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                = While most people ran out of the rain, coming down in torrential sheets by now, one little twelve year old girl stood in the midst of it all. Eyes were closed peacefully. A small smile spread contagiously across her rosy face. So long had she been in confinement. She had forgotten what the rain felt like, that it even existed, until now. In fact-she had even forgotten her name. All there was that was left was the rather obvious dog tag, dainty silver against her ragged clothing. The question anyone would naturally ask was, “Who is she?” A very good question, indeed.

                = That small dog tag reads ‘patient zero’, and that does not answer your question at all. In fact, it only opens opportunity for more questions-questions that will undoubtedly not be answered-for she cannot speak. The girl is a mute, never having had a reason for speaking before. Being patient zero, there was little to nothing for her to have a reason to have or need anything.

                =Patient zero sat down in the rain. The mud squished between her toes, feet both bare and cold. The feel of the mud though made her smile. Patient zero had never felt anything quite like it. With a melancholic look, patient zero thought of barren white walls and needles. Constantly, the little girl had needles shoved into her. No second thoughts about it. As she thought about this, everything around her became a little more…odd. The rain that had once been so torrential slowed until it was no longer moving. The old, haggard looking woman who had been moving like molasses to patient zero came to a complete stop. Everything, even the air, was frozen still.

                =Quietly, the girl looked around with those cautious blue eyes. What had happened to it all? Everything was suddenly so still. Of course, patient zero did not have the slightest idea what it was that she felt, but the feeling was fear. Fear of the unknown-rationally human. Patient zero wanted it back. The little girl wanted nothing more than the rain, soaked to the bone as she was already. Just like that, the rain started falling back down. She noticed that everything else was still unmoving, but didn’t care much. With a start she jumped. Suddenly, in the distance, a figure dressed in black ran directly at her. A boy-not much older than her…in fact. Flames erupted from his palms as he charged her.

                =Without thinking, like a habitual routine, patient zero held out her hand and an invisible shield covered her. A bit dumbfounded, patient zero looked on as the boy fell back and slid through the mud while raindrops bounced from her shield. Chagrin covered his face. A gloved hand slung the mud from his face when suddenly lightning crashed. Another figure, cloaked, charged patient zero. It had little to no effect. It had little to no effect. Now patient zero had questions, and more so wanted answers. Why was it that these people were attacking her? That was when a man, hidden in shadows the entire time, stepped into the light. It had little to no effect. Now patient zero had questions, and more so wanted answers. Why was it that these people were attacking her? That was when a man, hidden in shadows the entire time, stepped into the light.

                =The only reason any of the three took notice was because he was giving applause-a look that couldn’t be trusted painted on his face…a face covered in distinct scars and markings. This man was hideous without appearing silly. Bright green eyes burned though, and for what was a mystery. Patient zero gave a shudder as he looked at her. The fire seemed to be burning right through her. Cautiously, the girl backed away. Quite like someone would back away from a poisonous snake or a death warrant, and both were evil. This man could be no exception. ”I know you want to know who you are.”

                =Patient zero stared at him. A bit boldly the man walked to her. Then, he extended his hand. She was useless to fight it. As he reached out to touch her, his sleeve fell back and patient zero caught a glimpse of something. It looked so…familiar. A sense of déjà vu waved over her. Talking echoed in her head, and hazily the same tattoo passed through her mind. This was the man who made her…into whatever it was that she happened to be. With an immediate, new found trust, patient zero took hold of his hand and along her forearm a similar tattoo etched itself into her skin. It was proof-the future now held only one destiny for her. To be a killer, or die.