About Me

Hello! I'm Anna Aurion! I spent a few years in the Asgard Human Ranch, where I was subjected to an experiment known as the Angelus Project. I escaped a few years ago, and now I travel with my rescuer, Kratos Aurion. He's also my lover, but we haven't married yet. It's only a fantasy. I've taken his last name, because I don't remember mine. Well, I have to go. Kratos is impatient when it comes to leaving a town. Bye!

((As for the person behind this roleplay....
Hi. My name is Sarah. I'm sixteen years old, and live in Arizona. I'm a huge fan of the Tales games. My favorite is Tales of Symphonia. Just because it has Kratos in it. I also like Tales of the Abyss. Luke Fon Fabre is cute, too. So is Guy. If there's anything you want to know, ask.))