

x-YouTightCuzImFly's avatar

Birthday: 04/24

the things that make me fly xD

No items equipped.

get me these if your nice enough x)

Stalkers :P

What up everyone the name is Devon im mad fun to be around and a cool guy. i got cool friends and a cool family. i dont like to curse but if i get ticked off i might curse. i beileve in god and i read the bible and go to church. im not into all the demon crap on this site so i avoid anything tht has a sense of hell and typed devil or demon on it. so if u wannna know more dont pm me cuz i will probably think ur kind of a perv XD I HATE racist people and i dnt like to b racist. I REALLY HATE when people call people noobs cuz they're not rich on gaia ITS NOT RITE AND ITS STUPID DONT MAKE FUN OF SOMEONE CUZ THEY'RE NOT RICH ON GAIA ITS A GAME!!!i also dnt like wen people mess wit my family SO PEOPLE WHO R READING THIS DONT MESS WIT MY FAMILY OR U GONNA WAKE UP WIT A KNIFE IN UR BACK xD
WELL, thats all smile

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HaTerz MaKe Me sTr0nGeR
Mr Based
Yo Bray

if you beileve in god and is not afraid to say it paste this on ur profile DO NOT IGNORE THIS because the bible says if u deny god, god will deny u on ur way to heaven

1. Hold your breath ♥ 2. Go to your profile and add this ♥ 3. Still holding your breath ♥ 4. If you made it, your a good kisser(: I MADE IT xD

leader of the crown family xD

my sister in RL she quit but she will always be remembered

my gaia father he has a big mouth but he still family xD

my cool gaia uncle bray mess with him and he'll roast you xD