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Serpentine Trickster

71,925 Points
  • Alchemy Level 10 100
  • The Edgiest 250
  • Team Poison Master 250
True Karma
WraythRose Darkthorn
True Karma
WraythRose Darkthorn
True Karma

depends on the person XD
I haven't been either, I've done a lot of non-profit work for there and have some friends who live there (clearly since I do the non-profit... ) but I never got to go. Well Africa is a big place but the place in Africa I was thinking of ins't good for the gay. I have a friend in Scotland I could go live with but it ahhh isn't warm.

well...they got a bit of a heat wave briefly in the summer lol
really old billy connolly stand up.

"The Scots were an Irish tribe! A lot of people don't know that. Yeah! A kind of mentally ill Irish tribe. The chief said, "C'mon lads! I know an even RAINIER place!"

Haha "this place is great but where can I get ... more rain" My friend use to send me photos outside of him in the summer and it was still rainy. I told him I'm not big on gloomy clouds and that's when he realized I was never going to marry him and move to Scotland.... ^^;

well that escalated quickly lol

well 2-3 days ago we got rain, downpour of rain, sleet, (hail in the town over), almost gale force winds, thunder & lightning, then sunshine.... Normally we don't get all the season's of the year's weather in one day, but sometimes we do... rolleyes (Ireland)

As it does ><;;;

Haha I've had all the seasons in one day, that is not today, it's living the forever cloudy moment. It's winter, I can't complain... it was bound to happen.

bright and sunny (but very cold*) today. Overheard one old fellow to the next "be nice if we got weather like this for the summer" lol

*cold for us, like in the 1-6 celsius range. and obviously below 1C too, but just that day temps today & yesterday are in that range xd Feels more wintery now after christmas than before!

Serpentine Trickster

71,925 Points
  • Alchemy Level 10 100
  • The Edgiest 250
  • Team Poison Master 250
WraythRose Darkthorn
True Karma
WraythRose Darkthorn
True Karma

depends on the person XD
I haven't been either, I've done a lot of non-profit work for there and have some friends who live there (clearly since I do the non-profit... ) but I never got to go. Well Africa is a big place but the place in Africa I was thinking of ins't good for the gay. I have a friend in Scotland I could go live with but it ahhh isn't warm.

well...they got a bit of a heat wave briefly in the summer lol
really old billy connolly stand up.

"The Scots were an Irish tribe! A lot of people don't know that. Yeah! A kind of mentally ill Irish tribe. The chief said, "C'mon lads! I know an even RAINIER place!"

Haha "this place is great but where can I get ... more rain" My friend use to send me photos outside of him in the summer and it was still rainy. I told him I'm not big on gloomy clouds and that's when he realized I was never going to marry him and move to Scotland.... ^^;

well that escalated quickly lol

well 2-3 days ago we got rain, downpour of rain, sleet, (hail in the town over), almost gale force winds, thunder & lightning, then sunshine.... Normally we don't get all the season's of the year's weather in one day, but sometimes we do... rolleyes (Ireland)

We got all seasons in one month last April.. Rain some days, warm and sunny on others, cool with a crisp breeze... and then in the middle of the month we got snow.
Also, it was summer heat all the way through to the end of October... and then we keep on getting springlike weather from November to now... Then cold snaps. Cold to warm to cold to warm... Yesterday it was like, 70 and sunny. Today it's 39 and raining.
North Carolina, bby, what is u doin'?
blame the atlantic? or winter in general? with a dash of global warming 3nodding

Serpentine Trickster

71,925 Points
  • Alchemy Level 10 100
  • The Edgiest 250
  • Team Poison Master 250
WraythRose Darkthorn

I have like questions... so you don't like hot weather AND wearing clothes.... does this mean you like being naked in cold weather? sweatdrop redface


Well, what can i say? cool i enjoy a little bit of wind.

Though reason is my skin is very sensitve and gets itchy and dry easily plus I sweat easily too so wearing clothes esp fur, knitwear or too many layers makes me stuffy and uncomfortable haha

For real though, winter - gotta stack em layers from freezing my toes off emotion_donotwant


layers emotion_brofist cold here too, but I don't think it's anywhere near freezing toes off

SuperSagi's Princess

Hopeless Romantic

43,200 Points
  • Falling For You 25
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Waffles! 25
Day #007
Theme: Mulan (Clickable)

User Image

Comments: Tried doing it in an Android App. first. Didn't go well, so re-worked it in CSP. 3nodding

SuperSagi's Princess

Hopeless Romantic

43,200 Points
  • Falling For You 25
  • Friend of the Goat 100
  • Waffles! 25
Nah, don't usually go for the whole catch them all.
Do you have the monthly registration, where you can trade Pokemon with other players?
Call me old fashioned, but it kinda makes me mad you have o pay for both The Console, The Game AND Monthly Fees...
Not to mention they're probably gonna milk us dry with new Expansion Packs. *sigh(

True Karma
Oh I question my choices daily XD;;;
That's what she said O: and I"m happy she was able to help n.n
Oh no I don't have that, it was very old. Most of my college art is gone or in some gallery....

Lol as long as you're happy with what you do - DON'T!!
It's no fun when your Art is gone for all kinds of reasons.
I remember my very first Digital Art about 15-20 years ago. It was of Gus & Cassy from UBOS. A full-body piece drawn in Mouse.
Up to this day I wish I could find it. : <

WraythRose Darkthorn
Ah, no? Pens. Pilot drawing pen 05 (black)
Graph'it brush liner (medium grey) for the shadows.

Lol obviously I don't know much about Traditional Drawing Options. sweatdrop
You work really well with these Mediums! It really catches the eye, especially on your Notre-Dam piece. ❤

Manly Man-Lover

Nah, don't usually go for the whole catch them all.

Do you have the monthly registration, where you can trade Pokemon with other players?
Call me old fashioned, but it kinda makes me mad you have o pay for both The Console, The Game AND Monthly Fees...
Not to mention they're probably gonna milk us dry with new Expansion Packs. *sigh(

Yeah, my brother got me a whole year.

Yeah, and the dlc. Thankfully you got time before it releases. So you could save up.

NeveroddoreveN's Husband

Beloved Unicorn

WraythRose Darkthorn
True Karma
WraythRose Darkthorn
True Karma
WraythRose Darkthorn
True Karma

depends on the person XD
I haven't been either, I've done a lot of non-profit work for there and have some friends who live there (clearly since I do the non-profit... ) but I never got to go. Well Africa is a big place but the place in Africa I was thinking of ins't good for the gay. I have a friend in Scotland I could go live with but it ahhh isn't warm.

well...they got a bit of a heat wave briefly in the summer lol
really old billy connolly stand up.

"The Scots were an Irish tribe! A lot of people don't know that. Yeah! A kind of mentally ill Irish tribe. The chief said, "C'mon lads! I know an even RAINIER place!"

Haha "this place is great but where can I get ... more rain" My friend use to send me photos outside of him in the summer and it was still rainy. I told him I'm not big on gloomy clouds and that's when he realized I was never going to marry him and move to Scotland.... ^^;

well that escalated quickly lol

well 2-3 days ago we got rain, downpour of rain, sleet, (hail in the town over), almost gale force winds, thunder & lightning, then sunshine.... Normally we don't get all the season's of the year's weather in one day, but sometimes we do... rolleyes (Ireland)

As it does ><;;;

Haha I've had all the seasons in one day, that is not today, it's living the forever cloudy moment. It's winter, I can't complain... it was bound to happen.

bright and sunny (but very cold*) today. Overheard one old fellow to the next "be nice if we got weather like this for the summer" lol

*cold for us, like in the 1-6 celsius range. and obviously below 1C too, but just that day temps today & yesterday are in that range xd Feels more wintery now after christmas than before!

Yeah sometimes when it's sunny that just means it can get colder o.o;;; still pretty to look out. It will be cloudy here till... April? I hope I can see some quality sun by then.

Yesterday it was 4 celsius and my friend and I considered it a heat wave (since there was no rain or snow) but right now yah it's between 1-6 like you. It drives me crazy when the winter vibe comes after the holidays. I want that snow, cute feeling then and no other time XD

Long-time Spook


Great coloring work!! Good luck at Art Contest!!
I'mma join too tomorrow tops. Been stuck on a WIP for 2-3 weeks until I finally managed continuing it yesterday.
Never realized you can have an Art Block for 1 piece in particular, considering I've had lots of Artistic Fluids for Challenge Entries. eek

Good luck as well!
Getting stuck sucks. Hoepfully it'll come out the way you want it! No need to force yourself!
I know I keep seeing contests and there are alot of really good ones but I can't do them all!
You can do itt!

NeveroddoreveN's Husband

Beloved Unicorn


I've gotten to the part that if I don't do it I will regret it. Right now it's draw art for 100 day time though XD
I'm happy I've learned enough to feel confident in drawing something like a comic. I've always believed I had to be the best at something before I earned the right to do something but... others aren't near any sort of 'goal level' then me and they are doing it so what's the real hold back? My art or me, in this case it's my own head. So I just... ask for advice when I can where I can and trudge though the hard parts as best I can.
My first 100% Digital piece? X.x *goes digging through imgur* that would be this https://i.imgur.com/pwiT8Ny.jpg I was so proud of that art @.@ it was the best of my ability. hahahaha.... u.u;

Naughty Duck

emotion_ghost Day # 6 emotion_ghost
Theme: emotion_ghost

User Image

Comments: finally got around to doodling my loser senpai ^^ i will get around to maybe adding more details and coloring this... someday.. hopefully emotion_zombie is a day late bec im a very busy bee on sundays ;~;

Naughty Duck

True Karma
Yeah 8] it would scare the tourists XD; so we did it just for their reaction.
Yeah now if I eat cold things in the cold I get sick... for I'm a breakable human now I guess :/

^___^ daw now you are just trying to make me blush.
lol it sounds like a great prank xD did u get the reactions u were hoping for? xd yeah, breakable sounds right being an adult is very tiring lol

nooo they are all very cutee d^u^ i wish i can change my avi with cute stuff too but im mostly too lazy to earn any currency here lol.

Naughty Duck

Yes, Fred & Charlotte were my babies for so long.. Sadly, they're gone now.
They were part of a Fairy Tail RP, but my partner's rarely online anymore. *sigh*
Tried joining a few other RPs, but it didn't go too well for me lol..

Haha there's an option to make an account and Albums on that site?? Never noticed!! rofl

I'd love to see your "finished" version of it. As far as I'm concerned it already is lol..
i see, thats too bad to hear ;n; the bad trend with rps here nowadays is most of them die out pretty quickly. :/ but! they dont necessarily have to be gone yknow ^^ this is just my opinion, but you can write what u think happens next in their story, or like what happens to them in alternate universes! this is just my ramblings tho, hope u dont mind ouo;;

lmao yes. i already have one lol. i didnt want to just upload without an account, i learned my lesson from tinypic lol xd

gah youre so sweet~ ill try to get back on it soon, hopefully it turns out well ^^

Naughty Duck

emotion_ghost Day # 7 emotion_ghost
Theme: snail

User Image

Comments: im so busy rn lol this is all i can manage ;n;

NeveroddoreveN's Husband

Beloved Unicorn

emotion_ghost Day # 7 emotion_ghost
Theme: snail

User Image

Comments: im so busy rn lol this is all i can manage ;n;

Yassss, boss snail OwO

NeveroddoreveN's Husband

Beloved Unicorn

True Karma
Yeah 8] it would scare the tourists XD; so we did it just for their reaction.
Yeah now if I eat cold things in the cold I get sick... for I'm a breakable human now I guess :/

^___^ daw now you are just trying to make me blush.
lol it sounds like a great prank xD did u get the reactions u were hoping for? xd yeah, breakable sounds right being an adult is very tiring lol

nooo they are all very cutee d^u^ i wish i can change my avi with cute stuff too but im mostly too lazy to earn any currency here lol.

Oh yeah the weirdest looks XD it was the best.
Yeah how did we get so breakable? Use to be back flip? Easy. Now, the only thing I want to flip is a pancake.

Do you have your account set to allow ghosting >3 because I could easily play around and see what I can put together with your items OwO

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