• Why do all good girls
    Like the bad boys?
    Like a moth to a flame
    I guess I'm back here again.
    I know that you're a villan but I can't stop this feelin no.
    Jaydin Maria, Good girls like bad boys.

    The hooves underneath our bodies ran steadily along the dirt path, leading us all that much closer – as I hoped, a fruitless attempt – to the Water Village. But of course, life sucked.
    Lunar was trotting along happily beside Shadow, who was more or less content to be on the road. I had my head bent against my mares’ mane, exhausted even if I’d slept peacefully.
    My brother beside me watched the view as the trees went from thick to thin, green to yellow-that-isn’t-quite-healthy.
    The sound of the hooves comforted my tired mind, and I was drifting… drifting off… until I dreamt.
    It was a somewhat ill-mannered setting. The dark trees loomed around me like a wooden cage, the sky a dark night. The horse under me galloped at quick speed, headed towards a village.
    The houses were abandoned, people of the DarkNite world braced for the end, where the Dark Ones would come. They hid the little ones, and protected the hiding spots from near, but not near enough so they could know where they were hidden. The adults could not hear as much as a whimper from the children.
    The two horses skidded to a quick pause at the gate of the castle, and then they barged in, breaking open the doors. I got to my feet, jumping off and walking with haste to where they were standing.
    They all had glamour to their posture.
    One had blue flowing hair to her back, her soft eyes shut in concentration. Her clothes were a schoolgirl uniform, a white top and pleated blue skirt. She was the one who caught my attention, and I had no time to look at the others.
    “Nereza, quick!” I heard, but didn’t turn to see who it was.
    My shoulder felt a pressure on it, and I spun around, even in my dreamlike state, I knew who’s hand it was.
    I felt warm arms embrace me, and some cold liquid fell on my shoulder as his body trembled.
    “Be safe.” He whispered, and kissed my cheek. We both knew this was risky, and we had formed what was more than your average twin bond.
    He was my second half.
    I nodded, and identified the tears on my shirt as his, when he pulled away. His eyes were shining with the liquid.
    “Please don’t die.” Then he walked off to the Queen, who gave him a puzzled look. All he did was shake his head and watch me walk to my demise.
    I walked to the Four Powers; they held their amulets in their hands, whilst it was around their neck.
    “Let’s do this.” I sighed to the four girls, who I felt their silent agreement.
    I got into the last space in the circle. Our arms touched, and I cupped my hands around the amulet.
    “Wind,” the girl with her dark green hair said, from my right.
    “Earth,” They spoke theirs as it went clockwise.
    There was an explosion, and all our eyes snapped open at the same time.
    “The Dark Ones.” I heard a mutter not too far away from where I stood. We all let go of our amulets at the same time, and go into defensive stances. I glared at the leader.
    “Leave now! The humans must live!” I bellowed, gathering my powers. The Powers beside me gathered up theirs, and there was a hum of magic in the air.
    “The humans are vermin. Served to sustain us. Do you know what kind of world we could make with the world our hunting grounds?” He had a hoarse voice. We all shuddered away from it.
    “Never! We won’t allow it.” And we held our arms over our heads, extended to full length with a ball of our element we represented gathering in front.
    “Nereza, wake up!” I heard faintly.
    “Wake up!” Something shook my shoulder, and I very well nearly toppled over my mare. I shook myself awake.
    “What did I miss?” I asked, disoriented. I glanced around.
    “Nothing, really. It’s twilight now.” He muttered, and got off his horse. I got off my mare, and sat on the ground under the looming tree.
    “What happened?” He asked, sitting beside me.
    “You should know. You can get into my mind with our twinness.” I muttered. He shook his head.
    “I can only see what you allow me to see.” He told me.
    “And, naturally, you are letting me see your whole mind.” I rolled my eyes.
    I smiled.

    (Kilunar’s P.O.V.)

    Her lips curved upwards into a smile, she looked to the stars in the sky.
    “There’s one thing I don’t understand.”
    “What?” I asked, looking to the sky at the shining star. It winked down at the earth in response.
    “How can twins have a bond like this?” She asked, closing her eyes.
    I thought a moment.
    “There’s something called the…” I resorted to non-verbal telling. There’s something called Soulmates. It’s mostly a theory though, and it’s sketchy. Two immortal or mortal souls are linked to each other, and you must be in visual and a simple touch will confirm you that you’ve found your Soulmate. My guess, is that – well, the palace also thinks this – that our souls met in the between world before we were reborn, and paired up.
    That was about the best way I could sum it up.
    I looked to her, and she stared back.
    “That’s a very good way of saying it.” She muttered after some time.
    “Yeah, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.” I smiled at her. She grinned.
    She sighed.
    “I’m so tired.” She yawned, stretched, and closed her eyes. Like she would sleep right there.
    Slowly she fell unconscious, and her head leaned against my shoulder before she fell into her slumber.
    I smiled, stroking her hair on her head. She cuddled up into a ball.
    Nothing would make me give her up. Not death, not anyone or anything. Even if someone offered a thousand or more.
    I smiled and leaned my head against hers, closing my eyes. Seems like tonight we were both just too tired to set up the tent.