Welcome to Gaia! ::

Welcome to the 4th Annual 100 Day Event!
We are drawing every day for 100 days. More info here.


Thank you everyone for another great year!

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Today's Themes -- Day 100
(due April 16; 10pm PST)

Draw anything you want! smile , Breathe again, Parrot, Catacombs, Your favorite album, Hagfish/fishhag

No themes for tomorrow!


Core Artists [16]

◆ Agace ◆ 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98✓, 99,
◆ Amai_Neiko ◆ 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100

◆ Cupcakechan (*) ◆ 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100✓

◆ Eclipsica ◆ 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100

◆ III_of_Wands (****) ◆ 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100

◆ JayPeep (*) ◆ 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100

◆ Leonaenae (**) ◆ 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100
◆ Lilia (*) ◆ 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100

◆ mythological irony (*) ◆ 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99✓, 100

◆ Pugnacious Banana (*) ◆ 91, 92, 93, 94, 95✓, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100

◆ RoseDragonfire (**) ◆ 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96✓, 97, 98, 99✓, 100

◆ Shestval (*) ◆ 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97✓, 98, 99, 100
◆ SilentBreeze90 ◆ 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97✓, 98, 99, 100
◆ SweetNiar ◆ 91, 92, 93, 94, 95✓, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100

◆ WraythRose Darkthorn (**) ◆ 91, 92, 93, 94, 95✓, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100✓

◆ ZyriFrost ◆ 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100

Participating for Fun
If you want to be added to the current Participating for Fun list, just post letting us know! You can jump on and off this list at will.

◆ augizzle ◆
◆ -Da llama king- ◆
◆ II Little China DoLL II ◆
◆ VoxAngeles ◆

Key for symbols appearing next to artist name
(*) -- a freebie chit! Good for erasing a late drawing, or skipping one day
(1 late) -- indicates if an artist has late drawings to erase

Key for symbols appearing next to day number
✓ -- indicates a freebie chit was used that day (day may or may not have drawing, depending on how the chit was used)
^ -- this drawing was late and artist must use a freebie chit to get back in the game
# -- artist provided multiple drawings on the same day
Other art challenges for the end of the 100 Days
CrissXCross Sketch Swap (on Gaia)
Run by Shestval. Ongoing randomized art trades! We're a little slow right now but should pick up once the 100 Day Event is over.

Pinterest Design Challenge (on Tumblr)
Run by an online acquaintance of Shestval's. Character design challenges based on a selection of curated inspirations. One per week.

Weekly Art Challenges (on Tumblr)
I ran across this while looking for ideas for Extra Challenges. I know nothing about it but it looks welcoming and active! Weekly prompts, some more involved than others. They do color palette challenges sometimes.

An Artist And Art Collectors Paradise Guild created 100 Day Event
for both artists and art collectors alike.

For two years, Kai_Chi overlooked and gave her everything to the event.
On her behalf, we are proud to hold the fourth annual event!


I welcome you to 100 Day Event 2015!!

Sign up deadline: January 12th
(there's a 5-day grace period to sort out timezone confusion)

Event starts: January 6th
First art due: January 7th; 10pm PST
(convert your timezone to California)

Duration of event: 100 days! (April 16th/17th)


You may ask, what is our purpose?
We want to inspire artist to get out of their comfort zone, to draw 100 days consecutively.
You know those artist's block? Even writer's block?
Yeah, we battle against those.
Only the fittest and the ones with the most determination makes it to the end!

It makes us challenge ourselves, to be creative with the themes that are given to us!
When you're an artist, it's about the principles... and nothing trains you like drawing for one hundred days!
We aren't looking for finished products, we are pushing the limits of just getting something out there!
We would like to force our artists beyond what they are comfortable with, and to see them strive for the better!


Here are the link to some of the past events:
Year 2012 // Year 2013 // Year 2014

Our Guild:
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        Event Mods

          Your mods for this event are II Little China DoLL II and Shestval.
          tab tab Dollie is in PST. Shestval is in MST.


          When you post your art, please write the Day # and the theme you drew!
          tab tab This helps us sort actual drawings from chit-chat.
          tab tab A CODE with the link is very nice, if you want to go the extra mile! Codes are especially important for writing -- just link the post.
          tab tab Images are preferred to links!
          Please don't quote Dollie or Shestval when turning in art.
          tab tab We read all the posts, promise.
          tab tab That said, if you notice that we've updated and missed you, let us know!
          If you decide to draw art for one of our many Collectors...
          tab tab Please make sure you quote them when you submit your art!
          tab tab The quoting code is above all each request for easy quoting for you! :)
          Cut off date for sign up is January 12th
          tab tab because of the five-day grace period for everyone to get used to the timezone deadlines!
          Win a certificate at the end!
          tab tab previous years, we gave piles and piles of gold away, but with inflation, we just can't this year...
          tab tab so we'll be giving away some other reward to award those who finish all 100 days!
          And yes, you can be an artist AND a collector!
          tab tab so post, post, post!

        Art Collectors

          The list is constantly moving and shifting according to the action of the art collector.
          tab tab The more active you are, the higher I'll bump you up.
          tab tab The less active you are, the lower down you will be.
          tab tab Your action will reflect how credible you are according to the Gaia community.
          tab tab We aren't interested in those who are hit-and-run. We are giving away free art so that you would support our hardship as artists struggling through drawing 100 consecutive days.
          -Da llama king- have been kind enough to create a record of all art created for art collectors!!
          tab tab Click to visit the thread.
          tab tab And please don't go on extended hiatus without telling us -- we expect thanks within three days max.
          You MUST have quote notifications turned on to be an Art Collector.
          tab tab We do not send out PMs with art.
          tab tab If you've been having a hard time locating your art, check it out and give your thanks in THIS thread!
          Use common courtesy!
          tab tab scream THANK YOUR ARTIST FOR THE ART!!! ALWAYS!! 4laugh
          tab tab I will quickly remove your request if I fail to see this, and banned from future events.
          tab tab It's a privilege to be getting free art.
          Please only post requests that you will still want art of in April.
          tab tab Nothing's worse than drawing for someone who no longer wants the art.
          Suggested format would be:
          tab tab Avatar/a single image that's not too large
          tab tab followed by Information/Details and your information regarding the avatar/OC in spoilers below it.
          Advise against having a bunch of links...
          tab tab some of us are really lazy and will pick images already on the page than clicking links.
          If you want your current avi to be drawn
          tab tab make sure you have a link of the image connecting to your Gaia url.
          We accept more than one character
          tab tab just make sure each character is clearly defined in their own spoiler post.
          Some basic information that we may need to draw your avi/character:
          tab tab name that you want on the image, information that you think we need to know, and imaged references
          Accepting collectors until we are full.
          tab tab Just post your request, and I'll add you in.
          tab tab If you wish to change your request, use this and post the entire thing again:
          [center][size=18][color=red]REQUEST REPLACEMENT[/color][/size][/center]

          We reserved all rights to change your formats in
          tab tab either adding or removing certain elements in it to make it easier for the front page.



          Participant must submit a drawing every day for a consecutive 100 days in a row, using the themes given.
          tab tab Participants will have the choice of 1 out of 6 different themes per day to choose from.
          tab tab Additionally, you must submit within the 24 hour time frame for that day, not earlier or later.
          tab tab You can participate just for fun, in which case you can ignore this rule (although we'd prefer no early submissions).

          If you know you will be unable to post during a particular day or two...
          tab tab you may ask for the themes early and turn in the art early.
          tab tab This exception should only be used one or two times during the entire Event. Don't abuse it!

          Should commit at least 15 to 30 minutes of drawing time.
          tab tab There are days when it's hard to do that, and we understand...
          tab tab But try not to make that a habit and keep drawing! You can do it! :)
          tab tab You generally don't get to your potential until after 30 minutes, but we aren't asking for hours of your time.... so just 15-30 mins!

          First 5 days are gonna be lenient days.
          tab tab That means that even if you join in late, you'll have 5 lenient days to catch up! ouo
          tab tab And if you miss a day, you'll have 5 lenient days to catch up!
          tab tab We understand the timezone thing is confusing, and so we have these days for people to get used to what time is what~

          If none of the themes inspire you, you could draw requested avi art for our art collectors instead, to replace that day's themes.
          tab tab You may do this as many times as you'd like, but you're encouraged to try the themes if you can. :3

          Themes will be changing everyday at the deadline.
          tab tab Be sure you post your creation before the next theme is handed out.

          We must be able to properly associate one of the day's themes with the art piece (unless it's a request!)
          tab tab Your art piece must reflect the daily theme, and be something publicly known.
          tab tab We encourage creativity, so if the theme is something like "bumble bee"
          tab tab tab you can draw a bee, the car or even the transformer if you'd like.

          Media can be anything you'd like, including non-visual media like poetry, prose, or music.
          tab tab If you produce a long written work, please excerpt a short snippet that makes the theme obvious.

          A certificate for finishing all ONE HUNDRED days!!
          tab tab Sample will be provided later....

          And if you have any questions feel free to your lovely hosts, China DoLL or Shestval


        About the Themes

          There will be periodic "Finish an earlier drawing" themes.
          tab tab Please don't expect to produce a finished picture every day... people who do this tend to burn out.
          tab tab A sketch is fine on busy days, and you'll have plenty of chances to clean up anything you particularly like.
          Shestval is the mod in charge of the daily themes, and has tried hard to have themes that appeal to everyone.
          tab tab Here is the thought process behind the themes:
          tab tab Theme 1 is usually an art-related challenge
          tab tab Theme 2 is usually abstract
          tab tab Theme 3 is always an animal
          tab tab Theme 4 is always a place
          tab tab Theme 5 is a catch-all category
          tab tab Theme 6 is wacky! Shestval's goofy little brother came up with these themes.
          Theme 6 is often a play on words, a zany concept, or a pop-culture reference.
          tab tab It may not literally "be" anything, and is up to your interpretation.
          tab tab Many are similar-sounding but unconnected words put together in a cute way.
          tab tab If you don't get this theme, just draw one of the other ones. That's why we have five other themes!
          If you don't know what a theme is, try googling it first.
          tab tab Feel free to ask the mods if you still need clarification. :)
          tab tab We do allow interpretations of the themes, the mods just have to be able to trace it back to the theme in the end.
          Are there any special rewards for certain days?
          tab tab Yes! If you do an "Extra challenge" theme, you get a freebie chit.
          tab tab Freebie chits allows you to miss one day's art or erase a late drawing.
          tab tab When you get a chit, the mod will put a mark by your name and later delete the mark when you use it.
          You are allowed -- even encouraged -- to use the Event to complete your creative work.
          tab tab Commissions, art trades, requests, that project you've been wanting to do for ages are all still eligible for the event...
          tab tab As long as you can make it fit one of the themes.
          tab tab We want the Event to increase your output, not supplant your typical output.

Collector List
by -Da llama king-

Art Collectors [10]
(reserved for the artists of the event)

[quote="-Da llama king-"][/quote]

-Da llama king-
I have over 30 oc's that can be picked from, Right here.

My Oc's Gwaine Helena are low on art, and I would love to have them drawn. And I am leaving a couple as well; Vasili and Ledia. Funny, my younger Oc's do not have much art so lol you will be seeing a lot of teens.

Helena: She is 16 with dark violet eyes and blue hair. She has a custom Persona named Mundic. She is a high schooler and lives in Japan. All her info
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Gwaine: He is 19, and has copper/red hair and green eyes, his right eye is much darker than his left. He was once a private eye, almost died on the job and discovered he was an alien. He is my little baby time lord. All his info
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Ledia and Vasili: Ledia is 18, while Vasili is 19. They will be having a baby boy soon in their story; so feel free to do something with that. He will be named Kyler Aiden Llama. He will have his mother's curls and papa's hair color. Vasili has snowy white hair and bright blue eyes, often slicks his hair back. Ledia has grey/blue hair with dark blue eyes, tight tight curly hair. All their info
Feel free to dress them: User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

[quote="II Little China DoLL II"][/quote]

II Little China DoLL II
Current avi: (my eyes are YELLOW!!)
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Or my current favorite outfit:
(my eyes are YELLOW!!)

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Or my OC, Claus:
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Name: Claus
Race: Demon
Important features: Blindfolds, ram-like horns, and collar; his skin is naturally tanned to bring out his silver-white hair.
Personality: Not one for smiles, generally always cold and off-putting, he has a sharp tongue that could cut diamonds.
Type of Clothing Preference: He likes being shirtless because he finds clothing to be too restricting.
The only reason why he's wearing pants is because he finds legs to be disgusting, unless they're on a woman... then he would love to admire it all day.
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Marielle | Ben | Lt. Daw | Dieder | Jake
Character info, relationship info, and more outfits!


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More information

Name: Sid
Age: 14
Race: Latino
Hair: Fire-truck red (dyed)
Eyes: Hazel
Other notable stuff: Freckles over her nose; build like a stick; her boots have red spurs shaped like little wind-mills; paint-speckled bandana around her neck; the rocket-backpack is optional
Personality in a nutshell: Dynamic, hyper, crazy, loud, and a little maniacal. She's just a kid with dirty hair and too much energy. Sarcastic, sassy, and full of teenage rebellion. She's a graffiti artist among other things, so if you'd like you can include graffiti themes, a spray-paint can, or charcoal and paint sticks, which she also uses.



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Name: Lord Valon

Name: Lord Vaan
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Name: Lucelia Navani

Name: Avani Twins
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Request :
Katana- wolf/shy/tomboy/aloof --&Link
Ren- dragon/playful/energetic/mischievous/regal--&Link
Kokoro- arctic fox/calm/cheerful/(she's wearing a halter like dress)--&Link

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[quote="WraythRose Darkthorn"][/quote]

WraythRose Darkthorn
My current,
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or any of these, so pick the one you like best? (if you need the equipped items, I'm more than happy to give them to you!)
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*= either ignore the green leaves in her hair or turn them blue! 3nodding
here hair example [some art boobies]


I have a MASSIVE request thread here, so feel free to visit it if the choices below are not fancied.
Couple Request (or choose One of them)
Things to Note: Girl is pale, blue eyes, blonde hair/dirty blonde; Guy is tan, brown(yellow/green flecks) eyes, brown hair, always in glasses or sunglasses, black watch on left wrist :: BOTH have a gold wedding ring on their left ring finger
1. Beach Couple.
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2. Formal Wear. Think, on deck of the cruise ship at sunset, or candlelit dinner
Hat no hat for the guy..design your own tie if you want. These are just guidelines. Make up a dress for the girl.
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3. KCCO hat, really no preference on the girl's clothes.
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clicky for fullsize
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[quote="mythological irony"][/quote]

mythological irony
Here's my art requests:

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❝I will save you from yourself. ❞

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xxxx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xxxx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄










        Orange/red hair, which is chin-length in the front, but shorter in the back; straight bangs.

        Green eyes.

        Fair skin tone.



        Roxanne is adept at solving puzzles; she also took self-defense classes, so she knows how to defend herself if need be.


        Roxanne never backs down from a challenge. Even if she's terrified, she'll act as if she's not, which can sometimes be good and sometimes be bad. She tends to be angry a good portion of the time, but she knows how to control her anger and let it motivate her to do things that she otherwise would not have been able to do. Additionally, she has little patience for people she considers to not be as intelligent as she is.



▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xxxx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xxxx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

❝ Time will change everything about this hell. ❞

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❝I’ve been dreaming of things yet to come. ❞

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xxxx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xxxx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄




        Real age unknown; looks to be about twenty






        Auburn hair; not quite shoulder length

        Yellow eyes.

        Medium-tan skin tone.


        Refer to the references, though artistic freedom is encouraged.


        Thann lost all of the powers he had as Death. Now, he's just a normal human who can't really do much, since he doesn't really know how to be a human.


        Thann is really naive and ignorant about a lot of stuff because he's actually Death but he's being punished for something and thus lost all of his powers and became human and he has a lot of trouble understanding human things. He also has a very bad temper at times.



▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xxxx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xxxx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

❝ Living, learning, watching, burning. ❞

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❝Blood for blood. ❞

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xxxx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xxxx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄










        Long, thick black hair that goes down to her knees, styled like this.

        Dark blue eyes.

        Dark skin.


        She wears mostly achromatic colors -- once in a while she‘ll wear something with color, but it isn‘t often. She wears a lot of leather and things with buckles and places to put her weapons.


        Jade is very fast and stealthy. She can pick just about any lock and is very skilled with hand-to-hand combat.


        Jade is extremely dedicated to Kratos, even to the point of sacrificing her own life if he were to ask her. She gets her kicks and thrills out of playing cat and mouse with her victims.




▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xxxx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xxxx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

❝ We've all gotta die. ❞

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❝Thought that I would let you leave. ❞

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xxxx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xxxx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄










        Long, straight, wispy, bluegreen hair that reaches her knees. The front is twisted like this with small white ribbons tied at the bottom.

        Golden eyes.

        White/colorless skin.

        A dusting of white scales up her torso, along her neck, on her arms, and on her legs when she’s taken human form.

        Claws and long, needle-thin, sharp teeth in her mermaid form.


        In her human form, she only wears dresses, usually something bright and colorful and eye-catching. She prefers short dresses over longer ones, but will wear a long dress on occasion. In her original form, she wears no clothing (if anyone is uncomfortable drawing that, though, feel free to stick a bra on her).


        Cecily has the ability to shift between two forms -- her original mermaid form and a human form. She is very seductive, musical, and charming, and she can pull a soul from a body and absorb it into her own.


        When someone first looks at Cecily, they would see an innocent, defenseless and yet very sensual girl, and if they were to approach her, they probably wouldn't live to see the next day. Cecily, despite her appearances, is a coldblooded murderer who uses her looks and charms to seduce both men and women and then she sucks out their souls and absorbs them.



▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xxxx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xxxx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

❝ It's hard to stop what you can't see. ❞

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❝I will save you from yourself. ❞

▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xxxx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xxxx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄










        Straight black hair that goes just past his shoulders. No bangs.

        Slate blue eyes.

        Dark skin tone.


        Refer to the references for examples. Artistic freedom is encouraged.


        Skilled in using dual swords. He's also able to act without regard to his own emotions.


        Makar isn't sure that the war is a good idea, but his loyalty to Hayden keeps him from speaking his mind. His top priority is to protect her if need be, even if it means sacrificing his life. Makar is a lot gentler than the queen and he has a lot of empathy for people from all countries, including Syrin, but his duty to Hayden always trumps this empathy and he would do anything for her, no matter how horrible the deed and no matter how it made him feel. He believes that he can live with any amount of guilt but that he can't life if were to fail Hayden.




▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xxxx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ xxxx ▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄

❝ Time will change everything about this hell. ❞

Art Collectors [5]

(was an artist of the event)

[quote="Freaque of Nature"][/quote]

Freaque of Nature
List of my avis I like drawn, these are my favorite avis of past and present.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

for these you have permission to remove the wings and BG for them if needed.

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show. User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

[quote="Cynical Lad"][/quote]

Cynical Lad
Barrel Crew:

A crew of pirates who banded together against all odds. A few of them are from Gaia, but most are from the rest of the world. They're all really crazy, and they may or may not be obsessed with barrels. The Captain is my persona, and the First Mate is my friend's persona. If you wanna know random weird stuff about them either check my tumblr tag or read this.
User Image User Image <---totally not canon, this just happened. They're more likely to behave like in the first pic.

If the crew is too much for you, you can draw either the captain or the first mate solo.

Captain Mabe (either bunny or imp version):
You can put my eyepatch on any eye, but lately I've been drawing it on the left side.
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Dream avis based on the imp version of the character. Please note the hair is wrong and should match the previous ref's hair.

First Mate Twila:
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Random OCs:

A cute lil neko girl. She has no story yet, but she's really sweet and like playing in flower fields.

A lil androgynous living doll who lives with a bookstore owner who found him in the trash one day.

An object head who's a pumpkin and enjoys drinking coffee. Especially pumpkin spice late.
User Image Her album. Her full ref on instagram.

The Dark Ones cast:
The characters to my WIP novel called The Dark Ones.


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User Image This is him normal. He usually just wears pants and a hoody. His eyes are blue not yellow.


Occupation: Super Hero

Powers: Ice and deflection

Personality: He is a very sweet boy. When he first became a hero he had blond hair but after meeting his sisters ex, a villain, his life started to change and he found himself want more and more to be nothing like his sister. He can be a trouble maker and has very few social skills so he has a habit of being overly blunt and crass. When he gets angry he goes into meltdown mode, or rather freeze out mode, where he doesnt think and just tries to destroy everything he can.

Bio: Christians background is really important to who he is. His sister Leanna was killed by her Villain boyfriend Logan when christian was seventeen. Logan had not meant to do it and Christian cant find it in himself to blame the man for what happened to his sister. Christian has a very forgiving heart and has tried not to hurt peope through his life but he did kill his father because the man abused him, and then some, while keeping him locked away from the world. It's why he has no social skills and sometimes acts very much like a child.

Looks: Alright so Christian can be seen either with his crazy mohawk look or in the second picture which is his more normal look. He is still young so he can have a bit of a baby face if you want but he is a trained fighter after becoming a hero. He has a lot of scars on his body, to many to count, from his battles and his father but the biggest ones are across his stomach and his chest that range from the middle of his sternum to the bottom of his left ribcage and the one on his stomach is clear from left to right.

Poses: I would like to have one with his shirt off, or something cute of him holding a teddy bear. I would be really happy to see one, and this is my preferred, where he is leaning against a tombstone, sitting down, and crying... preferably with blood on his hands. I would like this the most because after he killed his father the first place Christian went was to his sisters grave.

I also don't mind chibis of him, anything is fine really, I just don't have the courage to draw him myself >.<


User Image This is the best I have for him.

Age: around 24
Hair color: Brown
Eyecolor: brown
Skin: Tan like.... greek tan
Occupation: Physicist
Personality: He used to be rather fun loving and out going but now he isn't really. He is often related to as skulking and walks with his shoulders hunched because he is so much taller than everyone. His smile is said to "light up a room" though and the people who have known him his whole life miss the way he used to smile. He can be very awkward if he's trying to be sexy and often trips over things or runs into things if he's not paying attention. When he gets set on something though his personality does a complete one eighty and anger can make him truly scary.
Looks: He is tall, muscular, not overly buff but he keeps in shape. He is naturally tan but doesn't get tanner out in the sun and has mid brown hair and milk chocolate brown eyes. He only has one scar on his wrist from falling in a lake when he was young but beside that he is in good shape.
Poses: I would love something of him smiling, just a big happy smile, because I abuse the crap out of this character and sometimes I need to be reminded he can do that. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE a full body of him standing awkwardly and trying not to be noticed. Beside that have fun with him. Enjoy him as much as you can.

Mikey (Michael)

I do NOT have a picture for him but I can describe him REALLY well.

Age: 25
height: 5'11
Hair color: Ron weasley red
Eyecolor: Ocean blue with flecks of green
Skin: Pale but not overly white with a few freckles.
Personality: Mikey is neurotic. He is a bit crazy, okay more than a bit, he is a made man in the best and the worst ways. He is really sweet to the people he likes and not so much to the people he doesn't. He is quick to say something about anyone, analyzes people, and doesn't really care about feeling unless he knows you. He hates to be around people but at the same time he would do ANYTHING to save the ones he does care about. He is in the same profession as Miguel, he is actually the top of their field, but he works from home. He is Miguel best friend and often times will latch onto the ma as if he is his only life line. Mikey has down points though, where he doesn't want to be alone, but he's a bit of a germaphobe so going outside his home to interact with others doesn't sit well with him.
Looks: Mikey keeps himself in shape in his own home gym, wears nice clothes, and generally tries to look like he is anything but the crazy man he is. He most often has his hair loose and down, the cut shaggy and just to his ears, he wears a lot of red even though it clashes with his hair and more often than not he is wear jeans and a pair of socks because bare feet are "gross". He is thinner than Miguel, smaller, but more toned (Imagine his body a bit like an in shape rupert grints).
Pose: Draw him dead. It is cruel but I would love any picture of him alive, any at all, but if you draw him dead I would be really happy. Right now I am writing this torturing part and it's KILLING me because I just can't actually picture what I don't want to. If you can draw him dead with a gunshot to the chest then bonus points. Either way any pose is fine for my little Mikey. You could even draw him shirtless.... Hell even draw him shirtless with Miguel if you want.

Salin: He is an elf so age doesn’t really matter.

The general way that Salin looks is that he has red hair that is either curled or straight depending on the weather or if he does something to it. His hair is long, down to the middle of his back so sometimes longer, he has a rather soft and feminine face as well as softly pointed ears instead of the large ones a lot of elves have. He has a rather girly figure with a slightly tapper waist and nice hips and is on the thinner side but not too thin. He is pale with jade green eyes. He is a bit on the shorter side with a nasty long scar that goes all the way from his collar bone down to his pubic bone. On a side note Salin had once been blond but after nearly dying, and thinking he lost Gregory completely, it turned black. It faded to red later when he had healed completely and Gregory was back with him. So really you can draw him with any of those colors but when he has black hair he is really sickly.

Poses: Basically anything that has him in the woods, you can draw him with his hair back or not, he has a big huge story line that I may type out and link too sometime soon that if you want to draw anything from there go ahead. He is gay but he has a "mate" who is a werewolf, his name is Gregory, and I will have his info below if you want to draw the two of them together.

Gregory: He is a were wolf. Age is around 150

Gregory is tall and well built. Not overly muscular but built enough to be imposing and big. He has black hair and no facial hair but he does have hair on his body. He also has yellow eyes and a lot of scars from fights. As a wolf he is all black and HUGE he nearly stands as tall as Salin though when he is a human he is about 6'5". He is fiercley protective of Salin but unlike most stories he does not live forever. He doesn’t so much grow old like a human does but he does grow old and when he dies he looks more like someone in their forties would instead of perpetually 20 something.
Poses: These would be a gift for my friend Knux3 who created the character so you could draw him as a wolf, or in his human form, or even something in between. I wouldn’t mind a lovely picture of Salin and Gregory together, though Salin only stands about 5'6" on a good day so Gregory often has to look down at him.

Side note for Salin and Gregory:

This story was written with M/Preg… that means Salin got knocked up and they had several kids. So if you want to draw something pertaining to that I would be really happy but please no one make Salin a girl. He is a boy, just different, and I would like him to stay that way. If you want to draw Salin with a kid too that's fine and it doesn’t have to be his because he has a little brother.


Ridiculous. Lazy. Glutton. Often seen as adorable though. Charahub.
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Extremely feminine and susceptible to pressure. Introverted and timid, but a hard worker. Artistic freedom with outfit as long as she wears a dress, a long hooded coat, dark leggings/tights with heeled boots/pumps Charahub.
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A shameless nerd who enjoys anime, manga, video games, and drawing. He has a major sweet tooth. Charahub.
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A sex crazed addict who likes to fill his time doing pointless things and, well, sex. Extremely competitive with a rough nature. Charahub.
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A lazy butt who prefers to only sleep or smoke. Incredibly antisocial. Must have all of his piercings. Charahub.
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User Image_____ • Name: None
_____ • Nicknames: Akki Akuma
_____ • Age: Appears to be 29

_ • Simple Description:
_____ • Height: 6'0
_____ • Weight: 175
_____ • Hair: Black
_____ • Eyes: Crimson
_____ • Skin: Dark

_ • Personality:
Akki is a tricky fellow, tends to be careless with this action. He only looks out for himself, calculating anything he does so it will fit his need, making him a very greedy person.

____ • Likes:
______ ○ Cloudy days
______ ○ Rock music
______ ○ Solitary
______ ○ Night time
______ ○ Eating different types of food

____ • Dislikes:
______ ○ Long work days
______ ○ Business meetings
______ ○ Not getting he's way
______ ○ Anything that reminds him of his past
______ ○ Bratty guys, whiny girls

__ • Abilities:
______ ○ Fire Magic
______ ○ Blood Weapons and Powers
______ ○ Shadow Control

__ • Fun facts:
______ Has an obsession with Taika
______ He almost killed off Sakura

_ • Brief History :
While the story behind Akki is very sketchy he gains his full power around the 1500s, around this time he starts to cause massive destruction
wherever he went. In one of his raids he was confronted by four brothers that scared his right eye. Weakened by them he fled, traveling to different
places trying to regain his power, in one of he's travels he meets Taika. He spends months watching her as she becomes he’s obsession.
He's jealously caused the death of her first vessel and corruptions in many of her vessels till she disappeared. After her disappearances he spends
his time gaining power and wealth. He eventually starts a business, once it reaches its peak in power he seeks out to destroy old links to he’s past.
He kills off all the descendants of the Guardians. He is still seeking out Taika and likes to manipulate different creatures to do he’s bidding.

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User Image_____ • Name: Charles Harrison
_____ • Nicknames: Marrok
_____ • Age: 24

_ • Simple Description:
_____ • Height: 5'10
_____ • Weight: 160
_____ • Hair: Black
_____ • Eyes: Brown
_____ • Skin: White

_ • Personality:
Marrok is a serious person, prefers to be independent and self-reliant. He's a reliable person and somewhat friendly. He can
either have a bad temper or be mellow depending on the situation. Overall he's the jealous type when it comes to his lover.

____ • Likes:
______ ○ Dark Chocolate
______ ○ Relaxing on his free days
______ ○ History relative things
______ ○ Being outdoors and traveling around
______ ○ Studying different cultures

____ • Dislikes:
______ ○ Losing his Target
______ ○ Being underestimated
______ ○ Getting teased
______ ○ Getting cooped up in one places too long
______ ○ Having to deal with bratty or whiny clients

__ • Abilities:
______ ○ Sword Traning
______ ○ Wolf Shifter (not werewolf)
______ ○ Borrowing Magic

__ • Fun facts:
______ ○ He's bind to Sakura aka a bond deeper then marriage
______ ○ He carries Sakura's sword

_ • Brief History :
Charles aka Marrok, is an indirect descendent of a Native American medicine man from his mother side. He comes in contact with Sakura in
different times and places before he struck up a deal with Taika for knowledge over an artifact he found. The deal awakens his shifting abilities
and magic he's placed as Sakura's guardian for two years. A misunderstanding drives Sakura away, he then spends the next two-year
continuing his research where he later comes across Sakura once more, he strikes up a new deal with Taika that allows them to be together
while he spends his time running errands for Taika and searching for artifacts.

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User Image_____ • Name: Sakura Akira
_____ • Nicknames: Litte One, Izzy, Vessel
_____ • Age: 20

_ • Simple Description:
_____ • Height: 5’3
_____ • Weight: 135
_____ • Hair: Light Brown
_____ • Eyes: Forest Green
_____ • Skin: Medium

_ • Personality:
Sakura is curious and mischievous with an easy going attitude. She tends to be formal and keeps to herself, only being serious when needed. She's helpful and protective to those who need it.

____ • Likes:
______ ○ Chocolate
______ ○ Rainy Days
______ ○ Rollerblading and Skateboarding
______ ○ Singing and Humming
______ ○ Playing games and/or tricks on people
______ ○ Music with a Good Rhythm and an actual meaning

____ • Dislikes:
______ ○ Playing golf
______ ○ The smell of cigars/cigarette.
______ ○ When people find out who and what she is
______ ○ People with negative attitudes
______ ○ Having to move and leave everything behind
______ ○ Constant and unnecessary use of the swear words

__ • Abilities:
______ ○ Speaks to spirits and they do her binding
______ ○ Travel through any reflective surfaces that she can fit through
______ ○ Limited access to Taika's abilities

__ • Fun facts:
______ ○ She eats a lot to make up for the energy she uses

_ • Brief History:
Sakura is a descendent of one of the brothers that fought Akki, her family holds the sword that caused the scar in he's eye. On her 10th birthday celebration, Akki killed her father leaving her brothers and her to die. Her mother was left untouched but dies as she gives her children a chance to live, drawing Taika to them. She strikes up a deal with Sakura that allow them to stay alive, becoming Taika's vessel. She's whisked away to a different dimension where magic strives, there she's trained for 4 years. She's introduced to Marrok as Taika teachers her that a Vessel must help keep the balance between magic and mundane. Sakura leaves Marrok and Taika's world behind after he breaks her heart, rejoining the world she left behind. Constantly moving to keep her identity a secret, she comes across Marrok where she discovers a secret then they becomes bind. She continues to do her job constantly finding free time to seek out Marrok.

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User Image_____ • Name: None
_____ • Nicknames: Ancient One, Old One, Great Spirit, Taika
_____ • Age: Unknown

_ • Simple Description:
_____ • Height: 5'4
_____ • Weight: 135
_____ • Hair: Light Brown
_____ • Eyes: Golden
_____ • Skin: Medium

_ • Personality:
Taika is consider to be cold and calculating, she's always serious and rarely smiles on her own. She doesn't understand emotion, most often her expression are neutral and uninterested. She's only helpful to those she deems worthy of it. Occasionally she mimics Sakura's expression, the only emotion she's good at expressing is anger.

____ • Likes:
______ ○ Her descendents (Sakura)
______ ○ Sweets
______ ○ Playing Games
______ ○ Being on her own
______ ○ Everything going as she plans

____ • Dislikes:
______ ○ Akki Akuma
______ ○ Oath Breakers
______ ○ Wayward beings that disrupt the balance
______ ○ Anyone that messes with her Vessel
______ ○ When someone does not heed her warnings

__ • Abilities:
______She has control over the earth
______ ○ All the Elements
______She can grant just about anything with contract

__ • Fun facts:
______ ○ Taika was the name given to her by Sakura
______She can only take the form of her vessels

_ • Brief History :
Taika's magic that became self-aware after being summoned by her first vessel, taking on he's female form. War breaks out after crossing Akki's path, killing her vessel. She's forced into a contract with the next chief, due to he's corruption she leaves. Traveling she comes across a dying girl who becomes her next vessel, she grow & marries. Her marriage gives fruit to a baby girl whose part of Taika forming a special bond, her vessel grows jealous & tries to kill the baby. Breaking the contract the vessel dies & she disappeared with the baby. Taking her to a higher status family, she enchants them all to think of them as the lord's recently deceased wife and still-born daughter. She raise the child eventually disappearing only to watch over her descendents and keep them safe. So when Sakura's nearly dies, she whisks her away to keep her near & safe. She forced Marrok away once they grew too close & doesn't approve of their bonding.

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Art Collectors [3]

(really active art collectors! very credible in their quick response time!)


I have 2 girls for everyone to consider. Each of which varies in style.

The first is my current avatar. As all my girls, she's not someone to be taken lightly. And she's in her late 20s, so very adult.

Current Avatar
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-HAIR: Fades from grey to white
-The mark is on both eyes/cheeks
-Rose under the stars
-Rose in front of the bone helm
-Gold on her boots

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The second is my OC. If none of my girls do that for you, you're not obligated to do them!

Original Character

User Image
Age: Looks to be 25+
Type: Computer Program - She's made of a light.
Looks: Human in face and design.
Hair Design: Binary or white with binary somewhere.
I prefer the hair WHITE
Eyes and Jacket: Computer chip look.
Defining marks Three blue bars in front of the collar of her coat. They are power bars.

As long as she looks digital, we're good.

Personality: She's super expressionless and doesn't understand most emotions
- No smiling
- No anything
Please <3

For coloring, she can be either white or black or a spectrum of a prism as she's made of light, but the blue details and the coat design are pretty standard.

Unless it's black and neon green or something. It's up to you. 4laugh

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For both requests, these woman are adults. Please make them look in their late 20s.

Thank you for considering



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Tilty~ (Most varied, artistic freedom completely loved, any looks~)
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Any questions just ask me? ;0; <3


Gaian Avatar
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Name: Valkyrie

Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 19

Valkyrie stands at a respectable 5'8, with long legs and a fairly lean figure. She keeps herself fit and enjoys showing off her toned stomach, which is tattooed with a black crescent moon. She has long wavy hair that she wears over her left eye, regularly dyed in shades of red and brown (currently a bright burgundy), that she wears down and loose. Valkyrie prides herself on her clothing as much as her body, preferring something of a punk style with dark colours and fierce accents in red or silver and a stylish black eyepatch rimmed with golden thread to hide her ugly eye, should her hair flow out of the way.

Someone once tried to flatter Valkyrie by calling her a queen. She scoffed, "Queens have responsibilities. And most of them, fat husbands." Valkyrie doesn't care for anything so mundane and restricting. Her only responsibility is herself, and even then, she prizes her freedom over her own happiness or security. She won't risk being tied down to any person, place, or thing --- which isn't to say she doesn't enjoy having lots of people and things, when she can.

People are very useful, she thinks, in helping her get she wants. Valkyrie exudes a confidence and authority that brings many admirers, male and female, willingly into her service. She isn't coy about it and makes sure they know that they're in for sex, games, and fun, not anything permanent. So long as they understand the rules, she's happy to toy around with them. She likes to tease and push boundaries, and doesn't mind others doing the same. Very proud of her own body, Valkyrie can get careless with other people's personal space. She rarely apologizes for it, claiming that it's their insecurity problem, not hers.

Valkyrie doesn't appreciate drama of any sort, and is more likely to walk away from a silly argument than escalate it. She's not above a swift kick to the groin to anyone who seriously disrespects her, but petty catfights and passive aggressive comments are not worth her time. After all, beneath her flamboyant exterior, Valkyrie has a calm and decisive mind. She's smart enough to discern what things to pursue and what's best left alone.

Valkyrie had a very difficult relationship with her parents and older brother. After one too many fights, she left home as a teenager and went to her older cousins for help. She moved in with them and worked part-time at their bar to make up for rent. With her devil-may-care grin and swinging hips, Valkyrie quickly became popular among the regulars.

The bar wasn't in the best neighborhood, and fights weren't uncommon after a few too many rounds. One night two drunks had in mind to duke it out over Valkyrie herself. Even as a seventeen-year-old waitress, Valkyrie wouldn't tolerate that. She pointed out that she was no prize to be fought over --- if they wanted her attention, they should prove their worth to her, not to each other.

The ploy worked, at least temporarily, to defuse the violence. And Valkyrie found that it worked again a few nights later, and again, until the regulars started respecting her rules and turning away from fights and to more constructive shows of merit (somewhat constructive, at least... the man who tried a fancy magic trick and lit his pants on fire didn't quite make the cut). And once she turned eighteen, Valkyrie was free to reward those she considered worthy of her time.

It was from all this that she earned her nickname --- a valkyrie, an arbiter of warriors and a lover of those good enough to earn it. She chooses her flings judiciously and sparingly, despite the amount of teasing and flirting she allows in the bar. And she only had problems twice with people who tried to forcibly persuade her: after the fates they suffered, everyone else got the hint.

+ Confidence, healthy self-esteem, comfortable with her body
+ Decisive, clear-minded, reasonable
+ Strong backbone, doesn't back down from a threat but also doesn't pick meaningless fights

- Doesn't respect others' personal space/bodies
- Anti-commitment, no real ambitions or life plans/goals
- Sometimes manipulates people's feelings for her own material gain

+ Flirting, teasing, touching -- and sex too, of course
+ Running/cardiovascular exercise, pump-up exercise music
+ New bitchin' jackets/coats/shrugs/etc. that perfectly suit her wardrobe

- The idea of having pets or children or things to take care of
- Clingy, needy people, or anyone who accuses her of being 'unfaithful'
- Smelling gross, greasy, and smoky after working at the bar

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And his WIP bio if you would like to give it a read
Name: Dante

Sexuality: Straight

Age: 20

Dante stands at a respectable 5'11", with long legs and a fairly lean and thin figure. He constantly keeps himself in shape by doing various exercises each an every morning he possibly can. As a result of this, he has toned biceps, abs, and various other parts his body. His hair is a faded shade of black that is medium length, coming down to just below his ears to slightly longer to the back of his neck. His eyes are usually a tint of dark blue, but changes during Mana Overdrive. He has a thick scar made from a rigid axe going diagonally from is upper right torso to his mid left stomach. He bears the crest of an underground group of mercenaries on his right shoulder. Dante is usually keeps his gear on at all times, save for when he cleanses himself. His gear consists of two primary objects; a rune gem encrested gauntlent that is worn on his left hand and a finely crafted sword with the same gem implimented into it's hilt. The sword is a double edged long sword that has thin tunnels branching off in two directions from the hilt to the tip of the blade. The sheath to his sword is usually mounted on his back, but he usually keeps it loose to use as a block when initiating combat, and as a resukt of this, it is terribly worn but stills bears it's uses. His armor combines uses of both black leather and tinkered steel that allows it to be lighter while still being strong. The steel breaks apart very slightly up is right arm up to his shoulder, where he proudly showcases the tattoo, to allow for ease of movement. His trousers are primarily made of black leather, and he wears them tucked into faded gray buckle up boots.

Mana Overdrive:
This is a special ability that Dante has harnassed and so far is unique to him. This ability allows for the mana in his blood to start vibrating violently and start glowing as he uses his body as a medium for the power of mana. His hair will start to flow, as if he is underwater due to the sheer aura of the mana and light blue sparks will light around various parts of his hair. His eyes will turn from their usual dark blue to a near white shade of blue.

Dante is a man of strong virtue and justice. When he sees a civilian in a harmful situation, he does not think of anything but to jump into the fray to their aid, not thinking of any consenquences. He donates any of his spare coins after fulfilling his mandatory needs to those less fortunate. He usually doesn't accept items as thanks from these people, but in some cases their feelings are so strongly portrayed that he feels the obligation to accept the reward. He is not a man to influence other men or women for his own personal desire or gain, and instead, tries to find a way for himself to be of the best possible service for the people. <subject to change in the future>

Dante once lived a peaceful life in a small village named TBA (to be announced), where the community was small but humble and kind. Most of these people were farmers, blacksmiths, leatherworkers, and a few enchanters. They welcomed frequent warriors that traveled through this village to adventure past the kingdom into unknown lands by offering them a place to stay and offering their services. This is how the village sustained it's finicial status as a village.

Dante was 13 while he still lived with his parents. His father was once a man that served ina unit of knights that was directly under the king, his primary knight unit. His armor and equipment was royally equipped as a result of this, runes being implimented in varying locations. His mother was a woman from direct high elf offspring, mana rich inside her veins as a result of this and where Dante inherited his power to activate Mana Overdrive partially came from.

One erie dawn, the sun was barely peeking above the horizon when a half dead man stumbled into the village, a warrior that had passed through the village not more than two days ago to the uncharted territory. Shortly passing the gates, his mangled body collapsed to the ground as he lost the last ounce of his conciousness. The gatekeepers rushed to his aid and brought him to the only medic in town to tend to, frantic to save this man so he could tell them what had happened. After hours of anxiousness, the man awoke, frantically looking around to gather his bearings. Not letting anyone to speak before he, he frantically shouted, "How long has it been since dawn!? You must leave at once, a terrible horde of or-" the man was cut off from sudden bloodcurling shouts coming from the entrence he came from. Not a moment later, a booming coarse voice shouted, "ATTACK!!" Suddenly, orcs, goblins, and imps of all sorts flooded into the village. The orcs attacked any living entity they could see, sparing not even women and children in their onslaught. Screams and shouts echo'd through the village as his parents stood up from their breakfast. "W-what's going on father?" TBA asked, clear fear being striken into him. His father quickly went over to him, kneeling down to him calmly gripped his sholders as his mother frantly moved a bookshelf aside to open a hidden wall. "No matter what, you must never come out until everything has calmed down." His father told him as he was led to the opening of the secret room. "No matter what!" He told him again as he shoved him into the room. "Wait, fath-!" his mother slammed the wall closed before Dante could finish and his father braced the bookshelf against the wall, preventing him from openning it. He looked through a small crack in the wall as his father quickly ran into the basement and his mother right after him. The front door started to bang violently, not even withstanding 4 hits before being caved in. The orcs quickly stormed into the house, wrecking havoc to search for hidden people. Before the orcs could reach the bookcase, his father emerged from the basement in his suit that once served the king, his mother shortly afterwards with a crystal ball of sorts. His father shouts violently before charging towards the orc, striking the first one clean through, the second following immediatly afterward. Another orc swinged his blunt axe at his father's side, tossing him to the wall next to the bookcase. His mother, using the crystal ball as an amplifier, started shooting beams of pure mana at the orcs, taking 4 down before having to collect herself again. The orcs took full advantage of this moment and swarmed her, two others starting to beat his father. Left barely alive, he was held at his throat as his wife was stripped and raped brutally right across from him. At this point, Dante is so horror stroken that he loses conciousness.

When he awoke, the room was dimly litted by the sunset and gravely quiet. After a while of bushing against the wall, he managed to open escape from the secret room. He was greeted by a very disturbing site; both his father's and his mother's figures, mangled beyond recognition. He was striken with beyond grief, so much that was unable to cry out as he dropped to his knees. A long while passed before he was able to take control of himself again, taking in his new reality. He stumbled to the corpse of his father, most of his equipment destroyed beyond repair. He scavenged his left gauntlent and his sword, swearing vengeance by his very blade. Walking to the door, he looks back once more to say farewell before departing onto his journey.

Art Collectors [6]

(active, replied fast to quotes)


Hi lovely artists! I do have a request and hope to be part of the collector list heart Let's start off with the fact that i do have a request thread where you can choose from between avi/couples/OC! My main interest though is to get more art for my one OC, possibly as a pair with my friend's CELESTE OC. Please note, the first pic is the most detailed ref I have of her with a few pieces missing. Please see thread for full precise description if interested!

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Name: Zeatha
Monster Type: Demonic Hybrid Chimera
Age: Appears ~25ish
Height: 5 ft 11
Weight: 125lb
Body type: Pear shaped, fit, large breasts
Hair: Indigo to Aqua Ombre; Wavy/Curly Hair
Eyes: Sharp, blank gold, jade border
Skin: Galaxy / pale purple, patches of thorns (more noticeable on clavicle to outer shoulder), toxic magenta spots

Personality: Mysterious, sassy, seductive, headstrong, critical, proud, bold leader

Special Features: 2 pair of horns; 1 mini demon horns at front, behind is 1 huge pair of goat horns; snake left arm & waist fangs/tooth; lion claws || tail is a mix of snake scale & lion fur

Clothing/Accessories: Crescent moon (right), star (left) for the top; cross earring (right) & crescent (left); three pierced earrings on top of left ear; jade bracelet w/ crescent moons; golden cross necklace

Skills/Ability: Stratos (tail) capable of eating whole = fierce, evil, large reptile/lion mix; sharp jade nails


Here's my avis if there's still space left ♥
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Here's Myah.
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Draw her however you want okie <3



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[quote="Crystalized Cherri"][/quote]

Crystalized Cherri
My request is any of these avis
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Art Collectors [6]
(active, but need to wait a day or two for reply)

[quote="Nights Owl"][/quote]

Nights Owl
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Descriptions: I want to see what the artists will do with my avatar.


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More outfits
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More outfits
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[quote="Pickled Cactus"] [/quote]

Pickled Cactus
                maybe consider either of my avis?
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                feel free to ask for item lists, or to take away/simplify anything. thank you!!

[quote=""P o i z 3 n"][/quote]

"P o i z 3 n
Here is my OC Poi
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Poi is a demon monster girl! She's pretty curvy and chesty, her feet are pointed and fade into the black color that you see in the avi provided, and you can place her in any outfit!! I am not picky! (warning big picture in spoiler)
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*the pics are CLICKABLE*

Mind considering one of the boys//possibly more:

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the 1st, 2nd pic is the guy with the blue jacket above, he is a greaser demon
The 2nd(same guy from 1st pic) and 3rd pics are both guys, and not actually that kawaii looking, they are more manly, but the artist that designed them drew them that way, which was fine by me of course^^

Avi OCs:

For the 6th pic on the top:
His traveling outfit: *draw the sushi hairclip on the opposite side of the mask*
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His geisha outfit:
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A sexy// girly looking male:
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Or Possibly one//possibly more of the girls:

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if you could draw her I dragon form, then that would be amazing!
she would have black and yellow eyes like this:

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and have scales on her face like this:

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She actually has 3 stages of Dragon Mode//Form... the one on the bottom is Stage 1
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Music for inspiration?:

[quote="Laugh Now Die Later"][/quote]

Laugh Now Die Later

[My Preferences]
    [Head]: My hair is long, curly/wavy and bright. I love my beauty mark and plump lips. I love detail on eyes and long full eyelashes. Please make my nose small and cute or not there at all, lol.
    [Bust]: Large perky breasts [Size C] and a slender waist [Size 0].
    [Legs/Feet]: Slender legs and curvy hips.
    [Any Male Companion My Avi Is With]: Muscles: I love a nice six-pack. Nice arm muscles but not bulgy. I like him to be looking romantic, cocky or playful, with a smirk and everything.


    You can draw my current avi:
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    You can also choose any from my giant collection of avis, they are all tekteks so you can see all the items I used.
    [My Avi Arsenal]

Art Collectors [1]
(... draw at your own risk... the following took forever to get back to me... or didn't receive it)


If someone wants to try going purely off of text descriptions, I'd like to offer up some options. ;D
This is a couple from one of my novels. Neither of them are human.
      Basics: Gold colored eyes with thin pupils. Short and thin. Lightly tanned. Frail, boyish frame. Short, dark brown shaggy hair that lightly hides her eyes. 16-ish age. Lightly tattered, normal clothes like t-shirt and jeans. Pointed ears and canine teeth. Nervous, easily frightened personality. Extremely afraid to offend others. Fiercely defensive at times.
      Wings: Largely like a bat's, but the topmost curve is feathered with white-speckled grey feathers (the idea here is that she'd started to have feathered wings but they became "tarnished" and ended up leathery and dark).
      Facial mark: Gold ink. A line that begins under her left eye and goes down her cheek to curve almost to her chin. A second identical one sits just inside the first, slightly shorter in length.
      Horns: Appear to be ram horns at first, but the left one is broken off halfway through the spiral. The right one continues longer to jut behind her head after the curl.
      Tail: Like a typical thin "devil" tail but black. It splits into two after a few inches from the base. The edges of the halves are smooth until five inches from the tip. There, the two halves fit together like a puzzle piece, but are jagged and sharp where they connect and end in a sharp point when pressed together.

      Basics: Silver eyes with thin pupils. Tall and toned frame. Tan skin. Shaggy black hair. 18-ish age. Neat but loose black clothing trimmed in silver. Pointed ears that stick out to the sides, and canine teeth. Tough, grouchy, spoiled personality. Used to getting his way. Used to being the strongest. Can't stand being beaten (especially by Rachel).
      Wings: Large, leathery black bat wings.
      Facial mark: Silver ink. Frame the bottom and outer corner of the eye, and then spiral down the cheek like a creeping vine. Appears under each eye, mirroring each other.
      Horns: Notched, black, blending with his hair. They curve against his skull and behind his ears, making them stick out to the sides.
      Tail: Typical thin "devil" tail with a pointed tip. Black.

    Possible Pose:
      Standing backs to each other, slightly apart. Rachel kinda slouched, looking down at clawed hands in frightened confusion. Her wings partially spread/sagging with her shoulders. Virziel looking over his shoulder at her dismissively but with mild/bored curiosity. Wings tucked and body poised and straight.

And if people prefer references, my request thread is here.User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

Art Collectors [0]
(new collector; respond time unknown...)


Please make sure you add ours before you post your request here.
... will not add until I see our banner in your thread first b/c I don't have time to give you mine when it's right here...

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[url=http://www.gaiaonline.com/guilds-home/an-artist-and-art-collectors-paradise/g.41927/][img]http://i81.photobucket.com/albums/j237/Kaleta348/My Graphics/zacktiny.jpg[/img][/url]

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