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So... which is it?

Death Eaters 0.11111111111111 11.1% [ 1 ]
Order of the Phoenix 0.88888888888889 88.9% [ 8 ]
Total Votes:[ 9 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 50 51 52 > >>

D!sco~'s Wife

Lavish Ladykiller

13,050 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Risky Lifestyle 100
  • Gender Swap 100
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Journey Through Hogwarts!
A Tektek Competition
Welcome, young one.
You are invited on a journey. Be warned: this journey is not for the faint of heart. You will be armed with only your wand, and it will be your job to surpass each challenge. Most people survive, however there is always the possibility of... accidents.
If you think you have what it takes, then please continue. If not, turn back now. No one would think less of you if you turned tail and ran away like a coward.

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Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Rules
3. Applications
4. Judges
5. Contestants
6. Challenge
7. Results
8. Entries
9. Eliminated
10. Open!

D!sco~'s Wife

Lavish Ladykiller

13,050 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Risky Lifestyle 100
  • Gender Swap 100
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School Rules

1. Follow the Gaia ToS, obviously.
2. Please do not spam, flame, or argue in my thread. If you have a personal problem with me or anyone else here, please take it up with me through pm's, and we'll work together to get the problem resolved.
3. Do not quote the first page.
4. I hand pick my judges, so I can personally vouch for them. Back off.
5. Deadlines may be extended. Requests must be pm'ed to marwolfer 48 hours in advance unless there is an emergency. Then we discuss via pm.
6. Have fun!User Image

How to Play

1. Every week, you will be given a challenge.
2. You must create an avatar (or avatars) fitting within the theme and parameters specified in the challenge. The challenges will require a description/mini story to go along with it.
3. You MAY post in the thread for feedback. Judges may give feedback but no specifics.
4. PM your final to marwolfer before the deadline expires.
5. Judging will commence and be announced no later than two days later.
6. Rinse and Repeat!



First Place: 25k gold + Avatar Art
Second Place: 10k gold + Avatar Art
Third Place: 5k gold + Avatar Art

Mini Prizes

Round One: Immunity for the Next Challenge!*
Round Two: Immunity for the Next Challenge!
Round Three: Immunity for the Next Challenge!
Round Four: Immunity for the Next Challenge!
Round Five: Immunity for the Next Challenge!
Round Six: 1000 gold!
Round Seven: 2000 gold!
Round Eight: Third Prize Awarded!
Round Nine: First Place and Runner Up Prizes Awarded!

*Immunity is only applicable if an entry is turned in. No entry + immunity: still eliminated.

D!sco~'s Wife

Lavish Ladykiller

13,050 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Risky Lifestyle 100
  • Gender Swap 100
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Ⓢⓞⓡⓣⓘⓝⓖ Ⓠⓤⓘⓩ

[color=gold]Let's Make Some Magic![/color]
[b]Year Started on Gaia:[/b]
[b]Samples:[/b] (at least 3)
[b]Who is your favorite character from Harry Potter and why?:[/b]
[b]Why should you be accepted into this contest?:[/b]



[color=purple]With Great Power Comes Great Responsibility![/color]
[b]Year Started on Gaia:[/b]
[b]Samples:[/b] (at least 2)
[b]Avatar:[/b] (use the export avatar here)
[b]Which Professor are you most like and why?:[/b]
[b]Youtube link to your theme song:[/b]
[b]Short Bio:[/b]
[b]Critique:[/b] (specify which one you critiqued)

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D!sco~'s Wife

Lavish Ladykiller

13,050 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Risky Lifestyle 100
  • Gender Swap 100
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marwolfer - Deputy Headmistress and Professor of History of Magic
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I am God! Got it? I'm basically the best thing since sliced bread as far as this thread is concerned. I'm a very strange tekteker with very strange tastes. Be prepared to be surprised! I run the Projekt Gaia Runway contests (6 is in progress!) and have been in numerous contests as both judge and designer. I am a sophomore at the University of Evansville where I study Gender Psychology and Sexual Therapy.
Theme Song

Phiish - Professor of Charms and Head of Ravenclaw
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Well I'm Phii, I'm 21 and I'm from Kentucky. I mostly get on gaia to post in the AT, I've been in contests and I've judged a few. I love making avi's and all that good stuff.
Theme Song

Karmic Kelsie - School Nurse
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I have entered a handful of contests, I've judged a few, and I'm hosting a Royal Pain (which is in it's last round!). I'm mainly on Gaia for roleplaying and the AT. Most importantly, though, I adore Ron Weasley [ due to his being a fictional character, I will settle for Rupert Grint ].
Theme Song

D!sco~ - Professor of Divination
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I'm an average teen, I love creativity and the eclectic style; just in general. I don’t know… I'm Mainly an AT lurker but I tend to appear at random... that’s it I guess.
Theme Song

Judging Criteria

Your entries will be scored in four categories: theme, originality, coordination, and overall impression. You will receive a total of 50 points from each judge, with a possible 150 per round. Look below to see what each category will be looking for.

Theme: How well your entry expresses the given themes. There are 10 points possible.
Originality: Originality, obviously. Item choice, theme choice, and color scheme choice will be taken into account here. There are 10 points possible.
Coordination: This is where we will assess the flow of the avatar and how well it matches. MATCHING IS VERY IMPORTANT! There are 10 points possible.
Overall Impression: This is just how good an avatar looks. Wow factor will also be considered. There are 20 points possible.

D!sco~'s Wife

Lavish Ladykiller

13,050 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Risky Lifestyle 100
  • Gender Swap 100
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The Student Body

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ripples of greatness ~~ Czarina Alexandra ~~ `Hydro ~~ charlieslaysvampires ~~ clockwork ballerina

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King of Ninjas ~~ Ratt Scabies ~~ Evolu ~~ VegetasBabie ~~ I-Sapphira-I

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Autio Ainoa ~~ Sumie11 ~~ Jackie Bones ~~ Sophie is a Ninja ~~ Carmanilla Incense ~~ Shawana_Chou

D!sco~'s Wife

Lavish Ladykiller

13,050 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Risky Lifestyle 100
  • Gender Swap 100
User Image

Round Nine: Choose A Side

DUE February 20!

One day in History of Magic, your professor gives a lecture over the great Wizarding War between the Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix. Everyone is enthralled as they listen to the tales of the heroic Dumbledore, Harry Potter, and other historic names in their fight to defeat Lord Voldemort and his cronies.

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This gets you thinking about the views and benefits of being a member of either side.

Your challenge is to create an avatar for either side: one member of the Order of the Phoenix and one Death Eater. They don't have to be cosplays, but it has to be evident which side they belong on. Then I would like for you to write which side your character would choose.

Good luck!

D!sco~'s Wife

Lavish Ladykiller

13,050 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Risky Lifestyle 100
  • Gender Swap 100
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Current Grades

70 + X + 85 = 155
mar: Your description was nice, very well thought out, and a good end to your journey at hogwarts. ^.^ Your Order member is really beautiful but wears too much black to be seen as a total good guy. There are a lot of problems with the matching and distribution of the Death Eater, but the character is there. The bow confuses me... wizards don't need weapons besides their wands! Overall, you have surprised me greatly within this competition. Great Job!
Karmic: For the first, I have the same trouble as I did with Sophie. She just doesn’t look like a hero, even if she doesn’t look evil. There’s something about the hanging black that reminds me of cobwebs, and the outfit reminds me of more of a witch doctor than a witch. The second one is a very original approach, though I can’t say he looks like someone Voldemort would accept into a group because of just how original it is. But a lovely avatar, none the less.

72 + X + 85 = 157
mar: The description is nice and solid: you've given how your character views allegiance to both sides then why she chooses the Order. Very good. The greens on your Order member are all over the place, which makes me sad. And she doesn't have hair?!?! I love that you made a mask for the Death Eater and tried to show the way the movie protrays their Apparation. The Death Eater is rather inspired. Just watch your matching a little more because while the character is there the exact technicalities of matching are lacking.
Karmic: I really love that the second one looks like a Death Eater landing somewhere—veryvery cool. However, the first one doesn’t thrill me as much. So many greens are off. She doesn’t look evil, but… she doesn’t look heroic, either.

D!sco~'s Wife

Lavish Ladykiller

13,050 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Risky Lifestyle 100
  • Gender Swap 100
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School Work

The entries.

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Lavali Chatterjee and Jacoby Malone - one of the most dedicated members of the Order of the Pheonix, and one of the least pleasant initiates of the Death Eaters respectively - are a unique presence in the works of history due to their intertwined past. While it could not be said now, seeing from their entirely different paths, the pair were once close friends.

They met eachother through their mutual house, Hufflepuff. It was their past that formed their bond... poverty... even if it belonged to completely different walks of life. (Jacoby grew up in Ireland, while Lavali moved to Britain as a young girl from India.) However, time went on, and the pair reacted quite differently to their past.

Lavali saw it as an opportunity to realize the misfortunes of others, and strived to always better those in situations worse than her. Jacoby, on the other hand, turned to violence against those better than him as revenge, and was constantly hopping from brawl to brawl against the wealthy of Hogwarts.

Time ticked on, and the pair went their separate ways... Lavali working to be the best that she could be, and Jacoby losing both soul and body (his eye was taken in a duel) to he-who-must-not-be-named and his own wrath. Yet still, it is rumored that when the two crossed paths, there could always be a glimpse of doubt seen in their eyes... A shadow of choices made.

Danny closed the textbook with a shudder, adjusting his cap, and glancing at the moving Quiddich poster hanging on the wall, trying to imagine the darkness that must possess a soul to join the Death Eaters. He could never do that... never kill and personally try to cause misfortune.

Not that he didn't understand where Jacoby came from... the bandages on his own face were plenty of proof for that...

However, there's always someone far worse off. There was always someone else who needed to give that punch more. Always somebody else out there who needed a hand. Serving oneself wouldn't get them anywhere, now would it?

He put the textbook on the shelf next to his bed, and then let out a sigh. One day he'd like to do something good with his life. Something like the people in the historybooks.

Perhaps the Order of the Pheonix would be a good place to begin.

Sophie is a Ninja
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They were from two different worlds.
The only thing they might have shared was hating the actions of the other.
To swear allegance to Voldemort required giving oneself over completely to his service and unquestioningly follow his command.
To swear allegance to Dumbledore was rather different. He encouraged self-expression and communication and doubt. He expected courage but also compassion.
Voldemort only expected blind obediance.

Mal's parents had raised her to question, speculate, and explore. Thinking of them, back tending the gardens, her eyes welled up a bit. She would never be able to explain how much gratitude she felt for them - they had taught her how to be an adult witch. She wasn't there, yet, but she swore (to herself, to them, and to Dumbledore) that she would always be on the side of creation, not the side of destruction.

D!sco~'s Wife

Lavish Ladykiller

13,050 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Risky Lifestyle 100
  • Gender Swap 100
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You've Been So Brave

The Portfolios

ripples of greatness
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Total Score: 347 Eliminated Round Four

Czarina Alexandra
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Total Score: 221 Eliminated Round Two

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Total Score: 112 Eliminated Round One

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Total Score: 755 Winner Round Seven and Eight!

clockwork ballerina
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Total Score: 240 Eliminated Round Three

King Of Ninjas
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Total Score: 72 Eliminated Round One

ratt scabies
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Total Score: 759 Winner Round Two! Eliminated Round Eight THIRD PLACE

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Total Score: 687 Winner Round One, Four, and Six! Eliminated Round Seven

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Total Score: 433 Eliminated Round Five

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Total Score: 114 Disqualified Round Two

Autio Ainoa
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Total Score: 307 Eliminated Round Four

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Total Score: 255 Eliminated Round Four

Jackie Bones
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Total Score: 218 Eliminated Round Two

Sophie is a Ninja
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Total Score: 844

Carmanilla Incense
Total Score: 0 DQ'd from Round One

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Total Score: 589 Winner Round Five, but Eliminated Round Six

D!sco~'s Wife

Lavish Ladykiller

13,050 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Risky Lifestyle 100
  • Gender Swap 100
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Welcome to Hogwarts!
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Let the journey begin!

D!sco~'s Wife

Lavish Ladykiller

13,050 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Risky Lifestyle 100
  • Gender Swap 100
User Image"Letting everyone down would be my greatest unhappiness."User Image
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Dragon Storyteller

52,925 Points
  • Heart of a Dragon 500
  • Embrace of Destiny 500
  • Empyrean Scribe 0

D!sco~'s Wife

Lavish Ladykiller

13,050 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Risky Lifestyle 100
  • Gender Swap 100
User Image"Letting everyone down would be my greatest unhappiness."User Image
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Dragon Storyteller

52,925 Points
  • Heart of a Dragon 500
  • Embrace of Destiny 500
  • Empyrean Scribe 0
This is exciting! whee Has there ever been a HP themed contest in the AT before?

D!sco~'s Wife

Lavish Ladykiller

13,050 Points
  • Signature Look 250
  • Risky Lifestyle 100
  • Gender Swap 100
User Image"Letting everyone down would be my greatest unhappiness."User Image
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Oh! :hyper:

I'm not sure. lol. This was just one of the bazillion ideas I had. =D

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