• Case closed. Yet another minute crime had lead to the incarceration of some poor sap who was just trying to feed his family. Maxim heaved a sigh as he shoved his hands into his pockets. This is what he hated the most. Some people do bad things for good reasons and are punished, while other people, who do bad things for no more than self sufficiency and gain, walk. He’d joined the force to make a difference, but so far all he’d done was further propagate this unjust failure of a legal system.
    Hubert Maxim was living proof that there are good cops out there. He let slide a few miles-per-hour, so long as it was safe. He didn’t care about busting drug addicts; they had a problem, and throwing them in jail wouldn’t make their situation any better. It was Maxim’s belief that it was the police’s duty to help the betterment of society, mediate disputes, and if necessary arrest and imprison the guilty when it would help them or their victims. Sure, if it were a mass murderer that was on a killing spree, that was more than enough reason to capture and detain the individual, but if it was no more than a drunken bar fight that probably wasn’t going to happen again, or some punk teenager taking his first puff off a joint, there was no real reason to act so irrational.
    It was also his belief that just because something is against the law doesn’t mean one should be imprisoned or prosecuted for it. That isn’t how life works, and that isn’t how things should be.