• Charlene stared stonily at the computer screen as it flashed and glowed warnings. Muttering less than complementary words about the creators of the malfunctioning program she quickly attempted to exit the program. It didn't closed, in fact a strange screen popped up.
    "Do you wish to exit and enter Twindle?" She read slowly aloud. Aggravated and sick of messing with the computer game program she clicked yes angrily. SWOOOSH! A bright light engulfed her and sent her senses reeling. A sudden jerk pulled her off her chair and foward. Panicking she reached out and tried to catch the edge of the desk, but instead fell staight into a swirling bubble of silver. Gasping, she flailed and in an undignified thump, she landed on her bottom. "What in the world..?" She looked around dazed, she was no longer in her small dorm room, sitting in a cramped chair at a small desk dominated by her laptop and textbooks, but in a dark place with out any outside light sources. She could see around herself, for some strange reason there was circle extending about three feet around her of a steady beating white glow. Unsteadily, she stood and peered around.
    "Where am I?" She said, she felt like Dorothy, without Toto of course, stranded in a strange, mystical world. Of course there weren't any of those strange little people greating her, and she was darn certain she wasn't asleep, her bottom hurt to much for it to be a dream.
    "Welcome to Twindle new user." A slithery voice purred right in her left ear. Swinging around she felt her gaze widen when it settled on a particular being. Fuzzy and purplish pink, it had large bat like ears, a pair of almond shaped turqouise eyes, and green and blue candycane stripped wings, rabbit feet, stick like legs and arms that ended in squirell-like paws. "I amTrudle, your game guide and game proctor. I am here to help you get started." It smiled flashing bright yellow teeth, shark like in appearance, and Charlene felt her stomach drop to her feet. The strange being was the size of a large dog, the Burmese Mountain Dog her uncle owned was of similar size, and although it looked quite ridiculous, she felt shivers of fear go down her spine.
    "What do you mean game?" Charlene said breathily, her voice nervous and her hands were fluttering, unable to stay still. The fluffy monster's mouth opened and it reached in. Her horrified, but fascinated, gaze locked on as he, she , it , oh whatever, pulled out a large, blood splattered knife. Staring at it then looking at the creature's weird glittering eyes, Charlene fainted.
    "Hey, newbie, wake up. If you don't wake up I will lock you in a cell filled with tentacle monsters." Charlene moaned as she registered the voice, peering up she saw the creature and gulped. It still cared the large knife, jerking back from it she scampered back and nearly fell off...the platform? Looking around herself the former dark place was illuminated and it was like being inside a sterile, mechanical dome filled with strange mushroom like structures, one of which she was on. "You ready yet noob?" Trudle, was it, snapped impatiently. Nodding her head shakily, she stood up. She wasn't about to argue with the strange whatever it is.
    [ "Okay," Trudle took a deep breath and started, "Welcome to Twindle. The magical gaming world of Wiredhaven. A world where monsters roam and is a place of good and evil. You are the heroine and are the key to defeating the oncoming evil, Drawthbar. You must gather the mystical object and save the world, or fire shall descend from the heavens, while evil and demons will torture and imprison all the good beings of the world. You will go on this journey and gather up levels and companions. Got it?"
    "Uh, I quess so?" Charlene said.
    "Good, if you need help, just click the red button on the gadget attached to your hip. The bag belt you are wearing will contain anything and everything you gather up to a certain amount and then you may deposit, sell or discard anything you wish that you have. Okay, good we're done here. I'll start you at the beginning town of Trowgana. If you get lost or just need to heal damage, click the green button, it will return you there to your room. Your room is also the place you respawn. Good, you got your stuff, fine, I told you the basics, blah blah blah, yeah, whatever, you are good to go." Trudle levered his mouth open and in one giant motion devoured Charlene.