• at the dawn of time peace was a myth. the gods were constantly in conflict over who would rein supreme over all other gods. Little did they know a human seer in a nearby kingdom found a way to listen in on their escapades and how to bring order, however he also was being watched by his nephew, the prince of the small kingdom. The greedy prince had the seer arrested and set to be executed. on the day of his execution he would spill his guts on how to bring order. In his eyes his plan was flawless. the seer told him on his execution day that to bring order he must become a god. the prince was amused but did not believe him. a young beggar thought it must be true though so that night he left his home land to travel to see the god slayer. the only man who ever got close to being a living god among men. for twenty years he trained and on his thirty fist birthday he climbed the mountain the gods supposedly lived upon. when he reached the top he saw gates of gold appear before him. to his surprise they were unlocked. as he ventured into the gods home he found the so called gods were mere children with super human powers. he decided to ground them his own way and bring order once and for all. he sealed the four gods to for thrones and sealed himself to a fifth throne made of solid gold and sat upon that throne for all eternity watching the old gods and the people down below as peace rained for all of time.