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Yellow's full name is Yellow de Viridian Grove, and is the main protagonist of the Yellow series, playing the role of a cowboy like trainer who went on a journey to search for Red. However, she actually made her first appearance during the RGB series as a young girl saved by Red at the Viridian Forest. Throughout the Yellow series, she disguised herself as a boy as ordered by Blue, since she was deemed too young to fully utilize her feminism as a weapon and would only draw danger towards herself.

The truth is, every several years, a child born in Viridian will be blessed with a special ability to heal and read the minds of Pokemon, and Yellow is one of them. By placing a hand over a Pokemon's forehead, she is able to read their thoughts and heal their bodily wounds, which later earned her the title the Healer. This special ability together with her care for Pokemon make up for her sub-par battling skills, for it also allows her emotions to be synchronized with the powers of her Pokemon, enabling her to skyrocket them to very high levels at times of need. However, using this ability wears her out, causing her to fall asleep easily all the time. She was also one of the few trainers who earned the trust of the psychic mutant, Mewtwo.

Yellow personally dislikes battling, as she hates seeing a Pokemon get hurt. She also had no idea about evolutions until she trained under Green, and reacted badly towards it. She has therefore held off evolution of her team members until the final showdown with Lance. Yellow's uncle is Fisherman Wilton, and the two ventured off on a journey to Johto during the GSC series, during which Yellow accidentally freed the 3 legendary beasts from their restraints. It was later revealed that the straw hat Blue gave her actually held the mysterious Silver and Rainbow Wings.