all Kys

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Birthday: 09/07


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Sayuu Report | 06/06/2015 9:01 am
If you're an Artist, you can join my Contest! Otherwise you can help me advertise.. All info is Here.
And thank you so much!! ^^
Sayuu Report | 06/06/2015 8:55 am
Thank you!! Item is PERFECT for entries for my Art Contest! smile
KayaChon Report | 06/30/2014 9:03 pm
I haven't heard from you in forever! Wish we could text because I can't really get on this very offten. But thank you for the saying happy birthday smile tell me if and when you can text me!!! We needs catch up. :$
KayaChon Report | 04/15/2014 10:02 am
I can't go in rally because my computers messef y
Up and I'm on my phone. :p to bad we can't text.
KayaChon Report | 04/12/2014 11:05 pm
Well then.why so blunt with the commenting?
KayaChon Report | 02/17/2014 12:10 pm
Lol, uuh no. Cx what's up?
KayaChon Report | 02/16/2014 8:48 pm
Hey, sorry I wasn't able to get on. My friends iPad won't let me and neither will their computer I wasn't trying to ignore you or anything. I fell soooo bad about that. Forgive me? Ooh and guess what, I built cabinets today, I felt so awesome when they came out perfect. Muhahahahaha lol
KayaChon Report | 02/16/2014 11:24 am
Hey,north I haven't been on. And sorry I wasn't on Friday, I went to my friends house.and I couldn't get to a computer. I feel soo bad forgive me? I dunno if I already messages you this but if I haven't then I'm just telling you, and if I have then I'm just reminding you how sorry I am D:
Dreamy Lambert Report | 02/14/2014 9:28 am
Dreamy Lambert
cool avi or cool ave
DaemonAnima Report | 08/17/2012 8:58 am
Noo problem! Saved money forever so im just collecting some good items that I like xD Thanks for selling!



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