Welcome to Gaia! ::

Should I start drawing Chibis/SDs/Cartoon(shorter and stubier) for 2/3k as well as what I do?

Yes 0.8 80.0% [ 24 ]
No 0.2 20.0% [ 6 ]
Total Votes:[ 30 ]
This poll closed on October 21, 2006.
No longer accepting new votes.
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 63 64 65 > >>

Newbie Hunter

2,100 Points
  • Full closet 200
  • Conversationalist 100
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Welcome to Forbidden Shadow's art shop. I do sketches, inks, and colours now.

I'm also thinking of opening up request slots for chibis/sds/cartoonish styled work if enough people want it.

Newbie Hunter

2,100 Points
  • Full closet 200
  • Conversationalist 100
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Wednesday, April 10, 2007

There's a bit of a situation right now...I'm not gonna re-type everything so I'll just quote what I stated in my DA journal and in a guild I'm in.

*In TEARS at this point* I pointed out to my dad that my site had been down for a bit and I assumed he justed needed to pay the yearly payment..

But he got upset with me that I didnt point it out sooner and said how it shouldnt have expired yet because we paid less than a year ago.

So then he worries the sites been taken and I said "well then that's what we'd be directed to" and he checks and sees it's registered by some name scouting site that just...saw my domain name free and took it! D:

But the site wasn't FREE for the taking! It's SUPPOSE to be up and their data shows they registered our name only a few days ago, around the time it started not working. DX MY SITES BEEN FREAKING STOLEN!

And so now I dont know what to do. Dad will talk to his work friend who got it for us in the first place but Im worried I wont get it back. I have all the files and EVERYTHING..just not the name.

It just...it feels like my identity's been stolen.

EDIT: So it seems these guys are charging $25 US for the domain they stole from me D: (I say stole because they didnt even give me a chance to check why it was expired and get the site up again...their data shows the date they took it which seems like the day it went down DX). We MIGHT have to buy it back but we're worried they are going to claim the name as theirs forever and decide we have to pay them every year for it.

I'm not paying these theiving assholes for a site I owned FIRST and they got only cause I wasn't watching the site ********]

As you can see, because of this my shop will have to be down. None of my samples or banners are viewable and I can't show my customers their finished products(if I even get to that point anymore). I don't post any comissions other than colours on DA and that's after the trade is final. So I have no way of showing previews or sketches or inks. I think right now I'll just close the shop up till I do something about this site problem.

Wednesday, March 26, 2007

Sorry guys but I've closed up the colour slots from now on. The requests taking up the colour slots and any requests that had followed before now are the only ones left for awhile. I might open up chibi requests if I get a good style put together for them(doesn't draw chibis often) but for now I'd rather stick to sketches and maybe inks.

I just hadn't found the time to do ANYTHING lately. My second job just finished because hockey season is over but I still work 5 days a week and only this week did I get a bunch of days off and art is not my first priority. My first priority is cleaning my office and room D: Then I'll try and get those stupid colour requests done.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Bah D: I'm so sorry guys, I've been so lazy since Mexico(well...kinda before that too.) I realize I have alot of art requests to catch up on. I kinda slacked after finishing Kage's sketch part of her colour requests because she donated to me before I stated I'd do it so it wasn't something that NEEDED to be done but I agreed to do it. X_X;; I have the sketch done though so I should be getting on that first. C_C;; Course if you make a sketch request, I'll probibly finish it quickly since it only takes one stage and I seriously need to practice drawing again @_@;;

So sorry to those who have patiently waited. But remember you don't have to continue with requesting the image XD I never take money for an art request unless I'm fully getting into the work for it(unless there are technical problems with the computer and I never get the chance to work on it)

I'm suprised people are still requesting for art(mainly over PMs) O_O;;

Thursday, Febuary 1, 2007

Tis the month of luurrrv -3- And I am working like craaazah. But I shall try and colour the colour request(GAWD! I have THREE D: ). I might go straight to sketch requests inbetween though. Remember that I do that as breaks :3

I'm totally going to MEXICO on the 15th till the 24th D: I shall not be here to see what the donation items are so I might need to buy them ahead of time. GAH!

Monday, January 18, 2007

I've decided to start on art requests again. First I have to finish previous requests though. Sorry I haven't done much but the computer is still wacko in ways, like the screen blinks black every few seconds when I work on a picture of play a game(REALLY annoys me and makes me almost throw my mouse or tablet across the room). Also I work 6 days a week(10 days in a row right now...) so I only get one day off and my first thought of what to do isnt art. More like sleep.

BUT...I will TRY! Currently I'm working on Kage's avatar then I'll do the sketch request still in slots, which is easy because I dont have to use the computer this time D:. Then Rosencoff and then a new request that was asked for over PMs.

People can start requesting again if they want.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

It's been over a month since I worked on Comissions and I shake my head at myself. I never got Tiltedhalo's picture done because I got stuck on the feet and had to redraw them several times. I hate those boots D:

The computer was dying almost all the time so it was hard to do ANY art and I've lost the urge to draw. Not only that but work has taken all time that I have. I work two jobs so I work almost every day.

BUT...my computer has been fixed FINALLY and I felt like attempting Tilted's artwork again. I have successfully drawn the boots! :3 At least...they are good enough C_C;; And now I can finish colouring. I feel so bad for having a month pass before finishing this though.

Monday, October 30, 2006

I have TiltedHalos inking done but my computer has been restarting and corrupting the file so many times that it's hard to finish.

Add that to I JUST got a break from work(luckily I have no shifts this week as far as I know excluding this weekend) so I have time to work on it. I just hope my computer gives me at least an hour to get things done without failing.

On an additional note, I'm currently planning Halloween stuff for tomorrow's party at my friends so today is not one of my days off really. I have many errands, cupcakes to bake, and a costume to finish sewing. I'm going as a sexy nurse if you're curious.

Also, incase anyone feels like it, I'm in the Avatar and House arena right now. Please vote and comment.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Finally got some time to do the sketch step for TiltedHalo's request.

Sorry I have only ever had one day off in the past three weeks D: I was going to get four off this week but they took away one without warning, a second because a shift was moved, and then day it was moved from plus the other day off were taken up by my first job. WHY CANT THEY GIVE ME A BREAK?!

Life just kinda sucks right now with free time. I don't get much time between shifts. Just enough to check up on things on the internet, sleep, and then get ready for the next shift. Any other free time I had, I usually make errands or see my boyfriend for the little time I have. It's really hard to see him and it's kinda painful.

So I'm sorry if I can't get requests out very fast.

Wednesday, October 03, 2006

Ok so I finished EvilxBunnies OC character request. Just as a note to others, I only did it because she paid 5k extra. Very generous :3 it persuaded me.

It seems I only usually have two days off for my second job but it's likely sometimes the first job will take up those days. So I can only work on these requests when I dont have 8 hour shifts. I don't seem to start 8 hour shifts until Friday. It seems I don't have many requests left in my slots though. My little business here is dieing D: Oh well. I'll just keep those slots open. Better to have little business rather than tons in this situation. XD

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

My computer is all backed up and hooked up again so I can continue on art requests. I'm really depressed about the latest news on the robbery though so I don't have much will to work on things. I'll try though.

Also I am officially working at Safeways now. I only find out about the next week schedules. I still work at the Hockey Arena I'm at so I now have two jobs. It upsets me GREATLY that my weekends will now be taken up by this and that I can not see my boyfriend except for maybe a few hours on weekends after or before work. We will try and work things out but I'm so upset by it...

Anyways I'm gonna be more busy but I'm gonna try and draw some Chibi/Cartoon/SDs for the next poll where I ask again weither people would buy them.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

I'd just like to warn everyone that I have a break from working on any art requests for a few days because we got robbed AGAIN (last time was less than a month ago on August 30th) and my moms laptop was stolen, my bag holding my notebook, diary, birth control pills were taken, and our spare car keys (both mom and dads). So while we need to raise security, I had my dad take my computer to work until he backs it up.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

So I got the job at Safeways yesterday. I have NO idea how much they're paying and what my hours/days are expected to be. Sadly I'll probibly be working weekends which is my only non lonely days (I'm gonna be even more depressed because of this). I don't know how much more busy I will be but I'll put the information here when I know and put the update in the title of the shop.

On another note...I'm thinking of attempting to do Chibi/chibish/more cartoonish type art request for 2000gold or 3000gold. I'm not sure if I should or not though. I don't usually draw cartoonish characters so it might not be that great. If I don't feel too confident in the work then I'll probibly have it at 2000gold until I feel it becomes accepted enough to rise the price.

This doesn't mean I want people to critisizing my work so that the price stays down. I will report that to the mods if it seems that's what your trying to do. (This means dont flame me about how much it sucks and how no one will ever buy them and that I should give up and how everything looks weird)

I WILL however accept helpful critism that suggest how to make my characters more attractive for future customers. That doesn't mean I'll take the advice though because it might go against my style. (This means I'd like suggesting for the anatomy since I don't know how to do that type for certain Chibis/cartoons or suggestions for the details and weither it should be made a bit simpler or not.)

I think I'll put up a poll for this.

Monday, September 18, 2006

It's amazing I've been so busy these days but I finally got an interview for a job. After trying at nearly 20 places to get a second job(cause the first one I have is too part time to be the only job I can have) before trying Safeways and getting a call about doing weekends. Now I originally didnt want to do weekends cause I mainly wanted this second job to distract me from the reality of how LONELY I am at home during the weekdays because everyone I know is too busy and cant see me. So taking me weekends, which is the only time i can see my boyfriend and anyone else, made me sad.

But I need to take what I can get for money(which I dont have much of) so I called back after discussing it with my dad(who just found out about my depression and feelings of loneliness) and he said that I need to take what chances I have.

So I did. And I have the interview this tuesday.

But I've also been busy other than that. I have started working at my first job again because it's at a hockey arena and hockey just started again. I had to shop for new boots for work and have been using my days looking for furniture that I need to replace. So far I've found something to replace my old bookshelf that I dont need. I still need a new dresser.

I got Rikotsu_sama's request done which goes on to the sketch requests and the one OC I agreed to do because it was paid extra for. Normally I don't do OC's though. But this is a fairly simple one so it shouldn't take too long.

But I'm busy today as well so I just wanted to update the shop news. I'm just going down to the bank to replace my bank card which I had to close access to when my wallet got stolen(as well as my bike, digital camera, my moms mp3 player, and my dads $500 dollar watch). I also have to stop by the RCMP to see if my wallet was dropped off there(a tourist found it and left a message that she would do so but I checked that day and it wasn't there...havent checked for over a week or two so if it's not there then it will never be there). And I might stop by Safeways to pick up some things if I can succesfully get my bankcard.

So when I get home I'll work on Byoux_Katou's request picture which is a sketch so it wont take longer than a few hours(if I have to redraw it after..which I usually do.)

Monday, August 28, 2006

Finished Mirumoto_Tsubasa's request and I just noticed I didn't do Razaera's previous request quite right. The two characters are suppose to be facing each other enough to be able to look like they are about to kiss. But the kissing motion is what I forgot to do. Thinking back on it now, I probibly couldn't have done it with the pose requested anyways..But still. I feel as though I failed ;_;

ANYWHO....I'll be busy tomorrow and wednesday. I have a friend stopping by to sign my yearbook which I got at the end of the school year because I lost my original one and have been hassling around to get everyone I know to sign it because I graduated so this is the last chance. And then another friend might come over to work on some artwork that has to do with our manga series/online comic.

I am also NOT going to be able to check up on the thread this weekend because I wont be near a computer. I'll be at the PNE in vancouver. So any requests made during that time wont be responded to until monday or maybe sunday.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Ok so I finished Razaera's request FINALLY. @_@;; I will be starting on Mirumoto_Tsubasa's next.

And just a note...I start work again on September 5th although I don't work more than two days that month for hockey(I work in a hockey arena) and who knows what other events will be there but either way it shouldn't affect my time TOO much but I have to start focusing on my essay for college and driving lessons(yes I dont have my L because I'm lazy and I don't really want to drive a car. But I DO want a vespa and I need some picture ID at some point so I have no choice)

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

What is WRONG with this thing? UGH! @#$%! Finishing the lineart took FOREVER! I seriously hate drawing males...especially SITTING. And feet! GAWD THE FEET!
Ok whatever..I'm going to colour it now...HOPEFULLY I'll have it finished tomorrow >.< If not....uh...well...let's not think about that.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I have my site up and I finally got some of the anatomy to workon Razaera's request(after it was being a b***h for so long) and will most deffinetly have it coloured tomorrow(I thought it would be coloured today but Im home alone so I had to take care of the house and didnt have much time to finish the inking)

Friday, August 10, 2006:

I'm being a bit slow on Razaera's request because when I started inking, I had to basically redraw the picture COMPLETELY because I hated how the anatomy came out.

I'm also a bit busy because I'm working with my website and FINALLY updating the layout X_X;; Since I'm changing the way you navigate through the art, it will take awhile to update the art sections since every picture now has it's own page with the full image and a description.

Friday, August 04, 2006:

Added something after the big red section of the 'Art' post where it says a different way of paying.

Also added two parts in the form to fill called "Structure" and "Cost" where you tell me specific you want for body build and structure and where you tell me what you think the cost is in the end for your request.

Also, if you didn't notice, there are THREE slots instead of TWO for colours(although they are full right now) and FOUR slots instead of THREE for inks.

Inks and Sketches are completely open right now.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006:

Oh wow...colour slots filled up and I had to open up a new slot because two people requested right after each other.

But if you want to request a colour slot still, just post a request and I will put you in the next open slot. OR, incase I suddenly don't do colour slots for a bit, you can request an ink/sketch and just request that if colour slots become open for it, that your request be put up to colour as well. This way if I stop doing colour request before you get through the slot, you will at least get an ink picture and can expect to get it coloured later(as long as you have the rest of the payment for it)

Tuesday, August 01, 2006:

I just opened the ink and colour slots. If you have already bought a sketch picture you can have it inked for 3000gold more. If you want it coloured as well then it will be an additional 2000gold.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006:

I will be opening my colour/ink slots soon. I'm not exactly sure when but I know it wont be until after I finished colouring this.

Just let it be known that those who have bought sketches will have a discount on their ink/colour drawings. The price of a normal ink/colour drawing with have the price of the sketch drawing taken off.

For example: The ink requests are 7000gold, which means if I take off the price for sketch, 5000gold, it will only be 2000gold for the simple inking work and no picture.

This gets rid of worry about buying a sketch and then suddenly colours are released. They DON'T have to buy a whole new drawing unless they want to. But the new drawing will cost regular price since I'll be sketching again X_X;;

Friday, July 21, 2006:

I wont be around this weekend(I'm usually not) so if you request something while I'm away, please don't expect a reply till monday or tuesday. I'll get to your request as soon as I can.

Monday, July 17, 2006:

I just opened the shop and will only be doing sketch work for now. Prices might change and availability will improve but for now this is what I have.

I basically needed the money for the donation items but I need THREE of them so this was the easiest way to collect quickly.

If I do well I will start inking right away but colouring might not be done too soon yet.

Newbie Hunter

2,100 Points
  • Full closet 200
  • Conversationalist 100
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I want to keep things organize and safe for my own artistic benifit (don't want to be cheated out of my art) so I've laid down some rules and steps.


-Do not constantly ask me when I will finish your request. If I am taking awhile, it might mean I'm busy.
+Currently this IS a problem because I have two jobs and work 6 days a week so I dont have much time at all D:
- Do NOT make sudden changes in your request plans. I do expect you to have money ready to pay when I finish and I don't expect to start drawing something different half way through your picture. When you decide what you want I will wait a few hours incase you change your mind. If you happen to ask me a bit into my drawing I should be able to change plans but if I am half way I will NOT restart for you.
-Do not flame anyone in the forums. If someone is being rude just ignore them or report them to a mod.
+(best to report them)
-Please don't question my prices or ask them to be lowered. If you dont want to pay that much then just don't request. My prices might go lower or higher depending on how I'm doing but other than by my own choice, they will not change.


1. Make sure there are open slots in the "Request Slots" section.
+Even if the slots are full, you can still post your request just for when the slots DO open. Just don't expect to get in the slots right away. If it's a colour slot you want, I might close them after finishing what is there.
+If you really want a colour/ink picture but can make do with an ink/sketch picture for now, post a request for one and just inform me that you'd like to request colour later. This way I can finish it as a sketch/ink and then put it in a colour slot if it opens up.

2. Please fill out the form in the "Request Slots" section.
+If you wish to recieve a slot quickly it's best to do this weither or not there are empty slots. I will fill the slots with first come first serve unless I see a problem in your request.
+If there is a problem with your request you will be put on hold till we fix it and when it is fixed you will be put in the next open slot.

3. When your request is taken and your name is put into an open slot, please wait while I finish all requests before you.
+When I am finished any requests before you, I will message you to say that in a few hours I will work on your request. This gives you a chance to rethink your request incase something is wrong or you realize you don't want it anymore.
+I will message you a few hours later to tell you when I have started your request. This makes you fully responsible for payment of the finished drawing. You cannot back down but you may be able to ask for changes if I am not too far in the drawing.
+When your request has started I ask that you start a trade of payment which I will accept at half way. Do not accept again till I am done.

4. When I am done I will inform you to accept the trade.
+If you need reassurance that the image is done before accepting the final trade, I will show you a partially blurred/cut/blacked out picture to make sure you cannot steal it without payment. When you have seen this you must accept the final trade, then I will accept and I will give you your picture.
+Please don't question why I have to have the money before giving you your art. I know it might upset you that I don't trust my customers enough but I do know that several artists have problems with people running off with their art and not paying or just deciding to back out from paying at anytime weither they get the picture or not. I put time and effort into my art, please don't treat that as nothing. You're not just buying the picture but you're buying my time and effort as well.

Newbie Hunter

2,100 Points
  • Full closet 200
  • Conversationalist 100
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Here are my samples of art as well as their prices. I will only draw Gaia avatars. If you want something that isn't related to Gaia you would have to pay me with real money and right now I have no way of recieving it. So for now it's just Gaia work.

I have just recently opened the ink and colour slots but because it takes so long to do them, you can't expect me to finish them with as much enthusiasm as I would with the sketches. The prices might also be a bit much. I will keep them somewhat reasonable for now but if I find I'm spending more time on these than expected then I might raise the price.


Sketches, because they are full body drawings, are currently 5000gold. If you don't like the price do not complain and just don't buy anything.

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Links to above samples:

First Sample
Second Sample
Third Sample


Inks, because they are full body drawings and take a LONG time to do(with 300 resolution being done), are 8000gold. If you don't like the price do not complain and just don't buy anything. I might even have to raise the price if I find it's taking way too long to do these and takes up alot of my time.

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Links to above samples:

First Sample
Second Sample
Third Sample


Colours, because they are full body drawings and take a LONG time to do(with 300 resolution being done), are 10,000 gold. If you don't like the price do not complain and just don't buy anything. I might even have to raise the price if I find it's taking way too long to do these and takes up alot of my time.

The type of colouring I will do will most likely be flat colouring(with no shading or lighting) because it is easier and makes the image more likely to be clean. If you really want a cg/cel shaded picture then you'd have to pay 2000gold extra because it's not very easy.

NOTE: I DON'T draw backgrounds. Sorry. Not only am I not very good at backgrounds but it takes alot of time and would cost alot extra. HOWEVER, if you want a certain photo used for a background then I can put it in and even try and fit the characters to it. This means that if the photo has a place for the person to sit specifically, as in a chair or step, then I will attempt to place them there. I need the background photo before I start the sketch picture if you want it to fit properly.

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Links to above samples:

First Sample
Second Sample
Third Sample

NOTE:If you have bought a sketch picture and want it to be inked and/or coloured or have bought an ink picture and want it to be coloured, the prices are as followed-

Previously bought a sketch and want it inked...
Regular ink picture=8000gold. Minus the price for the sketch you already recieved=5000gold and you will have to pay 3000gold for the inking alone.

Previously bought sketch and want it both inked and coloured...
Regular colour picture=10,000gold. Minus the price for the sketch you already recieved=5000gold and you will have to pay 5000gold for the inking and colouring together.

Previously bought inked picture and want it coloured...
Regular colour picture=10,000gold. Minus the price for the inked picture you already recieved=8000gold and you will have to pay 2000gold for the colouring alone.

This way of paying also works for those who don't have enough money for their colour/ink picture. If you have the money for the sketch I will do that part, recieve the money, and give you the sketch for now. Then I will stop and not work on the inking until I KNOW you have the inking part money. So when you start a trade with another 3k(or 6k if there is another character) I will start on it and when I finish it I will show you the ink picture and accept the trade. I will also not continue to colouring until you send me the last 2k(or 4k if doubled).

Finished Requests

Here are requests that I have finished.


Sheol Kitten


EvilxBunnies (Paid extra for OC character)
Ms. Tilty


EvilxBunnies (Paid extra for OC character)
Ms. Tilty

Newbie Hunter

2,100 Points
  • Full closet 200
  • Conversationalist 100
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Here is where I keep status of the people I am working on. I ask that if you wish to buy a request then fill out the form below and post it in the thread.

Sketch Slots:

Ink Slots

Colour Slots
kage-ookami4(already paid. PM for request. Is after tilt)
Rosencoff(See page 60 for request)
TripleChocolateCookie (through PMs, after Rosencoff)


Chibi Slots

Form to Fill out

Sketch, Ink, or Colour: I'd like to know which one you are buying.
Gaian Avatar name: Whoever the picture is of. This doesn't need to be yourself. It can be a mule or your dreamavata or a friend.
Avatar image: Either link me to the person's avatar or screenshot it and give me a picture. I'd like you to screenshot it at tektek so I can see every item used for the avatar or screenshot at their profile where I can see all items. This is to make sure I get things right when drawing it. I cannot draw your request if you do not give me this. (If you just give me the link then I can screenshot it myself. Anything on tektek needs to be screenshoted yourselve.
Structure: This is a newly added option to fill out, especially for females. Because I have different ways of drawing the female body, though usually its with wide hips(female) and slim bodies(male), I think if you have a particular way the body is built, tell me. Tell me if you want the arms of your male avatar somewhat bulk or skinny(I can't do very bulk though) or if you want a more squarish chin or a pointy chin. And for your female avatars, tell me if you want an hourglass body with big breasts and big hips or medium sized breasts and normal hips or do you want a skinny delicate figure? This part of the form is for those with very specific wants for their bodies.
Pose/Personality/Specific Expression: I need this to make the picture more personal. If there is something not included in Gaia that you want on your character, let me know. But if it is too much change to the gaia avatar I wont do it because it will seem OC and I am doing GAIA avatars. Not OC.
Other characters?: If you ask for another character in your picture I WILL charge you double. I only put this here incase you want two people but it counts as two requests. This option lets you have two request but they WILL be in the same picture. Otherwise I will not draw them both.
Cost: I'd like you to tell me what you think the cost is. I do this to make sure you have read over what the payment is. If you don't know where it is, it is above each section of art samples, bolded in red. When you figure out how it works, please put the price in here. I'd REALLY like to have this one filled because I don't want to deal with saying "request accepted" and when I get to yours, find out you didn't know the price and don't want to buy anymore. It takes up time and slots that other people could have had.

Newbie Hunter

2,100 Points
  • Full closet 200
  • Conversationalist 100
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Links are here to advertise other peoples shops, comics, guilds, and anything I have traded links for. They can be from either people I know or just random people willing to advertise my shop in exchange for me advertising theirs.


User Image

Lynseed's Art Shop

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Dragonsbld's comic

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The Gaia Trade

User Image

Miroki-chan's Art Shop



Newbie Hunter

2,100 Points
  • Full closet 200
  • Conversationalist 100
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This Thread is now open!
Good luck <3

Newbie Hunter

2,100 Points
  • Full closet 200
  • Conversationalist 100
Thankyou X3
Hehehe sorry i cant stay and bump, im gonna go to bed, i like your art by the way ;3

Newbie Hunter

2,100 Points
  • Full closet 200
  • Conversationalist 100
It's ok. Bumping isn't welcomed much by me on this thread. It makes the thread look ugly X_X;; I'd rather people talk to each other.

9,100 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Tooth Fairy 100
I bump in my thread. xd

Oh, well. I bump 'cause it's some thing to do while waiting for people.

Newbie Hunter

2,100 Points
  • Full closet 200
  • Conversationalist 100
*shifty eyes* Well...ok then. I'll bump till I start getting people..or...a person.


9,100 Points
  • Invisibility 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Tooth Fairy 100
Woot, bumping.

What was it back in the day... Oh, yeah.


Newbie Hunter

2,100 Points
  • Full closet 200
  • Conversationalist 100
Huh? What about Moist?


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