• -~*I Couldn't Believe I Had Powers This Whole Time! But What Are They..?*~-

    "Grandma'..? What Are These Powers?" I NEED TO KNOW!!! As I Thought.. She Whispered
    "It Might Become To Early.. But You My Dear.." She Paused, And Finnally Stopped Glowing.
    "Own Time!!!" She Exclaimed, And Started To Glow More. She Wore Alot Of Black.. But Why?
    "Whaa?!!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!?" eek lol Me.. The Complete Hidden..CONTROL TIME?!
    "Ah!!" A Wharp Appeared... She Was Fading "Im Sorry! You'll Haft To Figure It Out Yourself!"
    "But...I Can't..." emo I Heard Footsteps sweatdrop I Ran To The Closet As It Approached.
    "Hahaha! I Love You Babe.." Jane.. Grr.. She Was Kissing Him. stressed AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!! gonk
    "Errmm, Okay...?" He Seemed Confused.. He LOVED Her... Maybe Grandma' Did Something
    "Babey!!!!! C'mon What Wrong With You?!" She Started To Pout.. emotion_donotwant emotion_jawdrop
    "BRRRRIIIINNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!" Went The Bell.. She Ran Off... I Appeared..
    "Hey, Um Whats With Her?!" He Said.. emotion_eyebrow I Didn't Know. But He Was Whats Wrong.
    "Err.. Bye!" I Ran Too The Lunch Room In A Flash.. Something Dropped, I Kept Running
    ------~~~~~*****Later That Day After-School*****~~~~~-------------
    "Hey Manuji" I Said As Me & My Neighbor Walked Home... He Was Very Silent.. emo
    "Hey Mikia.. Do You Want To Maybe Come Over Later?" Thats Was Odd. But Okay..
    "Sure Manuji! I Would Be Glad To.." This Was Awkward.. I Would NEVER Hang With Manuji..
    "Thanks... I Guess....See You Later I Suppose.. cry " I Stared As He Went Inside His Home.
    "Bye I Guess..*I Love You..*" I Heard That Whisper. It Came From My Mouth!! What The Hell?!


    I Hope You Like This Longer One, It Has More Explanation And Mystery.. I Like This One Alot Better From Number One.. cat_4laugh
    Please Email Me If You Have A Request Or Question/Notice! cat_rofl Thanks! Byee! ;3
    cat_mrgreen ~KaySaa