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Cosmic Guardian

Post 1: Introduction
Post 2: Available Funds
Post 3: References
Post 4: Order History
Post 5: Pros Inspired by Received Art


Hi there~

I am working on drafting my novel and the dreaded thing happened. Yes, writer's block has struck.

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One of my favorite ways to jog that is to get some lovely art from artists on Gaia. Because these are helping me get some inspiration for writing, the characters will change from time to time. Sometimes it will be a brand new character who may need a little artist love to make them just right. Other times I'll drop down the link to my characters that have more art than a support character should probably have sweatdrop

Currently, I am looking for some art of my characters listed in the post below. If any of my characters interest you, please quote me with your offer and lets work something out 3nodding

Feel free to stick around, chat, offer, whatever you please heart

I'm freewriting little snippets about the ALiTC characters for Nanowrimo this year, including the guys in this thread!
Hop on by and read them here!
If any of the characters in the blurbs interest or inspire you, let me know and I can make/pull up an avi of them 3nodding

Warning: Wishlists will be bombarded in this thread!

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I have a lot of items and not enough marketplace slots. If you stick around and happen to have something on your wishlist that is in my inventory, you WILL be gifted heart

Cosmic Guardian

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Available Funds

I'm going to accept 1-2 RLCs, particularly Jason in his 10th prince attire. PM me if you are interested.
RLC on pause until next payday!

Too much. Too much plat

I have over 22.5k items. If you have an item you've been dying to get your hands on, feel free to ghost me and see if I have it 3nodding
Ghost ID: 4072027

Special Item:
The Special item is a very rare/valuable item. If you want this, be prepared to wow me.
None currently, but if there is something in my inventory you are interested in, here is my ghosting code: 4072027

Cosmic Guardian


The character:
Captain Sean Reinhardt
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Art by SweetdinoV2

Note: The blue on the boots should match the greyish blue of the shirt
Big thank you to WingzofDarkness for the art below heart
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And thank you do Komadoree for this picture heart
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Hair Color:
Dirty blond

Eye Color:

Human/Shadow Child hybrid (He looks human unless using his abilities, however)

Sean tends to show himself as polite and composed, if not somewhat reserved. He has been groomed to be a role model for others, and will take charge as a leader with no questions asked. That being said, he had many secrets, including one particularly dark one regarding his lineage. This makes him often feel as if he cannot get close to anyone outside of the select few that have been in on this secret since childhood. Since this also means that he tends to keep the vast majority of people at arm's length, Sean is highly devoted to the friends and loved ones he does have, and can sometimes take on a darker, possessive mentality when it comes to them, especially when his darker power is activated.

When with people he believes he can trust, Sean's easy going attitude takes on a more playful and somewhat spontaneous side depending on who he is with. This has led him to help in playing matchmaker for friends, get into texting wars, start food fights in cafeterias, and go to theme parks in disguise. This is especially the case once he meets Jason Bishop, who has a tendency to get Sean to want more, and encourage him that its ok to actually have it.

Scars/Piercings/Important Features: Sean had two pendants that he wears around his neck. The first is a large chunk of crystal that looks to be a mixture of navy blue and purple. This hangs at his chest and hosts the spirit of a dragon that he can either summon in full form, or channel to use the dragon's abilities as his own. The second pendant is much smaller, a small gem that looks like an emerald with a black smokey center. This one is on a tiny black chain that rests at his collar bone. This was a gift and is said to be a gem capable of granting a single wish, though no one he has met knows how to activate it...

When Sean pushes his power towards its limits, signs of his shadowchild/Rogue side begin to form, making an inky splotch crawl up the right side of his face, with that particular eye turning silver in the iris, and slowly to black as he uses more power. Typically this is hidden by a half helmet/mask since he has been taught that Rogues can only be associated with evil and war.

Bad summary is bad bio:
A big war has changed what was a world very similar to modern earth, reintroducing magic to the modern era. Part of the adjustment includes the introduction of "magic shards", man made relics that help harness the magic and make it accessible for people, including those who are not magically gifted. The current leaders of the world-the ones responsible for this change and renowned heroes from the war are now bringing up their children who are meant to follow in their footsteps, becoming champions who are supposed to progress this new shard society further, and lead the ongoing battle to eradicate the magical monsters left over from the war, Rogues. They're fine with this...until a student transfers to the school. Suddenly the champions to be are hearing questions asked that aren't normally asked, hearing suggestions people don't normally voice, and seeing things that their society says is impossible. It forces the teens to take a good look at what they know and who they are, and leaving them with a decision: do they stick to the status quo and keep the utopia that's been built on lies? Or do they forgo that and follow a new path that might right some old wrongs?

Meet Captain Sean Reinhardt. The son of a shard bearer and a turned Rogue, Sean has always been a little different than the rest. However, taken under the wing of the previous heroes, Sean was groomed for glory, proving himself as a capable leader by the age 14, and beginning the hunt for the remnants of a war with a trusted band of guards by his side. Many things are expected of him, including to lead the new generation of Champions once they too are ready to join the fight. But this is a lot of burden to put on one person, and Sean finds that to keep the image of the perfect captain, he must hide many parts of himself from the world, including his Rogue heritage. A chance encounter and new adventure will change that though, bringing what he knows into question, while also gaining a new sense of pride in something he had always been taught to be ashamed of.

Sean is a capable swordsman and summoner, with a unique skill to communicate with spirits. This has made it easy for him to contract with a variety of spirits and gain a better understanding of how their powers work so that he may channel them personally. His personal favorite "companion" is a dragon, one who serves as a friend and guide. Though he is almost always found in uniform, keeping up the "Captain Sean Reinhardt" image, he is known to go in cognito with a hoodie and jeans, typically with transfer student Jason Bishop at his side to draw any attention from the good captain away if anyone starts to suspect who is under the hood.

Jason Amdi

Thanks to Milk x Puzzle for the art heart
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Outfit 1: Tenth Prince

Huge thank you for the outfit reference made by Daedal-Dame! This is the updated version of his outfit, please use this heart
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Also thanks Carrots in Puke for this picture of the brothers together! heart
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...And then here is Jason with his wings because OMG look at the work Grombae did on those wings emotion_kirakira
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Extra references below including wings heart

Burst/Essence Wings
Jason has wings that he can form in order to better regulate his power through his body called Burst or Essence wings. For each character these look different, taking on traits depending on the person who creates them.

Jason's wings are large full angel wings, perhaps a little fuller, with the feathers black instead of white.
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There are red designs glowing on the tips of the bottom feathers that resemble a simplified version of a peacock's feather, very similar to the tail in the image below
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The more power he is releasing, the more detailed the red designs appear and spread and eventually his pinions will get a metallic gold edge.

Outfit 2: Academy
During a large part of the story, Jason attends Capital Academy, learning how to master the rather newly developed shard magic. Or, at least that is his story wink The school has a dress code, with students required to wear suits with a solid colored shirt beneath, and the gem that is the school's Id.

**Special note** Because the red and gold in his eyes would stand out as odd, Jason switches up his eye color when attending this school. His eyes are brown, with little flecks of honey yellow around the outer edge of the iris.

No sunglasses though. On his breast jacket pocket there would be a pin that looks like a pink gemstone. He would also be wearing a small red gemstone around his neck on a thin gold chain.
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Thank you Milk X Coffee for this example heart
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Outfit 3: Battler Dynast

Note: This is a very general idea, and he often changes his outfit. So feel free to play with this however you please. It can be idolish, have night club vibes, have him with gloves, without, change of color, etc. Seriously, have fun! 3nodding

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Thank you Daedal-Dame for the art heart
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Jason can't seem to have enough aliases to cover his tracks as the Tenth Prince. In this case, while Kai is participating in the Queen's Duels, Jason becomes his hypeman/wing man of a brother, alias Battler Dynast. Hypemen are an essential part of the Queen’s Duels. Outside of the sponsored arenas (which typically only appear near the capital and during the finals), it is they who are responsible for gathering up enough power to set up the safety barriers for the duelists, keeping them, the hypemen themselves, and the crowd safe. But to do so, they need to come up with an alternate energy source than the one normally provided in the sponsored arenas. Hence, get the crowd energized and excited to use that buzz in the air as fuel. Battler is a strong stage presence with a lot of natural energy to boot. His ability to interact with other hypemen often gets him invited to other shows as well as a co-hypeman, particularly since he can share his glamours and energy with others when they sync up with him.

Battler is one of the hypemen that has the ability to control the entire stage, from the flash, to the sound, he can even create what look like musical instruments out of lights that he and others can legitimately play so long as he syncs up with them. All of these are controlled by the crystals that harness and control the energy that is in the air. Because he is controlling literally the entire stage, Battler has a lot of them, small enough so that he can hold two between each finger easily. There are a number more that are sewn into the inner lining of his jacket, making it easy for him to use his own outfit as a canvas for the lights as well, which he normally uses to either cast an illusion of how he looks, or add details to his outfit based on whatever he is performing on stage.



Around 6ftin

Hair Color:

Eye Color:
On a normal basis, his eyes are brown with honey yellow around the outer edge. However, when his power is activated, they change to a blend of red and gold with a slight glow to them.


Jason is by nature a playful character. He is full of grins and loves a good game, or completing projects that seem both improbable and pointless. He also is fairly quick witted and always ready with a response to whatever he is being told at the time. This often leaves people regarding him as the cheeky class clown. That, however, is exactly how he wants to be viewed. He is fully aware of the dark soul within him, and despite being in light's domain, fully embraces it. When put in his soul's element, his darker colors show, revealing someone who is cunning and analytic, placing his pieces right where they need to be so that whatever situation arises, the outcome comes out in his favor.

Scars/Piercings/Important Features:
Jason has a tiny red gem-like pendant that hangs around his neck by a thin gold chain. This is actually a clear gem with a single drop of highly concentrated power in the center. If he is ever in a desperate situation outside of his kingdom, he bites the gem in half and drinks the droplet to get a temporary, yet serious, power boost.

Bad summary is bad bio:
For thousands of years, the fight between light and darkness has raged on, stretching from planet to planet until no part of the light kingdom Meiyana, or the dark kingdom, Desyramai, was left untouched. However, with the defeat of the ninth king of darkness, a sort of peace settled in as the tenth king came to an agreement with the reigning overseer of light. However, the ninth king is not so willing to let up his reign, and has plans to return as his soul is reincarnated into the chosen tenth prince of darkness. Jason Amdi, a human, is that tenth prince. Born with a dark soul, yet raised under the influence of light, Jason becomes a master of his element and a strong ally to his would-be enemies. But silently, he is calculating and slowly laying down the pieces for his own plan, one which both sides never could have guessed nor hoped for.


Jason's step brother Kai has decided to step in! While Jason is playing with Sean at the Academy, Kai has been making waves as an upcoming dueler in the Queen's Duels, showing off his prowess as a shard user. His summons in particular have been pushing him straight towards the top to the Queen's Championships, where he will be taking on the next champion captain, Drystan Owens. If Kai wins, he can be given the opportunity to join the champions alongside Sean, Drysan, and their teams. However, Kai has something else, something very important in mind...

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With Wings:
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Blue is not a natural hair color. So, sometimes when Kai needs to blend in, he dyes his hair the same color as Jason's...
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Thank you to Milk x Coffee for this image heart
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And TheCanopusWitch for this one heart
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Thank you Gooplush!
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And thank you Habx!
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Hair Color:
Royal Blue

Eye Color:
Blue, very similar to his hair color shade.

Human...for now.

He is a natural born leader- confident, loyal, and willing to make the tough decisions. When his buttons are pushed, however, he can take on the personality of a badass not willing to take anything from anyone, a trait he picked up from his mother. He loves to learn.

Scars/Piercings/Important Features:
Kai always wears a thin gold chain with a small feather pinion. Aligning the pendant are a few small beads engraved with protection and sealing charms. Wings are optional. Because blue hair is not something seen every day, he will often dye his hair brown to match his brother's when undercover.

He has a few scars that he tries to keep covered, one going diagonal across his torso which crosses over his heart, one across his left side, and one going horizontal across the small of his back.

As Kai gets older, he is able to develop and summon features more attuned to his godly heritage, including a set of white wings with blue outlining the pinons. He only reveals these when he intends to use them, however.

Bad summary is bad bio:
At the start of it all, there were three deities. One of Balance, one of Extremes, and one of Desire. Balan, the goddess of Balance, has been the major deity of the realm of Meiyana since the beginning of time itself. Yet, when she is pushed to her limits, and believes her own being may be at the end of its time, she must create another that can quickly grow to replace her. Kai is that replacement. Born a human, Kai loses his mortality in proportion to his developing godling abilities. He is a natural born leader- confident, loyal, and willing to make tough decisions. Along with this is an insatiable love for learning, which is often fueled by his younger brother, Jason. This leads him to having a fairly energetic, active lifestyle which attracts others to him, including some powerful allies, and just as powerful enemies. After all, budding god can be both a powerful ally...or a bug that needs to be squashed quickly. As far as Kai's concerned, they can try. But being a teen god back by powerful friends, he can't guarantee they'll get very far.

Often travelling with him is another of Balan's creations, an elemental spirit that often takes the form of a serpent made of water. Because Kai is human, he is physically unable to speak the language of the gods yet. However, certain gods cannot speak in human tongue, so to help the process a little, Kai picked up music as a way to call to and express himself to the other gods. His favored instruments are stringed ones, especially the violin.


Well, someone had to raise those crazy brothers. Meet Dane Apollo. Upbeat and adventurous, Dane is the guy who would be found in the town square charming the locals and actively seeking that new quest to go on. Little did anyone know, there was more to Dane that met the eye, something that when it came into light, would help pave a way to a future no one could ever imagine.
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Is Artistic Freedom allowed?:

Appears to be in his late 20s


Hair Color:

Eye Color:
Either blue or gold

Sun god

Upbeat and charming, and sometimes comes off as a romantic. He also has a noble spirit and makes a point to lead by example. He has a habit of getting on people's good sides very quickly.

Scars/Piercings/Important Features:
His eyes are naturally gold, however he makes them blue so they don't stand out as much.

Bad summary is bad bio:
In the cosmos surrounding the great empires of Meiyana and Desyramai, there are more pantheons than just the one of the few feuding gods. These deities reside away from the ongoing fight between Balan and Desyra, in a cosmos of their own design that parallels the one from which they came. The Paralae. Here, deities heard of and no are able to create, influence, and destroy freely without the need to fret about interference. Or that was the plan at least. A powerful goddess, outcasted by the other gods and thought to have been physically destroyed, invades the Paralae, at her side, a weapon of mass destruction, designed specifically to kill immortals. Among the last pantheons to stand is the Greco-Roman pantheon, thanks to a prophesy foreseeing these events by the young god, Apollo. Though, even it seems to be fading fast. Understanding what is inevitable to come, Zeus takes his last living child, Apollo himself, and sends him to Meiyana, putting him in the care of a high priest of Balan's temple. He then returns to put a stop to the goddess once and for all, and is never seen again.

Now in a new world with no family of his own, Apollo soon discovers that his own body and abilities are not properly adapted to living in Meiyana. With the help of the high priest, Astraeus, he begins to learn from the ground up everything he has learned about combat, his abilities, and even his self, before the two are forced to flee the temple when civil war breaks out in the kingdom. From here, Astreaus dubs Apollo "Dane" so as not to draw attention by his mythical name. They go from town to town, making ends meat through Dane's musical prowess as minstrel, often getting a little extra coin through his upbeat and charming personality. Through this, they meet a mercenary that goes by Silence, and learn that the last full pantheon, the Pantheon of Balan, is currently under attack and many of the younger deities/spirits are threatened to be enslaved. Dane offers his assistance, presenting himself as a fighter and a bit of a sorcerer. However, he keeps his roots a secret from his new allies until the time is right. When that time comes, they will find that they don't only have a powerful friend in Dane, but on their side, the wrath of a god.

Cosmic Guardian

Order History:

Toki Re - pg 2 - Trade Sent
Niko Belmont - pg 2- Complete
atornii - PM - rlc
Eleinee - PM - rlc
plumchan - rlc - Complete
GalaxyLovely - Thread - Complete
GalaxyLovely - Freebie
Lovarei - thread - Complete
GalaxyLovely - Freebie
Miss Rollingstar - Thread - Complete
FBSchin - Thread - Complete
iiRuedotsuki - Thread - Freebie
Dreamy xion - Thread - Complete
HyakuMaru - RLC- complete
HyakuMaru - RLC - Complete
GalaxyLovely - Freebie
GalaxyLovely - Freebie
Casfhire - Thread - Complete
Umpenscrump - Thread - Complete
Commander_Corvus - Thread - Complete
Devarana - Thread - Complete 1
WingzofDarkness - Freebie
MilkxCoffee - RLC - Complete
MilkxCoffee - RLC - Complete
Milkxcoffee - Freebie 1 - Freebie 2 - Freebie 3
Saifumichan13 - Thread - Complete
Saifumichan13 - Freebie
Hiro Akemi - Thread - Complete
Nightmareater - Complete
Wormspoor - thread - Complete
Picatin - thread - Complete
GalaxyLovely - Freebie
Ishnia - pg 19 - 1 - 2 - 3
TheCanopusWitch - pg 19 - Complete
awimp - pg 19 - Trade Sent
Komadoree - thread - Complete - w/bg
K e i - c h a n x3 - pg21 - trade sent
Rovvan - pg22 - Complete
Gyrmos - pg23 - trade sent
brandenburg cabbagepatch - pg24 - complete

Miss holic - complete
prezial - pg 27 - trade sent
lucis ensis - complete
sharpnails - pg 29 - ordering

Cosmic Guardian

Pros Inspired by Art!

Sometimes I might get a burst of inspiration from the art given and get a little writing crazy. These can be drafts, blurbs, and sometimes in the roughest of forms. But all of these will be snippets that eventually get cleaned up and added to the books. Since you guys helped inspire this parts, I thought it would be nice to share heart

Inspired by GalaxyLovely's freebie of Jason and Sean
While streaming she threw Jason in the background during a stroke of inspiration. While she was looking at some pictures of Sean carrying Jason (And Jason being an annoying butt ) when looking at this I can also see a somewhat dramatic scene. There is a scene when Sean is carrying Jason, but it comes off a little different in my mind. Instead, I got the impression of Jason hugging Sean from behind, stopping him or supporting him when Sean needed. Given that Sean only wears the mask when on the job...

“Sean? Sean!”

Sean ignored the cries of the others as he readjusted his mask, ducking towards the closest shadows he could find.

Turn back. Calm down and turn back.

He tried to will the black markings that were crawling out from behind the faceplate to go away, shrink away, whatever it was they did. But he could still feel the tingling across the left side of his face, snaking below his jaw now and over his scalp. His vision in the eye beneath the mask was sharpened and blurred in ways he was not used to, which forced him to close that eye to keep from getting nauseous. All the while, the Mad Queen’s high pitched, unhinged laugh echoed mercilessly in his mind, repeating the taunts over and over relentlessly.

Child Rogue. Outcast. Fraud. Villain. Monster. Monster. Monster…

He grit his teeth, increasing his pace to a fast walk. Then a jog. Then a sprint. Faster, faster, he needed to go faster. Away from there, away from them, away from everything. He just needed to go away. The voices still called behind, but they began to grow distant as he pushed ahead, expanding the space between them. But they weren’t letting up either. “Companion,” he panted out, hoping the spirit understood his need. A force like a gust of wind at Sean’s back pushed him forward, nearly lifting his feet off the ground as a blue and purple haze engulfed his vision. He was moving faster. Relieved that the call as been answered, he gave into the spirit, letting the other direct him somewhere, anywhere that was away from that place. He crossed the bridge that led into the captial, passed the academy and the restaurant with the karaoke bar. Past the Bearer’s spire, past buildings he saw but never entered. Past homes filled with families he never met yet was expected to guard. Past monuments and remnants celebrating how half his bloodline fought bloody wars and slayed his other half. Past the ruined grounds where Kos’s last stand was said to have taken place. He ran past it all, not seeing any of it, yet knowing it was there. Always there. A horrible taunt. The laughter of a sick joke at his expense. And now he knew why.

Through the blur, he realized a large fence was ahead. Without thinking and heart about to burst, he vaulted over, surprised to find that he cleared it with ease. But once he landed on the other side, everything left him at once. Still, he tried to press on. However, after a few more moments of running, his knees buckled, sending him crashing to the ground, the helmet flying off and skittering away. Still on the ground, Sean frantically scraped for it, but even that was short lived. Curled up on the pavement, he brought the hand to cover his face, squeezing his good eye shut. All this time…? He had been using his father’s side to use his power? Not shards? Not the power everyone claimed he had mastered five years ago? Why didn’t they say anything? He would have worked harder to master it, or at the very least be a champion who could rely on it! Instead, they let him be…what exactly? A Rogue? A potential, whatever that was? Something else entirely? A shudder rocked his body as the mantra infiltrated his mind again.

Rogue. Fraud. Monster.

He curled in tighter, trying to block it out, yet finding it harder and harder as his own thoughts questioned him along those same lines. It didn’t matter what he was called, he was a lie. He was not a protégé, not a champion leader. He was the very thing his team was tasked with defeating. And they knew it. Oliver, his mother, the other shard bearers, they had to have known it. Yet they let him parade around like he was something to be proud of. In the back of his mind, he could feel Companion nudging him, trying to get him to respond. But Sean wouldn’t. Couldn’t. It was taking everything he had not to scream, to cry, to…

He was so lost in his world, he hardly noticed the rush of air that rippled his hair and coat. However, with the sound of steady footfall soon following, Sean mustered up enough will power to grab his helmet, placing it back on his face. He had just finished adjusting it when he heard the footsteps stop at his back. Without a word, Jason sat next to him, calm and contemplative gaze focused on their surroundings.

“How did you keep up?” Sean asked, voice sounding dead to his own ears.

“I gave you guys a crash course in bursts. Can’t really do that without first hand experience,” Jason replied. Sean looked over, but any trace of the mysterious wings was long gone. Jason looked at him with a wry smile, “It wasn’t easy keeping up with you. Maybe next time.”

“There’ll be a next time?” Sean snorted.

“Well, I’m not opposed to showing them off in a safe setting. Plus its actually kinda fun to fly around you know. I think you-“

“Cut it out!” Sean sat up and faced the other. Jason held his gaze, but went silent. “You were there, Jason. You heard her.”

Jason hesitated, then nodded slowly. “I did,” he said. “But, it didn’t seem to be something you were unaware of? Your heritage, I mean.”

Gods, maybe he was as simple minded as Marco claimed. Seeing Jason was still waiting for a response, Sean stood, throwing his hands in the air. “I’m a monster!” he spat out, the word leaving an even worse taste in his mouth now that he had said it aloud. But, it also didn’t sound wrong. Magic user, Spirit tamer, communicator, and channeler, Rogue hunter, his own kind hunter, Shadow user, maybe even Shapeshifter. Yes, monster was the word. He knew it.

But Jason didn’t look convinced. “But you’re not,” he said.

“Yeah?” Sean spun on him. “Then enlighten me. What am I?” Jason opened his mouth, then closed it, unsure how to respond. Sean felt his chest tighten uncomfortably as the moments passed without a single response. He took a step towards the other. “Come on. Lie to me if you have to! What. Am. I?” Jason’s eyes never left his own. Sean watched as Jason’s expression began to change. Where before it was unsure and concerned, now it held sympathy and a hint of sadness. Sean let out a sigh, a bitter chuckle escaping in the process. Even glass half full Jason couldn’t give him some bullshitted answer. “I knew it.”

“Well, what’s it matter what you are?” Jason blurted out. “Some nut of a chick who literally has ‘Mad’ in her name tells you you’re something and you’re going to take it at face value. Come on, Sean. You know your dad, and you know you.”
“Do I?” Sean sneered. “How much do I actually know? What everyone’s ever told me?” He jabbed his hand into a coat pocket and yanked out one of his shards before thrusting it towards Jason. “Write on that?”

Jason blinked, instinctively taking a step back when the arm was thrust at him. But, seeing Sean’s expression, he gingerly took it. But as he lifted his right hand to begin tracing the array, he paused, eyes narrowing at the shard. “Wait…” he murmured. He rolled the shard in his hand, studying it from different angles, his expression darkening as he took in that something in the shard was missing. Something vital.

“You can’t, can you?” Sean declared, crossing his arms. “It lacks the necessary power component which allows for an array to be written in the first place.”

Jason’s head snapped up at this. “It’s lacking what?”

“The thing that makes the shards tick!” Sean clenched his teeth. “And you want to know why? Because I don’t need it. I’ve never needed it. Rogues don’t need handicaps to do their magic!”

Jason frowned, hand clenching around the shard as he searched Sean’s face. Sean held it, bracing himself for the fear, the disgust as Jason realized that the good captain, the one who he had been so good to, was nothing but a mask, the other half to the helmet on his head. His chest tightened again, and he turned away, brining a hand up to adjust his mask. Footsteps softly sounded behind him, then arms wrapped around him from behind. He thought to pull away, but just as he was about to take a step forward, Jason whispered, just loud enough for him to hear. “I don’t care,” his breath was hot, playing with the hair at the back of Sean’s neck. “I don’t care what you are, or what side of yourself you use to do what you do. I care about you.” His arms gently tightened, pulling Sean’s back closer to his chest. He didn’t put up a fight. “You call yourself a monster, because you don’t need these shards, not really. But to me? Sean, that makes you that much more amazing.” Jason chuckled softly. “If everyone else born on this planet needs shards to function, then that makes you one of a kind. A true protector who is not limited by his external tools. You’re Superman! And given how epic that wing burst looked, I expect to see your face splattered across all the kid action hero clothes!”

Sean tried argue, tried to run, tried to be bitter. But, he found he couldn’t. Jason wasn’t going to let him. The other was holding him close, close enough that Sean could feel the strong lean chest rising and falling beneath Battler’s trademark turtleneck. Jason leaned in, his head coming over Sean’s shoulder as he whispered soothing words into Sean’s ear, words for the captain alone. “I know you want to push away,” Jason murmured. “You and I agreed on no sweatshirts, but no one could have been prepared for something like that.” He rested his chin on Sean’s shoulder padding. “So. Let me cover you. I’ll be your support, your protector. Anything you need until you feel confident enough to stand tall again. Just please…don’t push me away.”

Inspired by a DA chat and way too much Mountain Dew.
Yeah, I don't know where this one came from sweatdrop This is more crack and may be a more behind the scenes scene.

“S-Sean,” Jason’s eyes were wide, nervous butterflies making themselves known in his stomach while the feeling made itself known in his features. His eyes were locked down, between Sean and himself, where the other was intent on his work.
“It will be fine,” Sean replied, fingers moving with practiced experience, then more forceful the longer he worked. Pinching, grabbing, becoming slippery as a few precious salty droplets escaped from within.
Jason laughed a little nervously, bringing his own hand over Sean’s own. “Gently! It’ll tear!”
“I’m not going to tear it. I’m just widening the hole.”
“Sean, wait-“ Jason stopped short as the sound of paper tearing reached his ears. Sean’s arm jerked in reaction as bag finally gave way. Popcorn exploded into the air and spilled all around them, on the table, on the floor, the couch, and all over Jason. He blinked as Sean, getting over his own surprise, smiled sheepishly. Jason sighed exasperatedly, “And now we have to explain this mess to your mom!”

Inspired by this piece by Milk x Coffee
Most of the images I get of Jason he is his happy go lucky self, or being pretty chill. When I saw this pic, I got a sense of Jason being fed up and ready to throw down as the Tenth Prince. I wanted to play with how his power may affect an area when he's flexing a bit, and how it may affect the mindset of half hive children like Sean and Fable (Her profile will be up...eventually).

“Is that your choice?” Jason’s voice came smooth, calm. A contrast to his normal tone that gave away how easily excitable he was. But there was no sight of that excitement either. He stared down the behemoth of a man with a gaze that suggested he was a nuisance to the teen. Useless, nothing. The creature was out of his depth. With the way the creature regarded the newcomer, he sensed it as well.

“Sean? Are you awake?” Fabled asked, her eyes still locked on the pair.

“Yeah,” Sean replied lowly. He shifted next to her and she saw from the corner of her eye as he sat up. He looked down, and brushed his sleeve, looking at his hand after he did. Fearing he may have been wounded, she stole a quick glance. Not blood. Water. The snow that had been sticking to his clothes from the fall was melting away. Now that she noted this, she realized it was getting warmer. Water dripped from the once solid icicles hanging from the trees, falling into piles of snow turning to slush. Sean must have noticed as well as he surveyed the area with his eyes, his brow furrowing. “The hell…?” She followed his gaze, spotting what he was noticing. A clear line in the snow a few yards out showed where the melting suddenly ended, the landscape beyond still the winter wonderland she had raced through just minutes before. It was a perfect circle around them. And the center…

“Jason’s doing this?” she gasped. Sean didn’t reply. Still neither had moved, but it was clear that the source of the heat was coming from him. The snow around his legs was gone, steaming away before their eyes. It spread further and wider, leaving him standing on ground that was rapidly drying. But rather than dead grass and dirt, something sprouted from the ground. Grass? No, not grass, shoots. Then bulbs from the shoots, budding flowers. Then blooms. Familiar blooms. They looked just like the flowers Jason asked Gabriella to make, the one he claimed grew near his tutor’s home.
And unless that jewel he wore around his neck held a highly intricate array he made specifically for this occasion, there was no shard in sight.

“Another potential, then?” the giant concluded.

“No.” Jason remained where he stood, the flowers continuing to spread and bloom. The snow beneath the others was beginning to fade now, and Fable saw a sprig of green sprout near her skirt. “Unfortunately, the fact that it crossed your mind gives away how out of your depth you are.”

The creature shook his head. “Your spell is too slow. Do you believe I would let you melt my snow and grow these flowers if they could do anything to me?” He swung his hammer and a gust of wind refroze the area. Fable and Sean had just enough time to bring up a barrier before they too would have joined the miniature ice statues of blossoms around them. They looked to Jason, only to find that that shadows had risen. Frost covered the swirling mass which cocooned Jason before falling away, leaving him and the flowers around him unharmed. His expression from before remained.

“Sorry, I think I gave you the wrong impression. The flowers are a side effect.” He reached his hand out. “Now that you’ve flexed, allow me to thank you on behalf of Sean, who I am rather fond of, Fable, whose family you by your own volition tore apart, and for Oberon, whose loss has left a hole for far too long in my Titania’s hive.” Around Jason’s outstretched wrist something began to shimmer gold. It spread, then solidified, and over his arm formed what Fable thought was a wrist guard made of gold. It was wrapped in ten chains. Or it was at first. As soon as the shimmering faded, four of the chains snapped. Fable heard Sean’s sharp intake of breath before her own mind went blank. Filling the new void was the awareness of power. Unparalleled power. Shadows seemed to wrap around her despite the bright daylight, and the scent of the flowers returned along with humidity that drove all the snow away in an instant. Through the strange haze she found herself in, she found Jason’s eyes were no longer brown, but red with glowing hues of gold, not all that different than when he wore the glamour. No, not Jason. Perhaps that was his name, but now wrapped in his territory, his power, his will, there was only one word that the rogue in her would allow him to be called.


Inspired by...well, actually it just needed to come out sweatdrop
A bit of spoiler for later in the book, but also a flashback to when the brothers Kai and Jason first met....

Jason’s hand weakly came to rest on top of Kai’s shaking one, his fingers curling around the edge of his glove. Kai moved his hand, biting at the glove and trying to ignore the taste of copper as he tore it off, unwilling to let his little brother go. He grasped Jason’s hand in his own, trying to ignore the waning power as images he usually tried to keep away flooded into his mind. He saw scenes come to his mind, memories that were not his own. Some were of places he recognized, others were not. He saw their friends and family and people who were complete strangers to him. He also saw places vividly that had only been described to him before. Desyramai, the hives, the academy. Each held meaning, each held people, each held events, and with each was attached a feeling. Happiness, love, nostalgia, as well as fear and pain, sadness, regret. And then, all of it was pushed aside for one distinct memory.

Eat, It’ll make you feel better.

Kai found himself staring at himself. Though, this self was much younger, perhaps five or six years old. He was staring directly at him, eyes intent, but also holding curiosity and concern. He was squatting on the floor of a house, a large bowl of fried shrimp in his hands. He was holding out one of the crispy fried prawns, the smell that was normally appalling to Kai currently coming to him as something that was appealing, yet still making his knotted stomach turn. Kai remembered this. It was as vivid to him as it was in Jason’s memory, and he knew it was his little brother, curled up as small as possible in a corner, who he was staring at. It was the first time he had met the boy who would become his little brother.

Seeing that young Jason was not going to take the offering, young Kai puffed a cheek in thought, then, without hesitating, took a bite. Kai wasn’t sure who he was trying to convince with the face his younger self pulled, yet he forced a smile after swallowing the crawfish.

See? It’s good! Try some!

It has taken a little more coaxing, but eventually a small hand, even smaller than his own tiny hands, slowly reached out and grabbed one from the bowl. Jason nibbled on it, and Kai felt a strange paradox occur when he felt the sensation of it being the best thing he ever tasted. Though his stomach did still feel weird, and the small hiccups made a crumb go down wrong. The younger Jason began coughing, and Jason handed him his apple juice. The younger Kai stood.

Do you like apple juice? I will get you some more-

He hadn’t been able to take a single step before the tiny hands gripped his own. Kai remembered looking down to find Jason staring back at him, wide eyes shining with tears. He relented, and sat down next to him. He let Jason keep the juice.

What’s your name?




I’m Kai. I live here for now. Where do you live?

Kai hadn’t meant to open the flood gates, but he felt from the young Jason something bubble up. Eyes burned, and a whine came out before tears started pouring down. Kai understood. Even when he was little, he understood how it felt to not have a home. To feel lost and alone. Kai had been able to adapt, but there were so many who could not. Kids who hadn't survived in his childhood, and those lucky enough to have never had the opportunity to find out if they could.

It’s ok.

Young Kai reached an arm around Jason’s shoulders and set the bowl between them.
“Mom. Dad.” Young Jason continued to sob. It made the current Kai’s heart twist to recall this. It wouldn’t be until later that he would realize that Jason’s parents had both been shot.

It’s ok.

Young Kai repeated himself.

You and me, we can be brothers, ok?

Young Jason nodded.

How old are you?


Five? I’m older. That means I’m your big brother, and you’re my little brother. I’ll keep you safe. You can even sleep in my room tonight.

Young Jason’s gaze, which has been buried in his knees ever since he started crying, came to look at the other boy again. “Promise?”

Young Kai nodded.

Yes, I promise. You are safe. I will protect you. And Halen protects me, so she will protect you too.

The younger Kai looked up as someone approached. He smiled, bright eyed.

This is Jason. He’s sad and scared right now, so I told him he can sleep in my room tonight. He can stay, right?

Kai choked back something that felt like it was meant to be a laugh, but came out as more of a sob. Looking back, he really put their mom on the spot there. He tightened his grip on Jason’s hand, and immediately he saw and felt a new rush of so much. Now the images flashing through his head he recognized. He remembered each and every one. He was in every one of them. He felt love, admiration, and gratitude. He can stay, right? echoed through his mind over and over again as he saw in rapid motion how the two of them had grown, their good times, their hard times, sometimes not getting along, but always together, always brothers. Kai let go of Jason’s hand and scooped him up into his arms. Jason’s chest was barely moving, he was losing the fight. “I’m sorry,” Kai whispered, smoothing his little brother’s hair. “I’m so sorry, Jayjay.”

Jason’s lips moved. No sound came out, but Kai was able to make out two words, the two words Jason wanted him to hear most of all. “Thank you.”

Then, his chest went still. Kai felt Jason’s life force give out. Kai felt numb. He gripped Jason’s hand with his own again. This time he was met with silence. He gently reached up, closing Jason’s eyes before placing a kiss on his little brother’s forehead and laying him down. Kai remembered standing at that point.

Then everything went blank.

Inspired by many SeanxJason pieces, but most recently this piece from SweetDinoV2

In this scene, Jason is laying low recovering from that near death experience he had, while the others are putting a new plan in motion. Sean has managed to get a few moments to catch his breath from all the running around, and decides to update/check in on Jason.

Jason listened quietly, sipping on the rose tea that Vi had brewed for him as Sean finished his report. “Sounds like you guys have been busy,” he remarked.

Sean chuckled. “Maybe a little.”

He nodded, setting the teacup down and slowly standing. He didn’t miss how Sean’s eyes stayed glued to him, nor how the fingers in his free hand tensed against the table. But to his credit Sean said nothing.

“I’m sorry I can’t be out there with you guys,” Jason said, his gaze turning from Sean’s to the orchards down the path. They were heavy with fruit now; Marco had slipped down there and picked a few for Gabby just that morning. He really had been down a long time. And from the weird, fluctuating sensations of energy ebbing and flowing in his body, and the sudden bouts of fatigue, he guessed he still had a ways to go before he was back to normal.

Sean studied him a moment. He seemed as if he was mulling over what to say next, before carefully setting down his own cup. “It’s not as if you don’t have a perfectly valid reason for not being able to. Several at that.” Sean’s voice was gentle, yet hinted at a firmness if Jason decided to suggest anything stupid.

Well, he wasn’t really feeling like that at the moment. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I know,” he relented. “I’m just not used to being laid up. It doesn’t feel right. Not that I’m going to jump in the fray right now- I’d just be holding you guys back. But it doesn’t stop the feeling.”

The sound of a chair grinding across the cement filled his ears for a moment. Jason turned to see Sean standing. Before he could speak, Sean had taken the few strides necessary to close the gap between them. He wrapped his arms around Jason, pulling him close. Jason’s eyes widened in surprise when he found his chin pressing into Sean’s shoulder. Sean had an arm wrapped around his waist, and another against his shoulders. He recognized this, he realized, and he felt his heart skip a beat when he realized that Sean, despite the comment only being in passing and having took place months ago, had remembered too. He was giving Jason the option to fly away if he wanted. With his arms as they were, he was not blocking essence wings. He was glad for that moment that Sean had him so close. Like this, Sean probably could not see the flushing that Jason could feel warming up on his cheeks.
If Sean meant for Jason to notice this move though, he didn’t say. Instead, his voice came low and soft in Jason’s ear, his head turned slightly towards the other’s as he spoke. “I know it’s hard. But I’m glad you decided to stay here and rest. Knowing you are here, that you are taking this seriously and giving your body the time it needs to recover…well, it takes a lot off my shoulders.”

“Because I’m behaving?” Jason asked, a light, humorous tone entering his voice.

“Because you are safe,” he corrected. Jason went quiet. Sean’s arms tightened around him a little. “We thought we were going to lose you. I thought I was going to lose you.” A soft chuckle came out of Sean’s mouth. “It may sound stupid, but at that moment, I couldn’t stop thinking of when I came upon you, Marco and Claudia playing games in the lounge. You know, when you were playing that simulator and getting all into character, which eventually turned into a marathon of games and pizza until the janitor discovered you guys and kicked everyone out?” Jason remembered that too. He couldn’t quite remember which simulator they were playing that time, but he did remember he did not achieve the goal, nor did any of the others. It was meant to be a rage game, but they were so busy making fun of it that they had no time to be mad. It wound up attracting other classmates. By the time they were kicked out, the group was having such a blast they wound up taking the party to the restaurant with the karaoke bar. It was the first time he had sang in front of a crowd not as Battler Dynast, but as Jason Bishop, the closest he thought he was going to get to Jason Amdi around these parts. He hadn’t spoken to any of them since he left. They would be graduating soon, wouldn’t they? The memory of it stirred something up in his chest. He forced the bubble rising in his chest down before nodding. He must have shown something, because Sean’s thumb at his shoulder gently began rubbing it. Jason adjusted his chin so that he was better resting his head against Sean’s own shoulder.

“We had a lot of those days,” Jason said finally, hearing his own voice threatening to crack, but also unable to keep the small laugh from coming out as well.

“You did, and they were great,” Sean laughed. Then he went quiet. Next to Jason’s ear, he inhaled and exhaled slowly. “So when it came to that, all I could do was realize that if we couldn’t save you, we weren’t going to have any more of those days.” Another slow inhale and exhale. “There would be no more chess matches over coffee. No more impromptu after class ice cream. No more stumbling upon you singing at the top of your lungs to whatever was on your playlist at the time. No more battle of wits with whoever you could rile up at the time. No more plans to make the impossible happen, nor blowing my mind when you actually do pull some of those off. No more hopelessly optimistic friend to look to when a friend was in need. No more…no more you.” He shook his head. “I get that you’re a Desryan lord. Like a champion captain, you have to do things that sometimes put you at risk. Yet even so, I don’t know what I would do if...”

Jason’s knees felt weak. He was sure if Sean let him go right now, he’d drop to the ground. Yet, he was certain it had nothing to do with his fatigue, and all with what Sean was saying. What Jason thought he was trying to say. Or, maybe it was what he hoped Sean was trying to say. But Sean did not say anymore. Instead, he held Jason just as firmly as before, perhaps sensing Jason’s predicament, or perhaps just not wanting to let go himself. Jason bit his lip, his mind and heart reeling in ways that he was not used to. Ways he knew about, but hadn’t really experienced himself. He never allowed himself to experience it himself. Even now, there was a part of his brain that was warning him to back off, that this was dangerous territory and one that a Desyran lord should not be taking. Were he to, would it even be real? Or would it be his own influence making his own desires come true at the expense of someone else? Someone he was supposed to… No, someone he did… As he let this realization sink in fully, his body began to tremble, a mixture of fear and elation filling him to the brink.

“Jay?” Sean asked tentatively, concern in his voice as he felt the body pressed to his shake.

Slowly, Jason brought his arms up, hooking them behind the captain’s back and letting his hands rest on the back of his shoulders. He swallowed thickly, keeping his eyes trained on Sean’s shoulder, not daring to look up. “Can…can we stay like this? For just a little longer?” he asked timidly.

He heard Sean take a sharp intake of breath, and for a moment, Jason’s heart felt like it stopped. But then he felt Sean’s head tilt, coming to rest gently against his own. “For you,” he whispered softly, “I’d stay like this forever.”

zOMG Knight

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Cosmic Guardian

Auriga La Shock

Cosmic Guardian

Cosmic Guardian

Starlight Princess Lucky

Aaa he’s so handsome! I’d love to draw him and hope you’ll consider me. Samples below- if you’re interested, I usually operate by the bribe system for pure in my art shop (sig), but am also looking for the posted wl items if you have any of them. Thanks for your time! ^-^

Ink: [x][x][x][x][x]
Watercolor: [x][x]

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Cosmic Guardian

Toki Re
Starlight Princess Lucky

Aaa he’s so handsome! I’d love to draw him and hope you’ll consider me. Samples below- if you’re interested, I usually operate by the bribe system for pure in my art shop (sig), but am also looking for the posted wl items if you have any of them. Thanks for your time! ^-^

Ink: [x][x][x][x][x]
Watercolor: [x][x]

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Oh my gosh I literally just bookmarked your shop right before I went to sleep! I love your styles!

Unfortunately I do not have the items on your wl, but I am willing to give the gold equivalent for them. Does 2.5t for a fullbody sound good?
Starlight Princess Lucky
Toki Re
Starlight Princess Lucky

Aaa he’s so handsome! I’d love to draw him and hope you’ll consider me. Samples below- if you’re interested, I usually operate by the bribe system for pure in my art shop (sig), but am also looking for the posted wl items if you have any of them. Thanks for your time! ^-^

Ink: [x][x][x][x][x]
Watercolor: [x][x]

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User Image
Oh my gosh I literally just bookmarked your shop right before I went to sleep! I love your styles!

Unfortunately I do not have the items on your wl, but I am willing to give the gold equivalent for them. Does 2.5t for a fullbody sound good?

Aw I’m honored! That sounds great. heart are you thinking ink or watercolor? Would you like a background? I’m happy to do full but would feel more comfortable doing complex in ink as a heads up.

Cosmic Guardian

Toki Re
Starlight Princess Lucky
Toki Re
Starlight Princess Lucky

Aaa he’s so handsome! I’d love to draw him and hope you’ll consider me. Samples below- if you’re interested, I usually operate by the bribe system for pure in my art shop (sig), but am also looking for the posted wl items if you have any of them. Thanks for your time! ^-^

Ink: [x][x][x][x][x]
Watercolor: [x][x]

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User Image
Oh my gosh I literally just bookmarked your shop right before I went to sleep! I love your styles!

Unfortunately I do not have the items on your wl, but I am willing to give the gold equivalent for them. Does 2.5t for a fullbody sound good?

Aw I’m honored! That sounds great. heart are you thinking ink or watercolor? Would you like a background? I’m happy to do full but would feel more comfortable doing complex in ink as a heads up.

Complex in ink sounds good to me 3nodding Sure, we can do a background! Is there anything you prefer or would prefer to steer away from with backgrounds? Sean's one of those characters that bounces around a bit so he could be anywhere from in a school building to a theme park to a city to the middle of frozen nowhere sweatdrop

Edit: I did just consider one if you are up for it. Sean may be sitting at a table near a window, snow and maybe the starts of a forest outside said window. He would either be enjoying the moment of calm with a steaming mug of something, or playing chess with himself with a black bishop piece in hand.
Starlight Princess Lucky
Toki Re
Starlight Princess Lucky
Toki Re
Starlight Princess Lucky

Aaa he’s so handsome! I’d love to draw him and hope you’ll consider me. Samples below- if you’re interested, I usually operate by the bribe system for pure in my art shop (sig), but am also looking for the posted wl items if you have any of them. Thanks for your time! ^-^

Ink: [x][x][x][x][x]
Watercolor: [x][x]

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User Image
Oh my gosh I literally just bookmarked your shop right before I went to sleep! I love your styles!

Unfortunately I do not have the items on your wl, but I am willing to give the gold equivalent for them. Does 2.5t for a fullbody sound good?

Aw I’m honored! That sounds great. heart are you thinking ink or watercolor? Would you like a background? I’m happy to do full but would feel more comfortable doing complex in ink as a heads up.

Complex in ink sounds good to me 3nodding Sure, we can do a background! Is there anything you prefer or would prefer to steer away from with backgrounds? Sean's one of those characters that bounces around a bit so he could be anywhere from in a school building to a theme park to a city to the middle of frozen nowhere sweatdrop

Ooo I wouldn’t mind drawing him in a city or school! Also just saw he has a dragon- I could draw them in a forest or something too. Let me know what you prefer! ^o^ all sounding very exciting!

Cosmic Guardian

Toki Re
Starlight Princess Lucky
Toki Re
Starlight Princess Lucky
Toki Re
Starlight Princess Lucky

Aaa he’s so handsome! I’d love to draw him and hope you’ll consider me. Samples below- if you’re interested, I usually operate by the bribe system for pure in my art shop (sig), but am also looking for the posted wl items if you have any of them. Thanks for your time! ^-^

Ink: [x][x][x][x][x]
Watercolor: [x][x]

User Image
User Image
User Image
Oh my gosh I literally just bookmarked your shop right before I went to sleep! I love your styles!

Unfortunately I do not have the items on your wl, but I am willing to give the gold equivalent for them. Does 2.5t for a fullbody sound good?

Aw I’m honored! That sounds great. heart are you thinking ink or watercolor? Would you like a background? I’m happy to do full but would feel more comfortable doing complex in ink as a heads up.

Complex in ink sounds good to me 3nodding Sure, we can do a background! Is there anything you prefer or would prefer to steer away from with backgrounds? Sean's one of those characters that bounces around a bit so he could be anywhere from in a school building to a theme park to a city to the middle of frozen nowhere sweatdrop

Ooo I wouldn’t mind drawing him in a city or school! Also just saw he has a dragon- I could draw them in a forest or something too. Let me know what you prefer! ^o^ all sounding very exciting!

Lol alright! Let me throw a couple options your way 3nodding I just need a moment to think about them.

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