Chocolate Covered Jugs

Chocolate Covered Jugs's avatar

Last Login: 12/14/2017 2:28 pm

Registered: 02/08/2015

Gender: Female

Birthday: 02/19

~What I Like~

Favorite Movies/Anime

Favorite TV Shows

Favorite Reads

Favorite Music/Bands


~Come & Buy~

Welcome to my store I am a very reasonable person when it comes to my prices because I usually put it at what I think it should be worth and sell it for that much. I will go up higher if the items value increases and if the item decreases I go down in price. I wont go any further then that making it clear right now and if it doesnt sell I take it off or I keep trying to somebody buys the item Im selling. When I have multiple items I will always take the average buy price and times it by how many I have of that item. So it is very reasonable because you are getting that many of that item for how much it would actually be when you are buying more then one of that item. Also I only do where people have to buy and not bid on an item because when I do that I feel like Im being ripped off from so much gold I could earn besides the stupid thing after you sell it takes a percentage off the profit you made which is stupid, but I deal with it. So, please deal with the prices at my shop and if you dont like them I suggest you leave. cat_3nodding


I hope you have a wonderful and a happy day cat_4laugh

Thank you for buying at my shop please come again cat_ninja


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~Behind the Screen~

heart Please call me Eve heart

I have vowed to protect my loved ones no matter what happens.

I don't friend minors and I don't tolerate stupidity because there are people who out there just to get attention. There are people who have disabilities and its not okay to act like something you aren't. I'm not a charity, and I will not tolerate begging from people for gold or items. Also some people may think I'm so called "racist" and I'm not. So, before you get butt hurt ask me to clarify what I mean because I tend to state my opinions sometimes a little to strong. I am crazy, but a good type of crazy unless you get on my bad side. Once you get to know me you will start to understand who I really am. I'm not very open with strangers and it takes time for me to trust. If I trust you I suggest you keep that trust because once you lose my trust you will never get it back because I have my insecurities and trust is one of them. If you have a place on my profile or a special place in my heart you will know it because I will make it known.

I love to watch youtube and I'm a huge Jacksepticeye fan, he has gotten me through some dark times.

I am pansexual which means I care about peoples hearts not their body parts.

I like writing, apocalyptic games, animals, marionettes (puppets), cuddles, gaming, my turtle, my baby boo, roses, color blue, and many other things I will add if I can think of more.

I dislike bullies, cheaters, liars, being treated badly, name calling, clowns,spiders, dolls, animal abusers, rude people, pervs to a certain point because I am a perv myself, but if you take it to far I'm gonna let you know, and abusive people.

My favorite animal are turtles and I own a Red Eared Slider she's so cute! 4laugh

I'm mostly in ZOMG at Zen Gardens, Gold Beach, Bass'ken Lake or Bills Ranch that is if you ever want to speak to me and get to know me.



~Writer Within~

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~The Writer Within Me~

This work here in this journal is mine. It's all original pieces and if I find out anyone is stealing my work that I put my heart and soul into I'm going to be really pissed. I work really hard to make my pieces really neat and worth everyone's time.

~Comment Stalkers~

View All Comments

dragon_princess_ruler Report | 06/11/2017 4:54 pm
thank u for buying
Fuzzypandasack Report | 06/05/2017 10:07 am
me handsome? nah xp
Super Ninja The Awesome Report | 05/17/2017 8:00 pm
Super Ninja The Awesome
Thanks! Hope everything is going well! 3nodding
Super Ninja The Awesome Report | 05/16/2017 2:42 pm
Super Ninja The Awesome
northe Report | 03/05/2015 9:43 am
I'm bisexual too 3nodding
Skye Antaeliel Report | 03/02/2015 9:26 pm
Skye Antaeliel
smexy pink angel :3
hellspawn50 Report | 02/27/2015 8:47 am
Pokes owo
Shooting Star Shinon Report | 02/21/2015 7:04 pm
Shooting Star Shinon
You cutie wutie little angel emotion_bigheart :3
Shooting Star Shinon Report | 02/21/2015 4:29 pm
Shooting Star Shinon
thank you and you are adorable heart
Shooting Star Shinon Report | 02/19/2015 5:20 pm
Shooting Star Shinon
my angel



~Questing Items For Avis~

Royalty of Swords

~Rose Spellsword of Truth x2
~Crystal Witch Garnet


~Sinful Biancareina
~Crimson Demiccubus
~Alruna's Twisted Absolution
~Seductive Invoked Legs
~Best Somber Love
~Elegant Lazy Daze

~Facts About Me~

~I live my life by my own terms and I will never let anyone change my smile.

~I'm confident, brave, courageous and bold. I'm not afraid to take up challenges. Even if situations may be dire and I will not back down. I will proceed with a leap of faith. My faith in God is commendable. I'm blessed with a life of glory and grace.

~One day the people who didn't believe in my will tell everyone how they met me. I'm sure in my ways and adamant to prove myself to the world. This is who I am.

~I will make sure justice is served and I will go to extends to achieve it.

~I'm loyal and love unconditionally.

~I'm with loved ones even if they go through the toughest times, I'm beside them. I may not know what to do, but I'm with them through it all. I'm their protector. I will shield them from all the negativity and guide them through it all. I'm a person who loves them even at their worst.

~I'm allergic to stupidity.

~I have a dark sense of humor that people sometimes love and sometimes hate. So, their sometimes afraid to mess with me because most times I usually have the upper hand in a situation because of my sarcastic sense of humor.

~Pain is overwhelming and it has made me appreciate happiness more. Small moments of joy bring a smile to my face and it was only though pain I understood the value of it all.

~The saying that time heals is a lie because it doesn't. You just become accustomed to the pain you feel and it becomes bearable. Since pain will eat everything from inside and I have been through it all to say that with conviction transforms you as a person. This is the lesson I learnt from pain and it has taught me how to deal with it.

~My love is mysterious. I care and love in my own way and my love is only reserved for the chosen few not everyone.
Sir Snowfall
Milk Chocolate Latex
Super Ninja The Awesome

"I am who I am. Your approval isn't needed."

"God gave me this life because he knew I was strong enough to live it."

"Oh I offended you with my opinion? You should hear the ones I keep to myself."

My Love