• After Saphfires and crystal's parents death it was hard to survive vampires hunted for there warm gushing blood and this is were they r now.

    "Crystal be queit r they will hear u they have good hearing. I may be good at killing them but im not buffy the vampire slayer." Saphfire said. "I think i can hear them coming Saphfire im scared what if the kill me." Crystal said. "I will never let that happen now hide in that closet, and don't breath hard, and please dont scream at all." Saphfire said.

    Saphfire wonders down the hall searching for them its quiet,dark,and creepy .
    She sees one coming at her she runs down another hall so it follows her. It comes up behind her ,and she turns around drops to the floor kicks it in the leg hits it in the face, and grabs her stake ,and stabs it in the heart ,and another comes, and she does a front flip over it ,and turns around ,and she snaps it neck ,and stabs in the heart too. She runs down the hall turns left and runs down the hall she looks in the classroom and she sees another vampire and she opens the door and she runs at it it hits her in the face she low kicks drop it cracks a rib, and then it falls to the ground and she snaps its neck and then she staps it in the heart.Then she didnt notice that another one was behind her it grabs her throws her against the wall and she hits her head on the chalk board, and her head starts bleeding she gets up infuriated, and she runs at it and she smashed it into the wall and then she stabs it immediately. She starts running back to her little sister because she knows she found the nest for the vampires and she has to get out imediately.

    She is back to her sister and her sister is bleeding. "One attacked me and i killed it but it didnt bite me it only scratched me."Crystal said. "Well this place is crawling with vampires so we need to leave because its a nest for them.
    so come on and i will fix it later when we get out of here ok." Saphfire says
    Crystal and saphfire walk down the hall and they see a vampire looking at them but the face looks very familiar, and they wonder what it could be to them. They walk down and they see its there mom coming at them and saphfire is in shock and doesnt know what to do for the first time.

    To be continued...