a n d ME

Blaire Venifica
For proving that generosity isn't dead, and donating an oculus magica without any sort of prompt.
Go praise her.

actually about me

Well, well, well! What's there to say?

I'm an eighteen year-old girl currently living in California, the land where the sun never stops shining (except at night... and come to think of it, it's been a little cold recently). I attend a small private school and am currently looking forwards to senior year. I think it's going to be great!

Anyhow, I love anime and manga, video-games, role playing (drop me a line if you're lit/adv!), and just generally having fun! What good is living if you can't enjoy life, right?

Well, I guess that's all for now!

Spread some mirth!
Endorse peace!
Live and love!