• I once dreamed of a peculiar grape;
    whose flesh was rotted out of shape.
    It's sides seemed bitten off by tiny little teeth,
    and it's pungent odor was well beyond belief.

    I distinctly remember being surrounded by few,
    who looked no different, from I or you.
    But the look they wore on their pretentious faces,
    made me feel as if I was in the worst of places.

    We were in a dark cellar in the ground, off the edge of town,
    a place that was locked, and never meant to be found.
    Not one by one but instead by troves, the scavengers would enter,
    as if they had been found by apocalypse, and now seeking shelter.

    Without permission they shoveled in their find,
    from sweet tangerines to a leftover cantaloupe rind.
    I felt odd at the idea of stealing this food,
    I had no intentions or desires of being that rude.

    But in the heat of the moment I reached for the black shelf,
    for a moment not caring about how I would carry myself.
    At the last moment I had tamed my behavior,
    while still grabbing one item at the time to savor.

    Suddenly the thieves did begin to run.
    A sickness did come over them that had spared no one.
    At first individually and then all at once,
    they fell dead to the ground like unhealthy runts.

    From their hands rolled their stolen spoils,
    fruit that had been blackened by rot; and soiled.
    Maggots and decay had been the first to claim this prize,
    and in the end provided these monsters, a befitting demise.

    Alone I stood there and alone I walked away.
    Not a moment I did tarry for there was nothing to say.
    I journeyed on home which was not far off.
    I looked back for a moment and turned with a scoff.

    Then as I walked inside and saw an unusual hearth,
    I discovered my home had reflected my honor's worth.
    I sat and rested in my new cushioned seat without a qualm .
    After which I peered down and saw a single rotten grape in my palm.

    The lesson this dream had shown to me,
    is that your fate is what you make it to be.
    Do well unto others and do not blindly take,
    or else one day it will be your life that is put at stake.