• Don't you remember me?
    Back then, when we played everyday,
    Laughed in everyway,
    Did we grow apart?
    Faded photographs tucked in dusty trunks,
    Is that all we've become?
    Don't you remember me?
    "Best friend," is what you said,
    All but my memories are dead.
    Warm laughter rings in cold ears,
    Don't separated paths ever lead together again?
    Don't you remember me?
    Or are they better?
    Do you know what it feels like to be replaced?
    It's a numbing feeling,
    Creeping through your body, until you want to do something,
    To get that back.
    Don't you remember me?
    Those secrets shared,
    The actions dared,
    I'm holding tight, with invisible fingers.
    Don't push them away,