• Alina sat in the colorless rocking chair. Beads dripped from her auburn hair, falling delicately onto her ashen face. Runa waltzed into the cold room. A fire crackled in the gold carved fire place. With every crack, it reminded Alina of how she will never feel the warmth again.
    "Alina." said Runa walking towards her,
    "Why do you run from me? Don't I give you all you have ever wanted?" Alina closed her eyes and let out a rush of cold air,
    "Couldn't you just go away, or is that impossible?" she said with a hint of annoyance in her tone. Runa smiled his crooked smile,
    "I shall never leave you, my queen." He inched his index finger onto her pale arm, steam rising once he touched her,
    "Please!" she screamed,
    "Don't you understand? My life isn't here! It's with my husband...my children." Runa gasped,
    "How dare you!" his flaming hand collided with her right cheek,
    "Never talk to your ruler like that!" Alina sighed in defeat. Runa stood up,
    "The wedding is in a week, be ready." Alina gave him a cruel smile,
    "Why? So you can beat me?!" Runa just laughed and shut the iron door. Alina heard the lock click. 'I'm trapped here...I'm trapped!' though Alina to herself. She stood up and stuck her frostbitten hand into the crackling golden fire. 'I didn't use to be like this...why?' she twirled her hand in the fire, feeling the burn but feeling no heat. She just felt pain. "I need to get out of here." she said aloud,
    "But how?"Alina sat on the ground. She rested her head against the brick wall and felt her eyes well up, 'I can't get out.' and then, she started to weep.