
Nonsensical things about me:

Name: Yosh (my actual name is far less interesting)
Age: Old
Height: 5'11
Weight: Honestly no clue
Likes: Movies, writing, reading, music, philosophy, Asian culture, talking with friends, rain storms, poetic things, some sports, angelic sashes, and playing a certain few games.
Dislikes: arrogance, jerks, writing blocks, spiders (bugs), big dogs, CHOCOLATE PIE (yuck!), pressure, People who OBSESS over the Twilight franchise, long multiple choice tests, hackers, zombies trying to eat my brain, and so much more.
Hobbies: Writing, reviewing, soccer, reading, and watching movies.
Favorite Colors: Green and Black
Favorite Food: General Tso's chicken with rice! Yum! Hotwings are a very close second and deserves an honorable mention.
Favorite Dessert: Chocolate chip cookies
Favorite Animal: Polar Bear
Favorite Book: Anything from Stephen King, Shakespeare, and lots of lesser known titles of various authors. I like too many to count!
Favorite Comic Hero: Batman
Favorite Comics to Read: Batman, Captain America, and Spider-Man.
Favorite Play: Hamlet
Favorite Poem: "Fire and Ice" by Robert Frost
Favorite TV Show: Psych, Community, The Adventures Of Sherlock Holmes (Jeremy Brett), The Simpsons, ATHF, Boondocks, and Futurama.
Favorite Anime(s): Bleach, Gundam series, Cowboy Bebop, Higurashi, FLCL, Fate/Stay Night, Toradora!, and Wolf's Rain.
Favorite Movie(s): The Maltese Falcon, The Dark Knight, Batman Begins, Casablanca, The Good The Bad and The Ugly, Spiderman 2, Princess Mononoke, Terminator 2, PoTC: Curse Of The Black Pearl, Seven Samurai, Memories Of Murder, The Big Lebowski...etc etc.
Favorite Director(s): Chris Nolan, QT, Del Toro, and the big Stevie S.'
Favorite Actor: Humphrey Bogart
Favorite Actress: Kate Winslet (she is amazing!)
Favorite Video Game(s): Monkey Island series, Legend of Zelda series, Goldeneye, Psychonauts, Myst, Pokemon Red/Blue, Okami, Super Mario 64, etc.
Favorite Season: Winter
Favorite Month: December
Favorite Holiday: Christmas (didn't see that coming, I bet!)
Favorite Band(s): The Beatles, Foo Fighters, Coldplay, Disturbed, Atreyu, Nickelback (old stuff), Led Z, Kings of Leon, Jimi Hendrix, Linkin Park, Breaking Benjamin and John Legend. This is just the tip of the iceberg, folks.
Favorite Element: Ice
Personality: Heck, even I don't know what to put here.

Current Activities:

[Studyin for exams]
[Planning evil deeds]

(add more when i come across it)