• An explosion fires debris into the air as a young woman wearing nothing but a white gown, her dark hair ruffled by the desert breeze, crouches in panic behind a broken building. Panic wrecks havoc in her mind: "Where is my husband? Why am I here?", and other thoughts swim through her head, sickening as the dull ache in her gut while bodies are blown to pieces, children and wives crying in the streets, lives in total despair. Suddenly, her prayers are answered: a tall, slender outline comes walking through the dust and smoke, and as it clears, she can see that it is her husband, covered in dirt and dried blood, but otherwise unharmed. He comes running towards her as tears run down his face, and just before she jumps up to run into his arms, an earth-shattering sound of sniper fire fills the air. Before she knows what happened, her husband collapses into a heap, blood pouring from a gaping headwound, a smile frozen on his face. She screams, and her heart freezes as she hears one more shot fired...
    A sweating, angsty woman wakes up from a horrific dream. The cool breeze from the open window ruffles her white gown, her blankets kicked to the end of the bed. The wonderful night she had spent with the love of her life is shattered by an awful nightmare. She looks to the bags packed on the floor, and the calendar hainging next to her dresser, with a big red circle around the word "deployment" on today's date. Her panic causes her husband to awaken, and in tears, she tells him of the awful nightmare she just had. He wraps his arms around her, telling her its ok to be scared, saying "It mustve been awful to go through something like that, like what I went through last time I went." She looks at the man she bore two children with, the man of her dreams, the man who is everything she ever wanted, and said "Nothing is as scary as the thought of you never coming home."