Hello everyone!

Back in 2014 I've taken a leave as an admin on Gaia after 12 years of work. I travelled, relaxed, worked on new ideas, and studied new programming techniques. Though I was away, I had always kept Gaia close to my heart. That's why when recently the opportunity for me to return and take charge, I immediately jumped on the offer.

Gaia had been a passion for me and other admins who created the community 14 years ago, and at it's core we believed that there should always be a community on the internet where we can truly be ourselves and have fun while we're together. We've created many games and features in the past, as well as hosted countless storyline and holiday events. Gaia started from having 250 users online and grew to having millions of users. The internet had evolved a lot since then, but Gaia still have you, the core group of users who enjoy being on the Gaia community. To all Gaians who see Gaia as their home, I want to thank you for being with us, and I'd like to spend more time in serving you and the whole community.

Gaia had been under a different management team for the past few years, and now that I'm back on the helm, I will spend my time and effort coming up with projects that you guys will appreciate. Gaia was created because I made friends with some really creative artists and we all love anime and games. With the new management team, I'd like to draw from that original source of inspiration and spend time coming up with more creatively driven projects. Whatever the projects may be, I think you'll enjoy seeing what we will come up with in the following months.

I have with me other old time admins such as L0cke and CP, who will be helping out in coming up with crazy new ideas and making new stuff. I look forward to working with the old gang just as much as having fun making new features for you all.

But for the coming few weeks, there will be lots of work that needs to be done in the Gaia office as me and others transition back. So I do ask for your patience while we figure things out, find out which projects to tackle, which feature to fix, or what events to launch, before getting back to all of you regarding details to what will come next.

Happy to see you all again!!!

For those who have questions or wish to drop by and say hi, here's a link to the forum thread on GCD: