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User Image


This is the double request thread between Petite Colette and Lunar_Shadows! Please take a look at our characters and see if you're interested in drawing any of them; Col's characters are shown with +'s for samples, and Lunar's have ✖'s.

There's a strict no-biting policy in effect, so stick around and chat; we love company!

The sister thread to this request can be found here.

User Image[ o1 ] Welcome
[ o2 ] Budgets
[ o3 ] Deimos & Valyn
[ o4 ] Blanche & Amarta
[ o5 ] Navina & George
[ o6 ] Calyra & Adeline
[ o7 ] Other Characters
[ o8 ] Form
[ o9 ] Priorities
[ 1o ] Waiting List
[ 11 ] Links
[ 12 ] Spotlight
[ 13 ] Received Art
[ 14 ] Reserved
[ 15 ] Credits



Being that there are two different people requesting art, there are two different budgets! Obviously, Col is going to buy art of her characters, and Lunar is going to buy art of hers. Don't let that psyche you out, we'll take care of each offer as it comes in!

Colette// Not even bothering to keep an accurate fund count right now, 'cause it keeps drastically changing. So just apply anyway and see what happens - still have plenty of items and selling powar.

Lunar// Generally keeps her gold count between 800k and 900k if she can, and has some items she may be willing to sell/toss your way if she wants your art enough. (Note: she also does art trades~)

Welcome . Budgets . Deimos & Valyn . Blanche & Amarta . Navina & George . Calyra & Adeline . Other Characters . Form . Priorities . Waiting List . Links . Spotlight . Received Art . Reserved . Credits


Dei & Val

These two are like this: <3

User Image
Name // Deimos
Sex // Male
Age // Early 20's
Personality // Cranky, stubborn, unstable, and impossible to deal with. There aren't many people he likes, and even fewer who like him. (Unless, of course, they like to get on his nerves) Is almost immediately violent when he's provoked and doesn't seem to feel bad in the least if the person annoying him gets a chair launched at their head. Since hey, they started it. Dei is almost always tensed and on the lookout, a habit he never shook since his gang days; the paranoia that the moment he takes his attention away from his surroundings, someone is going to appear and hurt him or someone else, is above all overwhelming.
Background // Is working on his second lifetime right now, but on his first, he was more or less horrible. A high-ranking hitman in a big time 'gang', you could call it; he never bothered counting the number of people who he killed, but it can't be good. In his defense, he sorta hates himself for it now. Even if he's not doing much better this time around.

All of his mental problems started with, and ended with the 'gang' he was in. Not only had he arrived there under very depressing circumstances (based around the deaths of his parents), but most of the people he bonded with while he was there were eventually killed and he blamed himself every time. He was also murdered by a good friend. There's a good reason his self-esteem and stability have been butchered.

Has devastating mental abilities, which gives him the go-ahead to basically ravage anyone's mind and sanity; or with a bit more care, wipe out a pesky memory and fool them into thinking things they didn't believe before. However, it more or less has driven him crazy with the number of times he's tampered with his own head, so he's been messed up. And doesn't sleep. Ever. Not with everyone out to get him.

Hair // Black with neon pink tips, and cut uneven around his face with largely overgrown side bangs that reach past his chin on his left side, and a shorter section of hair against his right. The back is shorter and kind of spiked out; it's best to see the references for all this.
Eyes // Very bright pink, but with nasty dark rings under them due to lack of sleep.
Skintone // Quite pale, teetering on sickly so since he doesn't take care of himself.
Height // 5'11 & a half. Don't let him tell you he's 6', he's a liar.
Physique // Has a lean muscle tone, but it's not over the top buffburly.
Style // Wears black as a main staple, and steers away from most color; it tends clash with his pink. Usually stays with simple cuts, like button-up long sleeved or high-necked shirts, with the frequent bit of pinstripes or vests. Pants only for this guy. You're highly encouraged to draw inspiration in his clothing from a mafia standpoint, actually. You will get huge bonus points and love for that.
Important Details // Under no real circumstances should he be drawn smiling or cheerful; he likes to frown and scowl and look tired or pained. The only exception to this, would be if he's with Val. But even then, any smile would be very slight and just content. Oh, and also, he has a very straight and kind of longish nose. Don't go Pinocchio on me, just look at the references. He's attractive, you know.
References // + + + + + + [Photobucket]

User ImageName // Valyn
Sex // Male
Age // Looks in his early 20s.
Personality // With the majority of the population, he's a total jerk. He lives off of other people's reactions to things he says and does, and thus often says and does things that would be considered crossing the line; his tongue is sharp, and this usually causes other people to dislike him - but who's to say that that wasn't his intention to begin with? To top it off, he's pretty and he knows it, and he's definitely not afraid to use his looks to his advantage. With Dei, however, he drops the whole 'jackass' act and instead adopts a more playful attitude, and proves that he's actually capable of caring about another person.
Background // Val is also on his second life; in his first he was Dei's partner in the 'gang' they were members of, having joined for the sake of finding his half-sister, Calyra, who had murdered his mother. At the time, he hadn't hit his growth spurt and was much more slender. Because of this, along with his general lack of combat experience, he wasn't very threatening; his fellow gang members tended to look down on him for it, few believing that he would be capable of much.

After a few years of struggling to learn how to fight, Val was eventually able to prove himself and earn the respect of his peers. By that time, he had gained muscle tone and sprouted to a nearly unreasonable height - paired with his good looks, he had become quite intimidating. His first life was ended by his own sister.

His ability is simple: speed. This boy can go from just faster than normal to no longer visible. Thus, everything about him is naturally faster than others, from his metabolism to his healing speed and even down to the speed at which he thinks. However, to him, time continues to pass normally - it just looks like everyone else is slowing down. To counteract this, if he were to never use his ability, he would live to be approximately twice as long as an average person. (As a supplement, his reflexes and senses are also more acute than most.)

Hair // Pale blonde and long - it reaches down to just above mid-back. He has bangs that are usually parted over his left (our right) eye that flip out to the sides a little; they layer into the rest of his hair, but the parts in front of his ears are down to about his collar bone. Though it's usually down, it's just hair and he sometimes messes around with it, so feel free to put it in a ponytail, part it wherever - whatever your heart desires.
Eyes // Warm gold, slanted, and a bit narrow. He also has dark marks all the way around his eyes that are similar to ones achieved with liquid eyeliner, though they're there naturally. They continue down towards his nose from his tear ducts like cheetah tear tracks (it's probably best to just look at the references for this one).
Skintone // Tanned.
Height // 6'4"
Physique // A runner's build (lean), and bordering on lanky because of his height. LONG LEGS. Seems to have an unusually shapely behind for a guy (we blame all that running).
Style // Anything that shows off his athletic figure, from form-fitting clothes to cropped shirts. Generally wears pants unless under Special Circumstances, and owns quite a few vests. His clothes often have a slightly goth slant. He always has something around his neck, and whatever metal is on his outfit is usually gold. The main colours he wears are black and browns, though some hints of white and red aren't uncommon.
Important Details // This boy has pointed ears, fangs, and a dip in the center of his upper lip (see reference 1). He has a small, gold navel piercing. Finally, he will generally smirk deviously or look smug unless he's with Dei - in which case genuine smiles are more common. (When you draw him, think cat - he's based off an Egyptian cat statue, after all.)
References // [Photobucket]

Welcome . Budgets . Deimos & Valyn . Blanche & Amarta . Navina & George . Calyra & Adeline . Other Characters . Form . Priorities . Waiting List . Links . Spotlight . Received Art . Reserved . Credits


Blanche & Amarta

These two are like this: BFF'S NO BIG DEAL.

User Image
                          Name // Blanche
                          Sex // Very female
                          Age // Looks around mid-twenties, but she's. Not.
                          Personality // Blanche is the big, bad wolf. She's cruel and sadistic, with favorite pastimes of stealing candy from babies and kicking puppies. Blanche is full of herself and flaunts what she's got to get all the worst attention, with the intent to beat up and treat terribly any poor suckers who fall for it. (It's no secret that she's killed people and probably has one or two four people chained up in her basement right now... without wallets.) Blanche is insane and loves it, carrying around at least one weapon wherever she goes. That chain she's using for a belt? Well, it's multipurpose. She may tell you these are all for self defense, but for no reason should you believe her on this. Normal women carry pepper spray, not a heavily spiked bat. And yes, that is a taser in her pocket - she's also delighted to see you.
                          Background // She was more or less created from a test tube and an unfortunate mixture of essences and elements, with the purpose of creating a being with the noble duty of protecting their creators. However, something didn't quite work there, and they got Public Enemy #1 instead. Blanche is blessed with disastrous strength and a quick mind, a bad combination considering her less than sweet demeanor.

                          Hair // Thick and about hip-length, wavy all the way down with heavy bangs that skim her eyelashes. Very pale silvery white, but more leaning towards white. (Another way to draw her hair is exactly the same, but with her bangs more sideswept.)
                          Eyes // DANGER RED, with wicked little slits for pupils and a swipe of scarlet eyeshadow around them.
                          Skintone // Fair, cream colored.
                          Height // Around 5'8 - 5'9 or so; no one wants to get close enough to check this.
                          Physique // Hips, boobs, and nice legs. She's got it and knows it, baby.
                          Style // Anything tight that shows off her curves, usually with a lotta leg showing and some cleavage. Wine tones of red appeal to her, usually in the form of short skirts and dresses. Fancy lingerie is a plus as well, and she has a thing for pantyhose - fishnets included. Oh yes, and heels! Strappy stilettos, boots..
                          Important Details // Has a black devil's tail and some curled, dark brown horns that go around her pointy ears. And yes, she does have a wing; but just one, on her right side. This never ceases to irritate her. For drawing: she should be smiling quite widely, and looking like she's up to no good. 'Cause she's not. For more information on this topic, refer to this picture: User Image
                          References // + + + + + + + [Photobucket]

User Image
                          Name // Amarta
                          Sex // Female
                          Age // Looks somewhere in her 20s, but, like Blanche, isn't.
                          Personality // Amarta is the 'cool older sister' type. She's fun, but when it comes to her family, very protective. She's not afraid to stand up for herself or those she loves, and will not hesitate to resort to violence if it's necessary to protect them - in fact, she has beaten up many in the past for wronging her brother. She's strong, and definitely a fighter; only Sloth (brother), Reyes (boyfriend), and her close friends get to see her more caring side.
                          Background // Created by a mixture of items and essences placed into a bottle, her purpose is to protect her 'owner' - she's one of the first few of her kind. Though these Protectors are humanoid, they often have inhuman attributes, and each of them has one to two elemental powers. Hers is water - she can control it, pull it out of the moisture in the air, and so on.

                          Hair // A greyish-blue so dark that it's almost black. It's straight and reaches down to about her hips, with bangs going over her right eye and shorter layers framing either side of her face.
                          Eyes // Pure white, with a ring of pale blue around the outside. (Please don't use black to outline her irises!) Usually has on eyeliner and a blue eyeshadow, sometimes with a smudge of black or dark blue below the eye.
                          Skintone // Average white, leaning towards fair.
                          Height // 5'5"
                          Physique // Slim, bordering on pixie-like, but most certainly not without curves. She's also somewhat toned.
                          Style // The girl will wear most things, but prefers to wear pants - mostly jeans - and shirts cropped at about her waist. Choker necklaces are pretty common on her, too! (Dark) blues, whites, and blacks are the majority colours in her wardrobe, though she will wear others.
                          Important Details // She has translucent blue fairy wings (which are optional) and gray horns. Remember, don't use black lineart for her irises! If you feel like drawing her weapon, they're cat claws (three blades, Wolverine-style, only an actual weapon strapped to the backs of her hands rather than inside them). She can be drawn smiling, thinking, looking badass - whatever tickles your fancy. As a sidenote, she recently acquired a black lip piercing in the center of her lower lip. Your resident fairydragon.
                          References // [Photobucket]

Welcome . Budgets . Deimos & Valyn . Blanche & Amarta . Navina & George . Calyra & Adeline . Other Characters . Form . Priorities . Waiting List . Links . Spotlight . Received Art . Reserved . Credits


Nav & George

These two are like this: George(Idiot) + Nav(Firecracker) = Love/hate friendship. Thing.

User Image
Name // Navina
Sex // Female.
Age // Early twenties.
Personality // A firecracker. She's irritable, snarky, stubborn, and violent. Don't let her appearance fool you - she's a vicious little thing, particularly if you comment on her height or childish appearance (she's sensitive about that, you know). She has a bit of a strange sense of humor that can sometimes be a little bit dark. Despite all of these qualities, she somehow still manages to be the most logical of their little group.
Background // From an old family of creatures similar to vampires. She doesn't live off of blood (she eats and drinks like a normal person), but does get some pretty useful benefits from drinking it - minor shape-shifting, enhanced speed, that sort of thing. She can walk in the sunlight without it hurting her, though her kind has bad daysight (they often wear sunglasses to counteract it). Her ability to sense blood is stronger than the other 'vampires' - she is drawn to it even when a person isn't bleeding, and can sense where people are from their body heat. Because of it (and because he's an idiot), George has taken to referring to her as their radar.

Hair // Black and short, with longer bangs that are parted over her right eye and fall over her left.
Eyes // Saturated bright blue - and don't forget the dark rings around them! She usually has them narrowed in an unimpressed scowl.
Skintone // Fair.
Height // 4'8" (don't tell her I told you, she'll kill me).
Physique // Small and bony, but with toned legs, as she uses them to fight. BOYISH, meaning she has next to no curves.
Style // Very simple. She always has a jacket on that's a few sizes too big; the sleeves fall past her hands, and that's not a problem for her, as her legs are more important. Other than that, you can have fun with her clothes, so long as you keep in mind that she fights with her legs, and her style is simple, boyish, and loose/comfortable. Blues, black, and grey are the most common colours she wears, but she'll sometimes wear some white.
Important Details // Nav may be a woman, but she's TINY, and she looks like a little boy. She has pointed ears that just poke out from under her hair. And her scowl? That's arguably permanent. Unless she's trying not to laugh at George, no smiles should be seen, and even then they're usually creepy or almost pained.
References // [Photobucket]

User ImageName // George
Sex // Male
Age // Nineteen/twentyish area
Personality // Basically a huge airhead, with a lack of common sense in most cases and a knack for getting on people's nerves. Doesn't know when to shut up, either. He thinks he's pretty awesome, and hits on people with the idea in mind that they're totally going to fall for him. They usually think he's joking, or this gets him into a lot of trouble if he chooses someone who is already taken. Despite all of this, George is really quite friendly and is a good guy. He means well, honestly; he's just. Stupid.
Background // Comes from a long, and very old line of 'vampires' that go back as far as you can basically imagine. Though this being said, he isn't a traditional vampire; he's more like a vampire. For example, the sun won't fry him and he does not sparkle. He still has a bloodlust and can't help but launch himself on anything that's unfortunate enough to be bleeding near him, but he doesn't survive off of blood and has no intention of sucking someone dry. He gets the benefit of being quicker and some minor shapeshifting (Bat, please.) from the blood and that's it. He eats FOOD. (Though garlic makes him gag, so he won't think it's funny if you ward him off with it.)

Hair // Dark red, crazy fauxhawk thing with long bangs that go over the right side of his face.
Eyes // Yellowy gold, behind those shades of his.
Skintone // About average white, not incredibly pale and certainly not tan.
Height // 6'2 w/huge hair
Physique // A bit lanky, but not pathetically thin; he's got a little strength in him.
Style // Punky clothes that you can go wild with, though the best colors are black, gray, and red. Enjoys safety pins as decorations and belts with stupid buckles on them. Shirts with retarded quotes on the front are great too, it gives him an excuse to make people look at him. If it hasn't been made clear yet, he's quite flashy and egotistical - don't be surprised if he's wearing a Superman symbol and thinking he's GODLY.
Important Details // Has snakebite piercings in his bottom lip and always wears his damn nice sunglasses, or else he has awful daysight and will run into walls if the sun is up. You can draw him looking annoyingly happy to see you, thinking he's cool, being stupid, hitting on himself or just about anyone else, etc. etc. You have permission to go wild, there's not much you can mess up with him.
References // + + + + + + + [Photobucket]

Welcome . Budgets . Deimos & Valyn . Blanche & Amarta . Navina & George . Calyra & Adeline . Other Characters . Form . Priorities . Waiting List . Links . Spotlight . Received Art . Reserved . Credits


Caly and Adeline

These two are like this: If we ever did meet, I'd think you were pretty cool.

User Image
                          Name // Calyra
                          Sex // Female
                          Age // Mid-twenties
                          Personality // The sweet, motherly type; the kind that believes there's good in everyone. Caly is protective of those she considers friends and always makes sure that they have everything they need, even sometimes doing favours without being asked. If someone were in need of a place to stay, she'd let them stay with her without even a second thought. However, she knows when to be stern and isn't a pushover by any means. She's playful, and enjoys treating her younger brother like a kid even though he's not so little anymore. An amazingly loving older sister.
                          Background // Like a few others, she's on her second life - but unlike the others, she only remembers the younger years of her first. The part that she doesn't remember was the most important: she killed her step-mother and ran off to join a Nazi-like group of purists that opposed the one that Val was in. Though her mind was manipulated into doing this, it was impossible for anyone but the one doing it to know.

                          When the group found out that she wasn't pure-blooded they sentenced her to execution; wanting to prove herself, she offered to kill her younger brother to show how devoted she was to their cause. She succeeded - but they killed her as soon as her task was complete, regardless.

                          Ability-wise, she's a chameleon. She copies the abilities of people around her, using them to create a mirror of those abilities that is about 2/3 their original strength. Once the person is gone, her copy of their ability is gone as well. She does have some of the enhanced speed that her half brother has, possibly from having so much exposure to him, but not nearly to the same extent - she can only move just slightly faster than a normal person.

                          Hair // A light, sandy brown with natural blonde highlights. It's straight, and falls to the middle of her upper arm. Though she does have bangs that fall over her left eye, she usually has them pulled back with a hairband of some kind. There are two sections that fall in front of her ears, but are pulled back in a loop and pinned to the rest of it.
                          Eyes // A light green with yellow around the iris. They are almond shaped with long, thick lashes.
                          Skintone // Lightly tanned.
                          Height // 5'8"
                          Physique // Very elegant. She's thin, and though she has a small chest, her hips are wide.
                          Style // An interesting combination of a corset and jeans. Every so often, she will wear a flowy, knee-length dress. She prefers tops that reveal her shoulders and arms, and wears a lot of bracelets. Her clothes are mostly earthy tones (various shades of browns and greens) and white, and she often wears heels or strappy sandals.
                          Important Details // Her ears are just longer than a human's and have pointed tips. She has feathered wings, and while they aren't mandatory to draw, they're a brown slightly lighter than her hair with white tips. Her eyebrows and lips are thin. This girl smiles a lot!
                          References // [Photobucket]

User Image
                          Name // Adeline
                          Sex // Female
                          Age // 17-ish
                          Personality // Very elegant and carries herself with her head held high for as long as she can possibly muster. As an unfortunate side note to this, being stared at or criticized for very long at all causes her to get really defensive and uneasy, and more than likely will make her hair writhe and hiss towards the problem. Is incredibly blunt and comes off as cold and detached, but can actually be fairly kind if you can convince her you don't think she's a freak. More than anything, Adeline yearns acceptance and some respect; with that, she can become rather quickly endeared to someone.
                          Background // Like some others, is on her second life. In her first, she was lucky enough to be of royal blood -- meaning, she got a lot of respect and was nearly adored by others. Compared to this day and age, where looking the way she does gets her labeled as a monster, Adeline acts awkwardly and doesn't know how to deal with the change.

                          She has been known to overreact and let loose some rather unsettling powers of her own when threatened, all based on the old gorgon myth of petrification. However, this can come in a few forms; the first, meeting eyes with someone and just freezing them dead in their tracks. The second requires catching their eyes again, only this time causing such massive and irrational fear that they are effectively 'petrified' where they stand. The final is a lot more work for her, and I think it goes without saying that she had lots of perfect human sculptures in her past royal garden.

                          Hair // Full of golden-yellow, mildly poisonous snakes, that generally are twirled into precise curls that land at or around her shoulders. Has straight bangs that she may or may not have pulled back.
                          Eyes // Gold with an amber undertone, with no clearly defined pupil.
                          Skintone // Very deep purple, with blue speckles/shading at the ends of her limbs and the top of her head.
                          Height // 5'2
                          Physique // Delicate and not intimidating, with gentle curves.
                          Style // Has fancy tastes that include lace and silks, to suit her rich blood. Usually wears black and dark purple as her main color, with expensive gold jewelry wherever she can fit it without being too cluttered.
                          Important Details // Has golden feathered wings, but they aren't required if you hate drawing them. Also has a long golden snake tail with little wings; a suspected pervert. His alias is El Slithero, and he means business. Don't forget her chain piercing that goes from her nose to her ear, she'll be upset. Best for drawing would be for her to look elegant and proud, scrutinizing, uneasy, or flustered and embarrassed. You can assume that she turns darker purple, maybe blueish, when blushing.
                          References // + + + + + + + [Photobucket]

Welcome . Budgets . Deimos & Valyn . Blanche & Amarta . Navina & George . Calyra & Adeline . Other Characters . Form . Priorities . Waiting List . Links . Spotlight . Received Art . Reserved . Credits


Other Characters

Extras who we would like drawn for a limited amount of time; will change periodically and without warning, so don't be surprised!

//None for the time being, focus on the main people!//

Welcome . Budgets . Deimos & Valyn . Blanche & Amarta . Navina & George . Calyra & Adeline . Other Characters . Form . Priorities . Waiting List . Links . Spotlight . Received Art . Reserved . Credits



So if you've read over our requests, and are interested in drawing for us, go ahead and fill out one of these forms! Designed so that we will, in fact, not miss your offer.

(Oh, and please delete what is written in parentheses! They're just guidelines.)

Also, please don't take any offense if we don't choose you; sometimes we can be fairly picky, and we're trying to stretch our money as far as possible.

[size=18][color=#FF6699][b]HAY! I'M HERE AND I'M (insert something witty hurr)![/b][/color][/size]
[b]Which character(s) you'd be interested in drawing//[/b]
[b]Samples//[/b] (URL's, please!)
[b]Prices//[/b] (Headshot/bust/etc., sketch/CG/etc.; for whatever you're offering.)
[b]Time//[/b] (How long do you think it might take?)
[b]How often you're online//[/b] (So we can keep in contact, and not worry that you've fallen into a toilet or something!)
[b]Anything else?//[/b] (Got any questions or extra info for us?)[/size][/color]

Like so!

Username// Belova
Which character(s) you'd be interested in drawing// Either Deimos or Valyn. Or both!
Samples// [x] [x] [x]
Prices// 50k per pencil stroke.
Time// Less than a week
How often you're online// Usually every day, random times between 3PM - 10PM
Anything else?// If you choose me, and would like me to draw Dei, may I draw him with a top hat because he's so incredibly fashionable and classy?

Welcome . Budgets . Deimos & Valyn . Blanche & Amarta . Navina & George . Lilith & Adeline . Other Characters . Form . Priorities . Waiting List . Links . Spotlight . Received Art . Reserved . Credits



While all art is great, there are certain topics/situations that we're really interested in getting first. (And of course, with time, these will rotate and change.) We might be more inclined to choose artists who can do one of these, so keep your eyes on this post for something that piques your interest!

-Deimos & Valyn// They're our AU couple! (Meaning, there's more than one version to this story.) They've got a really close relationship, and began as best friends before they got together. They both tease each other (although Val does the lion's share of this) and are known to get dead drunk and act like morons if the situation is right. Things we'd most like to have drawn would be fluff; kissing, holding each other, frisky behavior, etc.. Second in line would just be based more on their friendship, being drunk with someone ending up in a dress or something equally stupid, just hanging out, or maybe doing something to get on the other's nerves. ...In a good way.
A note though, is that Dei does NOT do much smiling. Even if he's incredibly pleased, the best he can do is a very faint smile or a smirk. There is a bit of a difference, so please keep this in mind! (The only exception would be drunkeness; then he might have a slightly more noticeable smile, although. Look drunk.) And also, please remember: Dei would accept nothing less than being the 'boss' in this relationship, ifyouknowwhatwemean.
If you need a visual taste of what their relationship is like, that can be seen here.

Welcome . Budgets . Deimos & Valyn . Blanche & Amarta . Navina & George . Lilith & Adeline . Other Characters . Form . Priorities . Waiting List . Links . Spotlight . Received Art . Reserved . Credits


Waiting List

Artists Commissioned
artist // what they're drawing // what we're paying

K O K O- is too delicate // Blanche & Amarta waist-up // 100k

Welcome . Budgets . Deimos & Valyn . Blanche & Amarta . Navina & George . Lilith & Adeline . Other Characters . Form . Priorities . Waiting List . Links . Spotlight . Received Art . Reserved . Credits



User Image

User Image User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Welcome . Budgets . Deimos & Valyn . Blanche & Amarta . Navina & George . Lilith & Adeline . Other Characters . Form . Priorities . Waiting List . Links . Spotlight . Received Art . Reserved . Credits



By cherrysoda_z
User Image

By Erised D. Sire
User Image

By beguil
User Image

Welcome . Budgets . Deimos & Valyn . Blanche & Amarta . Navina & George . Lilith & Adeline . Other Characters . Form . Priorities . Waiting List . Links . Spotlight . Reserved . Reserved . Credits


Received Art

artist // what they drew // what we paid
(Newest on the top.)

ImWolverine // Valyn bust //10k
Zeira Raiku // Valyn chibi // 25k
cherrysoda_z // Valyn chibi // 120k
Xiuhtecuhtli // Blanche waist-up // 75k
death_loves_me_more // Blanche fullbody (X) // 10k
sumomomochi // Dei and Val couple // 35k
oO-Cheshire Kitty-Oo // Deimos chibi // 75k
RavenRune // Amarta waist-up // 95k
Maverie // Nav bust // Gift!
darkhand27 // Deimos headshot // Gift!
darkhand27 // Valyn headshot // Gift!
Sporfles // Blanche bust // Gift!
Sporfles // Deimos bust // Gift!
beguil // George & Nav fullbody couple // 60k
Erised D. Sire // Dei & Val couple // 400k
Zero_Deceased // Deimos waist-up // 15k
beguil // Dei & Val fullbody couple // 55k
berry melon tea // Navina bust // 15k
Toasted Marshmellow // George headshot // Gift!
Toasted Marshmellow // George chibi // 18k
'miish // Adeline mini // 10k
Lunar_Shadows // Adeline Chibi // Gift!
[ D O L L # 0 0 0 ] // Valyn waist-up // 100k
berry melon tea // Deimos bust // 15k
Phantom08 // Calyra chibi // 7k
Lilia // Blanche bust // 55k
Lunar_Shadows // Dei & Val headshots // Gifts!
exjotica // Blanche waist-up // 180k
pastelSNOW // Calyra waist-up // 85k
Lunar_Shadows // Adeline headshot // Gift!
[ D o l l # 0 0 0 ] // Deimos waist-up // 100k
pastelSNOW // Adeline bust // 70k
FallenSiren // Valyn headshot // Gift!
FallenSiren // Navina chibi headshot // Gift!

Welcome . Budgets . Deimos & Valyn . Blanche & Amarta . Navina & George . Lilith & Adeline . Other Characters . Form . Priorities . Waiting List . Links . Spotlight . Received Art . Reserved . Credits



Welcome . Budgets . Deimos & Valyn . Blanche & Amarta . Navina & George . Calyra & Adeline . Other Characters . Form . Priorities . Waiting List . Links . Spotlight . Received Art . Reserved . Credits



Welcome . Budgets . Deimos & Valyn . Blanche & Amarta . Navina & George . Calyra & Adeline . Other Characters . Form . Priorities . Waiting List . Links . Spotlight . Received Art . Reserved . Credits

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