• Inuyasha Pov.

    Inuyasha finished the other test easily, then sighed. Why the heck did he have to go to school. He was a half demon, who wasn't even human! Why did his mother think it would be a good idea to send him to school, where if your different, people screw with you. That's why he had to switch middle schools twice all because people made fun of him, which made him pissed off, which made the kids who had teased him need 8 rounds of reconstructive surgery on their faces.

    So he spent twenty minuets leaning his back to a wall and watching the world go by with yellow eyes.

    Kagome Pov.

    Kagome was chatting with her friends Eri an Yuka when Yuka decided to switch the conversation. "Do you see that boy over there? the one with the silver hair? I wonder why we never saw him before?" Yuka and Eri were always on the lookout for cute guys, while kagome couldn't be bothered with them, much the annoyance of her two friends. "I think he was at another school, so we never saw him. Besides, I think he might be cold or something, he didn't talk to anybody when he walked in the class. But why don't we go and say hi?" Kagome was not really interested. "Count me out. I'm not interested." Even though she knew that her two friends would try to drag her to the boy now.

    Luckily, the bell was rung before her friends could get kagome to move from her position, so they had to go inside for the last test of the day. There were 3 more tomorrow, which was a good thing. These tests were usually stretched out, but they had to bunch it together because the school had set an early release date of the scores, so they had to be taken as quickly as possible to give the teachers enough time to check them.