Welcome to Gaia! ::

It's been a while! Anyone still around after all this time?

I am! It may have been a while, but I'm still here! 0.72222222222222 72.2% [ 26 ]
Meh, I still check out the thread when there's an update. 0.16666666666667 16.7% [ 6 ]
I completely forgot I even posted anything here. 0.11111111111111 11.1% [ 4 ]
Total Votes:[ 36 ]
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 184 185 186 > >> >>> »|

Greedy Dabbler

Salutations, AF!

I'm a little new here, but I've been participating in a number of 'draw the avatar above you' threads since Christmas, and I've become TOTALLY ADDICTED.

Also, I want to practice more with my tablet and my art skills in general.

So hey, want some free avi art? Stop by and make a post!

Are you an artist yourself and have some similar aspirations? Pull up a chair--all are welcome!

Want samples? Check out my art blog. I love comments!

Let's get this party started! biggrin

EDIT: Hey, everybody--I LOVE the response! Here's the deal--I'm doing EVERYBODY, in ORDER--so if you're a bit farther down the line, sorry for the wait!

Also, check out the poll! Do you guys think that I should put up the original avatars next to the drawings I did of them, for comparison?

And hey, guys! Where's the love? You don't need to tip, but I've love some <3 votes for my thread! Thanks muchly! smile

UPDATE: Hey, everyone! School's started up again, and that means that I'm gonna have less time to work on your art! I feel terrible. I'd much rather work on my art than go make money or sit in a room full of undergrads for an hour and a half. But! Must do. I'll still be here in the evenings--as I can spare them--and on weekends! (I love classes that don't give me much homework :3)

UPDATE: Guess what, everyone? New poll! I think we're reached a majority opinion to post pictures of avatars along with the drawings I've been doing. So--here's the new question! I've had some Gaians here ask about my owning a shop--but I don't have one! And I'm not sure that I'd be able to sustain both a shop AND this thread. So what do you all think? I value your opinions!

UPDATE: Hey everybody! I'm about done with the poll and it looks like I'm finally gonna be instating a limit to how many names are on my list. Sorry to anyone who is eventually gonna be missing out on the free stuff--but when I'm done with this thread, I'll be starting up my own shop, with negotiable fees! So even if you don't have much gold, you can still get yourself some art!

Here's where I draw the line--at 250 requests or when we hit page #100, whichever comes first. That means I'll take requests on all of page #99, but once we've hit the triple digits, it's all chat and picture-posting until my shop goes up. So, that's the buzz, friends! The end is nigh!

UPDATE: Heya everyone! So, there's a new poll up! Based on some of the art of avatars I've done in my blog and on this thread, I'm beginning to wonder--do you guys think there's a possibility I could get in trouble with the mods over my art? I think there's some kind of policy on sexual or suggestive content, but I like to think that I haven't violated anyone's virgin minds or broken any site rules, and I wanted to know what you all thought! Especially with some of the other strange or suggestive art I've got coming up (there have been some weird requests)!

UPDATE: Hey, everyone. So, looks like things are slowing down around here, huh? I'm so happy to see a couple faces sticking around (I love you guys), but with over a month having gone by since I started this thread, I'm sure many Gaians have forgotten they even requested from me! But that's not what I wanted to talk about--does everyone see the new poll? Inspired by Mistletoad's avi art, there has been some talk about frames on avi art. I think this is a bit of a neat idea, even though I haven't had much experience doing anything of the sort, and I want to know what you all think (those of you who are still around, that is)! ^_^

UPDATE: Howdy, my candies! There are so few of you left who hang around, but I do hope you take the time to read my updates and vote in my polls--but at least I get fine results from the latter! This makes me a happy updater! Yay!

In other news: new poll! Of late, I've had a little trouble contacting old patrons of the thread to confirm that they still want their art done, and despite multiple methods of contact, I've gotten no response! Do you think that I should bump them and re-open a few slots, or just do their art anyway? I've got my opinions, but I want to hear yours! Thanks in advance, and I love you all! :3

UPDATE: Hullo everybody! Well, the poll's results are in. The results are pretty much what I expected, and if I had been of the same mind I was when I posted it, the lot of people who haven't been on or replied to my messages in months would be getting bumped from their spots! However, I've come up with a different solution with which I think everyone will be pleased.

I'll be leaving the non-responsive Gaians up on my list until the conclusion of this thread. They have that long (several months, I have no doubt) to reply and inform me that they'd still like their art, at which point they'll be back in line behind the other people who DID reply. If I get no such response by the time I've reached the end of my massive list, I will BUMP all the non-responsive Gaians and there will be new OPEN SLOTS for free art! So, if anyone didn't get free art from me that wanted some--you have another chance! It won't come around for a bit, but there it is! I think I'll even offer art to those of you who HAVE stuck around. So if you already have your name on my list, or have gotten art from me before, you might be able to get a second piece, if you're very, very nice. :3

Oh, and new poll! Just a general question for curiosity's sake. :3

UPDATE: Well, I'm back, everyone! Almost done with the moving, but I've got a little free time to devote to your art! Now here's a new question for you (since my 'latest' poll is marvelously out of date); since it's been a while since I last asked, would my most recent commissioners (Cookie, Hika, Luna, and anyone else who'd like to) like to change their commission? In the interest of time, I'm going to just start on the commissions I've got, but if you can catch me before yours comes up, feel free to put in a new request! Thanks for sticking with me, guys!

UPDATE: Hullo everybody! Well, I'm FINALLY moved into my new place! We just got the last piece of heavy furniture in (along with all the other heavy furniture into the garage from the storage unit we cleaned out--OMG SORE), and the place is pretty much complete! Now all that's left is for me to find a job! DX

Anyhoo, I'll have some time for a while to work on art, and that's exactly what I'm planning to do. Sorry for the massive delays, everyone, and I hope you all get what you're wanting soon! Wish me luck!

UPDATE: Look, everyone! Updates! Finally! Getting my act together and getting on all this lovely art I have for you fine folks. But I didn't get any done yesterday! Know why? Because I went out to take a tour of a tiny little art college in the city. Want to know how I got there? ON THE FREEWAY. BY MYSELF. I had NEVER been behind the wheel on a freeway before. Yesterday, I did it TWICE. And WOW was my heart pounding! Also, I discovered that rock music calms me. I do not understand this fully, but I have my guesses.

Have any of you ever driven on a freeway with lots and lots of cars all around you, where one mistake could mean your life? How many of you actually drive? NEW POLL!

UPDATE: Hullo, my darlings! Well, as some of you may have noticed, it's been quite a while since I started this thread--and it's been a lot of time in between my posts here in recent months. It makes me feel bad to think how late all of you will be getting your art--but I promise you that I will finish all of them! I just hope most of you remember you asked for them--and hey, if not, it'll be like getting a surprise present! So give me a holler if you're still around, huh? I still like seeing activity on my thread, even if I'm not around all the time. :3

LAST UPDATE:Hidey ho, my lovelies.

Well, as some of you have probably noticed, this thread hasn't gotten much activity in a while. When I noticed that about a year had gone by since I started this project of mine, I started to wonder--how many Gaians even remember requesting art with me? Experience in recent months have told me--not many. This is why I'm closing down the thread...

... and opening a new one!

I'd like to invite any former Gaian from this thread to sign up now at my new thread! For the first week, I'll only be taking requests from you guys! After that, I'll be taking requests from the general populace--just a bit slower than in this thread.

Anyway, I hope you've all had a marvelous start to your new year, and that I get to see some of you over at the new site. It's been fun, everyone. Au revoir!


ART LIST (98/250)
XxHanakotobaxX : done
Charity Starlight: done
Ciokon: done
Ghost Haus: done
dragonprincess1: done
PiParanoid: done
Satans Ex Girlfriend: done
Hyuuga Hideki: done
fire_and_ice_dragoness: done
iThetis: done
lI Ace of Grace lI: done
animekittyninja-aka kiki: done
AlbinoCatfish: done
Starburst Elite: done
75p: done
To much Yaoi: done
x S c a n t y -: done
GEWCH: done
Sage Zeroni: done
iHikarii-kun: done
Oku37: done
Hikaru Tsukina: done
Hanasaur: done
The_Rose_Princess_2: done
Maka_Albarn-42-42-564: done
Ilovegummy: done
xxprixx: done
Otasku: done
x-Ditzy-x: done
monsterr mar: done
Epic Cookie Crumbles: done
Vedette IV: done
Samurai4christ: done
Smile Bazil: done
refusal cables: done
ChibiRin5: done
Seika19: done (in color!) heart
Queen Riah: done
Bleach_fan18: done
H e i d i Hallucinogen: done
Loves New Path: done
Aiden and Arcanine: done
QueenJazzmen: done
zombie joel: done
Jvp5: done
KirariM0KuCCuKKafani v2: done
Miriel3: done
Manduez: done
VidaNueva: done
PacificDusk: done
Sin Fang: done
His Love Letter: done
D r i z e e t: done
sunday funnies: done
BerryMystic: done heart
Valiant Canes: done
Hope_alone12: done
Tactic Dc-ed: done
iMelonCreamPuff: done
xxX Nefarious Kitten Xxx: done
jiiah578: done
8_Celtic_8: done
Mistletoad: done
[Gankaku]: .jpg]done
iHope Something Eats Yu: done
endrancethetempress: done
i_Dee J_m U s i C: done
R a i n b o w C h u: done
dragon craft: done
iTravisimo: done
Neaon_Sprinklez: (delayed)
cnoisy: done
Rosezx: done
Princess Greenland: done
Girl Fart Lover: done
padfootlet: done
Keoyo/PervyMuffinzz-GoRawr_X3: done
Xx- TeChNoTrAnCe -xX: (delayed)
Zaleha: done
DemoniosGuitarrista: done
Momo1013: done
Antique Queen: done
Areiay: done
MollysMurder: done
L4TER: (delayed)
fancy_lu: done
Screamo_Doctor06: (delayed)
Anime Princess Luna: done
Empress_Hikari_Chika: done
12121212l: done
xXThe_Cookie_Monster13Xx: done
Emo Girl 4ever and always: done
Kupo Kurumi: done
imk33ly: avatar
magickgirl: done
Aemizen: done
iiCelestial F O X: avi/OC(s)
Beth Corcoran: avatar
Silenced Arbor: done
Sonek Renaissance: done
Electro Feel: done
xSmile_Kittenx: avatar
bittersweet music: done
Cotton Kinky: done
crackerlover: done
Awesomeman37: dream avi
mayra betch: done
-I- Purity in Training-I-: avatar heart
Cutie-bo0tie: avatar
MissGrotesque: done heart
PHOBAR: avatar
KyIe BIack: avatar
KennH: avatar
artr0cks: OC
Toasty SpongeCake: avatar
dogmatix: avatar
CraziestAngel: dream avi
BionicBradley: avatar
glomping_nonja_neko: avatar(s)/OC
Lumenesca: avatar
KikioChii: avatar/OC
Madame Necrophile: avatar
Sei Gigantea: avatar
Pixel Sweets: avatar
Sexsation: avatar
Omeechi: avatar
Supa_Panda_Lover: avatar
ll Kiyoshi ll: avatar
Waltz of Madness: avatar
Professor Memnoch: avatar
Anteha: avatar
Sincerely Violet: avatar
xXx_Sightless_xXx: OC
Jae_Joong is sexii: avatar
Breezy_Cloud: avatar
Alizera Song: avatar
soulgirl99: avatar
Blue_Lightning_Panda_15: avatar
pinginluvr: avatar
oOKorinaOo: avatar
LovelyKel: avatar
II San_Fujioka II: avatar
Emerson08: avatar heart
AlwaysKnowYourHeart: avatar(s)
WantToLickMyKeyblade: dream avi
Ethereal Lady: avatar heart
xX_Vocaloid_Haku_Xx: request
BettytheGreat: avatar
edward13two: avatar
Pandas_Pixie: avatar
II Strawberry Kisses II: avatar
Isabella de Lioncourt: OC
Keyara The Hedgehog: avatar
Sikuyi-chan: avatar
IvanPwns: avatar
white_demon_angel23: avatar
II Missing II: avatar
headstrong-dude: avatar
The Doodle Bear: avatar
RachelWhittany: avatar
XKura_Lov3s_YamiX: avatar
Kakashi7Lover: avatar
yamitohikari: avatar
Yukki Cross 1590: avatar
Raging Peanut: avatar
Empress_Hikari_Chika: dream avi
xl-My-Sweet-Kiss-lx: pair request
kiko_kiko_leaf: dream avi
Cinky: pair request
LeGucci: dream avi
BerryMystic: OC
chester huuga: avatar
purplecraze4u: avatar
II pwn II: avatar
Ghostface mello: avatar
Keikenlove: avatar
Dante Mada: avatar
Saijikusakagi: avatar
-gir wants his cupcake-: avatar
iAre Supah: avatar
Shirayama Kai: avatar
naiwi11: dream avi
RawrBabeXx: dream avi
--caketastic---: dream avi
le beldam: avatar
p h o c k i e: ?
cannabutter: avatar
XxAbby NormalxX: avatar
Apple_malaysia: avatar
Illumize: avatar
Gir-LOVES-Cuppycakes: avatar
bitched-out-cupcakes: avatar
Hoshika Samurakami: avatar
Starlett557: avatar/OC
ShatteredSoulOnFire: avatar
little_rabbit52: avatar
charbz-rulz: avatar
MissLuna88: avatar
xxshan_noOnxx: avatar
Rewayna: avatar
Captain Pork: avi/OC
Ronn1e Radke: avatar
B A B Y C O C K: avatar/OC
Panda-chan XIII: avatar/OC
bluebarrok: avatar
radsterchick: dream avi
Siyu Yang: avatar
x_A i - T e r u: avatar
telle6: avatar
iShooting Star: avatar
Bleach_fan18: OC
iPandaPirate: avatar
Durban59-: avatar
--X_x--Fox-x-Fire--x_X--: avatar
heart shaped sprinkles: avatar
iiLil-Sponge-Daevidsonii: avatar
YASUKl: avatar
-n0_reGreTSs-: avatar
AcidSky87: avatar
Empresses Eclair: avatar
roxas_the_light_lord: avatar
Tina o_o: avatar
oBun: avatar
Mistress Dezz: couple
caviar92: avatar
CheeseCakeRawr: special request
XxdeathdollilollixX: avatar
Jack_FrostX: avatar
The Reapers Lament: avatar
Master Nemesis: avatar
SkyMyth: avatar
Forgive My Body : avatar
airihs: OC
OkiOki1234: avatar
Sushium: avatar
Jiyou: avatar
p4r7yp01s0n: dream avi
jazzy mammi: avatar
Alluniel: avatar
Nningyo: dream avi
alexis of the white sea: avatar
Ix Demii xI: chibi avi
Checkered Fire: avatar
Red Ginger Spice: request
xII Loveless IIx: avatar
mineko-maru: avatar
yureika: avatar

Altysay's Husband

User Image

Does my avi inspire some art? ;3

User Image

Blessed Capitalist

9,650 Points
  • Cats vs Dogs 100
  • Invisibility 100
  • Junior Trader 100
I would love to be drawn ^__^ heart

Ruthless Bloodsucker

6,950 Points
  • Popular Thread 100
  • Tycoon 200
  • Conversationalist 100
×Oh hi there! Maybe you'd like to draw my avatar?


Shy Tactician

Perhaps my avatar strikes your fancy?

That's some nice art you got there. : D
Me please?

Greedy Dabbler

My OC Aitana maybe?

Sure! Any pose/personality reference you'd like the pic to convey?

Wrathful Widow

My avi please?

Shirtless Pirate

my avi please? ;3

Dangerous Raider

12,000 Points
  • Person of Interest 200
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Brandisher 100
My icy heart...

My OC?

Here is the info (I want her to be in human form please):

Her name is Alia and she is an ice dragoness. In her human for she has waist length white hair that has a slightly wind blown look. Her wings are small enough to fit under a shirt and she has a tail that wraps around her waist. Her skin is slightly scaly looking and pale but she looks very human from a normal distance. She does have claws. Her clothes are dark in color.

As long as it looks good, you can pick whatever cloths you want.

Ummm... my avvie is supposed to look like her....

...has yet to be melted.

Greedy Dabbler

Jeebus, all at once, even!

Avi art will be drawn in the order of posts on the thread--stick around folks! biggrin

Man-Hungry Otaku

What about my current avatar or maybe the pathetic artist in a corset is inspiring?

Dangerous Raider

12,000 Points
  • Person of Interest 200
  • Treasure Hunter 100
  • Brandisher 100
My icy heart...

*sits in thread waiting hopefully*

...has yet to be melted.
If I see somebody's avi that I love I may draw them :3

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