
Haiii. Call me (teee-ya beee-ya) Tiah Biah.
Music blasts threw my eyes quite often.
I made my moma scream in May.(:
I've been walking this world for ten + three years.
Skinny jeans ; Big Bird Shirt ; Whatever
Im not much of a talker. So Ima go.
L a t e
- T i a h

heyy(: its Gege-Gasm talking bitches(: Im Tiahs mum/Best friend. Im here to say a few words about her. Kso, first of all Tiah isa total beast(: Shes the coolestkid you'll eva meet. Shes also so fu kin sexiii(: Shes hella nice too. She knows how to be the inocentest gurl eva and how to be a b***h but only when she needs to be. yall better be nice to my gurl or ima go black on your a**. (: once u meet this chikk, your world will be changed forever. like how she changed myne, my life is the best(: just because shes in it. <3 well thats all for naw. iloveyouforever tiah! and everyone else always remember STAY PROTECTED, PRACTICE SAFE S E X USE A CONDOM. (: