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Swashbuckling Shapeshifter

17,265 Points
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Befriended 100
  • Gender Swap 100

Welcome to my request thread! I'm hoping to not abandon this one, as I tend to do with all my other ones. Feel free to keep me company!

Here's the thing. I have so many OC's, it is ridiculous. Because I love creating characters and worlds and all the fun stuff! I just... I never do anything with them. Maybe one day, maybe. But for now, I just like getting art of them! So, yeah. Here's the link to all of them, in case you're curious. Or you want to read their background, likes, and dislikes. As I took that out. Under their names though, I'll probably write a blurb about what they like.

I appreciate any and all things!
Thanks for stopping by!

Swashbuckling Shapeshifter

17,265 Points
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Befriended 100
  • Gender Swap 100

Nystrom Twins
Lars and Libby

Can be drawn together or separately. They like to prank people.
Age~ 22
Gender~ Male and Female
Race~ Human
Sexuality~ Both are Heterosexual
Crush/Relationship~ N/A. Lars gets bored too easily and Libby... Well, she prefers one night stands. Commitment is for idiots.
Weapons (if any)~Lars hacks computers, that counts right? Libby will take you down with her bare hands, bitches! And her unnecessarily huge collection of knives.

Lars always seems bored, but he's really hyper a lot of the times. Nothing seems to worry him ever.

Libby is a little crazy. By which, I mean really psycho. And she loves it! She almost seems bi-polar, but her therapists haven't really diagnosed her with anything except over excess boredom. She has kind of a short temper- WAS THAT A SHORT JOKE?!

Eye Color~ Lars has honey colored eyes and Libby has dark brown.
Hair Style and Color~ They both have naturally black hair. Lars cuts his into a Mohawk with red tips, the sides of his head shaved.
Libby keeps her bangs long, down to her collarbone and cut off drastically in the back. She keeps the back short, about two inches, and keeps it spiked upward. Her bangs are blue and she frosted the back with a light blue.
Body Type~ Lars is a little over 5'8" and lanky. Libby is short, like 5'1" AND A HALF! and skinny.
Clothing/Styles~ Lars is in love with the cyber-punk era. He loves goggles and chains. He loves platform shoes, trench coats with studs everywhere, Tripp pants, gas masks (sometimes), gauntlets that Libby makes, and a mesh shirt. Yes, he wears this stuff all throughout the year. Thanks to Libby actually knowing how to make these things, he never has to look to far when he wants something new.
Libby is into the punk scene right now. She loves to wear goggles that matches her twin's, but she wears them around her neck or on top of her head. She wears plaid skirts with fishnet stockings. She can usually be found wearing a vest like this. If she wears pants, they look like a female version of what Lars can be found wearing. Which looks like this. She likes some blend of Goth and Lolita clothing like this. Just to give you an idea. She is also quite fond of wearing eye patches and surgical masks with safety pins arranged on them.
Piercings/Tattoos~Lars has his Septum pierced, two eyebrow piercings on his left eyebrow, and his tongue pierced. He has a set of wings tattooed over his entire back.
Libby has spider bites on both sides of her lips, size 6 gauges in both of her lobes, and her nose is pierced. She has a set of wings to match Lars's on her back, as well. They got them done together so it means a lot to her.


skin tone
hair color
eye color

skin tone
hair color
eye color

~Ichitutu~Rikki Hyperion~


Lilliann "Lilly" Johnson
A photographer who loves her job. Not a fan of models, they never do what she wants. But she tries. She tries really hard.
Age~ 25
Gender~ Female
Race~ Human
Sexuality~ Heterosexual
Crush/Relationship~ N/A. A little too focused on photography right now.
Weapons (if any)~ She has a Canon 5D Mark III, if that counts.

She's a bubbly person. She gets pretty jumpy after watching scary movies. She's never met a stranger. When you first meet her, you're greeted with a warm smile and the feel that you're important. When she talks to a person, she treats the conversation as if that's the only thing that matters. She falls hard, but loves harder.

Eye Color~ Usually a light colored brown, but she wears colored contacts to make them purple.
Hair Style and Color~ She dyes her hair a light purple. Sometimes she has it in an afro or lets her curls hang loosely around her shoulders.
Body Type~ She's very tall and lanky. She has a small chest, but that's fine with her. Her mother instilled the "I'm beautiful inside and out" mentality from day one.
Clothing/Styles~ She really loves bright colors, sundresses, scarves, those large and floppy hats, knitted beanies are big plus. But she'll also wear jeans, but not blue jeans. She prefers skinny, colorful pants. If given the choice, she'd wear sandals instead of closed toe shoes. Some examples are here, here, and here. She likes to wear thick-rimmed glasses, but only if they match her outfit. Her camera is almost always around her neck. In case you couldn't tell, she tries to color-coordinate her outfits.
Piercings/Tattoos~ She's got an ankh with the Pharaoh's eye in the center on her left wrist. And six piercings up each of her ears.


One Link because I'm lazy ^^

~Sagiso and Claire as the lovely model~Uke-Kun Yaoi

The next two are friends. Bri is kind of Erica's lab experiment. Bri is the result of a horrible accident that turned her into a modern day Jekyll and Hyde.

Two Types of Bri Nash
She is the personification of good vs. evil.
Age~ 25
Gender~ Female
Race~ Human/Alter Ego
Sexuality~ Pansexual. She has a lot of love, even if her alter ego is rather cruel.
Crush/Relationship~ Nada
Weapons (if any)~ None at the moment

If there's a real thing as a coin, Bri would be it. There's the side of her that's happy all the time. I mean, like Disney Princess Happy. Nothing can bring her down. But her other side? She is the definition of Chaotic Evil. Broody, glares, sneers, all of it.

Eye Color~ Green
Hair Style and Color~ Her hair is brown and comes down to her chin. When Happy Bri is out, her hair is straightened and curled under. When her darker side is out, her hair is spiky and messy.
Body Type~ Short but spindly. She has a small chest, but the vests work for her.
Clothing/Styles~ The lighter side prefers dresses. Any kind. Frilly, lacy, sun dresses, just dresses. But modest dresses. She doesn't care for them to be too short or too form fitting. Darker Bri prefers suits. She likes the long coats, the vests, even ties. Pinstripes are her favorite.
Piercings/Tattoos~ She does not. Darker Bri will get a piercing but the Lighter side will freak and take it out.


Skin, Eye, and Hair color

~Xandier87~Lynda (off Gaia)~Dinlos~

Erica Williams
Just your typical scientist trying to fix her mistake and get her friend back to normal!
Age~ 25
Gender~ Female
Race~ Human
Sexuality~ Demisexual
Crush/Relationship~ N/A. She's really focused on her work
Weapons (if any)~ She's pretty good in a science lab.

She's pretty stoic. She's got a dry sense of humor, super sarcastic. Is more likely to list facts than to understand a joke.

Eye Color~ Brown
Hair Style and Color~ Pixie cut, she keeps it short. Less likely for it to be in the way of an experiment. It's brown.
Body Type~ Tall and lanky. Best described as long.
Clothing/Styles~ She has a hard time finding clothes that fit. She likes thin sweaters, however they're always too short for her arms. She has the same problem with pants. She usually wears a lab coat, as she's usually in the lab. Safety is really important. Close-toed shoes. Outside of the lab, she wears a hoodie and probably some sweat pants.
Piercings/Tattoos~ Just her lobes are pierced. She's got a tattoo of a pointer on her rib cage, her family dog.


Hair, Eye, and Skin Tone


Swashbuckling Shapeshifter

17,265 Points
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Befriended 100
  • Gender Swap 100

This post is dedicated to members of the band, Cover It All, and their biggest supporter, Amanda. She's dating the drummer, so she's always around. If you're interested in drawing them together, I would love that!

Adelaide "Ad" Cross
Super in love with James Cannon, will never admit it.
Age~ 23
Gender~ Female
Race~ Human
Sexuality~ Heterosexual
Crush/Relationship~ She crushes on James but tries hard not to be weird about it.
Instrument~ Her Epiphone, vocals, and sometimes (when the guys insist) she plays a keyboard for whatever song.

Easily excitable when it comes to music or their band. She's usually happy, but keeps a cruel smile on her face just because she likes confusing people... By "people", she means her family. On stage, she's very energetic and loves to get the crowd pumped and singing along with the songs. After a night of marathoning scary movies with the guys, she has a hard time not jumping at every little noise. She likes to think she's tough, but what was that creaking? Was it a demon?! Oh, this is not how she thought she'd go out!

Eye Color~ A bright green
Hair Style and Color~ This style but black with purple streaks in the bangs.
Body Type~ Short and a little curvy
Clothing/Styles~ She's always wearing her Silverstein hooded jacket, zipped up but low enough so it can hang off one of her shoulders. Underneath, a black tank top. Jeans and flip flops or converses. She also wears glasses, like the one in the hair style picture. Adelaide is a big fan of ties, too... But only when she isn't wearing her hooded jacket!
Piercings/Tattoos~ Snake bites, four piercings on each of her ears, no tattoos yet. She hasn't really decided what she wants...


One link. Got lazy x.x

Xandier87 (it's not /really/ Adelaide, but it's really close to what she looks like. Aside from the lack of piercings)~inuyashagirl521 (not from Gaia, came from VDex)~NinjaJinx (need a hoodie idea? Use this one~)~lonesome dreamz~Viciousfluid~Vancielle~White Harmony~Enpuresu~

James Canon
Crushing hard on Adelaide, too much of a womanizer to tell her. Really scared of commitment.
Age~ 24
Gender~ Male
Race~ Human
Sexuality~ Heterosexual
Crush/Relationship~ Eh. He just likes girls. Period. Secretly, his eyes are on Adelaide, but he doesn't want to get too close... He prefers to keep his girls at arm's length.
Instrument~ Fender Jaguar Bass and back up vocals/screaming

He's a typical womanizer, flirtatious and cocky all the time. When it's just him, Dustin, and Adelaide, he's rather laid back and full of "that's what she said" jokes. During a performance, he concentrates more on shredding it up on his guitar than anything else... Until Adeliade and him have a guitar solo, then he's focused on where she is... A little too focused. He knows where her next move is going to be and he can't wait until they share a microphone. There's probably a picture of their first performance with him blushing and staring at her. He won't admit it to anyone, but he secretly hates the scary movie marathons. His imagination takes to new heights right after, especially when he's alone in his room... His posters turn into monsters and he falls asleep watching them for movements.

Eye Color~ An icy blue
Hair Style and Color~ Shaggy and black, comes to his eyebrows
Body Type~ Tall and skinny, spindly.
Clothing/Styles~ Wears a band tee, jeans, and Vans (the sneakers,not the slip ons). In the winter, he wears a thick leather jacket. He's very simplistic with his style. It's easy and he doesn't have to put too much effort into it.
Piercings/Tattoos~ No piercings or tattoos. Just never around to getting them. He likes the idea of a lip ring though. Not in the center, like off to the side. Yeah, that would look hot.


Hair, Eyes, and Skin Tone Still lazy, one link.


Dustin Craft
In love with Amanda (posted next). Planning on marrying that girl. Also, really in love with bacon. Scatterbrained.
Age~ 24
Gender~ Male
Race~ Human
Sexuality~ Heterosexual, why? GUYS CAN HUG, DAMMIT!
Crush/Relationship~ This girl from high school, he's going to propose.
Instrument~ Drums They're his second favorite love! He also has a set of black drumsticks with "Craft" carved elegantly into them.

Easy-going. He comes off as simple minded, but he prefers people not knowing how smart he can be. Can't give everyone the answers to life! A little full of himself and always spouting out random nonsense. "I like bacon." <-- See? But around home, he's a different person. He's controlled and does his best to lighten the load on his mother. He doesn't get scared too easily, though. During movie night, he's usually too focused on stuffing snacks into his mouth than what's happening in the movie. Just give him a plate of bacon and you've lost his attention.

Eye Color~ A dull blue
Hair Style and Color~ He's got a high and tight hair cut and his hair is a light brown. (he has dreams of joining the Marines)
Body Type~ Tall and slender, he's got a nice muscle tone that's not overkill like some kids his age.
Clothing/Styles~ He's comfortable wearing Tripp pants with a shirt to match. Sometimes, when all of his Tripp pants are dirty, he'll wear jeans. He wears both sneakers and slip on Vans. He sometimes skateboards, so they come in handy.
Piercings/Tattoos~ No piercings, has Semper Fi on his left wrist in honor of his father.


Hair, Eyes, Skin Tone More laziness

~divine_infekt (came from VDex as well.)~

Amanda "Amantis" Roberts
Pretty dead set on marrying Dustin. Not a big fan of James, as she views Adelaide as her best friend. Doesn't like watching her get hurt. Kind of a big sister vibe.
Age~ 24
Gender~ Female
Race~ Human
Sexuality~ Heterosexual
Crush/Relationship~ In love with Dustin
Instrument~ N/A, but Adelaide is teaching her piano

She laughs really easily. Amanda is a pretty happy person. She suffers from resting b***h face and it hinders her ability to make new friends. She's super nice, genuinely cares about people. Unfortunately, she also hangs out with Cover It All, and they've corrupted her. They've made her rather sarcastic and sometimes her filter doesn't work and the snark comes out when she didn't mean for it. A regular mom friend, super protective.

Eye Color~ Light green
Hair Style and Color~ Brown hair, pretty straight. She puts highlights in it, they're almost blonde. Her hair comes a little past her shoulders.
Body Type~ Short and slim. She's really skinny. She has some toned muscles from working out. But she's trying to gain some weight.
Clothing/Styles~ Wears a lot of baggy hoodies (usually Dustin's), and tight jeans. When it's warm, she wears sundresses, or tanks with shorts. Usually, she wears Converses, but when it's warm she wears flip flops.
Piercings/Tattoos~ a John Deere symbol on her left wrist. Her lobes are pierced and her cartilage. She has a small stud in her right nostril.


Color Refs

~Fraya Lockwood~

Swashbuckling Shapeshifter

17,265 Points
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Befriended 100
  • Gender Swap 100

Aislynn "Ash" Rhodes
A witch girl and her cat! She's got a fiery temper... And can also manipulate fire. So, it works out well. Sometimes.
Age~ 23
Gender~ Female
Race~ Witch
Sexuality~ Homosexual
Crush/Relationship~ She hasn't met that special lady... Yet.
Weapons (if any)~ Her magic. She can manipulate fire and talk to her cat, Quiggley.

She's pretty giggly. When she's nervous, she giggles more and covers her face to hide her blushing. When she gets scared, she tends to accidentally throw a fireball at whatever frightened her. Overall, she's a bit of a free spirit. Definitely one of those that "marches to the beat of their own drum."

Eye Color~ Golden brown
Hair Style and Color~ Black with pink bangs. She keeps it cut to her chin and flips the ends outward. Much like this style and cut.
Body Type~ She's average height. She's got a few curves with C-cups.
Clothing/Styles~ She'd prefer to wear dresses much like the witchling dresses on here. But she prefers lighter colors, preferably pastels and Spring-Time colors. Though, she will wear skinny jeans and a peasant top. Billowy sleeves are her obsession. She also likes to wear mini hats to match her outfits. Some examples: one,
Piercings/Tattoos~ She has two tattoos of pentacles. One on her left breast and the other is on her lower back. She also has her ear lobes pierced and wears either cute bat or crescent moon earrings.


Hair, Eyes, and Skin
Hair Style
Left Breast Tattoo
Lower Back Tattoo


Dominque Vexuho
A succubus doing her job. Unless she's bored. Then she hooks people up. It's a match made in Hell, really.
Age~ 152
Gender~ Female
Race~ Succubus
Sexuality~ Pansexual
Crush/Relationship~ She just likes everyone. Relationships would require her to actually care about people.
Weapons (if any)~ She can suck the life out of a person, that’s an interesting weapon.

She’s a giggly kind of person, erm, demon but that’s only when she likes someone. She’s not easily frightened. Usually, she’s pretty flippant toward everyone and thing.

Eye Color~ Left eye is red and the right is yellow
Hair Style and Color~ Her hair is long with loose curls, coming down to her hips. Her hair is bright red at the roots and fades to yellow at the tips, resembling fire. On the top of her head are small black horns, only about eight inches long.
Body Type~ She is tall and curvy. She has large breasts with wide hips. But she doesn’t have the slender, Barbie waist. That’s just unrealistic. Her skin is a pale blue. And her tail is black with a heart at the tip.
Clothing/Styles~ She wears short shorts and skirts, often with a mid-drift top. Unless she’s wearing some dress. Then it’s form fitting and showing off her cleavage. She likes corsets with a bustier. She prefers to be barefooted, but she can live in heels.
Piercings/Tattoos~ No piercings, but has a demon heart with little wings tattooed on her left hip.


One Link
Tattoo, but with little demon wings


Liz, Shadow, Specter
My Poketeam. Liz is a researcher, sent out to observe how Pokemon live in their natural habitat. Shadow (Umbreon with purple rings) and Specter (Purrloin) are her two 'mon that tag along.
Names~ Liz, Shadow, and Specter
Age/Level~ 22, Level 80, and Level 58 respectively
Gender~ Females
Race~ Human, Umbreon, Purrloin
Sexuality~ Heterosexual
Crush/Relationship~ N/A, too busy for that!
Occupation~ Pokemon Observer

Liz is pretty outgoing and energetic. Shadow is just as hyperactive and always ready to make new friends. Specter is rather shy, but mischievous. Specter tends to get Shadow into a lot of trouble with other Pokemon or shop owners by stealing something and giving it to Shadow, with Shadow never learning, she happily accepts the gift and often is accused of thieving. They've seen a lot in their travels, but Ghost type Pokemon still give them the heebie jeebies. Something about being a ghost that freaks them out... Ghosts period. The whole idea of going through walls and getting you can really freak someone out.

Eye Color~ Bright green
Hair Style and Color~ Short in the back with longer bangs. She dyes it purple, to match her team. Shadow is black with purple rings and Specter is just a normal Purrloin.
Body Type~ Short and athletic, she does a lot of climbing so her muscles are pretty toned.
Clothing/Styles~ She wears a lot of tank tops or spaghetti straps, unless weather calls for something else. She likes her headbands to match her shirt. She prefers shorts to pants and skirts. It gets hot when she observes sometimes. Occasionally, she'll wear arm warmers. Always has a video camera to record everything.
Piercings/Tattoos~ Just her ear lobes, she forgets to put them in sometimes.


An Old Art thing for reference

~Shadow by Pelliwag~Shadow by Taibu~The whole team by xX_ibitsu_Xx

Swashbuckling Shapeshifter

17,265 Points
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Befriended 100
  • Gender Swap 100
Le Cirque des Oubliés

Creating this group was completely by accident. Sorry, not sorry.
Also, if you know French: Please send help! I Google Translated "The Circus of the Forgotten" so if it's wrong, I'd like to be corrected! Thanks!

Lilith Corbett
The Storyteller

Lilith doesn't do much in the way of performing, as she isn't a huge fan of being center stage. She has the ability to control the ink on her skin, she's able to make them manifest into reality. She has inky wings that can help her fly. Also, she can- for very short periods of time- summon inky clones of herself and use them for distractions. As part of her performance, she always has some grand tale and uses her ink clones as props or actors.
Age~ 26
Gender~ Female
Race~ Unsure
Sexuality~ Homosexual
Crush/Relationship~ N/A
Abilities~ She can control and manifest the tattoos on her. The wings on her back can materialize and help her fly. She can also use them to drip ink down and create shadow clones of herself, mostly for distractions. She’s not a fighter. One thing she’s proud of is her ability to use her ink to create the perfect winged eyeliner. She can also tell when people are lying, or not telling the whole truth. Not because she's telepathic. She's just good at picking up on people's tells.
Performance/Circus Duties~ Lilith only has one performance a night. She creates a story for her audience, using her shadow clones as actors. It’s pretty tiring. For the most part, she helps with setting up the circus and tearing it down. She can also be found around the food vendors, testing for “quality assurance.” Often though, she’s out front at the ticket booth. As that’s her job.

Lilith is a chipper kind of girl. She’s friendly, welcoming, loves everyone. Has resting concern face and really wants to know if you’re okay. Very much the mom friend. She gets very close to her friends really quickly. WIll start to consider them family in a short period of time. Overly protective of her friends, will kill for her family.

Eye Color~ Brown
Hair Style and Color~ Deep black, resembling ink. It’s kind of shaggy and comes down to her mid back. She usually keeps up in a messy bun, held with chopsticks. Is considering cutting it off into a messy pixie cut. Something like this. But she hasn’t committed to the idea of short hair yet. Maybe one day.
Body Type~ Slim and muscular. Her arms are toned from a lot of lifting. She’s a little over average height, about 5’7”.
Clothing/Styles~ She wears a lot backless or low back tops. It’s just easier to use her wings if she doesn’t have clothes impeding them. She prefers tank tops, she gets hot easily. In the winter she wears a faux leather jacket, it’s pretty beat up though. Big fan of skinny jeans. Her preferred color is black, she wears a lot of black.
Piercings/Tattoos~Her ear lobes and nostril is pierced. As far as tattoos go, she has a set of wings inked onto her back, the top of them are on the tops of her shoulders and they go down to wrap around her hips, they seem to come out of her shoulder blades.


Wing Tattoo
Skin tone, Eye color, and Hair color

~Nothing yet~

Tawny Casse
The Tigress

Tawny and Lilith are besties <3 Tawny is a bit of a lazy bones. If people would let her, she'd sleep all day. However, she likes to tease people and is always up for an adventure. Mostly, she likes to pick on Lilith's inability to do eyeliner without a little help.

Age~ 26
Gender~ Female
Race~ Tiger shapeshifter
Sexuality~ Bisexual
Crush/Relationship~ Secretly in love with the fire twirler
Abilities~ She can communicate with her tigers as well as shapeshift into a tiger.
Performance/Duties~ She’s the go-to person if ever there’s a sick cat. She knows how to talk to them in order to figure out what’s wrong. However, because she has a recurring performance, she doesn’t have a lot of other duties besides taking care of the big cats. Her performance consists of her tigers, David and Lucille, jumping through hoops, opening their jaws for her to stick her head inside. They’re slowly learning to dance. It’s kind of a comedy show, where they react to whatever joke or funny question Tawny asks of them.

She’s lazy, Tawny could sleep all day if she was allowed. When she isn’t sleeping the day away, she’s teasing Lilith. She loves to pick on her friends. If she doesn’t pick on you or tease you, then she doesn’t like you.

Eye Color~
Hair Style and Color~ Orange, naturally. Her hair looks as though it’s been teased to stand out as far as possible, looking like a mane. Resembles this Hex Girl
Body Type~ She’s a very tall woman, a little over 6’. She looks like she’s a runner, very lean with minimal muscle tone.
Clothing/Styles~ She wears a lot of gold clothes and black accents. Prefers tank tops. Really loves tight clothing.
Piercings/Tattoos~ She has her lobes pierced and wears large, gold hoops all the time. No tattoos though. No matter how my Lilith insists.

Skin, Eyes, and Hair colors

~Altamirage~Micro_Chibi_Sora~barefoot friar~

Nana Pendle
The Healer and Creator

She's the reason the circus exists. She created it with her magic and uses it to adopt other beings that society has left behind or forgotten. Or want to harm. Either way, she creates a safe space for each other her family members. She is really good at healing and caring for others. She's Lilith's favorite human.
Age~ 426, though she looks about 60. Nobody really knows her true age. Except, maybe, Lilith. The girl is perceptive to lies.
Gender~ Female
Race~ Witch
Sexuality~ Heterosexual
Crush/Relationship~ N/A. He was burned at the stake on Pendle Hill
Abilities (if any)~ She has an affinity for healing. She can also read people’s lives, their past and present. She also has the ability to read their thoughts. She can also create inanimate objects, like tents.
Performace/Duties~ Nana doesn’t perform. Her sole duty is maintaining the circus. She is the founder and creator after all. She has the power to build new tents and retire ones that are no longer in use. The circus came about because of her.

She’s a very wise woman, however she does have a bit of wackiness to her. One minute she’s serious and businesslike, the next she’s joking about some off the wall thing. She’s a nurturing kind of person. She’s like a stereotypical grandmother that doesn’t bake cookies. To her, you can do no wrong.

Eye Color~ A light blue
Hair Style and Color~ Long gray and black hair. It hangs down around her like a veil almost. Tawny does convince her to braid it occasionally. Her braid is a loose braid that comes down to the middle of her back. Her hair is straight and hangs down a little past her butt.
Body Type~ She’s a slender woman, but she has some muscle definition. She and Lilith are about the same height when Lilith walks and sits up straight. Nana is a little taller.
Clothing/Styles~ She loves flowy dresses, scarves, headbands. She really got into the hippie look. Wears a lot of loose fitting clothes. (Much like Frankie from Grace and Frankie). She also wears necklaces and bracelets with amethysts or turquoise stones in them, depending on her color scheme for the day.
Piercings/Tattoos~She has her ears pierced. She usually wears one amethyst earring and one turquoise earring. They’re the healing stones, after all.

Eye, Hair, and Skin tone
Outfit Idea One
Outfit Idea Two
Outfit Idea Three

~Nothing Yet~

Swashbuckling Shapeshifter

17,265 Points
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Befriended 100
  • Gender Swap 100
The Avatars Who Don't Have a Story Yet

Sailor Betelgeuse
Nex Thana

This Sailor Guardian can commune with the dead and bring them back with her staff. Usually as a way to help fight.
She comes off as a bit of an antagonist to begin with. She isn't exactly the most helpful at the start. Very cynical and sarcastic. But once you get to know her, she opens up and becomes a total softy and over protective of her friends.

The hair I think I like most. This is her with her staff.
User Image

Without her staff
User Image

if you're curious about street clothes, you can find them here

I modeled this girl after me. Because I was bored. She doesn't have a name though.
User Image

Another unnamed boo. She's a blind bunny. Her hair is very carnivorous. Beware: she bites.
User Image

I couldn't decide on hair color with this girl either...
She likes to lure sailors in with her enchanting voice. Once their ship has wrecked and they have no where else to go but deeper into the cave where they hear an angel singing, she traps them. They become her source of food until the next ship passes her cove.

I liked these head fins:
User Image
this is the color I preferred:
User Image
But I liked the curls with this hair style:
User Image

Her name is Myra. She's one of Erica's experiments. I just haven't finished writing her up yet. She cannot talk. She leaves a trail of slime behind her. She isn't allowed outside. She has to focus really hard in order to keep her form, else she turns into a puddle. Erica doesn't think that Myra finished baking.
User Image

The Leanan Sidhe Orphan

Maeve is a work in progress. You can find her on my TH account. She's a Leanan Sidhe, feeding off human affection (instead of blood), in exchange for being a muse for poets. She's still trying to figure out her powers and why she's always hungry.
User Image

Swashbuckling Shapeshifter

17,265 Points
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Befriended 100
  • Gender Swap 100

Lilliann by Uke-Kun Yaoi
Erica by Aqutalion
Liz, Shadow, and Specter by xX_ibitsu_Xx
Dominque by Arjoko
Aislynn and Quiggley by xXSweetLittleNekoXx
Erica by Micro_Chibi_Sora
Tawny by Altamirage
Adelaide by Vancielle
Adeliade by White Harmony
Bri by Dinlos
Sleepy Tawny by Micro_Chibi_Sora <3
Tawny by barefoot friar
Adelaide by Enpuresu
Dominique by Artloving
Amanda by Fraya Lockwood

Swashbuckling Shapeshifter

17,265 Points
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Befriended 100
  • Gender Swap 100

Swashbuckling Shapeshifter

17,265 Points
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Befriended 100
  • Gender Swap 100

Swashbuckling Shapeshifter

17,265 Points
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Befriended 100
  • Gender Swap 100

Swashbuckling Shapeshifter

17,265 Points
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Befriended 100
  • Gender Swap 100

Swashbuckling Shapeshifter

17,265 Points
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Befriended 100
  • Gender Swap 100

Swashbuckling Shapeshifter

17,265 Points
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Befriended 100
  • Gender Swap 100

Swashbuckling Shapeshifter

17,265 Points
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Befriended 100
  • Gender Swap 100

Swashbuckling Shapeshifter

17,265 Points
  • Jolly Roger 50
  • Befriended 100
  • Gender Swap 100

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