend to bite me in the a**."
"Well," Patricia asked, "Where did you get this idea?" The dark-skinned model was dressed up in green, white, gold, and brown. The Phoenix Circlet was abandoned on a chair and Patricia was wearing a wig to cover her bright orange hair.
"I tend to go to the town records for outfit influences," Temp replied, "Found one that interested me much. Hell, I based a bit of the outfit on one of their sheriffs." She shuffled through a bit to find the paper. It was a picture of a woman that looked a lot like Patricia. "Her name is Lucretia Alderman. Interesting character actually." Patricia took the paper from her designer and started to read it. Somehow her face started to pale as she continued to read. "What's wrong?"
"You based my outfit from a sheriff that got lynched!" Patricia said weakly. She gave back Temp the paper and pointed at an exact line.
"The reason and the people who lynched Sheriff Alderman are currently unknown."
"Ooops." sweatdrop
stare "If I die, I am going to haunt you until you die."
Style: 8 + 9 + 8 + 7 = 32/40
Technique: 9 + 8 + 10 + 7 = 34/40
Execution: 9 + 8 + 9 + 8 = 34/40
Feedback: I’m a little torn here; I really like some of the layering on the avatar, such as the belts. On the other hand, I really don’t like the layering on the upper body; it is a lot more cluttered-looking than the rest of the avatar. Also, I noticed that your browns are off. There is a really great color scheme here, though, and the theme is a lot of fun.
Feedback:Except for the hat, I really like this. The torso is a little cluttered compared to the rest.
Feedback: For some reason, I can't stop seeing this as 'Will Smith as Sailor Moon'. Despite that creepyness factor, this is a pretty good submission. The hat is kind of plain all by itself. A good job was done making use of an unusual green color.
Total: 26 + 25 + 27 + 22 = 100/120

Karmic Kelsie:
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"Modeled after the Goddess of Smoke, Kichpohtôtse, a deceased princess of the Kaermae tribe.
She is said to have delivered the smoke messages of the tribe. Once, during a war with the Caelinae tribe,
she is said to have cleared the sky with a great fan, until not a cloud was left,
so the tribe could signal to their neighbors for help.
She also holds a smoking pipe, and is said to look over ceremonies involving the smoking of pipes,
which created strong allies between the Kaermae tribe and other Native American tribes."
Style: 6 + 8 + 9 + 7 = 30/40
Technique: 7 + 9 + 9 + 7 = 32/40
Execution: 9 + 9 + 9 + 10 = 37/40
Feedback: I can see the AT in this, and it’s hard for me to look past that and see the theme in here. I’d be eager to see you break out a little and try something new. As for the technical aspect of the avatar though, it is very well made. I was glad that you chose to work with that headdress too; just keep following that adventurous spirit and try to impress everyone!
Feedback:You made that headdress attractive. Good show. xD
Feedback: It looks good, though it's rather busy. It just feels like there's a lot going on, and it's hard to keep track of.
Total: 22 + 26 + 27 + 24 = 99/120

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Style: 7 + 8 + 7 + 10 = 32/40
Technique: 7 + 7 + 7 + 10 = 31/40
Execution: 9 + 8 + 9 + 8 = 34/40
Feedback: Fabulous work using this tricky model, and turning a potentially disgusting color scheme into a nice one; that took some skill. Unfortunately, there are some matching mistakes here and there, particularly with the pink on the saloon dress. The other thing I didn’t really like about this was the reliance on the Egyptian set. Despite that, I think that this is just a really attractive avatar that fits flawlessly with the theme; well done.
Feedback:Eyepatch/scarf is off, as are most of your browns. Overall, cute.
Feedback: This is pretty badass. I want to see it locked in epic battle, flintlocks vs. lasers, with Jamias' Japanese Robot Cowgirl, as they fight for the place as my favorite submission of the group. While the imagery this evokes is not entirely old-westy in nature, it is excellent in every other aspect.
Total: 23 + 23 + 23 + 28 = 97/120

Jamais Changeant:
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Laurel stepped out of the dressing room looking every bit like the fashion forward cowgirl she'd hoped her designer, Jam, would transform her into. Something worried her a little though; "Hey Jam...I love the look, but...does it really fit?" Jam smiled, adjusting the ribbon about Laurel's waist and nodded. "Sure does, haven't you heard the myth of the cowgirl who didn't belong?" Laurel shoke her head, but the confidence in Jam's eyes eased her doubt and now she merely waited to hear the myth that her outfit was portraying. Jam proceeded without further prompting;

"It was a story my mom used to tell me. Back when gun slinging was a regular activity there was a girl who grew up wondering; why was it that she saw everything so differently from the others around her? She saw their activities like through a screen, they seemed so unbelievable. It wasn't until she was older that she realized that she was seeing them as though looking into the past. Meanwhile, ideas were running through her head, ideas about what the future would hold. Her appearance reflected that insight into the future. Soon, she was outcast for her alien mannerisms. Little did the cowfolk know...she held the key to the future, she was born in the wrong time. She wrote her ideas down. Ideas about fashion and fortune...Centuries later her ideas were found, all of her predictions had come true."

Laurel nodded, wide-eyed and smiling. Amazing, a woman who was from the future, but was born in the wrong era. Jam smiled at the affect she'd had, she hoped the judges would be just as impressed.
Style: 6 + 9 + 6 + 10 = 31/40
Technique: 8 + 8 + 8 + 10 = 34/40
Execution: 7 + 9 + 7 + 8 = 31/40
Feedback: This avatar looks really interesting at the first glance. However, looking closer at it highlighted several matching mistakes, so I had to step back again to truly appreciate it. Also, as has been mentioned before, it doesn’t really fit with the theme very well; it kind of feels like you went with your own thing and tacked on the story at the last minute. You do have a nifty style though, you can make an avatar look really interesting without resorting to any big or flashy items, and that I admire.
Feedback:I love how stylish this is. The brown in the middle gets a little bit blocky.
Feedback: Three words - Japanese Robot Cowgirl. I expect it shoots lasers. I like it. The only thing wrong with it is that it's a little out of place, but it fits enough to be acceptable, and looks great doing it.
Total: 21 + 26 + 21 + 28 = 96/120

Cyan Azzura Ri:
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Wááh Kits'a - Moon Water. A long time ago, there was a young girl who longed for an important place among her people. Her mother always told her that she was important, and there was no need to worry about any silly notions of being more important. But the girl didn't believe her mother. Every night, she would go to the water nearby, and look up at the moon. "Kashatskihakatidise, I want to be important, like you," she told the Bright-Shining-Woman. But she didn't know what to do. And so, one night, she went out into the water, the moon shining over it. Nothing happened. The next morning, when the girl awoke, she found she had acquired a great knowledge of medicine. After the village learned of this, and after she proved her knowledge, she was soon their new 'witch doctor'. Every night, she revisited the water, and bathed in the moonglade and thanked Kashatskihakatidise. After her death, her people carved her likeness into a rock, and to this day, still believe that the Moon-Water-Woman protects them.
Style: 10 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 31/40
Technique: 10 + 7 + 8 + 7 = 32/40
Execution: 8 + 7 + 7 + 9 = 31/40
Feedback: Personally, I thought this was truly fabulous. The shapes and the colors are really appealing to the eye; it attracted my attention straight away. I was a little disappointed that the white tattoos at the bottom got lost in the process. However, they are very small, so I guess I can understand that.
Feedback:Watch your shades. Everything is kind of wonky looking, and it just doesn't seem to fit your theme.
Feedback: I like this; it's colorful, it has good flow, and it makes good use of both the headpiece and the dress, which I wasn't expecting to see both of in the submission for this model. The lower half is filled out well to match the size of the kachina mask. I'm not sure I like the white dress sticking out, but all in all a very strong submission.

Total: 28 + 20 + 22 + 24 = 94/120

Endlessly Silenced:
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Style: 9 + 9 + 6 + 4 = 28/40
Technique: 9 + 9 + 8 + 4 = 30/40
Execution: 10 + 9 + 9 + 8 = 36/40
Feedback: This just looks really cool and fits the theme so well; I absolutely loved it. You really know your way around matching and distribution; it is really effective without being terribly busy. Talk about clunky in the southeast corner though. Perhaps having both the horse and the fork thing was a little overkill.
Feedback:I think it would have been better without the awkward horse, but overall looks really nice.
Feedback: The glasses and scar feel strange here, and the body just looks messy to me. The horse is a good touch, though it's not clear whether the model is supposed to be on it, or having her arm over its neck? A good fit for the theme, though.
Total: 28 + 27 + 23 + 16 = 94/120

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Adiya was no god but she was just as important. She held the keys to the afterlife. After the appropriate rituals were held she would then escort the dead to their final destinations.
Style: 9 + 9 + 7 + 6 = 31/40
Technique: 9 + 8 + 7 + 9 = 33/40
Execution: 5 + 8 + 3 + 7 = 23/40
Feedback: Gosh, this is just really cool looking. I love the contrast of the dark colors and the bright gold. I do have to say though, that your head is really heavy compared to the body. I can see that you tried to balance it out with the tail, but it just sticks out and is kind of awkward.
Feedback:This is really pretty and kind of scary at the same time. I'm not fond of the feet.
Feedback: This one wasn't really my thing. High ratings for technique, but the wild gold colors sticking out don't make sense to me; I don't see what you're going for. It's kinda shaman-y, kinda royal, kinda Egyptian, kinda valkyrie.
Total: 23 + 25 + 17 + 22 = 87/120

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Mary-Jean was a saloon dancer for several years, working her life away, until she came into a large amount of money(no one knows how, still to this day). She then quit her job, to the disdain of her boss, took up all of her lovely clothes, and went to purchase a voyage on a ship, for she wished to travel the world. While sailing for many years, she came across a lot of hard times, and soon she became a fierce and mighty pirate, coming back to her old home town only to gloat at the lowly people who had once thought her simply nothing. She wore all of her riches upon her body, just as when she had left, but more lovely, and more rich, and this made the the saloon owner quite mad. His anger got the better of him one night, and as she drank in his own saloon, he took her out and shot her, before skipping town. There is now a statue of Mary-Jean in front of that very saloon, and people still tell the story of this woman to their children as a warning to not become greedy like both the saloon owner and the pirate woman.
Style: 5 + 8 + 7 + 4 = 24/40
Technique: 5 + 8 + 9 + 7 = 29/40
Execution: 7 + 8 + 9 + 6 = 30/40
Feedback: The layering on this is really weird, and I don’t like it. It just looks wrong. Looking at the avatar from a distance gives me a much better appreciation of it. Also, I really like that you managed to visibly use all of the items; that gave you a bonus in my book.
Feedback:Your greens are a bit off and I'm not a fan of the head layering.
Feedback: This model looks very weighed down, and a bit too gaudy for my liking. Personally, I'd have dropped the boa if going for such a full design. It's just too much. Also, pirates are not native to the old west, though I suppose a saloon girl could hypothetically become one.
Total: 17 + 24 + 25 + 17 = 83/120

Fried Salad:
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Style: 6 + 8 + 8 + 5 = 27/40
Technique: 10 + 9 + 7 + 8 = 34/40
Execution: 2 + 8 + 8 + 3 = 21/40
Feedback: Alright, I’ll say it straight up; this is a really good avatar. It’s obvious that you are a very experienced designer. However, it doesn’t really go with the theme at all. I’m just not seeing it.
Feedback: Flippers... LOLWHUT? The touches of pink are nice to brighten this up.
Feedback: I'm not sure what this is. It's got a weird kind of flow, but...what is it? It's got purple flippers. It's got a huge cross on its back? Helmet? Bondage? Huh?
Total: 18 + 25 + 23 + 16 = 82/120

Rainbow Danger:
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Morrigan means "phantom queen", and in the Celtic tribe, this is exactly what they thought of her. For you cannot see her, but it is said that her presence is always there, watching from up in the sky on her majestic wings. When children look at drawings of her, they exclaim how enchanting she looks and wish that they could meet this beauty someday. But, adults think otherwise. Not seeing her as encapturing and beautiful, but as wicked causing many adults to fear her. Because, although she may be beautiful, she is even more powerful. The only way to be able to see her beauty in person is when you have done evil deeds throughout your life, where she swoops down and takes your life, but not your soul. Although the body may cease functions, the soul remains trapped within it forever. But, every time Morrigan takes a life, she also looses a feather. If there are so many people that have been doing evil deeds, she can not fly back up to the sky and watch over everyone. The Celtic's greatest fear is that the goddess will become so angry that she will start to kill anyone she lays eyes on till the people obay her once more. The only way to reverse this is if the Celtic tribe write the name of the deceased person on a feather and place it at one of her many statues. The next day, they will be gone and if enough feathers had been offered, Morrigan will fly back up to the sky and release the trapped souls whose name were on a feather as an apology and thanks.
Style: 6 + 9 + 5 + 6 = 26/40
Technique: 6 + 7 + 7 + 6 = 26/40
Execution: 6 + 8 + 7 + 7 = 28/40
Feedback: The first thing that strikes me about this avatar is that the whitish cream color is really unbalanced. It’s mostly focused around the head area; ideally it should be evenly spread around the whole avatar. Looking closer though, I did notice that you balanced the skin really well, which is refreshing. That gives me confidence that you can distribute better in the future.
Feedback: Lovely use of your theme, and good job on those annoying browns. :]
Feedback: It looks ok overall, but nothing jumps out at me about this. The lower body is pretty boring, and could've used something to liven that up.
Total: 18 + 24 + 19 + 19 = 80/120

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Sandra works as a saloon girl but she needs to put on a mask everyday because what she really is is overshadowed by her job.
Style: 5 + 7 + 5 + 2 = 19/40
Technique: 5 + 8 + 6 + 6 = 25/40
Execution: 5 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 26/40
Feedback: The matching that you have here is kind of strange. Half the time it works really well, and half the time it doesn’t work at all. I have to wonder if your computer displays the colors very effectively, because that seems kind of odd to me. This is overall pretty decent, though.
Feedback:Gold & yellow are NOT the same. Watch your shades & distribution.
Feedback: The purple and green work kinda weird together in this case. I don't really like the look much, and the purple face only makes it stranger. Despite that, it is a cohesive outfit aside from the coloring, and makes good use of the setting and model.
Total: 15 + 22 + 18 + 15 = 70/120

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Weird West is used to describe a combination of the Western with another genre, usually horror, occult, or fantasy. It was coined to describe the Deadlands role-playing game, and the specific phrase "Weird West" is trademarked by Pinnacle Entertainment Group. However, the weird Western has earlier roots and the phrase is now used more widely to describe the setting of such tales.

DC's Weird Western Tales appeared in the early 1970s and the weird Western was further popularised by Joe R. Lansdale who "is best known for his tales of the 'weird west,' a genre mixing splatterpunk with alternate history Western almost entirely defined by the author in the early nineties. His work reads a little like the sort of folklore in which Mark Twain dabbled (or the gothic in which Flannery O'Connor was involved), but with zombies and gore."

More on Weird West
Style: 5 + 8 + 4 + 3 = 20/40
Technique: 6 + 8 + 5 + 4 = 23/40
Execution: 7 + 8 + 3 + 7 = 25/40
Feedback: There’s something strangely unfinished about this, you weren’t able to blend the “weird” and the “west” together well enough to make it work. I feel like you could have added a lot more to the avatar by using some more effective layering. It was not an easy model to work with though, since it was all covered up, so you get sympathy points from me. There is one thing I really like about this however, and that’s the creative way you used the orange skirt to make it look brown; that was a really interesting idea.
Feedback:Concept is great, execution a little awkward. Watch your distribution.
Feedback: This model feels a bit odd to me. Odd and fuzzy. The combination of the hat, goggles, and a visor-like effect with the shades and hair all combine to look like some crazy piece of headgear. I also don't like the sloppiness of the shirt and pants, but the points lost in style are earned back in execution for making those items you started with work in something.
Total: 18 + 24 + 12 + 14 = 68/120

Neon_Dinosaurs x3:
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This is Nanu Froulou, witch doctor for the Comacowchee tribe.Villagers of the tribe go to her when they were ill. Her magical powers could heal just about anything. Sometimes, travelers and other natives would come to her for her healing powers.
Style: 4 + 4 + 1 + 8 = 17/40
Technique: 2 + 6 + 1 + 7 = 16/40
Execution: 5 + 6 + 5 + 7 = 23/40
Feedback: I was kind of disappointed with how this turned out. It looked like you had a pretty good thing going there for a while, and I was excited to see how the shaman theme turned out. However, at the end it seemed like you just threw a bunch of random stuff on there and hoped for the best. I can still see something worthwhile in there; it’s just hiding under a pile of clutter.
Feedback:Nothing matches/flows together, it basically just looks like clutter and doesn't really fit your theme either.
Feedback: Kinda weird, kinda cute. I like the variety of shades approach here, rather than trying to make everything match, though it deos look a little messy.
Total: 11 + 16 + 7 + 22 = 56/120

A Nightmare of Eden:
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"The Outlaw"
Highwaymen and brigands often seemed more frightening than they really were.
Style: 4 + 6 + 3 + 5 = 18/40
Technique: 3 + 7 + 3 + 6 = 19/40
Execution: 4 + 8 + 3 + 3 = 18/40
Feedback: The bottom is extremely heavy; I think you should use less large and bulky items. I would like to see more focus on what the model is wearing than the stuff around it. You did do a pretty decent job portraying the theme though. It was cool that you decided to go with the outlaw approach; I think you were the only one who tried that.
Feedback:I feel like you kind of abandoned sticking to any particular color scheme and just kind of cluttered stuff at it.
Feedback: My initial impression is some sort of zombie/mummy paramilitary mercenary type, which is a weird combination to say the least. The design is pretty solid, though I'm not a fan of having large items dominating the space. While they get the point across, they lack subtlety. There's little to be seen of the original model; the hat is the only thing that stands out, and even that looks like it's supposed to be a helmet in this context. All in all, a fairly well designed look, not quite to my taste and rather out of place for the old west.
Total: 11 + 21 + 9 + 14 = 55/120

the only shark goth::
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The daughter of the chieftainess had been a very dark girl, and she always loved the darkness and everything involved with it... Then she found the nightmares. She learned they're ways and became a powerful darkness queen. but they warned her if she became too angered and uncontrolable, she would go full darkness forever. She understood and went out. She was no longer accpeted by her own tribe or her own mother for that part. So she sent darkness and despair into the clan, destroying everyone. She lost control and became that for the rest of her life. she took control of the darkness and was queen for eternity.
Style: 4 + 3 + 4 + 6 = 17/40
Technique: 2 + 4 + 2 + 6 = 14/40
Execution: 3 + 5 + 3 + 5 16/40
Feedback: Not bad for a beginner, honestly. You really tried, and I could see that in the avatar. For the future, I would focus less on big, bulky background items and more on the model itself. Also, the tattoos stick out a lot on this avatar, and not in a good way.
Feedback: What? You changed everything about this, I don't even see the original model in there. It's just... a pile of items.
Feedback: I like where this was going, but the orange is...really bad. It looks nothing like the rest of the avatar. It's also top-heavy, and could have used something more on the lower half anyway.
Total: 9 + 12 + 9 + 17 = 47/120

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Style: 4 + 4 + 2 + 4 = 14/40
Technique: 4 + 4 + 2 + 6 = 16/40
Execution: 4 + 3 + 4 + 4 = 15/40
Feedback: I can see that you were trying on this. Some of the matching almost works. However, it just kind of flopped overall. I would have preferred that you try to stick to the original theme, rather than going for this “evil” thing.
Feedback: I can't even see the original items. It doesn't seem very cohesive.
Feedback: This looks kinda out of place; more of a anime demonic look than an old west one. It's ok at that, but pretty typical.
Total: 12 + 11 + 8 + 14 = 45/120

3,950 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Hygienic 200
  • Signature Look 250
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Jamais Changeant: Football
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Jam shook her head as Laurel told her the sport she knew how to play. "Seriously? You're a model and the only sport you know is football! How am I gonna make that look good?" She let out a sigh as Laurel shrugged and replied; "I grew up with four brothers..." Well there was nothing Jam could do about that she got to work...

A little while later Laurel came out of the dressing room in football gear that made her look positively indestructible. Jam held back a laugh as she nodded and checked that the padding was in place. The last thing she needed was for her model to get a busted leg. "Everything looks good..." Laurel smiled nervously and nodded her head. "Okay...wish me luck." She muttered as she headed out to preform.

Jam watched, glad she wasn't the one playing. At least the padding was doing it's job. Laurel absorbed a lot of blows. She wasn't the best, but she could sure hold her own. After the game ended Laurel went back over to Jam beaming. "That was great!"
Style: 10 + 10 + 9 + 6 = 35/40
Technique: 10 + 9 + 9 + 10 = 38/40
Execution: 10 + 10 + 10 + 9 = 39/40
Feedback: I loved this! It seemed like a challenging sport to design for, but you pulled it off! It really looks like football, and I love all the little hints of green all over. My one little nitpick is that the eyes are too bright, but apart from that it's perfect.
Feedback: This is just great. It's like... football with style. The only thing that irks me as the face.
Feedback:‭ ‬I love this avatar,‭ ‬every item on this avatar is very befitting of its‭’ ‬sport while having excellent color flow and consistent texture.‭ ‬This avatar would have received a full thirty points if it weren’t for some bizarre layering‭ – ‬the two pairs of shoes and around the legs and shoulders I feel as though I’m seeing double because of the light brown color that seems to be almost lurking behind like a shadow,‭ ‬and also the blue pants under the white ones cause you can see the blue line behind the white under the armor.‭ ‬Those are my only complaints,‭ ‬this was one of the best avatars this round.
Feedback: The layering on this is ridiculous (good), particularly on the shoes. While this look doesn't particularly excite me, it's been painstakingly assembled, and leaves no doubt as to what it is.
Total: 30 + 29 + 28 + 25 = 112/120

Rainbow Danger: Hockey
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Style: 10 + 9 + 10 + 7 = 36/40
Technique: 9 + 8 + 10 + 9 = 36/40
Execution: 10 + 8 + 10 + 8 = 36/40
Feedback: This definitely would strike me as a winner, if the rest of the competition wasn't so tough. It's just a really strong avatar overall. I do think that the thing on the shoulder is still unfortunate, but what can you do. It didn't seem like you had many alternatives.
Feedback: She looks absolutely indestructible xD
Also makes me think hockey, which is awesome considering the lack of ice skates/anything else related.
Feedback:‭ ‬10.‭ ‬10.‭ ‬10.‭ ‬This was the best avatar of the lot‭; ‬she’s a serious hockey player.‭ ‬At first I thought‭ ‘‬I hope I’m not too harsh on this avatar‭’ ‬since I helped with ice hockey myself and still skate ice hockey.‭ ‬I worried that I was unconsciously going to hold this to a higher standard than the other since it’s a sport I do and love.‭ ‬But when I saw the final result I loved it,‭ ‬all the items worked and it looked aggressive with the spikes on the helmet,‭ ‬the mask and big shoulders,‭ ‬as well as your makeshift hockey stick with the crowbar.‭ ‬This avatar is great,‭ ‬its‭’‬ colors work and flow together,‭ ‬it’s equally balanced and you worked the theme dead on.
Feedback: I guess I just play too much Shadowrun, but this makes me think of combat biking/urban brawl, rather than hockey. Not that they'd be hugely different. Good look, but the colors don't draw me in, for some reason.
Total: 29 + 25 + 30 + 24 = 108/120

Suzu Yuudai: Cheerleading
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Suzu sighed as he finished adjusting the bow in Janice's hair. "I already gave in didn't I? No need to keep bringing the argument back up."
As soon as the model and designer headed back to the ship to work on their entry, they found themselves butting heads. Apparently back in high school, Janice had been the member of a cheerleading squad that had won quite a few awards at competitions....Suzu however didn't see the activity as an actual sport.
"Oh come on!" Janice protested, pouting as she dug up a few old photos on her old school's website on a computer in the ship (Suzu was admittedly surprised when they were actually able to connect from another dimension). "It requires just as much skill as gymnastics or dancing!"
The debate raged on for a while, but while Suzu was tempted to force train her in one of the sports he was good at, he eventually acknowledged that they just didn't have the time, not if he wanted them to win this round. After clarifying that The Coliseum did in fact have a cheerleading competition, Suzu got to work.
Several hours later, he stepped back, rather pleased with the result, even if he still wasn't happy with Janice's idea of a sport. His model however wasn't so sure. "I don't know...." she mused, turning this way and that infront of the full length mirror, "I look a little fierce...cheerleaders are supposed to be cute and/or pretty you know..."
"I think we'll be fine," Suzu treasured her, remembering the appearance of their "welcome committee." Well...at least I hope we'll be fine.... "Now you just go and get warmed up and make sure you can still pull some routines off."
Style: 8 + 9 + 7 + 8 = 32/40
Technique: 7 + 8 + 8 + 9 = 32/40
Execution: 9 + 8 + 8 + 10 = 35/40
Feedback: She has underwear on her head, are you implying that cheerleaders are sluts? Actually, I thought that was kind of funny, to me it came off as a play on the highschool cliche. Anyway, this is well constructed as always, with some good matching skills portrayed. However, I do think that the black in the middle is way too dark.
Feedback: This is adorable in a kind of scary way. xD
The shoes bother me color-wise & the underwear on the head bother me theme-wise.
Feedback:‭ ‬It worked,‭ ‬it’s an avatar that,‭ ‬the more I look at it,‭ ‬the more I find things I’m not so fond of with this avatar,‭ ‬so I’m trying not to look at it too long.‭ ‬When you look at this avatar as a whole it’s appealing and you executed your cheerleading challenge well.‭ ‬I don’t see why she would have underwear on her head though‭ ‬-‭ ‬all the little dotty shapes at the top make it a bit weird for the eye to look at.‭ ‬The middle of the avatar is good‭; ‬I’d say my least favorite part is the feet.‭ ‬The anklets aren’t quite the right color and the blue of the shoes bother me,‭ ‬it’s not the correct shade.‭ ‬But overall this avatar was pretty good,‭ ‬good job Suzu.
Feedback: It's like, cheerleader meets warlock? Very cohesive; it looks like this was meant to work.
Total: 24 + 25 + 23 + 27 = 99/120

Shawana_Chou: Baseball
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Tamara had always been a fan of sports. Playing volleyball, basketball, and baseball was a passion of hers all her life. When she was given this challenge, she and Shawana worked together to create a beautiful and still movable outfit for her to kick the other team's butt in. When all was said and done with the clothes, they had a bit of a problem though.

"I don't want to get my perfect skin marred!" Tamara whined to Shawana as they walked over to a sitting area where someone was preparing to give tattoos. "I love my skin!"

"I'm sorry, Tam, but it has to be done. You can get them removed later, I promise!" Shawana was trying to think of a way to get the things removed. The only way she knew of was some extensive procedure to remove the ink from the skin, but she hoped it would be a little more simple. As she ushered Tamara over to sit on a long white table, the man with the equipment smiled at them.

"Don't worry, ya'll, this is modified henna. We've found a way to mold perfect colors into what used to be the normal orange color. It'll be off after a few hours, as long as you scrub your skin pretty good when you bathe next." Shawana and Tamara both let out a sigh of relief and then got the job done. Soon Tamara stood before them, tattooed with red and green henna, and in her beautiful butt-kicking baseball gear.

"I'm ready to kick some butt!" Tamara exclaimed gleefully, feeling proud of her new look.
Style: 9 + 7 + 9 + 4 = 29/40
Technique: 10 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 34/40
Execution: 7 + 8 + 9 + 7 = 31/40
Feedback: This is intense, I love all of the little splashes of color all over the place. It looks surprisingly artistic, you have great technical ability. It's really interesting to the eye, though also a little confusing. One thing, though...why is she playing baseball in her underwear?
Feedback: I'm not crazy about the underwear layering or the eye bandage.
Feedback:‭ ‬I don’t want to mess with her.‭ ‬She is one tough baseball chick.‭ ‬I feel like if I pissed her off in a game she wouldn’t hesitate to swing her bat at me and proceed to turn me into a‭ ‬bloody pulp.‭ ‬The red tattoos on her skin look like battle scars and I think that’s really cool.‭ ‬The only issue I really had with this avatar was the outfit.‭ ‬I don’t think a baseball playing would really wear bra and underwear to a game.‭ ‬The knickers could have been pulled off as shorts if she had a proper shirt on,‭ ‬I think that’s all this avatar really needed.‭ ‬Great job,‭ ‬one of the better avatars this round.
Feedback: I get a weird psychedelic feel from this, like there's a big neon eye opening up in her stomach. Between the colors and the white striping, this is just too busy for me to really enjoy. While it is baseball-y, it's hard to focus on that through the dizzying patterns.
Total: 26 + 23 + 26 + 19 = 94/120

marwolfer: Surfing
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"Hey, I gotta go! I gotta get to the beach, ASAP, dude. Have you seen that surf? Total carnage, bra. Anywho, you should totally come down later and watch me catch some narly tubage!"
Style: 9 + 8 + 9 + 6 = 32/40
Technique: 8 + 8 + 8 + 5 = 29/40
Execution: 8 + 9 + 10 + 6 = 33/40
Feedback: The blues are kind of variable in shade. I understand that the wave is hard to match, but you probably could have found some better items for it. Despite that, I have to say that overall I just love this avatar; it really fits with the theme and is totally stylish. It also just has great balance and flow; it's just good all around.
Feedback: Nice colors. Wish there was a little more black in the middle, the necklace doesn't do it for me.
Feedback:‭ ‬This was another avatar that I considered to be one of the best this round.‭ ‬The shape is great,‭ ‬I love how the surf board blends with the wave,‭ ‬like she’s standing there on the beach for a shot before she turns around and runs off to catch the big waves.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬adding the bright,‭ ‬bubble-gum pink was an excellent choice with the lighter blue,‭ ‬it really pops especially with her skin,‭ ‬it does make me think of Hawaii.‭ ‬But‭… ‬A shiny crotch piece‭?
Feedback: The platformy shoes are kinda weird on a surfer. I like the gnarly surfer-ness of it, but it would be nice to see the base model get used more.
Total: 25 + 25 + 27 + 17 = 94/120

Cyan Azzura Ri: Fencing
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Style: 5 + 9 + 9 + 6 = 29/40
Technique: 9 + 9 + 7 + 8 = 33/40
Execution: 6 + 9 + 8 + 8 = 31/40
Feedback: I'm not really sure what to make of this avatar. I don't know whether I like it, or not. One thing I do know is that you have amazing technical skill. The layering and blending on this is nothing short of impressing.
Feedback: My gosh, I can't quit staring at this. The interplay of soft colors with the shiny silver is just crazy awesome. xD
Feedback:‭ ‬This avatar was well put together and intricate,‭ ‬but I thought it was a little bit cluttered and layered strangely in some parts,‭ ‬like the black headband running through the cream hat.‭ ‬I understand it for color balance,‭ ‬but it does look odd.‭ ‬The avatar is a little overcomplicated with all its‭’ ‬items and strange layering that I get a bit lost when I look at it,‭ ‬and some items seem out of place,‭ ‬like the headphones aren’t fitting to fencing.‭ ‬But overall I like the color palette,‭ ‬it’s correct to the fencing gear that is worn and the avatar is covered from head to toe,‭ ‬which is obviously important.‭ ‬You wouldn’t want to have any skin showing when someone was poking at your with a blade.
Feedback: The top of the head is a bit too wide. I would've liked to see a more elegant type of look for fencing, but this is well done the way it is.
Total: 20 + 27 + 24 + 22 = 93/120

Karmic Kelsie: Archery
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Knowing very little about Archery, Barbara and Kelsie decided to make a deal with a curious little Coal Sprite that approached them in this strange world.
Unfortunately, they didn't realize that there was a fee for the Coal Sprite's help.
When Barbara released her arrow in the competition, she hit the center of the apple each time, splitting the previous arrow in half! Before Barbara could talk to the press, though, Kelsie pulled her into the dressing room. Barbara had changed--her skin had morphed to match the sprite's. Barbara, seeing this, screamed, and threw the Coal Sprite off her shoulder. Her skin quickly returned to it's normal chocolatey brown.
"Momma always told me not to accept help from strange Sprites..." said Kelsie, frowning.
Style: 7 + 9 + 6 + 9 = 31/40
Technique: 6 + 8 + 7 + 8 = 29/40
Execution: 6 + 9 + 7 + 9 = 31/40
Feedback: You've got some pretty cool layering on here. I thought this was kind of challenging in a way (but also kind of open-ended) because archery isn't a very common sport, and so there isn't really a recognizable uniform. With that in mind, I thought you did a pretty good job with making one up. It is a little too dark at the top though, you probably didn't need the mask.
Feedback: I love the colors & your story. Not sure about the skirt layering.
Feedback:‭ ‭‬The rich,‭ ‬warm colors of this avatar really brought it together for that type of elegance we think of when it comes to archery.‭ ‬Sharp dresses,‭ ‬sharp shooters.‭ ‬But the items themselves are rather unappealing to me,‭ ‬it looks rather blocky with the long strips of color.‭ ‬The items I dislike the most in the red pants,‭ ‬when I think of an archer I think a little more robin hood,‭ ‬so a tunic or skirt with some leggings‭ – ‬did you try the santa baby leggings‭? ‬The pants are really out of place and throw this after off a ways.
Feedback: This combines an archery look with some other weird style, and turns the two into a darn good look. There's nothing super intricate about this, but it's clean, classy, and knows what it's doing.
Total: 19 + 26 + 20 + 26 = 91/120

Bara no Chikai: Tennis
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... and here we have the sports bloopers! Mary and her designer were definitely not prepared for an athletic competition. With frills and pink bows, they are absolutely CLUELESS as to what to do on the court.
Style: 8 + 8 + 9 + 3 = 28/40
Technique: 7 + 8 + 9 + 6 = 30/40
Execution: 7 + 8 + 10 + 8 = 33/40
Feedback: The exclamation mark is a problem. It sticks out awkwardly, and when combined with the tennis racket it makes the right side really heavy compared to the left. I do love the comedy behind this avatar though, it gives the avatar an extra bonus, and works well with the theme. You definitely have some really good technical ability too, the layering on this avatar just looks fabulous.
Feedback: I really love the pink and brown, so cute, but I'm not loving the chunk of black skirt.
Feedback:‭ ‬Once again you impressed me Bara,‭ ‬this is one of the best avatars this round,‭ ‬amusing too.‭ ‬I laughed when I saw the look on her face and the exclamation mark as the grenade‭ [‬er,‭ ‬tennis ball‭] ‬hits her on the head and bounces off.‭ ‬It’s very comical.‭ ‬With the big ribbons and the big curls I really liked this avatar,‭ ‬the layering is excellent and the colors complement each other.‭ ‬From watching Wimbledon through my life,‭ ‬I know that one of the Williams sister will where the most ridiculous outfits playing her games‭ [‬Once I saw her with these huge,‭ ‬gold hoop earrings that must have hurt and I swear a tennis ball could clear through them with each,‭ ‬as well as a denim skirt,‭ ‬very strange‭]‬,‭ ‬I could actually see something like this on the tennis court.‭ ‬Without the demon horns of course and also‭… ‬Why is there green on the shoes‭? ‬I don’t get that,‭ ‬it really stands out like a sore thumb.
Feedback: I really think this would've looked better without the black pleated tennis skirt or the pink bow minidress, going for a white-with-black-accent look rather than such stripey blacks and pinks. The torso just feels like a bunch of disconnected bits. I also can't say that I like the use of the diamond galaxy grenade instead of a tennis ball; matching isn't worth having it look like a baseball.
Total: 22 + 24 + 28 + 17 = 91/120

Fried Salad: Ballet
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"OKAY LISA, listen up! It's talent week in the Miss Multiverse Pageant and you will be performing the Martian Play, "Farewell, Qlaxaziaria!" Now, I want you to step 1, step 2, step 1, step 2..."
Style: 7 + 10 + 7 + 8 = 32/40
Technique: 5 + 9 + 6 + 8 = 28/40
Execution: 5 + 9 + 9 + 5 = 28/40
Feedback: I'm not sure why you covered up the tiara, it seemed like that wasn't really necessary; could that have been an accident? Also, I really didn't like the black on here, it seemed really out of place compared to the light colors on the rest of the avatar. I do think you did a really good job with this, though. I'm pleased to see someone who can work with those minty greens.
Feedback: Not a fan of the gloves, they're too sharp-looking for this. It's gorgeous through the torso & legs though. :
Feedback:‭ ‬Was she sunburnt or did her blush explode in the powder room‭? ‬This avatar was decent,‭ ‬I liked the use of the sugary pink with the minty green,‭ ‬it made it really light and fluffy.‭ ‬Like ballet.‭ ‬What really threw this avatar off for me was the black‭; ‬I just hate the black,‭ ‬especially the cape.‭ ‬It looks like she threw Dracula’s cape on,‭ ‬saddled on a weapons belt and hoped to turn her damsel character into a badass.‭ ‬I would love this avatar a lot more if the black was taken off and it was left to its‭’ ‬lighter,‭ ‬pastel colors.‭ ‬The black over the green pants and black heels under the ballet shoes is awkward.‭ ‬The trouble of the green though is,‭ ‬item wise,‭ ‬the alien antenna‭… ‬I really hate them,‭ ‬is she an alien ballet girl‭? ‬I don’t understand and the sparkles around her mouth are like a sparkly toothpaste beard.‭ ‬With more work and refinement I think this avatar could have been one of the higher scoring ones,‭ ‬but you did rather well overall with execution,‭ ‬just some points lost in style and technique.
Feedback: It took me some time to appreciate this. At first glance, it looks like a giant sundae. At second glance, it looked like a giant minty sundae. That hasn't stopped, but...I kinda don't want to stop looking at it. On the downside, this looks like it wouldn't stand up to the physical intensity of ballet, and would be more like something from opera.
Total: 17 + 28 + 22 + 21 = 88/120

Sydyan: Running
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Style: 7 + 7 + 8 + 7 = 29/40
Technique: 6 + 7 + 8 + 7 = 28/40
Execution: 8 + 8 + 8 + 7 = 31/40
Feedback: You are right about working with some awkward color schemes, I thought for sure you were going to cover up the hair, but I'm really glad you didn't; it looks a lot more interesting and unique this way. Also, despite the fact that she is definitely weighed down with a lot of layers, it does give me an impression of speed which is good. It does make it seem a little conflicted, though. Also, the face is weird looking.
Feedback: Not sure about the d.anks. They stick out in a not-nice way. Also I wish you'd ahve distributed the green towards the feet more. Not sure I get runner from this.
Feedback:‭ ‬The shorts,‭ ‬the visor,‭ ‬this is very outdoor track star,‭ ‬dead on for your runner.‭ ‬The wings at the ankles make me think of Hermes and his winged shoes,‭ ‬he was the patron of athletics‭; ‬wings on the feet represent speed really well.‭ ‬I’d say the only real issue I had with this avatar is the face,‭ ‬I don’t like the face markings you used.‭ ‬It kind of looks like she fell into a hurdle and got two black eyes and a scratch on her cheek.‭ ‬I’m not fond of the face tattoos‭; ‬I think it would have been best to have just exposed the arms and some of the legs for the tattoos you wanted to add.
Feedback: This looks a little heavy for a runner. It's kinda cute, though. I think the dark red and light green is pretty adventurous, especially when so many other people opted to use wigs, skins, and contacts.
Total: 21 + 22 + 24 + 21 = 88/120

Neon_Dinosaurs x3: Swimming
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Nancy was never any good at all at swimming. She was absolutely terrified.

"I cant do this!Im a terrible swimmer!Im gonna drown, I know it!" Nancy said franticly to Neon. Thats when it hit Neon(no not a shoe).
"Nancy, the waters 3 feet deep. And besides, no ones going to want to swim against you." Neon said with an evil look on her face. Nancy looked at her confused.
"Oh.....Hehe.....But why is that Neon?"
"They'll be terrified of you!Ill make you look some sort of monster!"
"Oh no, this doesn't sound good.........."
Style: 2 + 8 + 5 + 4 = 19/40
Technique: 3 + 9 + 5 + 4 = 21/40
Execution: 5 + 8 + 7 + 6 = 26/40
Feedback: I'm sorry, but I don't really care for this. It's really busy, and there's a lot of distribution problems coupled with a few matching ones. You did have a difficult theme to work with, though, so at least you were able to pull that off. There's no doubt about it, this fish monster was definitely built for some swimming.
Feedback: Love the look of the tattoos, wish there was a bit more yellow distribution.
Feedback:‭ ‬It’s alright.‭ ‬I didn’t dislike it,‭ ‬there were just things on the avatar that bothered me separately,‭ ‬but the story and the idea of it overall was interesting‭ – ‬the look like a sea monster deal.‭ ‬Since you lost the yellow hair and the yellow goggles are covered,‭ ‬the swimsuit sticks out awfully.‭ ‬The swimsuit top that you put over the yellow one is a shade of brassy brown,‭ ‬it doesn’t go with all the blacks you have on the avatar.‭ ‬The chest area is just overall unappealing to me with your item usage.‭ ‬The scuba goggles on the face are fitting,‭ ‬but they make the blue very top heavy,‭ ‬the dark blue seems conjugated on the face,‭ ‬especially with the third eye headband,‭ ‬cause there are only hints everywhere else.‭ ‬I think with more refining this avatar could have been better,‭ ‬but It was decent enough.
Feedback: That's...a lot of tattoos. Visually the impression is of a picture that's gotten wet, and the colors are running. It feels messy to me, but not quite over-done enough to be really monster-like. (Interesting approach, by the way.)
Total: 10 + 25 + 17 + 14 = 66/120

the only shark goth: Skiing
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"skiing? why does this have to be me?" marsha said. "your gonna do fine. i mean... theres no rocks or anything" the only shark goth told her "but what if i cant see whats going on?'' she asked again. "trust me, those goggles are completely seeable in. and , its only a thirty foot slope. i think you can manage" the only shark goth said to her. "alright, here i go." marsha said, putting skiis on and skiing down the slope
Style: 4 + 8 + 5 + 6 = 23/40
Technique: 4 + 6 + 5 + 6 = 21/40
Execution: 4 + 7 + 1 + 7 = 19/40
Feedback: While it doesn't really strike me as being particularly strong theme-wise, I do think it looks pretty good overall. You're showing some attention to matching and distribution, which is great. This is just such a big improvement over the last round! You've come really far already!
Feedback: This actually has a lot of style, but doesn't look much like a skiier - more like she's going to a winter-themed party or something, probably because of the heels. Could definitely have done without the black in the background.
Feedback:‭ ‬You’re getting better Shark,‭ ‬you’re definitely improving.‭ ‬These things take a lot of time and patience,‭ ‬it really worked out for you I think when you kept posting different WIPs in the thread so you got feedback and bounced different ideas around.‭ ‬The trouble with this avatar is this doesn’t really fit skiing.‭ ‬You have to think‭ – ‬what would a skier wear‭? ‬Look for the items first and then go for the colors.‭ ‬A skier wouldn’t wear high heels or a cowboy hat.‭ ‬You should have kept the hair to balance out the blues and probably bundled her up more‭ – ‬snowy mountains are damn cold after all.‭ ‬This avatar was a definite improvement,‭ ‬good work Shark,‭ ‬with more thought and practice you can get there.
Feedback: The big star thing behind the head is a little odd, but overall it's a decent simple style.
Total: 12 + 21 + 11 + 19 = 63/120

Endlessly Silenced: Boxing
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Nichole’s point of view:
I didn’t really care what sport I hard to do as long
as I looked cute during it. End suggested I be a hiker
since I spend a lot of time walking down the runway,
but for some reason I think she was being sarcastic…
Well no matter, I wasn’t half bad I was actually passing
those crazy looking tattoo people. Until one of those
barbarians tripped me! I fell down no I didn’t just fall I
tumbled down on rocks branches then a huge bolder.
I mean look at my arms and leg, I’m a freaking model
need my perfect legs not to mention my once flawless
face I’d rather have bucked teeth than no teeth. Great I
just know Ms. Kara is going to drop me as a model.
And Oh my god is that a snake on my walking stick!
Style: 5 + 9 + 7 + 5 = 26/40
Technique: 5 + 8 + 7 + 5 = 25/40
Execution: 2 + 6 + 0 + 2 = 10/40
Feedback: This would have turned out great, it's such a shame that it was the wrong sport, because it's really good. I love how there's a story behind this avatar, you didn't even need words to tell it, the avatar says it plain as day. I also liked how you used dark and gloomy colors to accentuate the theme you were going for; that was a good choice. I'm thinking that the rain is a little unnecessary though, it pulls some focus away from the model.
Feedback: I hate having to take off points for wrong sport, because this is really a nice avi. Whatever the big pink blob on the chest is, it's bad. xD
Feedback:‭ ‬This would have been great,‭ ‬if you had hiking as a sport.‭ ‬Unfortunately hiking isn’t even a sport,‭ ‬it’s a physical activity.‭ ‬It’s a shame you accidently did realize what sport you had,‭ ‬but the avatar is so well put together and with the story this avatar was still saved,‭ ‬you only lost major points in the execution section‭ – ‬which is why we do points in sections.‭ ‬I thought the story was amusing,‭ ‬especially when she grabbed her hiking stick and it had a snake on it.‭ ‬I can see why she’s crying and her jeans are shredded and her arm is bandaged,‭ ‬climbing up a mountain with the rain pouring on you.‭ ‬This avatar was very well put together and would have been one of the best this round if you were meant to do a hiking avatar.
Feedback: This is a bit plain to look at. The scattered rain draws attention to the empty space around the model, and it feels like the key colors of the avatar are mainly in big patches. Poor Nicole; all that hardship, and it wasn't even the right sport.
Total: 12 + 23 + 14 + 12 = 61/120

Rose_Serenity: Wrestling
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"Wrestling? How the heck am I supposed to look like a WRESTLER? Wrestlers are like... fat and ugly andd just plain ick! I am definately not any of that!" Sandra was raged when she heard what she was assigned to, but, after everything was done, she had to agree she made a pretty good wrestler. I mean, look at the guy she's supposed to be wrestling!
Style: 6 + 7 + 3 + 6 = 22/40
Technique: 4 + 7 + 3 + 6 = 20/40
Execution: 3 + 7 + 3 + 5 = 18/40
Feedback: That big blob of black looks like it's eating the avatar. This is just messy with some complicated bits, some simple bits, and some bits that are just all over the place; you need to focus back in on the model and take away a lot of that extra fluff. To be fair, though, wrestling is a difficult sport to capture, and I'm sure you did the best you could with what you had to work with. I did like the little bit of humor with the cheep, though!
Feedback: This definitely doesn't scream wrestler. The half-cape is kind of killing it, your golds are really all over the place, and what is that cheep doing there?
Feedback:‭ ‬This doesn’t look like wrestling to me.‭ ‬At all.‭ ‬It looks like something from the masquerade in Van Helsing.‭ ‬The layering of the feet is horrendous and gold isn’t just gold,‭ ‬they have their own shades too.‭ ‬The anklets are very bright,‭ ‬the crown and hair pin are dull and the belt is practically a brass.‭ ‬You had an amazing base to work with,‭ ‬the hair styles with the mask looked like some Japanese punk thing,‭ ‬and with the spiked bracelets she could have been one really intense,‭ ‬body slamming b‭****‬.‭ ‬But instead she became a sparkly version of Dracula mixed with the phantom from phantom of the opera.‭ ‬And whatever the pissed off little‭… ‬I don’t know what that is,‭ ‬thing,‭ ‬it,‭ ‬it thing down there is‭… ‬It should just go.
Feedback: All I can see of any of the original items is a little bit of one of the wrist things. I'm sure the others are there, but they've been covered up. I can't make out the details on the torso at all; it's just a mess of pixels to me.
Total: 13 + 21 + 9 + 17 = 60/120

e d e n - s o n g: Volleyball
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Even robots love the summer.
Style: 4 + 3 + 6 + 8 = 21/40
Technique: 3 + 4 + 8 + 7 = 22/40
Execution: 1 + 3 + 6 + 2 = 12/40
Feedback: I was so confused by this; I wasn't sure if you understood the theme, and the commentary only served to confuse me even more. It's not that it looks bad, it's actually kind of stylish for being so simple, but this really isn't what the challenge was about. I just...don't get this avatar, I suppose. I really could have used a better explanation.
Feedback: What are there, 6 items on this? It looks like you didn't really try.
Feedback:‭ ‬This avatar is decent,‭ ‬it’s simple,‭ ‬it fits its‭’ ‬theme,‭ ‬it has a good,‭ ‬dull color pattern.‭ ‬But it’s not amazing.‭ ‬One of the best things about this avatar are your geometric shapes,‭ ‬the checkers of the swimsuit with the headband,‭ ‬the dull grey lines of the skin with the stripes of the hair.‭ ‬It’s slick and simple which is what a beach volleyball player looks like.‭ ‬I understand changing the skin for the sake of color scheme,‭ ‬but it would have been a little more true to a beach volleyball player if you had kept her dark skin,‭ ‬because whenever you watch the beach volleyball matches during the Olympics they always have unbelievably dark tans that they must get serious skin damage.
Feedback: This is one of the cooler looks; however, it seems like you were going for something different than the challenge intended.
Total: 8 + 10 + 20 + 17 = 55/120

TempusBliss: Snowboarding
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Style: 3 + 9 + 2 + 5 = 19/40
Technique: 2 + 8 + 3 + 6 = 19/40
Execution: 2 + 6 + 1 + 4 = 13/40
Feedback: I don't really like this, it just looks very sloppy and all over the place. You didn't really follow the theme you were given, but you did come up with something cute that was different. Despite the fact that I think your fans fit with the theme you made for yourself, however, I just don't like them; this avatar would probably be better off without them. That model does look difficult to work with, though, so this is probably just a bad round for you; hopefully you'll get something easier next round.
Feedback: Again, a nice avatar that doesn't quite hit the mark sport-wise. Adorable concept, though.
Feedback:‭ ‬The best part about this avatar is the cheering crowd in the background for your mascot idea.‭ ‬Too bad‭ ‬it was supposed to be snowboarding,‭ ‬so the best part gets thrown out the window.‭ ‬Even as a mascot this avatar is very unappealing to me to look out,‭ ‬it’s chunky and has no good flow.‭ ‬The face markings‭… ‬I don’t even get what’s going on it looks like she had a painting accident,‭ ‬it makes her face look odd.‭ ‬The colors aren’t balanced out‭; ‬there is some strange navy in the middle.‭ ‬I don’t understand this as a snowboarding avatar or as a mascot.‭ ‬If you were gonna do a mascot I feel like you should have made the torso and legs white,‭ ‬you know,‭ ‬like the coco and kiki mascot suits so that the watermeat hat was the head.‭ ‬I’m really just not fond of this avatar‭; ‬I know you can do better since your avatar last round was such a success.
Feedback: The face is stripey and confusing. The patterns made by the scarves are also a bit hard to look at. Mainly, I don't see anything that clearly brands it as snowboarding, and there's no explanation given of what you were trying to achieve.
Total: 7 + 23 + 6 + 15 = 51/120

3,950 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Hygienic 200
  • Signature Look 250
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Suzu Yuudai & marwolfer
A city girl marries a country girl.

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Suzu sighed from where we was reclining against the wall while Marwolfer continued to stare at their models, with a deadpan, yet clearly annoyed look on her face. Neither Janice nor Tracy seemed eager to take one of the sex-change potions. While they had brought up the point that they didn't want to risk the effects being irreversible, it seemed that the real reason was that both of them wanted to wear pretty dresses.

"I'm so glad I won't have to deal with the dress issue if I get married," Suzu whispered to Mar as the other two women's debating evolved into a game of rock-paper-scissors. "Unless I marry a cross-dresser or something."

His partner turned and blinked at him. "So you're-..." She trailed off as her eyes widened and grinned, looking quite pleased with herself, remembering that Kara never said that it was mandatory to take the potion. "Oh ladies~" She called, standing up and making her way over to the models. "Lets go look up the legal system for this universe...I don't think either of you will have to take a potion after all."


Janice looked up at Suzu with tears in her eyes, threatening to smear the makeup Suzu was testing on her. "Please don't make me change my outfit," she begged her designer as he glanced over uneasily at his partner and her model. "You made it exactly like how I imagined when I was a kid! I don't want to get rid of it!"

Mar and Suzu had spent most of the week working on their designs individualy, leaving the models to plan out the wedding of their dreams (excluding the fact a handsome man wasn't involved). Unfortunately, it seemed Tracy and Janice didn't fully understand the meaning of teamwork and ended up relaying two different dreams.

Coming from a large, prosperous city, Janice had been exposed to every elegant creation from famous designers all over Gaia. Her idea of a perfect wedding was traditional and glamorous...even if a couple of ideas were a bit out there, such as having someone release a flock of white doves into the air instead of the more common rice or birdseed thrown after the ceremony.

Tracy, on the other hand, had never known the same luxuries as Janice. She had lived in a small village and had to rely on television shows like Gaia's Next Top Model and Project Gaia Runway to get her fashion fix. She had always had to make her own outfits if she wanted to stand out. Her idea of a perfect wedding was a small, quiet, country affair. She wanted to design her own dress, but she conceded that plan to Mar... as long as she was showered in flower petals.

Dragging Tracy over to stand next to Janice, Mar took a couple steps back so that she could compare the two outfits. "I know we only have a day left," she told Suzu after studying the disgruntled models, "But if we make a couple of changes here and there..."

"...we could pull off a sort of opposites attract theme?" Suzu finished, guessing at the last minute what Mar was thinking of. "Country girl weds city girl?"

"Exactly!" Mar grinned at him, before shooing the girls into the changing rooms so they could get out of their dresses. "I'll fine-tune the outfits while you make sure those two cooperate on planning everything else."

"No problem!" Suzu replied, giving her a sort of half-salute.

"But I don't want to give up my doves!" Janice whined from behind her curtain.

"Oh shush," Suzu scolded, wondering if she even knew the meaning of the word 'compromise', "We'll just train them to carry Tracy's flower petals."

Suzu Yuudai
Style: 30/40
Technique: 34/40
Execution: 40/40
Feedback: You and your partner did an excellent job working together, I love how you have some of the same items worked into the avatars to tie them together better. Despite that, however, as a stand-alone this would just be really boring. It’s very typical, and so it wasn’t really as appealing as some of the others. On the other hand, it really does scream “wedding,” so that is why you did well in Execution for me, but not as well in Style.
Feedback: this is kind of a typical wedding-y look, but still pretty and well done.
Total: 104/120

Style: 30/40
Technique: 33/40
Execution: 40/40
Feedback: Could this get any more perfect? Everything is so well blended together, and I love how she seems to literally be glowing on her wedding day thanks to the star. If I had to pick one thing to like less than everything else, though, it would be the feet. The layering isn’t quite as smooth, and there is too little of that dark brown color compared to the rest of the avatar.
Feedback: so cute! I like the use of similar items to tie them together.
Total: 103/120

Team Average: 103.5/120

Jamais Changeant
The shining star takes form to marry the beautiful night.
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Jam's Story:
Jam watched from the bus as Laurel seemed to glide forth towards a large, darkened, clearing set for her and Susan. Above the dark clearing were, what seemed to be stars, spelling out the theme for the wedding "The shining star takes form to marry the beautiful night." Jam smiled to see the total transformation her model had taken. No, not into the form of a male, but into a lovely, celestial looking lady of the sky. After last weeks more masculine outfit, this was a nice change.

Laurel seemed to think so as well. She took well to the feminine sparkles and rosy decorations she was draped in. She was the representative of the star who had taken form to marry the night, which was represented by Eden's model, Susan.

Jamais Changeant
Style: 31/40
Technique: 35/40
Execution: 32/40
Feedback: This is very well done, like always; I was glad that you were able to use all of the items on your model. It’s not your most interesting one so far, but it’s nice nonetheless. It’s too bad that the theme could not be completed, because I really liked the idea behind it. As far as something to work on, perhaps a skirt would have made her look more like she was getting married?
Feedback: I see "star" but not "bride". the contrast of the pink is great.
Total: 98/120

Team Average: 98/120

Bara no Chikai & Rose_Serenity
A sailor falls in love with a mermaid.
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Bara no Chikai
Style: 28/40
Technique: 33/40
Execution: 36/40
Feedback: Another solid delivery! This really works well with your theme, and I love how you and your partner used similar colors to tie everything together. There is one little problem that sticks out though, and that is the red on the feet. It is just way too dark.
Feedback: this looks kind of messy and almost a little fat. the dark red on the feet sticks out a lot.
Total: 97/120

Style: 32/40
Technique: 29/40
Execution: 36/40
Feedback: Overall, this is quite lovely in its simplicity. You and your partner really brought the theme alive, too, and tied your models together well by using similar colors. I have to nitpick about a few things though, such as the too-light skin. Also, there’s a speck of green around her neck that I really don’t like.
Feedback: lovely soft colors. teal necklace is weird.
Total: 97/120

Team Average: 97/120

Rainbow Danger & Endlessly Silenced
A fantasy forest wedding uniting two different races with the bonds of true love.
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Rainbow's vows:
I love you. You are my soul mate.
Today I give myself to you in marriage.
I promise to protect you and keep you from harm,
to laugh with you through the woods and to comfort you when in distress.
I promise to play with you with the woodland sprites,
to never leave your side when danger stirs between tribes.
I promise to love you in good times and in bad,
when life seems easy and when it seems hard,
when our love is simple, and when it is an effort.
I promise to cherish you, and to always hold you in highest regard
These things I give to you today, and all the days of our life.

End's Vows:
I’ve searched the mystic moss meadows to the
pixie springs for “the one” no matter a human to elf
would always say there is a special someone out there
for you. And if all those different species who have fought
among each believe in something so pure as this thing
called Love I had to at least try to continue believe. When
I met you there was no doubt in my mind anymore I didn’t
just believe I knew. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life
with you but even that doesn’t seem long enough.

Rainbow Danger
Style: 33/40
Technique: 32/40
Execution: 32/40
Feedback: This is so unbearably cute that I can’t contain myself, I want to give it cuddles. It is honestly one of the most adorable avatars I’ve ever seen, and one of my favorites for this round. It isn’t without its flaws, however. The white on that blouse is just way too bright.
Feedback: adorable, but your pink distribution is a bit off.
Total: 97/120

Endlessly Silenced
Style: 26/40
Technique: 29/40
Execution: 32/40
Feedback: This is very attractive, using interesting and bold colors. I love the Elegant Veil coupled with Cecil. One this I didn’t like, however, was the torso area. It is just way too puffy compared to the relatively bare legs.
Feedback: the chest/torso is a big chunk of blue/white and the the shoes are way off.
Total: 87/120

Team Average: 92/120

Karmic Kelsie
A wedding aboard a pirate ship.
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Barbara looked at Kelsie, frowning. "You double checked to make sure the licenses won't be valid?" she asked, for probably the tenth time.
"Yes. Yes I double and triple checked, don't worry about it," replied Kelsie, rolling her eyes as she added the final touches to the outfit... a little gold here and there--this was a pirate bride, after all, not a pirate's wench!
"Thank you for letting me keep my necklace..." said Barbara, touching the gold locket around her neck. Kelsie simply nodded, handing her a sword. "What's this for?" asked Barbara.
"You're getting married on a pirate ship. Do you really want to be unarmed?" Kelsie asked in reply. Barbara shook her head quickly.
"That's what I thought," said Kelsie with a nod, "Now, let's find that groom of yours..."

Karmic Kelsie
Style: 30/40
Technique: 28/40
Execution: 30/40
Feedback: This is very pretty, and just all-around looks good. For the most part you had really good matching and balance; you were even able to balance out the skin. However, there is one thing that sticks out to me: The Biancamella. The rest of the avatar really needed more pink to make that work.
Feedback: i am absolutely in love with this, it's just plain pretty.
Total: 88/120

Team Average: 88/120

Neon_Dinosaurs x3 & Shawana_Chou
A happy anime couple.
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Neon and Shawana stood looking at their models. Neon wasn't quite happy with her starter items but she knew she had to make them work.
"I have no idea as to what theme we should do.How about you?" Neon said thoughtfully.
"Hmm, how about an Anime Couple?" Shawana said.
"Yea!Thats a good one!" Neon said.

Neon_Dinosaurs x3
Style: 29/40
Technique: 29/40
Execution: 31/40
Feedback: The first thing I noticed about this was that the pinks were off. It was just really obvious. Looking past that though, I saw a really cute avatar with a good balance of simplicity and clutter. It’s really appealing with all those bright colors, and matches your partner well.
Feedback: this is truly adorable.
Total: 89/120

Style: 21/40
Technique: 26/40
Execution: 33/40
Feedback: This one has a really weird face. What’s up with that mouth? Overall though, it’s a very nice avatar with good color balance, which matches your partner’s avatar well. I love all the little splashes of color!
Feedback: goes really well with your partner's. red accents make me happy. but what's with the face?
Total: 79/120

Team Average: 84.5/120

TempusBliss & Sydyan
A fantasy elven wedding.
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Style: 34/40
Technique: 34/40
Execution: 25/40
Feedback: This is really lovely, I never thought that background items could look so good! You have great colors, layering, and distribution; you really made your items work! The only part of this avatar that I wasn’t sure about was how well it worked with your partner’s avatar. It’s decent, but perhaps you could have pushed it a little more.
Feedback: love the colors and layering, but the relationship between the two isn't obvious.
Total: 93/120

Style: 17/40
Technique: 19/40
Execution: 25/40
Feedback: I really like the stripy accents on this avatar, they look great! You need to watch your other accents though; the gold anklets are really off. Also, it would have been great if you could incorporate a background item like your teammate. Apart from those points, though, this is not a bad avatar; well done.
Total: 61/120

Team Average: 77/120

Cyan Azzura Ri & the only shark goth
A theme of darkness and light proving that opposites DO attract.
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Cyan's Story:
Cyan and Karen had been rather taken aback at the challenge. "I have mixed emotions about this entire situation," Cyan told her model, who was just kind of.. out of it. Karen blinked once, then looked to her designer, and nodded slowly, in agreement.
"Yeah, I know.. right? For the first time here, I am really out of my element. For our first challenge, well.. I love Native American legends. And for the second, I used to fence when I was younger. But I have never even had a boyfriend. Or.. girlfriend, I guess." the gray haired model told her designer, reaching up to scratch at the back of her head.
Cyan nodded, and hmed a bit to herself. What to do? She would need to discuss it with her partner, Shark Goth.
Later that day, when she and her partner discussed things, they had come up with an idea for the wedding, but Cyan didn't know what her model would think of the idea. Stepping cautiously into the room her model was located in, the designer knocked on the wall, alerting Karen to her presence.
Looking up, the model smiled at the other girl, and then tilted her head in curiosity. "So, what did you and Shark plan for me and Wendy?"
"Well," Cyan paused, and poked her index fingers together absently. "You know the gender changing potions? We.. kind of decided that you should be a guy for this challenge."
The model stared blankly at her designer. She would be.. male? A guy? Talk about really being out of one's element.. "A guy.. okay, I guess so. If it's to further my career, I'll work with it."
"Alright! Great! Now, let's get to work!"
Several days later, and many different ideas thrown out the window, Wendy and Karen - though she had debated calling herself something else, and Cyan had given her suggestions, she decided to keep her feminine name - were ready to be wedded. Looking over the happy couple, Cyan grinned, and said, "They look perfect."
Shark nodded, and added to that, "Yeah, your's does, too."
Then, it was announced that they needed to get to their wedding, and Karen hopped happily, actually almost excited for this - it was like living a double life! Linking his/her arm with Wendy's, led her towards their wedding.
Cyan watched the two as they started to walk, glancing over the sweet, calm, white and pink bride, and the sarcastic, hyper, dark and teal groom. It was a great theme they'd gone for - opposites attract..
"Ready partner?" she heard Shark say, and looked to him, before smiling, nodding, then taking the hand he was offering her.
"Right. Let's do it," Cyan said, before, with the other designer, walking their models to the alter.

Shark's Story:
Wendy was flabbergasted when she saw the challenge. "Why the hell do i have to marry cyans model?! im a grown women, i should get to make my own desicions!!" Wendy yelled at her designer, the only shark goth. "Wendy, im seriously done with your attitude. you've been arguing and stabbing people in the back from the very beginning. i really dont think your here for me. your probably mostly here for the money and thats it." Shark goth retaliated back. "Well guess what? you hit the nail on the head." Wendy yelled back. " I KNEW IT! im so taking this up with kara and im changing models." shark goth said. "Fine! but we still have a wedding to do." Wendy said. "And i really dont think you want to go home this week. so lets put our differences aside and make a great wedding dress" Wendy added. "fine." the only shark goth said. So, Wendy and Shark Goth went to work. they had plenty of help and feedback from judges and contestants, but Shark goth hit a block. "what am i gonna do?" Shark goth piped up. "Maybe you could... make a pure white avi and add splashes of color in it?" Wendy suggested. "yea, okay." shark goth said. So they completely ditched the first idea and went to work on the second one. When it was finally time to be finished, shark goth ran over to cyan and put they're models next to each other. "they look perfect!" cyan said. "yea, yours does too" Shark goth added. "people, people! we got five minutes before the weddings. hurry hurry! to the runway!" Shark goth looked at Cyan Azzura. "ready partner?" shark goth said, holding out his hand. "Lets do it" Cyan said, taking his hand and walking with they're models to the alter. NOTE: the hand holding was friendly lol...

Cyan Azzura Ri
Style: 27/40
Technique: 30/40
Execution: 26/40
Feedback: This is overall pretty average, neither particularly good, nor bad. The face throws me off, and I really don’t like the sparkles. On the other hand, I loved the splashes of teal and the repeated theme of black-and-white stripes. The positives and the negatives just seemed to balance each other out, leaving me with a decent impression, but not an amazing one; work for that wow factor.
Feedback: the striped accents are awesome, but the teal looks tacked on. i don't really see the relationship between the two.
Total: 83/120

the only shark goth
Style: 23/40
Technique: 20/40
Execution: 26/40
Feedback: A marked improvement, my dear fellow, you just keep getting better and better! I loved how you’ve started to utilize layering, and the way you matched the shades and textures on that hakama. I do think there is room to improve as far as matching though; the hair pin and purple make-up really don’t go. Also, I would have loved to see some gold in this, because there is gold in the sakura pin on her chest.
Feedback: this shows a lot of improvement. fairly good distribution and layering - the skirts are a little awkward. the face/giant forehead is all that really gets me. you've definitely got potential
Total: 69/120

Team Average: 76/120

3,950 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Hygienic 200
  • Signature Look 250
User Image

Suzu Yuudai
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Style: 10 + 10 + 10 + 8 = 38/40
Technique: 10 + 10 + 9 + 8 = 37/40
Execution: 10 + 10 + 10 + 9 =39/40
Scary?: Y + Y + Y + Y = Y
Cluttered?: Y + Y + Y + Y = Y
Feedback: Perfect! I love the theme, and the way you distributed little bits of color all over the place. It was hard to find anything wrong with this avatar. Maybe it was a little overkill to add another Alruna’s Rose, though?
Feedback: Amaaaaaazing. It was wise of you to choose an extra color to give it that pop, and chose to use tinier items to give it that cleaner, detailed look. Colors are matched and distributed perfectly. Amazing. No complaints at all. One of my faves of the round, along with Syd.
Feedback: .:drools on:. This is like... gorgeous. Unfortunate loss of detail in the feet area.
Total: 30 + 30 + 29 + 25 = 114/120

Cyan Azzura Ri
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Style: 8 + 8 + 8 + 7 = 31/40
Technique: 8 + 8 + 9 + 8 = 33/40
Execution: 10 + 8 + 9 + 10 = 37/40
Scary?: Y + Y + Y + Y = Y
Cluttered?: Y + Y + Y + Y = Y
Feedback: I think you did a good job working with some very bulky items. You managed to make it cluttered despite this. I do think it would have been a good move to lose the axe though. I think it held you back a little.
Feedback: This is alright. You used the items fairly well, and showed a good eye in terms of shades. My one complaint is that a lot of things tend to go many different directions, which is quite distracting, even if you say it's a clutter round. You could have probably added more items to disguise those items.
Feedback: I like the intricate details on the body, but the coat and overskirt thing are just blocks of color that don't really fit in.
Total: 26 + 24 + 26 + 25 = 101/120

Endlessly Silenced
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More power creates greed
Tarnishes true beauty
Dress it up mask it away
But your horrid self will be
found in remains
Style: 9 + 9 + 8 + 7 = 33/40
Technique: 10 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 36/40
Execution: 4 + 8 + 8 + 6 = 26/40
Scary?: Y + Y + N + N = Y
Cluttered?: Y + Y + Y + Y = Y
Feedback: This looks really cool, like something that just emerged from the grave. I really like that you incorporated some originality in this piece. It was a trade-off though. It does make it hard to see your original model.
Feedback: Like Suzu, it was smart of you to add more colors to deviate from the multitude of black-reds we were gonna see this round. However, I do not think you "used" the items as well as I would have liked. It seems more like you covered everything up and hoped that only the black parts would be left of the avatar. It's not as bad as Karmic's covering up though, so yeah. Good job.
Feedback: This just doesn't really appeal to me, and doesn't come off scary. It looks like a garbage heap.[No offense End. xD]
Total: 23 + 26 + 24 + 22 = 95/120

Rainbow Danger
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Style: 9 + 7 + 10 + 6 = 32/40
Technique: 9 + 6 + 10 + 8 = 33/40
Execution: 6 + 2 + 9 + 6 = 23/40
Scary?: N + N + Y + N = N
Cluttered?: Y + N + N + N = N
Feedback: This is a little too stylish to be scary, but at least it looks good! I mean, I would totally wear something like this myself; it looks good with all the tattoos and things. You definitely know how to appeal to people, but maybe it’s time to step things up a notch. Try working outside of your comfort zone.
Feedback: Another almost, but not quite. I do not think this followed the challenge at all. You did great with the base, yes, but black-white-red-gold isn't as impressive, especially when you fail to do anything different about it, or fail to execute it amazingly. This isn't cluttered or scary at all.
Feedback: Love. Proves that you don't have to be an ugly monster to be intimidating.
Total: 24 + 15 + 29 + 20 = 88/120

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Style: 7 + 9 + 9 + 3 = 28/40
Technique: 8 + 7 + 9 + 9 = 33/40
Execution: 5 + 7 + 9 + 6 = 27/40
Scary?: Y + Y + Y + N = Y
Cluttered?: Y + Y + Y +Y = Y
Feedback: Personally, I think you did a swell job working with clutter. Sure it’s a bit bulky, but I love all the action going on in the interior of the avatar. One thing I don’t like is the speckles. Those dusty things just look kind of tacked on.
Feedback: This is actually quite nice. I would have appreciate better shading with the purple, and better distribution, but it's quite nice. It's a great, solid entry. However, I do not think it'll be winning challenges anytime soon. Work on your execution more.
Feedback: The shape is a bit chubby, but otherwise I love it.
Total: 20 + 23 + 27 + 18 = 88/120

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Style: 5 + 10 + 7 + 7 = 29/40
Technique: 4 + 10 + 8 + 7 = 29/40
Execution: 5 + 10 + 8 + 6 = 29/40
Scary?: N + Y + Y + N = N
Cluttered?: Y + Y + Y + N = Y
Feedback: I don’t know how to feel about this, really. I think you just went a little overboard. I really like the body of the avatar, seriously I do. It’s just that the background and the big blob of red on the scarf are ruining it for me.
Feedback: LOVE IT. Others may disagree, because it's "just" a red-black-white avatar, but dude. You executed this PERFECTLY. You matched both the darker reds and the brighter reds, which is really clever of you. AND on top of that, you matched each and every shade very accurately. The itty white hints are nice, too. I'm very impressed. My fave of the round, along with Suzu, hands down.
Feedback: Your reds are really really all over the place, and the CN scarf is just plain bad. Otherwise I love the layering.
Total: 14 + 30 + 23 + 20 = 87/120

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Style: 8 + 8 + 5 + 10 = 21/40
Technique: 9 + 8 + 9 + 6 = 32/40
Execution: 9 + 8 + 10 + 6 = 33/40
Scary?: Y + Y + Y + Y = Y
Cluttered?: N + Y + N + Y = N
Feedback: Those things in the hair look really weird, I have to say. I just don’t know what to think of those. As a whole though, this avatar just looks really good. It’s obvious from looking at this that you are a seasoned competitor.
Feedback: Great job with the pinks, but your lack of white by the feet is glaring. I love that you chose to work with lots of the required items, as opposed to covering them all up. *coughcough* It's decent. It has wow-factor. I just wish it was more polished.
Feedback: What I love most about this is how you it is. It feels like something you would actually do. Awesome. Wing/cape thing disrupts the flow but that's my only beef.
Total: 26 + 24 + 29 + 17 = 86/120

Karmic Kelsie
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"Are you sure you're done?" asked Barbara to her designer, "I don't feel complete..." She let out a sigh, and part of her face began to crack.
"Because part of you is over on the floor there?" suggested Kelsie, smiling. She had designed Barbara to look like a crumbling gargoyle in a smoky scene of destruction. After all, what could be more frightening than something designed to be frightening enough to scare off evil spirits?
"Are you sure I'll stay together long enough to be judged?" asked Barbara, "And... this is reversible, isn't it?"
"Most likely..."
Style: 5 + 7 + 9 + 9 = 30/40
Technique: 4 + 7 + 9 + 8 = 28/40
Execution: 3 + 6 + 9 + 8 = 26/40
Scary?: Y + Y + Y + Y = Y
Cluttered?: N + Y + Y + N = Y
Feedback: I’m not very impressed; it kind of looks like a blob. I did think it looked scary though, so that was good. I do see where you’re going with the gargoyle theme. You just need to tidy it up and give it good flow.
Feedback: I'm quite disappointed, really. Going for an all black makes it look like you covered up all the required items, rather than showing them off and "owning" them. The skin and the eyes would have yielded amazing results, but instead, you opted for an all-black and gray avatar in which you did not execute perfectly. (Lots of off-shades in there.)
Feedback: This feels like a post-apocalyptic demon to me. I like. Little white in neck area is distracting and doesn't really seem to fit.
Total: 12 + 20 + 27 + 25 = 84/120

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Style: 6 + 10 + 9 + 1 = 26/40
Technique: 7 + 10 + 9 + 2 = 28/40
Execution: 7 + 9 + 10 + 4 = 30/40
Scary?: Y + Y + Y + Y = Y
Cluttered?: Y + Y + Y + N = Y
Feedback: I like that you attempted to work with those colors, and even added another interesting shade to the mix. This avatar is neither the best nor the worst, but it does showcase a special quality: creativity. One thing I didn’t like about it, though, is the unevenly distributed clutter. Some parts are busy; other parts are blocks of color.
Feedback: Nice! I love it. biggrin Your avatars are usually a bit on the messy side when it comes to layering, but it works really well for this round. You payed attention to all aspects of the base, even that horrendous hair color. I would have appreciated some skin balance, though. But still, nice job.
Feedback: The green is an inspired touch. First time I've ever liked an avatar with the nightmare boots.
Total: 20 + 29 + 28 + 7 = 84/120

the only shark goth
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Susan was standing there with her first base. "are you sure you can work this?" she asked, in her black skin and purple boots. "pfft, i hope. i think i have a plan" her designer, shark goth said. He got to work and actually made a rather good avatar. She was like some messenger witch of the dead. "i am totally feeling this. and my complexity is getting better" shark said to Susan, who was extremely happy with how she looked. "Its like halloween, but in couture version" she said with a big smile. "yea, just please throw away the shoes" shark said, pointing to the shoes. "No prob" she said. They both laughed and got ready for the judging
Style: 7 + 6 + 8 + 8 = 29/40
Technique: 6 + 6 + 7 + 4 = 23/40
Execution: 7 + 6 + 7 + 6 = 26/40
Scary?: N + Y + Y + Y = Y
Cluttered?: Y + Y + Y + Y = Y
Feedback: This…this looks really good! I really like the theme here; you brought it out very well. You still have to work on distributing, though. I would like to see more purple at the top, and more red at the bottom.
Feedback: Ugggggh. Reds are off, purples are off, whites are off, and distribution is CRAAAAZY. I'm wondering why you chose not to work with the hood, because it at least balances the purple on the head. I'm also dumbfounded as to why you chose to leave your feet as is. Srsly. A bit of layering could have quickly solved all your issues. This is disappointing in the sense that I am seeing a draft that has sooo much potential to be a great avatar, but it's just that: a draft. Great improvement from your previous avatars though, but I think you need to improve much faster for you not to get left behind.
Feedback: This is actually really nice until you get to the feet. If the red and black were distributed down there I'd be drooling on it. Also the Reve headband is much too bright.
Total: 20 + 18 + 22 + 18 = 78/120

Jamais Changeant
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Jam felt a shiver go down her spine as she looked out a window into the darkness. Laurel sat next to her looking like she might crack up at any moment. Her face was a mess. She looked livid. It was obvious that if they were going to pass through this world safely Laurel's face would have to be covered. Laurel seemed relieved when Jam told her this plan.

Jam spent hours fashioning the mask meant to disguise Laurel as a tribal bringer of death. Once the mask was in place the rest of the disguise fell into place. Jam felt herself wanting to recoil at the sight of Laurel standing in her outfit. She looked like something out of a nightmare. Definitely not like a human or the living.

Laurel smiled at the affect her outfit had from beneath her mask. Even as she smiled she knew her stony mask would not betray her.
Style: 4 + 8 + 8 + 3 = 23/40
Technique: 5 + 8 + 9 + 4 = 26/40
Execution: 8 + 6 + 9 + 4 = 27/40
Scary?: N + Y + Y + N = Y
Cluttered?: N + N + N + N = N
Feedback: I don’t think this looks very good. It’s kind of blobby. On the other hand, I think you did the best you could with a difficult model. That color scheme does not look easy to work with.
Feedback: I'm quite.. disappointed. This doesn't look cluttered much at all. It looks like an ordinary avatar of sorts. Granted, you had one of the harder shades of orange to pull off, but that doesn't excuse the lack of wow factor in this. The light blues are off, too.
Feedback: I'm not so sure about this one. Your ouranges are off and the leg layering bothers me.
Total: 17 + 22 + 26 + 11 = 76/120

Neon_Dinosaurs x3
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Style: 4 + 7 + 4 + 9 = 24/40
Technique: 5 + 7 + 5 + 7 = 24/40
Execution: 8 + 3 + 6 + 9 = 26/40
Scary?: Y + N + N + Y = N
Cluttered?: N + N + N + N = N
Feedback: I think what I’m seeing here is a ghost in dark clothing. Sometimes that kind of contrast is really good, but in this case I think it was a little too much of a contrast. Still, it was a very difficult model to work with; in my opinion one of the hardest. I think you just had a hard round to deal with.
Feedback: Eh. This is an almost, but not quite. You did a good job matching those hard violets, I'll give you that, but you didn't match the reds as nicely. This looks very lazy. It's overall lacking in many aspects, such as layering, distribution, theme, clutter, etc. I don't think you made it as scary too. In the end, it turned out to be one big mess. A little sprucing up could have made this a contender for the win.
Feedback: Umm... What? This looks like a halfhearted draft. Whatever possessed you to add the blue?
Total: 17 + 17 + 15 + 25 = 74/120

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Style: 6 + 7 + 7 + 3 = 23/40
Technique: 7 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 28/40
Execution: 4 + 5 + 8 + 4 = 21/40
Scary?: Y + Y + Y + Y = Y
Cluttered?: Y + Y + Y + N = Y
Feedback: I was a little disappointed that you pulled away from the mummy theme; it makes it hard to find your original model in this. It is good that you tried to experiment with something different, though. I do have to wonder, however, when looking at this…is this a non-matching avatar? It would have been nice to hear your thoughts on the avatar, because as it stands I’m not sure whether to mark you down for bad matching, or mark you up for breaking free from the mold.
Feedback: Colors are a mess, shades are a mess, distribution is awful. This looks a bit amateurish in the sense that no attention is given to these technicalities. However, credit where it's due: it has a nice silhouette, and great style. I do wish you could have executed this better.
Feedback: I'm not loving the hat or the feet. Other than that, it's passable.
Total: 17 + 18 + 22 + 15 = 72/120

3,950 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Hygienic 200
  • Signature Look 250
User Image

Jamais Changeant V2: Purple/Reflective
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Laurel and Jam were wearing the same expression as they looked from mirror to mirror. While other models and were being traded between designers Laurel and Jam has stuck together. They had done well at the start of the contest, even won a challenge!, but this last challenge had not been Jam's best work. They both thought back and reflected. What had they done at the beginning of the contest that they'd done differently this last round? Jam knew, they'd rushed the last round. Well, they knew their mistakes and it wouldn't happen again. Only by reflecting on the past could they look forward to the future. Jam decided to represent their new attitude symbolically, by hanging mirrors about Laurel and designing the outfit about the colors in the mirrors.
Style: 10 + 9 + 7 = 26/30
Technique: 9 + 10 + 9 = 28/30
Execution: 10 + 10 + 7 = 27/30
Feedback: Lovely representation of your emotion; the mirrors were a great idea. I can’t see the main part of the avatar too well, because of all the stuff around it, but the overall effect is good. It does make it hard to critique, though. I have to wonder if the body of the avatar is as good as the rest of it.
Feedback: LOVE IT. One of my faves for the round, hands down. You added "extra" colors, but you made sure to still make the purple a dominant element of the avatar. I also love how you pulled off a difficult emotion like "reflective." I also love how your avatar has character: something your competitors doesn't seem to have in their avatars despite this round being an emotion round. Great job.
Feedback: Well-made, but the lack of any strong color stops it from really jumping out at me.
Total: 29 + 29 + 23 = 81/90

Cyan Azzura Ri: Yellow/Creative
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Style: 8 + 9 + 9 = 26/30
Technique: 8 + 9 + 8 = 25/30
Execution: 9 + 10 + 10 = 29/30
Feedback: The yellow on the arms sticks out to me as a different shade; I think this avatar would look better without it. With that said, I don’t have any other major complaints about this avatar. It’s very nice, and while not being the best in my opinion, it is very high up there on my list. You really brought the theme across well.
Feedback: I thought you, along with Jam and Shaw, understood the challenge the most. You did really well with making a monochrome that wasn't as boring as a traditional monochrome by any means. You also went with a creative way to express the emotion, which is awesome. You went for a more subtle route, but it still comes across very well. I thought you were the weakest of my faves, though. Mainly because you kinda fumbled with the execution. Your layers seem choppy and messy, and the textures do not seem to be in harmony with each other. Still, this is a great attempt. Good job.
Feedback: For being so yellow, this sure looks good. The cape meeting the foot wings clashes a bit, though.
Total: 25 + 28 + 27 = 80/90

Shawana_Chou: Blue/Passionate
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A water goddess who is very passionate about water.
Style: 10 + 10 + 6 = 26/30
Technique: 10 + 10 + 9 = 29/30
Execution: 8 + 10 + 5 = 23/30
Feedback: Love, love, love the tiny little splashes of orange all around the avatar; that contrasting color really made this avatar pop. The colors are just great. Can’t say I would have gotten passionate from this without the description, though. An avatar should be able to stand alone, without needing an explanation; just something to work on next time.
Feedback: OHMYGOD. LOVE. I really love it. One of my clear faves of the round, right next to Jammy's. I love how you pulled off the vivid blues, and that you meticulously paid attention to each shade individually. I also love the tiny specs of yellow here and there. Amazingly matched, and it keeps the avatar from being a boring monochrome. It really adds that punch. I thought you showed "passionate" in a very non-obvious, albeit very clear manner as well, so kudos. Love it. My tiiiiny nitpick: the mouth part of the skin has a very slightly different shade. But I can't see how you could have remedied that. Amazing job.
Feedback: I can't say I'm passionate about this. The orange, while evenly distributed, still looks wrong, and the face looks smiley/silly/playful rather than passionate. Very well put together overall though, except for some lumpiness around the head.
Total: 28 + 30 + 20 = 78/90

marwolfer: Green/Peaceful
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A green, peaceful fairy.
Style: 10 + 8 + 4 = 22/30
Technique: 8 + 8 + 6 = 22/30
Execution: 10 + 8 + 7 = 25/30
Feedback: This is so stylish and pretty, I would wear something like this. It has a nice even distribution of color, and is neither too simple nor too cluttered in my eye. Though, while your avatar is very well-made, I have to wonder if it isn’t too safe. I hope you get a chance to express yourself more freely in the next challenge.
Feedback: Great job pulling off the theme. I applaud your bravery to use those more theme-y backgrounds as well. It could have used a bit more in terms of execution, but it works. I like how you weren't too literal with trying to match the background, since that usually spells death to the tekteker. This is a more subtle avatar in terms of matching, and I like it. I don't think it fares against a few of the better avatars of the round, though. It's a decent attempt, but it doesn't have that wow factor.
Feedback: Hmm, she looks more like she's trying to camouflage herself in the colors of the background than like she belongs there.
Total: 28 + 24 + 17 = 69/90

Karmic Kelsie: Brown/Worried
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Barbara looked down at what Kelsie had made. "You sure you don't want me to look courageous?" she asked, dressed up like a woodland warrior.
"Yeah, yeah. Imagine it," Kelsie said, "You're a young warrior, scouting for your tribe. It's your first time alone, and you know the enemy is near. You're camouflaged in branches and vines, and you've made a pathetic attempt at wooden swords so you can at least somewhat defend yourself. You're dirty, tiered, lonely... And then you hear a branch snap beside you!" Snap! "What was that?" "The enemy... worried now?"
Style: 7 + 7 + 7 = 21/30
Technique: 6 + 8 + 7 = 21/30
Execution: 7 + 8 + 6 = 21/30
Feedback: I had to read your story to really “get” this avatar, but now that I have done that I can kind of see what you were going for. Not much about it says worried, aside from the facial expression, but to be fair that must be a really hard emotion to get across. The avatar itself is pretty good; I like the colors, brown is very under-appreciated and you worked well with it. One thing, though: you could have really used a little touch of green at the bottom to balance things out.
Feedback: First off: Kudos for pulling off an expression like worried. I thought you pulled that off quite well, without getting gimmicky. It's a more subtle kind of theme, but it works. I like how you pulled off the colors as well. Now onto the nitpicks: I dislike your distribution here. The hair just completely overwhelms you avatar, and there are these specs of green that are very distracting. Plus, this looks a wee bit top heavy. Still, it's a decent effort.
Feedback: I like the teeny reddish bits mixed in with all the browns; it's a nice accent.
Total: 20 + 23 + 20 = 63/90

Suzu Yuudai: Pink/Confused
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Style: 6 + 8 + 5 = 19/30
Technique: 6 + 8 + 6 = 20/30
Execution: 9 + 7 + 7 = 23/30
Feedback: Not your best work, I have to admit; it looks unfinished, and if I remember rightly that’s exactly what happened. That’s too bad, because it’s a pretty solid base you’ve got going here, she fits the theme very well. If you had the time to finish matching and balancing all of the shades it would have looked really good. As it stands, though, it is a fairly average, albeit pretty, piece.
Feedback: I was so scared for you when you were given pink, but it seems you pulled off the shading quite nicely. The question mark was a risk, but I understood why you decided to take it. That being said, I don't think you pulled off the cyans there too much. Not in the sense that you did not shade or distribute them properly, but more because they seems to be overwhelming the pinks here. The smooth items make for a boring look, as well. It could have worked, yes, but I don't think you pulled it off. Overall a good job. But I think you could have benefited a bit from editing.
Feedback: That blue top, the colors go well, but the form feels off.
Total: 21 + 23 + 18 = 62/90

Endlessly Silenced: Black/Frustrated
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“Just breath” Linda thought to herself breath…
She had been overworked from the contest
going to all these different worlds, it was truly
reeking havoc to her skin.
“Hey your skin better be looking better by judging
day, I don’t want them distracted from my work by
that thing you call a face” End said sternly to Linda.
Which only made her get more worked up. She
needed to be calm and relax but then she wouldn’t
be focused; though if she was too focused she would
over think everything and her skin just become worse.
She was just frustrated with herself.
Style: 3 + 9 + 8 = 20/30
Technique: 5 + 10 + 6 = 21/30
Execution: 6 + 5 + 6 = 17/30
Feedback: You know it, I know it, and so I’ll just be blunt: this is not a pretty avatar; in fact it is kind of ugly. This is both a good and a bad thing, because it is unusual and interesting to see an avatar that isn’t trying to be a sparkly fairy princess, but on the other hand it unfortunately doesn’t hold much personal appeal. If that was the only thing holding this avatar back I’d just shrug it off, but it isn’t; I felt like you didn’t use enough black on here, and the clutter is unevenly distributed and unnecessary. However, I’m making it sound like the avatar is all bad here, and it isn’t: I love the kind of ragged look it has here, and it definitely fits the theme, I just think that you could have done better.
Feedback: When I saw your avatar, I actually thought you were assigned red. I suppose that speaks of how well you did this challenge. As an avatar, you didn't do half bad, though. I love the expression, I can definitely see frustration. I love the tattered textures as well. Shading is spot on. I didn't think it was the right move to sacrifice the black-ness of the avatar, though. It's just as much a challenge as the emotion you're asked to portray. Plus, your skin balance is off. This could have been a great entry, but you seem to lack in terms of following the challenge proper.
Feedback: I just like something about this, though I'm not sure I understand what I'm looking at. It looks vaguely like a japanese man, and is indeed very frustrated. It is not, however, very black.
Total: 14 + 24 + 20 = 58/90

the only shark goth: Orange/Courageous
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Style: 2 + 2 + 5 = 9/30
Technique: 4 + 4 + 6 = 14/30
Execution: 7 + 3 + 7 = 17/30
Feedback: Yeah, this thing is a mess, basically; you pretty much failed in the style and technique department. However, I have to give you credit for fitting the theme nicely. It is very orange, and I see the look of a courageous warrior in here. Just work on making things mesh better (for example, it is very top-heavy) and you’ll be on your way to improving in no time!
Feedback: Haaaate thiiiiis. This looks badly made and n00by. Your shades are all over the place, and it seems like you relied on the fire items far too much. Credit where it's due, though: your layering technique is tidy. But there are many parts where you didn't layer enough. This still has the air of amateurishness about it, though. I know most of the other judges are raving at how fast you're improving, but I actually think you're not improving fast enough, mainly because your ability is starting to pale in comparison to your competitors. This is a non-elimination round, so I really hope you take this opportunity and really wow us next round.
Feedback: Looking this down, everything look very fitting...then I see the rubber clogs and I start laughing. They don't really stand out *that* bad, but...they make me think of lazy people who go to class in their pajamas. Probably some personal bias there.
Total: 13 + 9 + 18 = 40/90

Neon_Dinosaurs x3: Teal/Cheerful
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Style: 5 + 3 + 4 = 12/30
Technique: 5 + 5 + 6 = 16/30
Execution: 6 + 1 + 3 = 10/30
Feedback: I would have liked to see more teal on there, but I understand that it is a difficult color to use. Still, you probably could have played up the cheerful theme a bit, because as it is all I see is a pretty average ‘cutesy’ style avatar. That isn’t to say that it isn’t well done, though; there aren’t really that many mistake here, and I do like how you creatively layered the wigs. I just think that this whole thing could use a little more to it.
Feedback: Meh. This is one big bag of meh. This is very, very basic. You could tried to go out of your way to embody cheerfulness in a creative manner, but you didn't. The item combination is very obvious and expected from some person in the Dressing Room as well. Plus, the fact that you didn't pull it off (the hair, the messy shades) just makes this an even worse avatar. This is almost as bad as shark's, which is... really bad. D:
Feedback: It looks like you abandoned teal and settled for blue. And black. I'm not sure why you added the feathers.
Total: 16 + 9 + 13 = 38/90

3,950 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Hygienic 200
  • Signature Look 250
User Image

Cyan Azzura Ri:
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The once-upon-a-time trophy wife, who is now nothing but a hidden embarrassment to her husband, and wishes to just get out.
Style: 10 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 36/40
Technique: 10 + 9 + 7 + 9 = 35/40
Execution: 9 + 9 + 8 + 10 = 36/40
Simple?: N + N + N + N = N
Feedback: This has got to be my favorite, or maybe my second favorite. It’s up there at least; you really just pull out great avatars time and time again. If I had to pick one thing to improve on this avatar, I’m not really sure what I would choose; maybe less variety in the pink department, because it’s hard to tell what is trying to match what. That may have been your intent, though.
Feedback: LOVE IT. One of my faves for the round. Those yellows are hard to pull off, but you did anyway. I like the personality/character/emotion/theme in this. It captures it well enough that you had no need for a description. Although I praise you for your yellows, blues, and skin balance, I'm quite puzzled as to the way you handled the pinks. They're inconsistent in shading, which makes it very distracting. Still, a great entry. Good job.
Feedback: I giggled at your theme. Like that you tried to work with the two shades of pink instead of just ignoring one of them, but the distribution is lacking. Arms are really bare.
Total: 29 + 27 + 23 + 28 = 107/120

Endlessly Silenced:
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Her name is Mrs. Valentine but her life is not filled with love but beaten down with anger by a cruel man who owns her. She has given up hope that her world would change and has learned to live with that but today she found out she is having a baby girl; she wanted a boy so badly. She couldn’t bear the thought of her daughter being brought up in this world, she now has to believe equality will come or there is no point living at all.
Style: 8 + 10 + 7 + 7 = 32/40
Technique: 10 + 10 + 7 + 8 = 35/40
Execution: 10 + 9 + 7 + 10 = 36/40
Simple?: N + N + N + N = N
Feedback: So creative! That use of the belly, as well as this just being a well-made avatar in general, made this one of my absolute favorites. My one complaint is that it does look a little messy at the top of the avatar, whereas the bottom is pretty orderly and neat. It would have been great if you could bring the two looks together, rather than separate them.
Feedback:MOAR LOVE. I gasped when I saw you post this in the thread. The belly was a very bold choice to make, but you pulled it off so so well. You can see the story straight away as well. You balanced matching, theme, emotion, character - everything into the avatar really well. Buuut. I was about to say this was a perfect entry, until I got to the shoes. What the hell is up with those shoes??? I know you were trying to match the apron, but you could have removed it, and tried to disguise the brown in the apron, or added the brown into the head. It's still a good job, though. One of my faves for the round.
Feedback: Just doesn't appeal to me. The layering is choppy and the color distribution is rather weak.
Total: 28 + 29 + 21 + 25 = 103/120

Jamais Changeant:
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Laurel stood in the waning moonlight with a puddle still pooled about her feet while Jam read a narration.
"She let out a soft sigh as she took his tie from his limp body and donned it like a trophy. As she headed outside she still couldn't stop crying. The bruises covering her body still throbbed as a constant reminder of the beatings he'd dealt her every time she made a mistake. The puddle of water from her spilled bucket swished about her feet as she wiped her knife gently against her floral apron. Such light airy clothes he'd forced her to wear. As if pastels and flowers could hide the darkness that surrounded her. But it was done now. She was free!"
Style: 5 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 31/40
Technique: 9 + 10 + 7 + 10 = 36/40
Execution: 9 + 9 + 7 + 10 = 35/40
Simple?: N + N + N + N = N
Feedback: Those blacks look so ugly and foreign on this generally light-colored avatar. It does give it a jarringly dark look—like innocence ruined—but I still don’t really like it. I did love the little touches of brown on the avatar—I almost missed them the first time around—and the expert distribution you showed with the other colors. You could have done something with those bare legs, though.
Feedback: LOOOVE IIIIT. You're on a roll! I love the light greens a lot. This has a lot of personality, character and emotion to it. It shows the theme very well, too. I like how you were subtle with the "war" aspect and kept to gritty textures to depict it. I love what you did to the face as well. Great, great job. A candidate for the win.
Feedback: I like the idea of this, but am not so sure about the execution. The moon bothers me and the layering gets kind of awkward in a couple places [especially the feet.]
Total: 23 + 28 + 22 + 29 = 102/120

Suzu Yuudai:
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Janice had lucked out. Her new "husband" wasn't nearly as bad as most of the men in this world, at least judging from what she'd heard about from the other women whenever she had a chance to meet others to "recruit." At the very least, she wasn't sporting any injuries yet.
But that didn't make things easier. She was still treated essentially like a slave, and was forced to work to the bone every day. This she could handle to some extent; it was her new role as "mother" that was giving her the most problems.
Style: 7 + 8 + 8 + 10 = 33/40
Technique: 9 + 8 + 8 + 9 = 34/40
Execution: 9 + 5 + 8 + 10 = 32/40
Simple?: Y + Y + Y + Y = Y
Feedback: Congratulations on working with that orange color and not making it look too obvious that things don’t really match that well. That is an incredibly hard color to use. There’s not much bad to say about this, other than it doesn’t really have that “wow” factor. Oh, and you could probably use some darker pinks to match the Enchanted Book.
Feedback: I like it. You're the only one who took the "simple" challenge, pulled it off, and yet succeeded in not making it boring. *coughNeoncough* I like the unexpected color combination, plus the fact that you managed to capture them in theme-worthy items. A complaint, though: it's like you worked on the top, and fell asleep as you go to the bottom. It lacks the peach, the dark pink, and skin balance. I noticed that you had problems with editing, so.. yeah. Please. Try to take a second look into your avatars before sending them in.
Feedback: Bare arm is baaaare. Otherwise, this is great and believable.
Total: 25 + 21 + 24 + 29 = 99/120

Karmic Kelsie:
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To objectify is to make something impersonal. To objectify a person is to take away their freedom, but also to limit their dreams, thoughts, actions, and personality. Without freedom, a person is not able to make their own decisions, including those regarding love. And what cause is more noble than love?
To destroy love is a crime only Justice herself can adequately punish a person for, but Barbara had to try her own hand at it.*
Kelsie dressed Barbara up in gold and white, in such a way as to make her shine--to stand out as a beacon of hope and glory, as the Queen of the Rebels. When she was properly adorned, Barbara, with the necklace from her own sweetheart around her neck, led the abused, neglected, objectified, and heartbroken forward, with hopes of creating a new age of equality, freedom, and most importantly... Love.
* Please note no lives were lost due to Barbara's own hand. Blood was, and it wasn't pretty, but the skulls are simply props. Barbara isn't a psycho killer, silly! Now, torture on the other hand...
Style: 9 + 8 + 8 + 7 = 32/40
Technique: 9 + 7 + 8 + 7 = 31/40
Execution: 6 + 7 + 9 + 7 = 29/40
Simple?: Y + N + N + Y = N
Feedback: Honestly, I love this, it looks really good; you really know how to make a solid simplistic avatar. I love the bright, bold colors and it has perfect matching and distribution. My only concern is that she looks a little too rich and well off. It doesn’t really go with the world very well.
Feedback: Finally! The Kelsie from Disney Fever has stepped in! I think this has that cartoony appeal, but with a hint of scariness/gore that I have never seen you pull off as well before! I find the drapey layers to be very interesting, and overall you pulled off the given items and theme well. My only concern is the weight distribution. I'm okay with an avatar having tiny feet, but the shawl things make it very heavy and unbalanced. It's a good attempt, though. You're well on your way.
Feedback: The only nitpick I have on this is the lack of gold on the feet/ankles. Other than that, it's absolutely gorgeous!
Total: 24 + 22 + 25 + 21 = 92/120

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Tamara loved this new theme. Getting to play a deranged, beaten housewife goes on a rampage and kills her husband. But will she get away with it? There is a lot of blood...
Style: 6 + 6 + 8 + 3 = 23/40
Technique: 7 + 6 + 8 + 5 = 26/40
Execution: 7 + 8 + 8 + 7 = 30/40
Simple?: Y + Y + Y + Y = Y
Feedback: It’s pretty decent, but kind of uninteresting; I think you finalized too early. You really needed to work on incorporating that hair too; it seems kind of tacked on with not enough gold to balance it out, and reds that are the wrong shade. I do have to say that you understood the theme well, though, you emulated it rather nicely. Also, I love the bruised look of the body, you really brought that across well.
Feedback: ...Guh? You were trying to be simple, but this just borders on boring, and at the same time messy. I do appreciate the Stepford Wives vibe this gives off, though. And you really did add enough to take it from Neon-levels of boring, and Shark-levels of slop. So. Yay? I dunno. I would have wanted more polish in terms of distribution and layering.
Feedback: Hmm. I'm torn on this one. It's got strong character, but the hair drives me to distraction. It's like.... delicate gold accents, meet GIANT GOLD HAIR, and it's all I can look at.
Total: 20 + 20 + 24 + 15 = 79/120

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The Silent but Deadly, rebellious Assassin.
Style: 9 + 6 + 6 + 5 = 26/40
Technique: 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 = 28/40
Execution: 5 + 5 + 7 + 3 = 20/40
Simple?: N + N + N + N = N
Feedback: How can she be silent and deadly with a ball and chain strapped to her ankle? Joking aside, this is a lovely and stylish avatar. I am very fond of the grays. My one thought is that you could use a bit more white, to go with the huge lump the apron gives you.
Feedback: I'm actually quite surprised to see this from you. It's like you just added all sorts of bloody items and forgot about how they layer, how they look, what direction they're gonna go, how they're gonna distribute the colors, etc. Theme isn't the only thing in the rubric, you know. This is very haphazard, and something I would have expected from a newbie. You're lucky shark and Neon are still around to take the bullet with their sub-par avatars, but in a later round, this would have cost you. Shape up!
Feedback: I think you got the hardest base to work with. This just looks... messy. Feet layering is really weird and the arms are sooo bare. It seems like you just kind of clutter-fied it.
Total: 21 + 18 + 20 + 15 = 74/120

Neon_Dinosaurs x3:
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Saloon girls do not belong at home cleaning.
Style: 5 + 3 + 8 + 3 = 19/40
Technique: 6 + 2 + 8 + 5 = 21/40
Execution: 2 + 2 + 8 + 7 = 19/40
Simple?: Y + Y + Y + Y = Y
Feedback: This theme feels so out of place; I’m just not getting it. It’s more like something that would have shown up in the first round than the sixth. Apart from that, you did a good job making it simple. I also like your use of the reds.
Feedback: I appreciate you trying to go for something simple, but this just seems so.. meh. I do like how you were meticulous in your layering, but a part of me is wondering why you're still here. Your ideas tend to be.. predictable. If not overdone. Your color combinations are "easy" most of the time as well. And since your avatars are ridiculously simple and predictable, your mistakes become very obvious, namely: the skin balance and the distribution. Try to push your limits more! Of everyone left, I think you and shark are the two who would be next to go. You better prove me wrong.
Feedback: Cincher is off, and I'm not feeling the stocings. Solid character, though.
Total: 13 + 7 + 24 + 15 = 59/120

Call me Peachez:
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When this challenge started, Marsha didn't get it. She wasn't married, nor did she want to be. After she went to her "husbands" house to get the scoop, she got everything BUT. When she came back to Shark, He was shocked. "What happened to you?" He asked. "I took care of some things" she said, with a wicked little smile. After that... She was never the same...
Style: 4 + 1 + 8 + 1 = 14/40
Technique: 6 + 2 + 7 + 1 = 16/40
Execution: 4 + 0 + 7 + 1 = 12/40
Simple?: N + N + N + N = N
Feedback: That hat gives her more of a street look than a house-wife look. She looks like some punk gang member to me; I’m just not feeling it. I do understand why you chose that hat, though, for it is a hard color to find. You just would have done better if you had covered it up with something else, so that a little bit showed through.
Feedback: I'm sorry if this sounds harsh, but sugar coating doesn't seem to be effective in getting through to you: How delusional can you get??? I was reading through the thread, and you actually thought *this* was 'fabulous' and 'amazing'?? Golly. The layering is very very sloppy, which is a step back from what I had praised you for from your last entry. And now that the layering is much more simple, the mistakes become much more glaring. The distribution is VERY bad, and there doesn't seem to be any style or appeal to what you do. Skin balance is quite bad as well. You're inching your way to improvement, yes, but there's still that lack of polish that you can see from newbies finding their way through these contests. Like I've said before, improve fast. Right now, I'm pretty sure you and Neon are the next to go, based on previous (and predicted future) work.
Feedback: You've definitely improved since last time I judged something of yours! The head is kind of chunky, and I'm not sure I like the silver laurels on the feet.
Total: 14 + 3 + 22 + 3 = 42/120

3,950 Points
  • Forum Sophomore 300
  • Hygienic 200
  • Signature Look 250
User Image

Jamais Changeant:
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Jam tucked Laurel tight into her bed after bringing her some nice soup. She was only a little upset that her model wouldn't be available for this challenge. Her colors would be perfect for a winter theme. But, the model she was now working with, Susan, was very kind and cooperative.
Though the bus was kept warm Susan didn't make a single protest as Jam put all sorts of layers and furs onto the model. When she finished up Jam was quite pleased with the silhouette she'd managed to capture. Susan had insisted on keeping the antlers attached to her hat since she'd always been in love with the idea of flying reindeer at Christmas. At first Jam had been very hesitant to let them stay, but now she loved how they paralleled the jacket she'd found for Susan.
Not only did Susan look highly-fashionable and full of Christmas spirit, but she also would be extra warm when she stepped off of the bus. Just to make sure that she was extra safe Jam didn't use any contacts and, in fact, took the extra precaution of incorporating some goggles into her design.
Style: 9 + 9 + 6 + 10 = 34/40
Technique: 10 + 7 + 9 + 10 = 36/40
Execution: 9 + 8 + 8 + 10 = 35/40
Cute?: N + N + N + N = N
Feedback: I’m just going to say this flat out: I love all of your avatars and you constantly impress me. This is another one of your avatars that I simply adore. Now, flattery aside, I feel I need to critique you on something…um…err…the layering on the feet is weird, and the blank face is kind of scary. Sorry for the lame feedback, but that’s all I could think of, really.
Feedback: Neck down is absolutely perfect, but the head is kind of a hot mess. I think it’s the pitch-black skin that’s throwing me off.
Feedback: This is intimidating, in a jackalope-with-a-WWI-gasmask sort of way, but it's a jackalope with a sense of style for sure.
Total: 28 + 24 + 23 + 30 = 105/120

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Joan was nervous to work with marwolfer. She knew that the designer was a little... well, out there when it came to designs, and Joan liked to think inside the box. She was dancing back and forth on the balls of her feet as marwolfer approached.
"Hi!" she babbled, intimidated by the formidable designer. "I'm Joan, your model for this world. I know I'm not one you would have chosen, but I can't wait to work with you. I love your designs, though I probably wouldn't wear any of them except for the wedding one. But they're all great! I just prefer cute things myself..."
"You like cute things?" marwolfer interrupted, her mind far away from the babbling model and more into the conspiracy she suspected within the competition. "That's good. I have a design in mind that should fit you perfectly."
She pulled out a pair of scissors and yards of fabric from the folds of her dress (where did they come from?!) and began working so quickly that Joan could do nothing but stare. When marwolfer was done, Joan found herself fully dressed and facing a mirror.
"This is so cute!" she gushed, but marwolfer cut her off.
"Don't get anything on it. We've got quite a bit of time before judging, and I won't have my creation sullied by your frolicking through the mud."
How rude... Joan thought as she watched marwolfer stalk off. Oh well. At least she can design! I look awesome!
Style: 6 + 9 + 7 + 7 = 29/40
Technique: 5 + 8 + 9 + 6 = 28/40
Execution: 9 + 7 + 8 + 8 = 32/40
Cute?: Y + Y + Y + Y = Y
Feedback: That pink hat ruins the whole thing, I don’t know what possessed you to put it there. All the other shades match perfectly except for that one, and that makes it immensely distracting. Alternatively, you could have spread some of that dark red around, but that would probably take away from the sugary cuteness, so it’s a trade-off. Anyway, good job on the rest of it, and very fast work!
Feedback: So cute! I like the use of yellow… it makes the whole thing so much more cheerful, and what winter day couldn’t use a little sunshine? One nitpick: porridge hat is way dark and sticks out like a sore thumb.
Feedback: The dark red on the Dainty Porridge stands out, but overall this comes together very nicely. It feels very balanced somehow.
Total: 20 + 24 + 24 + 21 = 89/120

Suzu Yuudai:
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Suzu stared blankly at the large, floppy....things.... Stephannie was insisting on wearing. "You've got to be joking me."
"Nuh-uh," his model insisted. "My granny made them for me when I was a kid. I never go out in the cold without them."
"But...how do they work?" Suzu asked in disbelief. To him, the looked pretty much like rabbit ears. She was currently wearing them like it, and they certainly weren't covering anything.
"You pull them down when you're ears get cold of course," Stephanie replied brightly as she demonstrated.
Suzu sighed, rubbing his temples. "Fine...we'll see if we can make them work." While Janice was usually sulky and insistent on themes, at least she didn't try to restrict him with personal items from home.
Style: 10 + 6 + 8 + 5 = 29/40
Technique: 8 + 7 + 8 + 7 = 30/40
Execution: 7 + 7 + 7 + 8 = 29/40
Cute?: N + N + Y + N = N
Feedback: I adore this avatar so much, there are not words to express how much I love it. She looks so warm and cozy, but kind of mysterious; I can picture her walking alone on a winter night and I want to know what her story is. However, huge glaring error: there is purple on the hat. Did you not notice this?
Feedback: I want to like this... but all I can see is stubby-looking arms [seriously, the feather arm things optical-illusioned me into thinking they were bracelets. xD] and awkward skirt layering. There’s purple on the hat that you’ve kind of ignored.
Feedback: This is all-around solid work. I like how the ears look sticking up out of everything.
Total: 25 + 20 + 23 + 20 = 88/120

Karmic Kelsie:
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"I wish I could go out there. Oh, I just love the winter. Snow men, snow balls, snow forts... isn't it just great?" asked Kelsie, pinning on a nice, warm hat. Janet wasn't listening, though. She was worried. Being from a rather hot place, she wasn't at all used to the cold. As such, expecting the worst, she insisted on bundling up--as little skin showing as possible.
"But what about my eyes?" she asked, reached glove covered hands up to the little bit of her that wasn't covered.
"Oh, you aren't wearing contacts. Your eyes will be fine..." said Kelsie. She paused, thinking. "But if they do start to get a little icy, just keep them closed. After all, it would be better to have them frozen shut than frozen open, wouldn't it?" She gave a happy smile, thinking that was a fairly clever plan.
Janet, not so much. "Yeaaaaah..."
Style: 8 + 9 + 6 + 3 = 26/40
Technique: 8 + 8 + 7 + 3 = 26/40
Execution: 10 + 9 + 8 + 8 = 35/40
Cute?: Y + Y + Y + N = Y
Feedback: To me, this avatar is just a huge success for this round; it perfectly fits the theme. Not only that, but the layering is complex and interesting, and you worked well with those colors. My one suggestion is that you could have used a white handheld of some kind. That would help balance out the fluffy white thing on the shoulders.
Feedback: This is definitely one of my favorites! You’ve pulled off two difficult colors impressively.
Feedback: I don't put a huge priority on matching, but the orange shade in those socks suuuure is lonely, and the fact that it's set on black only makes it stand out more.
Total: 26 + 26 + 21 + 14 = 87/120

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Shawana sighed in frustration as she heard that her model had been changed to Tracy for the round. She had really enjoyed working with her own model, and was really not looking forward to working with someone new. "Ah well." She sighed as she walked about, trying to locate Tracy. After several minutes, she found the model, and spoke with her about an idea for her clothing. Tracy really wanted to look like a cat. Shawana had no clue why.. And was somewhat apprehensive about making her model look like a cat, but she went ahead and designed a cat based, winter outfit, but threw in a doll like theme as well.
"Now, you are wearing contacts, so be careful, and keep your eyes closed as much as possible." Shawana said as she finished dressing Tracy and slipped some fake cat fangs into her mouth, before painting her nose to look like a cat's. "There, you are done." Shawana smiled, surveying her work. "Now take this pot and go make yourself some hot tea, so you can keep extra warm." She handed Tracy the black and gold tea pot, and then walked off to find another designer to chat with.
Style: 4 + 9 + 4 + 10 = 27/40
Technique: 9 + 8 + 7 + 10 = 34/40
Execution: 5 + 8 + 5 + 8 = 26/40
Cute?: N + N + N + Y = N
Feedback: The gold bow on the head is a little distracting, but it almost seems to work as a focal point on this avatar so I guess that’s okay. Anyway, this is incredibly complex and interesting to look at; I love all the little details to be found. However, I’m not sure why you felt the need to dress her up as a cat; it doesn’t really fit the theme, and the only cat-like thing about it is the hoodie which you could have taken that off. I’m just a little baffled.
Feedback: Very fierce. Love the intricate little details. Another round favorite.
Feedback: The orange on the feet really stands out, and there's not enough of that color elsewhere in the avatar to make that work.
Total: 18 + 25 + 16 + 28 = 87/120

Cyan Azzura Ri:
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Cyan was kind of shocked when she found out that she had to work with a model other than the one she had decided to switch to. It wasn't that terribly bad, after all, she was going to be using one she wasn't used to, but still.
Going to her model for the first time, she smiled at Patricia, who smiled back at her, waggling her fingers at Cyan. "Hello, Patricia. I guess we're going to be working together."
The model nodded happily, and brushed her orange curls behind her ear, giving a sweet smile. "Yes, we will! It's nice to be working with you, Cyan!"
After only a few days, Cyan wished she could have just stuck with Nancy. I don't really feel like being cute, this coat's too bulky, I want to be sleek and feminine, do I really have to have NO skin showing?, etc, etc. But eventually, the designer was able to satisfy herself and her model, despite a week of unexpected distractions.
Sighing deeply, she gave one last look to her model, and asked, "Do you like it?"
"I love it!"
"Oh, good.. guess we're done with it."
Style: 7 + 8 + 5 + 9 = 29/40
Technique: 8 + 8 + 7 + 7 = 30/40
Execution: 8 + 8 + 6 + 5 = 27/40
Cute?: N + N + N + N = N
Feedback: At first this didn’t look very wintery to me because it didn’t seen thick enough, not layered enough to be warm. However, on second glance it kind of reminded me of an ice skater, so I guess I understand why you went for a slimmer look. I also like how you had a secondary theme of ribbons going on here. However, the one thing that sticks out as not belonging with this avatar is the mug of hot cocoa; it would look better without it.
Feedback: Loving the intricacy of this, and your shades are almost perfect. Some of the layers are a little awkward, but other than that this is great.
Feedback: It's pretty in an abstract way, but kinda strange for an outfit. It looks almost...inside-out.
Total: 23 + 24 + 18 + 21 = 86/120

Endlessly Silenced:
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Style: 6 + 7 + 3 + 5 = 21/40
Technique: 6 + 7 + 5 + 5 = 23/40
Execution: 7 + 8 + 4 + 7 = 26/40
Cute?: N + N + N + N = N
Feedback: I’m not sure if I like this or not. It has a different feel to it than what I was expecting. One thing I am sure about, though, is that there is some pretty wonky layering on here; you could have done with tidying that up. The matching and distribution is good though, save for a tiny speck of red at the feet.
Feedback: Hmm. I’m kind of conflicted on this… I love the colors and the contrast, but it’s plagued by awkward layering & the compass shawl thing makes it weirdly bulky and top-heavy.
Feedback: You managed to make your model look like a dazed stoner. The outfit isn't bad, but the hair sticking out above the hat is unpleasant to look at.
Total: 19 + 22 + 12 + 17 = 70/120

Neon_Dinosaurs x3:
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"Hmm, these items are sooo....Red Ridinghood." said Neon to her new model, Megan. "Yea, it does!" Megan replied.Neon sifted through the vast amounts of clothing and found the perfect ruffled dress to go with her cape.Then she found a pair of white snow shoes to go over her red shoes and white snowflake leggings.
Style: 5 + 8 + 5 + 7 = 25/40
Technique: 4 + 6 + 2 + 7 = 19/40
Execution: 7 + 7 + 4 + 5 = 23/40
Cute?: Y + Y + N + Y = Y
Feedback: You didn’t really add much to this, I can’t help but feel that you had already given up before you even turned this in. Not to mention that it is a completely predictable theme that doesn’t have much thought put into it. But perhaps I am being too harsh. It is a very cute winter avatar, and like your story said, you did pick out the PERFECT dress to go with it.
Feedback: Needs moar skin balance or at least a facial expression. Very cute, but the face sticks out a lot [and just looks terribly blank and dead…]
Feedback: This is...uninspired, to say the least, but at least it isn't ugly.
Total: 16 + 21 + 11 + 19 = 67/120

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Oh how happy Shawana was to have her own model, Millie, back for the round! And with such an amazing world for inspiration for the challenge. Taking no time at all, Shawana whipped together a cute little outfit for her model, featuring all sorts of beautiful, bright colors. She was inspired by the tropics and tribal fashions from her own world, as well as the water and trees from this world. After dressing Millie, she was completely satisfied, and sent her model off to play in the water. "Just make sure to keep clean and not ruin your outfit!"
Style: 10 + 10 + 8 = 28/30
Technique: 10 + 10 + 10 = 30/30
Execution: 10 + 10 + 9 = 29/30
Elegant?: Y + Y + N = Y
Feminine?: Y + Y + Y = Y
Feedback: I just can’t express how much I love this avatar in words; the colors, the details, and yet it is not over-crowded! To me it is perfect, however I think that is just because it is specifically appealing to me, not necessarily because it IS perfect. Looking at it more the water seems a bit unnecessary. Also you could have used some red and a bit more gold at the bottom, but this is just nitpicking really.
Feedback: Although everyone had some sort of vibrant color to their avatar, you were the only one, IMO, that truly pwned those colors. The colors you chose blend beautifully, it perfectly exudes a character, and like Jammy, you didn't forget about how the actual clothes would look like and didn't just think of the matching. I love this. It's a fave of the round, definitely.
Feedback: My first impression is that this is an ugly pile of weird color clashes. With a bit of time spent looking at it the outfit starts to make more sense, but a good initial impression is an important thing. Beauty is only skin deep, after all.
Total: 30 + 30 + 27 = 87/90

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Style: 5 + 10 + 9 = 24/30
Technique: 9 + 9 + 8 = 26/30
Execution: 6 + 9 + 10 = 25/30
Elegant?: N + N + Y = N
Feminine?: N + N + Y = N
Feedback: I’m not quite sure what I’m seeing here; perhaps some kind of goddess? Either way, it looks nice, but it doesn’t really feel like a rainforest inhabitant to me. A story might have helped explain this more. Still, for someone who supposedly hates green and orange, you sure pulled them off!
Feedback: FINALLY. I was waiting for your big comeback this season, and this is it. It has that all important wow-factor to it, and I do like the tribal warrior theme. Orange is a very hard color to pull off, but you did it very well. My one complaint: what is up with that face? I don't understand how that pale blue got there, but it completely ruins the avatar. Layering can be a bit sloppy as well, but it works. Great job.
Feedback: Exotic. I like what you did with this. One thing I don't like is how the large plain black areas contrast the busier areas, such as the legs.
Total: 20 + 28 + 27 = 75/90

Cyan Azzura Ri:
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Style: 8 + 8 + 8 = 24/30
Technique: 7 + 9 + 10 = 26/30
Execution: 9 + 9 + 5 = 23/30
Elegant?: N + Y + N = N
Feminine?: N + N + N = N
Feedback: I love how you incorporated the scenery into this. I would compliment you on the colors too, but that doesn’t seem like it was really your decision. Still, you pulled them off well. One thing I have to complain about, though, is the lock on the chest; I don’t really understand it, and it doesn’t seem to fit the theme at all.
Feedback: Great job. You seemed to do real well this round as well. I like the whites against the vibrant colors. It's a nice effect. I do think it's a teensy bit unimaginative, though. I would have liked a few more floral items in there as well, and better ties in with the theme. But still, it's a great job.
Feedback: Space. Snow. Squirrel. That is what this looks like. A space snow squirrel, whatever that is. It's true that it looks good doing it, but...it seems kind of unfitting.
Total: 24 + 26 + 23 = 73/90

Jamais Changeant:
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Jam was happy to have her model back, but this wet weather couldn't be good for Laurel right after being sick. Contrary to these concerns, however, Laurel managed to shine. She took to the strange landscape like a fish to water (pardon the pun). She even managed to make the water dripping from her look like a fashion statement. Even some of the wildlife flew straight to her, mistaking her for part of the plant life. Jam had to admit, when she was done, she couldn't help but think that Laurel looked like a goddess...or some other ethereal being that just belonged in this environment.
Style: 5 + 10 + 5 = 20/30
Technique: 9 + 10 + 9 = 28/30
Execution: 7 + 9 + 9 = 25/30
Elegant?: Y + Y + Y = Y
Feminine?: Y + Y + Y = Y
Feedback: I love how you always sneak tiny bits of color around; the reds and the pinks are great. However, this time at least it looks like you made a small distribution mistake; there is no pink near the feet. Anyway, this has a pretty nice look to it, but perhaps not as appealing to me as some of the others. I like how complex it is, but perhaps for this round that was not the best approach.
Feedback: Another amazing entry from you, Jammy. At first I thought this was not up to your usual standards, but this is an avatar that looks better as you inspect it. I love the kimono-esque quality to the clothes, which just radiates elegance and femininity. I love that this perfectly captures a character and fits the theme so well. I love it. The only thing I do not like is that the layering does seem sloppy in some places, but overall it's a great job.
Feedback: Colors are distributed, but they don't flow, like it feels like they should. The midsection definitely makes this feel less natural, for that reason.
Total: 21 + 29 + 23 = 73/90

Karmic Kelsie:
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Style: 9 + 8 + 6 = 23/30
Technique: 7 + 8 + 10 = 25/30
Execution: 6 + 8 + 9 = 23/30
Elegant?: Y + Y + N = Y
Feminine?: Y + Y + Y = Y
Feedback: I honestly don’t understand why you took the Gogh Reed off of this avatar; without it the blues are all clustered in the middle. Actually, come to that, you seem to have some balancing issues on this avatar in general, and I don’t get the purse and the high heels…isn’t this in a rain forest? But I must not just focus on the negative, and I do think you have an appealing look going on here. I love the color scheme, it just looks really attractive.
Feedback: Like Suzu, I think you have a good avatar in a sea of great avatars. You almost had it, though. But I thought your major misstep was that you had too many ideas for one avatar. I do not see a unifying element, direction, or flow to the items. It does look good in theory, but it tends to give off a choppy feeling to the avatar. Still, I like the addition of the dusty pink to the vibrant colors though. It adds a nice touch.
Feedback: This almost pulls off a great look, but the blues and the greens don't flow together. I feel like there should be a spectrum of color that flows between the two, like a fish's scales.
Total: 22 + 24 + 25 = 71/90

Suzu Yuudai:
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Style: 6 + 7 + 9 = 22/30
Technique: 5 + 8 + 7 = 20/30
Execution: 8 + 7 + 7 = 22/30
Elegant?: N + N + N = N
Feminine?: Y + Y + Y = Y
Feedback: I am just now noticing the subtle touches of gold, which I really have to say in a nice addition. You could have stepped that up a bit though, this look really could have used that to bring it all together, because right now it feels a little unfinished. You seem to have some matching problems in here too, and the jewel on the crotch is really distracting, which just makes me feel awkward. Still, I have to say that it feels like you understood the round well; your accessories really brought out the theme.
Feedback: Oh Suzu. Everyone made such amazing avatars this round, and you went with this. It's not a bad avatar by any means, but it's an avatar that's completely overshadowed by the others, IMO. This looks very... sad. And the textures and colors are so forced. Granted you had one of the harder bases, but it wouldn't be much of a problem to add a little bit of texture or color in there. I would have wanted to see a bit more.
Feedback: This is cute and punky. There are a lot of little things I like, such as the bit of lighter hair and the sock layering, but it doesn't really set out to impress.
Total: 19 + 22 + 23 = 64/90

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