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<3 </3

So who wants to join in next round?

Ooo, me! 0.44444444444444 44.4% [ 4 ]
Show me the money! 0.22222222222222 22.2% [ 2 ]
HOW DARE YOU. 0.22222222222222 22.2% [ 2 ]
I don't need your dirty bills. D< 0.11111111111111 11.1% [ 1 ]
Total Votes:[ 9 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 166 167 168 > >> >>> »|

Lucky Bloodsucker

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Everything has been updated! All contestants and judges please read the first page again to be up to speed. The first round judging will take place Saturday, after all the entries have been submitted. You may submit them earlier if you wish, however, I would wait until after the judges have determined the winner of the challenge.

Do you have what it takes to be on top? This game is based on the process of elimination by decision of a hand picked panel of judges. Each judge has their own taste and style. With all judges' opinions combined, it is determined who will be going home. It's just like ANTM where the best will be called out first and the worst (for the round) last.

This avatar contest is not just about matching colors but is a mixed competition with many twisted and interesting challenges. There are ten rounds, each lasting one week. That means eleven Gaians will compete to see who really has what it takes to be on top.

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There is no entry fee. All the prizes come out of my own pocket. =)
First Place - 100k & Judges Spot Cycle 2
Second Place - 50k
Third Place - 25k

Lucky Bloodsucker

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1. Follow ToS.
2. Obey the crazy Tyra. No really though, Lohlee's word is law in this thread.
3. Listen to the judges as they also act as mods.
4. Do not steal my banners.
5. No fighting or debating. This thread is for fun so take your quarreling else where.
6. In your first post, include the phrase "sexy forehead"
so I know you read all the rules.

7. Do not quote anything from the first page.
8. As a viewer (thread dweller) you may give your own
feedback about the competition, contestants and judges' views but I ask that you keep it fairly
sugar coated as I wouldn't want to bum anyone out. Again, this thread is supposed to be fun
and light, not serious and daunting.
9. I am free to alter/change the rules at any time.

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1. You must be active in conversation in the thread if
you want to compete. Post and let us get to know you. =)

2. With each passing round, take the criticism from the
judges seriously as we're really giving you advice as to how to improve for the next round (if you
make it) and ultimately, how to bring home the bacon!

3. You must submit your challenge entry by Wednesday and your "photoshoot" avatar by Saturday every week.
4. Obey the thread rules as well.
5. This is a tektek contest.
6. You may layer items however you wish.
7. You MAY take on a character/contestant persona as long as you clearly indicate what is IN character and what is OUT of character.
"You judges wouldn't know beautiful even if it smacked you in the face!"

((Hehe, thanks for the tips guys!))

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There are 0 spots left.

Each week, there will be a challenge and a photoshoot. The challenge is something small and
and may not necessarily have a direct connection to avatars. If you win a challenge,
you get the prize listed for the round.

The photoshoot is the larger challenge, strictly having to do with avatars.
It will be posted in it's proper section where you, the model Gaians, will refer to each week.
Yes, you tektek your entry and send it in, via PM to Tyra (Lohlee). The
judges will go over the entries and determine who's being eliminated by Friday.
If you are eliminated, don't feel too bad. There is always another cycle and you have a better chance of entering that cycle by sticking around to chat and see who wins in the end.

Lucky Bloodsucker

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User ImageTyra - Lohlee
Fun and fierce she wants to see everyone succeed but knows that in the end, there can only be
one winner. She expects the competitors to take the competition seriously as well as her
constructive criticism.

User ImageTwiggy - Ellie teh Magnificent
She is a fashion icon with her creative, matching avatars and loves to see new and bold ideas
come together. Her sweet words will encourage the competitors to strive for the top of the pack.

User ImageJay Manuel - Passionne Romantique
(Yes, I know it's a girl.)He. Has. Got. It. Goin. On. This sexy thing likes both the plain and
simple and the complex and crazy. He's hard to disappoint but not necessarily too easy to

User ImageAsuka Lei - J. Alexander
Sassy, spunky, wild fashion sense and amazing strut, this diva will be honest with you from
day one. Fabulous at it's best, she will teach you exactly what you need to win it all.

User ImageRiyo Ongaku - Janice Dickinson
She may be cruel sometimes but she knows her stuff. Fight through the urge to cry every time
she breaks you down and show her that you can really bring it by building yourself back up for
the next round.

User ImageJamais Changeant - Nigel Barker
He's been around plenty of beautiful avatars and has made some of the best Gaia has seen.
He's suave, charming and doesn't joke around.

Lucky Bloodsucker

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User Imagepoojuice
User Imageimprefectlin
User ImageShawana_Chou

Lucky Bloodsucker

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The winner is... n/a

Congrats you win.n/a

This is the smaller of the two challenges each week.
The task changes every week.
When you (the model) has your entry is ready, send it in via PM to Lohlee. I will make the

You may submit your answer/entry as soon as you see the new challenge for the week appear
here. New challenges are revealed every Monday. If your challenge entry is not
submitted by Tuesday, you will not be disqualified but will not have a chance at
winning 5k or a mystery prize. Challenge winner will be revealed on
Wednesday.Yes, you get one day to make your entry. This is a challenge.

Lucky Bloodsucker

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I just wanted to say it was so great to have everyone who participated from beginning to end and sticking with me even through my delays throughout the contest. I couldn't have asked for better judges or more entertaining contestants. ALSO, you finalists are the TOP THREE. So remember that whatever place you're in, you still beat out a TON of other people who applied and competed. So you all did amazingly well and let me tell you, this was a hard and nervous call out for all of us judges. Thank you so much for sticking around and I hope to see you guys again in any future avatar threads I may have or I'd love for you guys to come chat with me at my art shop. Miss you already! <3



(Entries go across -> )
Manip reference: Here

(Entries go vertically ^V )
Manip reference: Here
Candy reference: Here
Movie reference: Here

(Entries go across -> )
Manip reference (water goddess): Here


FIRST PLACE - Poojuice! 100k PRIZE! Here's what the judges had to say about your entries!
Lohlee's Husband (Replacement Judge)
1. Have yet to see that movie but I do like the avatar.
2. I like the avatar and how you used sprinkles for candy because ice cream isn't a candy.
3. I just really like this one. I think it matches perfectly.
4. I like it. It's very soft on my eyes.
5. I think you did an overall good job. Reminds me of a junk yard... Haha, a well matched one.
6. Even though the colors match, it doesn't flow to me.
7. You did a wonderful job on this one.
8. Spot on. ;3
9. It doesn't look very cute to me. I mean like, the face is cute but the rest isn't at all.

Passionne Romantique
First avatar, I still haven’t gotten to see this movie but I do know enough about it I believe to feel that you did really well on capturing the character (in my mind at least).
Second avatar, I really love this one! I knew it was Ice Cream right away (and not just because the ice-cream top) I really like the idea you incorporated textures for sprinkles, that was very clever!
Third avatar, very very good! It definitely does match, and looks like something that washed up on the beach (though not in a bad way…well actually if I was on the beach and that washed up I don’t think I would want to touch it D: )
Fourth avatar, wow. This is definitely one of my favorites, it’s still Rainbow but it’s not really a “BAM IM A FRIGGIN RAINBOW”, it just looks really nice and clean and flows incredibly well. I also like that you took the extra step to make a cleaning lady and the addition about rain. =D
Fifth avatar, Nice! Good use of the ores and colors. It all flows really well and I like way you went with it.
Sixth avatar, I wouldn’t think powerpuff girl the second I looked at her but once you’re told that it’s “one” of the powerpuff girls, right away you know it’s Blossom. You worked well with what you had.
Seventh avatar, wow, I wish that could be MY Halloween costume. You did really well and I liked the color scheme that was worked in =D
Eighth avatar, Something about this rubs me the wrong way, I think the light blue of the dress throws me off, I don’t think it matches as well with the reds and golds.
Ninth avatar, I liked the playfulness of this avatar coupled with the horror effects. I think you caught what you were going for =D

Ellie teh Magnificent
1]. I think you did a marvelous job with this, I knew what you were going for before I even read it.
2]. Its adorable and super yummy looking, but something about it seems off. I keep staring at it, trying to figure it out. I think its the mas amount of blue from the skirt and mass amount of pink on the head compared to the rest, but not sure that could of bee helped.
3]. Its a little plain compared to most of your entries, and I agree with whoever said it, a little bit of yellow and pale red would have made the entry perfect.
4]. Your rainbow is just lovely, and I am so glad that you took the bg off.
5]. Alright, this I didn't like. I really appreciate the interesting view, but to me it looks more like a creepy creature and a spell gone wrong.
6]. I normally love a theme that matches, but when doing that you can't let theme fall short for matching. I say this because the flames on the legs to me, seems more there for matching than theme. However it has been years since I have seen PPG, so correct me if I am wrong.
7]. I really like the original take on Halloween instead of just doing a Ghoul or the colors. I love the colors and distribution is wonderful, but I can't help but get Werewolf in Drag from it n_n;
8]. Perfection! Honestly, if this really layered I could see Loh wearing it with perhaps a few small changes. I think you did amazing.
9]. This one disappointed me a little, you have all these amazing entries and then it looks like you got burned out/bored/etc so you went for some easy item and color matching.

Riyo Ongaku
1. This did a very good job of representing Other Mother. That being said, it's a bit too top heavy, and the bottom of the avatar feels a bit unfinished compared to all the rest of the layering you have.
2. Is ice cream counted as a candy? XD
I love the color choice, but I'm not really getting "Ice cream" out of it aside from the hat. The black on the feet confuses me, and your shades are all over the place.
3. This one is really good. When compared to the picture it makes sense why it looks like that. I feel that you could have used some more green from the top on the feet, but otherwise nice.
4. I wish that this made me think "rainbow" a bit more...right now it's just pastel. The only technical complaint is it could use more mint at the feet, and the green from the Starbabies hair is really bright.
5. I see what you were going for, but I'm just not feeling it. Just...something about the whole thing rubs me the wrong way. Pretty good for the theme, just a personal preference. :3
6. The bit of the Reve headband sticking out from under the sweater on the shoulder bothers me. I'm also not liking the shoe choice, and that you didn't add any black to the head, but it definitely looks like a "Blossom" type avatar.
7. I actually really like it. I can't think of anything bad to say. The colors are really good together.
8. This does remind me of Lohlee. A lot. XD I think it's the bangs with the apron that does it, but I like it.
9. If I block out the face I really like this...the expression doesn't seem to fit this dark sort of monster like avatar.

Jamais Changeant
I had a hard time choosing my number one, but after doing a little math poojuice just barely beat out shawana. His movie, rainbow, holiday and judge entries were my favorites, probably out of everyones entries overall. His attention to detail was amazing and his thought process was intriguing. My least favorites, however, were his powerpuff and candy entries. The powerpuff looks lackluster and I don't feel like ice cream can really be considered a candy. His collection won me over due to it's cohesiveness.

1. I haven't seen this yet (but I really want to.) So I googled her and she is sexily scary (imho.) So, I think you did a good job but just maybe, the avatar is a bit messy.
2. To me, ice cream is not a candy. However, sprinkles are made of candy or can be candy so I'll give you that. Other than that, the colors match and I want to eat it.
3. Your avatar reminds me of an eerie PotC, which I like. I'm not sure if it matches the manip or if I like that manip you picked at all but it is creepy/gorey and it pleases me. ;3
4. LOVE this cleaning lady. I addooore the pastel rainbows in this avi. My favorite of the rainbow ones. Well done!
5. This one, I would've liked if not for that fire. I get your theme but I just think the fire throws it off. D:
6. Honestly, I don't think anyone did well with the Powerpuff Girls so don't feel too bad but I just don't like it. I get the book bag and the colors work but it jsut doesn't look like PPG to me. D:
7. I actually like that you didn't use the traditional colors but it was a risk. I see the 80's in the bright aqua but the purple seems ugly with this combo. Maybe orange at least would've made it more Halloweeny despite the other odd color.
8. Yes! Awesome. Just like me. xD Just kidding but I do love this avi and would totally rock it besides the white around the eyes. I would've used glassesor contacts instead. And I never use those ugly eyes. o_o
9. I was disappointed with this. I hate the colors. D: I think the face looks sloppy (the black is too dark and looks pasted on there.) I love gray but you didn't really follow through. You should have gone with either black or gray instead or trying to blur the line between. D:

SECOND PLACE - Imprefectlin! 50k PRIZE Here's what the judges had to say about your entries!
Lohlee's Husband (Replacement Judge)
1. I think it's perfect. Definitely reminds me of watermelons and candy without even telling me what it's based on.
2. I think it's good but the torso is too solid or the head and feet are too soft.
3. It doesn't match as well as it could and it just doesn't look like bubbles at all to me.
4. I think you could've gone less purple and just a tad more gold.
5. You did a pretty good job but the torso is thrown off by that bit of black.
6. Not bad but it it's plain. Just not enough complexity or color.
7. Looks like Halloween is a pretty common holiday to choose but you did a good job on the overall avatar. It says Halloween to me.
8. I don't know Jam very well but judging her past avatars, colors match well but it's too "cute" compared to her taste.
9. I really like hte free for all. I like how it immediately cuts off as half and half but I'm usually not fond of cake layering.

Passionne Romantique
First, that is like one of my all time favorite candies, haha. I really think you represented the candy well through the avatar especially adding all the little aftereffects of “sugar”.
Second, very cute, I don’t think it blends very well but it definitely is a rainbow!
Third, everything’s great, the only thing I think it can afford to lose is the black bow, other than that, very good job.
Fourth, Very nice! You got the colors of the manipulation really well and I liked the layering you chose.
Fifth, Ohh, I really like this one. I think you represented Metallic very well, and the choice of items is really great!
Sixth, This one is a biit bland to me but it gets what you were going for, which was the goal.
Seventh, This one jumped out right away as a Halloween avatar, very good job!
Eigth, Nice! I think Jam would definitely go for those colors and you pulled it together very nicely.
Ninth, I think you were going for half dark and half light? Hopefully, if so great job! I think that even though it almost seems like is should be two different avatars it comes together very nicely.

Ellie teh Magnificent
1]. A few of the colors are noticeably off, and the hands needed some green, but after seeing the ref pic... it looks good.
2]. I really don't like the hair, mostly because of the little brown scalp strip thing. However its a nice rainbow, but it didn't wow me.
3]. I personally just don't like it, mostly its the dress layering and the weird blue things on her head. I know you put it on to match her "Bubbles"ness, but I hate the Gogh Reed. I would have liked it so much better without the Gogh Reed and the weird blue things on her head.
4]. Overall, I like it. Some of the color distribution is off, but all in all it matches the photo well.
5]. I think your metallic avatar was the best out of the three, I see nothing wrong with it.
6]. I love that movie and I can understand what you were going for, but to be honest I just don't like it. It think its the shoes, and the color scheme seems to be missing something to give it some oomph.
7]. Halloween, my most favorite Holiday. I like the addition of red, but I don't like the shape of the hair or the flame thats coming from the hat.
8]. I will be honest, I know Loh's avatars ten times more than Jammy's. However to me (and I could be wrong), it dosen't look like Jam to me. The colors are nice, but with all the layers it seems really bulky.
9]. Love, love, love. Honestly I just adore it, especially the bottom half.

Riyo Ongaku
1. I love Sour Patch Watermelons, and this is pretty good for the avatar representation. You even managed to make parts of it look coated in sugar. -w- My only complaint are those eyes...they stick out so much.
2. I love it. The fact that you used different shades works wonderfully for this avatar.
3. I don't care how we're making her, Bubbles should always have pigtails. >.<
The black here feels really choppy, and throws the whole thing off for me.
4. I think that the purple should have taken a bit of a backseat on this. In the image there's only a little, but here it's overpowering everything else.
5. I adore this. It definitely feels metallic.
6. This feels like it's come straight out of Treasure planet, and the avatar is really good.
7. This is my favorite of all your entries. There are so many items that I find ugly here that all just flow, and that always truly impresses me.
8. This does remind me a bit of Jam. And I like the colors used, but would like to see a bit more of the brown.
9. I love halfatars. REally, I do. I love the fact that this is dark and scary vs light and froofy.

Jamais Changeant
Following close behind the others I have to place imprefectlin as my number three. While all of her entries were decent, none of them stood out as much as the others. Her best are the photo manip and the free for all. The rest, however, didn't seem as well thought out. I was honored to have someone choose me as their judges choice and she knew a lot about me. Unfortunately, that entry, along with a few others, didn't look finished.

1. Love. Love. Love this one. Everytime I look at it, I crave that candy so bad and I'm not usually a fan of sourpatch. This avi is cute and it looks like she's eating some and it's too sour for her adorable little self. The colos are yummy and matchy. This is my favorite out of the candy ones.
2. Love it! I like that you used the light colors but I feel that the purple at the feet let the rest of the avatar down. A tad darker purple would've made it perfect.
3. The beehive is obnoxious for some reason in my eyes... I love the eyes, those are perfect but the rest make her look like a retro house wife. D:
4. I think you did an overall good job but you overdosed on the purple compared to how little there was actually in the manip.
5. Love this one! Only problem is the bit of black on the torso. D:
6. I think you captured the movie well but avatar wise, you could've added some more layers to make it... not so simple.
7. It definitely says Halloween to me. I like the white you added. :3 I don't really have a problem with it because it doesn't look like every other Halloween avi I've seen.
8. Colors are Jamais, style is close but it's too happy me thinks.
9. I love the layering and I love cake layer avatars. Love purple as well so you can imagine, I'm pretty happy with what I see.

THIRD PLACE - Shawana_Chou! 25k PRIZE! Here's what the judges had to say about your entries!
Lohlee's Husband (Replacement Judge)
1. The outfit definitely reminds me of Ellie, just missing the few key components. (Tan skin, mole, elf ears.)
2. I like the idea but it doesn't seem dark enough (like literally dark, not theme.)
3. It's too rich in color for me. I mean it matches, it just doesn't blend well.
4. I like that you didn't choose Halloween but it doesn't scream "Christmas" to me.
5. I think this is the best out of all three Powerpuff Girl avies.
6. Silver and platinum are too close for me to see a difference on the avatar. So it looks sort of plain.
7. This avatar looks more gold than yellow to me.
8. I think you did a very good job on the avatar (lord stranded) but it doesn't shout PotC to me.
9. I love the free for all. It flows incredibly well.

Passionne Romantique
First, I think you did a really good job portraying Ellie, and I loved the layering/items and colors you went for.
Second, Wow! I really like the way your avatar came out as compared to the photo manipulation piece. You did well incorporating the sparkles and the likes. Really nice.
Third, That is definitely an extreme rainbow, I like it! I think you layered and merged the colors really naturally together and got an end result of a nice avatar.
Fourth, Very cute! I love Christmas myself and I think you grabbed the spirit well in this avatar, along with the colors. I actually liked how you added the yellow to it, it made the green/red combo most would over do, well…over done. Haha, very good!
Fifth, I like the direction you went with Buttercup! I think you caught her well, and I enjoyed that you added a bit of the “dark” bit to it.
Sixth, Ohhh very, very lovely! I like the way the colors came together and I really think you layered this one well, I love the colors and its neat to see silver and platinum put together in such a way in an avatar.
Seventh, I knew what candy this would be as soon as I looked at it! I love the facial expression you put on the avatar as well as how you layered all the different yellow items and kept them flowing together well enough to give what you were trying to give.
Eighth, Mmm, Pirates of the Caribbean, one of my favorite movies. Very nice, I like the way you went with it and how you took it. I enjoy this avatar.
Nine, I don’t get what you were attempting with this avatar but I really like it. It really grabs my attention and I liked the colors and layering you went for.

Ellie teh Magnificent
First off I wanna say this was really hard and it made me really sad to put you as third.
1]. Now, I know I am not popular around the AT, and you most likely didn't see me very much. However, the fact that's its missing the items I always use, bothers me a lot. Especially the lack of my tan skin, I have had it since I joined back in 05 on my original account and never got rid of it, except for about 30 secs during the Vampire Halloween. I know I had at least three avatars during this whole contest, and I don't wanna seem conceded and be like "you should have noticed me", but we talked a few times so I would have thought you would have noticed my "trademark items". The color scheme is also waaay too plain for me, but I am guessing thats something you wouldn't know unless you knew me.
All in all its a good avatar, but besides the hair, urn and long drag I don't see me at all.
2]. Pretty funny how everyone went for Eyes as their maniups. The colors are pretty, and I think it matches your choice well but it seems a little on the plain side.
3]. Distribution is really off, especially in the chest/torso and feet areas. Its nice, and I like the superhero feel I get from it, but the distribution is really noticeable.
4]. Its not bad, but there is tan and grey on the head, and a little bit of white on the hands and neck but no where else.
5]. I could see an older Buttercup wearing this, except the frog and lacey headband. Like I said with Poo, theme and matching is good, but don't let theme suffer for matching.
6]. I love the colors, but the layering is so plain, and there is no real blue down at the feet.
7]. To be honest, to me it just looks like a a lot of yellow items, no real try at shade matching. Shape is good, and I like the lips, kinda looks like a pucker face.
8]. It has a little POTC feel to it, but iunno... the cane makes no sense to me and a few of the shades are off.
9]. Perfection! I love how everyone had at least one perfect entry. I don't have much to say about this, the layering is plain but you don't notice it. I love the tiny bits of the deep gold all through it.

Riyo Ongaku
1. I can see Ellie in this, and the yellow you chose is really nice. I think the only thing that needed tweaking was the feet, as they're pretty bland.
2. This one is my favorite of the photo manip entries. You captured the style of the image wonderfully.
3. This is how I expected the rainbow entries to be. I think you managed to make a ranbow avatar in a different way and still managed to make me think about the rainbow.
4. There are a few items that arent the right shade for everything else here, and I'm not really liking the facial expression.
5. Buttercup would be a Dark Lordess. Whatever is that little green bit popping out of the boots is wonderful, but I can't say I like much else. All the shades are a bit wonky, and I don't particularly like the white.
6. I like the way this avatar looks. I'm a bit turned off by the use of the prom crown and the prom collar, and the shoes wouldn't be my first choice, but the colors chosen are really nice.
7. You did rather well with balancing the different yellow shades, and the facial expression looks like she just had a lemon head. -w- It's wonderful.
8. This reminds me of when Jack was gonna get eaten by the villagers on that island. Aside from brown shades being nuts, this looks really good.
9. You did wonderfully with the free for all. It's got surprisingly little on the body, but it all flows perfectly.

Jamais Changeant
Like I said, pooj just barely beat out Shaw in my books. I love her photo manip, her candy, her powerpuff and her metallic entries. Her holiday and judge entries were also very high in my books. I wasn't as impressed by her rainbow or movie avis (especially when compared to the others) and while her free-for all was intriguing, I didn't think it was as daring as the others. There are little nitpicks I can make about them all, but as a whole collection I give Shaw a thumbs up.

1. I like the avatar itself and think it's very pretty. However, that being said, besides the hair, it doesn't much look like Ellie. Where's the mole, tan skin and elf ears? I don't think I've seen any one of her personal avies without those key ingredients.
2. I like how she's like, not fully there and sort of looks like she'd made of water but that image is darker than the theme of your avi. Bolder blues would've done this avi well.
3. I don't like the colors you chose and it doesn't flow like a rainbow does.
4. When I see your avi, I think of the ghosts of Christmas past. I like it and I love that you worked around the headpiece which is lovely.
5. Again, I didn't really like any of the PPG avies. Your greens don't match and the scarf thing is unnecessary. D:
6. I really like your metals but it hardly has any contrast. Maybe you could've gone with bronze or brass to add some interesting contrast.
7. I see lemon head but it was a risk going with just one color. If you go just one colors, best get those shades right (that's why I never attempt them xD) and well, the bottom half of the avatar doesn't really flow with the top half.
8. I love it! I see pirates in this and I would totally rescue him right onto my ship if you know what I mean. ;D
9. I was disappointed with your free for all. D: I was expecting more, I think. I don't like how messy it looks with hardly any real structure.

Lucky Bloodsucker

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Anyone who cares to stay, chat and watch the competition progress, goes here. Also, I draw head shots so if you stick around, you'll probably get one.
User ImageThe Insignificant Lolipop

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Those that have ticked me off and those that have done something incredibly awesome for me or the mods.


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We're only on cycle one but there will be plenty more to come.

Lucky Bloodsucker

Lucky Bloodsucker

Lucky Bloodsucker

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