• The cracking of glass
    The ticking of clocks
    My heart beats slowly
    And the darkness falls on me
    I look around
    Desperate for a light
    A sound
    A flicker
    A whisper
    But nothing appears

    I sit alone
    In this empty void
    Feeling worthless

    A faint light is cast apon me
    The softest voice caresses my ears
    I open my eyes
    And find a Savior

    Not an angel
    Not a knight in shining armor
    But a comforting touch
    And a warmth

    He is my Savior from my void
    My darkness
    My sorrow
    As my world breaks
    And falls apart
    He collects each piece
    He puts them away
    Not to be forgotten
    But for when understanding comes
    So WE can put this world back together